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Giao an tong hop

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 1 Week: 1 Teaching date: 23/8/2017 Class: 8/1 HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG SÁCH GIÁO KHOA, TÀI LIỆU HỌC TẬP, PHƯƠNG PHÁP HỌC TẬP BỘ MÔN I. Objectives - By the end of this lesson , Ss can know something about England. - Helps sts understand sth about English and have the effective ways to learn it. II. Teaching aids. - Book, planning, picture III. Procedure A. Class organization. - Greeting. - Checking attendance: B. New lesson. Sts’ and T’s activities Contents 1. Warm up. - Chatting: What aspects of learning - Listening… English do you find the most difficult? 2. Activities A- T. asks sts some questions about - It located in North-west coast of Europe England. with very mild weather not too hot but not - What do you know about England? too cold. T. gives sts something about England and - It consists of four parts: England, Wales, English. Scotland and Ireland. - It’s official name is the UK - Each part has its own flag of UK. -There are many interesting things of England and you’ll gradually know about them in the progress of learning English. English is used all over the world in every aspect of life. * English is an international language. It’s the international language of every Sts work in groups to talk about England fields: communication,trade,economic, in Vietnamese. cooperation...... B- Introduce the English book. Student book and Workbook. It consists of 6 units - English is not too difficult but it requires your working hard. - Focusing on vocabulary you come across. Write sentence with the new words to understand more - Review the lesson everyday. - Practise English everyday. - How can you learn English well. 5.Home work:. Prepare for unit 1: My hobbies..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Period: 2 Teaching date: 23/8/2017. Week: 1 Class: 8/1 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson1 - GETTING STARTED It’s right up my street!. I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can:  Use some vocabularies and structures to talk about school activities II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: Matching, pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Activity 1: Warm up: eliciting questions -Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer some questions about the picture - Ask Ss to open their books to the picture. - Introduce Mai, Phuc, and Nick. Ask Ss to guess where they are and what they are doing. For more able classes, brainstorm questions with Ss and write them on the board. Questions may include: 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Why do you think Mai, Phuc, and Nick are there? 3. What are they holding in their hands? 4. What are they talking about? 5. Can you guess what Mai, Phuc, and Nick like doing in their free time? E.g.: Who are they? What is Phong doing? Activity 2 : Material presentation - Write the title on the board and ask Ss why it is a special day. - Explain the meaning of “it'll take all my savings ” and ask Ss to guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. - Let Ss open their books and check their answers. - Play the recording, Ss listen and read. Content. Mrs Nguyen, Phong, Vy, and Duy He’s having his breakfast I-Listen and read 1- Vocabulary - Check out tricks craft kit beads stickers wool buttons tools comics 2- Structures I love to watch him S + love + To- V I’ll enjoy listening to the melodies. S + enjoyoy + V-ing Verbs of liking + To-V/ Ving 3- Some expressions 1. it'll take all my savings : It won’t take me time to find 2. it's right up your street! a. Circle the correct answer. 1. bookstore 2. book - Go through the list of activities mentioned. 3. dog Encourage Ss to explain what they are and to give 4. craft kit examples. 5. folk music - Ask Ss if they have done any of these activities, or 6. Vietnamese if they know anyone who does these in their free b. Which leisure activities do you think Phuc, time. Mai, and Nick have? Tick the boxes. Then find - Have Ss do this task individually first, then the information from the conversation to explain compare the answers with their partner. They your choice. should be able to Phuc Mai Nick - give ideas from the text that support their answers. 1. pet training √ 2. making crafts - Draw Ss' attention to the contexts when Mai said. √.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 'Check out this book' and Phuc said 'it's right up your street!'. - Together with Ss elicit the meaning of these two expressions. - To check out something means to examine something or get more information about it in order to be certain that it is suitable (or true, or safe). - If something is right up your Street, it is the type of thing that you are interested in or that you enjoy doing. - Ask Ss for examples of something they can check out, and something which is right up their Street. - For a more able class, ask Ss to make a 2-turn dialogue in which they use these expressions.. 3. reading 4. listening to music 5. learning languages 6. playing sports 7. helping parents with DIY projects. √. √. √. √ √ √. √. √. Learning tip DIY: Do It Yourself: Work on the house that you do yourself without the help of experts, e.g. painting a room, fixing the garden fence, building a dog house, etc. c. Answer the following questions: Key: l. playing computer games 2. playing beach games Activity 3 : 3.doing DIY 4. texting T uses the desk-covering technique 5. visiting museums 6 making crafts + Six groups of 6 students work in 3 minutes. 3. Complete the following sentences with Each member writes his/her answer on his/her words in the box. square and the group’s answer in the middle of their sheet. + T collects two sheets to stick on the board for checking. The left ones are exchanged among the groups. + T remarks and corrects. + S follow and copy down.. Activity 4 : 4 GAME: CHANGING PARTNERS - This game can be done in groups of four or six, or - Describe the leisure activity as a mingle activity. - Say if you have done this activity or not - If your classroom is large enough, ask Ss to stand - Share your feelings about the activity in two lines facing each other. Each pair will talk about Example: - one activity for one minute. When the time is up P1: Last weekend we learnt to make car models. and T calls ọut 'Change!', they will move one step I love to do this. It's so much fun... to the left/right to meet a new partner and talk And I have finished it for a day. I mean it doesn’t about another activity. take long time to fulfill. How about you, Nam? - Individually Ss read and tick the box. P2: I played chess with my brother. I tried my - Then T lets them discuss in groups. best, but never won him. -T may ask why or why not they ticked this or that question. -Allow Ss some time to write their sentences on a piece of paper, share them with the class or group. VI- Homework: -Practice reading the dialogue. -Write new words then draw a picture next to the word -Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 1. Period: 3. Week: 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Teaching date: 25/8/2017. Class: 8/1 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson2 - A CLOSER LOOK 1. I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can:  Use the lexical items related to the topic “LEISURE ACTIVITIES”  Pronounce correctly the sounds /br / and /pr/ in isolation and in context II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Activity 1: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to examine the pie chart closely in order to understand its contents, including the - heading, subheadings, figures, colour codes, source, and notes. - Allow enough time for this step. - Do not give correction. Then ask Ss to answer the questions that follow the chart. - If necessary, T may elicit information by asking questions such as: 1. What is the pie chart about? Where can you find the information? 2. What do the different coloured sections of the chart refer to? 3. How are these sections calculated? 4. What does the ‘Note’ tell you? 5. What does the 'Source' tell you? - explain some new words - Let Ss work in pairs. - Then check their answer. Activity 2 : -Have Ss work individually to complete the task. -After giving corrective feedback, draw their attention to; the part of speech of the words mentioned (e.g. relaxing comes from the verb relax with -ing added, and it refers to the activity). -Then introduce the concept of gerund (a noun made from a verb by adding -ing). - Give Ss some examples where a gerund is transformed from a verb and used as a noun. - For a more able class, ask Ss to make their own sentences. - Let Ss work in pairs. They have to put the words in 1 into groups. - Then check their answer. - Explain to them which words go with each verb Activity 3 : - For a more able class, ask Ss to cover the category labels. Have Ss look at the words and try to guess what these words have in common.. Content 1. Look at the following pie chart on leisure activities in the us and answer the questions I- Vocabulary - total - leisure - communicate - averages - Socialize Key: 1. In 2012, people in the US spent 5.1 hours a day on sport and leisure activities. 2. The main activities they did include watching TV, socialising and communicating, reading, participating in sports, exercise and recreation, using computers for leisure, relaxing and thinking. 3. The three most common activities were watching TV, socialising and communicating, and using computers for leisure. 2 Complete the table with information from the pie chart Name of activities verbs relaxing relax thinking think using use doing do watching watch reading read socialising socialise communicating communicate. 3. Look at the words. Match them to the category labels. Key:. 1. e. 2. b. 3. f. 4. a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - T may elicit answers from Ss by asking questions, for example: 1. What is the common verb we often use with these? How can we use this verb to describe the activity? 2. Who do we often do these with? Where do we often do these? etc. - Do not give correction at this step. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the task. - Once they have finished and T has given corrective feed back, encourage them to add more words in each category. - Tell Ss to do the task individually. - Call some Ss to write on the board - Then check their answers Activity 4: - Have Ss work in small groups. - Allow them enough time to think about what their average day may look including study and work and how much time spend on leisure activities. - If there is plenty of time on leisure, encourage them to calculate these times as percentages and put them in a simple pie chart similar to. - Alternatively, this task can be done as a mingle activity. - Have Ss write down how much time they spend on leisure in an average day, and the three activities they do the most. - Ss move around and talk with at least three other classmates to find out who spends most time on leisure and what the most popular activities in the class are in the class are. - Ask Ss to write the three leisure activities about themselves in their notebooks, using the combinations above.( They can write as many sentences as possible) - Share their ideas with a partner. Activity 5: - Have Ss work individually to complete this task. Once they have finished, Ss work in pairs to compare their answers. - Play the recording for Ss to check and then repeat. - Pause the recording to drill difficult items. - Ask Ss to add more words which contain these clusters. - For a more able class, Ss may make sentences with these words and practise saying them. Activity 6: - Have Ss practise the words with the dusters first. - Then ask them to repeat the whole sentence. - If time allows, ask Ss to cover their books and. 5. d. 6.h. 7. c. 8. g. 4. How much time do you spend a day on leisure activities? What are the three activities that you do the most? Share your idea with a partner. *Write sentences about yourself E.g 1. I often listen to music, read book comics and play badminton after school. 2. I enjoy something interesting like doing sports: going swimming, playing basket ball or table tennis in my free time. 3. When I have free time, I love outdoor things just like going swimming, playing football or going camping. …………………………………………………. II-Pronunciation Clusters /br/ and /pr/ 5. Complete the words under the pictures with /br/ or /pr/. Listen to check your answers and repeat. 1. apricot 2. bridge 3. bracelet 4. bread 5. princess 6. president 7. present 8. broccoli. 6. Listen and repeat. 2. She loves making apricot jam. 3. My dad likes making bread in his free time. 4. Hien is our Club president..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> listen to the recording. 5. Mai keeps all her bracelets in a beautiful box. - If they hear the word with cluster /pr/ they have 6. You will need a brush if you want to paint to raise up their left hand, if it is duster /b r/ they your room. raise their right hand. 7. This is a wonderful present. Thanks so much. Audio script: 1. She loves making apricot jam. 2. My dad likes making bread in his free time. 3. Hien is our club president. 4. Mai keeps all her bracelets in a beautiful box. 5. You will need a brush if you want to paint ỵour room. 6. This is a wonderful present. Thanks so much! III- Homework: -Practice vocabulary and pronunciation of 2 the sounds /br/ and /pr/ again -Make 5 sentences with new words -Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2. Period: 4. Week: 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Teaching date: 29/8/2017. Class: 8/1 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 3 - A CLOSER LOOK 2. I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can:  Use the lexical items related to the topic “LEISURE ACTIVITIES”  Use the verbs followed by gerund and/or to-infinitive II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Activity 1: - Let Ss do the task individually. -T corrects their answers (and may call some Ss to say their answers separately) T gives explanation if necessary Activity 2 : -Allow Ss to write the sentences in their notebooks, referring to interview. - Call 1 or 2 Ss to write on the board - Check their answers - Then ask Ss to give the rule and use of gerunds and to-V -Let them study the grammar box. -T can add something and give more examples if necessary. Content 1. Read the conversation in Getting Started again. Underline verbs that are followed by a gerund. Key: 1. think I’ll enjoy listening to the melodies. 2. I liked reading Doraemon comics 3. Stop reading comics! 2. Tick the appropriate box Look out adore, love, like, enjoy, fancy don't mind dislike, don't like hate detest I- The gerund and infinitive a- Usage: If we want to follow a verb with another action, we must use a gerund or an infinitive. We use gerund / to-V after “adore, love, like, enjoy, fancy, don't mind, dislike, don't like hate detest” without much change in meaning. b- Formation: S + V +V-ing / To-V. 1. love. followed by followed by both gerund only gerund! and to-infinitive √ √. 2.enjoy. √. 3. detest 4. prefer. √ √. 5. fancy. √. √. 3. Write the correct form of the verbs Activity 3: - Ask Ss to refer to the conversation in Getting Key: 1. making Started. T can ask Ss to focus on the verbs used 2. to watch / watching in gerunds 3. skateboarding -Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen 4. to learn /learning and follow the conversation on the page. 5. sitting -Ask Ss to underline the gerund form. 4 Write sentences about what you like or don't Activity 4:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Ss work in pairs. - T goes round and corrects mistakes or gives help when and where necessary. like doing in your free time, beginning with the following. Then share what you have written with your partner. 1. I adore 2. I love 3. I fancy 4. I don't mind 5. I don’t like 6. I detest Activity 5: 5. Look at the following e-mail that Minh Duc -Have Ss study the example first. wrote to his new pen friend. -Then ask them to give the correct verb forms. a) There are six grammar mistakes in his e-mail. (Ask them to repeat the verb form in each enjoy do → enjoy doing sentence, and read the whole sentences like have → like having correctly). mind to do → mind doing -T may ask them to say why to use the gerund hate spend → hate spending form in each sentences. love eat → love eating like do b) Answer the questions. 1. Duc mentions 6 activities in his e-mail. play video games watch TV go to the park play football with my friends do homework eat out with my family. 2. I think he enjoys playing video games the most. 6. Write a similar e-mail to tell your friend Activity 6: about your free time, using the verbs of liking -Ask Ss to do the task by themselves or in pairs. gerunds or verbs of liking + to-infinitive Swap -T correctly their mistakes. your work with a partner and check mistakes. Ss write an e-mail to tell their friends about their - activities that you like doing and do not like own free time. doing. T corrects - activities that you enjoy the most. Hi, my name's Nam. Thanks for your email. Now I’ll tell you about my activities in my free time. I often play football with my friends. I enjoy doing this very much! I sometimes help my parents too. I do homework every afternoon. I hate watcthing TV all the eveing, but I love taking short works after dinner! On the weekend, I enjoy going swimming most. It is so funny! Please write to me soon... III- Homework: Copy the email onto exercise notebook. -Prepare communication. Period: 5. Week: 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teaching date: 29/8/2017. Class: 8/1 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 4 - COMMUNICATION. I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can:  Ask appropriate questions when making new friends at a new school II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Extra vocabulary Refer to any words in the Extra vocabulary box that Ss do not ỵet know and ask Ss to trỵ to guess what the meaning is, and how that may relate to leisure activities. Activity 1: Explain to Ss that they are going to read about some activities teenagers do in their spare time. - Have Ss cover the text and just look at the photos (with name and country). - Encourage Ss to guess what these students in the photos like doing as leisure activities. Then set a reading time limit and have Ss speed read the text. - Close books and play a memory game: dividing Ss into competing groups to tell how much information they can remember from the text - Motivate Ss by counting every detail they remember! - Do not check comprehension at this point. Activity 2: - Ask Ss if they notice any other particular features of the text. - Elicit answers from Ss by drawing their attention to the form of the text (e.g. its layout and the abbreviation). - Explain that this is from a webpage and that - these abbreviations are informal language that is used Online and in texting messages. Introduce the f.rst - abbreviation. Then have Ss work in pairs to complete the task. - Next encourage Ss to add to the 'netlingo' dictionary with any other abbreviations they know that are used Online. - Ss may work in pairs to create their own mini dictionary, then ask other pairs to guess the meaning. - If time allows, have Ss write short texts or messages in which they use these abbreviations and/or their newly added ones and send them to each other. Activity 3: Have Ss work in pairs or small groups to complete the table. Allow Ss to read the text more closely to fill in to complete the table. Activity 4: - Have Ss work in pairs to put the leisure activities in the text in order from the most interesting to the most. Content Extra vocabulary window shopping to be hooked on something to sound weird to be addicted to something 1. Read the following article on the magazine 1-Vocabulary hanging out European Capital of Culture Drama Hook on addict. 2. The abbreviations: Other abbreviations used for Online chatting/texting. URA * You are a start TA Thanks a lot SUP What’s up? SRY Sorry Rly really? PLZ Please … PLU. 3. Find information in the text to complete the table. Who?. What activity is What does he / she mentioned? think of it? Emily • hanging out with She loves it. friends (window shopping) • working as a volunteer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> boring. - Once they have their list, form a bigger group of four and each1 pair shares their list with the other. - Allow plenty of time for this activity where Ss are encouraged to discuss, give opinions, and negotiate with each other in order to agree on a mutual list. Example: - playing football - hanging out with friends (window shopping) - working as a volunteer - cloud watching - going to community centre, - painting, dancing, - doing drama - helping his aunt in running cooking classes. Hang • cloud watching. Linn • going to She loves it. community centre, painting, dancing, • doing drama Minh • playing football He likes it. • helping his aunt in running cooking classes Manuel • hanging out with It's fun. friends (window shopping) • working as a volunteer. 4. Work with your partner and put the activities in 3 in order from the most interesting to the most boring. Then compare your ideas with other pairs.. III- Homework: - Write five sentences about your good friends. -Prepare SKILLS 1. Period: 6 Teaching date: 31/8/2017. She adores it. It's easy.. Week: 2 Class: 8/1 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 5 – SKILLS 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can: -Read for general and specific information about the possible effects of spending too much time on the computer. - Talk about 'good' and 'bad' sides of leisure activities II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities READING Activity 1: - Start the lesson by doing a quick class survey on how many Ss use computers frequently and what they use - them for - Give examples of your own use of computers and mobile phones. - Then have Ss work in pairs to discuss the questions. - Call on some pairs to share their ideas once they have finished their discussion. - Write the ideas on the board. Activity 2: - Ask Ss to look at the title and the picture and predict what they are going to read. Say that they are going - to read about a student named Quang. - Encourage Ss to develop their ideas by guessing what Quang's story is about. - Then ask Ss to read the text and underline any words they don't know. - Have Ss discuss any unfamiliar words from the text. - Ss then work individually to choose the best answer - They need to be able to explain their choice as well. Activity 3: - Tell Ss for this exercise they will need to look at the keywords in the responses in order to find out the questions. - Ss work individually then compare their answers with a partner. - Allow Ss to read in chorus once. Then, call some individuals to read aloud to the class in order to check their pronunciation and intonation. SPEAKING Activity 4: - Explain to Ss that these speech bubbles are from Quang and his parents. - Ss may work in pairs or in groups, but they will need to say why they think who says what, based on the Information from the passage. - Go through the phrases in the Language notes box with Ss. For one of the speech bubbles, demonstrate how you can use this language: - A: In my opinion, computer games train your mind and your memory.. Content I- READING 1. What are the benefits of using computers or Mobil phones for leisure activities? What are the harmful things it may bring us? a. benefits - watching movies - listening to music - playing games - accessing social media - doing homework,… etc. b. harms - Eye Health Sức khỏe mắt - Chronic Pain Đau mãn tính - Germs Vi trùng - Radiation sự bức xạ 2. Read the passage and choose the correct answer: 1 Vocabulary 1. virtual 2. imagine 3. exist. Key: 1. B 2. C. 3. Write the questions for the answers based on information from the text. Key: 1. Is Quang's garden real? 2. What is the problem with using technology in your free time? 3. What leisure activities do teenagers do these days? 4. What are the benefits of using t e compute? II- SPEAKING Language notes Giving an opinion: I think that.. In my opinion... Asking for an opinion: What do you think?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - B' That's so true. / I'm afraid I don't agree. - In pairs, have Ss choose a speech bubble and combine it with the language in the Language notes - Ask for volunteers to demonstrate their short exchanges (Discuss any common errors and provide further practice if necessary.. How do you feel about that? Agreeing: I agree with you; That's so true.; Exactly. Disagreeing: I'm afraid I don’t agree.; I don't think so. 4. Quang and his parents are talking about how he should spend his free time. Decide which statements are from Quang and which ones from his parents. Quang's parents. - Go out out and play a sport. It’s good for you . - Sitting for too long in front of the computer makes your eyes tired. You see real friends less and less. Quang:. - I think computer games train my mind and my memory. - My English much better because I surf the net. - I’ve made lots of friends from the game network. Short exchanges - A: In my opinion, computer games train your mind and your memory. - B' That's so true. / I'm afraid I don't agree.. Activity 5: - Before the role-play starts, arrange Ss into three groups. - Ask each group to brainstorm how they are going to express their opinions. - When they are ready, put Ss into new groups which contain Quang, Quang’s parents, and Quang's teacher. . 5. Role play: Free practice - Tell Ss that they can use the language in 4 for their role Quang's parents:……………………………….….. play and emphasise that the phrases in the skill box Quang:……………………………..…………….….. Quang's parents:……………………………….….. should be used in their discussion - If time allows, call on two or three groups to repeat their role-play for the class. III- Homework: - Write four sentences about your school.