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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PHÒNG GD & ĐT HUYỆN BA BỂ TRƯỜNG PTDT BÁN TRÚ-THCS CAO THƯỢNG. CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc. KẾ HOẠCH DẠY HỌC MÔN TIẾNG ANH 7 NĂM HỌC 2016-2017 Hä vµ tªn : Vy Thị Hồng Vân Giảng dạy: Lớp 7A, 7B, 7C I- ĐẶC ĐIỂM TÌNH HÌNH 1. Số học sinh nam nữ: Đa số tỉ lệ học sinh nam nhiều hơn học sinh nữ ở mỗi lớp học, học sinh đều là con em dân tộc thiểu số. Lớp 7A tổng số 29 Hs trong đó Nam: 16 Hs; Nữ: 13 Hs. Lớp 7B tổng số 26 Hs trong đó Nam: 18 Hs; Nữ: 8 Hs. Lớp 7C tổng số 27 Hs trong đó Nam: 17 Hs; Nữ: 10 Hs. 2. Thuận lợi: Luôn nhận được sự quan tâm của chính quyền và các đoàn thể ở địa phương. BGH nhà trường luôn chỉ đạo sát sao và tạo mọi điều kiện thuận lợi nhất để giáo viên có thể hoàn thành tốt tất cả mọi nhiệm vụ được giao. Học sinh đã được tiếp xúc với môn học ở lớp 6, lên lớp 7 các em tiếp tục học xuay quanh các chủ đề nằm trong chương trình môn Tiếng Anh của Bộ GD & ĐT. Đa số các em đều được hưởng chính sách của nhà nước, phục vụ cho việc học tập. Các em HS tương đối ngoan, lễ phép. Nhà trường có chỗ ở trọ cho học sinh ở xa, có phòng học khang trang để các em yên tâm học tập. 3. Khó khăn: Điều kiện kinh tế xã hội nơi trường đóng còn gặp nhiều khó khăn, phong trào học tập của các em còn chưa cao. Đội ngũ giáo viên chưa có nhiều kinh nghiệm trong giảng dạy, hơn nữa không phải người địa phương nên điều kiện tiếp xúc dân cư còn hạn chế. Điều kiện cơ sở vật chất của nhà trường còn đang trong quá trình xây dựng và hoàn thiện. Bên cạnh đó 100% các em HS là dân tộc thiểu số do vậy vấn đề bất đồng ngôn ngữ còn xảy ra. Trình độ tiếng phổ thông của các em còn hạn chế. Đa số nhà của các em HS đều ở xa trường và thuộc diện hộ nghèo. Sự quan tâm của gia đình.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> đến việc học tập của các em còn thấp, sự chuyên cần của các em còn hạn chế. Ảnh hưởng của các phong tục tập quán của địa phương còn xảy ra thường xuyên. II-MỤC TIÊU, CHỈ TIÊU: Để nâng cao chất lượng dạy học: - Giáo viên cần đầu tư thời gian để chuẩn bị nội dung các bài học thật gần gũi với học sinh, tham gia các buổi tập huấn do nhà trường và phòng GD & ĐT tổ chức. Tích cực tham gia các bài thi tích hợp, soạn giảng e-learning. - Học sinh cần có ý thức tự giác trong học tập ở trường và cả ở nhà, để hướng tới sử dụng thành thạo ngôn ngữ trong giao tiếp. Chỉ tiêu phấn đấu đạt từ 80% từ trung bình trở lên cụ thể như sau: Chất lượng. Giỏi. Sĩ số Lớp. Khá. Trung Bình. Yếu. Kém. 7A. 29. SL 2. % 6,3. SL 5. % 15,6. SL 21. % 65,6. SL 4. % 12,5. SL 00. % 00. 7B. 26. 2. 7,2. 7. 25. 14. 50. 5. 17,8. 00. 00. 7C. 27. 3. 10,4. 8. 27,6. 13. 44,8. 5. 17,2. 00. 00. III-CÁC NHIỆM VỤ VÀ BIỆN PHÁP THỰC HIỆN: 1. Đối với giáo viên: Nhìn vào thực tế việc học và kết quả học tập của học sinh địa phương, cũng như qua nghiên cứu chỉ tiêu chất lượng nội bộ của Phòng GD& ĐT, nhà trường đặt ra , bản thân tôi cần phải có biện pháp thích hợp trong quá trình giảng dạy và giáo dục để có kết quả ngày càng cao. - Trước hết phải nghiên cứu phương pháp, chương trình soạn giảng chu đáo, bởi chương trình là pháp lệnh.Thực hiện việc giảng dạy bám sát chuẩn kiến thức, kỹ năng. - Tham gia bồi dưỡng hay các chuyên đề đầy đủ, các hội thảo về chuyên môn, các buổi tập huấn đổi mới do phòng Giáo dục và đào tạo huyện tổ chức. - Biết kết hợp nhuần nhuyễn các kỹ năng trong một đơn vị bài học, tạo mọi điều kiện cho học sinh hoạt động tích cực, tự khám phá, tìm tòi, phát hiện cái mới, đem lại hiệu quả tích cực trong học tập, rèn luyện phương pháp tự học ở học sinh..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Luôn kiểm tra vở ghi, vở bài tập thường xuyên. Kiểm tra chấm chữa kịp thời, chính xác và khách quan. Luôn quan tâm đến từng đối tượng học sinh để có biện pháp giảng dạy thích hợp, nhằm nâng cao chất lượng bộ môn. - Thường xuyên giáo dục thông qua trò chuyện để giới thiệu cho học sinh về văn hóa và đất nước con người nước Anh, để giúp các em ngày càng có ý thức và hứng thú với bộ môn này. - Luôn học hỏi và cải tiến phương pháp, kết hợp nhiều biện pháp giáo dục để mang lại hiệu quả cao cho tiết dạy. - Hướng dẫn học sinh tìm ra phương pháp học phù hợp ở trường và ở nhà. - Bản thân luôn tự trau dồi, tích lũy kiến thức để tự bồi dưỡng, nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn nghiệp vụ. - Dự giờ tham lớp đồng nghiệp, học hỏi phương pháp giảng dạy và học hỏi kinh nghiệm lẫn nhau. 2. Đối với học sinh: - Có đầy đủ sách vở và đồ dùng học tập trước khi tới lớp. - Phải có ý thức tự giác làm bài khi được giao ở trường cũng như ở nhà. - Trong giờ học phải tập trung chú ý nghe giảng, hăng say và tích cực phát biểu ý kiến xây dựng bài. - Tự giác tu dưỡng học tập, rèn luyện khả năng giao tiếp. 3. Đối với cha mẹ học sinh: - Quan tâm đến con em, tạo mọi điều kiện cho các em có thời gian để học tập. - Chuẩn bị đầy đủ dụng cụ và sách vở học tập. - Theo dõi, nhắc nhở con em làm bài tập và học bài đầy đủ trước khi tới lớp. - Có trách nhiệm kết hợp giáo dục tích cực giữa gia đình, nhà trường và cô giáo bộ môn để giúp con em tiến bộ. 4. Các lực lượng giáo dục khác: - Có sự quan tâm đến học sinh, tạo mọi điều kiện để học sinh có thể đến trường. - Hỗ trợ về cơ sở vật chất, đồ dùng dạy học cho cả Thầy và trò. IV-KẾ HOẠCH CỤ THỂ: KẾ HOẠCH DẠY HỌC KỲ II 18 tuần x 3 tiết = 54 tiết. Tuần dạy. Số tiết. Tiết thứ. Điều chỉnh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Tên chủ đề/tên bài. Tuần 1. Tuần 2. UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY -Lesson 1: A1 -Lesson 2: A2 -Lesson 3: A3-5 -Lesson 4: B1-2 -Lesson 5: B3-4 -LANGUAGE FOCUS 3. LT: 3. Từ tiết 58 đến tiết 60. LT: 3 Ôn tập: 1. Từ tiết 61 đến tiết 63. LT: 3. Từ tiết 64 đến tiết 66. LT: 3. Từ tiết 67 đến tiết 69. LT: 3. Từ tiết 70 đến tiết 72. LT: 1 Ôn tập: 1 KT: 1. Từ tiết 73 đến tiết 75. UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE. Tuần 3. -Lesson 1: A1 -Lesson 2: A2-3 -Lesson 3: A4 UNIT 10: HEALTH AND HYGIENE. Tuần 4. -Lesson 4: B1-2 -Lesson 5: B3-6 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY. -Lesson 1: A1 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY. Tuần 5. -Lesson 2: A2-3 -Lesson 3: B1 -Lesson 4: B2 UNIT 11: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY. Tuần 6 Tuần 7. -Lesson 5: B4-5 -REVISION -WRITTEN TEST 1 - CHECK UP UNIT 12: LET’S EAT. -Lesson 1: A1. LT: 2 TB: 1. Từ tiết 76 đến tiết 78.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Tuần 8. Tuần 9. Tuần 10 Tuần 11. Tuần 12 Tuần 13. Tuần 14 Tuần 15. -Lesson 2: A2,4 UNIT 12: LET’S EAT -Lesson 3: A3a-5 -Lesson 4: B1 -Lesson 5: B2 -Lesson 6: B3-5 -LANGUAGE FOCUS 4 UNIT 13: ACTIVITIES -Lesson 1: A1-2 -Lesson 2: A3,5 -Lesson 3: A4,6 -Lesson 4: B1-2 -Lesson 5: B3-5 UNIT 14: FREETIME FUN -Lesson 1: A1 -Lesson 2: A2 -Lesson 3: A3-4 -Lesson 4: B1-2 -Lesson 5: B3-4 -REVISION -WRITTEN TEST 2 -Check up UNIT 15: GOING OUT -Lesson 1: A1 -Lesson 2: A2-3 -Lesson 3: B1-2 -Lesson 4: B3 -Lesson 5: B4-5 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES. LT: 3. Từ tiết 79 đến tiết 81. LT: 2 Ôn tập: 1. Từ tiết 82 đến tiết 84. LT: 3. Từ tiết 85 đến tiết 87. LT: 3. Từ tiết 88 đến tiết 90. LT: 3. Từ tiết 91 đến tiết 93. Ôn tập: 1 KT: 1 TB: 1. Từ tiết 94 đến tiết 96. LT: 3 Từ tiết 97 đến tiết 99 LT: 3. Từ tiết 100 đến tiết 102.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Tuần 16. Tuần 17 Tuần 18. -Lesson 1: A1-2 UNIT 16: PEOPLE AND PLACES -Lesson 2: A3-4 -Lesson 3: B1 -Lesson 4: B2-3 -Lesson 5: B4-5 -LANGUAGE FOCUS 5 -REVISION 1 -REVISION 2 -Listening+Speaking test -Second term test. Phê duyệt của BGH. LT: 3 LT: 1 BT: 1 Ôn tập: 1 KT: 2 Ôn tập: 1. Từ tiết 103 đến tiết 105. Từ tiết 106 đến tiết 108 Từ tiết 109 đến tiết 111. Tổ trưởng chuyên môn. Người lập kế hoạch. Tô Thị Bơ. Vy Thị Hồng Vân.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Tiết Tuần PPCT 1 2 1 3 2. 4. Tên Chương, Bài, Chủ đề. ¤n tËp, kiÓm tra Unit 1: A1, 3,4,5 Unit 1: A2 Unit 1:. Mục tiêu bài học Consolidation - Introduce and greet with “Nice to meet you/ How is everything?/ Just fine/Not bad…” - Reading for details and revising simple present, comparisons, a lot of/many. - Asking for giving personal. Phương pháp dạy học, hình thức tổ chức dạy học, Phương tiện dạy học - Slap the board Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension questions Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board. Chuẩn bị của GV, HS Chalk, Board, poster Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Cassette Textbooks. Kế hoạch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> B1, 2, 3*. 