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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 14/09/2015 Date of teaching: 14 – 19/09/2015. Week: 01 Period: 01 + 02. THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE,THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Review the present simple tense,The present continuous tense - Can do exercise exactly. II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 periods IV:Procedures in class : Teacher’s activities and Student’s activities I.Grammar:(4 minutes) 1.The present simple tense: - Ask Ss 3 questions: + How do you go to school today? + How do you usually go to school everyday? + Do you often get up early? - Ask students the ways of using the simple present and the adverbs of frequency” + When do we use this tense? + What adverbs of frequency does it go with?” + What are the positions of adverb of frequency in a sentence? - Ask students the ways of using the simple past. The content of the lesson I.Grammar:. 1.The present simple tense: *.Form : S + V1 / Ves / V s + …. S + don’t / doesn’t + V ( bare infinitive ) Do /does + S + V ( bare infinitive ) Ex : -He is a schoolboy . He usually goes to school by bycicle everyday but yesterday he went to school on foot . - Use: the present simple tense express habit, action in the present. -Note: - Listen and answer +Verb with the end: Ss, ch, sh, o, x, - I go to school by bicycle today. z → in the third personal we must - I usually go to school by bicycle add es - I always get up early. + The adverbs of - Discuss in pairs and answer the questions. frequency:always, usually, + We use the simple present when we say how normally, often, sometimes, never. often we do things. + Before ordinary verbs and after to + The adverbs of frequency:always, usually, be. normally, often, sometimes, never. a.Exercise 1: + Before ordinary verbs and after to be - Listen and copy down Use the right tense of the verbs in brackets. - Answer (below in page 5) a.Exercise 1: Key:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Explain the instruction - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 in pairs - Ask Ss to tell the answers. - Give feedback - Listen - Work in pairs - Give the answers 2. The present continuous tense: - Ask Ss to give the form and usage of the present continuous. - Ask Ss to write down the present continuous on BB. - Give check and correction. - Give form and usage of the present continuous. - Get correction. C.Exercise 2: Supply the correct verb forms: The simple present tense or the present continuous tense. - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs - Ask Ss to tell the answers. - Give feedback - Listen - Work in pairs. 1.Works. 2.Is. 3.Loves. 4.Listen. 5.Watches 6.Stay 7.Brush. 8.Plays. 9.Look 10.Gets 2. The present continuous tense: a. Form: - S+ is/am/are + V-ing+ O. - S+ is/am/are + not + V-ing + O. - is/am/are + S + V-ing+O? b. Usage: - We most often use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking (now, at the moment): Notes: +We often use time expressions such as: - Now, right now, at the moment = at the present time (vào lúc này) - At the time = at this time = at present (hiện nay) - Câu ra lệnh hay gây sự chú ý: Look!, Listen!, Be quiet! +Không dùng thì hiện tại tiếp diễn với các động từ chỉ tri giác: feel, see, smell, hear. Động từ chỉ trạng thái: know, understand, mean, like, prefer, love, hate, need, want, believe, remember, recognize, glance, think, realize, seem, forget… Với các động từ này ta dùng thì hiện tại đơn (Simple present). - Give the answers d.Exercise3: Supply the correct verb forms: C.Exercise 2: Present tenses: Supply the correct verb forms: The simple present tense or the - Give the exercises present continuous tense. - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. Key: - Let Ss do the exercise. 1. am doing/ think/ know - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. 2. buys.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Give check and correction. - Note down the exercise. - Read the exercise carefully. - Do the exercise - Write down on BB. - Get correction. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points - Take notes V.Homework : +Ask Ss to review again tense have learned. +Ask Ss to prepare The past simple tense,The past continuous tense - Do what T ask at home. 3. is 4. rains/ is raining 5. is cooking/ cooks 6. don’t listen 7. is having 8. don’t eat 9. is learning 10. are speaking d.Exercise3: Supply the correct verb forms: Present tenses: Answer: 1. think/ is knocking 2. circles 3. are working 4. flows 5. is crying III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework: + Review again tense have learned. + Prepare The past simple tense,The past continuous tense.. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 20/09/2015 Date of teaching: 21 – 26/09/2015. Week: 02 Period: 03 + 04. THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE,THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - review the past simple and past continuous. - master the point of grammar by doing exercises. II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 periods IV:Procedures in class :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Teacher’s activities. The content of the lesson. Student’s activities I.Warm-up: (5 minutes). I.Warm-up: Give some examples of Past progressive. -Ask ss to give some examples of Past progressive -Call on some Ss to write answers -Correct - Introduce new lesson. +Ex:. -Give some examples of Past progressive - Give answers -Take notes II.Grammar:(4 minutes) 1. The past simple tense. - Ask Ss to give the form and usage of the past simple. - Ask Ss to write down the past simple on BB. - Give check and correction. - Give the form of the past perfect. - Speak out the form and the usage of the past perfect tense. a. Exercise 1: - Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction. - Note down the exercise. - Read the exercise carefully. - Do the exercise - Write down on BB. - Get correction. 2. The past continuous tense.. 1.What were you doing at 2 pm yesterday? 2.When I came yesterday,He was sleeping 3.He was always ringing me up II.Grammar 1. The past simple tense. a. Form: - S + V(ed, cot 2)+ O - S+ did+ not + V(inf) + O - Did + S + V(inf)? b. Usage: We use the past simple tense to denote an action happened and finished in the past with no relating to the present. a. Exercise 1: Give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets in past simple. Key: 1.rained 2.went 3.arrived 4.died 5.leaf 6.did-work 7.went 8.did 2. The past continuous tense. a. Form: - S+ was/were + V-ing+ O. - S+ was/were+ not + V-ing + O. - Was/were + S + V-ing+O? b. Usage: - We most often use the past continuous to denote an action.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Ask Ss to give the form and usage of the present continuous. - Ask Ss to write down the present continuous on BB. - Give check and correction. - Give form and usage of the present continuous. - Get correction. d.Exercise 2: - Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction - Note down the exercise. - Read the exercise carefully. - Do the exercise - Write down on BB. - Get correction. c. Exercise 3: - Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction. - Note down the exercise. - Read the exercise carefully. - Do the exercise - Write down on BB. - Get correction. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points - Take notes V.Homework : -Ask Ss to review again tense have learned. -Ask Ss toprepare the present perfect and present progressive - Do what T ask at home. happening at specific time in the past. c.* Dấu hiệu nhận biết -At the time = at this time = at that time = at the moment + thời gian ở quá khứ -All last week = during last week (trong suốt tuần) + thời gian ở quá khứ -The whole of….(toàn bộ) + thời gian ở quá khứ d.Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of verb in brackets. Key: 1. was sleeping 2. were passing 3. looked 4. were 5. were not flying 6. were flying c. Exercise 3: Put the verb in the correct tenses: Key: 1. arrived/was talking/started 2. was lying/rang/stopped 3. was/left/was falling 4. came/seemed/enjoyed 5. saw/was standing/had III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework: + Review again tense have learned. + Prepare the present perfect and present progressive.. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 27/09/2015 Date of teaching: 28/09 – 03/10/2015. Week: 03 Period: 05 + 06. REPORTED SPEECH (p1) I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - review reported speechwith statements,questions and imperative - master the point of grammar by doing exercises. II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n IV:Procedures in class : Teacher’s & students’ activities I. Revision - Ask Ss to give the types of reported speech. - Ask Ss to write down it on BB. - Give check and correction.. Content I. Revision 1.Reported statements(tường thuật dạng câu kể) S+say(s)/said+(that) +S+V *says/say to+Otells/tell+O said to+Otold+O Eg:He said to me”I haven’t finished my work”He told me he hadn’t finished his work. 2.Reported questions:(Tường thuật dạng câu hỏi) a.Yes/No questions: S+asked +if/weather+S+V Eg .”Are you angry?”he askedHe asked if/whether I was angry. (Chuyển câu hỏi ở câu trực tiếp sang dạng khẳng định rồi thực hiện thay đổi thì,trạng từ chỉ thời gian,nơi chốn,chủ ngữ,tân ngữ...) b.Wh-questions: S+asked(+O)+Whwords+S+V. *says/say to+Oasks/ask+O said to+Oasked+O. Eg.”What are you talking about?”said the teacher. The teacher asked us what we were talking about. 3.Reported commands.(Tường thuật câu mệnh lệnh).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Ask Ss to give the rules of reported speech. - Ask Ss to write down them on BB. - Give check and correction.. II. Practice a.Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentences - Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the. *Khẳng định:S+told+O+to-infinitive. Eg.”Please wait for me here,Mary.”Tom saidTom told Mary to wait for him there. *Phủ định:S+told+O+not to-infinitive. Eg.”Don’t talk in class”,the teacher said to us.-->The teacher told us not to talk in class. *Reporting verbs: -agree,decide,offer,promise,refuse...+to-infinitive advise,ask,encourage,invite,remind,tell,want,warn...+O+to infinitive -admit(thừa nhận),deny(phủ nhận),stop,suggest...+-ing form) 4. Rule: a.- Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề giới thiệu được dùng ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc tương lai đơn, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp vẫn không thay đổi b.Khi câu nói trực tiếp thể hiện một chân lý hoặc một hành động lặp lại thường xuyên, thì của động từ trong câu gián tiếp vẫn không thay đổi Tenses: Present - past Present perfect -past perfect Past---past perfect Will/shall would/should; musthad to. *Các trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn cũng như đại từ chỉ định được thay đổi theo quy tắc sau: today that day tonightthat night tomorrowthe next day/the following day thisthat yesterdaythe day before/the previous day thesethose agobefore nowthen herethere. next Sundaythe next/following Sunday LastTuesdaythe previous Tuesday/the Tuesday before. a.Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentences in reported speech: Key: 1.he said that they were going to attend a very important meeting on Sunday 2. he said he had bought her a diamond ring. 3. he said he was the happiest man in the world. 4. he said he loved her very much. 5. he said he had sent her a valentine card..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction.. 6. he said that he had fallen in love with a beautiful girl. 7. he said he was going the following week. 8. he said they would see you the next day. 9. she said she had come back from the U.S.A three weeks before. 10.They said they had got home late the tnight befere. 11.He said that the weather was very hot that day. 12.She said that he didn’t know what to do. 13.He told her he had something to show her 14.They told me they would build a new house for Mr.Clark. 15.She told the man that he didn’t give her quite enough money. b.Exercise2Change b.Exercise2Change these sentences from direct to indirect these sentences speech: from direct to Keys: indirect speech: 1- She asked me to stop talking. 2- The father asked Lan not to go to bed late and get up - Ask Ss to do the early . Exercise 2 3- The teacher asked his pupils to do their exercise then. 4- Richard asked John to read his paper and tell him if it was - Ask Ss go to BB correct. and write down the 5- John told me not to believe everything she said. answers. 6- Tom asked Mary to close her book and do that exercise. 7- Nam ordered me to give him my money. - Give check and 8- They asked Tom to turn to the left. correction. 9- The teacher asked the students to write their names at the top of their paper and answer that question. 10- The teacher told the students not to be late the next day. III.Wrapping III.Wrapping - Summarize the main points Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 04/10/2015 Date of teaching: 05 – 10/10/2015. Week: 04 Period: 07 + 08. REPORTED SPEECH(period 2).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Understand clearly the use the reported speed with gerund and to infinitive - Can do exercise exactly. II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n IV:Procedures in class : Teacher’s& students’ activities I.Grammar:(10 min) * Presentation1 :. The content of the lesson. I.Grammar:(10 minutes) * Presentation1 : Reported speech with infinitive: Câu gián tiếp với động từ nguyên thể có To - Review the form and Form: the usage Verb + Object + to – infinitive clause -Call on some Ss to give Câu gián tiếp với động từ nguyên thể có to được dùng để nói form and examples về những sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ khi tường thuật lại -Write Ss’ answers on đề nghị, yêu cầu, dự định, lời hứa, chỉ dẫn. the board. Eg: “You should take the job Frank” → She encouraged -Explain again. Frank to take the job. Những động từ khác có cùng cấu trúc: Advise, ask, instruct, expect, invite, order, persuade, reummend, remind, request, tell, warn. Câu mệnh lệnh trong câu tường thuật: -Said to---told -ta thêm to trước động từu trong ngoặc và bỏ dấu ngoặc Eg: His father said to him “ go to school on time” → His father told him to go to school on time. Negative commends (câu mệnh lệnh phủ định): Don’t → not to Eg: She said to him “don’t go out the rain” → She told hom not to go out the rain Request (câu yêu cầu) Please ta bỏ khi chuyển sang câu tường thuật. Eg: She said to him “please don’t take my book” → She asked him not to take her book Trường hợp yêu cầu dùng can, could, will, would ta cũng bỏ Ex: “will you open the window, please” → He told me I should help my mother at home. II.Practise: a.Exercise 1: - Ask Ss to do the Exercise 1.. II.Practise: a.Exercise 1 :Hãy đổi những câu sau sang lời tường thuật. Answer: 1.She told her son to swith off the television. 2.She told them not to watch latenight horror movies..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - Ask Ss go to BB and 3.the secratery told him to fill up that form. write down the answers. 4.He told them not to make too much noise. - Give check and 5.He told him not to put his briefcase on her desk. correction. b.Exercise 2: LỚP CHỌN. b,Exercise 2: Hãy sắp xếp lại những từ sau đây thành câu yêu cầu hoàn chỉnh. Answer: - Ask Ss to do the 1.Please wait for me a few munites. Exercise 2. 2.Please send this massage to my sister - Ask Ss go to BB and 3.Please don’t take my English book write down the answers. 4.Please don’t put your briefcase my desk. - Give check and correction. * Presentation2 : * Presentation2 : Reported speech with Reported speech with gerunds: gerunds: - Khi lời nói gián tiếp là lời đề nghị, chúc mừng, cảm ơn, xin * Presentation1 : lỗi ….động từ tường thuật cùng với danh động từ theo sau nó thường dùng để truyền tải nội dung lời nói trên. ►Form: - Review the form and 1. S + V + gerund. the usage - Verbs: admit, deny, recommend, regret, suggest, ect. -Call on some Ss to give - Eg: Direct: She said to me, “I broke the vase of flowers”. form and examples --> Indirect: She admitted breaking the vase of flowers. -Write Ss’ answers on 2. S + V + preposition + gerund. the board. - Verbs: apologize (to sb) for…, dream o….f, insist on…., -Explain again. object to…., ect. - Eg: Direct: She said to me, “I’m sorry. I broke the vase of flowers.” --> Indirect: She apologized (to me) for breaking the vase of flowers. 3. S + V + O + preposition + gerund. - Verbs: accuse…..…of, blame….for, congratulate…. …..on, prevent…....from, thank…….for, warn ..…against, ect - Eg: Direct: Mary told Peter, “It was your fault. You didn’t tell me the truth”. --> Indirect: Mary blamed Peter for not telling her the truth. II.Practise: c.Exercise 3:. II.Practise: c.Exercise 3:Change direct speech into reported speech, begin each of your sentence in the way shown - Ask Ss to do the Answer: Exercise 3. 1.John insisted on driving Linda to the airport. - Ask Ss go to BB and 2.Jim congratulated me on passing the final exams write down the answers. 3.Miss White thanked Peter for inviting her to the dinner..