(answer these questions above -Prepare SKILLS 2. Period: 7 Teaching date: 24/8/2015. Week: 3 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 6 – SKILLS 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can: - Listen for specific information about ways of spending time with friends - Write to discuss an opinion about leisure activities II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities LISTENING Activity 1: - Share some of the things you often enjoy doing with your friends in your free time. - Ask Ss to tell each other what they usually do with their friends. - Ask some pairs to volunteer to tell the class if they find each other’s answers interesting. - Tell Sst hat they are going to listen to a radio programme, - Ask them to look at the questions and underline the key words before Teacher plays the recorder. Activity 2: - Play the recording. - Ask Ss to listen only the first time. Then play the recording again and allow Ss to choose the correct answers as they listen. - Ss can share their answer before listening to the recording a final time to check Audio script: In this week's programme we'll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best friends after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors or outdoors. If you like staying indoors ask your parents if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It's more comfortable than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling Creative, you can make crafts together. You'll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking... you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you prefer something more exciting? Go downtown and do some people watching. It's fun. If you like something more organised, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! Activity 3: Play the recording as many times as needed. Ss work individually then compare answers with their partner. WRITING Writing tip: Tell the class the importance of punctuation marks. Allow some time for the Ss to study the writing tip. Explain to them the new words and punctuation marks. Activity 4:. Content I- LISTENING 1. What do you usually do with your friends in your free time? 1. Vocabulary: * helpful * favourite. 2. Listen to the radio programme and answer the questions. Key: 1.The topic of this week's programme is hanging out with your friends. 2. There are two main ways: hanging out indoors or outdoors.. 3. Listen again and complete the table. 1..movies 2.cinema 3. crafts 4. sports 5. physical health 6.people 7. cultural centres. WRITING Writing to give an opinion Organising your ideas - Introducing your opinion In my opinion, I believe - Explain your opinion Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally - besides, also, in addition Concluding/summarising your opinion For these reasons,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> -. Have Ss cover the box and write some of these words/ phrases on the board. Ask Ss where in a paragraph they often see these words and what could be the purpose for using them. - Ss work individually to complete the task, and discuss their answers with a partner. Remind Ss that for some gaps there is more than one correct answer. Activity 5 - This task can be done in small groups where each group chooses one question. They then agree on an op" work together to brainstorm the ideas to argue for their points. Each member will ' to write his/ her own piece. - Remind Ss to use the connectors they have learnt earner order to be organise their ideas. - Tell Ss to write a draft first by trying to answer all the questions. - Then Ss write a paragraph of about 80 words about their school, covering as many ideas as possible of the answers to these questions - Tell Ss to pay attention to punctuation, structural elements, linking words, etc.. In short, As I have noted. 4. Complete the passage Key: 1. In my opinion / I believe 2. Firstly 3. Secondly 4. Besides/Also/ln addition 5. For these reasons/ In short/ As I have noted ..................... 5. Now write a similar paragraph to answer of the following questions. I believe the best leisure activity for teenagers is any group activity. This could be playing a team sport or joining a hobby group or even volunteering. Firstly, teenagers like to feel that they belong to a group. Secondly, being part of a group helps teenagers make friends. Friendships are very important to teenagers. In addition, they will make friends with people who have the same interests as them. For these reasons I think group activities are best for teenagers.. III- Homework: - Practise writing a webpage for your school. -Prepare LOOKING BACK. Period: 8 Teaching date: 25/8/2015 I.OBJECTIVES:. Week: 3 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 7 – LOOKING BACK. By the end of this Unit, students can:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Remember and use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the questions so Ss can see how far they have progressed, and which areas they need further practice II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette, charts III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: . Teacher’s and students’ activities Vocabulary Activity 1: - Ss complete this exercise individually or in pairs. Once they have finished they should be able to explain - their answers as well. Accept different answers if Ss can explain their decisions logically. Activity 2: - Ss complete this task individually. - Tell Ss to write the words in their notebooks. - Then T corrects the mistakes. - Let them repeat the words. Check their pronunciation. Grammar. Activity 3. Ss work individually to compete the exercise. If time allows, T may ask Ss to swap their work with each other for peer correction. Activity4. Have Ss complete the sentences using their own ideas. Remind them to use gerunds or to-infinitives. Have some Ss read out their sentences. Accept all answers as long as they make sense. Activity 5.. Content. 1. Which one is the odd one out? - Suggested answers 1.DIY 2. hanging out 3. hospital 4. detest 5. boring 6. Computer 2. Rearrange the letters to find the name of the activities. Key: 1. socialising with friends 4. doing DIY 2. relaxing 5. using computers 3. communicating with friends 6. making crafts II- Grammar 3. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. 1. working 2. learning/to learn 3. seeing 4. doing 5. meeting 4. Complete the following sentences with your own ideas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. My best friend doesn't mind …………. Do you fancy ……………………. ? My father used to hate ………………., but now he likes doing it. I love …………………………………. My cousin detests…………………….. 5. Read this paragraph from www.thinkuknow.co.uk by CEOP, the - After Ss have finished T may explain to them that they UK government agency that Help can register as a user on the website protect children from harm Online and www.thinkuknow.co.uk in order to be protected when offline in the UK and internationally. they go online. Choose the most suitable words/ phrases to fill the gaps Key: 1. Firstly 2. Secondly 3. Thirdly 4. In addition 5. In short 6. Choose from the leisure activities in Communication this Activity 6. - one activity you think is fun - Allow Ss plenty of time to do this task. - For each activity they choose, they should be able to give - one activity you think is boring - one activity you think is exciting at least one reason that led them to the decision. Then Ss - one activity you think is good for work in pairs to exchange their ideas. physical heal.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Activity 7. - T asks Ss to complete the self-assessment. - Have Ss discuss as a class what difficulties remain and what areas the Ss have mastered. - Finally ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. - Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice. Period: 9 Teaching date: 7/9/2015. - one activity you think is good for mental heal Explain why you think so. Then exchange your idea with a partner. Finished! Finished! Now you can………… - talk about leisure activities - use verbs of liking+ gerunds and toinfinitives - pronounce words containing the clusters /br/and /pr/correctly in isolation and sentences use signal words to write about my opinion in an organised way. Week: 3 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 2 : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED (p.16).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about life in the countryside. II. Teaching aids: - Stereo, CD. III. Procedures 1. Class organization. - Greetings. - Checking attendance: 2. New lesson.. CONTENT Warm up : countryside activities - fly kites - swim in the river - water the vegetable - play marbles Getting started: What can you see in the picture ? What are the children doing ? Do you like living in the countryside? Listen and read : Vocabulary: + buffalo- drawn cart ( n ) : xe trâu kéo + go herding ( v ) : chăn trâu.. Exercise 1a : Are the sentences T or F? Answer key : 1. T 2. F 3.F 4.T 5.T Exercise 1 b: Answer the following questions Answer key : 1. He’s in the countryside. 2. Right on his first day there. 3. It’s big and colorful. 4. His grandfather. 5. He means that he wishes he were in the countryside. Exercise 1c: Complete the sentences with words in the box. Answer key: 1.colorful 2.move slowly 3.harvest time 4. paddy field 5. herding 6. buffalodrawn cart Exercise 1 d :In group, discuss and find how Nguyen feels about his stay in the countryside. Tick the appropriate box. Answer key:. T’s & Ss’ Activities Brainstorm the activities. Set the scene Answer the questions as a class. - Introduce some new words. Play the CD, ss follow along Read the conversation Run through key words Do the task individually Give feedback. Ss read the conversation & answer the questions Give feedback. - Ask ss to look at the words. If they don’t know the meaning, refer to the conversation and guess.. In groups, ss discuss. Ss share the ideas as a class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> He likes it ( “It’s more exciting than I expected” , I live more happily here, and there’s still a lot more to explore” Exercise 2 – Match the activities with the pictures. Answer key: 1 – e 2- f 3 – a 4 – c 5- d 6 - b Exercise 3 Can you think of some more things that children do in the countryside? Make a list. Exercise 4: COUNTRYSIDE CHARADE Homework : - Do exercise 1& 2p.10-11 exercise book.. SS work independently to label the pictures. Give feedback. Ss work in groups to brainstorm the activities. - Ss play game. Do the task at home. Period: 10 Week: 4 Teaching date: 8/9/2015 Class: 8/1, 8/2 UNIT 2 : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1 ( p. 18) I. Objectives..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the lexical items related to the topic as well as know how to pronounce /bl/ and / cl / . II. Teaching aids: - Stereo, CD. III. Procedures 1. Class organization. - Greetings. - Checking attendance: 2. New lesson.. CONTENT Warm up : By using pictures, remind Ss of the vocabulary they learnt in the previous lesson. Vocabulary : + nomadic / nou'mædik] / (adj ) : nay đây mai đó, du cư + vast / vɑ:st] / (adj ) : mênh mông, rộng lớn + hay / [hei] / ( n ) : cỏ khô Exercise 1: Listen and repeat the words Exercise 2: Put the words in 1 into the appropriate category. Some words can be used in more than one category.. T’s & Ss’ Activities Show pictures.. Introduce to ss some new words. SS listen to the recording and repeat the words. Pay attention to the stress. Ss do the exercise individually. T corrects the exercise as a class. Encourage ss to explain why they choose that word for the category.. To describe... people. Words friendly, brave, boring,nomadic, colorful life slow, hard, boring, inconvenient, peaceful,nomadic, colourful scenery colourful, vast, peaceful Exercise 3: Match the nouns/ noun phrases in the Ss do the exercise individually. T explains some confusing words then box with each verbs. corrects the exercise as a class. ride: a horse, a camel put up: a tent, a pole collect: hay, water herd: the buffaloes, the cattle pick: wild flowers, apples Ss look at the sentences and decide if Exercise 4: Use the words from 1 and 3 to an adjective or a verb is missing. Ss do complete the sentences. Remember to use the by themselves. Check the answers. correct form of the verbs. Answer key: Ss listen and repeat. 1. picking 2. inconvenient, collect 3. herd 4. ridden,brave 5. peaceful 6. nomadic 7. Ss listen and circle the words. Ss do in vast pairs and challenge each other to 8. put up, hard choose the correct words. Ss look at the sentences and underline PRONUNCIATION: Exercise 5: Listen and repeat the words you hear. the words with clusters / bl/ and /cl/ first. Ss then listen and repeat. Pay attention to the initial clusters..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Exercise 6: Listen and circle the words you hear. Answer key: blame, blast, blue,clock, close Exercise 7: Listen and repeat. Homework : - Do exercise 5 & 6p.12 exercise book.. Do the task at home. Period: 11 Week: 4 Teaching date: 9/9/2015 Class: 8/1, 8/2 UNIT 2 : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE PERIOD 3 : A CLOSER LOOK 2. I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use comparative form s of adverbs of manner.. II. Teaching aids: - Stereo, CD..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> III. Procedures 1. Class organization. - Greetings. - Checking attendance: 2. New lesson. CONTENT Warm up: review comparative form of adjectives. 1. Who is the tallest boy in our class? 2. Who is the most beautiful girl in our class? ... Exercise 1 : Complete the passage below with a suitable comparative form of the adjectives provided. Answer key: 1.higher 2. easier 3. better 4. more exciting 5. more convenient 6.happier 7. more friendly 8. fast 9. fafer 10. best GRAMMAR COMPARATIVE FORM OF ADVERBS - Life in the countryside is slow/ slowly He is moving slow/ slowly.. Exercise 2: Complete the sentences below with suitable comparative forms of the adverbs provided. Answer key: 1.more slowly 2. more soundly 3. less traditionally 4. more generously 5. more healthily Exercise 3: Finish the sentences below with a suitable comparative forms of hard, early, late, fast, well and badly. Answer key: 1.better 2. faster 3. later 4. harder 5. worse 6. earlier Exercise 4: Underline the correct comparative forms to complete the sentences. Answer key: 1.more optimistically 2. more popularly 3. less densely populated 4. more quickly 6. better Exercise 5 : Write the answer to the questions below AK: 1.The countryside ismore peaceful than the city. 2. A computer works faster at calculus than a human being. 3.Life in a remote area is harder than that in a modern town. 4. Ho Chi Minh City is more expensive than Hue.. T’s & Ss’ Activities. SS do individually. T gives feedback.. First, T revises the different use of of and adj and an adv through examples. Ss choosethe right word. T then introduces the comparative form of adverbs by changing the sentence: He is moving more slowly than before. Then T introduces comparatives of irregular adverbs like fast, hard, late, early, well and badly. Let ss read numbers 2 & 3 in the table. For exercises 2,3,4 and 5, ss do independently. T moves around and helps..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 5. A buffalo can plough better than a horse. Homework: Do exercise 7 p. 12, C& D p. 13 exercise book.. Period: 12 Teaching date: 11/9/2015. Week: 4 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 2 : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE PERIOD 4 : COMMUNICATION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about what they like and dislike about the countryside.. II. Teaching aids: - Stereo, CD. III. Procedures 1. Class organization. - Greetings. - Checking attendance: 2. New lesson. CONTENT Warm up : Sharing thoughts about the countryside.. T’s & Ss’ Activities - Have ss share their thoughts. Others can give comments.. Exercise 1: Read the posts on “ Holidays in the countryside”. - Explain that they are going to read some online posts from people all over the world . They are talking about their experiences of staying in the countryside. They all have very different opinions of the experience. Have ss do the exercise individually. Ask them to look for expressions which help them decide the answers. Check the answers as a class. Choose a few groups to share the answers.. Exercise 2 : What are the attitudes of theses peple towards their experiences? Tick the appropriate box.. Put ss in groups. Explain that now they have a chance to reply to each post with their own opinions. Hand out a piece of paper for each post. The groups write the Exercise 3 : Work in groups. Reply to the posts in name of each post at the top. Each ss writes 1 Write down your replies. a short reply to a post and then passes the paper to the person on the left. They take the next paper from the right. Ask each group to read out one of their reply chains to a post and discuss as a class.. Homework : - Do exercise C3& D1 p.13 exercise book.. Period: 13 Teaching date: 14/9/2015. Week: 5 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 2 : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE PERIOD 5. :. SKILLS 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand more about healthy lifestyles.. II. Teaching aids: - Stereo, CD. III. Procedures 1. Class organization. - Greetings. - Checking attendance: 2. New lesson. CONTENTS. T’s & Ss’ Activities. READING: Exercise 1 : Quickly read the passage and choose the most suitable heading A, B, C for each paragraph. Key: 1. B 2. C 3. A. SS read the headings first and make sure they understand their meanings. Then choose the correct heading for it. SS change their answers. Some ss explain their choice to the class. SS read the passage again then do the exercise.. Exercise 2: Match the descriptions with the words and phrases from the passage. key : 1-b 2- d 3-e 4- a 5-c Exercise 3 : Read the passage again and choose the correct answer. Key: 1- A 2-C 3- A 4-B 5- B 6- D. SPEAKING: Exercise 4: Work in pairs. Interview your partner to see if he/ she likes or dislike Mongolian nomadic life. Exercise 5a : Work in pairs. Discuss and find: - Two things you both like about the countryside. - Two things you both dislike about the countryside. Exercise 5b: Report your findings to the class. Present your chart to the class. Homework : - Do exercise 3p.15 exercise book.. Period: 14 Week: 5 Teaching date: 16/9/2015. SS do the exercise independently. Guide ss to look for key words which can help them find the part of the passage where the information for the answers is given. Ss should refer to the passage and underline at least one thing they like about Mongolian nomadic life and one thing they don’t like about it. Then start the interview. Encourage them to follow up and talk about as many different details as possible. Ss move from talking about nomadic life to the countryside in VN.Ss work in pairs, discussing which two things they bothlike and which two things they both dislike. They can make a list to report to the class later.. Do the task at home. Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 2 : LIFEIN THE COUNTRYSIDE PERIOD 6 : SKILLS 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a paragraph about changes in the countryside.. II. Teaching aids: - Stereo, CD. III. Procedures 1. Class organization. - Greetings. - Checking attendance: 2. New lesson. CONTENT LISTENING: Exercise 1 : Listen to a boy talking about changes in his village and tick the changes he mentions. Answer key: Electrical appliances in thehomes. Means of transport School Visitors Exercise 2 : Listen again and say if the sentences are True or False. Answer key: 1.F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. T Exercise 3: Listen again. Answer the questions in no more than 4 words. Answer key: 1. His parents 2. Life outside their village 3. Nearby/ Near the village 4. The way of life WRITING: Exercise 4: What do you think? Which changes in the Listening do you see as positive? Which do you see as negative? Support your opinion with a reason. Write it out. Exercise 5: Work in groups. Discuss and find some changes in a rural area. Make notes of the changes. Q. 1, 2, 3 students’ book.. Exercise 6: Write a short paragraph about the changes. Homework : Do exercise 2,3 page 8 exercise book.. Period: 15 Teaching date: 16/9/2015. T’s & Ss’ Activities Give ss time to read the changes (A-F). Make sure ss understand the meaning of the changes. Play the recording and ss tick the changes which are mentioned. - Explain the word “earthen”. Ss listen and do the task.. Ss read the questions first to see what kind of information they need to find. SS listen and write down the answers. T checks as a class.. Remind ss the changes from Listening. Read the example given to write their opinion about the changes. Put ss in small groups. Ss in each group work together to decide which rural area they will talk about.Then discuss and note down some changes they can find in this area. Write a paragraph descrbing the changes. T moves around to help. Providing them with some key words/ phrases like: The first change is ... or the change we are most interested in is ... Do the task at home. Week: 5 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 2 : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE PERIOD 7 : LOOKING BACK & PROJECT.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise all the things they have learnt about life in the cuntryside. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. Period: 16 Teaching date: 21/9/2015. Week: 6 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 3 :. PEOPLES OF VIETNAM. PERIOD 1 : GETTING STARTED.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some lexical items related to peoples of VietNam. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT 1. Getting started: chatting Tell some ethnic groups you know. - The Kinh, the Khmer, the Dao.. 2. Listen and read Vocabulary: - to account for : [ə'kaunt]: chiem - population (n) : [,pɔpju'lei∫n] : dan so - ethnic (adj): ['eθnik] : thuoc dan toc - minority (n) [mai'nɔriti]: phan it, thieu so Exercise a : Find the opposite of these words in the conversation. Key: 1.interesting 2. largest 3. minority 4. southern. T’s & Ss’ Activities Chatting. - Set the scene Use picture & some questions for the task - Introduce to ss some new words. For exercises a, b Ss read the conversation again and do the task independently. T gives feedback.. Exercise b: Answer the questions 1.They are in the Museum of Ethnology. 2. They want to know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam. 3.There are 54. 4. The Viet or Kinh have the largest population. 5. Yes, they do. Ss refer back to the conversation and find the expressions. T and ss elicit the Exercise c: Can you find the following expressions meaning of the 4 expressions. Provide ss in the conversation? Try to explain what they mean. with examples. Answer key: 1.Used as a reply, agreeing with what sb has just said, or emphasising that it is correct. 2. How + adj/ adv: used to show a strong reaction to sth. 3. Used to show you understand what someone said. 4. Used to show that you think something is great. Ss role play the example conversation in pairs before creating their short ones. Exercise d: work in pairs. Use facts from the Encourage ss to extend the conversation. conversation to make short role-plays using the T moves around to help. expressions in c. Use How + adj/ adv in your conversation. Exercise 2: Use the words annd phrases in the box to label each picture. Answer key: For xercises 2 & 3, Ss work in pairs. 1. five- coloured sticky rice Check and correct their pronunciation. 2. terraced fields.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. festival folk dance open-air market musical instrument costume stilt house. Exercise 3: Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases in the box. Key: 1. ethnic 2. heritage site 3. Stilt house 4. festivals 5. member 6. terraced feilds. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer, using the cues. T gives correction. T calls on some pairs to talk before class. Do the task at home. Exercise 4: Game QUICK QUIZ. Homework : Do exercise B1, 2 p.18 exercise book.. Period: 17 Teaching date: 22/9/2015. Week: 6 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 3 : PEOPLES OF VIET NAM PERIOD 2. :. A CLOSER LOOK 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some more lexical items related to cultural groups of Viet Nam as well as pronounce the sounds / sk / and / sp / and /st/ correctly. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. Period: 18 Teaching date: 24/9/2015. Week: 6 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 3 : PEOPLES OF VIET NAM PERIOD 3. :. A CLOSER LOOK 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand about life of an ethnic group and use articles a, an and the correctly . II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS T’s & Ss’ Activities Grammar Exercise 1 : Read the passage. Ss read ead the passage in about 5’. Exercise 2: Now write questions for the answers. Ss work in pairs and write questions for the Answer key: answers. Ss write on the board. T gives 1. Who is living in the house? correction. 2. How many children do they have? 3. Do the grandparents stay at home? 4. How often does Mrs Pha goshooping? 5. How faris Vang’s boarding school? 6. When doesVang go home? 7. How do they live? 8. Would they like to live in a modern flat in the city? Exercise 3: Complete the questions and answers using the right question words. Key: 1.Who 2. Which 3. Which 4. Which 5. What. Ss do the exercise individually, then compare with the partner.. Exercise 4: Work in pairs. Make questions and answer them. Answer key: 1. Who does the shopping in your family? 2. Who is the principal of our school? 3. Which subject do you like better, English or maths? 4. What is the most important festival in Viet Nam? 5. Which ethnic group has a larger population, the Khmmer or the Cham? Exercise 5 : Underline the correct article to finish the sentences. Answer key: 1. a 2. the 3. The 4. the 5.the 6.a. Let ss work in pairs. Encourage ss to talk with fluency, acuracy and as naturally as possible.. Ss do the exercise individually, then compare with the partner. Discuss the reasons for the article ausage in each sentence.. Exercise 6: Insert a, an or thein each gap to finish the passage. 