5. 6. 7. 3. 8. 9 10 4 11 12. Unit 1: B4, 5 Unit 1: B6, 7*. information.. Rub out and remember Predict dialogue Write it up Using “How far” questions and Slap the board answers with Board drill “Kilometer/meter” to talk about Lucky numbers distance - Practice the questions and Slap the board answers about the distance. Pre dialogue. - Asking for and giving Unit 2: A1, 2, 3 telephone numbers and further practice in address Unit 2: A4, 7 &Remember Unit 2: A5, 6 Unit 2: B1, 2, 3,9 Unit 2: B4, 5* Unit 2: B6, 7, 8*. Jumbled words Open prediction. - Use the “will” future positive statement and “wh” questions and. Slap the board Rub out and remember. answers to talk about sure events in the future.. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue. - Talking about dates of the year and pronunciation - Listening for factual information. - Writing an initation to a part. Jumbled words Slap the board Rub out and remember. Board Chalk Poster,Cassette Textbook Chalk Board Cassette Chalk Board poster Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Chalk,Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk, Cassette Textbook Board, Cassette Chalk Board, poster Textbooks Board Chalk, Cassette.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 5. 13. Unit 3: A 1. 14. Unit 3: A2. 15 16. 6. 17. 18 7 19. 20. Unit 3: B1, 2 Unit 3: B3, 4. - Use bathroom and kitchen vocabulary to describe their house. - Giving compliments with “What a/an +adj+ noun !”to talk about the house. - Making complaints with “What a/an +adj+ noun !”. - Reading a text for main ideas, details and job vocabulary.. - Listening for personal information Unit 3: B5 - Comparative and superlative of irregular adjectives and long adj. - Further practice in present Language focus simple, the “will’ future, adj 1 comparative and superlatives, prepositions KiÓm tra 1 tiÕt The students will know how to apply their knowledge to do the test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. Unit 4: A1, 2, 3 - Reading details and comparing an American school. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension questions Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension questions. Textbooks Pictures Cassette, Chalk Textbooks Board Chalk, Poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Cassette Textbooks Cassette Board Chalk. Jumbled words remember Open prediction. Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette papers. Slap the board Board drill. Chalk Board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 21. 22. 8. 23. Unit 4: A4, 5 Unit 4: A6. Chữa bài kiểm tra Unit 4: B1, 2. 24 Unit 4: B3, 4 25 9 Unit 5: A1 26 27. Unit 5: A2. with a Vietnamese school. Lucky numbers. poster. - Revision for telling the time, school vocabulary and present tense. Slap the board Pre dialogue. - Reading details and comparing an American school with a Vietnamese school The students will know how to apply their knowledge to do the test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. - Reading a text to understand the details and practicing the library vocab. - Preposition of position to describe the position of books in the library. - Reading for details and further practice in comparatives and superlative - Revision of simple present to talk about school subjects. Slap the board Lucky numbers. Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk. Pre dialogue Role play. Jumbled words Rub out and remember Slap the board Rub out and remember. Board drill Lucky numbers. - Reading for details about Ba's Slap the board activities at school and at home Board drill. Textbooks Pictures Board, Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbook Chalk Cassette, Poster Chalk Board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> 28. 10. 29. 30. 31 11. 32 33. Unit 5: A4, 5 Unit 5: B1, 2. Unit 5: B3. Unit 6: A1. Unit 6: A2 Unit 6: A3, 4 Unit 6: B1. 34 12 35 36. Unit 6: B2 Unit 6: B3. - School subject vocabulary with listening and reading practice - Recess activity vocabulary and revision of present progressive tense - Reading for details about recess activities in an American school - Further practice in present tense and school vocabulary - Reading a dialogue about after school activities and getting further practice in present progressive tense - Further practice in adverbs of frequency with present simple tense for after activities - Reading a text for details about pastime activities - Making suggestion with “Let’s/ What about..?/Why don’t….?” - Reading a magazine survey about the most popular activities of American teenagers and getting more practice in leisure. Lucky numbers Slap the board Jumbled words Rub out and remember Write it up Slap the board Rub out and remember. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue Role play Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board Predict dialogue Write it up Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board. poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk, Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbook Board Cassette, Poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Chalk Cassette Pictures Cassette Chalk Textbooks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 37. 13. 38. 39 40. 14. 41. 42 15. 43. vocabulary - Making invitation with “Would you like..?” acceptance of invitation and - Further practice in present Language focus progressive tense and subject vocabulary 2. Pre dialogue Role play. Board Chalk Poster. Open prediction Com –questions Write it up. Textbook Chalk Board, Poster Chalk Board papers. The students will know how to apply their knowledge to do the Kiểm tra 1 tiết test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. - Talking about student work Slap the board and practicing the comparative. Unit 7: A1 Board drill Lucky numbers - Talking about student work Pre dialogue and practicing the comparative. Unit 7: A2, 3 Comprehension questions Role play Unit 7: A4 - Reading for details to Slap the board compare American students’ Board drill vacation and Vietnamese Lucky numbers students’ vacation - Reading for details about an Slap the board Ch÷a bµi kiÓm American family to understand Pre dialogue tra their work and vacation. Comprehension questions - Reading for details about an Unit 7: B1 Jumbled words American family to understand Rub out and remember their work and vacation.. Textbooks Board Chalk, Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board, Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Poster Chalk Board Cassette, Poster Chalk poster Cassette.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 44. 45. 46. 16. 47. 48. Unit 7: B2, 3. Unit 8: A1, 2. Unit 8: A 3. Unit 8: A4,5. Unit 8: B1,4. Unit 8: B2,3 49 17. 50. Ôn tập. working day. - Reading for details about work and vacation. and about Mr Tuan’s job to compare. - Asking for and giving directions. working day. - Reading for details about work and vacation. and about Mr Tuan’s job to compare. - Asking for and giving directions. working day. - Reading for details about work and vacation. and about Mr Tuan’s job to compare. - Listening for details to get further practice in post office vocabulary and telling the price - Further practice in adjective and adverb, modal verb, like, dislike, why, because, simple present tense, simple past tense, present progressive tense,. Slap the board Predict dialogue Write it up. Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue Role play. Textbooks Pictures Board, Cassette Textbooks Board Cassette Poster. Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers. Textbook Chalk Board, Cassette Chalk Board poster. Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension. Textbooks Board Cassette Textbooks.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 51. ¤n tËp. 52. ¤n tËp. 53. Ôn tập. 18 KiÓm tra häc kú I 54. 