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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI HKI LỚP 8. Đề 1 I/ Pick out one word that has the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: 1) a. wisdom 2) a. beneath. b. wife b. destroy. c. tiger c. upset. d. fire d. planet. 1) a. mobile 2) a. sociable. b. movie b. reserved. c. machine c. generous. d. theater d. humorous. 1) a. soccer 2) a. games. b. swimming b. chatting. c. volleyball c. talking. d. math d. experiment. II/ Pick out one word that has the stress on the first syllable:. III/ Pick out the word that doesn’t belong to the group with the others:. IV/ Read the passage then write TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) for the following sentences: Once a poor farmer had a daughter named Little Pea. After his wife, the farmer married again. His new wife had a daughter, Stout Nut. Unfortunately, the new wife was very cruel to Little Pea. Little Pea had to do chores all day. This made Little Pea’s father very upset. He soon died of a broken heart. 1) Little Pea’s mother died when she was young 2) Little Pea had to do the housework all day after her father married again 3) The new wife was very friendly. V/ Fill in each blank with one word:. sentences / by / list / learner / right / order / mother / instead / revision Language (1) learn words in different ways. Some learners make a (2) and put into it the meanings of new words in their (3) tongue, and try to learn them (4) heart. However, others do not. (5), they write one or two example (6) with each new word in (7) to remember how to use the words in the (8) way.. VI/ Choose the correct word in parentheses to complete each sentence: 1) Mary likes (Play / plays / played / playing) the piano 2) Hung is (better / most better / the best / more better) student in my class 3) Alexander Graham Bell was born (in / on / at / during) March 3, 1847 4) Can you fill (out / on / over / down) this form for me ? 5) They have studied English (in / at / for / to) three years 6) Could you (make / give / bring / do) me a favor 7) I used to live on a farm when I (am / was / will be / were) a young girl 8) he advised you (should work / work / to work / should to work) harder on it 9) Tom, you’ll have to cook dinner (yourself / himself / myself / herself) 10) He’s out now. Would you like to leave a (straw / wisdom / tale / message) ? 11) Bell (invents / invented / inventing / invent) the telephone in 1876 12) Sometimes my jokes (cover / choose / fit / annoy) them. VII/ Write the complete sentences, using the cues given: 1) Lan / like / learn / English 2) Minh / goes / the market / the morning. 3) Her dictionary / more expensive / Huong’s 4) They / buy / the new house / April. I/ Read the passage and answer the questions:.  Đề 2. Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh, was a Scotsman although he late emigrated to the USA in the 1870s. In America, he worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon, Bell started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, conducted many experiments and finally came up with a device which they fist introduced in 1876. Traveling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public at countless exhibitions, and by 1877 the fist telephone was in commercial use. 1) Was Mr. Bell born in the USA ? 4) Who was Thomas Watson ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 2) Where was Boston University ? 3) What did he do at Boston University ?. 5) When did the new phone device appear ? 6) When did Mr. Bell do at exhibitions in America ?. II/ Replace each number with one word:. locked / straw / injures / electricity / put / dangerous / let / grazed / matches / sockets You must put all chemicals and drugs (1) cupboards You must not (2) children play in the kitchen, a (3) place Children must not play with (4) because each year fire destroys homes and (5) children playing with matches You must cover electrical (6) because children often (7) anything into them. (8) can kill. III/ Choose the correct word or phrase:. 1) My mother is (too tire / tired too / enough tire / very tired) to cook 2) (can I / should you / could / could you) dome a favor ? What can I do for you ? 3) I’d like you to make a coffee for (me / you / myself / himself) 4) (Were you / Did you / You did / Do you) receive this report card yesterday ? 5) I (decide / want / enjoy / ask) swimming when it is hot 6) Mom is ill. You should look (at / for / after / in) her 7) I live (in / at / on / during) 5 Tran Phu street 8) Please tell her (not to use / don’t use / using / not use) this number 9) I used (to being / be / was / to be) late for class when I was young 10) We will return (next summer / yesterday / 3 days ago / at the moment) 11) I’ll try my best to (establish / organize / improve / cross) my pronunciation 12) Tell me what to do to (participate / encourage / raise / save) natural resources 13) He died of o broken (head / harvest / heart / humor) last year 14) My Dad is out. Can you leave a (service / person / steamer / message) ?. IV/ Write 3 sentences about your bedroom: This is my bedroom . . . .. I/ Read the passage and answer the questions:.  