1.a 2. a/ the 3. The 4. an/ the 5. the 6. an Homework Do exercise C2 p.20 exercise book.. Period: 19 Teaching date: 28/9/2015. Do the task at home. Week: 7 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 3 : PEOPLES OF VIET NAM PERIOD 4 :. COMMUNICATION (page 31).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the life of ethnic people. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT. T’s & Ss’ Activities Show to ss some pictures of The Thai. Ask ss if they know which ethnic group these pictures belong to.. Warm up:. Exercise 1 Quiz: What do you know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam? Work in pairs to answer the questions. Answer key: 1.B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A. SS work in pairs. T checks and give explanation.. Exercise 2 : Where do these ethnic groups mainly live? Work in groups. Write down the names of the ethnic groups in the correct boxes. Can you add more? Answer Key: Northwest region:Viet, Hmong, Lao Northeast region: Viet, Hmong, Nung, Tay The Central Highlands: Viet, Bahnar, Brau, Ede, Giarai, Sedang Mekong River Delta: Viet, Cham, Khmer Red River Delta: Viet. Ss do in groups. Let them discuss and then write down the ethnic groups in the correct boxes. Encourage them to add other ethnic group they know of the list. T moves around the groups and gives assistance where needed.. Exercise 3: Choose one group and talk about them.. Bring the class back together. Write on the board subjects that ss can talk about in relation to these groups. Location, lifestyle, costumes, foods, festivals, wedding…. Homework : Do exercise 1, 2 page 20 exercise book.. Period: 20 Teaching date: 29/9/2015. Week: 7 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Do the task at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> UNIT 3 :. PEOPLES OF VIET NAM. PERIOD 5 : SKILLS 1 (page 32) By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the life of ethnic. I.OBJECTIVES: groups. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT. T’s & Ss ‘ Activities The whole class play the game.. Warm up : Bingo READING: Pre – teach Vocabulary : - experienced (adj) [[iks'piəriənst]: giau kinh nghiem - (to) comprise: [kəm'praiz] :bao gom - (to) worship : ['wə:∫ip]: tho phung - unique (adj) doc dao Exercise 1 : Work in pairs. Answer the questions.. Exercise 2 : Complete each sentence, using a word from the text. Answer key: 1.farmers 2. bamboo 3. stilt 4. songs 5. ceremonies Exercise 3: Answer the questions Key: 1. Yes, they do. 2. Their main food is rice. 3. It is well- known for being unique, colorful and strong. 4. Thai women do. 5. They worship their ancestors. Speaking: Exercise 4 : Read some facts about the Bru- Van Kieu people and the Khmer people. Work in groups. Choose one of the two ethnic groups and talk about it. Exercise 5 : Talk about your own ethnic group.. Introduce to ss some words.. Ss discuss the two questions in pairs. Ss read the questions aloud. Ask for the answers from the whole. For exercises 2 & 3, ask ss to read the passage and answer the questions. Check the answers as a class.. Divide the class into 2 groups, each preparing to talk about one ethnic group. T moves around to help. Let ss talk about their own ethnic group. T may ask them to focus on one or two aspects such as clothing, food, traditions, festival.. Do the task at home. Homework : Do exercises 1, 2 page 21 exercise book.. Period: 21 Teaching date: 30/9/2015. Week: 7 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 3 : PEOPLES OF VIETNAM PERIOD 6 : SKILLS 2 ( p.33).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write how to make yellow sticky rice. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT Warm up: Exercise 1 : Answer the following questions. 1.Do you like sticky rice ? 2.When do we traditionally have sticky rice ?. T’s & Ss’ Activities Have them discuss the two questions in pairs. Then ss say what they know about the that dish.. Exercise 2: Listen to the recording and tick T or Play the recording twice. Ss write F down the words. Play one more time Key: for ss to check. 1. T 2.F 3. T 4.F 5.F Exercise 3 : Listen again an fill in the blanks Key: 1. mountainous 2. purple 3. natural 4. plants 5.ceremonies Ss read the notes carefully. Exercise 4: Read the notes on how to make yellow sticky rice. Ss write full sentences to show the Exercise 5: Change the notes into cooking steps steps to cook the rice. Make sure ss to show a foreign visitor how to make yellow use proper connectors. T moves sticky rice. around and help. T collect some writing and gives marks. Homework : - Do exercise 1& 2 page 22 exercise book.. Period: 22 Teaching date: 5/10/2015. UNIT 3 :. Week: 8 Class: 8/1, 8/2. PEOPLES OF VIETNAM. PERIOD 7 : LOOKING BACK & PROJECT (p. 34-35).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review of what they have learnt in Unit three ( peoples of Vietnam through doing practice) II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT Vocabulary: Exercise 1 : Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases from the box. Answer key: 1.cultural groups 2. communal, activities 3. costumes, diverse 4. ethnic 5.unique. T’s & Ss’ Activities Ss repeat the words as a class to practice pronunciation.. Exercise 2: use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences. Answer key: 1cutural 2. peaceful 3. richness 4. diversity 5.traditional Exercise 3: Make questions for the underlined parts of the words. Key: 1. What are these houses built on? 2. Where is the entrance? 3. Which house is the largest, tallest, and the most elaborate building in the village? 4. What is it used for? 5. Who can sleep in this house?. For exercises 1- 5 Ss do individually then compare the answers with a partner. T checks and confirms the correct answers.. Exercise 4 : Each sentence has an error. Find and correct. 1.a-> the 2. a-> the 3. an-> the 4. the-> a 5. an-> the Exercise 5: Fill in the gap with a, an, or the to complete the passage. 1.an 2.a 3.the 4.the 5.the 6.the Communication Exercise 6: Game CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE CHALLENGE. Homework : - Do the project at home.. Period: 23 Teaching date: 7/10/2015. SS work in pairs. Let them recall what they have learnt about the cultural groups of Viet Nam. Ss take turns to ask each other questions about the topic.. Do the task at home. Week: 8 Class: 8/1, 8/2. REVIEW 1 (units 1-3) (Period 1) 1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. 2. Materials: textbooks, pictures, CD.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. LANGUAGE PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1: Listen and repeat the words.. T plays the recording, ss repeat. Correct Ss’ pronunciation.. Exercise 2: Listen to the sentences. Underline the words. Then read the sentences aloud. VOCABULARY Exercise 3: Organize these words and phrases into pairs of opposites and write them in the blanks. Key: peaceful- noisy hard- easy love- hate boring- exciting forget- remember traditional- modern country life- city life majority- minority Exercise 4: Put a verb into the correct form in each gap to complete the sentences. Key: 1.like/ enjoy, listening, visiting 2. forget 3. flying/ to fly 4. mind, to do/ doing 5. playing/ to play GRAMMAR Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of adverbs from the adjectives in brackets. Key: 1. later 2. more 3. more fluently 4. Better 5. more simply 6. faster 7. more carefully Exercise 6:Fill each blank with an article (a, an, or the) to complete the passage. Key: 1. a 2. an 3. the 4.The 5.the 6.a EVERYDAY ENGLISH Match the sentences in A with those in B. Then practice with a friend. Key: 1+ b 2. e 3.a 4.c 5.d members like to do in their free time.. Play the recording two more times. Help ss recognize all the words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/,/br/, /pr/, /bl/ and /cl/. Some ss read the sentences individually. Correct Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. For exercises 3,4,5,6,7 ask ss to do them individually, and then share their answers with a partner before giving the teacher answers. T writes the correct answers on the board.. Ss act out the dialogue.. * Homework: - Do Test Yourself in exercise book.. Period: 24 Teaching date: 8/10/2015. Week: 8 Class: 8/1, 8/2 REVIEW 1 (units 1-3) (Period 2).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> 1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. 2. Materials: textbooks, pictures, CD CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. SKILLS READING Exercise 1. Read the letter from Kim to her pen friend, Jon. Key: a/ Tick T or F: Key: 1. T 2. T 3.F 4.T 5.F b/ Write questions for the underlined phrases in the letter. Key: 1.Which museum does Kim love to visit on Saturday afternoon? 2. How many clay and stone objects are on display at the museum? 3. What can you learn in this museum? SPEAKING Exercise 2: Work in pairs. Talk about what your family LISTENING Exercise 3: Listen and choose the correct answer. Key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4.C 5.B WRITING Exercise 4: Giving your opinion Write a paragraph giving your opinion about life in the countryside. You may begin like this: My opinion is/ I think life in the countryside has many good points. Firstly,… Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, Therefore,…. Ss read the letter once or twice. T clarifies anything they do not understand fully. For exercises a and b, ask ss to do them individually, and then share their answers with a partner before giving the teacher answers.. SS work in pairs and talk about what their family members like to do in their free time. Encourage them to talk as much as possible, using the verbs of liking they have learnt. Let ss swap pairs and continue to talk. T plays the recording once or twice. SS choose the correct answer. Correct as a class.. Before writing, have ss brainstorm ideas about life in the countryside: advantages, disadvantages, what they like and dislike,… Then explain the writing task. Collect some papers to check and give mark.. * Homework: - Do Test Yourself in exercise book.. Period: 26 Teaching date: 14/10/2015. Week: 9 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 4 : OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS PERIOD 1 : GETTING STARTED (page 38-39).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some lexical items related to “customs and traditions” II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT 1. Getting started: chatting CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS. 2. Listen and read Vocabulary: to accept: / ək'sept/: chấp nhận to pass down: truyền từ đời này sang đời khác sharp (adj) [∫ɑ:p]: đúng, chính xác spot- on: rất đúng, rất chính xác Exercise a : Can you find a word/ phrase that means: Key: 1accepted 2. generations 3. spot on 4. sharp 5. social 6. table manners Exercise b: Tick T or F: Key: 1. T 2. F( There are also social ones) 3.T 4. F ( There are a lot of customs for table manners in the UK.) Exercise c: Answer the following questions. Key: 1.It’s eating dinner at 7p.m sharp. 2. He’s surprised. 3.They both refer to doing something that develops over time. 4.A custom is something accepted. A tradition is something special and is passed down through the generations. Exercise d: Find these sentences in the conversation and fill in the missing words. Key: 1.Have to: it’s an obligation- you have no choice. 2. should: It’s a suggestion or advice- It would be best to follow it.. T’s & Ss’ Activities Write the words on the board. Have ss give examples of customs and traditions. - Set the scene Use picture & some questions to introduce the lesson. - Introduce to ss some new words - Play the CD - Ss read the conversation - Run through key words Run through the sentences & an example Ss do the task individually then share their answers. T gives feedback Ss read the conversation again. Ask for the answers as well as the explanation for their choices. Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them. Answer them without reading first and then check the answers by reading the dialogue again.. Ss do in pairs. Ask ss for explanations. T gives feedback.. Ss do this activity in pairs. Call some ss to give their answers. Confirm the correct answers. Individually Ss decide which one is custom or tradition. Ss give the answers and explain their choice. Organize a competition for this activity. Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Exercise 2a: Match the pictures with the customs and traditions in the box. Key: 1. g 2. 2.c 3.f 4.h 5.e 6.a 7.b 8.d Exercise 2b: Write C (custom) and T ( tradition) under each picture . Key: 1.C 2. C or T 3. C 4. T 5. C 6. C 7. T 8. C or T Exercise 3 GAME : CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Homework : Do exercise B1, 2 p.29 exercise book.. Period: 27 Teaching date: 14/10/2015. Week: 9 Class: 8/1, 8/2. work in groups of 5- 6. Set a limit time of 5’. Ss write down as many local customs and traditions as possible. The group with the most customs and traditions is the winner. Do the task at home.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> UNIT 4 :. OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS. PERIOD 2 : A CLOSER LOOK 1 (page 40) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some more lexical items related to the topic customs and traditions as well as pronounce the sounds /spr/ and / str/ correctly. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT T’s & Ss’ Activities Warm up: Ask ss to call out some customs and traditions they remember from the previous lessons. VOCABULARY: Exercise 1:Match the first halves of the sentences Ss look at the sentences in the book. SS do (A) with one in (B) the exercise individually and then compare Key: with a partner. Confirm the correct answers. 1+ e 2+ d 3 +a 4+ g 5+b 6+c 7+f Exercise 2: Read the full sentences in 1 again and complete the expressions below. Answer key: 1. custom 2. tradition 3. According 4. tradition 5. with 6. of 7. doing. SS read the sentences in 1 again and complete the expressions. Call some ss to read aloud.. Exercise 3a : Read the following customs and traditions. Make sentences to say if you have these in your province or area, using any of the expressions in 2.. Ss do the task in groups.. Exercise 4: Now complete the following sentences with your own ideas. Pronunciation: / spr/ & /str/ Exercise 5 : Complete the words under the pictures with / spr/ or /str/. Then listen and repeat. Exercise 6: Listen and circle the words with / spr/ or /str/. Then say the sentences. Homework : Do exercise A1, 2, B 3 exercise book p.28, 30. Period: 28 Teaching date: 19/10/2015. Play the recording and let ss listen. Correct their pronunciation. Ss individually complete the sentences with their own ideas. Ss complete the words under the pictures with / spr/ or /str. Play the recording and let ss repeat. Correct their pronunciation. Play the recording and let ss do the task. Ask some ss to read aloud. Correct their pronunciation. Do the task at home. Week: 10 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 4 : OUR CUSTOMSAND TRADITIONS PERIOD 3. :. A CLOSER LOOK 2 (page 41-42).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use should, shouldn’t to express advice . II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS Exercise 1 : Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with should/ shouldn’t Key: 1.should 2. shouldn’t 3. should 4. shouldn’t 5. should Exercise 2: Match the situations in A and the advice in B. Key: 1.b 2.c 3.e 4.d 5. a Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to Key: 1.have to 2. have to 3. has to 4. had to/ don’t have to 5.does… have to 6. didn’t have to Exercise 4: Choose A or B to convey the meaning of the first sentence. Key: 1. B 2. A 3. A 4.B Exercise 5 : There are 6 mistakes in Mi’s email. Can you find and correct them? Key: 1. shouldn’t give-> should give 2. has to-> have to 3. shouldn’t wear-> should wear 4. didn’t have to-> don’t have to 5. have use-> have to use 6. should worry-> shouldn’t worry Exercise 6: Work in pairs. Imagine that you both have a friend who is coming to VietNam this summer. List three pieces of advice and three obligations your friend should follow. Share your ideas with the whole class. Homework Do exercise B4, 5 p.30, 31 exercise book.. Period: 29 Teaching date: 19/10/2015. T’s & Ss’ Activities Ss look at the pictures and quickly describe what they see. Ss complete the sentences and then compare with partners. T gives feedback. For exercises 2,3,4, 5 Ss read the situations. Ss do these in pairs. T gives feedback.. Ss work in pairs. Ask some pairs to write their advice and obligations on the board. Others give comments and vote for the best advice and obligations. Others can add some more. Encourage ss to express their ideas as long as the advice and obligations are appropriate.. Do the task at home. Week: 10 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 4 : OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> PERIOD 4 : COMMUNICATION (page 43) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about table manners in Britain. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT Exercise 1 : Look at the pictures below. In pairs, discuss the differences between them.. T’s & Ss’ Activities In pairs, ss look at the picture and discuss the differences between them.. Exercise 2 : Read the following sentences about table manners in Britain. Work in pairs. Write T/ F. Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are True or False. Have some ss write their answers on the board.. Exercise 3: Now listen to Nick presentation on table manners in Britain and check your answers. Key: 1.F 2. T 3. F 4.T 5. F 6.F 7. F 8. T Exercise 4: Work in pairs. Discuss if you follow these table manners in your family.Are there others table manners you follow?. Exercise 5: There is a British exchange student in your class. You invite her to dinner at your home. Play the following roles. Homework : Do exercise C1, 2 page 32 exercise book.. Period: 30 Teaching date: 21/10/2015. Play the recording twice for ss to check their answers. Have ss explain why the sentences are false. In pairs, ss discuss if they follow the same table manners in their family. They may add some more. Have some ss present their ideas. Ss work in pairs and role play. They continue the conversation in the book or make up their own. Call some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class. Other ss give comments. Give praise and feedback Do the task at home. Week: 10 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 4 : OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> PERIOD 5 : SKILLS 1 (page 44) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for specific information about customs and traditions. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT READING: Exercise 1 : Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Key: 1. A family is celebrating a birthday. 2. People are making Chung cake. 3. A family is at an amusement park. Exercise 2 : Read Mi’s presentation on customs and traditions. Is she writing about her family or her society? Key: She’s writing about her family.. T’s & Ss ‘ Activities. Exercise 3 : Now decide in which paragraph each detail below is mentioned. Key: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B Exercise 4 : Read the text again and answer the questions. Key: 1.They are: having lunch together on the second day of Tet, spending Sunday together, and celebrating her grandparents’ wedding anniversary on the first Sunday of October. 2. They usually go to the cinema or go for a picnic together. 3. They don’t remember. 4. they made five- colored sticky rice served with grilled chicken. 5.They love family customs and traditions because they provide a sense of belonging.. T models with the first statements. Ss work individually then compare their answers with a classmate. Ss read the text again and answer the questions. Ss compare their answers with a classmate. SPEAKING Exercise 5: Work in pairs and discuss the questions: Exercise 6: Interview another pair to get their answers to the questions in 5. Homework : Do exercises 1, 2 page 21 exercise book.. Period: 31 Teaching date: 26/10/2015. Have ss look at the pictures and answer the questions in pairs. Elicit answers from ss.. Ask ss to read the passage quickly and tell if Mi is writing about her family or her society. Elicit answers from ss.. Ask ss to read the passage again and answer the questions. Call on some ss to read aloud. Check their pronunciation and intonation. Correct the answers as a class. Ss work in pairs to ask each other the three questions. Now two pairs of ss join together. One pair interviews the other. One S interviews and the other takes note the answers. Then the second pair interviews the first pair. Ss spend a few minutes preparing the findings to present to the whole class. Do the task at home. Week: 11 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 4 : OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> PERIOD 6 : SKILLS 2 ( p.45) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an informal letter of invitation. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Warm up:. CONTENT. T’s & Ss’ Activities Ask ss about Picasso.. PICASSO LISTENING Exercise 1 : Listen to the passage about Picasso and circle the words you hear. Key: 1. artists 2. training 4. portrait 6. paitings. Ask ss to close their books. Tell ss to listen and note down the keywords. Play the recording again. Ask ss to open books. Ask ss to listen carefully and circle.. Exercise 2: Listen to the passage again and choose the correct answers. Key: 1.A 2. B 3. A 4. C Exercise 3 : Listen again and discuss.. WRITING INFORMAL LETTER OF INVITATION Exercise 4: Read the following letter and choose the correct answer. Key: 1. A 2. B Exercise 5: Write a letter of invitation.. Homework : - Do exercise E1 page 34 exercise book.. Period: 32 Teaching date: 26/10/2015. Week: 11 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Play the recording again. Ss have to circle.. Play the recording once more. As a class, ss discuss how the listening is organized ( according to the timeline, the order of important events, or another way) Have ss read the sample letter carefully, note down the usefull expressions for writing an informal letter. T writes them on the board. Tell them to choose the correct answer. Ss read the cues carefully, then practise writing the letter.T moves around to help..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> UNIT 4 :. OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS. PERIOD 7 : LOOKING BACK & PROJECT (p. 46-47) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review of what they have learnt in Unit 4 through doing practice. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT Vocabulary Exercise 1 : Complete the sentences with the words from the box. key: 1. respect 2. worshipping 3. wrap 4. Host 5. cutlery 6.generations Exercise 2: Write sentences with the following expressions. acceptable. T’s & Ss’ Activities Ss do individually. T checks and confirm the correct answers.. Ss work in pairs. T corrects the mistakes. Let ss read individually. Ss do individually or groups. T checks the answers.. Exercise 3: Complete the following word webs with the customs and traditions you know or have learnt GRAMMAR Exercise 4 : Complete the sentences , using should/ shouldn’t and a verb from the box. 1.should wait 2. shouldn’t use 3.shouldn’t break 4. should follow 5. shouldn’t touch. Ask Ss to do the task individually . Compare the answers with a partner. Confirm the correct answers & write them on the board Ss do the exercise individually then compare with friends.. Exercise 5: Underline one mistake in each of the following sentences. Correct it. 1. has to-> have to 2. should-> shouldn’t 3. have to has-> have to have 4. should to-> should SS work in groups. Each group has a 5. have avoid-> have to avoid secretary. Group members take turn to choose one of the scenarios for each Communication other. The secretary writes down the Exercise 6: Game: WHAT SHOULD I DO advice each member gives. Finally, the group votes for the person giving the best advice. Homework : - Do the project at home.. Period: 33 Teaching date: 28/10/2015. Do the task at home. Week: 11 Class: 8/1, 8/2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> TEST CORRECTION KEYS I/ Listen and complete the table. (1.5 m) HANGING OUT WITH YOUR BEST FRIENDS What to do Why (1) movies (2) cinema (3) crafts (4) sports (5) physical health (6) people II/ Listen and tick True or False. ( 0.5m) T. F. 1./ Basically you can only hang out outdoors. x 2./ Going downtown and doing some people watching is boring and not fun x III/ Complete the dialogue with the words given in the box (1m) 1. hang out 2. eating out 3. walking 4. staying indoors V/Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs. (1m) 1. working 2. learning/ to learn 3. seeing 4. doing V/ Complete the questions and answers using the right question words. (1m) 1. Who 2. Which 3. Which 4. Which VI/ Underline the correct article to finish the sentences.(1m) 1. a 2. the 3. The 4. the VII/ Read the passage about The Thai and answer the following questions (2ms) 1./ Yes, they do 2./ The main food of the Thai people/ Their main food is rice 3./ They dig canals to bring water to their fields 4./ Thai cloth is well-known for being unique, colourful and strong. VIII/ Write a paragraph giving your opinion about life in the countryside begin with the given sentence, you may use the cues (2ms) Result. Class 8/1 8/2 Total. Sts 30 29. 8-10. 6,5-<8. 5-<6,5. Total. 3,5-<5. 2-<3,5. 0-<2. Total.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Period: 34 Teaching date: 2/11/2015. Week: 12 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALSVIETNAMESE PERIOD 1 : Getting started - Listen and read ( p. 48) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the lexical items related to “Festivals in Vietnam”. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. * Warm up: “ Festivals in Vietnam” Exercise a: Tick T or F Key: 1.T 2.F 3. F 4. F 5.T Exercise b: Answer the questions 1.In April. They can see a grand opening ceremony, Ao dai fashion show, Dem Phuong Dong or Oriental night show, royal court music performances…and sporting activities. 2. Duong’s family prepares a five-fruit tray and makes jam and Chung cakes. 