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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of prepare :5/9/2016 Date of teaching: 6/9/2016. Unit 1 : What’s your address? Lesson 1: 1,2 I. Aim: By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer question about address. Aids: recordings, cards, textbook II. Procedure Teacher’s activities * Warm up: Greeting 1. Vocabulary. - address: địa chỉ - Road: Đường - tower: tháp - floor: tầng, sàn nhà - lane: ngõ , hẻm, đường 1 chiều * Checking vocab: Slap the board. 2. Look, listen and repeat Ask students to look at the picture and answer: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape Call some pairs to read aloud 3. Point and say. What’s your address? It’s 12 Tran Hung Dao street. Ask students to look at the book and work in pairs then practice. Call some pairs to act out Correct the pronunciation. 4. Homework: -Do exercises un the workbook. - prepare the new lesson.. Students’ activities - discuss SS listen , repeat and copy down the words. SS Play the game. They are T and SS They are talking about the date Read aloud SS listen and repeat then copy the model sentences Practice with the partners Call some pairs to act out. SS do the homework. Date of preparing: 6/9/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 1 : What’s your address? Leson 1: 3,4,5,6 A.Aims: By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about address and do a listening task. Aids: textbook. Tape , cassette.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> B.Procedure teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. 1.Warm up Talking: S1: What’s your address? S2: It’s Thach Chau village. 2.Let’s talk. Ask SS to work in pairs and talk. S1: Where are you from? S2: I am from Loc Ha. S1: What’s your address? S2: It’s Thach Chau village. S1:Where do you live? S2: I live in Hong Lac village 3. Listen and complete. -T asks SS to look at the sentences and read - Play the dics - Check SS’ answers 4. Read and complete. SS read the words given and the text then fill in the gaps.Ask Ss to read aloud 5. Let’s sing. Ask SS to look at the words of the song, read them carefully. - Listen for fun. - Learn to sing sentence by sentence. - Sing the whole song - SS sing the song chorally> individually. 5. Homework. Do exercises in the workbook. Prepare the new lesson. Date of preparing: 6/9/2016 Date of teaching:. Ss listen. Work in pair and practice: Where are you from? I am from England Repeat after the teacher. SS read Listen and do the task then compare the answer with their partner SS read and do the task. SS learn to sing the song and try to perform in front of the class.. Do exercises. Unit 1 : What’s your address?. Lesson 2: 1,2,3 A. Aims - By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about what a city/ town/ village is like. - Aids: Textbook, cassete. Cards.. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities.  Warm up. Sing the song at page 7 again 1.New words: - quiet: yen tinh - busy: ban ron, tap nap - crowded: dong duc - island: do - mountain : nui * : Checking vocab: Slap the board. 2.Look , listen and repeat.. Students’ activities SS listen and sing along. SS listen, repeat and then copy down the words SS play the game.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - SS look at the pictures listen to the tape and practice speaking the dialouges - T calls some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class.. students look at the pictures, listen and repeat. Read aloud. 3.Point and Say. - Look at the pictures ask and answer as sample: S1: What’s the city like? S2: It’s big and busy.. - T runs through the pictures first, then practice speaking. - T – class > SS – SS > pair work. 4.Let’s talk.. - SS base on the dialouge above to talk: EX: S1: Where do you live? S2: I live in the city. S1: What it like? S2: It’s big and busy. S1: Who do you live with? S2: I live with my parents. 6.Home work. Do the exercises in the notebook Date of preparing: 8/9/2016 Date of teaching:. SS listen, repeat and talk SS practice asking and answering.. SS talk in pairs.. Do exercises. Unit 1 : What’s your address? Lesson 2: 4,5,6 A. Aims - By the end of the lesson SS will be able to practice more inasking and answering about address and do a listening and writing task. - Aids: Textbook, cassete. Cards.. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities. * Warm up - Talking: asking and answering about address: S1: What’s your address? S2: It’s Thach Chau village. 1.Listen and circle T asks SS to read the sentences and guess the answers. - explains what SS are going to do. - Play the cassette - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3 4. Students’ activities SS talk. SS read SS listen and do the task - Compare the answer with a partner SS listen and check. 3 Write about you.. - Ask Ss to read the questions aloud. - SS work in pairs ask and answer. Now T asks Ss to write down the answers. - Work individually - Call two SS come to the board and write the answers. - T checks. 4.Let’s play. Spot the difference?. Read aloud SS talk in pairs Do the writing task SS write their own answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - What are the differences between the two pictures.. SS look at the pictures and tell the differences.. 5.Home work. Do the exercises in the notebook. Do exercises. Date of preparing: 10 /9 2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 1 : What’s your address? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask for and give the full name of a person and practice listening, speaking and writing skill, do exercises in book. -Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B. Procedure. Teacher. *Warm up. SS ask and answer: S1: What’s your hometown like? S2: It’s small and quiet. 1.Listen and repeat. - Let Ss pay attention to the words . - Have Ss learn to produce the sound of the words and the stress partern - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus. - Have Ss read in pairs. 2. Listen and circle. Then say the sentences aloud - Have Ss look at the sentences and the words and set up the task. - Ask SS to guess the answer - Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick the boxes. - Play the recording again pupils check their answers. - Check and correct. - Have some ss retell. 