Đề 3. The Boy Scout of the America (BSA) is a young organization. It builds character and encourages good citizenship and personal fitness Scouting began in 1907. Two years later an American businessman. William Boyce, got lost in London. A boy helped him and explained that he was a scout. This meeting led to the Scout Association the Atlantic in 1910 Although Scouting is mainly for boys, there are organizations similar to the BSA which girls can join. They are the Girl Guides Association and the coeducational camp Fire Boys and Girls. 1) What is the work of the BSA ? 3) Which event happened in 1910 ? 2) When was William Boyce lost ? 4) Are there any organization for girls ?. II/ Replace each number with one word:. Started / tied / was / emigrated / said / came up / worked / introduced / led / grazed Alexander Graham bell was born in Edinburgh. He later (1), first to Canada and then to the USA. He (20 with deaf-mutes at Boston University. Soon, Bell (3)experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. This (4) to the invention of the telephone. Bell and his assistant conducted many experiments and finally (5) with a device which they fist (6) in 1876. Bell (7) on the telephone: “Mr. Watson, come here. I want you” This (8) the fist telephone message.. III/ Choose the correct word or phrase:. 1) He isn’t (old enough to / enough old to / old enough / enough old) work here 2) I used to live on a farm when I (am / was / will be / was) a young girl 3) He advised you (should work / work / to work / should to work) harder on it 4) Tom, you’ll have to cook dinner (yourself / himself / myself / herself) 5) She asked me (to give / gave / give / giving) you this dictionary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 6) I enjoyed (to act / act / acting / acted) very much 20 years ago 7) We must be there (at / from / till / between) 8.30 and 9.15 8) He demonstrated his invention (success / successful / successfully) 9) He’s out now. Would you like to leave a (straw / wisdom / tale / message) ? 10) How much time will you spend (on / with / to / for) it ? 11) His new wife is very cruel (with / at / to / on) his daughter 12) Mom had to do everything (not / without / doesn’t / no) any help 13) Sometimes my jokes (over / choose / annoy / fit) them 14) We’re really proud (at / of / from / with) you, Mike 15) Put all dangerous object out of children’s (head / distance / reach / order) 16) I bought this racket (tomorrow / now / yesterday / tonight). IV/ Make sentences with the suggestions:. 1) There / a bed in the right corner / the room 2) My new friend / tall and / short black hair 3) Nam / to school yesterday / be didn’t feel well 4) I’m very / to hear you / your last summer vacation. I/ Read the passage and answer the questions:.  Đề 4. You must put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboards. Children may drink or eat these things because they look like soft drinks or candy. You must not let children play in the kitchen. The kitchen is a dangerous place. You have to make sure children do not play with matches. Each year, fire destroys homes and injures children because someone plays with matches. Remember, it only takes one match to cause a fire. You must cover electrical sockets so that children do not try to put anything into them. Electricity can kill. You have to keep all dangerous objects out of children’s reach. These include scissors, knives, and small objects such as beads. 1) Where must we put all chemical and drugs ? 3) Which house-hold objects are dangerous ? 2) Why mustn’t we let children play in the kitchen ? 4) Can playing with one match start a fire ?. II/ Replace each number with one word:. post-card / festival / celebrate / please / result / asked / semester / grades / harder / vacation We received our fist (1) report a few days ago. T got good (2) for science, English and history but my math (3) was poor. My teacher (4) me to spend more time on it. I must study (5) next semester. It’s almost Tet. That’s the Lunar New Year (6) in Viet Nam. We’re going to Hue tonight to (7) the festival with my grandmother. I’ll spend you a (8) from there.. III/ Choose the correct word or phrase:. 1) The students are playing (happily / happier / happy / happiest) in the school yard 2) She told me (giving / to give / gave / given) you this dictionary 3) They have studied (for / at / since / to) 6 o’clock 4) The new shopping mall is quite (different from / the same / like to / similar) the present shopping area 5) How long (do / have / did / are) you (study / studied / study / studying) here ? 6) It’s difficult (pass / to pass / passing / passed) the exam 7) She used to be my (outside / outdoor / indoor / next door) neighbor in Hue 8) The scouting Association is the largest voluntary youth (cooperation / organization / participation / coeducation) in the world. . I/ Read the passage and answer the questions:. Đề 5.