3. Because there are so many interesting things to see and enjoy, it would take too long to describe them. 4. In Bac Ninh, on 12th of the first lunar month. 5. Because it’s near Hanoi, it takes place right after Tet holiday and is full of traditional events. Exercise c: Can you find the following in the conversation? Try to explain their meaning. Key: 1.used as suggestion or to give advice. 2. (It/ That) sounds + adj: used to give your first impression of what you hear. 3. To stress it is worth spending time or money doing something 4. To show surprise and to check that something is really OK to do. Exercise d: Work in pairs. Make short conversations with the four expressions in c. Exercise 2: Use the words in the box to label the pictures. Key: a. ceremony b. anniversary c. reunion d. procession e. carnival f. performance Exercise 3: Match the words with the pictures of festivals. Key: 1+ d 2+a 3+c 4+b 5+e Exercise 4: Match the festivals in 3 with their descriptions. Key: 1+c 2+b 3+e 4+d 5+ a * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise 1,2 p.5,6 exercise book.. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Play the recording. Ss work independently, then ss share their answers with partner. Ss answer the questions with books closed first. Then open the books and check the answers.. SS look at the dialogue again and underline the phrases. Ss have to use the context to try to explain when they may use the phrases.. Have ss role play, practicing the phrases in c. Call on a few pairs to perform to the class. Have ss match quickly then check the answers. Ss repeat the words chorally. Correct their pronunciation.. For 3&4 first, ss work independently. Then allow them to share their answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Period: 35 Teaching date: 4/11/2015. Week: 12 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALS IN VIETNAM PERIOD 2 : A closer look 1 ( p. 50) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss can stress correctly multi-syllable words with –ion and –ian endings. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Vocabulary Exercise 1: Match the words with their meanings. Key: 1.c 2. e 3.a 4.b 5.d Exercise 2:Complete the sentences using the words in 1. Key: 1.commemorate 2.worship 3.preserve 4. ritual 5. performance. Ss do the work independently on 1,2& 3 and then share with partners. Check ss’ answers.. Exercise 3: Match the nouns with each verb. A noun can go with more than one verb. Key: 1. a ceremony, a show 2. all can fit 3. a god, a hero 4. a ritual, a ceremony, a show PRONUNCIATION Exercise 4a: Look at the table below. What can you notice about these words? Exercise 4b: Listen and repeat the words. Exercise 5:Listen and stress the words below. Pay attention to the endings. Exercise 6: Read and mark the stress syllable in the underlined words.. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise A1,2, 4 p.36,37 exercise book.. Ss look at the words list. Pay attention to the endings. For 4&5, play the recording. Ss listen and repeat. Ss compare the answers. Check ss’ answers Ss do the work independently then work in small groups to read out the sentences. Go around to help. Call some ss to practice in front of class. class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> Period: 36 Teaching date: 4/11/2015. Week: 12 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM PERIOD 3 : A closer look 2 ( p. 51) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss can write compound sentences using conjunctions and, but, or , yet, so and conjunctive adverbs however, nevertheless, moreover... II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. Exercise 1: Write S for simple sentences and C for compound sentences. Key: 1.S 2. C 3.C 4.S 5.S Exercise 2: Connect each pair of sentences with an appropriate conjunction in the box to make compound sentences. Key: 1.At the Mid- Autumn Festival…., so it’s memorable 2. During Tet,Vietnamese…, and they make .. 3. The Hung King…,but Lang Lieu… 4. To welcome Tet…, or we can buy a… 5. The Huong Pagoda festival…., yet we like to… Exercise 3: Connect each pair of sentences with an appropriate conjunctive adverbs Key: 1. however/ nevertheless 2. therefore 3. moreover 4. otherwise 5. however/ nevertheless Exercise 4: Match the dependent clauses with the independent ones to make complex sentences. Key: 1.b 2.d 3.e 4.f 5.a 6.c Exercise 5: Fill in each blank with one suitable subordinator when, while, even though / although, because or if Key: 1.because 2. If 3. When 4. While 5. When 6. Although/ even though Exercise 6: Use your own words/ ideas to complete the sentences below. -1.Although I like the Giong Festival,……… 2. Because it’s one of the most famous festival…….. 3. If you go to Soc Son,…… 4. When people go to Huong Pagoda,…….. 5.While people are travelling along Yen stream,… * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise B 3, 5, 6 p.37,38 exercise book.. T’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Ss work in pairs. Check with the whole class. Ss do the exercise individually. Ss compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.. Tell ss the use of punctuation in formal language when we write a compound sentence using a conjunctive adverbs.. Explain the meaning of subordinators, translating if necessary. Ss do the exercise individually to match the clause . Check with the whole class. Ss do the exercise individually to add the subordinators . Check with the whole class.. Ss compare their answers in pairs before checking with the whole class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> Period: 37 Teaching date: 9/11/2015. Week: 13 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM PERIOD 4 : Communication ( p. 53) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about different festivals in Viet Nam. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. CONTENTS Exercise 1: look at the pictures. Discuss the following questions with a partner and then write the right words under the pictures. Exercise 2:Now listen to an interview between a TV reporter and a man about a festival to check your answers. Key: 1.bamboo archway 2. green rice flakes 3. potatoes 4. coconuts 5.pia cake 6.clasped hands 7. lanterns 8. dragon boat race Ooc bom boc festival Exercise 3: Listen again and complete the table. Key: Where? Soc Trang When? 14, 15th evenings of the 10th lunar month Who is Moon God worshipped? What activities? -Have a worshipping ceremony - float paper lanterns - hold dragon boat races Exercise 4: Role- play. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise C 1, 2 p.39 exercise book.. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Ss look at the questions and answer. Play the recording and let ss check their answers.. Ss work in pairs, make full questions based on the given words. Play the recording and let ss check their answers. Check the answers with the whole class.. Ss can decide which festival to talk about and assign roles. Use exercises 3 & 4 as models. Ask some groups to role- play in front of the whole class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> Period: 38 Teaching date: 11/11/2015. Week: 13 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM PERIOD 5 : Skills 1 ( p. 54- 55) I.OBJECTIVES: : By the end of the lesson, Ss can read for specific information about festivals in Vietnam. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. READING In small groups, ask ss to look at the Exercise 1:Below are pictures from websites about pictures and answer. festivals in Viet Nam. Work in groups to answer the questions . Ss skim the passages and check their Exercise 2: Read the information about these answers. festivals and check your ideas. SS scan the passage to find the words. Ss Exercise 3: Find words in the passage that have underline and circle the words. T helps to similar meaning to these words or phrases. work out the meanings of these words Key: from the context. Check with the whole 1.emperors 2. features 3. joyful 4. from class. overseas 5. hiking 6. scenery Exercise 4: Read the information again and answer the questions. 1.The Hung King Temple festival takes place from the8th to 11th day of the third lunar month. 2. Incense, specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes and five- fruit tray. 3. Because there are many joyful activities including bamboo swings, lion dances, wrestling and xoan singing performances. 4. People join a procession and make offerings of incense, flowers, fruits and candles. 5. ss’ own answers. SPEAKING Exercise 5a: Work in pairs. Your teacher is organizing a trip. You have two decide the following things: 1.Which place do you prefer to go to? Explain your choice 2.What things should you take with you? Why? 5b/ Now, report your decision.. Ss read the text again and answer the questions. Ask ss to note where they found the information that help them to answer the questions. Ss compare with their partner.. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise D 1, 2 p.40,41 exercise book.. Ss report to the class and decide which location is more popular.. First, ss work in pairs, choosing one of the two places. Then think about what to take with them. T goes around to help..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> Period: 39 Teaching date: 11/11/2015. Week: 13 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM PEROD 6 : Skills 2 ( p. 55) I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can listen for specific information about the festivals in Vietnam. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. LISTENING Exercise 1: Work in pairs. Describe and answer the questions Exercise 2:Listen to a tour guide giving information about the Giong Festival and circle the correct answer A, B, or C Key: 1. B 2. A 3.C Exercise 3: Listen to the talk again and write answers to the questions below. Key: 1.He’s a mythical hero, who grew from a threeyear-old child into a giant overnight. 2. The preparations begin one month before the festival. 3. A religious ceremony 4. There is a cheo performance 5. this festival shows the love for our motherland and the preservation of our cultural heritage. WRITING Exercise 4: Use the web below to take notes about the festivals in Viet Nam that you like best. Exercise 5: Write an article about this festival for the school websites. Add any necessary connectors below to make compound and complex sentences. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise D 1, 2 p.40,41 exercise book.. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Ss work in pairs, describing the picture and then answer the questions. Introduce the task. Ss can predict the answers based on what they know. Play the recording and ask ss to circle the correct answers. Ss underline keywords. Play the recording. Ss write the answers down. Write the correct answers on the board.. Ss brainstorm ideas and write their notes. T moves around, helping ss with ideas. Ss work individually to write the article. Call some ss to read aloud. Give comments and correction..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Period: 40 Teaching date: 16/11/2015. Week: 14 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 5 : FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM PEROD 7 : Looking Back + Project ( p. 55- 57) I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. Period: 41. Week: 14.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Teaching date: 18/11/2015. Class: 8/1, 8/2. REVIEW 2 (1) By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the. I.OBJECTIVES: unit. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1a: Underline the words with /spr/ and circle the words with /str/ Key: 1. strawberries 2. spring 3.sprite 4.instructor 5. street b/ Practice saying the sentences, paying attention to the intonation.. Exercise 2: Circle the words with a different stress pattern from the others. Key: 1.A 2. B 3.A 4. C 5. D VOCABULARY Exercise 3: Choose the best answers to complete the sentences. Key: 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.B Exercise 4: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. 1.legend 2.cunning 3.ever 4. generous 5. kind GRAMMAR Exercise 5: Read and match the notices (A-E) to the sentences (1-5) Key: 1.B 2.A 3.E 4.D 5.C Exercise 6: Complete the sentences using although, while, however, moreover, and otherwise Key: 1. although 2. otherwise 3. While 4.Moreover 5. however Exercise 7: Read the conversation and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. Key: 1. were you doing 2. was watching 3.was. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Ask ss to do this exercise individually, and then share their answers with a partner before giving the teacher answers. T writes the correct answers on the board. Ask ss to work in pairs: one student say the sentences and the others give comments and make corrections if possible. In order to do this exercise correctly, ss have to pronounce the words correctly themselves. Then teacher plays the recording and checks as a class. 3 & 4, ask ss to do this exercise individually, and then share their answers with a partner. Ask ss to write on the board. Check the answers with the whole class.. Elicit the use of have to and should, don’t have to and must. 6 & 7 Elicit the use of some connectors in compound sentences and complex sentences, form and use of the past continuous tense. Ask ss to write on the board and check with the whole class.. Ss do this in pairs. After asking their answers, ask some pairs to act out the conversation..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> telling 4. happened setting off. 5. Were having. 6. were. EVERYDAY ENGLISH Exercise 8: Choose the most appropriate respond to complete the conversation. Then act out with your partner. Key: 1.C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. E. 1 & 2, Ss do individually. Share with a partner. They may discuss to choose the most appropriate tips.. * Homework: - Do Test Yourself in exercise book.. Period: 42 Teaching date: 18/11/2015. Week: 14 Class: 8/1, 8/2 REVIEW 2 (2).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. SKILLS READING Exercise 1. Read about the Vu Lan festival in Viet Nam and tick the boxes. Key: 1. T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T. 1 & 2, Ss do individually. Share with a partner. They may discuss to choose the most appropriate tips.. SPEAKING Exercise 2a: Imagine a foreign tourist is coming to your country. Make notes of six tips about the social customs in your country. Use the following ideas of your own. 2b/ Work in pairs. Take turns to tell other your tips. Do you agree with your partner’s tip? LISTENING Exercise 3: Listen and choose the most appropriate answer to each question. 1.A 2. B 3. A 4. C WRITING Exercise 4: Write a letter to tell Peter, your British pen friend about the social customs in Viet Nam. * Homework: - Do Test Yourself in exercise book.. Period: 44 Teaching date: 23/11/2015. Ss listen and choose the correct answers. T checks the correct answers. Encourage ss to use the ideas they provided in the speaking sections. T brainstorms the language necessary for writing and note some necessary expressions and language on the board .Collect their papers to check out of class.. Week: 15 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 1 : Getting started (p.58-59).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the lexical items related to folk tales. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. 1. Getting started: * Warm up:. Write the unit title on the board. Elicit any information ss know about folk tales by asking about types of folk tales they know, their favorite folk tales and characters.. 2. Listen and read : Vocabulary: -origin: nguồn gốc - to give birth to : sinh con. Supply ss with some new words.. Exercise a: Read the conversation again and choose the correct answers Key: 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A. For exercises a & b, ss work independently then ask them to share before discussing with the class.. Exercise b: Match the words to their meanings. 1.c 2. D 3.a 4. b Exercise c: Find the information to complete the table. Key: Title Lac Long Quan and Au Co Genre legend Main characters Lac Long Quan, Au Co and their sons Plot -Lac Long Quan married Au Co - Au Co gave birth to one hundred baby boys. - Lac Long Quan missed the sea - Lac Long Quan took fifty of their sons to the sea. - Au Co took the others to the mountains. Exercise d: What does this sentence from the conversation express? Do you know what kind of sentence it is?. Exercise 2: Match the words with their definitions. Then listen and, check and repeat.. Book closed, ss try to remember about the legend of Lac Long Quan and Au Co and complete the table. Then check as a class.. Ss discuss the questions in pairs. Draw ss’ attention to the structure, meaning and use of exclamatory sentences by analyzing the instruction and examples. Ss quickly match the types of stories with their definitions. Play the recording for ss to check. Now put ss in pairs to think of an example of each type of story. Check them with the class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> Exercise 3: Game a/ Think of a legend, folk tale, fable or fairy tale you know. Complete the table below. Title Genre Main characters Plot b/ Work in pairs. Interview each other and try to guess the title of the story.. Ss work independently, filling in the table with the information of the legend, folk tale, fable or fairy tale they know.. Model with a more able ss. Then ask ss to work in pairs. Call some pairs to practice in front of thec lass.. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise B1 exercise book.. Period: 45 Teaching date: 25/11/2015. Week: 15 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 2 : A closer look 1 ( p. 60).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the intonation of exclamatory sentences correctly. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Vocabulary: - woodcutter ['wud,kʌtə] (n): tiều phu - ogre ['ougə] (n) : yêu tinh - Budda ['budə] (n): Đức Phật - wicked ['wikid] : xấu xa, độc ác - cunning ['kʌniη] (adj): xảo quyệt, gian xảo - fierce [fiəs] (adj) hung dữ. Introduce to ss some new words with pictures. Exercise 1: These are popular characters in folk tales. Match the characters with the pictures. Key: 1.G 2. C 3. E 4. B 5. H 6. A 7. D 8. F. For exercises 1,2 & 3, ss work independently, then share their answers with one or more partners. Ask some ss to name some folktales that include one of these characters. Ask ss to categorise the creatures into typically good or bad.. Exercise 2: Match the creatures with the pictures. Can you add more? Key: 1.G 2. F 3. A 4. E 5. B 6.C 7.H 8.D Exercise 3a: Put the adjectives into the correct column. positive Negative Cheerful cruel, mean, evil, greedy, Generous wicked, fierce, cunning Brave, kind Exercise 3b: Now use the adjectives to describe some characters in one of your favorite folk tales. PRONUNCIATION Exercise 4: Listen and repeat the sentences. Exercise 5: Listen and repeat.. Play the recording and ss repeat. Remind ss that they use falling intonation for exclamatory sentences. Ss work in pairs practice saying the sentences. Call some ss to practice in front of the class. Correct their pronunciation.. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise A1,2, 4 p.43,44 exercise book.. Period: 46 Teaching date: 30/11/2015. Week: 16 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 3 : A closer look 2 ( p. 61- 62).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can use past continuous correctly. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. T’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. THE PAST CONTINUOUS Exercise 1a: Read part of the conversation in Getting started. Pay attention to the underlined part. b/ When do you use the past continuous? Can you think of the rule? Exercise 2:Complete the following sentences by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Key: 1.was wearing 2. were you doing 3. was going 4. ran 5. was not/ wasn’t waiting Exercise 3a: Use the past continuous and suggested words to write the sentences. Key: 1. The servant was spinning in the woods. 2. The girl was picking flowers. 3. The knights were riding horses to the castle. 4. Cinderella was dancing with the prince. 5. Saint Giong was flying to heaven. 6. The ogre was roaring with anger. b/ Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Exercise 4: Write the correct form of each verb. Use the past simple or the past continuous. Key: 1.was walking, stopped, had 2. was lying, heard, needed 3. heard, was following, started 4. dropped, ate 5. were dancing, left 6.was missing/missed, decided Exercise 5a: Read the fable and put the verbs into the correct tenses. Key:1.was shining 2. was sleeping 3. went 4. were flying 5. opened 6. fell b/ What is the moral of the fable? Exercise 6a: Guess what your partner was doing last Sunday at these times. b/ Ask your partner to check your guesses. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise B 3, 5, 6 p.37,38 exercise book.. Ss read part of the conversation paying attention to the underlined part. Elicit from ss the form and use of the past continuous SS read the Grammar box. Analysing the examples in the box. Ask some ss to give some examples. For exercises 2, 3, 4,5 ss do them independently, then compare in pairs before checking with the whole class.. Period: 47 Teaching date: 30/11/2015. Ss work in pairs to discuss the question. Ask some pairs to give the answers to the whole class. ss do the the exercise independently guessing what their partner was doing at the times on the clocks. Modal this activity. Ss work in pairs. Call some pairs to demonstrate in front of the class.. Week: 16 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 4 : Communication ( p. 63).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can talk about a legend/ folk tale, fairy tale, fable... II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. Exercise 1a: Look at the pictures. Then put the parts of the fairy tale in order. Key: 1h 2. a 3. e 4.f 5.d 6.c 7.b 8.g. First, help ss understand the meanings of the words in extra vocabulary. Then ss work individually.. Exercise 1b: work in pairs. Compare your answers with a partner’s. Discuss any differences.. Ask ss to work in groups of 6,in turn retelling thefairy tail to their group members intheir own words. Then ss can choose the storyteller in the group.. Exercise 2: Work in groups. In turn, retell the fairy tale to your group members in your own words. Choose the best storyteller in your group. Exercise 3: Work in groups. Discuss and write an ending for the fairy tale. Share it with other groups.. Ask ss to work in groups again,discussingand writing theending for the fairy tale.Choose somess from the groups to read the ending to the whole class. Then, invite some comments from other groups. T may have ss vote for the best farytale ending.. * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise 3, 4 p.44 exercise book.. Period: 48 Teaching date: 2/12/2015. Week: 16 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 5 : Skills 1 ( p. 64).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can read for specific information about a fairy tale. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. READING Ss scan the passage to find where the words Vocabulary: are in the story. T helps work out the - fortune ['fɔ:t∫u:n]: gia tài, gia sản meanings. - ripe [raip]: chín -to beg [beg] : van xin - to fill [fil] : chất đầy,chứa đầy - load [loud]: nhét, nhồi,chất -to repay : trả lại Exercise 1: Read the fable The Starfruit Tree. Then find the following words and underline them in the story. What do they mean? Exercise 2:Answer the questions Key: 1.He gave his younger brother only a starfruit tree. 2. The eagle promised to repay him in gold. 3. He offered to swap his fortune for his brother’s starfruit tree. 4. He filled a very large bag and all his pockets with gold. 5. He was dropped into the seas. Exercise 3: Now complete the details of the fable. Key: 1.greedy 2. time 3. fortune 4. gold 5.swapped 6. dropped SPEAKING Exercise 4: read the story summary. Decide which story you would like to read. Exercise 5: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.. Exercise 6: Game: WHO AM I * Homework: - Learn the words by heart. - Do exercise 2 p.48 exercise book.. Period: 49 Teaching date: 7/12/2015. Ss read again and answer the questions. Ss discuss the answers and as a whole class.. Ss work independently, completing the details of the fable. SS read the story individually. Now ss work in pairs, asking and answering about the stories. T moves around to help. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class. Ss play this game in a group of 5.Each member chooses a character in any stories. The others ask Yes/ No questions to discover who that person is. Eg: “Are you evil?’/Do you live in a castle? Do you have long hair? T goes around to help.. Week: 17 Class: 8/1, 8/2 TEST CORRECTION KEYS.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> I/ Listen and complete the blanks. (1.5 m) (1) manners (2) spoons (3) prongs (4)Secondly (5)piece (6)guest II./ Listen to a tour guide giving information about the Giong Festival and circle the correct answer A, B, or C. (1m) 1. B. Soc Son 2. A. the An 3. C. from the 6th to the 12th of the 4th lunar month 4. C. night III/ Read the passage and answer the following questions. (1m) 1. The Hung King Temple Festival takes place from the 8th to the 11th day of the third lunar month. 2. Incense, specialities such as chung cakes, day cakes and five-fruit trays. 3. Because there are many joyful activities including bamboo swings, lion dances, wrestling and xoan singing performances. 4. Yes, we can IV/ Choose the correct word -A, B, C, or D to fill each blank in the following e-mail (1,5m) 1. B. of 2. D. go 3. B. picnic 4. A. tradition 5. C. dish 6. C. come V/ Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. (1m) 1. A. celebrated 2. C. performance 3.C. reunions 4. A. procession VI/ Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or must. (1,5ms) 1. have to 2. mustn’t 3. has to 4. had to, don’t have to 5. does , have to 6. mustn’t VII/Connect each pair of sentences with an appropriate conjunctive adverb in the box to make compound sentences. (0,5m) 1. Chu Dong Tu and Giong are both legendary saints; however, they are worshipped for different things. 