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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 3 - Tuần 10

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>WEEK 10 Period 37 Date of preparing: 06/ 11/ 2021. Date of teaching: 10/ 11/ 2021 (3C) 10/ 11/ 2021 (3D) 09/ 11/ 2021 (3E). Unit 7: That’s my school. Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, 6 I. Objectives 1. Knowledge - After the lesson, the student will be able to talk about school facilities. - Vocabulary and sentence patterns: Review 2. Skills - Developing listening, reading and speaking skill(s). 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Love their school and keep their school clean - To know some school facilities.Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends. II. Teaching- aids 1. Teacher’s aids: Lesson plan, PPT slides, software, Laptop, Ss’ book. 2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook III. Methods - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV. Procedure Teacher and Ss’s activitives Contents 1. Warm up and Review (5’) *Activity: Lucky Numbers - T devides Ss into 2 teams - T explains how to play this game. That’s the/ my …. - T lets 2 teams play together. - T monitors and praise the winner. 2. New lesson *Activity 1: Listen and tick (9’) Set the scence: Ss look at part 4. ? How many sentences. - Ss: 3. ? How many pictures? - Ss: 9. - T lets Ss run through the pictures. - T asks Ss to tell the task. - Ss: listen and tick. - T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time. - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer.. LN. LN. 4. Listen and tick Answer key: 1. b 2. c 3. a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - T asks Ss to read out the answer. - T plays the CD again for Ss to check answer. *Activity 2: Look, read and write (9’) (Mythware) - T sets the scene. ? How many pictures? - Ss: 4. - T lets Ss run through the pictures. ? What room. - Ss: answer. ? How many sentences. - Ss: 4. ? Are they completed. - Ss answer. - Ask Ss to run through. - Ask Ss to tell the task. - Ask ss to look the pictures and complete individually (3 minus) - Ask some Ss to tell the answer. - T - Ss check together. Further practice: Word order 1. is /that//my /library. 2. the /gym/ is/ that 3. computer room/ is/ that/ the - T corrects. *Activity 3: Let’s sing (9’) - T shows the picture. - T asks Ss the content of the picture ? Who are they? - Ss: Peter, Linda and Nam. ? What are they doing? - Ss answer. - T opens the song. - Ss listen to the song. - T read the lyrics. - Ss repeat after the teacher. - T opens the song again. - Ss repeat line by line. - Ask Ss to sing along with the music. - Ask Ss to sing and do actions. - Ss sing and do actions together. - T calls somes Ss perform before the class. - T listen and give feedback. 3. Application: Music chairs (3’) - Divide the class in to 2 teams.. 5. Look and write Answer key: 1. classroom 2.l ibrary 3. computer room 4. gym. 6. Let’s sing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Ask Ss to listen the music and ask and answer the question about the facilities. 4. Summary - What skills have you practiced? ____________________________________ WEEK 10 Period 38 Date of preparing: 06/ 11/ 2021. Date of teaching: 10/ 11/ 2021 (3C) 10/ 11/ 2021 (3D) 09/ 11/ 2021 (3E). Unit 7: That’s my school. Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3 I. Objectives 1. Knowledge - By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to ask and answer the questions about school facility. - Vocabulary: old, new, large, big, small - Sentence patterns: Is your school big? Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. It’s ….. 2. Skills - Developing listening, reading and speaking skill(s). 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Love their school and keep their school clean - To know some school facilities.Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends. II. Teaching- aids 1. Teacher’s aids: Lesson plan, PPT slides, software, Laptop. 2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook III. Methods - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work IV. Procedure Teacher and Ss’s activitive Contents 1. Warm up (5’) *Activity: Networks School facilities - T explains how to play this game. - T monitors and praise the winner school 2. New lesson *Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (8’) 1. Look, listen and repeat - T ask Ss to look at the pictures. - T: Who are they? - Ss answer. - T: What are they doing? - Ss answer. - T asks Ss to open their books to page 48 - Ss open their books to page 48.