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - Give check and correction. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework : -Ask Ss to review again grammar have learned. -Ask Ss to prepare the next part.. 4.I warned Jacj against playing with the matches 5.Margaret apologises for not phoning me earlier 6.Paul has always dreamed of being/becoming a pilot 7.The mother accused her son of not doing what she(had)said. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework: + Review again grammar have learned. + Prepare the next part. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 11/10/2015 Date of teaching: 12 – 17/10/2015. Week: 05 Period: 09 +10. PASSIVE VOICE I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - review structures and the use of passive voice - master the point of grammar by doing exercises. II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n IV:Procedures in class : Teacher’s & Students’ activities I. Revision - Ask Ss to give example. - Ask Ss to change the sentences into passive voice. - Give check and correction.. The content of the lesson I. Revision 1. Example - They built the bridge two years ago. The bridge was built two years ago 2. Form - S +be + V (pII) + By O. - Chủ ngữ (chủ từ) trong câu chủ động sẽ làm tân ngữ (túc từ) trong câu bị động. - Tân ngữ trong câu chủ động sẽ làm chủ ngữ trong câu bị động. - Động từ thường trong câu chủ động luôn luôn ở trạng thái quá khứ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Ask Ss to give the form and usage.. - Ask Ss to give the passive voice of some tenses.. a.Exercise 1: -Give ex 1 and. phân từ (Past Participle-PP) trong câu bị động. - Trong câu bị động thì động từ “to be” luôn được sử dụng, tùy thuộc câu bị động đang ở thì nào, chúng ta sử dụng động từ “to be” theo dạng đúng của nó. 3. The passive voice of some tenses a) Thì hiện tại đơn (Simple Present): S + be (am/is/are) + PP +... Ex: He likes chickens. -> Chickens are liked. b) Thì quá khứ đơn (Past Simple): S + was/were + PP +... Ex: The storm destroyed the city last night. -> The city was destroyed by the storm last night. c) Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous): S + be (am/is/are) + being + PP +... Ex: He is reading a book. -> A book is being read (by him). d) Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (Past Continuous): S + was/were + being + PP +... Ex: They were listening to music. -> Music was being listened to (by them). 4) Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present Perfect): S + have/has + been + PP +... Ex: They have studied English for two months. -> English has been studied (by them) for two months. 5) Thì quá khứ hoàn thành (Past Perfect): S + had + been + PP +... Ex: They had done the exercises. -> The exercises had been done (by them). 6) Modals: S + can/could/should/may/...+ be + PP +... 7) Thì tương lai đơn (Simple Future): S + will/shall + be + PP +... Ex: They will cut the grass tomorrow. -> The grass will be cut (by them) tomorrow. 8) Thì tương lai tiếp diễn (Future Continuous): S + will/shall + be + being + PP +... Ex: She will be helping you when you come here tomorrow. -> You will be being helped (by her) when you come here tomorrow. 9) Thì tương lai hoàn thành (Future Perfect): S + will/shall + have + been + PP +... Ex: They will have finished the course by the end of this month. -> The course will have been finished by the end of this month. a.Exercise 1: Change these sentences into Passive voice 1. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures. …………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> ask ss to read carefully then do them. - Ask Ss to tell the answers. - Give feedback. B.Exercise 2 - Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction.. 2. I’ll go by train and my friend will meet me at the station. …………………………………………… 3. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday. …………………………………………… 4. The teacher is going to explain this problem to us . …………………………………………… 5. How much did they pay you ? …………………………………………… Expected answer 1. The window was broken and some pictures were taken away by the boys. 2. I’ll go by train and will be met at the station by my friend. 3. A notice about the trip was put up on the notice board yesterday. 4. This problem is going to be explained to us by the teacher. 5. How much were you paid ? 6. The suspects are being followed by the police. B.Exercise 2 Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D to complete each sentence. 1. Tam said that many roads were .................. in Danang city. A. been built B. being built C. building D. been building 2. We ................ by a noisy row outside during the night. A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up 3. All planes ............. before they take off. A. will chec B. will has checked C. will be checked D. will been checked 4. Harvard University, which ............ in 1639, is one of the oldest universities in the United States of America. A. found B. founded C. was found D. was founded 5. This room ...... since the last time I ... here. A. has been painted / was B. painted / have been C. had been painted / was D. has painted / was Expected answer 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> cExercises 3. cExercises 3:lớp chọn Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting. Expected answer. -- Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction. III. Wrapping: III. Wrapping: - Summarize the - Summarize the main points main points V.Homework : V.Homework: +Ask Ss to review again reported speech + Prepare the next lesson. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C. + Review again reported speech + Prepare the next lesson. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 18/10/2015 Date of teaching: 19 – 24/10/2015. Week: 06 Period: 11 +12. THE CONDITIONAL SENTENCE I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: -Review again clearly the use of Conditional in reported speech II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n IV:Procedures in class : Teacher’s & Student’s activities. The content of the lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> I- Warm up:. -Leads the lesson.. I- Warm up:Fill the verbs in the blank in the conditional sentence type: 1.If I don’t go out so much.I…(do)more homework. 2.If you …(ewercise) more,you would feel better. 3.If we had gone by bike .we…(not/get) carsick. +Key: 1.If I don’t go out so much.I will do more homework. 2.If you exercised more,you would feel better. 3.If we had gone by bike .we would not got carsick.. II-Grammar:. II- Grammar:. -Give example on the B.D and ask ss to do. -Call on some ss to give answers on the B.D. Conditional sentences Reviews 3 types of conditional sentences: -Ask the question.  Type 1: -Leading to the example  Example: and write it on the How do you feel if you get good marks? board. - If I get good marks, I will feel very happy.  Form: If clause: -Explain the form and If clause Main clause meaning. will S+V S + can + V  Meaning: This type of sentence implies that the action in the if-clause is quite probable.  Type 2: a. Form: - Explain If clause Main clause - Show the form and usage.. - Explains. S + V2ED. S + would +V could. b. Usage: -Type 2 refers to the present and past tense in the if-clause is not a true past but a subjunctive, which indicates unreality or improbability. c. Example: She doesn’t buy a car. She doesn’t have much money. - If she had much money, she would buy a car.  Type 3: a. Form: If clause Main clause would S + had + S+ should +have 3 V ED + V3ED could.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> - Shows the form and usage. III- Practise:. b. Usage: - It states that the action in the if-clause was unreal and didn’t happen in the past time. c. Example:  If I had had time, I would have seen the film. III- Practise:. a. Exercise 1:. a. Exercise 1:Put the verbs in brackets into suitable tenses(page 40) Key: -Give Ex 1 and ask Ss to 1.have / will write 2.Is / will go put the verbs in brackets 3.Buy / will drive 4.want / will go into suitable tenses 5.have / will buy 6.will drive 7.have / will write 8.don’t keep / will wake -Go around to give help 9.don’t go / will be 10.do / will feel 11.don’t understand. -Call on some Ss to give answers on the B.D -Call other Ss to correct. -Correct by giving key. b. Exercise 2: -Give Ex 2 and ask Ss to put the verbs in brackets into the conditional sentence type -Go around to give help -Call on some Ss to give answers on the B.D -Call other Ss to correct. -Correct by giving key. c. Exercise 3,4,5,6,7:. b. Exercise 2: Put the verbs in brackets into the conditional sentence type I:(page 40) KEY: 1. Wouldn’t have 2. Got up 3. had 4. sold 5. had 6. bought 7. were 8. would be 9. didn’t live 10.won. c. Exercise 3:Put the verbs in brackets into suitable tenses(below) -ask Ss to put the verbs KEY: in brackets into suitable 1. Would be tenses 2. Sacked -Call on some Ss to give 3. Told answers on the B.D 4. didn’t agree 5. would say -Call other Ss to correct. 