2. Tet is the most important festival in Viet Nam; therefore, most Vietnamese return home forTet VIII/ Use your own wordsl ideas to complete the sentences below (1m) (Various answers of students: correct grammar structures, correct spelling, suitable meaning)0,5 m/ 1 correct answer IX/ Rearrange these jumpled words to complete a correct sentence (1m) 1. I enjoy playing tennis with my friends every weekend. 2. I like spring, but I don't like the spring rain 3. I've been to Ha Long twice, and I joined the carnival there once 4. My family and I went to the Nha Trang Sea Festival in 2011. Result. Class Sts 8-10 6,5-<8 5-<6,5 Total 8/1 30 8/2 29 Total Period: 50 Week: 17 Teaching date: 7/12/2015 Class: 8/1, 8/2. 3,5-<5. Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 6 : Skills 2 ( p. 65). 2-<3,5. 0-<2. Total.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can listen for specific information and write a fairy tale. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. LISTENING Exercise 1: Listen to the fairy tale and correct the following statements. Key: 1.prince-> princess 2. a giant->an ogre 3. sing-> cry 4. made friend with -> married Exercise 2: Listen again fill in the missing words. Key: 1.castle 2. give gold 3. with anger 4. Breath 5. strong back WRITING Exercise 3: Make notes about one of your favorite fairy tales. You can invent your own story.. Ss cover the page where the story is written. Ask ss to read the statements carefully and underline the key words. Play the recording, ss correct the statements. Ss read the story carefully. Ss may work in pairs to discuss what may be missing by using the information they heard in 1. Play the recording. Ss find the missing words. Ask ss to make notes about one of their favorite fairy tales or invent their own.. Title Main characters Plot: beginning Plot: middle Plot: end Exercise 4a: Use your notes in 3 to write a fairy tale. Use The Princess and the Dragon as a model. Exercise 4b: Swap stories with your classmates and read each other’s stories.. Ss may work independently to write the story. Display some of the stories on the wall. Ask others to give comments. Ss edits and revise their stories as homework.. * Homework:. Period: 51 Teaching date: 9/12/2015. Week: 17 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 6 : FOLK TALES Lesson 7 : Looking Back ( p. 66- 67).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. T’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. VOCABULARY Exercise 1: Think of an example for each type of story in the box. Ex: The Adventures of Robin Hood is a legend. Exercise 2: Write the correct words under the pictures. Key: 1.witch 2. hare 3.knight 4.ogre 5. fairy 6. tortoise 7. giant 8. dragon Exercise 3: Put the words in the box into the correct columns. Characters Personality woodcutter, witch, cruel, kind, generous, dragon, fairy, giant, mean, wicked, hare, emperor tortoise, cheerful, fierce, evil, knight, ogre, eagle, cunning, brave, greedy Buddha GRAMMAR Exercise 4: The following people were at home at 5.pm. yesterday. What were they doing? Work in pairs, ask and answer questions. Key: 1.Nam/ play video games A: Was Nam playing video games? B: No, he wasn’t. He was playing the piano. … Exercise 5: What were you doing at the following times? Work in pairs, ask and answer questions. Ex: At 10p.m.yesterday evening A: What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday evening? B: I was watching TV. Exercise 6: Work in pairs. Make exclamatory sentences about your partner of other classmates EX: What a lovely shirt you’re wearing! COMMUNICATION Exercise 7: Number the lines of the dialogue in the correct order. Key: 1.D 2.I 3.A 4.C 5.F 6.H 7.J 8.B 9. G 10. E. Period: 1 Teaching date: 04/01/2016. Week: 20 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Ss think of as many examples of different types of stories as possible. Then ask some ss to say their examples in front of the class.. For 2 & 3,Ss do the task individually. Correct as a whole class.. For 3, 4, 5& 6 model the activity first with a more able first. Then ss do in groups. T may go around to help. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class.. CHỮA BAØI KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ I.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Period: 2 Teaching date: 04/01/2016. Week: 20 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 7: POLLUTION Lesson1 - GETTING STARTED A project on pollution I.OBJECTIVES By the end of this Unit, students can use lexical items related to the topic “ Pollution” to talk about types of pollution. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Contents. - dump(v) - poison(n) - sneeze(v) - illustrate(v) - bless you 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. dead aquatic dump poison polluted to come up with. 1-They are in Mi’s home village. 2-It’s almost black. 3-She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead. 4-It’s dumping poison into the lake. 5-He’s sneezing so much because the air is. T’s and ss’ activities Warm up -T. ask questions: Who can you see in the picture? Where do you think they are? What can you see in the picture? What do you think the people in the picture are talking about? - Ss answer the questions as a class. Presentation -T preteaches vocabulary. - Ss listen and repeat then copy down. Practice - T plays the recording and have ss follow along. After that, SS can compare their answers with the information in the dialogue and add some more details to their answers. - Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the conversation. - T. write the correct answer on the board. - Have ss read the questions to make sure they understand them. Ss read the conversation again to answer the questions. Ss exchange their answers with a classmate. Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board. - Have ss read the sentences quickly to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> not clean. 1.F (It’s polluted by the factory.) 2.T 3.NI 4. T 5. T. make sure they understand them. Ask them to decide if the sentences are true or false or there is no information without reading the dialogue. Then have some ss write their answers on the board. -Get ss to look at the pictures. Ask them what they see in each picture.Then ss write each type under a picture.. A. radioactive pollution B. noise pollution C. visual pollution D. thermal pollution E. water pollution F. land/soil pollution G. light pollution H. air pollution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.. thermal pollution air pollution radioactive pollution light pollution water pollution land/soil pollution noise pollution visual pollution. Period: 3 Teaching date: 06/01/2016. -Ask ss to read through the sentences to get a general understanding. T may teach some words which T thinks ss do not know such as contamination.. Production Have ss work in groups.(Which types of pollution in 3 does your neighborhood face? Rank them in order of seriousness.Give reasons.) Homework Get ss to revise the lesson, prepare the next lesson: A closer look 1.. Week: 20 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 7: POLLUTION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I.OBJECTIVES :By the end of this Unit, students can: - use words and phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution. - pronounce the words ending in –ic and –al correctly in isolation and in context. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> die. poison damage T’s andpollute ss’ activities. pollutio Warm up death n Game: Pelmanism. poison. Contents. damage. Presentation -Introduce phrases showing cause/effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution.. + because/ since/ as + due to/ because of + so + clause + to cause sth/ to lead to sth/ to result in sth + to make sb/sth do sth 1.poison; 2.contaminate 3.pollutant; 4.polluted 5.death; 6.damaged. Practice Complete the table with appropriate verbs, nouns, and adjs. -Get ss to complete the sentences with the words from the table in 1. - Have ss decide which sentence in each pair of sentences is a cause and which is an effect. Write C (for cause) and E (for effect) next to each sentence. -Ask ss to combine the sentences in each pair into a new sentence that shows a cause/effect relationship. Use the cause or effect signal word or phrase given in brackets.. -Ss work in groups looking at the pairs of pictures and giving as many sentences as. 1.poisonous; 2.pollutants 3.dead; 4.contaminated 5.damage; 6.pollute a) 1.C, E 2. C, E 3. C, E 4. E, C 5. E, C b) 2. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants. 3. Households dump waste into the river so it is polluted. 4. Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects. 5. We can’t see the stars at night due to the light pollution. Suggested answers 2.The soil is polluted, so plants can’t grow. 3. We won’t have fresh water to drink because of water pollution. 4. We plant trees, so we can have.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> Period: 4 Teaching date: 11/01/2016. Week: 21 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 7: POLLUTION. Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can use conditional sentences type 1 and 2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> T’s and ss’ activities. Contents. Warm up Game: matching (if clause’ main clausepapers) Presentation -T elicit the form and use of the conditional sentence type 1 from Ss. Ask ss to give some example sentences. Practice - Ss put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. - T corrects and gives feedback. -T has ss combine each pair of sentences to make a conditional sentence type 1. Conditional tye 2. 1.recycle, will help 2. won’t dump, fines 3. travel, will be 4. will save, don’t waste 5. use, will have. -Have ss look at the structure of the conditional sentence type 2 in the language box. Draw ss’attention to example sentence on the board. Underline the subject, verb,etc. in this example and explain the structure of the sentence at the same time.. 1.Students will be more aware of protecting the environment if teachers teach environmental issues at school. 2. When light pollution happens, animals will change their behaviour patterns. 3. The levels of radioactive pollution will Ss do this exercise individually. T invites decrease if we switch from nuclear power to renewable energy sources. 2 ss to the board to write their answers 4. If the water temperature increases, some aquatic creatures will be unable to reproduce. 5. People will get more diseases if the water -T has ss quickly read the example asking is contaminated. ss to comment on the example. 1.b; 2.c; 3.d; 4.e; 5.a 1.were; would do 2. exercises; would be 3. had, would build 4. tidied, wouldn’t be 5. was/were; would grow 2. If there weren’t so many billboards in our city, people cold enjoythe view. 3. If there wasn’t/weren’t so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly. 4. If we didn’t turn on the heater all the time,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> Production -T. puts ss in groups of five or six to play this chain game. Explain that the aim of the game is to keep the chain going for as long as possible using type 1 or 2 conditional sentences. Homework -T has ss revise the lesson, prepare the next lesson: Unit 7 Communication. Period: 5 Teaching date: 11/01/2016. we wouldn’t have to pay three million dong for electricity a month. 5. If the karaoke bar didn’t make so much noise almost every night, the residents wouldn’t complain to its owner. 6. She wouldn’t have a headache after work every day if she didn’t work in a noisy office.. Week: 21 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 7: POLLUTION. Lesson 4: Communication I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can talk about the causes and effects of water pollution as well as ways to reduce it. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. T’s andss’ activities Warm up -Tell ss that in this lesson they will havethe chance to. Contents -permanent(a).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Period: 6 Teaching date: 13/01/2016. Week: 21 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 7: POLLUTION Lesson 5: Skills 1 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can read foe general and specific information about water pollution. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> T’s and ss’ activities Warm up Have one st look at the picture A on p12 while the other look at picture B on p15 asking each other Yes/No questions to find out differences between the 2 pictures. Presentation T preteaches vocabulary. Ss listen and repeat then copy down. Practice -Ask ss to read the passage quickly and asnwer the questions. Tell ss that the first two questions ask for general information while the rest focus on details. Ss can underline parts of the text that help them with the answers. Ss compare their answers before giving the answers to T. -T reminds ss quickly of the way to do this type of exercise. Ss read the sentences quickly to underline the key words. Speaking -Ss work in groups to discuss the solutions to water pollution. To help them focus their ideas, T can suggest they make two sub-headings: Point source pollution Non-point source pollution -Ss work in groups again to complete the diagram. Set the time of about five to seven minutes. Production Ss make a presentation about water pollution based on the diagram. Homework -T has ss revise the lesson, prepare the next lesson: Unit 7: Skills 2.. Period: 7 Teaching date: 18/01/2016. Contents Suggested differences: PA: The ducks are white. PB: The ducks are black ….. - sewage(n) - insect(n) - herbicide(n) - outbreak(n) - cholera(n). 1-The second paragraph tells about the causes of water pollution. 2-The third paragraph tells about the effects of water Pollution. 3-It’s the water beneath the Earth’s surface. 4-They are industrial waste,sewage,pesticides, andherbicides. 5-They are pollutants from storm water and the atmosphere. 6-They use herbicides to kill weeds. 1.cholera 2.die 3.polluted water 4.dead 5.aquatic plants. Week: 22 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 7: POLLUTION Lesson 6: Skills 2 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can listen to get specific information about thermal pollution; write about the causes and effects of one pollution type. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> T’s and ss’ activities Warm up Have ss look at the 2 pictures and describe them. Presentation -T leads ss to the lesson. Practice -Get ss to listen to the recording to describe what they see in the pictures and talk about the relationship between them. -T has ss to listen again and check their answers.. Contents The first picture shows an algal bloom in coastal seawater. The second picture shows the cooling towers from a power station. They are both related to thermal pollution.. 1.hotter; 2.cooler; 3.cool 4.warm rivers; 5.warm water 6.fish population; 7.harmful 8.colour; 9.poison; 10.cool down. -Ss listen to part of a conversation on TV between a reporter and and an environmentalist about thermal pollution, Complete the diagram using no more than three words for each blank. -T gets ss to work in pairs dicussing the causes and effects of one type of pollution in their area makng notes in the diagram. Production Ss imagine that they are writiting an article for the local newspaper about a type of pollution in their area. Homework Ss revise the lesson, prepare the next lesson: Looking back and project. (exercises). Period: 8 Teaching date: 18/01/2016. Week: 22 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 7: POLLUTION Lesson 7: Looking back I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can revise the vocabulary and grammar related to the topic: pollution. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> T’s and ss’ activities Warm up T. has ss play game: Networks (groupwork) -ss go to the board and write types of pollution in the word web. -T corrects.. Presentation -T gets ss to tell form of conditional type 1 and 2. -T retell the form. Practice -T asks ss to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. -Ss give answers. -T corrects. -T gets ss to rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. -Ss go to the board and write. -T give feedbacks.. -Ss put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. -T. corrects and give comments. -T has ss complete the sentences using their own ideas. -Ss do this task in pairs. Production Ss work in groups discussing what they would do or say in each situation. Homework: Ss revise the lesson, do project and prepare the next lesson: Unit 2: Getting started.(vocabulary). Contents Game: Networks 1.radioactive pollution 2.noise poluution 3.visual pollution 4.thermal pollution 5.water pollution 6.land/soil pollution 7.light pollution 8.air pollution. 1.pollution; 2.contaminated 3.death; 4.poisonous 5.pollutants 1.The residents of the street can not sleep because of the loud noise from the music club. 2. Vy had a stomache since she ate a big dinner. 3. The road inf ront of my house Was flooded due to the heavy rain. 4. His mother is unhappy because his room is untidy. 5.Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes global warming. 1.won’t be; don’t take 2.continue; will be 3.were/was; would wear 4.do; will see 5.would..travel; didn’t have 6.wouldn’t be; didn’t take care. Period: 9 Week: 22 Teaching date: 20/01/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 1: Getting started I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can use the lexical items related to the topic of people and places in English speaking countries II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> III. PROCEDURES:. T’s and ss’ activities Ask Ss to look at the title of the conversation and the picture. Ask them some questions: • Where are the children? • What do you think they are doing? Ss answer the questions as a class. Play the recording and have Ss follow along. a./ Sswork independently. Guide Ssto look at the beginning of a reply/ a sentence for the answers. Allow Ss to share answers. Check their answers. b./ Play the recording again without letting Ss read along. Ask Ss to try to answer as many questions as possible. Ssthen read the conversation again to check their answers. Have some Ssread out their answers. Correct the answers as a class.. 2./ Ask Ss to underline these words/ phrases in the conversation and make sure they understand their meanings. Sswork independently to complete the sentences. Have them share their answers in pairs.Then elicit the answers from the whole class Note: Your first language is often known as your mother tongue, and your second language may refer to a language used as an official language in your country, like English in Malaysia, Singapore, India, or it could simply mean the foreign language you learn at school as part of the curriculum. 3./ Have Sswork in pairs/ groups to match the flags with the countries. T checks. Note: The UK, or the United Kingdom = Great Britain + Northern Ireland Great Britain/ Britain = England + Scotland + Wales The USA = the United States of America. It is. Contents. Key: 1. Awesome, just awesome. 3. It's hard to say. 2. Any of the following: Absolutely/ Right. 4. Perhaps Key: 1. He'sat an international summer camp (in Singapore). 2. They come from different countries/ from all over the world. 3. He has made new friends, visited places, (and taken part in different activities.) 4. Because he uses English every day with people from different countries. 5. Two boys from Australia and a girl from the USA. 6. After July 15th Key: 1. summer camp 4. the USA 2. native English speaking countries 5. accents 3. native speakers 6. official language. Key: 1.the USA 2. the United Kingdom 3. Singapore 4. Australia 5. Canada 6. New Zealand.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> also known as the US, or the United States, or even just the States. In Canada, there are two official languages: English and French. 4./ Form groups of five or six. The first group to find all the countries wins. If possible, prepare a black and white world map on A3 paper or quickly draw a world map on the board. Ask one student from the winning group to go to the board and mark the six countries so that other groups can see and check Homework:. Prepare A closer look 1.. Period: 10 Week: 23 Teaching date: 25/01/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 2: Acloser look 1 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can pronounce the words ending in -ese and -ee correctly in isolation and in context II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> T’s and ss’ activities 1./Ask Ss to work individually. Then allow them to share their answers with a partner. Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Ss listen and repeat. (Point out the change of stress from 'Canada to Ca'nadian). 2./Ss work individually or in pairs. Check the answers as a class. If time allows, have two Ss write their answers on the board and then confirm the correct answers.. 3./ Firstly ask Ss to read each sentence and decide what the part of speech is for each word to be filled in the blank. For example, the word for the blank in sentence 1 is a noun. They then complete the sentences. Confirm the correct answers as a class. 4./ Have Ss look at the pictures. Ask them what they see in each of them. Allow them then to work individually to match the words/ phrases to the pictures. Check the answers as a class by asking Ss in which countries, from the list in 1, they might see these things or ask them to give an example of these things. Note: a loch is a Scottish word for a lake 5./ Ss listen and repeat. Then have Ss say the words individually. With stronger groups, have Ss mark the stress in the words first and say the words aloud before they listen to the recording. Then play the recording for them to listen, check and repeat. 6./ Put the underlined words on the board. Have volunteer Ss come and mark the stress in the words first. Ask for a show of hands from the rest of the class if they think the stress is correct or not. Then play the recording. Ss listen, check and say the. Contents Key: 1. the Americans 2. the English 3. the Scottish / the Scots 4. the Welsh 5. the Irish 6. the Canadians 7. the Australians 8. the New Zealanders 1 historic :N = history 2 symbol: V = symbolise 3 legend: A = legendary 4 iconic: N = icon 5 spectacle: A = spectacular 6 festive: N = festival 7 scenery: A= scenic 8 attraction: V = attract Key: 1. icon 2. symbolises 3. scenic 4. unique 5. Attracts. Key: 1. castle 2. loch 3. parade 4. monument 5. state 6. cattle station. Keys:. -ese. -ee. Canto'nese Taiwa'nese Japa'nese Portu'guese. employ'ee adop'tee addre'ssee interview'ee. 1. Chi'nese 2. refu'gee 3. trai'nee 4. Japa'nese 5. guaran'tee.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> sentences. Have Ss correct the stress on the board if necessary. Call on some Ss to say the sentences individually.. Period: 11 Week: 20 Teaching date: 25/01/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can use the present simple to talk about future activitie II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> T’s and ss’ activities 1./ Remind Ss about the use of the present simple, present continuous and present perfect and their distinct time signals. Then let them do 1 individually. Allow Ss to share ideas in pairs or small groups. Encourage Ss to explain how they decided on the tense in each sentence. Correct as a class. 2./Let Ss work individually first. Then let them share and discuss in pairs or small groups. Check, and have Ss explain why a certain tense is used.. Contents Key: 1. has served 2. is increasing 3. symbolises4. form 5. has celebrated 6./ is. 3a./ Ask Ss to read the monthly schedule for the extra activities at Vancouver Christian School. Then have them underline the verbs in the sentences.. Key: 1. The Debating Competition takes place in the Main Hall on April 3'd. 2. The bus for the excursion to the chocolate factory leaves at 8.00 a.m on April 14th. 1./ The future 2./ The present simple. In the passage 2. visit 3. increases 5. has celebrated 7. are dancing. Correct have visited is increasing celebrates dance. 3b./ Allow Ss time to discuss and find the answers to the questions. If Ss are having difficulty answering question 2, T may ask questions such as 'Is a schedule usually for present or future activities?' Then have Ss read the REMEMBER! box. 4./ Have Ss do this exercise independently. Keys: 1. starts - finishes 2. takes place 3. T checks the answers as a class. holds 4. hosts 5. lasts 5./ Ss do this exercise independently. Encourage them to be imaginative. Walk around and help Ss with new vocabulary. Ss can exchange and talk about their schedule with a partner first. Once they have done this, ask them to write down the sentences. Remind Ss that in this case, the present simple is used to talk about practical information: place, time, day, date, so this should be the focus of their sentences. Ss can use the sentences in 4 as a model. If time allows, let them share with the class. Otherwise, T may set the writing for homework. Home work: Prepare for communication.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> Period: 12 Teaching date: 27/01/2016. Week: 23 Class: 8/1, 8/2. Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 4: Communication I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can talk about interesting facts of a country II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> 6 B 7 C 8 A 1./Have Ss9do the Bquiz individually as quickly as possible.10Set a Atime limit to keep the pace C the fun element. Ss then lively and 1increase share their 2answersAin pairs or small groups and discuss where 3 theirC answers differ. Check as a class by asking for 4 B a show of hands for each question. Note 5 thatBthe quiz format should be kept light and fun. 2./ Have Sswork independently. Then Ss compare their answers in pairs. T confirms the correct answers as a class. NOTE: Both activities 1 and 2 are to confirm and broaden Ss'knowledge of English speaking countries and focus on English fluency. Encourage them to discuss with one another. The experience will be more meaningful this way. 3a./ Put Ssinto groups of five or six. Explain that now they have a chance to put together what they know about a country, including all the information they have got so far from the lesson too. Ask them to write the information in short notes first without mentioning the name of the country (e.g.: - far north/ north America; - cold; - two languages: English and French... ). 