19. future tense. - Further practice in adjective Slap the board and adverb, modal verb, like, Pre dialogue dislike, why, because, simple Comprehension present tense, simple past tense, present progressive tense, future tense. - Further practice in adjective and adverb, modal verb, like, Slap the board dislike, why, because, simple Pre dialogue present tense, simple past tense, Comprehension present progressive tense, future tense. - Further practice in adjective and adverb, modal verb, like, Slap the board dislike, why, because, simple Pre dialogue present tense, simple past tense, Comprehension present progressive tense, future tense. Students will be able to summarize the knowledge they have learnt form unit 1to unit 8 so that they can supplement what they are short of. Students will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have learnt to do the test well. Ôn tập, hoàn thành chương trình, .... Board. Textbooks. Textbooks Board. pappers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> KẾ HOẠCH DẠYGIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 7 NĂM HỌC 2014– 2015 HỌC KỲ II Tiết Tuần PPCT 55. 20. 21. 56. Tên Chương, Bài, Chủ đề. Unit 9: A1. Unit 9: A2, 3. 57. Unit 9: A4. 58. Unit 9: B1, 2. 59. Unit 9: B3, 4. 60. Language focus 3. Mục tiêu bài học - Introduce and greet with “Nice to meet you/ How is everything?/ Just fine/Not bad…” - Introduce and greet with “Nice to meet you/ How is everything?/ Just fine/Not bad…” - Reading for details and revising simple present, comparisons, a lot of/many. - Reading Ba’s dairy to understand the details and talk about the past activities. Using “How far” questions and answers with “Kilometer/meter” to talk about distance - Further practice in past simple tense prepositions of. Phương pháp dạy học, Chuẩn bị của hình thức tổ chức dạy học, GV, HS Phương tiện dạy học Slap the board Chalk Board drill Board Lucky numbers poster Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension questions Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board Rub out and remember Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue. Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Cassette Textbooks Board, Chalk Poster,Cassette Textbook Chalk Board Cassette Chalk Board. Kế hoạch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 61. 22. 62. 63 23. 24. Unit 10: A1. place, “How much/how far” to talk about price and distance, comparative with more, less and fewer. - Reading a letter to understand the details about Hoa and her family. poster. Jumbled words Open prediction. - Listen to a text about routine to review pastime tense.. Slap the board Rub out and remember. - Writing a letter about routine and hygiene - Reading a dialogue about visit to the dentist - Listen and read for details about Mr Lai’s job to revise the present simple tense - Making question and answer “why/because” to tell about the cause. - Reading a dialogue to understand the details and practice “would you + v….?”. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers. - Listening for details and practicing asking and. Slap the board Board drill. Unit 10: A2. Unit 10: A3. 64. Unit 10: B1,2. 65. Unit 10: B3,4. 66. Unit 11: A1. 67. Unit 11: A2, 3. Slap the board Pre dialogue Jumbled words Slap the board Rub out and remember. Textbooks Board Chalk, Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbook Board Cassette Chalk Board poster Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Pictures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> 68 69. 70. 25. 71. 72 26. 73. 74 75. Unit 11: B1 Unit 11: B2. answering about height and weight. - Asking and answering about sickness and practice in the past simple. Lucky numbers. - Listening for specific information. Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers. Cassette Chalk Textbooks Board Chalk Poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Cassette. Jumbled words remember Open prediction Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board. Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Chalk Cassette Chalk Board poster Textbooks. Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension questions. - Reading a text to understand Unit 11: B4 the details about the common cold. - The students will know how to apply their knowledge to do KiÓm tra 1 tiÕt the test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. - Reading a text to understand Jumbled words the details and practicing food remember Unit 12: A1, 2 vocabulary. Open prediction Unit 12: A3, 4, - Reading a text to understand 5* the details and practicing food vocabulary. - Reading a text to understand Unit 12: B1 the details and practicing food vocabulary. Ch÷a bµi kiÓm - “I don’t like…either/ I like tra.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> 76. 27. 77. 78. 79. 28. 80. Unit 12: B2. Pre dialogue. - Reading a text to understand how to make a meal. Slap the board Lucky numbers. Unit 12: B 4+ - Listen for specific Language focus information about health 4 problem (Ex5) - Further practice in making Language focus accepting and refusing an 4 invitation using modal verbs - Reading comprehension and Unit 13: A1, 2 sort vocabulary Unit 13: A3, 5* Unit 13: A4. 81 29. ….too” ”Neither do I/So do I” to express preferences.. 82. Unit 13: B1, 2. 83. Unit 13: B3. Pre dialogue Role play Jumbled words Rub out and remember Slap the board Rub out and remember. - Practice in using adj and adv to talk about sports. Board drill Lucky numbers. - Listen to a text about an invitation and practice in modal verb. - Reading comprehension and use couldn’t for past ability.. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Role play. - Listening for specific information about Hoa and Lan. Jumbled words Rub out and remember Write it up. Board Chalk Cassette Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Textbooks Pictures Board Cassette Board Chalk Cassette Board Cassette Poster Chalk Board poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 84. 85. 30. 86. 87. Unit 14: A1. - “What would you like to watch?” question and answer “I’d like. Slap the board Rub out and remember. Unit 14: A2. to watch..” to talk about favorite programs.. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers Slap the board Pre dialogue Role play. Unit 14: A3. Unit 14: B1, 2 Unit 14: B3, 4. 88 31 89 90. - Reading a text to understand the details about television in Vietnam - What kind of programs do you like? To talk about your favorite programs - Reading a text to understand the details about popular TV programs - Reading a text to understand the details about popular TV programs. Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction Slap the board Predict dialogue Write it up. The students will know KiÓm tra 1 tiÕt how to apply their knowledge to do the test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. Unit 15: A1 - Reading a text to understand Slap the board the details and use WhPre dialogue. Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Cassette Textbooks Board Cassette Textbook Chalk Board Cassette Poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette papers. Textbooks Board.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> questions. 91. 92. and giving advice for not Unit 15: A2, 3* doing something.. Unit 15: B1, 2. 32. 93. Ch÷a bµi kiÓm tra. 33 94. Unit 15: B3,4 Unit 15: B 5. 95. 96. Unit 16: A1, 2. Reading for details about video game and video program. The students will know how to apply their knowledge to do the test well, from the test the teacher will know each student and class’s knowledge and have the method to teach. - Giving advice with should and shouldn’t. - Reading for details about life in the city and in te country. - Activities in the evening with listening and reading practice.. Role play Open prediction Com –questions Write it up. Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers. Pre dialogue Comprehension questions Role play Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers. - Revision the simple present Slap the board tense with adverb of frequency Pre dialogue to talk about the famous place Comprehension questions in Asia.. Chalk Poster Cassette Textbook Chalk Board Poster Chalk Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Cassette Textbooks Board Chalk Poster Textbook Chalk Board Cassette Poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 97 98. Unit 16: A3 Unit 16: A4. 34 99 Unit 16: B1. 100. 35. 101. 102. Unit 16: B2,3. Unit 16: B4. Language focus 5 Revision. 36 103. 