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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>posteo&". Unit 14 Are there qny. in ilhe room?. ffit. O Look,. isten ond repeot. @ -. This is o. @. W. picture. Are there ony posters in the room? I 1l1i&;*$ ., ,,M.oj 1nl.to*9*:". $. lr,. ;;.,.,. Are there ony choirs No, there oren't.. @. Point ond soy.. I. Se. Are there ony in the room?. -..,.,x1.ii::*rr,..rr ,..: r :, n!-a*. ,*. moPs/yes. Yes, there ore,. .:=r.:r;:er=.r.r:rtt:t=t. l". ::j=y-1;:*. No, there oren't.. Let's tolk.. /oo\ \:/. rffid \Ea{. lr" it,.,"i" ;.t Yes, _.. T;, t"6b/ :,*1'., Y,, rftt ffir1 i_,. v::i:-.*-::1=::*:yMj!J#. * ffi"No,_. (.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> I I. @. Listen ond tick.. @Y. l. ;ltl). #. t B. @n.. :J. -/ 4-!. E. o. Look, reod ond write. @. mW. I. tt I. l.. This is o'living room.. 2. There is o TV on the. F. in the room.. 3. There ore four pictures ond o big. L. a=. on the woll.. EE. e. 4. There ore four. @. neor the toble.. Let's write. 'W I . Are there ony wordrobes in your bedroom?. 2. Are there ony sofos in your living room? 3. Are there ony cupboords in your dlning room?. 4.. Arethere ony pictures or mops in your bedroom? Unit I4 Are there ony posters in the room. , WW.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> ffi& O Look,. @,. &. @'w. ,8-. And how mony cups ore there?. i Let's count them. One, two, three, ... . There ore eight.. I.. O Point ond soy. W @. il. , How. r. -t-(. 1,,\. UV/.. mony. ,. ore there?. :,:-. $,,. .: I 1^1;it,. ffi There ore. tffiffiffiffi ( .,\ windows. o. *-. f oo\. Let's tolk. i H;;;;;t ';j,. I r?+'. ),*-r.) ) 5 )6J). ffi. H W'. '). Tidng Anh 3. ).=-/. ffi ?. b.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> @ Listen ond number. ffi. ffie. O Reod ond write. ffi ffi This is my I:ving room. There ore mony things in the room. There qre fwo. windows ond one door. There ore o sofo, o desk ond eight choirs. There is o lomp on the desk ond o W on the cupboord. There ore four pictures ond two fons on the wolls.. l.. How mony doors ore there in the living room?. 2. How mony windows ore there? 3. How mony choirs ore there?. 4. How mony pictures ore there? 5. How mony fons ore there?. O Let's ploy. ffi Spot the differences.. Unit. l4 Are. there ony posters in the. room?. Mh.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> ffiffi O Listen ond repeot. @ ffi fqn ,. !t;. There's. o fon on the woll.. CUP 'i. There's. o cup on the toble.. ,::t:ti:t:.-f. -,i;=it:t|tti|r,,. :t:itl!!.fia!?:tr!.i!:..t:li. O Listen ond write.. I. I . Where's the. 2. Where's the. O Let's chont. $ How m.rny desks? How mony, how mqny, How mony desks ore there? One, one, there's one. How mony, how mony, How mony mops ore there? Two, two, there ore two. How mony, how mqny, How mony lomps ore there? Three, three, there ore three.. M'. Tidng Anh 3.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> @. Reod ond circle.. ffi lffi. 1. ( /s /Are / there ony cupboords in the livtng room? 2. There ( is / ore )one wordrobe in the bedroom.. 3. How mony ( lomp. /. lomps/ ore there on the cupboord?. 4. There ore four ( chair. /. choirs. 5. There ore two posters ( o,. /. / next to the desk.. in / the woll.. O Reod ond write. ffi. Thls (l. o dining room. lt is lorge. There is o toble ond. ). there ore six (2). in the room. There is o (3). the cupboord. There ore three. @. Project. on the woll.. l4l. ffi lnterview your friends ond complete the toble.. '; * 2r;2'-;. Unit. l4 Are. GG. 2',*. .T. there ony posters in the. -;';2. room,. 2. M. "'a.