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Lesson Plan Unit 14

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week …. Period ….. Teaching date: ………………. Unit 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 1: Parts 1 - 2 – 3. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can b able to: - Use the words and phrases related to the topic talking about stories. - Ask and answer about what happened in a story. II. Languages focus: - Vocabulary: first, then, next, in the end, watermelon, order(ed), find-found, seed, grow-grew, give-gave, exchange(d), hear-heard, . - Sentence Pattners: “What happened in the story? – First, ……… Then, ……… Next, ……… In the end, ……… ” III. Teaching aids: 1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks III. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities A. Warm-up and Revision: - Let’s chant again: “What do you do?” - Ss chant - Play games Slap the board to review vocabulary - Ss play Slap the board and patterns on topic hobbies. B. Presentation: Act 1. Look, listen and repeat: Have the class look at the four pictures. Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit their answers to the questions: Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing? - Play the recordings and have Ss listen twice and repeat - Have Ss play role to read the dialogue in groups/ pairs. - Call some pairs to read the conversation. - Check again Ss’ understanding. - Ss observe the pictures, then listen and answer Linda and Phong They’re at Phong’s house. They’re eating watermelonsand Nam is telling Linda about the story of Mai An Tiem. - Listen and repeat. - Play roles and read aloud. - Read in pairs. - Encourage Ss to talk and answer. C. Practice: Act 2. Point and say: -Use the puppets to introduce the characters: - Ss listen and repeat Hello, I’m Mai. Hi, My name’s Nam. -Set context: Mai and Nam are going to practise asking and answering questions about what - Ss listen and repeat happened in a story, using: + Nam: What happened in the story?? + Mai : First, ……… Then, ……… Next,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> ……… In the end, ……… - Give out the pattern and explain how to use Chronological phrases First, - Then, -Next, - In the end, - Introduce words and phrases under picture a,b,c,d. Have Ss listen and repeat: surf the Internet, go to the cinema, clean the house, do karate. - Remind Ss past form of some verbs: order(ed), find-found, seed, grow-grew, give-gave, exchange(d), hear-heard 2.2 Practice: a/ Repetition Drill: - Ask the question and invite 1 Ss to tell the story by joining sentences under picture with chronological phrases: -Divide the class into 2 groups and repeat the pattern. b/ Substitution Drill: Point at each picture and ask the question What happened in the story?? Have Ss answer chorally, using the information under the picture and the Chronological phrases First, - Then, -Next, - In the end, c/ Pair work - Ask Ss to work in pair about Picture a,b,c,d. - Call some pairs to act out - T gives comment and praise. Act 3. Let’s talk: - Have Ss practice base on the pictures of The story of Mai An Tiem S1: What happened in the story? S2: First, ……… - Then, ……… -Next, ……… - In the end, ……… - T gives feedback and praise D. Homework: - Learn new words and practice the patterns - Prepare for new lesson: Unit 14 Lesson 1: P4,5,6. - Ss repeat in choral. - Ss practice in 2 groups - Listen and repeat. - Ask and answer the question - Work in pair ask and answer. - Some pairs present. - Other Ss listen and give comment.. - Ss ask and answer on their own information. - Other Ss listen and give their comments.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Week …. Period ….. Teaching date: ………………. Unit 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 1: Parts 4 - 5 - 6. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to : - Review and practice new words on the topic talking about stories - Practice listening, reading and writing about how to ask and answer about what happened in a story. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: review - princess, prince, castle, problem, magic, surprised, get married, once upon a time,handsome. 2. Pattern: Review the pattern III. Teaching aids: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. IV. Procedures. Teacher’s activities A. WARM UP - Play “Guessing game”. Students’ activities - Play the game to review old vocabulary. B. PRESENTATION 4. Listen and number. - Ask Ss to observe pictures in their books. -Tell the class that they are going to listen to the recording and number the pictures. - Play the recording twice - Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen and check their answers. - Have Ss give the answers and correct. - Give comments and the correct answers Answer: a. 4 – b. 1 – c. 5 – d. 2 – e. 3 5. Read and complete. - Have Ss read the text and all given words in silent and listen to the teacher’s instruction. -Explain the writing task: read and fill in the blanks with given words. -Have Ss complete the text individually. -Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class - Check and correct mistakes. Answers: 1. princess - 2. legs – 3. apple - 4. Got up – 5. In the end. 6. Let's sing. - Look and listen. - Listen and number the pictures - Check - Present their answers - Other Ss listen and give comments.. - Read in silent - Listen. - Read and do the task. - Present their answers. - Other Ss listen and give comment.. - Listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Introduce Once upon a time - Read the lyrics. - Play the recording and listen to the song. - Have Ss read the lyric in chorus. -Sing. - Play the recording again for Ss to sing each line of the rhythm. - Have Ss practice singing in chorus, groups - Call some groups to perform the song at the front of the class. -Give comments and praise -Have class sing the song again to reinforce their pronunciation. C. Homework Ask Ss to learn by heart the pattern. Be ready for Unit 14 (Lesson 2 : Parts 1, 2, 3).