3b./ Ask each group to stand up in front of the class. Each member of the group will give one fact about the country. When they have finished, the rest of the class can guess what country it is. When every group has done their presentation, the class can vote for the most informative and interesting one. Home work: Prepare for Skill 1. Keys:. Key: 1. the USA 2. New Zealand 3. the United Kingdom 4. Canada 5. Australia. Period: 13 Week: 24 Teaching date: 01/02/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 5: Skill 1 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can use the present simple to talk about future activities, read for specific information about the attractions of a country, talk about interesting facts of a country II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> III. PROCEDURES:. T’s and ss’ activities 1 Allow Ss two or three minutes to discuss the questions. Draw a map of Great Britain and highlight Scotland on the map. Leave it on the board while the class reads the passage silently. T may ask Ss to underline the things that Scotland is famous for. Have Ss call out their answers and say where they found the information in the passage. 2 Ask Ss to read the passage again. Ask them to scan the places first. Read carefully the information about each place and choose the two features related to it. Ss work individually, then check their work in pairs. Ask Ss to call out their answers and show where the information appears. 3./ Have Ss read the passage again and write out the answers independently. T may invite two Ss to write their answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers. For a more able class, T may ask Ss to answer the questions without reading the passage again. 4./ Give Ss a minute to think about the thing they like most about Scotland, and prepare their reasons. They then work in pairs, asking and answering about their choice. If time allows, call on some pairs to share with the class. Encourage Ss to come up with more questions about Scotland. 5./ Have Ss work in small groups. Ask them to look through the interesting facts, and discuss if there is any piece of information they are not clear about. Check as a class to make sure that the information is understood correctly. Only then can Ss start working on preparation for their presentation. Tell them that they can add some facts they know, or delete some facts they do not like from the provided notes. Then. Contents Key: 1. It's in the north of Great Britain. 2. Any or all of the following: It's famous for its rich and unique culture as well as its amazing natural beauty, its historic castles, its traditional festivals, and its whisky. It is also famous for various inventions. Key: 1. Edinburgh: d, f 3. Highland Games: b, h 2. castles: a, c 4. lochs: e, g. Key: 1. Yes, it is. 2. a ghost 4. the telephone, television, penicillin, the rain coat 3. piping, drumming, dancing 5.ln 1824.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> call on some groups to present. The class may then vote for the best presentat Home work: Learn by heart the lesson, prepare skill 2. Period: 14 Week: 24 Teaching date: 01/02/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 6: Skill 2 I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can -listen for specific information about a day trip to an amazing town - write a description of a schedule for a visit or a tour II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. T’s and ss’ activities Listening Ask Ssto look at the pictures and read the introduction to the listening. Ask them what features from the pictures they are interested in, and what they think Wanaka is like. 1 Ask Ssto read the questions. T then plays the recording and Sswrite the answers. T can play the recording at least twice. Elicit the answers from Ssand write the correct answers on the board. 2 Give Ss some time to read the questions. Check if they know the meaning of the words 'illusion' (something that appears to be there but is not) and '3-D hologram' (three-dimensional image). Ss then listen to the recording again, as many times as needed if time allows, and choose the correct answers. T checks the answers as a class Writing 3a Ask Ssto work in groups of three or four. Read the activities and decide on the four activities they would like to do together in their two-day visit to Washington D.e. b Once they have made their decision, allow them time to schedule their visit and fill in. Contents Audio script: Good morning. I hope you all had a good sleep. We are now heading for Wanaka. We arrive at the first destination, Puzzling World at 9.30. The first puzzling thing which welcomes you is the Leaning Tower. When you get inside the spacious cafe, you will find yourself among various wooden puzzles and games. The Illusion Room is a must-see as there's nothing else like it in the world. Puzzling World is possibly the most photographed attraction in New Zealand. At 12.30 we leave for Lake Wanaka, New Zealand's fourth largest lake. This 'natural paradise' has something for everyone. Adventure lovers may follow the biking and walking tracks through the park. Relaxation seekers may stay by the lake, taking a boat ride, or just sitting and watching its changing beauty. We meet up at 4 o'clock and the bus leaves at exactly 4.15.1 hope ....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> the schedule table. 4 Have each group write a description of their visit. The description should include: the name of the activity, the time they do it, and what it involves. If possible, give each group a big piece of paper to write their answers. Ask the two quickest groups to present their answers. Other groups and T give comments. Give marks to the groups. Other groups complete their writing as homework and bring it back in the next lesson. Sample writing: This is the schedule for our group's two-day visit to Washington D.e. On the first day we plan to go to the White House early at 8 o'clock. This way, we avoid the crowds. Then we get on a Hopon Hop-off trolley, which rides around the city. We do some shopping and go for a nice lunch. Then we see some of the sights of the city. On the second day, we take the 8.30 shuttle bus to the canoe club to join a canoe trip along the C&O canal. This canal is famous for its beautiful scenery, especially in autumn. The trip takes about three hours. In the afternoon, we visit the National Children's Museum. The brochure says that this museum offers children a lot offun activities where they can learn through playing. Homework: Prepare for Looking back Period: 15 Week: 24 Teaching date: 03/02/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 8: English Speaking Countries Lesson 7: Looking back I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can review the Unit 8 II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> T’s and ss’ activities Vocabulary 1 Ss complete this exercise independently. Check their answers as a class. 2 Ss work individually. They can then double check with their partner. Confirm the correct answers Grammar 3 Ss complete this task independently or in pairs. Check as a class. 4 Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and look for clues that help them decide which tense should be used for each blank. Have Ss complete the exercise independently and then exchange their answers. Ask two Ss to write their answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers. Communication 5 Ss work in groups. They discuss the statements and decide if they are true. If they are not, find the true answer. Check as a class.. Contents Keys: 1. c 2. e 3. f 4. b 5. d 6. A keys: 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A Key:. Key: 1. faces 2. doesn't set 3. has won 4. has done 5. is 6. are trying. Key: 1. Scottish men wear kilts. 2. The USA has the biggest population. 3. California is a state in the USA. 4. They live in Australia. 5. English and French.. Finished! Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. Discuss as a class what difficulties remain and what areas Ss have Mastered Homework: Prepare for Unit 9. Period: 16 Teaching date: 15/02/2016. Week: 25 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 9 : NATURAL DISASTERS PERIOD 1 : GETTING STARTED (page 26-27). I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can use the lexical items related to the topic 'Natural disasters' II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(87)</span> CONTENT 1. Getting started: chatting Tell some 'Natural disasters' in mother tongue 2. Listen and read Vocabulary: accommodation (n) chổ ở bury (v) chon vui, vui lap collapse (v) sụp đổ damage (n) thiệt hại disaster (n) tai hoa, tham hoa homeless (adj) rescue worker (n) NV cứu hộ trap (v) làm cho mắc kẹt typhoon (n) bão nhiệt đới victim (n) nạn nhân Exercise 1 a./ Read the conversation again and fill in the gaps with no more than three words Key: 1. tropical storm 4. trapped 2. injured 5. medical supplies 3. damage 6. temporary accommodation b./ Responding to news Key: 1. Oh no! 3. That's awful! 2. That's a relief! Exercise 2 a./ Write the responses into the correct columns. Then listen, check and repeat. Key: Wow! Oh dear! That's great! That's awful! That's a relief! How terrible! How wonderful! Oh no! That's awesome! That's shocking! b Match the sentences (1-6) to the responses (a-f). Then practise the exchanges with a partner. Key: 1. b 2. d 3. f 4. c 5. a 6. e. Exercise 3: Match the natural disasters with the pictures. Then listen, check your answers and repeat. Can you add more? Key: 1-C; 2-D; 3-F; 4-B; 5-G; 6-A; 7-H; 8-E Exercise 4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. T’s & Ss’ Activities Chatting. - Set the scene Use picture & some questions for the task - Introduce to ss some new words. a./ Ss work independently. Then allow them to share answers before discussing as a class T gives feedback.. b Ss read the conversation again and do the task independently. T gives feedback. a./ First, have Ss work independently. Then allow them to share answers before playing the recording for them to check. Play the recording for Ss to repeat the phrases. Remind Ss to pay attention to their intonation as they practise.. b./First, have Ss work independently. Then allow them to share answers before T gives comments. Point out that some of the responses could fit more than one statement. If Ss can justify their choice, then accept it. Ask Ss to work in pairs, practising the exchanges with good intonation. T goes around the class to provide help. First, have Ss work in pairs to match the words/ phrases to the pictures. Then allow them to share answers with another pair before playing the recording for them to check. Play the recording for Ss to repeat the words/phrases. Ask Ss which of these natural disasters can.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(88)</span> about common natural disasters in some areas in Viet Nam Homework : Do exercise B1, 2 p.18 exercise book.. happen in Viet Nam. Then model this activity with a more able student. Next ask Ss to work in pairs. Go around to provide help. Call on some pairs to practise in front of the class. Do the task at home. Period: 17 Week: 25 Teaching date: 15/02/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 UNIT 9 : NATURAL DISASTERS PERIOD 2 : A CLOSER LOOK 1 (page 28-29). I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can pronounce words ending in -logy and -graphy correctly in isolation and in context, use the lexical items related to the topic 'Natural disasters II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(89)</span> CONTENT Warm up : Brainstorming. T’s & Ss’ Activities Have ss brainstorm the names of natural disasters. VOCABULARY: Exercise 1: Fill in each blank with a suitable verb in the correct form from the box below. Then listen, check and repeatMatch the adjectives in A with their opposites in B. Answer key: 1. struck 2. erupted 3. shook 4. buried 5. raged 6. collapsed Exercise 2: Match the verbs in column A to the nouns in column B.Then listen, check and repeat Answer key: 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. Exercise 3: Now use the phrases in 2 in the correct form to complete the sentences. Key: 1. provide aid 2. put out the forest fire 3. took shelter 4. scattered debris 5. evacuatethe village Pronunciation: / sk/ / sp/ & /st / Exercise 4 : Lissten and repeat these words. Pay attention to the stressed syllables. Exercise 5: Listen and mark the stress on the correct syllable in the words below. Pay attention to -logy and -graphy. 1. soci'ology 4. clima'tology 2. zo'ology 5. as'trology 3. bibli'ography 6. de'mography Exercise 6: Read the following sentences and mark (') the stressed syllable in the underlined words. Then listen and repeat the sentences. Audio script: 1. We are studying the ge'ography of Asia. 2.1 had a bi'ology lesson this afternoon. 3. They share a common interest in pho'tography. 4. A bi'ography is a book that tells the story of someone's life, written by someone else. 5. Zo'ology is the scientific study of animals and their behaviour. Homework : Do exercise A, 2,3 exercise book p.17. T explains and gives examples of the adjectives. Ss work in pairs. T gives feedback.. Ss do this task independently. Then share their answers with one or more partners. Ss work in pairs and discuss what word is for each picture. Check the answers with the class. Play the recording and ss repeat. Play the recording again. Ss put the right stress. T gives feedback.. Ask S to work individually. Then play the recording. Help ss recognize all the words. Then underline them as assigned.. Do the task at home. Period: 18 Week: 25 Teaching date: 17/02/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 UNIT 9 : NATURAL DISASTERS PERIOD 3. :. A CLOSER LOOK 2 (page 29-30). I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can use the past perfect tense to talk about an action before a stated time or another action in the past II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENTS. T’s & Ss’ Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(90)</span> Grammar The passive voice: review Exercise 1 : Read the conversation in GETTING STARTED and underline any sentences in the passive voice that you can find. Check your findings with a partner. Key: Was anyone injured? Only a few minor injuries were reported. It seems many houses and public buildings were destroyed or flooded, and thousands of people were left homeless. They've sent rescue workers to free people who were trapped in flooded homes. Medical supplies, food and rescue equipment have also been sent. They've been taken to a safe place where temporary accommodation will be provided for them. Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets Answer key: 1. was scattered 4. will be predicted 2. are built 3. were taken 5. will be delivered/are going to be delivered Exercise 3: Rewrite the following sentences using the correct passive voice. Key: 1. Food and blankets have been given out to homeless people (by volunteers). 2. Ten people trapped in collapsed buildings have been freed (by the rescue workers) so far. 3. Was the whole village destroyed (by the storm)? 4.If the area is hit by the storm, a lot of damage will be caused. 5. A garden party is going to be organised to raise money for the victims of the flood. Exercise 4: A./ Read part ofthe conversation from GETTING STARTED. Pay attention to the underlined part. B./ When do we use the past perfect? Can you think of any rules?. Ask Ss to read the conversation in GETTING STARTED again and underline all instances of the passive voice that they can find. Then, ask them to share their findings with one or more partners before checking with the whole class.. Have Sswork independently. Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners. Ask some Ss to say their answers aloud. Confirm the correct answers.. Ss do the exercise individually, then compare with the partner.. A./Ask Ss to read part of the conversation from GETTING STARTED, paying attention to the underlined part. Then, refer to the yellow box, explaining the form of the past perfect tense and going through the examples. B./ Now ask Ss to think about the rules for the past perfect tense. First, try to elicit them from Ss. Then go through the rules in the boxes by analysing the examples given. Then ask Ssto give some more examples of their own. First, have Ss work independently. Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(91)</span> partners. Ask some Ssto say their answers aloud. T gives comments, and makes any correction if available.. Exercise 5: Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past perfect Key: 1. had left, erupted 4. got, hadn't taken 2. arrived, had stopped 5. found, had bought Exercise 6 : Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions about you. Activity: 7 GAME. First, ask Ss to prepare their answers independently. Then model the activity by asking a student one of the given questions. Ask Ssto work in pairs. T may go around to provide help. Call some pairs to practise in front of the class. Model the game with the whole class first. Divide the whole class into two teams (e.g. left side and right side). Then allow members from the two teams to take turns in giving reasons why they were pleased/upset/ happy/ angry, etc. Count the correct sentences to find the winning team. If time does not allow, T can choose either activity 6 or 7 for Ss to do. Do the task at home. Homework Do exercise C2 p.21 exercise book.. Period: 19 Teaching date: 22/02/2016. Week: 26 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 9 : NATURAL DISASTERS PERIOD 4 :. COMMUNICATION (page 31). I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can talk about the natural disasters. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: CONTENT. T’s & Ss’ Activities.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(92)</span> Warm up:. Preteach Exercise 1 Answer key: 1. flooded 2. warming 3. used 4. unprepared 5. reminding Audio script: Welcome to 'Nature and You.' Today we have asked our listeners around the world to call us to express their views on these two questions: 'Are there more natural disasters now than there were in the past?' and' Are we prepared to deal with natural disasters?' - Hi, I'm Sarah from Sydney, Australia. I think there are more natural disasters now than there used to be. Whenever I watch the news on TV, I see places that are flooded or affected by drought. I'm certain this is the result of climate change and global warming. - Hello, I'm Peter from London, England. I don't think that there are more natural disasters now than in the past. But more are being reported on the news in shorter time periods. We've seen them so often on the news that we've become used to them. - Hi, everyone, I'm Nubita from Tokyo, Japan: I think recent earthquakes and tsunamis just show how unprepared we are to deal with them. Despite all the technology and knowledge available to us nowadays, many people become victims of natural disasters. - Good evening everyone, I'm Linh from Ha Noi, Viet Nam. I don't think we can prepare for natural disasters as nobody knows when or where they are going to strike. It's Nature's way of reminding us who is in charge and that we should show more respect to the natural environment. Exercise 2. Show to ss some pictures of natural disasters. Ask ss to discuss in group to answer the question: “Can we prevent the natural disasters with the help of modern tecnology?” T helps ss to understand the meaning of the extra vocabulary” and any words in the text that ss can’t understand clealy. First, have Ss read the interview and guess what the missing word for each gap in the interview is. Write the Ss'ideas on the board. Ask Ss to say which question each person is answering (Sarah and Peter: the first question; Nubita and Linh: the second question). Then play the recording. The first time, ask Ss to close their books and listen only. Then play the recording again and allow Ss to fill in the gaps as they listen. Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs before playing the recording a final time to allow pairs to check their answers. Refer Ss back to the ideas on the board and decide together if all of them are possible options. If time is limited, T may play only the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answers.. Ask Ss to decide whose opinions they agree with and who they disagree with. Ss make notes of the reasons for their decision Have Ss make notes of their answers to the two questions in the interview. Remind Ss that it does not matter what their answers are, and that it is more important that they justify their answers. T may go.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(93)</span> around to provide help Ask Ssto work in pairs to share their answers with a partner. Encourage each pair to negotiate for the same views. If time allows, have some Ss report on their answers. Otherwise, move around the class while Ssdo this activity and give assistance. Exercise 3. Exercise 4. Do the task at home Homework : Do exercise C page 21 exercise book.. Period: 20 Teaching date: 22/02/2016. Week: 26 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 9 :. NATURAL DISASTERS. PERIOD 5 : SKILLS 1 (page 32) I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can read a short article and talk about the natural disasters read for specific information about a natural disaster in a news report II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(94)</span> CONTENT Warm up : Bingo READING: Exercise 1 : Suggested answers: -wreak havoc: do great damage or harm to somebody/something -essential: necessary -destructive: causing major damage, from the verb destroy -guidelines: rules or instructions telling you how to do something, especially something difficult -emergency: a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation Exercise 2 : Read the article again and answer the questions Key: 1. Because they can wreak havoc across large areas and cause loss of life or damage to property. 2. Learn about the risks in your area and read the information about natural disasters on local government sites. 3. Enter all the emergency contact numbers in your mobile phone so you can call the rescue and emergency workers if necessary. 4. Your emergency supply kit should include food, water, medications, personal hygiene items, copies of personal documents and some money. 5. We need to know the evacuation routes and shelters. Speaking: Exercise 3a: Read the news reports (A-C) and match each one to the correct picture (1-3) Key: 1. C 2. B 3. A. Exercise 4a : Make a list of things to do before, during and after each of the disasters in your area. You can read the passage in 1 again for ideas.. T’s & Ss ‘ Activities The whole class play the game. Ask Ss to scan the passage to find where the words/ phrases wreak havoc, essential, destructive, guidelines, and emergency are in the passage. Ask if Ss know the meanings of the words/phrases. If they do not, T may help Ss work out the meanings of these words from the context. T can also explain the words/phrases Work in pairs. Answer the questions. T sets a longer time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions. Ask Ss to note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions. Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class.. 3a.Ask Ss to read each news report. T may help with the new vocabulary. Then ask Ss to match the news reports to the correct picture. Have some Ss read out their answers before checking with the whole class. 3b.Rremind Ss of the responses they practised in GETTING STARTED, e.g., That's shocking!; refer them back to this section if necessary. Now ask Ss to work in groups of three and role-play telling each other about one of the news reports in 3. T may go around to provide help. After finishing, T may call on some groups to do the role-play in front of the class. 4a. Ask Ss what disasters often happen in their area. Elicit the answers from Ss and choose two disasters that happen the most. Divide the class into two groups; each will discuss one disaster. Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(95)</span> b Discuss what you should do in the event of a natural disaster in your area. Use the information from the table above.. work in pairs within each group to discuss and write down what to do before, during and after this disaster. Move around the class to help Ss if necessary. b. Have Ss form new pairs: one student from each group above. Have Ss ask and answer questions about the things they should do in the event of each disaster they had discussed in a. If time allows, invite some pairs to demonstrate their conversations in front of the class. Do the task at home. Homework : Do exercises 1, 2 page 21 exercise book.. Period: 21 Teaching date: 24/02/2016. Week: 26 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 9 : NATURAL DISASTERS PERIOD 6 : SKILLS 2 ( p.33). I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can • listen for specific information about a natural disaster in a news report • write a news report on a natural disaster. II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(96)</span> CONTENT Warm up: What should you do to prepare for floods in your area? Exercise 1 : Listen to the news report and correct the following statements Key: 1. A typhoon hit Nghe An Province last night. 2. Dozens of people were seriously injured in the storm. 