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Unit 15 Do you hqve qny toys?. ffit O. Look, Iisten ond repeot. @@r@ ffi. €l oo y., il; [jjy' [""i2' ". Whot's thot?. O;",r;-"na ror. W @ Do you hove. m. I€ #C: -. ',. Yes,. ldo. o. O Let's tolk. %. Tidng Anh 3. doll/yes. r:t1|:..ta'n|::1..!ffi'. # i,f,A) s.$. L-HLl-t. W''. _?. ':t=''. o corfyes. . !|..!.i13ii...1:."i+i1tjL.i:i?:l.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> ffi,. @ Listen ond number. @ W#. kl. ffiW @G. !,.. L'.. €)D. Gptl. @rl. O Reod ond write. m W My toys These ore my toys on the shelf. I hove o. I. I. (1). . lt is red. I hove o. l2l. . lt ls blue. And I hove. hl. ,l. o pretty (3). 5j.. my toys very much. (4). {1::-.::'. I. >J. ai i1 no. ;,. O Let's write . W I. . Do you hove o doll/co r/teddy beor?. 2. Whot colours ore your toys?. 3. Where is your doll/cor/teddy beor?. Unit. I5. Do you hove ony toys?. Wffilr'.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> I. ffit O Look, listen ond repeot. @@w. I. ffi. Does your brother hove o robot?. ffi e"'rts. Does. I. I. @ Point ond soy. W @ Does he/she. hove. ?. Yes, he/she does.. ffi "ffilT$. o yo-yo/yes. I. ffiM. No, he/she doesn't.. @ ffi+N. -__-'-. .'!w/t. plone/no. .1.;.1:11:.;a,,-.;,=,:,:,1,-. Let's tolk. ,/.t:"r".. l,. jr''i. I'. i. r_-i:= "tl. 32. ship/yes. wl. I :. x:. o. kite/no. Z. ..-:-?-=.:-=?a,a:-iata?iarr!7,:.i:a,. %. Does he/she hove ',. rfil;wnffi,. :.,.,. o. 'ta.q.q17-1,1iL7..-44a. -) #re--**i. \. iwry o. o. _\ .4. i. '. 'a.4!-tnnaajr:r.{:i.1i..iL1::. Tidns Anh 3. G.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> @ Listen ond tick. Y. I. 1i I. s. True. *G. rl7". d"tl. GG. l--* r-. '1. Folse. c.. fr. d.. **. G*. O Reod ond write. ffi .W I. om Phong. Peter, Moi, Nom, ond Lindo ore. my friends. We hove o lot of toys. Peter hos. --). o robotond o boll. Moi hos o teddy beorond. rl. o doll. Nom hos o cor ond o plone. Lindo hos o yo-yo ond o pvzzle. I hove o plone ond o ship.. IE. i. F G @. I . Whot does Peter hove?. He hos o. 2. Whot does Moi hove?. She. 3. Does Nom hove o cor ond o plone? 4. Whot does Lindo hove?. 5. Does Phong hove o kite?. O Let's sing. ,i. Lindo hns o little doll r'&tJ Lindo hos o httle doll,. Little doll, httle doll. Lindo hos o little doll. Its dress is white ond brown.. Unit. l5. Everywhere thot Lindo goes, Lindo goes, hndo goes. Everywhere thot Lindo goes, Thot doll is sure to go. Do you hwe ony. toys?. W. rl.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> ffit O Listen ond repeot. W pt. plone i. She hos o plone.. t:tj:|itr:+rtr:!;i::+l:t!:l!!i:"!i;!iii'.. sh. ship "tl:..ti.x.i:..t!t;1;:.ir,iitil. i1. r:ltr:iii'. Do you hove o ship?. O Listen ond write. @ P l.. Lindo hos o. 2.My brother doesn't hove o. O Let's chont. S Do you heive s doll?. ***I. Do you hove o doll?. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.. Do you hove o cor?. No, I don't. No, I don'i.. Does he hove opuzzle?. Yes, he does. Yes, he does.. Does he hove o plone?. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't.. Does she hove o robot?. Yes, she does. Yes, she does.. she hove o teddy beor? No, she doesn't. No, she doesn't.. Iidng Anh 3.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> @. Reod ond complete.. ffi ffi. ship green toys My brother hos some (l. ). three robots, They ore (2). , block ond. red. He hos (31 blue ond brown. He hos o (4) Ir is (5). o. Write obout you. m I.. Do you hove ony toys?. 2. I hove o. ond o. 3. Does your friend hove ony toys?. 4. She/He hos o. @. Project. to. ond o. ffi Moke o poper toy.. Unit. I5. Do you hove ony. toys?. W.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span>