104 Revision. - Reading a text about interest with modal verb. - Listening for details about a famous person and historic place - Reading for details about Uncle Ho’s biography withsequence. - Listening for details about Uncle Ho’s biography - Listening for details about a famous person and historic place - Reading for details about Uncle Ho’s biography withsequence. - Listening for details about Uncle Ho’s biography - Further practice with prefer/like favorite to talk about famous people. - Further practice in adjective and adverb, modal verb, like, dislike, why, because, simple present tense, simple past tense, present progressive tense, future tense. Consolidation. Jumbled words Com –questions Slap the board Predict dialogue Write it up Slap the board Board drill Lucky numbers. Chalk Board, Cassette Textbooks Board Cassette Textbooks Pictures Board Cassette. Slap the board Pre dialogue Role play Jumbled words Rub out and remember Open prediction. Textbooks Cassette Poster Textbook Chalk Board Cassette. Slap the board Lucky numbers. Chalk poster. Slap the board Pre dialogue Comprehension. Textbooks Board Chalk Cassette.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 105. KiÓm tra Häc kú II. 37. Ôn tập, hoàn thành chương trình MÔN: TIẾNG ANH, LỚP 8. Cả năm: 37 tuần (105 tiết) Học kì I: 19 tuần (54 tiết) Học kì II: 18 tuần (51 tiết. Tiết Tuần PPCT 1. 1. 2. 3. Tên Chương, Bài, Chủ đề. Ôn tập/kiểm tra Unit 1: My friends Getting started + Listen and Read. Speak and Listen. Mục tiêu bài học - Revision, introducing English 8. - Respond to introductions. - Describe people -Introduce people - Speaking skill -Ss can:Respond to introductions -Ss can:Introduce people - Listen and complete the conversation in greetings. -listening skill -Ss can:Describe people. Phương pháp dạy học, hình thức tổ chức dạy học, Phương tiện dạy học Give a lecture, practice - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc.. Chuẩn bị của GV, HS Textbooks lesson plan Notebook -Text book -Picture -Poster. - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Poster - Groups & pairs actions. -Cassette. Kế hoạch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 4. 5 2. 6. 7. 3 8. 9. Read. Write. - Use some methods such - Reading for the details about as : eliciting etc. describing people. - Groups & pairs actions. - Reading skill Pre the text comprehension questions - Write about oneself and about - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. other people. Work in individual -Writing skill ,groups & pairs actions. -Ss can:Write about oneself. - Review simple tenses. - Simple Present tense to talk about general truths. Language - Structure “adjective + enough Focus + to inf -Use the structures to do exercises Unit 2:Making - Talk about intentions arrangements - Use the telephone to make Getting started and confirm arrangements. + Listen and -Ss can:Talk about intentions Read Speak - Take a telephone message. Listen - Speaking skill listening skill - Ss can:Use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements Read - Read for the details about. -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual -Text book ,groups & pairs actions. -Poster. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Picture ,groups & pairs actions. -Poster - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Poster Work in individual -Cassette ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such -Text book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> 10. Write. 11. Language Focus. 12. Unit 3: At Home Getting started + Listen and Read. 4. 13. Speak. 14. Listen. 5. Alexander Graham Bell and his invention. - Reading skill -Ss can:Talk about telephone - Write a telephone message -Writing skill. as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions.. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Adverbs of place - Use some methods such -Use the structures to do as : eliciting etc. exercises Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Introduce modal verbs : - Use some methods such should, ought to, have to, must. as : eliciting etc. - Reflexive Pronouns. Work in individual - Talk about intentions with be ,groups & pairs actions. going to- Ss can:Describe situations - Ss can:Ask for and give reasons - Ss can:Write a description - Talk about the positions of - Use some methods such things as : eliciting etc. - Speaking skill Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Listen to how to cook Special - Use some methods such Chinese Fried Rice. as : eliciting etc. listening skill Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions.. -Poster -Cassette -Text book - Poster - Lesson plan -Text book - Poster - Lesson plan. -Text book -Picture -Poster. -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Poster -Cassette -Picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> 15. 16. 6. 17. 18. 19 7 20. Read. Write. - Reading for a folktale. about safety precautions in the home. - Reading skill - Review the prepositions - Write a description of a room. -Writing skill. - Reflexive Pronouns. - Modal verbs : should, ought Language to, have to, must. Focus -Why – Because - Use the structures to do exercises - Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Kiểm tra 1 tiết Unit 1, 2, 3 Try their best to do test well Unit 4: Our past - Talk about past habits and Getting started events with “used to”. + Listen and - Express feelings Read - Ss can:Talk about past events - Ss can:Express feelings - Ss can:Distinguish beetween facts and opinions - Ss can:Write a short imaginary story Speak - Distinguish between fact and opinion - Speaking skill. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions Work in individual. -Text book -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster. -Text book -Exercise book. - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> 21 22 23 8 24. 25. 9 26. 27. ,groups & pairs actions - Listen to a story about moral - Use some methods such lesson. as : eliciting etc. listen -Listening skill Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Correction for the test. Work in individual Test correction Take note - Reading for a folktale. - Use some methods such - Reading skill as : eliciting etc. Read Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Write a short imaginary story. - Use some methods such -Writing skill as : eliciting etc. Write Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Preposition of time - Use some methods such - used to as : eliciting etc. Language focus - Past simple Work in individual - Use the structures to do ,groups & pairs actions exercises Unit 5: - Give instructions and advice - Use some methods such Study habits in reported speech. as : eliciting etc. Getting started - Talk about study habits. Work in individual + Listen and - Ss can:Give intrucsions and ,groups & pairs actions Read advice - Ss can:Express obligation - Ss can:Write a letter to a friend Speak - Express obligation. - Use some methods such. -Text book -Picture -Poster -Cassette Lesson plan -Text book -Poster -Text book -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster. -Text book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Listen. 28. 10. 29. 30. 31 11 32 33. Read. Read. Write. - Listen to the dialogue about a report card. - Speaking skill - listening skill - Reading for the details about how to learn words in learning foreign languages. - Reading skill - Reading for the details about how to learn words in learning foreign languages - Reading skill -Write a letter to a friend. -Writing skill. - Adverbs of manner. - Modal : should Language - Commands, requests and Focus advice in reported speech. -Use the structures to do exercises Unit 6: The - Listen to a story about young poineers children in the world. Getting started listening skill + Listen and read Speak - Ask for favors and offer assistance.. as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Poster -Cassette -Text book -Poster -Text book -Poster -Picture -Poster -Text book. -Text book -Exercise book. - Use some methods such Text book as : eliciting etc. -Poster Work in individual -Cassette ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - Talk about the future.. 34. 12. 35. 36. 37. 38 13 39 40. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions + By the end of the lesson , Ss - Use some methods such will be able to complete a song as : eliciting etc. listen for details Work in individual + Develope listening skills ,groups & pairs actions - Reading for details about the - Use some methods such Scouting associations. as : eliciting etc. Read -Writing skill Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Write a letter, telling a future. - Use some methods such -Writing skill as : eliciting etc. Write Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Present tense wit future - Use some methods such meaning as : eliciting etc. - Gerund : may, can ,could Work in individual Language focus -Use the structures to do ,groups & pairs actions excercises - Take note Written test 2 Evaluate std’s knowledg unit Work in individual 4,5,6 Try their best to test well Unit 7: My Introduce the present perfect - Use some methods such neighborhood tense as : eliciting etc. Getting started Work in individual + listen and ,groups & pairs actions read Speak + By the end of the lesson, std - Use some methods such. -Text book -Poster -Cassette -Text book -Poster -Text book -Poster. -Text book -Poster -Text book Papers Exercise book -Text book -Poster - Pictures -Text book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> 14 41. listen. 42. Test correction Read. 43. 15. 44. Write. will be able to help sts to speak about how to send a parcel, a letter or a postcard. - To educate sts to know how to talk politely when sending a parcel, a letter or a postcard at the post office. - Practice speaking skill + By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to know what is Na going to do on the weekend by listening. - Select True / False information - To help sts listen for specific information Correction for the test. Take note + By the end of the lesson, sts will be able to understand the passage about a new shopping mall. - Select True /False statements - Answer comprehension questions - To make sts be aware of the advantages of the shopping mall in the neighborhood. -Write a community notice.. as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions -Poster - Pictures. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual -Text book ,groups & pairs actions -Poster - Cassette. Work in individual. -Text book Lesson plan - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Poster Work in individual - Pictures ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such -Text book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> -Writing skill. 45. Language Focus. 46. Unit 8: country life and city life Getting started + Listen and Read. 16. 47. Speak + Language focus 3. 48. Listen + Language focus 2. 49. Read. as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - The Present Perfect tense with - Use some methods such since and for. as : eliciting etc. - Comparison with like, (not) as Work in individual . . . as; (not) the same as; ,groups & pairs actions different from. -Use the structures to do exercises - Talk about differences - Use some methods such between city and country. as : eliciting etc. - Talk about changes and Work in individual events. ,groups & pairs actions - Ss can:Talk about differences - Ss can:Talk about future events and changes - Ss can:Write a letter to a friend - Talk a bout the changes of - Use some methods such their life from the past to as : eliciting etc. present Work in individual - Talk about the future ,groups & pairs actions activities - Listen to the dialogue on - Use some methods such phone. as : eliciting etc. listening skill Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Reading for details about the - Use some methods such. -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster. -Text book -Picture -Poster. -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Poster -Cassette -Picture -Text book.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> 50. 17 51. 52. Write. Language Focus 1,4,5. - Revision - Revision. 53 18 54 19. causes of emigration and its unpleasant result. - Reading skill -Write a letter to a friend -Writing skill. as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Present progressive : to talk - Use some methods such about the future and show as : eliciting etc. changes with get and become. Work in individual - Comparative and superlative ,groups & pairs actions adjectives -Use the structures to do exercises + To help sts review tenses, Work in individual grammar points and structures they’ve learnt + Prepare knowledge for coming the first semester exam + By the end of the lesson, std Work in individual will be able to know how to do a test.. Test for the first -Reading skill term -Writing skill. Work in individual Ôn tập và hoàn thành chương trình. -Poster -Text book -Poster -Text book -Poster. -Text book -Exercise book -(Computer -Text book -Exercise book -Poster -(Computer papers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> KẾ HOẠCH DẠYGIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 8 NĂM HỌC 2014– 2015 HỌC KỲ II. Tiết Tuần PPCT. 20. 55. 56. Tên Chương, Bài, Chủ đề. Unit: 9 A first – aid course Getting started + Listen and Read. Speak. listen 57 21. 58. Read. Mục tiêu bài học - Reading for details about the situations which require firstaid Give instructions for first-aids + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to offers, promises and requests - have politeness in communication + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know some medical facilities in the hospital. - Talk about the future + By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the first-aid for the cases such as fainting, shock, burn,... - give instruction. Phương pháp dạy học, hình thức tổ chức dạy học, Phương tiện dạy học. Chuẩn bị của GV, HS. -Text book - Use some methods such -Picture as : eliciting etc. -Poster Work in individual -radio,tape ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Text book -Picture -Poster -radio,tape. - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions. Kế hoạch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> - help people in accidents - Develope reading skills. 59. 60. 61. 22. 62. 63 23. 64. Write. - Write a thank - you note Know to thank everyone. - in order to, so as to - Future simple - Modal will to make requests, Language focus offers and promises -Use the structures to do exercises Unit 10: - Give ss some information Recycling about the environment Getting started - Do some thing to protect the + Listen and environment Read - Give and respond to instructions on reducing, Speak reusing and recycling. - Talk about their thought to protect the environment Listen listening for specific information about making compost Read. -Reading for details about how things are recycled. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual - exercise book ,groups & pairs actions -Text book - Use some methods such -Picture as : eliciting etc. -Poster Work in individual -radio,tape ,groups & pairs actions (computer) - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Text book -Picture -Poster -radio,tape (computer) - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> -Teach the passive voice in the Present simple - Know how to make compost 65. 66. 67. 24. Write. Language focus Unit 11: Travelling around vietnam Getting started + Listen and Read Speak. 68. 69. Listen. -Write a set of instructions on how to recycleused things - Passive form. - Adjectives followed by : an infinitive and a noun clause.. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Poster -Text book -Poster -(computer) -Text book -Poster -(computer). Text book - Use some methods such - Reading for details about -Picture as : eliciting etc. hpow to express an interest. -Poster Work in individual - Express their good interest -radio,tape ,groups & pairs actions (computer) - By the end of the lesson , Ss - Use some methods such Text book will be able to make and as : eliciting etc. -Picture respond to formal requests Work in individual -Poster using “ mind “ and make ,groups & pairs actions suggestions . - Develop Ss’ speaking skills. - Practice making suggestions and using mind to make request - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen and match the places in the box to their. - Use some methods such Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> correct positions on the map .. 70. 71 25. 72. 