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Week …. Period ….. Teaching date: ………………. Unit 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 2: Parts 1 - 2 - 3. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to: - Know more new words on topic talking about stories/characters - Practice asking and answering about someone’s opinions of a book/story/character. II. Language focus: 1. Vocabulary: intelligent, greedy, hard-working, kind, older/younger brother 2. Sentence pattern: “What do you think of ……..? – I think …………” III. Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, workbook, CD, CD player … IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities A. Warm up Have Ss practice asking and answering about what they do in their free time. B. Presentation. 1. Look, listen and repeat. Have the class look at the four pictures. Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit their answers to the questions: Who are they? Where are they? What are they talking about?. - Have Ss listen twice and repeat 4 conversations - Have Ss play role to read the dialogue in groups/ pairs. - Call some pairs to read the conversation. - Check again Ss’ understanding. Students’ activities - Ss practice speaking. - Look, listen and answer. Linda and Quan They are in the park. They are talking about the story of The Golden Starfruit Tree and their opinions about main characters. - Listen and repeat. - Play roles to read. - Read in pairs. - Encourage Ss to talk. 2. Point and say 2.1/ Introduce the sentence pattern: -Use the puppets to introduce the characters: -Set context: The girl wants to ask the boy’s -Listen. opinions of a character and the boy answers the questions, using: Girl: What do you think of ……..? Boy : I think …………………….… -Introduce words and phrases under picture -Listen and repeat. a,b,c,d: intelligent, greedy, hard-working, kind 2.2/ Practice:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> -Divide the class into 2 groups. -Point at each picture and ask the question What do you think of the mouse? -Have Ss to answer chorally I think the mouse is intelligent using the information under the picture a. -Ask Ss to work in pair about Picture b,c,d. -Ask Ss to ask and answer -Call some pairs to act out -Give commentsand praise.. - Listen and repeat. - Ask and answer the question chorally - Work in pair ask and answer. - Some pairs present. - Other Ss listen and give comment.. 3. Let’s talk: -Have Ss work in pairs, ask and answer questions about accidents prevention, using the patterns: +S1: What kinds of stories do you like? +S2: I like ……….. +S1: What do you think of ……..? +S2: I think he’s/ she’s/ it’s ………. - Work in pairs and practice the patterns - Set time limit. - Some pairs speak in front of the class. - Some groups act out. - Other Ss listen and give comment. - Give Ss comments C. Homework Have Ss be ready for Unit 14 (Lesson 2: Parts 4, 5, 6).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Week …. Period ….. Teaching date: ………………. Unit 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 2: Parts 4 - 5 - 6. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to : - Review vocabulary on topic talking about stories/characters - Practice asking and answering about someone’s opinions of a book/story/character - Develop Ss’ writing and listening skills II. Language focus: -Vocabulary: Review -Sentence: Review III. Teaching aids: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, sheets of paper. IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities A. Warm up. -Sing the song B. Presentation. 4. Listen and tick - Have Ss read through all options a-b-c and find out the differences between them - Explain the listening task: listen and tick the picures you hear. - Predict the answer (divide class into 2 teams) 4.2/While-listening: - Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and tick the pictures. -Have Ss check their guess and compare the answer with the partner. - Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. -Give feedback and key answers: l.c - 2.a - 3.a 5. Write about your favorite book. - T explains the task, introduce the questions and gives Ss some clues - Ss work individually to write about their family members - T goes around and support Ss if needed - 2 Ss write on the board - T and other Ss give comments. Students’ activities -Speak in front of the class.. -Listen. -Guess. -Listen and write. -Listen and check. -Listen and check the right answer.. - Listen - Do the task individually - Check their friends’ answersand give feedback.. 6. Let's play - Introduce Ss game Storytelling. In this game, Ss -Listen to T’s instruction will practice telling a story. - Divide class into 2 teams. Each person in one.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> group will be given a sheet with different phrases from the story of Mai An Tiem. - Ss work in groups and arrange to form Ss will line up in correct order to form a full a full sentence. sentence (E.g: One day, King Hung got angry with - Ss continue to finish the whole story Mai An Tiem) The first team shows the corrct sentence will win 1 point. The game continues until finishing the entire story. - Set a time limit for them - Have some groups in front of the class. - Give comment and praise Ss C. Consolidation Have Ss be ready for Unit 14 (Lesson 3: Parts 1, 2, 3).