6. would lend 7. would type.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> -Correct by giving key. IV- Homework: -Ask ss to learn the lesson -Tell Ss to prepare Sthe next lesson. 8. would attend 9. had 10.would you do IV- Homework:(1’) - Learn the lesson - Prepare Sthe next lesson. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Date of preparing: 25/10/2015 Date of teaching: 26 – 31/10/2015. Week: 07 Period: 13 +14. RELATIVE CLAUSES I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Understand clearly the use the Defining & non-defining relative clauses, Relative Pronouns with prepositions - Can do exercise about the relative clauses II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 period IV:Proceduresinclass:. Teacher’s & Students’ activities I.Warm-up:(5 mis) -Give 2 examples about Defining & non-defining relative clauses -Explaint - Introduce new lesson II.Grammar:(4 mins) 1.Defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses. The content of the lesson I.Warm-up : Give some examples of Defining & nondefining relative clauses +Ex: 1.The driver who caused the accident is being questioned by the police. 2.This famous paiting,which was painted in 1921,is worth millions of dollars. II.Grammar: 1.Defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses a. Defining relative clauses. Subje Object posses ct sive a. Defining relative clauses For Who/t Who(m Whos perso hat )/that e - T asks Ss to give some n Whic Which/ Whos relative pronouns they’ve For h/that that e/ of learnt. thing which Ex 1: Elephants who marry mice are very unusual. -Give examples and explaint Ex 2: My friend John, who went to the same school as me, has just written a best-selling novel. -Ask ss to give use,notes Ex 3: Let's go to a country where the sun always shines. Ex 4: Elephants, which are large and grey, can sometimes be found in zoos Ex5: The students who/that come from Japan work very hard +Use:Được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đứng trước nó,tức là làm chức năng định ngữ.Nó là mệnh đề cần thiết cho ý nghĩa của câu. +Note: -MĐQHXĐ thường đứng sau: “the +N”.Ngoài ra nó còn được.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> a.Exercise 1: -Give exercise -Check some pairs and give suggested answers:. dùng sau mạo từ “a,an +N or Ns” không có “the” và những đại từ như “all none, anybody, somebody…. -“that” thường theo sau các từ như:something, anything, everything, nothing, all trong so sánh bậc nhất. Ex: Is there anything that we must pay attention to? a.Exercise 1: Join the sentences, using “who”, “that” or “which” Key: 1.The man who talked to you last night is a computer expert 2.The school which/ that was destroyed in the fire hasn’t been rebuilt yet 3.The farmer who has never been on the internet is afraid of computers 4.The film which/ that I saw last year is very interesting 5.I went to see the doctor who told me to rest for a few days 6.Felipe bought the camera which/ that has three lenses. 2.Non- defining relative clauses. 2.Non- defining relative clauses. Subje ct Who Whic h. Object. possess ive - T asks Ss to give some For Who(m Whose person ) Whose/ relative pronouns they’ve For Which of learnt. thing which -Give examples and explaint -MĐQHKXĐ được dùng để bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ được đề cập đến trong câu.Nó cho ta biết thông tin thêm về một -Ask ss to give use,notes người,về sự việc,một hiện tượng nào đó được biểu hiện ở danh từ mà nó bổ nghĩa do vậy nó không quan trọng trong câu và có thể lược bỏ.Nó được tách ra khỏi MĐ chính bằng dấu phẩy. -Trong MĐQHKXĐ ta không dùng “that” thay thế cho “who,whom,which”. -ta không được bỏ ĐTQH ngay cả khi nó là tân ngữ. - MĐQHKXĐ có thể được mở đầu các cụm từ: all of, many of+đtqh All Some Etheir None of of of… of Each Neith One, Most of of er of two... of Man Much A y of of few of Đtqh “which” đứng đầu đtqh không xãs định có thể được dùng để chỉ toàn bộ thông tin trong phần trước của câu..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> b.Exercise 2:. b.Exercise 2: Join the sentence, using “who, whom, whose or which” Key:. -Ask Ss to do ex. 1.I’ll be staying with Ann, whose mother is one of the best singers in - Go around and give help if this city necessary 2.Michael Wood, whom you met - Ask some Ss to write the last year,is visiting us for a few answer on the board days next week 3.We are moving to Paris, which is - Conduct correction very famous - Give feedback 4.Fouts, who taught Math,has studied the behavior of the animals 5.Bill, who lent me some money,is a good doctor 6.Oxford, which is often crowded in the summer,attracts many tourists c.Exercise 3: c.Exercise 3: Choose the best answer -Ask Ss to do ex Key: - Go around and give help if 1.whom 2.whose necessary 3.who 4.which - Ask some Ss to write the 5.which 6.whose answer on the board - Conduct correction 7.which 8.whom - Give feedback 3.Relative Pronouns with prepositions: * Introduction: The man is living near your house.I talked to him on the phone last night. -Explaint and ask ss to give form. -Give examples and ask ss to do it. -Give notes. 3.Relative Pronouns with prepositions: The man whom I talked to on the phone last night is living near your house The man to whom I talked on the phone last night is preposition living near your house. * Form: preposition + pronoun *Examples: 1. The man to whom he is talking is Tom’s teacher. 2. The song to which you’re listening is by Tran Tien *Notes: -whom / who, which và that có thể được sử dụng như là tân ngữ của một giới từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ. -whom / who, which và that có thể được lược bỏ đi.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> -Trong cách dùng Tiếng Anh trang trọng, giới từ được đặt đầu mệnh đề quan hệ (hay đại từ quan hệ) như ở ví dụ 1d và 2d. Giới từ chỉ đứng trước whom hoặc which mà không đứng trước that hoặc who; đại từ whom, which lúc này không thể lượt bỏ. d.Exercise 4: - Ask students to do Exercise - Introduce how to do it - Let them work in pairs - Walk round, check and give mark. d.Exercise 4: Sentence combination using preposition + WHOM or WHICH Key: 1. The man to whom I talked yesterday was very kind. 2. The man about whom I told you works in the hospital 3. The woman about whom I am telling you teaches me English 4. The movie about which they are talking is fantastic 5. The picture at which she was looking was beautiful 6. I'll give you the address to which you should write. e.Exercise 5: - Ask Ss to do exercise . - Give enough time for Ss to do it. - Call on Ss to read the sentences aloud . Others listen and give comments. III. Wrapping:. e.Exercise 5: Circle the best answer for each sentence. Answer: 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.C. - Summarize the main points. - Summarize the main points. III. Wrapping:. IV.Homework : IV.Homework: +Ask Ss to review again parts have learned. + review again parts have learned. +Ask Ss to prepare the next + Prepare the next part. part Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 01/11/2015 Date of teaching: 02 – 07/11/2015. Week: 08 Period: 15 +16.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Understand clearly the relative clauses replaced by participles and to inf and omission of relative pronouns. - Can do exercise about the relative clauses II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n. IV:Proceduresinclass:: Teacher’s activities. &. Students’. I.Grammar:(4 minutes) A.Relative clauses replaced by participles and to infinitives 1.Relative clauses replaced by present participles - Show a picture of a girl playing with a dog and tell Ss: She is Lan's sister. What is she doing ?-She is playing with her dog Eliciting question: who can combine these sentences into one ? -Write on the board: - Ask Ss to look at the examples carefully. Elicit the rules from a Ss -Write the notes on the board a. Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences , using a present participle phrase - Ask students to do Exercise 1 - Introduce how to do it - Let them work in pairs - Walk round, check and give mark 2.Relative clauses replaced by past. The content of the lesson I.Grammar: A.Relative clauses replaced by participles 1.Relative clauses replaced by present participles Ex: Combine these sentences into one a.She is Lan's sister. She is playing with her dog * The girl who is playing with the dog is Lan's sister. The girl playing with the dog is Lan's sister b.The man spoke to Jonh.he is my brother * The man spoke to Jonh.he is my brother The Man speaking to Jonh is my brother *.Note: - We can use a prentenr participle to replace a relative clause which has an active meaning (V-ing phrase). a. Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences , using a present participle phrase Answer: 1.The boy playing the piano is Ben . 2.Do you know the woman coming toward us? 3.The people waiting for the bus …. 4.The scientist researching the causes of …. 5. The fence surrounding our house …. 6.We have an apartment overlooking the park. 2.Relative clauses replaced by past participles Ex:The picture which was draw by a blind has won the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> participles Show the second picture and tell Ss: The picture has won the first prize. It was drawn by a blind Ask Ss to combine the two sentences into one - Elicit the rules from Ss Write the notes on the board b. Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences , using a past participle phrase - Ask students to do Exercise 2 - Introduce how to do it - Let them work in pairs - Walk round, check and give mark. first prize The picture drawn by a blind has won the first prize Note: - We can use a past particple to replace a relative clause which has a passive meaning. II. Relative clauses replaced by to infinitives Ask Ss: Have Ss ask that question in another way - Ask Ss to look at the examples careflly - Elicit the rules from Ss - Write the notes on the board. II. Relative clauses replaced by to infinitives +.Ex: write question in another way a.Which was the first country which won the world cup? b. The last person who leaves will have to turn out the lights Key a Which was the first coutry to win the world cup ? b. The last person to leave will have to turn out the lights Notes: - We can use a to- infinitive to replace a relative clause - We often use a to - infinitive after an ordinal number ( first, second ...) after next and last, after, only, and after superlative adjectives c. Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences , using an infinitive phrase Answer: 1.John was the last man to reach the top …. 2. The last person to leave the room must ….. 3. The first person to see is Mr. Smith . 4……the second person to be killed in that way. 5.The first person to catch the ball. c. Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences , using an infinitive phrase - Ask students to do Exercise 3 - Introduce how to do it - Let them work in pairs - Walk round, check and give mark. b. Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences , using a past participle phrase Answer: 1.The ideas presented in that book are interesting . 2. …a city located in the southern part of the country 3. …a house built in 1890. 4.The photographs published in the newspaper.. 5. The experiment conducted at the University of …. 6. ….a hospital sponsored by the government.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> III.Omission of relative pronouns - Ask Ss to give the form and usage of relative clause. d. Exercise 4: - Give the exercises - Ask Ss to read the exercise carefully. - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction.. IV. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework : +Ask Ss to do the task again in their notebooks +Ask Ss to prepare the next part. III.Omission of relative pronouns Defining relative clauses  Khi đại từ quan. Non-defining relative clauses  Khi đại từ quan. hệ làm tân ngữ. hệ làm tân ngữ. (túc từ: whom,. (túc từ: : whom,. which, that) ®. which) ® ta. ta có thể lược. không có thể. bỏ).. lược bỏ).. _ The flight (which / that) I wanted to travel on was fully booked.. _ John, whom you met yesterday, is a good professor..  Chú ý: Khi đại từ quan hệ là chủ ngữ (® ta không thể lược bỏ _ The man who / that met you yesterday is my father _ Bill, who met you yesterday, is my father. d. Exercise 4: Tick the sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted. Answer key: 1-v 2- He works for a company that's makes cars. 3-v 4- The table that was broken has now been repaired. 5-v 6-v IV. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework: + Do the task again in their notebooks +prepare the next part. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 08/11/2015 Date of teaching: 09 – 14/11/2015. Week: 09 Period: 17 +18. Period: 15 +16. REVISION I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: -Review Vocabularies of from unit1 to 5 and Grammar of from unit1 to 5. -Do some exercises from 1 to 5 II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 period IV:Proceduresinclass: +T:- Gives Exercises - Ask Ss to do the Exercises - Ask Ss go to BB and write down the answers. - Give check and correction. +Ss:- Work individually - Do the exercises - Go to BB and write down the answers - Take notes and write down. Exercises a.Rewrite the following sentences, using the present participial phrase _ Do you know the man who is talking to Mary? ® Do you know the man talking to Mary? 1. Do you know the woman who is coming toward us? ____________________________________________________________ 2. The teacher who was explaining the lesson is Mr. Bill. ____________________________________________________________ 3. The student who is singing is John. ____________________________________________________________ 4. The man who spoke to Mai is my brother. ____________________________________________________________ 5. I like the diamond ring which is wearing by Mary..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> b.Rewrite the following sentences, using the past participial phrase _ I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country. ® I come from a city located in the southern part of the country. 1. The singer who was asked a lot of questions was famous. ___________________________________________________________ 2. She lives in a house that was built in 1998. ___________________________________________________________ 3. The book which was written by Mary is awful. ___________________________________________________________ 4. The dictionary which was bought yesterday is expensive. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… c.Rewrite the following sentences, using an infinitive phrase _ Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space. ® Yuri Gagarin was the man to fly into space. 1. John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain. ___________________________________________________________ 2. The last student who left the class was Jane. ___________________________________________________________ 3. The best place that we can visit is London. ___________________________________________________________ 4. The second applicant who was interviewed was Janet. ___________________________________________________________ 5. The last person who leaves the room must turn off the light.  d. Choose the best answer: 1. He was the only ……………………..that was offered the job. A. apply B. application C. applicant D. applying 2. We will be sitting for our final examination in the last week …………………..May. A. in B. on C. for D. of 3. These are requirements …………………..those who want to become a pharmacist. A. of B. for C. in D. about 4. In state schools, students have to follow a national ……………………specified by the Ministry of Education and Training. A. curriculum B. program C. subject D. compulsory 5. Sue got bored with her job and decided to ……………………….it up. A. bring B. catch C. give D. keep 6. The new library was built in the centre of the ………………………… A. application B. campus C. creativity D. accommodation 7. That’s the …………………story I’ve ever heard. A. scare B. scary C. scariest D. scarier 8. The new car goes at an ………………….speed. A. amazing B. amaze C. amazed D. amazes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> e.PRONUNCIATION:Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group.Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C,or D. 1. A. played B. cleaned C. snowed D. brushed 2. A. increased B. asked C. decided D. impressed 3. A. laughed B. closed C. filled D. studied 4. A. pushed B. watched C. leaned D. danced 5. A. cried B. combed C. pulled D. walked 6. A. emptied B. washed C. rained D. whispered Key 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 15/11/2015 Date of teaching: 16 – 21/11/2015. Week: 10 Period: 19 +20. CLAUSES I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Understand clearly the clauses of time,clauses of concession,clauses of result,clauses of purpose - Can do exercise II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 period IV:Proceduresinclass:. Teacher’s & Students’ activities I.Grammar:(10 minutes) * Presentation1 : - Ask Ss to revise “ in spite of and because of”. The content of the lesson I.Grammar:(10 minutes) * Presentation1 : - “ Because of” and” In spite of” - Because of show the cause. + In spite of: show the confession..