73 26 74 75. ,groups & pairs actions. - radio,tape (computer) - Use some methods such -Text book - Listening and Reading for as : eliciting etc. -Picture details about famous places in Read Work in individual -Poster VN ,groups & pairs actions -Radio.tape (computer) - Use some methods such -Text book - Write a story. as : eliciting etc. -Picture Write Know to write a narrative Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - ed and –ing participles. - Use some methods such - Requests with : + Would / Do as : eliciting etc. -Text book you mind if . . .? Work in individual -Poster Language focus + Would / Do you mind + V,groups & pairs actions -Cassette ing? -Picture -Use the structures to do (computer) exercises Revision all grammar Work in individual -Text book Revision structure from unit 9 to unit 11 -Poster Review to do the test well -(Computer) Written test 3 Vocabulary and grammar Work in individual -Text book structure from unit 9 to unit 11 - papers Try their best to do test well Unit 12: - Reading for details - Use some methods such -Text book Avacation making plans for a vacation as : eliciting etc. -Picture abroard aboard. Work in individual -Poster Getting started Ss will be aware of how to ,groups & pairs actions - radio + Listen and make ,accept and decline (Computer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Read. 76. 27 77. 78. 79. 28. 80 81. invitations - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to talk about their plans for a trip abroad . Speak - Practice speaking about traveling plans using tourist brochures and flight information. - By the end of this period students will be able to listen and write information in a Listen weather forcast report and understand and practice past progressive tense - Develope listening skill. Help ss recognize their Test correction mistakes Take note - Reading for details about famous places in the world. Read -try to get more knowledge about the famous places Write -Write a postcard Ss are fond of writing the postcard to someone -Writing skill Reading skill Language focus - Past progressive. - Past progressive with when and while.. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Picture ,groups & pairs actions -Poster. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Picture ,groups & pairs actions -Poster - radio (Computer Work in individual - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual. -Text book - papers -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Poster -Picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> 82. 29. 83. 84 30. Unit13: Festivals Getting started + Listen and Read. Speak. Listen Read. 85 86. Write. - Progressive with always Learn and use the structures to do ex - Compresension reading to know about traditional festivals - Respect and love the traditional Festival -Listening skill -Reading skill - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to make up a dialogue and talk about preparations for another festival .( Giving Ss practice in talking about preparations for some festivals in VN). - Develop Ss’ speaking skills. Listen to the conversation about preparation for Tet - Reading about Christmas Specials. - Learn to know more about Christmas -Reading skill - Writing a report -Writing skill. ,groups & pairs actions (Computer) - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - radio (Computer) - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual -Text book ,groups & pairs actions -Picture -Poster. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Text book -Picture -Poster - radio (Computer - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 87. 88. 31. 89. 90. 91 32 92. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such - Practice in reporting what was as : eliciting etc. Language focus said and furtherpractice in Work in individual using the passive forms ,groups & pairs actions Unit 14: - Reading to seek information - Use some methods such wonder of the - Learn to know more about as : eliciting etc. world wonders of the world Work in individual Getting started -Listening skill ,groups & pairs actions + Listen and -Reading skill Read -asking and answering about - Use some methods such the places and how to report as : eliciting etc. Speak them Work in individual -Speaking skill ,groups & pairs actions -Listen to an advertisement - Use some methods such about a world Heritage Site. as : eliciting etc. Listen -Listening skill Work in individual - Try to get information about ,groups & pairs actions the world Heritage Site. - By the end of this period Read - Use some methods such studentswill be able to as : eliciting etc. understand the text about Work in individual wonder of the world. - Complete the sentences about ,groups & pairs actions the text -Reading skill Write - Write a letter to a friend - Use some methods such - Ss are fond of writing a letter as : eliciting etc.. -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster - radio (Computer) -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster - radio (Computer) -Text book -Picture -Poster. -Text book -Picture.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> -Writing skill. 93. 94. 33. 95. 96. 97. - Passive form. - Compound words Language focus - Reported speech -Use the structures to do exercises - Passive form. - Indirect questions with if and Revision whether. - Question words before toinfinitives. Grammar and vocabulary from 89 unit 12 Written test Do the test well Unit 15: - Express opinions about a Computers problem. Getting started -Differntiate facts from + Listen and opinions Read Speak - Expressing and responding to opinions about things. 34 98. Listen. - By the end of this period ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer and complete a flow chart. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Poster -Text book -Poster -Cassette -Picture. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Picture ,groups & pairs actions -Poster Work in individual - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -Text book - papers. -Text book -Picture -Poster - radio (Computer) - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such -Text book as : eliciting etc. -Picture Work in individual -Poster ,groups & pairs actions - radio (Computer).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> 99. 100. 35. 101. 102. 103. 104 36 105. -help ss recognize their Test Correction mistakes - Recognize and correct mistakes -Reading comprehension about how computer work in a Read university - Understand about the usefulness of computer -Write a set of instructions on how to use the printer Write -listen for details Know how to use the printer and protect it -Further practice in Present perfect with yet and already. Language focus - Comparison of Present perfect and Past simple - By the end of the lesson , Ss Revision will be able to use “ yet “ and “ already “ to express the present perfect Revision - By the end of the lesson, std will be able to revise all the knowledge from unit 9 to unit 15. Test for the - The second semester second term -Reading skill -Writing skill. Work in individual Paper,chalk - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Picture ,groups & pairs actions -Poster - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. -Text book Work in individual -Picture ,groups & pairs actions -Poster - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions Work in individual. -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster -Text book -Picture -Poster papers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 37. Ôn tập và hoàn thành chương trình. MÔN: TIẾNG ANH, LỚP 9. Cả năm: 37 tuần (70 tiết) Học kì I: 19 tuần (36 tiết) Học kì II: 18 tuần (34 tiết Tiết Tuần PPCT 1. 1 2. 3. Tên Chương, Bài, Chủ đề. Review and Test Unit 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Getting startedListen& Read Speak- Listen. Mục tiêu bài học - Review all the grammar point in grade 8 - 4 skills (Elicit to remember and practice) - Introducing people - Listen and read to find information - The behaviors of the people. Phương pháp dạy học, hình thức tổ chức dạy học, Phương tiện dạy học. Chuẩn bị của GV, HS. - Use some methods such Pictures, posters, as : eliciting etc. and boards Work in individual , - Use some methods such Laptop, pictures as : eliciting etc. added board Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Make & respond to - Use some methods such Laptop, pictures introductions as : eliciting etc. added board - Listen to the dialogue for Work in individual detailed information ,groups & pairs actions - Speaking, listening, reading, writing. Kế hoạch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 2. 4. 5. Read. Write. 3 6. 4. 