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Week …. Period ….. Teaching date: ………………. Unit 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 3: Parts 1 - 2 - 3. I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students are able to: - Ask questions and asnwer with correct intonation - Practice vocabulary and patterns on topic talking about stories II. Language focus: - Phonics : falling intonation in asking and answering about stories. - Vocabulary : Review - Pattern : Review III. Teaching aids: - Teaching aids: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. - Resources: student’s book IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities A. Warm up - Have Ss sing the song Once upon a time B. Presentation. 1. Listen and repeat. - Tell them to practise saying WH-question and its answer in chronological order with a falling tone. What happened in the story? First, ………………… Then, ………………… Next, ………………… In the end, ………………… -Have Ss practice the falling tone in these sentencescarefully - Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary - Correct typical pronunciation errors and the falling tone. -Call on some Ss to read out loud. - Give comments and praise 2. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences aloud. -Tell the class that they are going to listen and circle a or b to complete the sentences. -Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and circle. Students’ activities - Sing along. -Listen and look at the sentencess. - Listen carefully and repeat in chorus, individual. -Practice the sentences, correct the mistakes. -Listen to friends and give comments. - Listen to the recordingand circle a or b - Listen and check..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> the words. - Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. - Have Ss listen and repeat the sentences aloud. -Give feedback and key answers: l.b - 2.b - 3.a - 4.a -Invite some Ss to read out all the sentences. 3. Listen to the story - Read the story: “The Fox and the Crow” - Play the recording and listen to the story. - Have Ss read the story first. - Play the recording again for Ss to say each sentence. - Have Ss practice reading the story in chorus, in groups, individually - Call some groups to read the story in front of the class. - Give comment - Have class read the story again to reinforce their pronunciation. C. Consolidation Have Ss read the chant several times and be ready for Unit 14 : Lesson 3 Parts 4,5,6,7. - Listen and repeat. - Listen and correct - Practice reading aloud the sentences. -Listen. -Read. -Say the story. -Practice the story - Practice. - Read the story.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Week …. Period ….. Teaching date: ………………. Unit 14: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE STORY? Lesson 3: Parts 4 - 5 – 6 - 7. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Ask questions and asnwer with correct intonation - Practice vocabulary and patterns on topic talking about stories - Develop Ss’ writing and reading skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: Review -Pattern : Review III. Teaching aids: - Teaching aids: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. - Resources: student’s book ( P.45) IV. Procedures: Teacher’s work A. Warm up - Read the story: “The Fox and the Crow” B. Presentation. 4. Read and draw lines to match.. Students’ activities. - Have Ss read through the text. - Ask Ss what they have to do in this task. - Have Ss read the text silently. - Check Ss’s understanding and read the text aloud. - Have Ss discuss in pairs to answer the questions. - Ask Ss to write their answer on the black board. Others listen and give comments. 1. She likes reading folk tales 2. She thinks they are usually short and interesting 3. She thinks the characters are sometimes honest, sometimes greedy, sometimes wise, and sometimes stupid. 4. She thinks the fox was clever and the crow was not. 5. Because each of them gives her a lesson in life. - Read through the text. - Answer: read and write. - Read the text silently. - Listen and read again.. - Chant along. - Work in pairs, read and answer the questions - Present their answers. The others listen and comment..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 5. Write about the characters in your favorite story. - T explains the task and gives some clues - Ss work individually to write about their favorite characters - T goes around and support Ss if needed - 2 Ss write on the board - T and other Ss give comments 6. Project - Tell the Ss that they are going to tell a story and say what they think of the characters. - Ask Ss present their survey about friends after interviewing their friends - T gives comments and praise 4. Colour the stars: -Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension. -Give SS the time to colour the star. -Have some SS to read the statements aloud. -Give further support to Ss who find it difficult to achieve. C . Consolidation Have Ss be ready for Unit 15 (Lesson 1:P1,2,3 ). - Listen - Do the task individually - Check their friends’ answers and give feedback. - Ss work in groups of 4 or 5, tell about his/her favortie stories. - Ss present their story and opinions in front of the class. Other listen and give comments. -Colour the star. -Some SS to read the statements aloud. -Listen..

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