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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 14 Period 41. Date of preparing: 17/11/2015 Date of teaching: 24/11/2015. UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK SECTION A: A STUDENT’S WORK LESSON 1: A1. I. OBJECTIVES: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: + learn about Hoa’s work . + Tell about their daily work of studying by themselves II. PREPARATIONS: Cassette player. .III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Teacher’s activities. Students’activities. 1. Warm-up (5’) - Have Ss answer some questions 1. What time do your classes start? 2. What time do they finish? 3. Do you often do your homework? 4. How many hours a day do you do your homework?. - Answer the questions 1. They start at 1 o’clock 2. They finish at 5. 25 3. Ss’ answers 4. Ss’ answers. 2. Presentation (15’) Activity 1: - Introduce some new words: 1. to last (v) kéo dài 2. almost (adv) hầu như 3. school year (n) năm học 4. during (prep) xuyên suốt - Guide s to read Activity 2: - Introduce the structure: 1. take time to do s.th 2. For how many hours day …. - Remind the grammar: 3.the present simple 4. the future simple. -Listen, repeat and copy down. -Read - Take notes - Take notes. 3. Practice (18’) Activity 1: - Have Ss listen to the tape (2 times) - Have Ss practice the dialogue - Call 2 pairs to check Activity 2: - Have Ss answer the questions on page 73 a .They start at 7.00 b. They finish at a quarter past eleven c. Two hours. d. She will go and see her Mom and her Dad on their farm - Call Ss to get feedback. 4. Production (5’) - Have Ss answer the questions about. - Listen and repeat - Work in pair to practce the dialogue - Present. - Work in group to answer the questions. -Give answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> IV. COMMENTS: ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ Week 14 Period 42. Date of preparing: 17/11/2015 Date of teaching: 28/11/2015. UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK SECTION A: A STUDENT’S WORK LESSON 2: A2, 3 I. OBJECTIVES: - Give information about the daily work of students. - Introduce some of vacations and holidays in America. - Introduce sentences of comparation. II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, cassette player. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Teacher’s activities. Students’activities. 1. Warm-up: (5’) - Have ss look at the 4 pictures on page 74 to guess the name of the public holiday: Easter , 4th of July , Thanks Giving, Christmas -Have ss read these words. - Work in group . -Read. 2. Pre - reading (18’) Activity 1: -Introduce new words: 1. (to) celebrate(v): tổ chức 2. (to) spend time with..:dành thời gian với... 3. public holiday (n): ngày lễ 4. turkey (n): thịt gà tây 5. firework display: bắn pháo hoa 6. vacation (n): kì nghĩ lễ 7. Easter (n): lễ phục sinh. - Listen, repeat and copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> IV. COMMENTS: ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................

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