7. Language Focus. Unit2: CLOTHING Getting StartedListen& Read. Students’ attitude to the nation -Read the passage for general information about the nation - Words to describe the geography of a country: climates, population,religions, languages, social customs, habits - Reading, listening, speaking, writing -Write an exposition from picture and word cues - Reading, listening, Speaking, writing -Past simple: regular and irregular to talk about a past action or event that is finished - Past simple with “Wish” - Used to (review) Reading, listening, speaking, writing -Read the specific information about clothing “ Ao Dai” - Words about clothing -Listen and read to find information -Choose the suitable clothing. - Use some methods such Laptop, as : eliciting etc. Pictures, Work in individual added board ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such Pictures, as : eliciting etc. posters Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such Pictures, as : eliciting etc. posters Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such -Tape & stereo& as : eliciting etc. pictures, poster, Work in individual (laptop) ,groups & pairs actions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 8. 9. Speak and Listen. Read Write. 5 10. 11. Language Focus. - Ask & respond to questions on personal preferences - Ask for and give information + Listen to the monologue for detailed information - Words about clothing -Speaking and listening information about the clothing “ jeans” - Words about clothing - Writing, listening, speaking, reading -Write an argument letter from outline A and outline B In my opinion/I think… Firstly,…….. Secondly…….. Finally,………. Therefore/ In conclusion - Writing, listening, speaking, reading -The choice of clothing when going to school -The present perfect to talk about an action or a state which began in the past and continues to the present.. 6 + The passive (review):. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. - pictures, laptop Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Pictures, posters Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such posters as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such Picture& as : eliciting etc. subordiWork in individual -nate board ,groups & pairs actions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 12. 13. 7 14. 15 8. Revision. Test 45m (1). Be + past participle - By the end of the lesson , students will be able to practice the present perfect tense, distinguish the difference in using the past simple and the present perfect tense and wish sentences, review the passive forms of the present, simple present, simple past and simple future, practice passive modal auxiliaries. - Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 1, 2 - Do the Test well -Describing the countryside -Listen and read to find information - Students’ attitude about the countryside. Unit3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE Getting Started- Listen & Read Speak and Listen -Ask for & give information about life & activities in the countryside - talk about a picnic in the country -Listen to the monologue for. Posters, cards. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Textbook and Work in individual exercise book ,groups & pairs actions. Work in individual. papers. - Use some methods such - Stereo, picture, as : eliciting etc. added board Work in individual (laptop) ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. - Stereo, picture, Work in individual added board, ,groups & pairs actions (lapto.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> 16. 17. Test remark. Read. 9 18. Write Language Focus. 19 10 20. detailed information -Speaking, listening, reading, writing - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes - Recognize and correct mistakes - Read the passage for detailed information to complete summary. - Reading, speaking, listening, writing - learning attitude - Write a picnic to the country - Writing, listening, speaking ,reading. +Modal:could , would with wish + The past simple with Wish (review) + Prepositions of time + Adverbial clauses of the result - Writing, listening, speaking ,reading Unit4: -Seeking information for LEARNING A learning a foreign language FOREIGN - Writing, listening, speaking LANGUAGE reading. Work in individual. Textbook and papers. - Use some methods such Subord-dinate as : eliciting etc. board, posters Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Pictures, posters - Pictures, subord-dinate board. - Use some methods such - laptop, as : eliciting etc. pictures, added Work in individual boards ,groups & pairs actions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Getting Started – Listen & Read. 21. Speak + Listen. 11. 22. Read Write. 23 12. 13. 24. Language Focus. 25. Revision. The importance of learning - Ask for and give information about language study/ language courses - Use some methods such - give advice to someone as : eliciting etc. - Express opinions/ preferences Work in individual - Listening to the dialogue for ,groups & pairs actions general formation -Speaking, listening, reading, writing - Use some methods such - Read passages for specific as : eliciting etc. Information Work in individual - Reading skill ,groups & pairs actions -Write a letter of inquiry within - Use some methods such 80- 100 words following a as : eliciting etc. model and an outline given Work in individual - Writing, listening, speaking, ,groups & pairs actions reading - Show the formal letter - Reported questions - Use some methods such - Writing, listening, speaking, as : eliciting etc. Reading skills Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions + By the end of the lesson - Use some methods such students will be able to review as : eliciting etc. reported speech and questions, Work in individual. -laptop, added boards. - added board stereo, tape, (laptop) posters. posters Textbook and exercise book..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> prepositions and tag question. 26. Test 45m (2). - Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Unit 3, 4 - Do the Test well. 27. Unit5: THE MEDIA Getting Started – Listen & Read. - Read the specific information about the development and the use of the media - Need to have the right choice. 14 28. 29 30 15. Speak + Listen. Correct test. - Express agreement & disagreement + Ask for & give opinions -Listen to the dialogue for specific information about the development of the media -Speaking, listening, reading , writing - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes Recognize and correct mistake. Read -Read the passages for general information about the Internet - talk about the development and the use of the media, especially The Internet -Reading, speaking, listening, Wri- recognize the advantages & disadvantages of the internet. ,groups & pairs actions Work in individual. papers. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Stereo, tape, Work in individual board, pictures ,groups & pairs actions. - Use some methods such Stereo, added as : eliciting etc. board, tape Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions Work in individual. Textbook and papers. - Use some methods such Pictures, posters as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 31. Write. 16 32. 33. Language Focus Revision. ting -Write a passage about advantages and disadvantages of the Internet -Writing, speaking, listening, reading -Tag questions - Gerunds after some verbs -Writing, speaking, listening, reading Vocabulary and grammar. 17 34. Revision Revision. 35 18 36 19. Reading Writing. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. posters Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Posters, cards. Posters, cards. Posters, cards Posters, cards. Test for the first term Ôn tập và hoàn thành chương trình KẾ HOẠCH DẠYGIẢNG DẠY MÔN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 9 NĂM HỌC 2014– 2015 HỌC KỲ II.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Tiết Tuần PPCT. 37. Tên Chương, Bài, Chủ đề. Unit 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Getting Started – Listen & Read Speak – Listen. 20 38. 