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Language learners learn words in different ways. Some learners make a list and put into it the meanings of new words into their mother tongue, and try to learn them by heart. However, others do not. They write one or two example sentences with each word in order to remember how to use the word in the right way. In order to remember words better, some learners even. Write each word and it use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere in their house so as to learn it any time. 1) Do learners learn words in the same way? 2) Why do some learners write example sentences with new words? 3) Why do some learners write each word and its use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere in their house? 4) Do all learners make a list and put into it the meanings of new words into their mother tongue?. II/ Replace each number with one word:. Same / mall / changes / roof / discuss / organized / selection / cheaper / customers / concerned There’s a new shopping mall in Hoa’s neighborhood. Some people are not happy about the (1). The owners of the small stores think the (2) will take their business. Some of the goods in the new stores will be the (3) as the ones in the small shops, but the stores in the mall will offer a wider (4) of products, some at (5) prices. The residents and store owners have been (6) about the new mall for a few months. They have (7) a community meeting in order to (8) the situation.. III/ Choose the correct word or phrase:. 1) He spends his free time doing (hard / business / outside / volunteer) work at a local orphanage 2) Mr Ha could (meet / see / reach / called) her at 8645141 after lunch 3) You must not let children (to play / play / playing / played) in the kitchen 4) Tim promised to try his (good / better / best / well) in learning Spanish 5) Many learners only learn new words that are (excellent / important / difficult / easy) 6) Miss Jackson asked me (to give / give / giving / gave) you this dictionary 7) He’s (strong enough to / enough strong to / strong enough / enough strong) carry that suites 8) Mr Brown is the same age (as / like / from / with) Brs Brown 9) Last Tuesday, her son was (present / absent / attendance / outside) from school because of his sickness 10) Nam gets up early so as (revise / to revise / revision / reveting) his lessons 11) Mr Smith (has / had / have had / has had) his car for 15 years, but it still looks very new 12) I’ve lived in this house (from / in / since / for) 1990 13) He (used / used to / always / like) smoke a lot when he was young 14) Vietnamese language is different (as / like / from / with) English language 15) Dad stayed at the office (before / until / for / during) he fished the report 16) Hung is (better / most better / the best / most best) student in my class. IV/ Make sentences with the suggestions:. 1) Lan / like / learn English 2) She / study / this / foreign language / nearly 3 years. I/ Read the passage and answer the questions:. 3) She / always / want / improve her English 4) Minh / use / live / farm / when / he / small boy.  Đề 6. On March 3, 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh. He was a Scotsman although he later emigrated, fist to Canada and then to the USA in the 1870s. Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant. Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876. Travelling all over America, Bell demonstrated his invention to the public was in commercial use, 1) Who invented the telephone? 3) When was the first telephone used in commerce? 2) When was Alexander Graham Bell born? 4) Who was Bell’s assistant?. II/ Replace each number with one word:. participate / really / help / sidewalks / money / poor / interesting / save / collect / send / community.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> The Y and Y is planning to help the (1) by encouraging all members to (2) in a recycling program: All you have to do is to (3) used glass, paper and cans, and (4) them for recycling. by doing this, we can (5) natural resources and earn some (6) for the organization. If possible, you can participate in other programs such as raising funds for the (7), helping street children and planting trees and flowers along the (8) or in the parks.. III/ Choose the correct word or phrase:. 