3. Let’s chant Ask SS to read the chant first. - play the tape and ask SS to listen to the rythem - Guide SS to chant 4. Homework Do exercises in the notebook. Prepare the new lesson.. Students SS talk -. Listen and repeat. - Read in groups./ in pairs. - Look and read the words.. SS guess Listen and tick the words they hear. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner. 1. 2. 3. SS learn to chant. Do exercises.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Date of preparing: 20 /9 2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 1 : What’s your address? Leson 3: 4,5,6 A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to read a text talking about where a person live and what it is like. -Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B. Procedure. Teacher. *Warm up. Students. SS chant “ Where do you live again?” again. 1. Vocabulary - centre: trung tam - district: huyen, quan - flat: can ho * Checking vocab: ROR 3. Read and tick Yes/ No. - T reads first. T guides Ss how to do the exercise. -Ask students to read the text and tick Yes/ No. Correct the pronunciation. Answer: 1 N 3N 2. Y 4Y 5Y 4.Write about your friend. - T asks SS to read aloud the questions. - Ask SS to write down the answers Ask SS to read aloud their answer. 5. Project. Ask SS to draw a house and write the address then show it to the class. 6. Colour the stars SS colour the stars according to their knowledge about the lesson. 7. Homework Do exercises in the notebook. Prepare the new lesson.. SS chant SS listen , repeat and copy down the words SS play the game SS listen - SS Read the text individually and do the task. - Check in pairs. - One reports the answer. The rest of the class listen and give comments. - SS answer - Write the answer SS talk Ss draw Colour Do exercises. Date of preparing: 18/ 9/ 2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you? Lesson 1: 1,2 A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about someone’s daily routine. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up. Chant the chant at page 10 again. Students’ activities SS chant.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 2. Vocabulary. - always: luon luon - often: thuong xuyen - usually: thuong thuong - sometimes: thing thoang * Checking vocab: Slap the board. 3. Look, listen and repeat Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture by answering the questions: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape Call some pairs to read aloud 4.Point and say. What do you do in the morning? I usually brush my teeth. - T runs through the pictures Ask students to look at the pictures and work in pairs practice speaking as example. Call some pairs to act out Correct the pronunciation 5. Homework: -Do exercises in the workbook. - prepare the new lesson.. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. Ss look , listen and repeat then copy down the words. SS Play the game. They are Quan and Tom They are talking on the computer. Read aloud. SS listen and repeat then copy the model sentences Practice with the partners Call some pairs to act out SS do the homework. 17/9/2016. Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you? Lesson 1: 3,4,5,6. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice asking and answering questions about someone’s routine. Aids: Textbook, cassette B.Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities. 1.Warm up. Jumbled words OMSTIMESE WLAYAS NETFO UUAYLLS 2. Vocabulary. - do …homework: lam bai tap ve nha - wash… face - after: sau khi - watch a film: xem phim * Checking vocab: Slap the board 3. Let’s talk. SS talk as axample: S1: What do you do in the morning? S2: I always go to school. 4. Listen and tick.. SS play the game Sometimes Always Often Usually Listen and repeat after the teacher Then copy down the words Ss play the game SS work in pairs SS repeat in choral Ss listen and do the task then compare.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Ask Ss to look at the pictures in each sentence and say aloud the activities. T plays the cassette twice T checks the answer 5. Read and complete. - Ask SS to look at Nam’s activities and read it carefully. Then use the words given to complete the blanks. - T checks the answer - Call a or two SS read the text aloud 6. Let’s sing. T plays the cassette - guide SS to sing the song 7. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. the answer with their partners. SS check the answers SS read Do the task. SS listen and learn to sing. Do homework. 19/9/2016. Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you? Lesson 2: 1,2,3 A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer about frequency. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Ss play the game Play a game: Bingo T gives the instructions 2. Vocabulay. - surf the internet: luot mang SS listen, repeat and copy down the - information: thong tin words. - look for: tim kiem - go fishing: di cau ca - partner: ban, doi tac * Checking vocab: R O R Come to the board and rewrite. 3. Look, listen and repeat. Set the scene: - Who are they? Nam and Linda - What are they doing? They are talking - T plays the cassette Listen to the tape Play the role of Nam and Linda and talk. 4. Point and say. Modal sentences: S1: How often do you come to the library? SS listen and read three times S2: I come to the libarary once a week - T runs through the cues SS use substitution drill to ask and - Calls some pairs to demonstrate in front answer. of the class. 5. Let’s talk - T runs through the sentences, asks SS to S1: What do you do in the morning? work in pairs ask and answer S2: I often go to school. S1: How often do you go to scchool? S2: Six times a week 6. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Do exercises Read and write the new words again.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. 20/9/2016. Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you? Lesson 2: 4,5,6. A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to write about their daily activities. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Brain storming: Ss come to the board and write. routines 2.Listen and number T runs through the pictures, explains what SS listen and do the task SS are going to do. - Compare the answer with a - Play the cassette partner SS listen and check - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3 4. 3.Write about your daily routines. - Ask SS to look at questions , ask and answer in pairs. - call some pairs come to the board and talk - T checks pronunciation. - Ask SS to write the answers in their note books.. SS work in pairs SS talk Do the writing task. 4.Let’s play. Crossword puzzle? Guide SS how to play the game 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again. SS play the game Do exercises. Date of preparing: 20/ 9/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn about word stress and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities. SS’ activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 1. Warm up: Asking and answering about daily routines 1.Listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to pay attention to the words in the boxes. - Have Ss learn to produce these words - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus. - Have Ss read in groups/ in pairs. 2. Listen and circle. - Have Ss look at part 2 and read the sentences.. - Play the recording twice for pupils to listen and tick the answers. - Play the recording again pupils check their answers. - Check and correct. - Have some ss retell. 3. Let’s chant Ask SS to read the chant first. - play the tape and ask SS to listen to the rythem - Guide SS to chant 4. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words. SS talk. - Listen and repeat. - Read in groups./ in pairs. - Look and read the words, sentences.. SS read - Listen and tick the words they hear. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner. 1. 2 3 4. SS learn to chant Do exercises. Date of preparing: 3/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 2: I always get up early. How about you? Lesson 3: 4,5,6 A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn more about daily activites by doing a reading and a writing task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: - T asks SS to look at the chant at page 16 ( let’s chant) and chant. 2.Vocabulary - go jogging: di the duc - after: sau khi - early: som - Routine: thoi quen, hoat dong thuong ngay * Checking vocab: ROR. SS’ activities SS chant SS listen , repeat and copy down the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 3. Read and answer. T guides Ss how to do the exercise. -Ask students to read the text and answer the questions. Correct the pronunciation. Answerkey: 1.she goes jogging 2. She does her homework, plays badminton, cooks dinner. 3.She watches English for Kids once a week. 4.She goes shooping twice a week 4. Write about your day. - T asks SS to fill in the chart. - T checks. 5. Project. S1: What do you do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? S2: I often go swimming 6. Color the stars 7. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words.. SS play the game - Read the text individually and do the task. - Check in pairs. - One reports the answer. The rest of the class listen and give comments.. SS write and report their answers SS report the result to the class. She/ he goes swimming on Saturday. Do exercises Date of preparing: 24/ 9/ 2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 1: 1,2 A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about last holiday. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up. Chant the chant at page 16 again 2. Vocabulary. - go on a holiday : di nghi - ancient town: pho co - Imperial city co do - really: thuc su. * Checking vocab: Slap the board. 3. Look, listen and repeat Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture. Set the scene: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape - Asks SS to play the role of Mai and Peter to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4.Point and say. Model sentences: Where did you go on holiday? I went to Da Lat.. Students’ activities SS chant Ss look , listen and repeat then copy down the words. SS Play the game. They are Mai and Peter They are talking about their holiday Read aloud Role lay. SS listen and repeat then copy the model sentences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - T runs through the pictures Ask students to look at the book and work in pairs then practice. Call some pairs to act out Correct the pronuciation. 5. Homework: -Do exercises un the workbook. - prepare the new lesson. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. Repeat Practice with the partners SS act out SS do the homework. 26/9/2016. Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 1: 3,4,5. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering questions about last holiday by doing a listening and a writing test.. Aids: Textbook, cassette B.Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm up: Talking S1: Where did you go on holiday? SS talk in pairs S2: I went to Da Lat. S1: What was the trip like? S2: It was nice 2. Listen and match. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and SS repeat in choral answer the questions: - Who is in the picture? - Where is it? - Listen and match a name with a picture. Ss listen and do the task then compare T plays the cassette twice the answer with their partners. SS check the answers T checks the answer 3. Read and match SS read - Ask SS to read the questions and the answers carefully. Do the task - Guide SS to do the task - Call two SS come to the board and - Compare the answer with a partner write the answer. SS check the answer - T goes round and help if necessary - T checks the answer. - Ask SS to talk in pairs using the Ss talk questions and the answers 4. Let’s play. T guides SS hoe to play the game SS go round and make questions 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Do homework Read and write the new words again. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. A.Aims. 26 / 9 / 2016. Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 2: 1,2,3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer about means of transport. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Ss come to the board and write the Brain storming: Means of transport words 2. Vocabulay. - coach: xe khach SS listen, repeat and copy down the - underground: tau dien ngam words. * Checking vocab: R O R Come to the board and rewrite. 3. Look, listen and repeat. Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture. Set the scene: Tony and Phong - Who are they? They are talking - What are they doing? - T plays the cassette Ask students to listen and repeat Listen to the tape Listen and repeat after the tape Play the role of Tony and Phong and - Asks SS to play the role of Tony talk. and Phong to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4. Point and say. SS listen and read three times - T runs through the cues Ex: S1: How did you get there? SS use substitution drill to ask and S2: I went there by train. answer. - Calls some pairs to demonstrate in - Pairs work front of the class. 5. Let’s talk S1: Where did you go on holiday? S2: I went to Da Lat SS work in pairs, talking S1: How did you went there? S2: I went there by train. 6. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again Do exercises Date of preparing: Date of teaching. A.Aims. 26/9/2016. Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 2: 4,5,6. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering about means of transport and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Chatting S1: Where did you go on holiday? Ss work in pairs. S2: I went to Da Lat S1: How did you went there? S2: I went there by train. 2.Listen and write. T asks SS to read the sentences and Ss read guess the missing words, explains SS listen and do the task what SS are going to do. - Compare the answer with a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> - Play the cassette. partner SS listen and check. - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3 4. 3.Write about your last holiday - Ask SS to ask and answer the questions in pairs first.. After talking ask SS to write the answer down. - T checks. 4.Let’s sing.. How did you get here 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again. SS talk: S1: Where did you go on holiday? S2: I went to Da Lat. S1: How did you went there? S2: I went there by train. S1: What was the trip like? S2: It was nice Do the writing task Ss listen and learn to sing Do exercises. Date of preparing: 1/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to pronounce correctly the three-syllable words with the stress mark and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities * Warm up: sing the song at page 21 again 1.Listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to pay attention to the words in the boxes. - Have Ss learn to produce these words - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus. - Have Ss read in groups/ in pairs. 2. Listen and circle. Then say the sentences aloud - Have Ss look at part 2 (p. 22) and read the sentences.. - Play the recording 2 times for pupils to listen and circle the answer. - Play the recording again for pupils check their answers.. SS’ activities SS sing. - Listen and repeat.. - Read in groups./ in pairs.. SS read - Listen and tick the words they hear. Check their guess. Compare the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - Check and correct. 3. Let’s chant Ask SS to read the chant first. - play the tape and ask SS to listen to the rythem - Guide SS to chant 5. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words. answer with the partner. 1. 2 3 4 SS learn to chant Do exercises. Date of preparing: 1/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 3: Where did you go on holiday? Lesson 3: 4,5,6. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn more about a last holiday by doing a reading and a writing task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: - T asks SS to look at the chant at page 22 ( let’s chant) and chant. 2.Vocabulary - an airport: san bay - go back: tro lai - railway station: nha ga - take a train: bat mot chuyen tau * Checking vocab: ROR 3. Read and complete. T guides Ss how to do the exercise. -Ask students to read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given. Correct the pronunciation. Answerkey: 1.Island 2. by. 3.plane 4.badminton 4. Read and complete. -Ask students to read the text and answer the questions. Correct the pronunciation. *key: 1.It’s in the North of England 2. she went there by underground. 3. she went there by train 4. because she can enjoy the beautiful views on the way. 5. Yes, she did 5. Project. - Give SS questions to ask about the last trip 6. Color the stars 7. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words.. SS’ activities SS chant SS listen , repeat and copy down the words. SS play the game - Read the text individually and do the task. - Check in pairs. - One reports the answer. The rest of the class listen and give comments.. SS read SS write and report their answers Ss go round and ask their partners about the last trip - Colour the stars.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Do exercises Date of preparing: 1/ 10/ 2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 4: Did you go to the party? Lesson 1: 1,2. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about whether someone did something. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up. Chant the chant at page 22 again 2. Vocabulary. - go on a picnic : di da ngoai - enjoy: thich - funfair: hoi cho -party: bua tiec. * Checking vocab: Slap the board. 3. Look, listen and repeat Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture. Set the scene: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape - Asks SS to play the role of Mai and Phong to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4.Point and say. Model sentences: Did you go to the party? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. - T runs through the pictures Ask students to look at the book and work in pairs then practice. Call some pairs to act out Correct the pronuciation. 5. Homework: -Do exercises un the workbook. - prepare the new lesson.. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. Students’ activities SS chant Ss look , listen and repeat then copy down the words. SS Play the game. They are Mai and Nam, Phong They are talking about Nam’s birthday Read aloud Role lay. SS listen and repeat then copy the model sentences Repeat Practice with the partners SS act out SS do the homework. 2/10/2016. Unit 4: Did you go to the party? Lesson 1: 3,4,5. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering questions about whether someone did something by doing a listening and a writing test.. Aids: Textbook, cassette B.Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm up: Talking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> S1: Did you go on a holiday? S2: Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. S1: Did you enjoy your weekend? S2: Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. 2. Listen and Tick Yes/ No. - Ask Ss to read the sentences first and guess the answer . - Listen and match a name with a picture. T plays the cassette twice T checks the answer 3. Read and complete. - Ask SS to read the words given and the text. - Guide SS to do the task - Call two SS come to the board and write the answer. - T goes round and help if necessary - T checks the answer. - Ask SS to read the text again * Key: 1. Went 2. Festival 3.joined 4. Sports 5. enjoyed 4. Let’s sing. T plays the disc 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. SS talk in pairs. SS read in choral Ss listen and do the task then compare the answer with their partners. SS check the answers SS read Do the task - Compare the answer with a partner SS check the answer Ss read. SS listen for fun then sing along Do homework. 2 / 10 / 2016. Unit 4: Did you go to the party? Lesson 2: 1,2,3. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer about what someone did at the party. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Change these verbs in to past simple tense: Ss come to the board and write the - eat > ate - sing > sang words - dance > danced -Tell > told - have > had 2. Look, listen and repeat. Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture. Set the scene: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Tony and Quan - T plays the cassette They are talking Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape - Asks SS to play the role of Tony Listen to the tape.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> and Quan to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4. Point and say. - T runs through the cues Ex: S1: What did you do at the party? S2: we had nice food. - Calls some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class. 5. Let’s talk S1: Did you go to the zoo? S2: Yes, I did. S1: How was it? S2: It was wonderful. S1: What did you do there? S2: We saw a lot of animals 6. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again Date of preparing: 5/10/2016 Date of teaching. Play the role of Tony and Quan and talk. SS listen and read three times SS use substitution drill to ask and answer. - Pairs work. SS work in pairs, talking. Do exercises. Unit 4: Did you go to the party? Lesson 2: 4,5,6. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering about what someone did at the party and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Chatting S1: Did you go to the zoo? Ss work in pairs. S2: Yes, I did. S1: How was it? S2: It was wonderful. S1: What did you do there? S2: We saw a lot of animals 2.Listen and circle. T asks SS to read the sentences and Ss read guess the missing words, explains SS listen and do the task what SS are going to do. - Compare the answer with a - Play the cassette partner - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3. SS listen and check. 3.Write about you.. - Ask SS to ask and answer the questions in pairs first.. After talking ask SS to write the answer down. - T checks. SS talk: S1: Where were you yesterday? S2: I were at home. S1: What did you do there? S2: I watched TV. S1: Did you enjoy it?? S2: Yes, I did. Do the writing task. 4.Let’s play.. T guides SS how to play the game. SS play.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again Date of preparing: 5/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Do exercises. Unit 4: Did you go to the party? Lesson 3: 1,2,3. A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn more about stress mark and do a task on the stress mark. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities * Warm up: Mark the words stress - city country - pencil festival - picture holiday 1.Listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to pay attention to the words in the boxes. - Have Ss learn to produce these words - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus. - Have Ss read in groups/ in pairs. 2. Mark the word stress. Then say the words aloud - Have Ss look at part 2 (p. 28) and read . - T reads and asks SS to mark the word stress Key: 1 ‘water 2. ‘Party 3.en’joy 4. ‘Birthday 5. in’vite 6. ‘Monday 7. ‘comics 8. ‘Picnic 9car’toon 10. ‘Sunday 11. re’peat 12 comp’lete. Check and correct. 3. Let’s chant Ask SS to read the chant first. - play the tape and ask SS to listen to the rythem - Guide SS to chant 5. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words Date of preparing: 8/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. SS’ activities SS come to the board and do the exercise. - Listen and repeat.. - Read in groups./ in pairs.. SS read SS do the task. Compare the answer with the partner. 1. 2 3 4. SS learn to chant Do exercises. Unit 4: Did you go to the party? Lesson 3: 4,5,6. A.Aims.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn more about what people did at the party by doing a reading and a writing task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: - T asks SS to look at the chant at page 28 ( let’s chant) and chant. 2.Vocabulary - invite: moi - present: qua - fruit juice: nuoc ep trai cay - end: ket thuc * Checking vocab: ROR 3. Read and answer. T reads the text first - Call some SS to read aloud. T guides Ss how to do the exercise. -Ask students to read the text and answer the questions Correct the pronunciation. Answerkey: 1.It was last Sunday 2.His classmates 3.He played the guitar 4. Linda played the piano 4. Write about your birthday. -Ask students to ask and answer the questions in pairs, then copy the answers down. Correct the pronunciation. 