21 39. Read. 40. Write. Phương pháp dạy học, hình thức tổ chức dạy Mục tiêu bài học học, Phương tiện dạy học - Read the information about - Use some methods cleaning environment such as : eliciting etc. -listening, speaking, reading, Work in individual writing ,groups & pairs actions -Keeping & protecting the environment - Persuade, ask for & give - Use some methods reasons, talk about the such as : eliciting etc. problems of environment & Work in individual solution ,groups & pairs actions -listen to monologue for detailed information - speaking, listening, reading, wr- keeping & protect environmental air & sea iting - Read the poem about the - Use some methods environment such as : eliciting etc. -reading, istening, speaking, Work in individual writing ,groups & pairs actions -keep & preserve the environment -Write a letter of complaint - Use some methods. Chuẩn bị của GV, HS stereo, tape (laptop), pictures, subordinate board Laptop, posters, color chalks. - Pictures, posters, realia (laptop). Posters, (laptop). Kế hoạch.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> 22. 41. 42 23. 24. 43. Language Focus. Unit 7: SAVING ENERGY Getting Started – Listen & Read Speak + Listen. 44. Read. 45. Write. Writing, listening, speaking, reading, - Show a complaint letter -Adjectives & adverbs +Adverbial clauses of reason : as, since, because + Adjective = that clause + Conditional sentences – type - Use new structures to do exercises -Read the dialogue about saving energy -speaking, listening; reading, writing - saving water energy By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to suggestions and will know more about solar energy by listening. -Read passages for detailed information Reading, listening, speaking writing Know about ways to save energy -write a passage based on frame and idea cues. such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Posters, subordinate board, pictures, cards. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Laptop, pictures -added board, pictures, (stereo,tape). - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Laptop, pictures -added board, pictures, (stereo,tape). - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Pictures, posters. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc.. Subordinate board, pictures,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 46. 47. 25. 26. 48. 49. - Writing, listening, speaking, reading. Write a speech about energy saving and other schoolrelated topics By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the connectives: and, but, Language focus because, or, so, therefore, however and some phrasal verbs. Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Writing test 45m Unit 6, 7 (3) -Writing, reading Unit 8: -Read a passage about CELEBRATIONS celebrations Getting Started – - Writing, listening, Listen & Read speaking, reading Know about famous celebrations around the world - show their love about celebrations Speak – Listen - Give & respond to compliments + Describe events +Express opinions -listen to the song for specific information. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. posters. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Subordinate board, pictures, posters. Work in individual. papers. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - stereo, tape (laptop), pictures, added board. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Stereo, subordinate board, (laptop), pictures, cards.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 50. Correct test Read. 51. Work in individual. Paper and textbook. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Pictures, posters. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. 27. 28. - Speaking, listening; reading, writing - learn to give and respond to a compliment for common situations - Sing an English song - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes Recognize and correct mistakes - Read passages for general information - Reading, listening, speaking writing - Show children’s opinions, feelings , memories about their fathers. 52. Write. 53. Language Focus. - Write a letter to a pen pal to share the idea on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day - Writing, listening, speaking, reading Show the letter to a friend to share their ideas about a particular issue - Relative clauses - Use some methods + Adverbial clauses of such as : eliciting etc.. Posters, (laptop. Pictures, posters,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> 54. Unit 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Listen & Read Speak – Listen. 55 29. 56. Read. concession - Relative clauses + Adverbial clauses of concession Use new structures to do exercise -Read the dialogue about the weather - speaking, listening; reading, writing - Understand the informationin a weather forecast Make Predictions +Talk about the weatherforecast +Describe events +listen to monologue for specific information - speaking, listening; reading, writing - help students understand how to live with disasters - Read passages for general information: natural disaster - Reading, listening, speaking,writing - Recognize the dangerous. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. cards, (laptop). - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Laptop, pictures, posters. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - stereo, tape, subordinate board, (laptop), posters. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. -subordinate board, pictures,posters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> 57 30 58. 59. 31 60. 32. 61. natural disasters - write a story based on prompts - Writing, listening, Write speaking, reading - Recognize the dangerous natural disasters - Relative pronouns: who, that, which Language Focus - Writing, listening, speaking, reading Relative clauses (continue) - Evaluate Ss’ knowledge in Writing Test 45m Unit 8, 9 ( 4) Do the Test well Writing, reading skills Unit 10: LIFE ON - Read a passage about OTHER UFOS and other alien events PLANETS on the Earth and other Getting Started – planets Listen & Read - Make Predictions about the existence of UFOS -listening, reading skills Learn to talk about UFOS Speak – Listen - Talk about possibility +Seek informations + name & describe natural disaster +listen to monologue for general information. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - pictures, added board, posters (laptop). - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Subordinate board, posters, cards. Work in individual. papers. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - stereo, tape ,added board , pictures (laptop). - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. - pictures, added board,(laptop), posters.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 62. 63. Coerect test (4). Read Write. 33 64. 65. Language Focus. 34 66 35. 67. Revision. Revision. - Speak with friends about things which might be on Mars - talk about the moon - Correction for the test and help Ss recognize their mistakes -Read a passage for specific information - Read and know about a space trip - Write a story an exposition within 80 -100 words based on pictures/ words cues or prompts - Know how to write an argumentative exposition - Writing skill - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the moon by listening and relative pronouns: Who, which, that. - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to summarize the basic knowledge they have learnt and prepare doing the test well . - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do some. Work in individual. Text book and paper. - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions - Use some methods such as : eliciting etc. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Pictures, posters, -added board. Prediction, reading comprehension, questions and answers. - Pairwork, groupwork. Textbooks,pictur es.. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Textbook , chalk. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Textbook , chalk. Posters (laptop).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> 68. 69. Revision. Revision. 36 70. Test for the second term. exercises they have learnt and prepare doing the test well . By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do some exercises they have learnt and prepare doing the test well . By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do some exercises they have learnt and prepare doing the test well . Do the test well. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Textbook , chalk. Work in individual ,groups & pairs actions. Textbook , chalk. Work in individual. Papers. Thành công, ngày 10 tháng 09 năm 2014 Tổ trưởng chuyên môn. Người lập kế hoạch Nông Thị Thảo. Nông Văn Huân KÍ DUYỆT CỦA BAN GIÁM HIỆU.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span>

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