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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of planning: 04/10/2016. Week: 6. Date of teaching: 10-14/10/2016. Period 21 st. Unit 4 : Did you go to the party? Lesson 2: (1,2,3) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -. Ask and answer questions about party. -. Develop Ss’ speaking and reading skills. II. Language focus: Pattern: Did you ………………? – Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. Past simple: regular verbs, irregular verbs Voc.: had nice food and drink, played hide-and-seek, chatted with friends, watched cartoons III. Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, projector … III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities A. Warm-up:. Content. - Sing the song B. Presentation:. What did you do on Teachers’ Day?. * Vocabulary:. Vocabulary. - T follows the steps of presenting new. - had nice food and drink. words.. - played hide-and-seek. - Ss follow T’s instructions. - chatted with friends - watched cartoons. * Dialogue:. 1. Look, listen and repeat:. - Tell the class that they are going to read a. What are their names? What are they talking. story in which Quan and Peter are talking. about? Did Peter go to Mai’s birthday party?. about Mai’s last birthday party.. What did Peter do at the party?. - Have Ss look at the pictures and check their comprehension by pointing at the pictures and eliciting the questions - Play the recording for Ss to listen to the story, pointing to the pictures. - Play it again for Ss to repeat each line..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> C. Practice:. 2. Point and say. - Tell the class that they are going to practise. Have – had, play – played, chat – chatted,. asking and answering questions about. watch – watched. activities in the past.. a. We had nice food and drink.. - Review the past simple forms of the verbs. b. We played hide-and-seek.. have, play, chat and watch. c. We chatted with friends.. - Ss practise saying the sentences. d. We watched cartoons.. - Point at each picture and ask: What did you do at the party? for the class to answer. a. had nice food and drink. - Ss work in pairs. T monitors the activity. S1: What did you do at the party?. and offer help, if necessary.. S2: We had nice food and drink.. - Some pairs ask and answer infront of the class. - T gives feedback. D. Production:. 3. Let’s talk:. - T asks some pairs to stand up and practice. S1: Did you ……………….?. speaking basing on their real information. S2: Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.. - Other Ss observe and say their comments. S1: How was it? S2: It was ………. S1: What did you do there? S2: I/ We ………………….. E. Homelink: - T tells the homework and Ss take notes. - Learn new words and practice the structures. Date of planning: 04/10/2016. Week: 6. Date of teaching: 10-14/10/2016. Period 22 nd. Unit 4 : Did you go to the party? Lesson 2: (4,5,6) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -. Ask and answer questions about party. -. Write about someone’s last holiday and practice singing. II. Language focus: Pattern: Did you ………………? – Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Past simple: regular verbs, irregular verbs Voc.: had nice food and drink, played hide-and-seek, chatted with friends, watched cartoons III. Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, projector, CD … III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities A. Warm-up:. Content Have – had, play – played, chat – chatted,. - Play “Slap the board” B. Presentation:. watch – watched S1: Did you ……………….?. * Dialogue:. S2: Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.. - Some pairs ask and answer about their. S1: How was it?. hometown. S2: It was ……….. - T corrects pronunciation. S1: What did you do there?. C. Practice:. S2: I/ We …………………. 4. Listen and circle a or b:. - T shows the gap-fill on and guides . - T elicits the dialogue, play the CD several. Key:. times. 1. a. - Ss listen and number the pictures. 2. b. - 4 Ss go to the board and write the answers. 3. b. - Others give comments - Have Ss read the instruction. 5. Write about you:. - T asks Ss to do the task in 5 minutes. T. 1. Where were you yesterday?. goes round for help if necessary. 2. What did you do there?. - 2 Ss write on the board. 3. Did you enjoy it?. - Correct mistakes - T emphasizes some main points - Do choral and individual repetition D. Production:. 6. Let’s play. - T guides Ss to play. Tic-tac-toe. - Ss listen and play the game E. Homelink:. - Learn new words and practice the. - T tells the homework and Ss take notes. structures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Date of planning: 04/10/2016. Week: 6. Date of teaching: 10-14/10/2016. Period 23 rd. Unit 4 : Did you go to the party? Lesson 3: (1,2,3) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -. Listen and repeat words, listen and circle. -. Do the chant “Where did you go?”. -. Develop Ss’ reading and listening skills. II. Language focus: Pattern: Did you ………………? – Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. Past simple: regular verbs, irregular verbs Voc.: had nice food and drink, played hide-and-seek, chatted with friends, watched cartoons III. Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, projector … III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities A. Warm-up:. Content. - Play a game B. Presentation:. Bingo. - T recalls vocabulary. 1. Listen and repeat:. - Ss follow T’s instruction. ‘party. - T shows the words and models the stress - Ask Ss to repeat the words. I went to Mai’s birthday ‘party yesterday.. ‘Sunday They took part in the festival on ‘Sunday. en’joyed We en’joyed the food and drink at the party. in’vite I want to in’vite Tony and Phong to my birthday party.. C. Practice:. 2. Mark the words stress. Then say the. - T shows the gap-fill on and guides .. words aloud:. - T elicits the sentences, play the CD several. Key:. times. 1. ‘water. 2. ‘party. 3. en’joy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Ss listen and fill the gaps by circling. 4. ‘birthday 5. in’vite. 6. ‘Monday. - 3 Ss go to the board and circle the answers. 7. ‘comics. 9. car’toon. - Others give comments. 10. ‘Sunday 11. re’peat. - Practice reading D. Production:. 3. Let’s chant:. - T shows the chant on the board, plays the. 8. ‘picnic. 12. com’plete. When was your birthday?. CD 3 times and guides Ss how to do the chant sentence by sentence - Ss follow T’s instruction - The whole class practice - Some Ss do chanting in front of the class E. Homelink: - T tells the homework and Ss take notes. - Practice reading the words and the chant - Do exercise in Work book.. Date of planning: 04/10/2016. Week: 6. Date of teaching: 10-14/10/2016. Period 24 th. Unit 4 : Did you go to the party? Lesson 3: (4,5,6) I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -. Read and answer about one’s party. -. Review the lesson. -. Develop Ss’ reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: Pattern: Did you ………………? – Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. Past simple: regular verbs, irregular verbs Voc.: had nice food and drink, played hide-and-seek, chatted with friends, watched cartoons III. Teaching aids: Pictures, textbook, projector … III. Procedure: Teacher’s and Ss’ activities A. Warm-up:. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> - Do the chant B. Presentation:. When was your birthday?. - T teaches some key words in the text - Ss follow T’s instruction and take notes - Check vocabualary C. Practice:. 4. Read and answer:. - T explains the task and gives some clues. Answer key:. - Ss work in pairs to answer the questions. 1. It was last Sunday.. - T goes round for help. 2. Some of his classmates went to the. - Ss write on the board - T and other Ss give comments. party 3. He played the guitar. 4. She played the piano.. - T explains the task and gives some clues - Ss work individually to write about their. 5. Write about your birthday party: 1.. birthday party - T goes round for help. last birthday party? 2.. - 2 Ss write on the board - T and other Ss give comments. When was your Who went to the party?. 3.. What did you and your friends do at the party?. D. Production:. 6. Project:. - T explains the the task. Discuss in groups what present to give a. - Ss go round and discuss with their friends. classmate for his/ her birthday. E. Homelink:. - Do task 7 page 29: colour the stars to. - T tells the homework and Ss take notes. evaluate your skills - Practice reading and writing at home - Do exercise in Work book..

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