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - Ask Ss to give the usage and some examples.. a.Mary looks happy. She has just get good marks -> Because of b.He is very wealthy. He is not happy  Inspite of Ex: Because of the cold weather we kept the fire burning all day. - In spite of the cold weather we all were shorts. - Because of her happiness, she shouted loudly. - Inspite of his parents’ permission, he went out with his friends. +form: Because of/due In spite of to/on account of /despite +noun/noun +noun/noun phrase phrase +Note1: -Because:bắt đầu cho mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ lý do. Because/As/Since+clause(S+V+O) -Ex1: -Give notes use of I came go to school late because it rained heavily. “because” and “Although” -Ex2: -Give form and ex to He ran away from home since he was badly treated explain them. -Ex3: She gave up the job as the salary was low. +Note2: -Although:mở đầu cho mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ sự nhượng bộ. Although/though/even though/even if+clause(S+V+O) +Ex:Although she was ill,she tried to go to school regularly. II.Practise: II.Practise: a.Exercise 1: a.Exercise 1: Complete the sentence with “although; in spite of; because or because of”.Answer: - Ask Ss to do the Exercise 1.although 1. 2.a.in spite of b.although - Ask Ss go to BB and 3.a.because b.although write down the answers. 4. because 5. in spite of - Give check and 6. because 7. although correction. 8. because of 9. although 10. because of b.Exercise 2: b.Exercise 2 : Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. - Ask Ss to do the Exercise Answer: 2. 1.Despite living on the same street,we hardly ever see each.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> - Ask Ss go to BB and write down the answers. - Give check and correction.. other 2.Although his foot was injured,he managed to walk to the nearest town 3.Although it was raining heavyly, We went out 4.In spite of taking a taxi,Bill still arrived late for the concert. 5.In spite her accountant,she never seems to have any money 6.Because of (her) being seriously ill/her serious illness,She didn’t go to school 7.Because the climate is warm and wet,Rice grows well here 8.Because he was old to continue,he gave up his job 9.Because the weather was bad,the football match had to be called off 10.Because he was good behaviour,everybody likes him C.Exercise 3 . Combine C.Exercise 3 . Combine the following sentences, using the following sentences, because. using because Key 1. I stayed at home because it rained heavily. - Ask Ss to do the Exercise 2. He couldn’t buy that house because. He didn’t have 3. enough money. - Ask Ss go to BB and 3. She couldn’t go to work because she was ill. write down the answers. 4. I missed the flight because I didn’t hurry. - Give check and 5. I quit smoking because cigarettes are bad for health. correction. D.Exercise 4 :Rewrite D.Exercise 4 :Rewrite the following sentences using the following sentences because of instead of because. using because of instead Key of because. 1. He didn’t understand the lesson because of his absence from class. - Ask Ss to do the Exercise 2. He was pusnish because of his laziness. 4. 3. Because of his poverty, he couldn’t go to college. - Ask Ss go to BB and 4. Because of his kindness, everybody likes them. write down the answers. 5. We couldn’t go camping yesterday because of the - Give check and weather. correction. E.Exercise 5:Fill in the E.Exercise 5:Fill in the blanks with because or because blanks with because or of. because of. Key 1. Because of - Ask Ss to do the Exercise 3. Because 5. 5. Because - Ask Ss go to BB and 7. Because of write down the answers. 9. Because. 2. Because of 4. Because of 6. Because 8. Because 10. Because of..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> - Give check and correction. F.Exercise 6:Change clauses of concession to phrases. F.Exercise 6:Change clauses of concession to phrases Key 1. She didn’t eat much in spit of being hungry/ her being hungry. - Ask Ss to do the Exercise 2. Despite being good af maths / his being goad at math. 6. He couldn’t solve the problem. - Ask Ss go to BB and 3. In spite of being over sixty / his age, Mr Pike doesn’t write down the answers. wear glasses. - Give check and 4. Despite having much experience in machinery, he correction …………………… 5. In spite of the darkness, they …… 6. In spite of the noise I …………………… 7. Despite the heavy rain, I ........................... 8. … in spite of the fog ……………………… 9. ……………… in spite of their greeness. 10. In spite of the difficult test / the difficulty of the test. 11. Despite of his strength / his being strong, I’m ……………………. 12. In spite of his poverty / his being poor everybody. 13. Despite the bad weather, the plane ……… 14. In spite of the red traffic lights / the tuming red of the traffic lights. 15. In spite of his hard life at that time, he … 16. Despite the narrow streets,many people … 17. Despite his good English, he ………… 18. Despite having got an English name / his English name, he …………………... 19. In spite of his difficulties, he ………… 20. In spite of the bad weather, we ……… 21. In spite of not having finished the paper, he …............................. 22. Despite not feeling alert, she ………… 23. Despite his mother’s having told him not to, the child ……………………… 24. In spite of disliking it / her dis liking flying, Mary ……………………… * Presentation 2: * Presentation 2: Adverbial clauses of concession: Adverbial clauses of (al)though/ even though: concession: (al)though/ 1. Presentation: even though: Ex:Although it rains, Nam goes to school. We decided to go even though it was late. -Elicit the structure She had promised to come, he didn’t though. Form: although.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 2. Practice: a.Exercise 1 -Ask Sts to work individually, and then compare their answers - Ask Ss go to BB and write down the answers. - Give check and correction. b.Exercise 2: Complete the sentences -Ask Sts to work in pairs - Ask Ss go to BB and write down the answers. -Correct. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework : -Ask Ss to review again grammar have learned. -Ask Ss to prepare the part:Prepositions/phrasal verbs.. though + Clause even though Meaning: mặc dù Usage: dùng trong câu phức chỉ ý nghĩa nhượng boä. Although, though, even though có thể đứng ở vị trí đầu hoặc cuối trong câu phức. 2. Practice: a.Exercise 1 (Sts’ book – Page 82) Answer keys: 1. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation. 2. Although we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong. 3. Even though/ Although the doctor has advised him to quit, Bob (still) smokes 20 cigarettes a day. 4. Although it was cold and rainy, we managed to go to class in time. 5. Although Luong has studied English only for six months, he can speak English very well. 6. I didn’t go to bed early although I was really sleepy. b.Exercise 2: Complete the sentences (Noughts and Crosses) (Sts’ book – Pages 82-83) Answer keys: 1. Although I was very tired 2. Although I had never seen her before 3. although it was pretty cold 4. although we don’t like them very much 5. Although I didn’t speak the language 6. Although the heat was on 7. although I’d met her twice before 8. although we have known each other for a long time. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points V.Homework: + Review again grammar have learned. + Prepare: Prepositions/phrasal verbs.. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 22/11/2015 Date of teaching: 23 – 28/11/2015. Week: 11 Period: 21 +22. PREPOSITIONS I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Understand clearly the prepositions after verbs,prepositions after adjectives,prepositions after nouns……. - Can do exercise II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 period IV:Proceduresinclass: Teacher’s & Students’ activities I- Warm up: -Ask Ss to give some prepositions have learnt -Write Ss’ answers on the board. -Leads the new lesson. II-Grammar: 1. Prepositions: - Give the definition of preposition.. The content of the lesson I- Warm up:Give some prepositions -at/in/on/from/with/into/because of/out of/within/before/after/during/since/till/near/between/along/about/ without/in order to……………. II- Grammar: 1. Prepositions: Định nghĩa, vị trí và chức năng của giới từ 1. Định nghĩa: – Giới từ là từ dùng để nối danh từ hay đại từ với từ đứng trước nó. 2. Vị trí: – Giới từ thường đặt trước danh từ hoặc đại từ. Ví dụ: She went to school at the age of six He usually visits me on Sundays. – Giới từ cũng có thể đứng sau động từ (trừ sau “but” và “except”) và động từ phải để ở dạng V-ing. Ví dụ: They succeeded in escaping. – Trong những trường hợp dưới đây (dùng đại từ quan hệ), giới từ có thể đặt trước đại từ hoặc đặt ở cuối câu:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> To whom were you talking to? Who were you talking to? The people with whom I was travelling The people I was travelling with – Giới từ có thể là một từ riêng lẻ như: at, after, before, during, until, in, on, to,by,... – Giới từ cũng có thể là một cụm từ như: in spite of, on account of, in front of, for the sake of…. Notes: -Give notes. 3. Chức năng của giới từ:. Notes: -lược bỏ “to” và “for” trước tân ngữ gián tiếp. So sánh 2 câu dưới đây. I gave the book to Tom. I gave Tom the book. → Tân ngữ gián tiếp có thể đặt trước và giới từ “to” bị lược bỏ. → Chúng ta có thể sử dụng cấu trúc này với các động từ sau: bring, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, pay, promise, send, show, sing, take… I showed the map to Bill = I showed Bill the map They sent $5 to Mr Smith = They sent Mr Smith $5. → Tương tự, chúng ta cũng có thể lược bỏ “for”. Cấu trúc này có thể được sử dụng với các động từ sau: build, buy, cook, fetch, find, get, keep, leave, make, order… I’ll get a drink for you = I’ll get you a drink I bought a book for James = I bought James a book.. 3. Chức năng của giới từ: Giới từ kết hợp với danh từ (hoặc đại từ) để tạo thành một cụm từ. Cụm từ đó có thể là: – Ngữ trạng từ (bổ nghĩa cho một động từ): -explain by giving I looked through the window. examples She spoke in a low voice. He will go there on Friday. – Ngữ tính từ (bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ): The house with the big garden is Mr Nam’s. I don’t like the sound of a jet engine. 4.Phân loại giới từ 4.Phân loại giới từ a. Prepositions of a. Prepositions of time: at, on, in time: at, on, in Ex: at 10:30, at 5:00 o’clock +“at” is used in idioms -Elicit the structure -at night, at noon…. -Explain by giving - at that moment/time example. -at the same time -at the end of +on” is used before days -On Monday/On Tuesday/On Wednesday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 1. Exercise 1:. …. +“on” is also used in idioms(thành ngữ) th On 10 october On Easter day On new year day On time…. *.We use “in” before months, years, century… -In January, In February, In March -In1999, In 2008 st -In 21 century + “in” is also used in idioms Ex: in the day, in the night, in the morning, in time, in summer, in the past…. *.Prepositions are used with some verbs Believe in, insist on, warn about, consist of, prevent from, congratulate on, look after, die of, apologise for, look forward to, think of/ about, make of/ from…. *.Prepositions are used with some adjectives. Interested in, afraid of, tired of, ashamed of, successful in, similar to, different from good at, famous for… b– Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn: in, on, at, above, under, below… Ví dụ: They arrived in Spain. You can do this sort of work at home. She put the letter under her pillow. We camped beside a lake. b– Giới từ chỉ nguyên nhân: for, from, by, on, of… The streets are lighted by mistakes. Thank you very much for your help. He trembled from fear. He died of tuberculosis many years ago. d– Giới từ chỉ mục đích: for, to, at… What do you want the paper for? I’ve sent a letter to you. e– Giới từ chỉ thể cách: by, with, … We can learn English by listening to the radio. She cut the bread with a sharp knife. f– Giới từ chỉ phương tiện: by, in… He goes to school by bus. She goes to work in her own car. g– Giới từ chỉ sự tương quan: by, next to, on, under, below… They live below us. Tom is in front of Mary. My house is next to a cinema. 1. Exercise 1:Full in the corect prepositions:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> Key: - Tell Ss to do the 1.by exercise and 4.for compare the results 7.on with their partners. 10.on - Check the answers with the class. 2. Exercise 2:. 2.for 5.in 8.in 11.at. 3.in 6.at 9.in/at/in. 2. Exercise 2: :Choosing the appropriate prepositions: KEY: 1.on 2.of 3.on 4.at 5.to 6.in 7.about 8.for 9.between 10.to. -Give Ex 2 and ask Ss to choos the appropriate prepositions -Go around to give help -Call on some Ss to give answers on the B.D -Call other Ss to correct. -Correct by giving key. 3. Exercise 3: 3. Exercise 3: Underline the correct answer. Underline the Expected answer correct answer. 1. to 6. to 11.in 2. for 7.of 12. in - Give the exercises 3. at 8. to 13.with - Ask Ss to read the 4. about 9.in 14.from exercise carefully. 5. from 10.at 15.in - Let Ss do the exercise. - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB. - Give check and correction. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points IV- Homework: -Ask ss to learn the lesson. III. Wrapping: - Summarize the main points IV- Homework: - Learn the lesson - Prepare the next lesson.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> -Tell Ss to prepare the next lesson Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 29/11/2015 Date of teaching: 30/11 – 04/12/2015. Week: 12 Period: 23 +24. ARTICLES I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - review the articles. - master the point of grammar by doing exercises. II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 period IV:Proceduresinclass:. Teacher’s & Students’ activities I. Practice. Content. I. Practice A. Definition - Give the 1. Mạo từ bất định definition and 1/ A đứng trước một phụ âm hoặc một nguyên âm có âm là phụ usage of articles. âm. Ví dụ: - a game (một trò chơi); a boat (một chiếc tàu thủy) 2/ An đứng trước một nguyên âm hoặc một hcâm. Ví dụ: - Give the exercises - an egg (một quả trứng);an ant (một con kiến) - Ask Ss to read the 3/ An cũng đứng trước các mẫu tự đặc biệt đọc như một nguyên exercise carefully. âm. - Let Ss do the Ví dụ: exercise. - an SOS (một tín hiệu cấp cứu); an MSc (một thạc sĩ khoa học), . an X-ray (một tia X) 4/ A/An có hình thức giống nhau ở tất cả các giống. Ví dụ: - a tiger (một con cọp);a tigress (một con cọp cái).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB.. Cách dùng mạo từ bất định 1/ Trước một danh từ số ít đếm được. Ví dụ: - We need a microcomputer (Chúng tôi cần một máy vi tính) - He eats an ice-cream (Anh ta ăn một cây kem) 2/ Trước một danh từ làm bổ túc từ (kể cả danh từ chỉ nghề nghiệp) Ví dụ: - It was a tempest(Đó là một trận bão dữ dội) - She'll be a musician (Cô ta sẽ là một nhạc sĩ) - Peter is an actor (Peter là một diễn viên) 3/Trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định Ví dụ: - a lot (nhiều); a couple (một cặp/đôi); a third (một phần ba) - a dozen (một tá); a hundred (một trăm); a quarter (một phần t). - Give check and correction. Không dùng mạo từ bất định 1/ Trước danh từ số nhiều A/An không có hình thức số nhiều. Vì vậy, số nhiều của a cat là cats và của an apple là apples . 2/ Trước danh từ không đếm được Ví dụ: - He gave us good advice (Ông ta cho chúng tôi những lời khuyên hay) - I write on paper (Tôi ghi trên giấy 3/ Trước tên gọi các bữa ăn, trừ phi có tính từ đứng trước các tên gọi đó Ví dụ: - They have lunch at eleven (họ dùng cơm trưa lúc 11 giờ) - You gave me an appetizing dinner (bạn đã cho tôi một bữa ăn tối thật ngon miệng).. 2. Hình thức của Mạo từ xác định "the"(Definite Article) The dùng cho cả danh từ đếm được (số ít lẫn số nhiều) và danh từ không đếm được. Ví dụ: - The truth (sự thật) - The time (thời gian) - The bicycle (một chiếc xe đạp) - The bicycles (những chiếc xe đạp) Dùng mạo từ xác định - Ask Ss go to BB 1/ Khi vật thể hay nhóm vật thể là duy nhất hoặc được xem and write down the là duy nhất answers. Ví dụ:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> - The sun (mặt trời); the sea (biển cả) - The world (thế giới); the earth (quả đất). - Give check and correction. 