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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 11. Unit 6. Period 32. Lesson 1. Aim:. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Getting Started – Listen & Read Language Focus 2. Reading for details and practicing the gerunds. Objective: Skill: Aids:. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about Nga’s details and use the gerunds. Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening. Text book, posters for doing the exercises. Procedure: Time 5’. Content I. Warm up:. Chatting Questions: 1. What do you usually do in the summer? 2. Do you often take part in any activity programs for the summer? 3. What activity do you like most? . 15’. II. Presentation:. 1. Pre-teach vocabulary: 1. to enroùll: ñaêng kí 2. an applicaùtion form: mẫu đơn 3. to fill out: ñieàn vaøo 4. to sign: kí teân. Checking memory: R. O. R 2. Set the scene: 3. Guiding questions: a. When was Nga born? b. Where does she live? c. What does she like? d. What does she enjoy? 4. Listen & answer: Keys: a. April 22, 1989 b. 5 Tran Phu St. c. drawing d. acting.. Teacher’s activity. Students’ activity. - Asking Ss some questions about - The whole class take part in their activities in the summer. answering the questions.. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking - Taking part in building the pronunciation & meaning. lesson. - Repeating in chorus and individually. Translation: How do we say to enroll “ñaêng kí” in English ? Visual: What do call this in an application form English? Mime: I fill out the blanks. to fill out Mime: I sign the form. to sign - Copying new words in notebooks. - Setting the scene. Nga is enrolling for the summer - Listening to the teacher & activities. Work in pairs to predicting the answers in answer the questions. pairs, then in groups. (books - Writing Ss’ prediction on the shut) board. Giving teacher the prediction. - Letting Ss listen to the tape twice. - Listening to the tape and - Letting Ss listen to the tape the checking the prediction. third. - Comparing the answers with - Giving feedback. a partner. - Correcting the wrong ans..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 5. Listen and repeat: 6. Practice with a partner: 7. Target Language: She likes drawing and she enjoys acting. S + like, love, enjoy hate, dislike. +V- ing … …. Notes: stop --- > stopping change --- > changing write --- > writing 8’. 15’. III. Practice:. word - cue drill Model: S1: What do you like doing? S2: I like cooking meals. a. I / cook meals. b. They / watch TV. c. He / play soccer. d. Lan / do homework.. - Giving instructions. Ask and answer by using the cues. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Giving feedback.. - Repeating the answers in chorus & individually. - Practicing in 2 groups, then in pairs - Listening & answering the questions to show how to know the new pattern. - Copying new pattern in notebooks.. - Listening & taking part in the model with teacher. - Practicing in 2 groups. - Practicing in close pairs, then open pairs.. IV. Production:. 1. Doing the exercises 2. a. Page 61 Model: S1: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up. S2: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer, and she doesn’t like washing up, either. 2. Doing the exercises 2. b. Page 61 Model: S1: Do you like playing soccer? S2: No. I hate it. What about you? S1: Yes. I love playing soccer.. 2’. - Letting Ss repeat the answer c. & d. - Letting Ss ask & answer the questions c. & d. - Presenting new target language. - Checking concept. Meaning: Tell me the Vietnamese meaning of the sent. Form: How do we form this pattern ? What is after likes …? Use: When do we use V- ing ? Pronunciation: Do we say acting or act/ ing?. V. Homework:. - Giving instructions. Look at the table and talk about Ba and Lan’s hobbies. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting Ss. - Correcting & conducting feedback. - Giving instructions. Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about your own hobbies. - Modeling - Monitoring & assisting Ss. - Feeding back.. - Setting the task for Ss. Doing the exercises 2 Page 55 Prepare: Lesson 2 Speak “asking for - Giving instructions. Read the dialogue and complete favors” and Language focus 2,3. Nga’s details.. - Working in pairs to talk about Ba & Lan’ hobbies. - Practicing in close pairs, then open pairs.. - Practicing in close pairs, then open pairs.. - Taking notes in notebooks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Week 11. Unit 6. Period 33. Lesson 2. Aim:. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Speak. - language focus 1,3. Practicing asking favors and assistance. Objective:. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to ask & respond to favors and assistance.. Skill: Aids:. Speaking and Listening. Text book, posters for doing the exercises. Procedure: Time 5’. Content I. Warm up: Chatting. Teacher’s activity. Students’ activity. - Asking Ss some questions... 1. Do you often help another people? 2. What do you often do to help them? 3. Do you often need any help? 4. What do you say to get one’s help?. 15’. II. Pre-speaking: Dialogue build.  Dialogue 1: Mrs. Ngoc: Could you do me a favor? Hoa: Sure. What can I do for you? Mrs. Ngoc: Can you help me carry my bags? I’ve hurt my arm. Hoa: Certainly. I’ll help you. Mrs. Ngoc: Thank you very much. That’s very kind of you. Asking for favors - Can / could you help me please? - Could you do me a favor? - I need a favor. - Can / could you.... Responding to favors - Certainly / of course / sure. - No problem. - What can I do for you? - How can I help you? - I’m sorry. I’m really busy.. - Setting the scene. Mrs. Ngoc is carrying heavy bags, but she’s hurt her arm so she needs some help. - Modeling the dialogue. - Asking Ss to work in 2 groups, then in close pairs to practice the dialogue. - Monitoring & assisting. - Asking Ss to complete the dialogue. - Presenting how to ask & respond to favors by asking Ss questions.  What does Mrs. Ngoc say to need some help?  How can Hoa respond?. . Give another ways to ask & respond to favors..  Dialogue 2: Receptionist: May I help you? Tourist: Yes. Can you show me the way to the nearest bank? - Setting the scene. A receptionist wants to help a Receptionist: Sure. Turn left and then. - Listening & taking part in building the dialogue with teacher. - Repeating in chorus. - Repeating in 2 groups, then close pairs.. - Completing the dialogue. - Answering the questions to show how know the new lesson.  Could you do me a favor?  Sure. What can I do for you?  I need a favor-No problem.. - Listening & taking part in building the dialogue with teacher..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 8’. 15’. turn right at the first corner. It’s on your tourist who needs to go to the nearest bank. right. - Modeling the dialogue. Tourist: Thank you very much. - Asking Ss to practice the dialogue in 2 groups & then in Offering Responding to close pairs. assistance assistance - May I help you? - Yes. That’s very - Monitoring & assisting. - Asking Ss to complete the - Do you need any kind of you. dialogue. help? - No. Thank you. - Let me help you. - No. Thank you. - Presenting how to offer & I’m fine. I can respond to assistance by asking the questions. manage.  What does the receptionist say to help the tourist?  How can the tourist III. While-speaking: respond?  Repeating the phrases in the  Give another way to offer boxes in page 55. & respond to assistance.  Practice acting out the 2 dialogues above. - Running through the phrases in the boxes. IV. Post-speaking: - Asking Ss to practice the 1. Practicing asking and responding dialogues in pairs. to favors: Tourist: I need a favor. You: What can I do for you? - Giving instructions. Tourist: Yes. Can you show me the way to A tourist wants to go to a police the nearest bank? station because he lost money. You: Sure. Go straight ahead. Then turn Work in close pairs to make a left. It’s on your right. dialogue. Tourist: Thanks very much. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assistance. 2. Practicing offering & responding - Giving feedback. to assistance. You: May I help you? Neighbor: Yes. Can you help me tidy the yard ? I’ve had a broken leg. - Giving instructions. You: Certainly. I’ll help you. Your neighbor has had a broken Neighbor: Thanks very much. That’s very leg. You want to help her. Work in kind of you. close pairs to make a dialogue.. 2’. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. Writing the dialogue between you and - Giving feedback. your aunt who is busy cooking meal. - Setting the task for Ss. Prepare: lesson 3 Listen “about the - Giving instructions. song” Make the dialogue between you and your aunt who is busy cooking meal.. IV. Homework:. - Practicing in 2 groups & then in close pairs.. - Completing the dialogue. - Answering the questions to show how know the new lesson.  May I help you?.  . Yes. Can you ………? Let me help you – No. Thank you.. - Repeating the phrases in the boxes. - Practicing the dialogues in close pairs, then open pairs.. - Listening & making the dialogue with a partner.. - Practicing in close pairs.. - Practicing in open pairs.. - Listening & making the dialogue with a partner.. - Practicing in close pairs. - Practicing in open pairs. Taking notebooks.. notes. in.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Week 12. Unit 6. Period 34. Lesson 3. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Listen. Aim: Practicing listening for details. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete the song and practice singing the song. Skill: Listening, Speaking and Reading Aids: Text book, tape. Procedure:. Time. Content. Teacher’s activity. 5’ 10’. I. Warm up: Singing an English song. II. Pre-listening:. - Having Ss sing an English song.. 1. Pre-teach vocabulary:. 1. to uníte: đoàn kết 2. peace (unc.N): hoøa bình. 2. Guessing the missing words: (Exercise). 15’. III. While-listening:. Tape script in teacher’s book. Keys: 1. unite 2. peace 3.right 4. North 5. South 6. of 7. world 8. place 9. out 10. world. 13’. 2’. IV. Post-listening: . Practicing singing the song.. V. Homework:  . Students’ activity - Singing an English song.. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking - Taking part in building the pronunciation & meaning. lesson. - Repeating in chorus and individually. Explanation: What makes the to unite strength? Translation: How do we say “hoà peace bình” in English? Checking memory Copying in notebooks. - Giving instructions: - Working in pairs to guess Work in pairs to guess the words the words. to fill in the gaps in the song in page 56. - Writing the Ss’ words on the board. - Letting Ss listen to the song twice and then correct the guessing above. - Letting Ss listen to the song the third. - Correcting & conducting feedback.. - Listening to the song & correcting the guessing. - Comparing with a partner. - Correcting.. - Letting Ss practice singing the - Practicing singing the song song. in chorus & individually.. Singing the song at home. - Asking Ss to practice singing the - Taking notes. Prepare: leson4 Read “about the song. Boy scouts of America”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Week 12. Unit 6. Period 35 Preparing Date:. Lesson 4. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Read. Aim: Practicing reading the passage about the boys Scout of America. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about a youth organization – the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Skill: Reading, Listening and Speaking. Aids: Text book, posters. Procedure:. Time. Content. Teacher’s activity. Students’ activity. 5’. I. Warm up: jumbled words  racchtaer ----- > character  oinj ----- > join  nessbusiman ----- > businessman  plainex ----- > explain  ganizaortion ----- > organization. - Setting up the activity. - Giving instructions. Arrange these letters to make meaningful words. Work in 2 groups. In turns, each group writes the correct words on the board. The group has more and correct words are the winner. - Modeling. - Feeding back.. - Working in 2 groups to carry out the activity.. 13’. - Correcting & choosing the winner.. II. Pre-reading:. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking - Taking part in building the pronunciation & meaning. lesson. - Repeating in chorus & individually. Explanation: to give someone to encourage 1. to encoùurage: khuyeán khích, uûng hoä support. Translation: How do we say citizenship 2. citizenship (unc.N): quyeàn coâng daân “quyeàn coâng daân” in English ? 4. coeducaùtional (adj.): giaùo duïc chung Explanation: being educational coeducational for boys and girls together. cho cả nam lẫn nữ Translation: How do we say “ñöa to lead 5. to lead - led - led: đưa đến, dẫn đến đến, dẫn đến” in English ? Synonym: give the synonym of to to establish 6. to estaùblish: thieát laäp, thaønh laäp start or to create an organization. - Copying new words in - Checking memory: R. O . R notebooks. 1. Pre-teach vocabulary:. 2. True (T) or False (F) predictions:. - Giving instructions. a. The Boy Scout of America is a You are going to read a passage youth organization. about the Boy Scout of America. b. Scouting began in America. Predict which statements are True c. William Boyce is a businessman in. - Doing the exercises individually & then comparing with a partner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> London. d. Boys and girls can join BSADJ. e. The Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world. 15’. 10’. II. While-reading:. 1. Correction of Ss’ prediction: Keys: adj. T b. F c. F d. F e. T. 2. Answering the questions: (Exercises 2 on page 57) Keys: a. Scouting began in England in 1907. b. The meeting between a boy scout and Mr. William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910. c. Girls can join in the Girls Guides Association and Cam Fire Boys and Girls. d. They are building characters, good citizenship and personal fitness. IV. Post-reading: (Exercises 1 Page 57) Keys: Dates adj. 1907. . b. 1909  c. 1910  2’. d. 1994 . V. Homework:. Events The beginning of the Scout Association. William Boyce was introduced to scouting. The founding of the Girls Guides Association & Cam Fire Boys & Girls. Over 5 million scouts in the BSADJ.. Writing the summary of the BSA. Prepare: Lesson 5 Getting started – Write “a letter about a future plan”. and which are False. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Writing Ss’ prediction on the board. - Giving instructions. Read the passage silently to check the prediction & then compare the answers with a partner. - Giving feedback.. - Reading the passage silently to check the prediction individually. - Comparing the answers with a partner.. - Giving instructions. Read the passage again and answer the questions in the exercises 2 on page 57. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Correcting & conducting feedback. - Asking Ss to practice asking & answering the questions.. - Doing the exercises individually & then comparing with a partner.. - Giving instructions. Read the passage again and fill the missing dates for the events.. - Reading the passage and doing the exercises. - Modeling.. - Correcting the wrong answers if necessary. - Practicing asking & answering.. - Comparing with a partner.. - Monitoring & helping. - Giving feedback.. - Correcting if necessary.. - Setting the task for Ss.. - Taking notes in notebooks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Week 12. Unit 6. Period 36 Preparing Date:. Lesson 5. Aim:. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Getting started - Write. Practicing writing a letter.. Objective:. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan, using “be going to”.. Skill:. Aids:. Writing, Reading, and Speaking. Text book, posters.. Procedure: Time 5’. 15’. Content. Teacher’s activity. I. Warm up: Chatting. - Giving instructions. Imagine, you are going to join  Questions: the Young Pioneer and Youth 1. What are you going to do? Answer the 2. Are you going to help poor Organization. questions. people? 3. What are you going to do to keep - Asking Ss some questions. your school clean? 4. Are you going to help the elderly people? - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking II. Pre-writing: pronunciation & meaning. 1. Pre-teach vocabulary: Synonym: Give me the synonym of to join. 1. to partícipate in = to join in: tham gia Translation: How do we say “gaây quyõ” in English ? 2. to raise fund: gaây quyõ Example: coal, oil, iron, gold … under the ground or the sea are 3. naùtural resoùurces: nguoàn taøi nguyeân called natural resources. thieân nhieân Translation: How do we say “môi trường” in English? 4. envíronment (unc.N): môi trường Explanation: to find out some money. 5. to earn some moùney: kieám tieàn - Checking memory: R. O. R 2. Reading comprehension:  Questions: a. How is the Y & Y planning to help the community? b. What do members of the Y & Y have to do in recycling program?. - Giving instructions. Read the notice silently to find the answers for the questions. Answer the questions individually & then compare with a partner. - Modeling. - Motoring & assisting.. Students’ activity - The whole class take part in answering the questions.. - Taking part in building the lesson. - Repeating in chorus & individually. to participate to raise fund natural resources. environment to earn some money - Copying the new words in notebooks. - Answering the questions individually & then comparing with a partner.. - Giving the answers to the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> c. What is the purpose of the recycling program? d. What other programs can members of the Y & Y participate in?. 3. Completing Nga’s letter: Keys: 1. community 2. recycling 3. collect 4. send 5. recycling 6. save 7. earn 8. participating 9. planting 10. helping. 15’. 2’. - Giving instructions. Use the information in the notice to complete Nga’s letter. Work individually first, then compare with a partner. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting. - Feeding back.. - Giving instructions. Read the dialogue between Hoa 1. Answering the questions: and her aunt silently and answer a. Why does Nga look happy? b. What is she going to do in the the questions. - Modeling. environment month? c. What are they going to do to earn - Monitoring & assisting. - Feeding back. money for their school Y& Y? d. What does she hope?. III. While-writing:. 2. Writing a letter:. 