5. Project. - Ask SS to read the requirement and discuss in group of 4 6. Color the stars 7. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words.. SS’ activities SS chant SS listen , repeat and copy down the words SS play the game. SS listen Other Ss look at their book and listen - Read the text individually and do the task. - Check in pairs. - One reports the answer. The rest of the class listen and give comments.. SS talk and then write SS discuss - Colour the stars Do exercises. Date of preparing: 24/ 9/ 2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 5:Where will you be this weekend ? Lesson 1: 1,2. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about where someone will be. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up. Chant the chant at page 28 again 2. Vocabulary. - in the countryside: o vung nong thon - on the beach: o bai bien - at school: o truong. Students’ activities SS chant Ss look , listen and repeat then copy down the words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - by the sea: o bai bien * Checking vocab: Slap the board. 3. Look, listen and repeat Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture. Set the scene: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape - Asks SS to play the role of Mai and Phong and Tony to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4.Point and say. Model sentences: Where will you be this weekend? I will be in the mountains. - T runs through the pictures Ask students to look at the book and work in pairs then practice. Call some pairs to act out Correct the pronuciation. 5. Homework: -Do exercises un the workbook. - prepare the new lesson. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. SS Play the game. They are Mai and Tony and Phong They are talking about their weekend Read aloud Role lay. SS listen and repeat then copy the model sentences Repeat Practice with the partners SS act out SS do the homework. 26/9/2016. Unit 5:Where will you be this weekend ? Lesson 1: 3,4,5. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering questions about where people will be by doing a listening and a writing test.. Aids: Textbook, cassette B.Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm up: Talking S1: Where will you be this weekend? SS talk in pairs S2: I will be in the mountains. 2. Listen and tick. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions: - Where is it? SS repeat in choral - What are they doing? - Listen and match a name with a Ss listen and do the task then compare picture. the answer with their partners. T plays the cassette twice SS check the answers T checks the answer 3. Read and match SS read - Ask SS to read the questions and the answers carefully. Do the task - Guide SS to do the task - Call two SS come to the board and - Compare the answer with a partner write the answer. SS check the answer - T goes round and help if necessary.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> - T checks the answer. - Ask SS to talk in pairs using the questions and the answers 4. Let’s sing. T plays the disc - Teach SS how to sing the song 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. Ss talk SS listen for fun then learn to sing the song Do homework. 26 / 9 / 2016. Unit 5:Where will you be this weekend ? Lesson 2: 1,2,3. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about what some one will do. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Ss listen and sing along Listen to the song at page 31 again 2. Vocabulay. - explore the caves: kham pha hang dong - build: xay SS listen, repeat and copy down - a sandcastle: lau dai cat the words. - around: xung quanh - take a boat trip:di thuyen Come to the board and rewrite. * Checking vocab: R O R 3. Look, listen and repeat. Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture.Set the scene: Tony and Mai - Who are they? They are talking - What are they doing? - T plays the cassette Listen to the tape Ask students to listen and repeat Play the role of Tony and Phong Listen and repeat after the tape -Asks SS to play the role of Tony and Mai to and talk. read. Call some pairs to read aloud SS listen and read three times 4. Point and say. - T runs through the cues SS use substitution drill to ask Ex: S1: What will you do at Ha Long bay? and answer. S2: I think I will explore some caves. - Pairs work - Calls some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class. 5. Let’s talk S1: Where will you be on your holiday? SS work in pairs, talking S2: I will be in Da Lat S1: What will you do there? S2: I will visit flower gargen. Do exercises 6. Homewok. Do exercises in the workbook. Read and write the new words again Date of preparing: 5/10/2016.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Date of teaching. Unit 5:Where will you be this weekend ? Lesson 2: 4,5,6. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering about what people will do and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Chatting S1: Where will you be on your Ss work in pairs. holiday? S2: I will be in Da Lat S1: What will you do there? S2: I will visit flower gargen. 2.Listen and number. T asks SS to look at the pictures and say what people will do, explains Ss answer what SS are going to do. SS listen and do the task - Play the cassette - Compare the answer with a partner SS listen and check - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3 4. 3.Write about you. - Ask SS to ask and answer the questions in pairs first.. After talking ask SS to write the answer down. - T checks. 4.Let’s play.. T guides SS how to play 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again. SS talk: S1: Where will you be tomorrow? S2: I will be at home . S1:What will you do? S2: I will watch TV, help my Mom. Do the writing task. Ss play the game Do exercises. Date of preparing: 4/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 5:Where will you be this weekend ? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn about the stress mark and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities * Warm up: T pronounces some words and asks SS to tell the stress mark 1.Listen and repeat.. SS’ activities Ss listen and put the stress mark.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> - Ask Ss to pay attention to the words in the boxes. - Have Ss learn to produce these words - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus. - Have Ss read in groups/ in pairs. 2. Listen and circle a or b . Then say the sentences aloud - Have Ss look at part 2 (p. 34) and read the sentences. - Play the recording twice for pupils to listen and circle the answer. - Play the recording again for pupils check their answers. - Check and correct. 3. Let’s chant Where will you be this weekend Ask SS to read the chant first. - play the tape and ask SS to listen to the rythem - Guide SS to chant 5. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words. - Listen and repeat.. - Read in groups./ in pairs.. SS read - Listen and tick the words they hear. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner. 1. 2 3 4. SS learn to chant. Do exercises. Date of preparing: 8/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 5:Where will you be this weekend ? Lesson 3: 4,5,6. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn more about what people will do by doing a reading and a writing task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: - T asks SS to look at the chant at page 22 ( let’s chant) and chant. 2.Vocabulary - sunbathe: tam nang - seafood: hai san - hope: hi vong * Checking vocab: ROR 3. Read and complete. - T reads T guides Ss how to do the exercise. -Ask students to read the text and fill in the chart .Correct the pronunciation. Morning Afternoon Evening Mai’s Will swim Will Will. SS’ activities SS chant SS listen , repeat and copy down the words SS play the game SS listen - SS repeat after the Teacher - Read the text individually and do the task. - Check in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> parents. in the sea. sunbathe. have dinner Will have dinner. Mai and Will build Will play her sandcastles badminto brother n 4.Write about you. -Ask students to read the guide lines, fill in the missing information themselves, then report their writing. - T gives comment 5. Project. - Give SS questions to ask about the last trip 6. Color the stars 7. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words. Date of preparing: 24/ 9/ 2016 Date of teaching:. - One reports the answer. The rest of the class listen and give comments.. SS write and report their answers Ss go round and ask their partners about the last trip - Colour the stars Do exercises. REVIEW 1. A. Aim By the end of the lesson SS will be able to revise all the knowledge they’ve learnt from unit 1 to unit 5. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure.. Teacher’s activities I.Listen and tick - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions: - Where is it? - What are they doing? - Listen and match a name with a picture. T plays the cassette twice T checks the answer II. Listen and number T asks SS to look at the pictures and say what people are doing , explains what SS are going to do. - Play the cassette - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3 4 II. Listen and tick Yes/ No Ask SS to read the sentences, listen to the disc and tick Yes/ No IV.Read and circle a or b 1b 2b 3a 4b 5a V. Write about you. Then tell the class Ask SS to answer the questions themselves and write the answers down. Students’ activities SS repeat in choral Ss listen and do the task then compare the answer with their partners. SS check the answers Ss answer SS listen and do the task - Compare the answer with a partner SS listen and check. SS listen and tick SS read and do the task SS write the answer then report to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> VI. Short story: Cat and mouse SS read the story and do the tasks below - T corrects. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. the class SS read and do the tasks. 26/9/2016. Unit 6: How many lessons do you have today? Lesson 1: 1,2. A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about lesson. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up. Chant the chant at page 28 again 2. Vocabulary. - in the countryside: o vung nong thon - on the beach: o bai bien - at school: o truong - by the sea: o bai bien * Checking vocab: Slap the board. 3. Look, listen and repeat Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture. Set the scene: - Who are they? - What are they doing? Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape - Asks SS to play the role of Mai and Phong and Tony to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4.Point and say. Model sentences: Where will you be this weekend? I will be in the mountains. - T runs through the pictures Ask students to look at the book and work in pairs then practice. Call some pairs to act out Correct the pronuciation. 5. Homework: -Do exercises un the workbook. - prepare the new lesson. Date of preparing: Date of teaching. Students’ activities SS chant Ss look , listen and repeat then copy down the words. SS Play the game. They are Mai and Tony and Phong They are talking about their weekend Read aloud Role lay. SS listen and repeat then copy the model sentences Repeat Practice with the partners SS act out SS do the homework. 26/9/2016. Unit 6:How many lessons do you have today? Lesson 1: 3,4,5. A.Aims.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering questions about where people will be by doing a listening and a writing test.. Aids: Textbook, cassette B.Procedure Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm up: Talking S1: Where will you be this weekend? SS talk in pairs S2: I will be in the mountains. 2. Listen and tick. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer the questions: - Where is it? SS repeat in choral - What are they doing? - Listen and match a name with a Ss listen and do the task then compare picture. the answer with their partners. T plays the cassette twice SS check the answers T checks the answer 3. Read and match SS read - Ask SS to read the questions and the answers carefully. Do the task - Guide SS to do the task - Call two SS come to the board and - Compare the answer with a partner write the answer. SS check the answer - T goes round and help if necessary - T checks the answer. - Ask SS to talk in pairs using the Ss talk questions and the answers 4. Let’s sing. T plays the disc SS listen for fun then learn to sing the - Teach SS how to sing the song song 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Do homework Read and write the new words again. Date of preparing: Date of teaching:. 26 / 9 / 2016. Unit 6:How many lessons do you have today? Lesson 2: 1,2,3. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to ask and answer questions about what some one will do. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Ss listen and sing along Listen to the song at page 31 again 2. Vocabulay. - explore the caves: kham pha hang dong - build: xay SS listen, repeat and copy down - a sandcastle: lau dai cat the words. - around: xung quanh - take a boat trip:di thuyen Come to the board and rewrite. * Checking vocab: R O R.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> 3. Look, listen and repeat. Ask students to look at the picture and describe the picture.Set the scene: - Who are they? - What are they doing? - T plays the cassette Ask students to listen and repeat Listen and repeat after the tape -Asks SS to play the role of Tony and Mai to read. Call some pairs to read aloud 4. Point and say. - T runs through the cues Ex: S1: What will you do at Ha Long bay? S2: I think I will explore some caves. - Calls some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class. 5. Let’s talk S1: Where will you be on your holiday? S2: I will be in Da Lat S1: What will you do there? S2: I will visit flower gargen. 6. Homewok. Do exercises in the workbook. Read and write the new words again Date of preparing: 5/10/2016 Date of teaching. Tony and Mai They are talking Listen to the tape Play the role of Tony and Phong and talk. SS listen and read three times SS use substitution drill to ask and answer. - Pairs work. SS work in pairs, talking Do exercises. Unit 6:How many lessons do you have today? Lesson 2: 4,5,6. A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to further practice in asking and answering about what people will do and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, cassette,tape. B. Procedure. Teacher’s activities SS’ activities 1.Warm up: Chatting S1: Where will you be on your Ss work in pairs. holiday? S2: I will be in Da Lat S1: What will you do there? S2: I will visit flower gargen. 2.Listen and number. T asks SS to look at the pictures and say what people will do, explains Ss answer what SS are going to do. SS listen and do the task - Play the cassette - Compare the answer with a partner SS listen and check - Play the cassette again and check the answer. * Key: 1 2 3 4. 3.Write about you. - Ask SS to ask and answer the questions in pairs first.. SS talk: S1: Where will you be tomorrow? S2: I will be at home . S1:What will you do? S2: I will watch TV, help my Mom..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> After talking ask SS to write the answer down. - T checks. 4.Let’s play.. T guides SS how to play 5. Homewok. Do exercises in th workbook. Read and write the new words again. Do the writing task. Ss play the game Do exercises. Date of preparing: 4/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 6:How many lessons do you have today? Lesson 3: 1,2,3 A.Aims. By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn about the stress mark and do a listening task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities * Warm up: T pronounces some words and asks SS to tell the stress mark 1.Listen and repeat. - Ask Ss to pay attention to the words in the boxes. - Have Ss learn to produce these words - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus. - Have Ss read in groups/ in pairs. 2. Listen and circlea or b . Then say the sentences aloud - Have Ss look at part 2 (p. 34) and read the sentences. - Play the recording twice for pupils to listen and circle the answer. - Play the recording again for pupils check their answers. - Check and correct. 3. Let’s chant Where will you be this weekend Ask SS to read the chant first. - play the tape and ask SS to listen to the rythem - Guide SS to chant 5. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words. SS’ activities Ss listen and put the stress mark. - Listen and repeat.. - Read in groups./ in pairs.. SS read - Listen and tick the words they hear. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner. 1. 2 3 4. SS learn to chant. Do exercises.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Date of preparing: 8/ 10/2016 Date of teaching:. Unit 6:How many lessons do you have today? Lesson 3: 4,5,6. A.Aims By the end of the lesson SS will be able to learn more about what people will do by doing a reading and a writing task. Aids: Textbook, tape, cassette. B.Procedure. Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: - T asks SS to look at the chant at page 22 ( let’s chant) and chant. 2.Vocabulary - sunbathe: tam nang - seafood: hai san - hope: hi vong * Checking vocab: ROR 3. Read and complete. - T reads T guides Ss how to do the exercise. -Ask students to read the text and fill in the chart .Correct the pronunciation. Morning Afternoon Evening Mai’s Will swim Will Will parents in the sea sunbathe have dinner Mai and Will build Will play Will her sandcastles badminto have brother n dinner 4.Write about you. -Ask students to read the guide lines, fill in the missing information themselves, then report their writing. - T gives comment 5. Project. - Give SS questions to ask about the last trip 6. Color the stars 7. Homework. - Do exercises in the workbook. - Learn the new words.. SS’ activities SS chant SS listen , repeat and copy down the words SS play the game SS listen - SS repeat after the Teacher - Read the text individually and do the task. - Check in pairs. - One reports the answer. The rest of the class listen and give comments.. SS write and report their answers Ss go round and ask their partners about the last trip - Colour the stars Do exercises.

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