2/ Trước một danh từ, với điều kiện danh từ này vừa mới được đề cập trước đó. Ví dụ: - I saw a beggar.The beggar looked curiously at me. (Tôi thấy một người ăn xin. Người ăn xin ấy nhìn tôi với vẻ tò mò) 3/ Trước một danh từ, với điều kiện danh từ này được xác định bằng một cụm từ hoặc một mệnh đề. Ví dụ: - The girl in uniform (Cô gái mặc đồng phục) - The mechanic that I met (Người thợ máy mà tôi đã gặp) - The place where I waited for him (Nơi mà tôi đợi anh ta) 4/ Trước một danh từ chỉ một vật riêng biệt Ví dụ: - My father is working in the garden - (Cha tôi đang làm việc trong vườn) [Vườn nhà tôi] - Please pass the dictionary (Làm ơn đa quyển tự điển) [Tự điển ở trên bàn]. - Give the exercises 5/ Trước so sánh cực cấp, Trước first (thứ nhất), second (thứ nhì), only (duy nhất).... khi các từ này được dùng như tính từ hay đại từ. Ví dụ: - The first day (ngày đầu tiên) - The best time (thời gian thuận tiện nhất) - The only way (cách duy nhất) - The first to discover this accident (người đầu tiên phát hiện tai nạn này) 6/ The + Danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật Ví dụ: - The whale is in danger of becoming extinct (Cá voi đang trong nguy cơ tuyệt chủng) - The fast food has made life easier for housewives.(Thức ăn nhanh đã làm cho các bà nội trợ có cuộc sống dễ dàng hơn) - Ask Ss to read the 7/ The có thể dùng Trước một thành viên của một nhóm exercise carefully. người nhất định Ví dụ: - The small shopkeeper is finding business increasingly difficult (Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ thấy việc buôn bán ngày càng khó khăn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 8/ The + Danh từ số ítdùng Trước một động từ số ít. Đại từ là He / She /It Ví dụ: - The first-class passenger pays more so that he enjoys some comfort. (Hành khách đi vé hạng nhất trả tiền nhiều hơn để hưởng tiện nghi thoải mái) - Let Ss do the exercise.. 9/ The + Tính từtượng trưng cho một nhóm người Ví dụ: -The old (người già); the rich and the poor (người giàu và người nghèo) 10/ The dùng Trước những danh từ riêng chỉ biển, sông, quần đảo, dãy núi, tên gọi số nhiều của các nước, sa mạc, miền Ví dụ: - The Pacific (Thái Bình Dương);The Netherlands (Hà Lan) - The Crimea (Vùng Crimê); The Alps (dãy Alps). - Ask Ss write down the answer on BB.. .. - Give check and correction. 11/ The cũng đứng Trước những tên gọi gồm Danh từ + of + danh từ Ví dụ: - The Gulf of Mexico (Vịnh Mêhicô) - The United States of America (Hiệp chủng quốc Hoa Kỳ). Nhưng người ta lại nói: - South Africa (Nam Phi), North America (Bắc Mỹ), West Germany (Tây Đức),mặc dù The north of Spain (Bắc Tây Ban Nha), The Middle East (Trung Đông); The West (Tây Phương) 12 The + họ (ở số nhiều)nghĩa là Gia đình ... Ví dụ:The Smiths = Gia đình Smith (vợ chồng Smith và các con) IV.Wrapping - Summarize the main points V. Homework - Prepare for next part.. Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 05/12/2015 Date of teaching: 06 – 11/12/2015. Week: 13 Period: 25 +26. VOCABULARIES PRONOUCIATIONS AND SOME OTHER GRAMMAR STRUCTURES I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able: - Review about “ed” , “s” ending and stress - Can do exercise about the comparisons II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n/3 period IV:Proceduresinclass: +T:-Review pronunciation –s / ed and stress - Gives Exercises - Ask Ss to do the Exercises - Ask Ss go to BB and write down the answers. - Give check and correction. +Ss:-Give the way of the pronunciation –s / ed - Work individually - Do the exercises - Go to BB and write down the answers - Take notes and write down 1. PRONUNCIATION: * Cách phát âm của –s / -es - Có 3 cách phát âm –s hoặc –es tận cùng. * đọc thành âm /s/ với những từ có âm cuối là / p, f, k, t, θ / * đọc thành âm /iz/ với những từ có âm cuối là / s, z, ∫, t∫, dƷ/ * đọc thành âm /z/ với những trường hợp còn lại - Examples: * /s/: maps, books, hats, coughs, laughs, photographs …. * /iz/: buses, watches, roses, washes, boxes….. * /z/: bells, eyes, plays …. Exercises 1:Tick(v) the sound for each letter s/es in bold in the following words: TT 0. /s/ Results Parents. v. /z/. /iz.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Biologists Families Works Chores Feelings Alice’s Solutions Rushes Does George’s motorbikes Key. TT 0. Results v Parents v Biologists v Families Works v Chores Feelings Alice’s Solutions Rushes Does George’s motorbikes v 2. Cách phát âm –ed:. /s/. /z/. /iz. v v v v v v v v. - Có 3 cách phát âm –ed tận cùng. * đọc thành âm /id/ với những từ có âm cuối là / t, d / * đọc thành âm /t/ với những từ có âm cuối là /p, f, k, s, ∫, t∫, θ / * đọc thành âm /d/ với những trường hợp còn lại - Examples: * /id/: wanted, needed, prevented, confided …. * /t/: looked, stopped, laughed, coughed, sacrificed….. * /d/: played, seemed, planned……. 3.* Trọng âm của những từ có hai âm tiết: - Trọng âm chỉ được đặt trên từ gốc. Phần được thêm vào (tiếp đầu ngữ hay tiếp vĩ ngữ) không được tính là vần/âm tiết. 1. Danh từ và tính từ: - Trọng âm được đặt ở vần đầu Ex: ‘table, ‘happy, ‘lucky, ‘weather…… - Một số danh từ có trọng âm ở từ gốc Ex: de’sign, be’lief, ac’cept, de’mand………...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> - Danh từ tận cùng –OO hay –OON: trọng âm đặt trên vần này Ex: after’noon, bam’boo, bal’loon…….. 2. Động từ: - động từ tận cùng bằng –OW, -EN, -Y, -EL, -LE, -ISH: trọng âm ở vần thứ nhất Ex: ‘follow, ‘finish, ‘carry, ‘suffer, ‘harden, ‘answer……… - động từ tận cùng bằng –ATE: trọng âm đặt ở vần hai Ex: trans’late, cre’ate…….. Exercises 1. a. generation b. marriage c. value d. belief 2. a. police b. spirit c. banquet d. culture 3. a. determine b. maintain c. sacrifice d. apologize 4. a. scary b. dissolve c. expand d. reform 5. a. manage b. recognize c. argue d. discriminate 6. a. offer b. listen c. precede d. follow 7. a. support b. fascinate c. accept d. believe 8. a. inform b. appeal c. attempt d. hesitate 9. a. endanger b. compose c. flourish d. delight 10.a. stimulate b. subtract c. announce d. maintain Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC. Date of preparing: 12/12/2015 Date of teaching: 13 – 18/12/2015. Week: 14 Period: 27 +28. REVISION I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson,Ss will be to: -Review about Stress,Prepositions,Articles,Passive voice(all forms) -Do some exercises about them II.Materials: Workbook,other exercises. III.Time : 135 m.n IV:Procedures in class : +T:-Review pronunciation stress - Gives Exercises - Ask Ss to do the Exercises - Ask Ss go to BB and write down the answers. - Give check and correction..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> +Ss: - Work individually - Do the exercises - Go to BB and write down the answers - Take notes and write down 1.TRỌNG ÂM CỦA NHỮNG TỪ CÓ BA ÂM TIẾT TRỞ LÊN - Âm tiết liền trước các hậu tố -ical, -ual, -ian, -ical, -ity, -graphy, -ics, -logy thường nhận trọng âm Ex: eco’nomic, uni’versity, poli’tician, soci’ology, mathe’matics - Trọng âm đặt ở âm thứ 2 trước các hậu tố -ize, -ary Ex: ‘modernize, ‘dictionary, i’maginary Note: TRỌNG ÂM CỦA NHỮNG TỪ CÓ BA ÂM TIẾT - Những từ có hậu tố là: -ade, -ee, -ese, -ette, -ique, -eer, -ain thì trọng âm chính rơi vào ngay âm tiết đó Ex: lemo’nade, ciga’rette, Vietna’mese, … - Âm tiết liền trước các hậu tố -tion, thường nhận trọng âm Ex:, trans’lation - Từ tận cùng bằng –ate thường đặt ở âm thứ 3 tính từ cuối Ex: ‘generate, cer’tificate, cong’ratulate Exercises 1. A. hit B. sting C. bite D. ship 2. A. increased B. asked C. decided D. impressed 3. A. summer B. include C. instruction D. compulsory 4. A. chemistry B. machine C. mechanic D. orchestra 5. A. question B. celebration C. education D. collection 6. A. decide B. combine C. apply D. happen 7. A. enlarge B. flower C. provide D. complete 8. A. discussion B. assistant C. character D. expensive 9. A. biology B. mathematic C. geography D. gymnastic 10. A. example B. attention C. appropriate D. communication PRONUNCIATION 1. A. healthy B. grocery C. nearby D. energy 2. A. finished B. played C. preferred D. freed 3. A. mount B. country C. ground D. found 4. A. washed B. advised C. promised D. talked 5. A. good B. book C. foot D. school 6. A. entertain B. endanger C. engage D. encourage 7. A. engineering B. popularity C. information D. experience 8. A. religious B. compulsory C. convenient D. comfortable 9. A. equality B. difficulty C. discovery D. simplicity 10. A. fashionable B. possibility C. Vietnamese D. electrician Change these sentences into Passive voice.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 1. The boys broke the window and took away some pictures. ………………………………………………………………………… 2. I’ll go by train and my friend will meet me at the station. ………………………………………………………………………… 3. We put up a notice about the trip on the notice board yesterday. ……………………………………………………………………… 4. The teacher is going to explain this problem to us . ………………………………………………………………………… 5. How much did they pay you ? ……………………………………………………………………… Comments: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… DUYỆT CỦA TỔ CHUYÊN MÔN. TRƯƠNG VĂN CHỨC.

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