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - T opens the cassette. - Ss listen and point - T opens the cassette again. - Ss listen and read in chorus (2 times) - T - Ss role play. - T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs - T checks Ss’s understanding about the dialogue *Activity 2: Point and say (12’) a.Vocabulary - T introduce some words by eliciting Big (mime) Small (mime) New (mime) Old (mime) Large (mime) - T models - Ss listen and repeat (chorally then individually). - T writes down on the board - Ss copy. - T: Vocabulary checking (rub out and remember) b. Model sentences - T introduce stucture: - Set the sence: T asks to look at their book on page 48. - T: When Mai wants to ask about Linda’s school. How does she ask? - Ss: Is your school big? - T model. - Ss repeat chorally then individually. - T wirtes down on the board. - How does Linda answer. - Ss: answer. - T checks: form, use, intonation 3. Practice *Picture cues (CNTT) - T lets Ss run through the pictures. - T models. - Ss repeat chorally. - T-Ss, Ss- T. 4. Application: Let’s talk (9’) - Ask Ss to ask and answer about school facilities. - Ask Ss work in individual.. 2. Point and say a.Vocabulary big: to small: nhỏ bé new: mới old: cũ large: rộng lớn. b. Model sentences Is your school big? Is the gym big? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. It’s small.. 3. Let’s talk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Give 5 minutes to practice. - Ask some Ss to perform in front of the class. - T give feedback. 5. Summary (1) - Asking and answering about school facilities. _________________________________________ WEEK 10 Period 39 Date of preparing: 08/ 11/ 2021. Date of teaching: 11/ 11/ 2021 (3C) 11/ 11/ 2021 (3D) 11/ 11/ 2021 (3E). Unit 7: That’s my school. Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6 I. Objectives 1. Knowledge - By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to ask and answer the questions about school facility. - Vocabulary: Review - Sentence patterns:Review 2. Skills - Developing listening, reading and speaking skill(s). 3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Love their school and keep their school clean. - To know some school facilities. Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends. II. Teaching- aids 1. Teacher’s aids: Lesson plan, PPT slides, software, Laptop, Book. 2. Students’ aids: Student’s book, workbook, notebook III. Methods - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work. IV. Procedure Teacher and Ss’s activitives 1. Warm up and Review (5’) *Play a game: Jumbled words wen ibg llsam dlo raleg - T explains how to play this game. - T lets Ss play togtether. - T monitors and praise the winner. 2. New lesson *Activity 1: Listen and number (9’). Contents Key: a. new b. big c. small d.old e. large. 4. Listen and number.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Set the scence: Ss look at the picures on page 49 ? How many picutres - Ss: 4 - T lets Ss run through the pictures - T asks Ss to tell the task - Ss listen and number - T plays the recording for Ss to listen 1st time - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer. - Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class. - T asks Ss to read out the answer . - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer. Further practice: Word of mouth *Activity 2: Read and Circle (9’) - Ask Ss to look at the pictures. ? How many picutres. - Ss: 5. - T lets Ss run through the pictures. ? How many sentences. - Ss: 4. - T lets Ss run through. - Ask Ss to tell the task. - T send this excersice to student’s ipad. - Ss read and circle. - S do and send back to the teacher. - Ask ss to read and match individually (3 minus) - Ask Ss to compare. - Ask some Ss to tell the answer. - T-Ss check together. Further practice: answer the questions a. Is the classroom big? b. Is the computer new? c. Is the library small? d. Is the gym old? * Activity 3: Write about your school (6’) ? How many sentences. - Ss: 4. - T lets Ss run through. - Ask Ss to tell the task. - Ss: Write about your school. - Ask Ss to write individually (3 minus). Answer key: 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c. 5. Read and circle - Answer key: 1. big 2. small 3. new 4. big. 6. Write about your school.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 3. Application: Role play (5’) + T exlains how to play this game + T monitors and correct their mistakes 4. Summary (1’) - What skills have you practiced? V. Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................

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