3. There was extensive damage to property in Cua Lo, a coastal town in Nghe An. 4. The storm had already weakened when rescue workers arrived in the area. 5. According to the weather bureau, heavy rain will continue over the next few days. Exercise 2: Listen again and complete the data chart. Key: 1. winds 2. homeless 3. damage 4. flood 5. debris 6. accommodation. Exercise 3 : Have you or one of your family members experienced a natural disaster? Make notes about it in the table below. Alternatively, you can write about a natural disaster you have read about. Exercise 4: a. Use your notes in 3 to write a news report. b. Swap news reports with a partner and review each other's drafts. Make revisions and corrections if necessary. Then present your final news report to the class. Homework : - Do exercise D page 22 exercise. T’s & Ss’ Activities SS work in groups Remind Ss about listening for key words in statements. Play the recording and ask Ss to correct the statements. Then ask two or three Ss to write their answers on the board. Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers.. Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the missing word for each gap from the information they have heard in 1.Then play the recording again and allow Ss to fill in the gaps as they listen. Ask Ss to share their answers in pairs before playing the recording a final time to allow pairs to check their answers. If time is limited, T plays only the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answers. Ask Ss to make notes about a natural disaster they or one of their family members have experienced in the given table. Remind them that they do not have to write full sentences and they can use abbreviations. Then, ask Ss to share their notes with their partners. T may ask some more able Ss to read out their notes to the whole class. - Set up the writing activity. Remind Ss that the first and most important thing is always to think about what they are going to write. In this case, Ss can use the chart in 3 as a model for their report. T may still need to provide some help with the language necessary for writing. Ask Ss to write a draft report first. Then have them write their final version in class or at home, depending on time allowed. If they write in class, they can also do it in pairs or groups. Ss edit and revise their reports as homework. Note that the audio script provides a good model of a news report. This structure can be used to write another news report..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(97)</span> book.. Period: 22 Week: 27 Teaching date: 29/02/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 UNIT 9 : NATURAL DISASTERS PERIOD 7 : LOOKING BACK & PROJECT (p. 34-35). I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of this Unit, students can review of what they have learnt in Unit 9 II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(98)</span> CONTENT Vocabulary: Exercise 1 : Complete the sentences with the words/ phrases from the box. Answer key: 1.cultural groups 2. communal, activities 3. costumes, diverse 4. ethnic 5.unique. T’s & Ss’ Activities Ss repeat the words as a class to practice pronunciation.. Exercise 2: use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences. Answer key: 1cutural 2. peaceful 3. richness 4. diversity 5.traditional Exercise 3: Make questions for the underlined parts of the words. Key: 6. What are these houses built on? 7. Where is the entrance? 8. Which house is the largest, tallest, and the most elaborate building in the village? 9. What is it used for? 10. Who can sleep in this house?. For exercises 1- 5 Ss do individually then compare the answers with a partner. T checks and confirms the correct answers.. Exercise 4 : Each sentence has an error. Find and correct. 1.a-> the 2. a-> the 3. an-> the 4. the-> a 5. an-> the Exercise 5: Fill in the gap with a, an, or the to complete the passage. 1.an 2.a 3.the 4.the 5.the 6.the SS work in pairs. Let them recall what they have learnt about the cultural groups of Communication Viet Nam. Ss take turns to ask each other Exercise 6: Game questions about the topic. CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE CHALLENGE Homework : - Do the project at home.. Do the task at home. Period: 23 Teaching date: 29/02/2016. Week: 27 Class: 8/1, 8/2 REVIEW 3 (units 7-9) (period 1). 1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. 2. Materials: textbooks, pictures, CD CONTENTS. LANGUAGE. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(99)</span> PRONUNCIATION Exercise 1: Mark the stress on the correct syllables in the words. Then listen and repeat. VOCABULARY Exercise 2: Complete each sentence with the suitable form of the word provided. Keys: 1. Predict, 4. Culture, 2. Iconic 5.flooded;3. Natural; 6. polluted Exercise 3: Keys: 1.c; 2a; 3 f; 4 b; 5 d; 6 e. Review the rules of stress in words ending in -ic, -al, -ee, -ese, -Iogy, and -graphy with Ss as a class. Have Ss then mark the stress independently. Play the recording. Ss listen and correct their answers. Confirm their answers. Ss listen again and repeat, in chorus and individually. Ask Ss to read the sentences and decide what kind of word is needed for each sentence (a noun? a verb?an adjective? .. ). Elicit their answers. Let Ss do the exercise independently. Ss can then share their answers with a partner. Check and write the answers on the board. Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. Check Ss' answers and write the correct ones on the board. GRAMMAR Exercise 4: This exercise revises the use of present tenses, conditionals, and passive voice. Have a brief revision if necessary. Then have Ss do it individually. Ss exchange their answers and discuss if there is any difference in their answers. Check and explain each answer. Key: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B EVERYDAY ENGLISH Match the sentences in A with replies in B Have Ss do this exercise in pairs. Correct Key: their answers and ask some pairs to act 1. e 2.a 3.g 4.b 5.d 6. f out the mini dialogues .. * Homework: - Do Test Yourself in exercise book.. Period: 24 Teaching date: 02/03/2016. Week: 27 Class: 8/1, 8/2 REVIEW 3 (units 7-9) (period 2). 1. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can review what they have learnt during the unit. 2. Materials: textbooks, pictures, CD CONTENTS. TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(100)</span> SKILLS READING Exercise 1. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each question. Key: 1. B 2.0 3.A 4.B 5.C SPEAKING Exercise 2a: Work in pairs. Choose one ofthe topics and make a short conversation.. LISTENING Exercise 3: ten to Nguyen talking with his friend Phong, who has just come back from a visit to Singapore and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) KEYS: 1. T 2.T 3.F 4. F 5.F 6.T WRITING Exercise 4: The school is organising FIGHT POLLUTION DAY to raise students' awareness of the dangers of pollution. Choose one activity you would like your friend to participate in and write to him! her introducing it.. Ss read the text and answer the questions independently. Ss compare their answers with a partner before giving them to T. Have Ss explain where they got the answers from in the passage. The focus of this speaking exercise is on fluency. Let Ss work in pairs to choose their topic and think about their questions and answers. Remind them to use expressions they have learnt from the conversationsin GETTING STARTED to respond in a natural way to what they hear. They then practise between themselves. Ss in pairs act out their conversations in front of the class. Ask Ss to read the questions carefully first. T then plays the recording. Ss listen and decide if the statements are true or false. Write Ss' answers on the board. Don't confirm their answers at this stage. Have Ss listen again and check their own answers. Correct their answers. First, have Ss read the schedule of the Fight Pollution Day to understand the context. They then choose the activity they would like their friend to participate in and write to him/her to introduce it. Remind Ss that they can use the present simple to talk about practical aspects of an event in the future. For example: The event takes place on Saturday, 4 April. The event starts at 8:30 and finishes at 12:00. We pick up trash and sort it for recycling. T can call on a student to write his/her letter on the board. Other Ss and T comment on it. Ss then refer back to their own work and see if they want to make any changes. Collect some work to correct at home.. * Homework: - Do Test Yourself in exercise book.. Period: 26 Teaching date: 07/03/2016. Week: 28 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION Lesson 1 : GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ. I.OBJECTIVES : By the nend of the lesson, sts can use lexical items related to the topic “ communication”..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(101)</span> II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. Sts’ and T’s activities Warm- up. Do a quick whole-clas activity to review the Past Perfect learnt in Unit 9. For example, write two sentences on the board and ask sts to change them into one sentence using Past Perfect. Start the new lesson: -Prepare two photos: one of people talking to each other face-to-face using verbal language, gestures, facial expressions, body language … / one of people communicating with animals.Ask sts to guess the topic of this unit. Once sts have got the answer, ask them to work in pairs to list down as many as ideas as they can about how people communicate. -Bring your mobile phoneinto the clas. Elicit the phone’s functions from sts and write them on the board. Then discuss with sts which functions are helpful for communicating, and which functions are not. Ask sts to explain their choice. Activities. Pre-teach some new words. - Elicit some new words from the situations. - Read many times in chorus -Check voc: Slap the board - Call some individuals Listen and read - Ask sts to open their books and look at the pictures but cover the text. Introduce Phuc and Nick talking on the phone and the other pictures of Phuc, Mai and Nick. Brainstorm questions with sts : What do you think Phuc and Nick are talking about on the phone? Where are Mai and Phuc in the first picture? What are they doing there? Where is Nick in the second picture? What is he doing there? What is it in the third picture?What does it mean?. Contents I missed the school bus. I was annoyed.  I was annoyed, as I had missed the school bus. I had missed the school bus so I was annoyed.. Vocabulary -show up(v) -get through(v) We tried to call you but couldn’t get through. -battery (n) I couldn’t call you. My battery was flat. 1.Listen and read. Phuc: Hi Nick. What happened today? We were waiting for ages and you nevershowed up! …………… Nick: Oh no, I went to Galaxy Nguyen Du. I wish my mobile phone had a better battery..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(102)</span> What is a possible connection between pictures 1,2 and 3? -Tell sts they are going to listen to the conversation between Phuc and Nick. -Play the recording. -Sts in pairs practice the conversation a.tell sts they can uncover the text. play the recording again. have sts work individually then in pairs to find the words/ phrases.. b. have sts work individually then in pairs to compare answers with each other. Correct the task as a class and encourage sts to explain for both T and F options.. c.ask sts to work in groups of three or four and discuss the questions. 2.sts work in pairs to complete this task. Ask sts to further explain the meaning of the words/ phrases in the box, and / or how they work.. a.find words or phrases in the conversation that mean / p.39 1.to wait for a very long time ( = wait for ages) 2.to arrive (=show up) 3. to succeed in talking to someone on the phone.(=get through) 4.’ my battery had no electrical power left’(= my battery was flat) 5.’are you making a joke?’(= Are you kidding?) 6.’let’s do that again’ ( = we can try again) b.Decide if the statements are true(T)or false(F). 1.Phuc, Mai and Nick wanted to see a film today at Galaxy cinema. T 2.Only Mai and Phuc watched the film. T 3.Nick was asleep at home at that time. F 4. Mai and Phuc could not reach Nick on the phone.T 5. Nick went to the wrong Galaxy cinema.T 6.Nick will not be able to go to the cinema at 2.30p.m this Sunday because he will be having a class. T c. Why couldn’t Phuc, Mai and Nick see the film together as was their plan? What was the problem?Was it only because of Nick’s mobile phone? 2. Match the words/ phrases with the photos about ways of communication. Then listen to check your answers. -using social media ( picture 5) -meeting face-to-face(F2F) ( picture 4) -having a video conference ( picture 1) sending letters( snail mail) ( picture 7) -emailing( picture 2) -video chatting( picture 3) -using telepathy( picture 6). 3.draw sts’ attentionto the words / 3. Fill the gaps with the correct form of phrase from the word box in 2 again. Tell the words/ phrases from the box in 2. them to do this task by first underlining the 1. using social media 2.meet face –to-face cues in each item. 3.emailing, sending letters/ snail mail Explain the LOOK OUT box. 4.using telepathy 5.video chatting 4.sts work in groups. Set a time limit and 6.have a video conference 4. GAME ask st to write down as many different.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(103)</span> ways they have communicated so far today as they can. Alternatively, this can be a competition between groups where they collect information from each member and collate it to find the winning group with the most communication ways. Homework : Prepare lesson 2: A closer look 1.. Period: 27 Teaching date: 09/03/2016. in groups,brainstorm all the different ways you have communicated so far today. The person with the most ideas is the winner.. Week: 28 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION Lesson 2 : A CLOSER LOOK 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(104)</span> I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, sts can use morelexical items related to the topic “ communication” and pronounce the words ending in –ity and –itive correctly in isolation and in context... II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Sts’ and T’s activities Warm- up. Ask sts to tell some ways of communication they learned in the previous lesson. Tell sts they will be introduced other ways of communication in this lesson. Activities. Vocabulary 1.sts work individually first then in pairs. Encourage them to describe how the communication happens in each picture. T may share with the class if he / she has any experience of these ways of communication. 2.prepare some photos of the technology mentioned. if possible , connect the computer to the internet in the classroom, go online and show sts an example of how these communication channels work ( a chat room / a message board) Sts work individually / in pairs to complete the exercise. After giving corrections, T can share with sts some of their own experiences of using these technologies. 3. This task can be done in groups where sts discuss and write down their ideas. Encourage sts to think of all communication forms they have learned, or the ones they know, and put them in the correct categories.. Contents. VOCABULARY 1.Choose the words / phrases from the box to describe the photos about other ways of communication. Key : 1.using music 2. using signs 3. leaving a note 4. painting a picture 5. communicating non-verbally with animals 6. using codes 7. sending flowers 8. using body language 2. Communication technology. Match the words with the definitions. 1. chat room - definition d 2. multimedia - definition e 3. landline phone - definition b 4. smart phone - definition c 5. message board - definition a 3. Complete the diagram with the communication examples you have learnt so far. Some can be put in more then one category. Can you add more ideas? Verbal Meeting F2F Forms of communicatio n. Non-verbal Using signs Multimedia Texting ……………… …...

<span class='text_page_counter'>(105)</span> 4. Each team is assigned one form of communication. The rest of the class will be the audience. The two competing teams have to try every way possible to convince the audience their communication form is better. Then the audience will decide which team is the winner.. 4. Debate. Choose one or more pairs of ways of communicating. Which one is better? Why? email. vs. snail mail. video conference. vs. F2F meeting. mobile phone. vs. Landlide phone. message board. vs. F2F discussion group. PRONUNCIATION Stress in words ending in –ity and –itive Forwords ending in –ity and –itive, place the stress on the syllable before the suffix. Ex : oppor’tunity ‘positive. Pronunciation Ask sts to cover the pronunciation box. Write the word ‘opportunity’ and ‘ positive’ on the board. Ask sts to read them aloud and try to identify which syllable is stressed. 5. Mark the stress for the following words, then Elicit the pronunciation rule with the class. listen and repeat. 1. com’petitive 5. a’bility Have sts read the pronunciation box and check 2. in’finitive 6.possi’bility if their rule is correct. 3.re’petitive 7.curi’osity 5. Sts work individually then in pairs to 4. ‘positive 8. natio’nality compare their answers. Tell sts to mark the word stress.Play the 6. Fill in the gaps with the words in 5 and practise recording and have sts check the answers. saying the sentences. Then listen and check. Key: Have sts practice these words. 1. nationality 2. repetitive 3. competitive 4. possibility 5. ability. 6. Sts work individually then compare the answer with their partners. Play the recording for sts to check. Allow them plenty of time to practise these sentences with the correct stress. Homework : Review all the exercises corrected Prepare lesson 3: A closer look 2.. Period: 28 Teaching date: 14/03/2016. Week: 29 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(106)</span> Lesson 3 : A CLOSER LOOK 2. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts can use - the Future Continuous tense to express being in the process of doing something at a specific time in the future. -use some verbs that are follwed by to-infinitive. II. Teaching Aids : -projector. III. Procedures: I. Organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendance. II. New lesson :. Sts’ and T’s activities Warm- up. THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS : REVIEW. 1.Remind sts of the story in GETTING STARTED: How Phuc, Mai and Nick planned to see a film together but Nick went to the wrong cinema and they were not able to con tacteach other.Ask sts what phuc and nick decided on the phone about how they would try it again this sunday afternoon. Write ‘2.30p.m show’ and ‘ 4.15p.m show ‘ on the board. Ask sts if they remember which show Phuc and Nick chose and why. Play the recording and ask sts to answer the two questions. Then draw sts’ attention to the Review box. Write different times of the day on the board ( e.g. 7a.m, 10 a.m, 12p.m, etc…) and ask sts to work in pairs to tell each other what they will be doing at these times tomorrow.. 2.Draw sts’ attention to the LOOK OUT! box. Then ask them to underline the specific time expression in each item. Sts work individually then in pairs. Contents GRAMMAR THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS : REVIEW 1. Listen againto part of the conversation in GETTING STARTED. Underline the future continuous tense and answer the questions.. 1. what will Nic be doing at 2.30 p.m this Sunday? 2. What will Phuc and Nick be doing at about 4.45 p.m this Sunday?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(107)</span> to compare their answers.. 3.Have sts work in groups to decide which year to put in the gaps. Then go through each sentence with sts, asking each group to call out their choice. If there is any difference in the answers among the groups, ask them for an explanation for their particular choice. VERB + TO-INFINITIVE 4.Sts work individually to complete the task. Write on the board ( I also wanted to call youwant to do something) Ask some volunteers to write the rest on the board in a similar way.. Tell sts to look at the WATCH OUT! box. Provide the list of common verbs followed by to-infinitive. Ask sts if they know any other verbs that are followed by to-infinitive. Remind sts that some verbs such as LOVE,HATE, PREFER can be followed by both a gerund or to-infinitive without significant change in meaning. Tell sts they may want to look at Unit 1 againfor more verbs that can be followed with both a gerund and toinfinitive. ( if time allows, ask sts to practice making sentences wth these verbs) 5. Sts work individually then in pairs to compare their answers. 6. Remind sts of the different ways of. 2.Complete the sentences with the Future Continuous. Key 1.Will he still be sleeping/ will be studying 2.will be having 3.will be eating 4.will she be staying/ will be writing 5.will be playing 6.will be learning. 3.Look at the years provided. Work in groups to predict when the following may happen in the future. Then compare your answers with other groups. Key …………………. …………………… VERB + TO-INFINITIVE 4.Look at the conversation in GETTING STARTED again and write down all the verbs that are followed by to-infinitive that you can find. Ex: I also wanted to call you  want to call If we want to follow a verb with another action, we must use either a gerund (Unit 1) or an infinitive. Ex: They want to see Superman 3 this Sunday. Some common verbs followed by to-infinitive Verbs of thinking: choose, decide, plan Verbs of feeling: love, hate, prefer other verbs: try, want, need. Watch out ! Some verbs such as LOVE, HATE, PREFER can be followed by both a gerund and to-infinitive without significant change in meaning.. 5.Choose the best answer. 1.c ( to stay) 2.b(to have) 3.a(to take) 4.c ( to call) 5.a ( to communicate) 6.The dream list. Imagine we are in the year 2050. Work in pairs and select three ways of communication that you think will be most common. Then make the list longer by sharing your ideas with another pair using full sentences. Ex: We’ll be using video conferencing in every.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(108)</span> communicating from the beginning of the unit. Draw their attention to the time expression(year2050) and ask them which verb tense should be used. Give an example if necessary. Then sts work in pairs and share their ideas with other pairs to make a’ Dream List’. If it is possible, this task can be done as a mingle activity where one pair has to talk to at least three other pairs. Remind them to use full sentences.. morning.. III. Homework : Learn some verbs followed by to-infinitive by heart. Prepare lesson 4: COMMUNICATION. Period: 29 Week: 29 Teaching date: 14/03/2016. Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION Lesson 4 : COMMUNICATION.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(109)</span> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts can talk about communiication now and in the future. II. Teaching Aids : -projector. III. Procedures: I. Organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendance. II. New lesson :. Sts’ and T’s activities Warm- up. First have sts guess what they think communication breakdown means. Refer to the LOOK OUT! box. Remind sts of what happened in the text in GETTING STARTED. Ask sts why they think this communication breakdown happened and how to avoid it. Share with sts an experience of communication breakdown that T has had. Go through the Extra Vocabulary box with sts. Give examples to further explain each word where needed. Activities. 1.Do the first itemwith sts. Then sts work in pairs to complete this task. Once they have finished, encourage them to add in some more reasons and examples.. Contents COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN EXTRA VOCABULARY. Language barrier shrug ( shoulders) Cultural difference glance Communication channel. 1.Match the following possible reasons for communication breakdown witth the examples. Can you add in some more reasons and examples? A. language barrier. Key : 1.A 6.B. 2.Elicit from sts what body language is. Explain that understanding body language can help people avoid communication breakdown. Give an example and ask sts to guess what T is trying to say. Ask sts to cover the text and just to look at the pictures. In pairs sts work out the messages from the pictures. Then sts can uncover the text and do the matching. Confirm the correct answers. 3.Write on the board some of the language for online communication learnt in Unit 1 and ask sts if they can read them in the full form. Explain that using abbreviations for online chatting and texting is not always easy to understand, Sts then work in pairs to complete. B.cultural differences. C.a lack of communication channels 2.B. 3.C. 4.C. 5.A. LOOK OUT! Communication breakdown means a lack of communication or a failure to exchange information. 2.If you don’t understand body language, communication breakdown may happen. Match the body language with the meaning. Add more examples if you can. Key: 1.c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d. 3.Using abbreviations for online chatting and texting is not always easy to understand. Can you decode the following sentences written in texting / chatting style without loooking at the cues? 1.Where r u? We r @ Lotte on 2/F.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(110)</span> this task.. 4.Sts work in groups to make their group’s ideas Bank by discussing a technology solutionthat will help people avoid the communication breakdown mentioned in 1. The groups then make a short presentation of their ideas to share with the class to make a big Ideas Bank.. = Where are you? We are at Lotte on the second floor. 2.I’ll b 5 mins late. CUS. = I’ll be 5 minutes late. See you soon. 3.Wanna c a movie this wkd? = Do you want to see a movie this weekend. 4.Pls call me rite bck. Thx. =Please call me right back. Thanks. 5.Hi!Wot R U doin 2nite? = Hi! What are you doing tonight? 