8’. - Giving feedback. teacher. - Correcting the wrong  Answers: adj. …by encouraging all members answers if necessary. to participate in recycling …… b. … collect glass, used paper … c. … to save natural resources … d. …raising funds for the poor …. IV. Post-writing:. - Giving instructions. Imagine you are Hoa to write to your parents a similar letter to Nga’s letter telling what you are going to do. - Modeling. - Monitoring & assisting.. Writing a complete letter in notebooks. Prepare: lesson 6 LF 2,3. - Correcting the words if necessary.. wrong. - Reading the dialogue silently and answering the questions individually. - Comparing the answers with a partner. - Giving the answers to the teacher. Writing individually.. a. letter. - Asking one or two Ss to read their letters in front of class. - One or two Ss reading the letter in front of class. - Correcting the mistakes from Ss’ letters. - Correcting the mistakes if. Model: Dear Mom and Dad, I’m very happy to tell you that I’m going to join the Y & Y Green group. We are having an environment month. We are going to clean the banks of the lakes on weekends. We are going to plant trees and - Giving instructions. flowers in the school garden and … Write a complete letter in your notebooks.. V. Homework:. - Doing in the exercises first, then comparing with a partner.. necessary.. - Taking notes in notebooks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Week 13. Unit 6. Period 37 Preparing Date:. Lesson 6. Aim:. THE YOUNG PIONEERS CLUB Language focus 1 – 3. Practicing the simple present tense with future meaning and revising asking for favors.. Objective:. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the simple present tense with future meaning.. Skill: Aids:. Speaking and Listening. Text book, posters.. Procedure: Time 5’. 15’. Content. Teacher’s activity. - Setting up the activity. I. Warm up: Brainstorming - Giving instructions. Think about the things that the Y Collect used paper help blind people & Y can do - Modeling The Y & Y - Monitoring & assisting. programs. II. Presentation:. 1. Pre-teach vocabulary:. 1. a rest home: nhà nghỉ, nhà dưỡng lão 2. cuùltural (adj.): thuoäc veà vaên hoùa 3. a stádium: sân vận động 4. to suppoùrt: uûng hoä, chaêm soùc. 2. Set the scene: Mai: Where do we collect and empty garbage? Lan: At Dong xuan market. Mai: When do we collect and empty garbage? Lan: On January 9th Mai: What time do we start and finish work? Lan: They start at 8 am and finish at 5 pm.. Students’ activity - The whole class take part in the activity.. - Eliciting, Modeling, Checking - Taking part in building the pronunciation & meaning. lesson. - Repeating in chorus and individually. Explanation: a place where old a rest home or sick people are cared for. Translation: How do we say cultural “thuộc về văn hoá” in English ? Picture: What do you call it in a stadium English ? Translation: How do we say to support “uûng hoä” In English ? - Copying new words in - Checking memory: R. O. R notebooks. - Setting the scene by situation: Lan and Mai are members of the Y & Y group. They are talking about the spring activity program. - Presenting the dialogue. - Modeling. - Asking Ss to play the roles of Mai & Lan to practice the dial. - Asking Ss to fill the missing words.. - Listening & trying to understand the new lesson.. - Repeating in chorus. - Practicing in close pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - Checking concept. Meaning: Tell me the Vietnamese Form: meaning of the dialogue. Form: What tense do we use in S + V1 (s / es) --the dialogue? Use: Expressing an action that happens in Use: Are these activities at present or future? the future. Pronunciation: How do you pronounce “s & es”?. 15’. - Answering the questions to show how understand the new lesson.. III. Practice: Word cue drill. - Giving instructions. (Exercise 1 page 60 ) Work in pairs to ask and answer Model: S1: Where do they collect and empty the the questions with Where, When and What time by using the cues garbage? And when ? in the box in page 61. S2: At Dong Xuan Market on Jan. 9. - Modeling. S1: What time do they …………? - Monitoring & assisting. S2: They start ………… - Giving feedback.. - Working in pairs to practice asking & answering the questions.. - Practicing in open pairs. 8’. 2’. IV. Production:. - Giving instructions. Use the expressions in the box to - Doing the exercises Keys: complete the dialogues then individually first, then a. practice with a partner. comparing with a partner. A. Can you buy a ticket? Running through the B. Can you take me across the road? expressions. C. Could you help me with this math? - Modeling. D. Can you water the flowers in the garden? - Monitoring & assisting. b. - Feeding back. A: May I help you? - Correcting the mistakes. A: Do you need any help? - Practicing the dialogues B: Let me help you. with a partner. A: Yes. That’s very kind of you. (Exercise 3 page 61 – 62). V. Homework:. - Setting the task for Ss. Writing the exercises 1, 3 in - Giving instructions: notebooks Write the exercises 1, 3 in your Prepare: the test one period U4 – U6 notebooks. . - Taking notes in notebooks..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span>

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