1) My mother is too tired (have / to have / having / has) dinner 2) The old man is getting (dark / tall / high / weak) 3) Exercises in this book are (difficult / easy / more difficult / easily) than those in that book 4) She has (write / writing / written / wrote) over 30 pages since yesterday 5) Airmail is (the most / like / as more) expensive than surface-mail 6)(When / Where / How long / How) have you lived this town? For nearly 10 years 7) Can you help me (do / doing / did / does) this exercise? to her house 8) She told me (take / to take / took / taking) these books to her house 9) You should work harder (at / with / on / it) your English pronunciation 10) Long’s friends think that he should behave (good / badly / worse / well) to his classmate 11) Lan is Mr Sang’s (assist / assisting / assistance / assistant) 12) Did he (is used playing / used playing / used playing / used to play / use to play) football when he was a kid? 13) The exam was quite (more easily / more easy / easier than / easier as) we expected 14) He (wins / won / is winning / has won) 5 gold medals since the beginning of sea Games 15) They deliver the surface mail by (air-plane / car / train or ship / telephone / computer) 16) Kate hates (listens / listened / listen / listening) to classical music. IV/ Make sentences with the suggestions:. 1) My uncle / move / HCM city / 1987 / and / live / there / then 2) Hoa’s shoes / different / her sister’s 3) When / my mother / young / there / used / grocery – store / here 4) He / usually / listen / music / Sunday morning.  Đề 7 I/ Pick out the word that doesn’t belong to the group with the others: 1) a. telephone b. fax machine c. computer d. ticket 2) a. exhibition b. chemical c. play d. movie 3) a. oven b. refrigerator c. camping d. sink 4) a. wisdom b. farmer c. servant d. master II/ Pick out one word that has the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: 1) a. emigration 2) a. assistant 3) a. orphanage 4) a. excited. b. arrange b. device b. directory b. center. c. message c. exhibition c. demonstration c. citizenship. d. station d. experiment d. commercial d. escape. 1) a. tradition 2) a. discount 3) a. unite 4) a. behavior. b. magically b. typhoon b. recycle b. equipment. c. convenient c. reserved c. migrant c. precaution. d. facility d. annoy d. resources d. natural. III/ Pick out one word that has the stress on the first syllable:. III/ Read the passage and decide if the statements are True or False:. Like Y & Y, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is a youth organization. It builds character, and encourages good citizenship and personal fitness. Scouting began in England in 1907. Two years later an American businessman, William Boyce, got lost in London, A boy helped him and explained that he was a scout. This led to the Scouts Association Crossing the Atlantic in 1910..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 1) Y & Y is an organization of the young people 2) Scouting began in America. 3) William Boyce is a businessman in London 4) Helping people is one of scouts’ activities. IV/ Replace each number with one word:. restaurant / pancakes / expensive / new / cook / since / serves / tasty Na is (1) to the neighborhood. She and her family have been there (2) last week. Her mother is too tired to (3) tonight. Na wants to go somewhere for dinner. There’s a (4) in the area. It (5) Hue food and the (6) are delicious.. V/ Choose the correct word or phrase:. 1) “The lost shoe” is Trang’s favorite (short story / folktale / writing / folk music) 2) Would you like to participate in the (festival / mall / temple / pagoda) in Hue? 3) Nam’s mother told him that the rice was in the (socket / sink / cupboard / chore) 4) Why do we have (learn / to learn / learning / learned) our lessons very well? 5) It’s too dangerous to put something into a (bowl / socket / sink / cupboard) 6) Modern life needs lots of electrical (directories / devices / message chores) 7) We must try our (good / well / better / best) to give up bad habits 8) Her mother (left / leaves / is leaving) this city two years ago. VI/ Make sentences with the suggestions: 1) In the middle / kitchen / table / six chairs 2) There / refrigerator / left side / room.  Đề 8 I/ Pick out one word that has the stress on the first syllable: 1) a. agree 2) a. countless 3) a. socket 4) a. precaution 5) a. behave 6) a. cooperation. b. conduct b. generous b. safety b. assistant b. highlight b. participation. c. gather c. mobile c. device c. experiment c. pronounce c. satisfaction. d. transmit d. commercial d. cupboard d. stationery d. participate d. pronunciation. 1) a. position 2) a. underline 3) a. escape 4) a. upset 5) a. straw 6) a. cupboard 7) a. saucepan. b. application b. satisfy b. wisdom b. equipment b. wardrobe b. injury b. chore. c. citizenship c. highlight c. sound c. message c. mark c. wardrobe c. object. d. interest d. injure d. excitement d. festival d. saucepan d. scissors d. precaution. II/ Pick out one word that has the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:. II/ Replace each number with one word:. owned / fairy died / daughter married / choose / new / chore / dropped / magically Once a poor farmer had a (1) named Little Pea. After his wife died, he (2) again. His (3) wife was very Cruel to Little Pea. Little Pea had to do (4) all day. He soon (5) of a broken heart. The prince wanted to (6) a girl from Little Pea’s village. Little Pea ran to the festival, she (7) one of her shoes and list it. When the prince found the shoe, he decided to marry the girl who (8) it.. . ... Heát ....

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