6.Did u c it? LOL. = Did you see it? Laugh out loud! 4.Ideas Bank. Work in groups. For each communication breakdown mentioned in 1, think of a future tecnology idea that will help avoid it. Share your ideas with the class. Ex: Language barrier We will use an app on a smartphone to automatically translate what we are saying into the language of the listener.. III. Homework : Learn common abbreviations for chatting and texting by heart. Prepare lesson 5: SKILLS 1.. Period: 30 Teaching date: 16/03/2016. Week: 29 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION Lesson 5 : SKILL 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(111)</span> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts can: - read for general and specific information about communicationin the future. - talk about communication now and in the future. II. Teaching Aids : -projector. III. Procedures: I. Organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendance. II. New lesson :. CONTENT Warm up. 2./ Key: 1. in real time 2. interact 3. threedimensional images 4. cyber world 5. network 3./ Key: 1. They love to write and read real letters. One student likes to send sweets with the letters as well. 2. They are telepathy and holography. Telepathy uses a device in our head to communicate by thought over the network. Holography gives threedimensional images and we will be able to interact with each other in real time. 3. She prefers to use real, face-to-face communication because she thinks this makes life more interesting.. T’s & Ss’ Activities Reading 1./Ask Ss when was the last time they sent somebody a real letter, to whom, and on what occasion. Then ask Ss to look at the photos. Explain that these are the letters Ss from two schools in Viet Nam and Sweden sent to each other in a penfriend project. Ask Ss to brainstorm the reasons why they think these Sschose this way to communicate with each other. Then ask Sswhat they think is happening in the two other photos in the text. 2./ Ss read the text quickly for the first time. Ask them to pay attention to the highlighted words and do the matching task. 3./ Ss try to find the answers individually first then compare the answers in pairs. Once they have agreed on the answers they can practise asking and answering the questions with each other.. .. Speaking 4 First ask Sswhere in the text the author's opinion is expressed. Then they work in pairs or small groups to tell each other if they agree with the author's opinion or not, and explain why. Then call on some pairs/.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(112)</span> Homework : - Do exercise D page 22 exercise book. - Prepare for Skill 2. Period: 31 Teaching date: 21/03/2016. groups to share what they have discussed. 5 This can be done as a mingle activity where Ss stand up and talk to different classmates to complete the survey. Otherwise, Sscan do it in groups of five or six where each member completes the survey himself/ herself and shares it with the group. The group leader will then report to the class either the ways of communication that are most mentioned or the ways of communication that the group likes best.. Week: 30 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION Lesson 6 : SKILL 2. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts can : - listen for general and specific information about netiquette. - write an email using netiquette. II. Teaching Aids : -projector. III. Procedures: I. Organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendance. II. New lesson :. CONTENT. T’s & Ss’ Activities Listening Netiquette Warm up 1./ Ask Ss to look at the message board. Ask them who posted the message and who they think the message is for. Ask them to try to identify what problems in terms of communication politeness they think the Key: 1. The word is a combination of 'net' and message has. 'etiquette '. It's a set of rules for behaving 2./ Write on the board 'netiquette' and ask Ss properly online. what they think it means. Explain they are going 2. Don't say and do unpleasant things online, to listen to a researcher talking about the way we just like in real life. communicate online. Explain CAPS LOCK in 3. It's how we communicate with each other the box if necessary. online. Have Ss look at the questions first. Encourage Play the recording again if necessary. them to give some answers. Then play the recording. Ss work individually then in pairs to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(113)</span> compare their answers. 3./ Before playing the recording again, first ask Ss to look at the grid and try to complete it with as much information from the recording as they can remember. Elicit the answers from Ss. If their answers are correct move to the next activity. Otherwise, play the recording again.. 5 (Key: 1. c 2. f 3. e 4. b 5. a 6. d ). Home work: Prepare Looking back. Period: 32 Teaching date: 21/03/2016. 4./ Ss work in pairs to complete this task. You may call two or three pairs to write their versions of the message on the board and the class votes for the best one. Writing Writing an email using netiquette Draw Ss' attention to the REMEMBER! box. If possible, illustrate each of the bullet points mentioned by an example you find from the Internet, or those that you create yourself. 6 First Ss work in groups to discuss what information they would include in the ernail. They may look at the email in 5 for ideas. Then Ss work individually on this task. Ask them to pay attention to the netiquette they have learnt. When Ss have finished, they swap the writing with their partner to check before handing it in to T. For a more able class, T may ask Ss to try the following tasks as homework (Ss may look at 4 for more ideas): Write a short post on your class message board to ask how many words the final essay should be. Write a short post on a message board to help somebody answer the question What does communication breakdown mean?. Week: 30 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 10 : COMMUNICATION Lesson 7 : Looking back.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(114)</span> I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, sts can: - talk about forms of communication - use communication technology vocabulary - use some verbs followed by to- infinitive / gerund. - use the Future Continuous II. Teaching Aids : -projector. III. Procedures: I. Organization: - Greetings. - Checking attendance. II. New lesson :. Sts’ and T’s activities. Contents. Warm- up. Activities. VOCABULARY 1.Ask sts to complete the sentences by using the support from the pictures, the letter cues, and the meaning of the sentences. They work individually first and then compare with a partner. 2.Challenge sts to try this task without looking back at COMMUNICATION. Have two or three sts write their answers on the board.. 3. Sts work in pairs for this task. Remind sts that these are non-verbal ways of communication. Then call on some pairs to report their task. GRAMMAR 4.Sts work individually then in pairs to compare their answers.. 5. Sts work individually then in pairs to compare their answers. If time allows, encourage sts to think of other verbs that are followed by gerunds and by infinitives and make sentences using them.. VOCABULARY 1.Complete the sentences using the cues provided. KEY 1. body language 4.cultural differences 2. multimedia 5. telepathy 3. face-to-face 6.netquette 2.Write the following text messages / chat lines in shorthand form. 1.thanks for your gift. ( = Thx 4 ur gift) 2.By the way, what are you doing this weekend? ( = BTW, wot r u doin this wkd?) 3.Please call me right now. ( = Pls call me rite now) 4.Laugh out loud! ( = LOL!) 5.See you tonight. ( =C U 2nite) 3. Have you ever used music, codes, signs,or any non-verbal ways to communicate? Tell a partner what you did. Was the communication succesful? GRAMMAR 4.Underline the correct answer. Key: 1.will not be sleeping 2. will be playing 3.will be doing 4.will be waiting 5. will not be usung / will be using 6.will be raining 5.Gerund or to-infinitive ? Key: 1.talking 2. to use 3. to show.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(115)</span> COMMUNICATION. 4.communicating 5. chatting COMMUNICATION. 6.Sts discuss this task in pairs. Remind them that they can choose to talk about forms of communication people will be using or will not be using in the year 2011 and they should give the reasons why they think so.. 6.Choose any three forms of communication I this unit and work with a partner to decide if people will be using them in the year 2100 or not. Give at least two reasons for each decision. Ex: -. Ask sts to complete the self –assessment box, identify any difficulties or weak areas and provide further practice. III. Homework : Prepare Unit 11, lesson 1: LISTEN AND READ. Period: 33 Teaching date: 23/03/2016. 6. to have. will we be using music to communicate in the year 2100? I think so. People will always express themselves through music.. Week: 30 Class: 8/1, 8/2 TEST CORRECTION. KEYS I/ Listen and complete the blanks. (1.5 m).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(116)</span> 1./ flooded, 2./ warming, 3./ used, 4./ tsunamis, 5./ unprepared, 6./ victims II./ Listen and circle the correct answer A, B, or C. (1m) 1. B, 2. C, 3. C, 4. B III/ Read the passage and answer the following questions. (1m) 1. Yes, it is 2. (You might see) a ghost ( while you are exploring a castle) 3. (You can see) piping, drumming, and dancing (at the Scottish Highland Games) 4. The telephone, the television, penicillin and the raincoat (were some of the things invented by the Scots) IV/ Choose the correct word from the box to fill each blank in the report (1,5m) put raging dry rainstorm destroyed spread danger 1./ raging , 2./ dry, 3./ spread, 4./ danger, 5./ rainstorm, 6./put V/ Choose the best answer A, B or C to complete the sentences. (1m) 1. C. amazing2. C. Scotland3. A. visitors4. B.touching VI/ Complete the sentences with the appropriate present tense of the verbs in brackets. (1,5ms) 1. faces 2. doesn’t set 3. has won 4. has done 5. is 6. are trying VII/ Combine each pair of sentences using the wordl phrase in brackets. Don't change the given word/ phrases (0,5ms) 1. Noise pollution causes a change in animals' living pattern. 2. Radioactive pollution is very dangerous since it can cause abnormal growth. VIII/ Rearrange the words and phrases in each group to form a complete sentence (1m) 1. Pig-racing is often held at a country fair for entertainment. 2.New York is the biggest city in the USA, but not the capital. 3. English is an official language in Malaysia, India, and many other countries 4. London is the capital of England, whereas Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. IX/ Change these sentences into passive voice (1m) 1. The tickets will be collected by Mr Smith 2. A play is/ was put on (by the students) at the end of term. 3. The message was taken by Julie. 4. The picture was painted by a local artist Result. Class 8/1 8/2 Total. Sts 30 29 59. 8-10 28 20 48. Period: 34 Teaching date: 28/03/2016. 6,5-<8 1 5 6. 5-<6,5 1 4 5. Total 30 29 59. 3,5-<5. 2-<3,5. Week: 31 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 11 : SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lesson 1 : GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ. 0-<2. Total.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(117)</span> I.OBJECTIVES : By the nend of the lesson, sts can use the lexical items related to science and technology II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. Sts’ and T’s activities Contents 1/ Ask Ss to open their books to Unit 11, cover the text and look at the pictures. T asks prediction questions: What can you see in the pictures? Do you know these characters? Where are they now? What are they talking about? Ss answer the questions as a class. Then play the recording and have Ss listen and follow along. Check if Ss' predicted answers match the conversation. If not, have Ss correct them. a./ Ask Ss to read the conversation again Key: 1c; 2.b; 3.d; 4.e; 5a ;6.f and do the exercise in pairs. Elicit the correct answers and write them on the board. Have Ss substitute the B words into the conversation to check that they match. Finally,explain the meaning of any complex words in Vietnamese if necessary Key: 1. They are at the Science Club. b./ Ss work individually to answer the 2. It is the roles of science and technology questions. Ss compare answers with a in the 21 st century. partner and then discuss as a class. Have Ss 3. Science and technology are changing say where they found the answers in the everything. 4. He told Nick that only robots would conversation. work in factories and clean our homes in the future. 5. He/ She said that there would be no more schools: they'd just stay at home and learn on the Internet. c./ Ss work in pairs. Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation and do the task. Check their answers d./ Have Ss do this exercise in pairs. Ask some Ss to present their answers. Confirm the correct answers Lookout! Help Ss distinguish the two words. - science: knowledge about the world, especially based on examining, testing, and proving facts - technology: things and ways of doing things that are based on knowledge about science and computers. Key: 1. the economy (economic development) 2. the workplace (robots in factories) 3. the home (robots cleaning our homes) 4. travel (traffic jams) 5. education (school via the Internet) Key: 1. field 2. space 3. the key 4. economic development S. flying cars.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(118)</span> 2./ Tell Ss that in the box are some more words and phrases related to science and Key: technology. Let them work in pairs. Check 1. science subjects 2. technology 3. their work by calling on some Ss to read researchers 4. machines 5. scientific progress out their sentences. Allow Ss to write the translations next to the words. 3./ Tell Ss to look at the example. T may give some more. Then let them do the task Key: 1. unknown 2. unrealistic 3. impossible 4. unimportant 5. unpolluted by themselves. After that, they swap their answers with a partner. Correct Ss'answers as a class. Then let them repeat the words in chorus. 4./ Set this up as a mingle activity. Let Ss stand up and move around with pens and Reference: Some scientists of Viet Nam: paper/ notebooks to ask questions and take Vo Hong Anh,Le Van Thiem notes. Observe and assist where needed. Ha Dinh Duc, Hoanq Tuy Tran Dai Nghia Once a student has a name in each box they should sit back down. Continue until all, or most, Ss have sat back down. Congratulate the winner(s). T calls on the winning Ss to present their results to the class. Home work: prepare A closer look 1. Period: 35 Teaching date: 28/03/2016. Week: 31 Class: 8/1, 8/2. UNIT 11 : SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Lesson 2 : A CLOSER LOOK 1. I.OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson, sts can pronounce words with the prefix unand im- correctly in isolation and in contex II . PREPARATION : cassette, text book, lesson plan III. TECHNIQUES: communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES:. Sts’ and T’s activities 1./ Do this activity the first time around as a quiz. Divide the class into two teams. Read out item one and ask Team A to answer. If they get it wrong, the option goes to Team B to answer. Keep a score on the board to increase the fun element. Now have Ss work individually to do the task in their books. Finally, ask some Ss to write the answers on the board. Correct their answers as a class. 2./ Ss work in pairs and discuss what the. Contents. Key: 1.adviser/advisor 2. chemist 3. designer 4. programmer 5. Biologist.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(119)</span> word is for each picture. T checks as a class. For more able Ss, have pairs write the descriptions of these people in the same style as activity 1. Then put pairs together to read out their descriptions and challenge each other to guess the person, like in the quiz in 1. 3./ T asks Ss to read the sentences and guess the part of speech of the word to be filled in each blank. Have Ss call out their guesses. Sswork individually. Ask some Ss to write their answers on the board. Check their answers as a class. Pronunciation Explain to Ss that the prefixes un- and imare used to make adjectives (and adverbs) negative. Explain to them that when these prefixes are added, the stress of the new word does not normally change. Give some examples. 4./ Play the recording for Ss to repeat the words. Play the recording as many times as necessary. Correct Ss' pronunciation, especially the stress. Then have Ss mark the stress on the words by drawing circle above the stressed syllable. 5./ Have Ss read out the words first. Then they work in groups to put the words in the right columns. Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board. Confirm the correct answers.. 6 ./ Have Ss work individually to write down the words. Play the recording two or three times for Ss to check.. Key: 1. chemist 5. doctor 2. software developer 6. conservationist 3. engineer 7. explorer 4. physicist 8. archeologist Key: 1. developments 2. scientists 3. exploration 4. medical 5. economic. Key: oO. un'wise im'pure un'hurt. ooOo unfore'see n imma'ture impo'lite. oOo. oOoo un'limited im'possibl e un'natural. Key: 1. impure 2. unhealthy 3. impossible 4. unlimited 5. impatient. Home work: Prepare A closer look 2 Period: 36 Week: 31 Teaching date: 30/03/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LESSON: A CLOSER LOOK 2 I/ Objective.. un'lucky un'healthy im'patient.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(120)</span> After the lesson, sts can review the future tenses and sts can learn new grammar: reported speech. II/ Teaching aids. Lesson plan, text books, board, projector III/ Teaching procedure. Teacher’s and students’ activities. Contents.  Warm up:. Review future tenses: 1. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tenses.. T asks sts to do exercise 1: “Now the whole class, before we learn new lesson. We review future tenses together”. “Now, we do exercise1”. “ You have three minutes to do this exercise 1”. T asks sts to explain the answer. “Can you explain your answer”. T checks the answer.. Answer keys: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. will have will be working will she be won’t pass decide/ will support. 2. Work in pair. Read the following predictions about the year 2040 and say whether you think it will happen.. T asks sts to do exercise 2. “ Next, we come to exercise 2. I want you to work in pairs. Read the following predictions about the year 2040 and say whether you think it will happen”. “ You have one minute to di this exercise 2.. REPORTED SPEECH T introduces reported speech. “ Today we learn reported speech”. T explains reported speech. In direct speech, we give the exact words somebody said, and we use quotation marks. In reported speech, we give the meaning of what someone said, but with some changes and without quotation marks. T gives example. “ I have an example”. T explains the reporting verb. When the reporting verb (say or tell) is in the past, the verb in reported speech changes as follows: “If the verb is in the present simple in direct speech, we will change the verb into the past simple in reported speech.” T gives example.. Example: A: Email will completely replace regular email. B: I think it will certainly/ probably happen. Or It certainly/ probably won’t happen. 1. We will all be using flying cars. 2. Most people will live to be a hundred years old. 3. Robots will replace teachers. 4. The world will have one money system. 5. The Internet will replace books.. Example: Nam: “ I want to become a robot designer.” Nam said that he wanted to become a robot designer. Present simple “I like sciences”. Past simple.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(121)</span> He said (that) he liked sciences. “If the verb is in the present continuous in direct speech, we will change the verb into the past continuous in reported speech” T gives example “ If the verb is in the present perfect in direct speech, we will change the verb into the past perfect” T gives example. Present continuous. Past continuous. “ I am staying for a few days” She said (that) she was staying foe a few days Present perfect Past perfect Example: “Nick has left” She said (that) Nick had left.. “ If the verb is in the past simple in direct speech, we will change the verb into the past simple or past perfect” T gives example. “ If the verb is will in direct speech, we will change the verb into would in reported speech ” T gives example. Past simple Past simple/ past perfect. Example: “Nick left this morning” She told me (that) Nick had left that morning. Will. Example: “Man will travel to Mars” He said (that) man would travel to Mars Can. “ If the verb is can in direct speech, we will change the verb into could in reported speech ” T gives example. Would. Could. Example: “We can swim” They told us (that) they could swim.. “ If the verb is may in direct speech, we will May Might change the verb into might in reported speech ” T gives example Example: “We may live on the Moon” He said (that) we might live on the moon.. “ Now, the whole class. In reported speech, I he/she pronouns and time and place expressions may we they change. you I/he/she today that day here there this week that week tomorrow the following day/ the next day. Yesterday the day before/ the previous day. Last month the month before/ the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(122)</span> T gives example. previous month Example: “I don’t have football today”. He said(that) he didn’t have football that day. “Well , my dad told me that only robots would work in factories and clean our home in the future.” “Our science teacher said that there would be no more school: we’d just stay at home and learn on the internet”.. 3.“Now, the whole class we come to exercises 3. Look at the conversation in GETTING STARTED again. Find and underline the examples of reported speech. 4.Comple sentence b in each pair so that it means the same as sentence a, using reported speech.. Answer keys: 1.a. Nick: “ I come from a small town in England.” b. Nick said that he came from a small town in England. 2.a. My friend: “ Brazil will win the word Cup.” b. My friend said that Brazil would win the Word Cup. 3.a. Olive: “Chau, I’m leaving Viet Nam tomorrow” b. Olive told Chau that she was leaving Viet Nam the next day/ the following day. 4.a. David: “Catherine, I’m unable to read your writing.” b. David told Catherine that he was unable to read her writing. 5.a. Minh: “ I overslept this morning.” b. Minh said that he had overslept that morning. Answer key. 5. Change the following sentences into reported speech, using the words given in brackets.. 1. He said that he hadn’t said anything at the meeting the week before/ the previous week. 2. She told me that letter had been opened. 3. Tom said that in 50 years’ time we would probably be living on Mars. 4. Mi said she hoped they would build a city out at sea. 5. Son told us that his wish was to become a young inventor.. Example: A: I like writing code. B: She said that she liked writing code 6. GAME: My Friend Said Each of sts stand up or comes to the front of the class. One says a sentence about himself/herself. The other reports to class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(123)</span> Period: 37 Week: 32 Teaching date: 04/04/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LESSON 4: COMMUNICATION. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can talk about inventors and their inventions. - Students can use reported speech. - Skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing. II. Teaching aids: - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activities I. Warm up - Play a game: Matching game: Match the inventors with their inventions.. II. Presentation - Teacher introduces inventors and their inventions and the usefulness of these inventions.. III. Practice Exercise 2: - Teacher asks students to work in groups of four. Each group chooses an invention and finds the reasons why it is useful. - Each group talks to the whole class and try to protect their ideas. - The group which can protect their ideas at the end will be the winner. Exercise 3: - Teacher asks students to read the text. - Teacher asks students to pay attention to what Alexander Bell said. - Teacher asks students to work in pairs and report what Ha told her friend about. Contents Exercise 1: - Thomas Edison: light bulb - Sir A. Fleming: penicillin - A.G. Bell: the telephone - The Wright brothers: the airplane - James Watt: the steam engine - Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook - Tim Berners-Lee: the Internet - A: The invention of the airplane is very important because it has changed the way people travel and transport goods around the world. - B: You are right. But I think the invention of penicillin is more useful because it has saved lots of lives. Exercise 2:. Exercise 3: 1. Alexander Bell said that he had been born in 1847 in Scotland. 2. Alexander Bell said that he had gone to the Royal High School. 3. Alexander Bell said that he had always liked sciences, especially.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(124)</span> Alexander Bell.. IV. Production - Students work in pair, using the information given to play a role.. biology. 4. Alexander Bell said that he had gone to Edinburgh University, and then to the University of London. 5. Alexander Bell said that he had taught the deaf-mute in Boston, USA. 6. Alexander Bell said that he had invented the telephone quite by chance in 1876 when he made a mistake while doing an experiment. Exercise 4: - Reporter: When were you born? - Tim Berners-Lee: I was born on 8 June 1955.. IV. Homework - Practice using reported speech. - Prepare for next lesson: Skills 1. Period: 38 Week: 32 Teaching date: 04/04/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LESSON 5: Skills 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to learn skills about reading and speaking about equipment II. Teaching aids: - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures: Teacher’s and student’s activities Content 1) * key -Teacher calls 2 students read the 1B 2A 3C headings quickly -Students to read the passages quickly and then match them with the headings -Students have 2 minutes to read -Teacher calls 3 students read the task quickly 2) Students read the task again and do the 1D 2A 3E 4B 5F task individually. Then students can check their answers in pairs. -Teacher calls 6 students read the 1.a reality A. examine carefully to find out sentences from 1 to 6. more about something -Students copy in their books. 2. explore B. used instead of something else.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(125)</span> 3.possibility C. equipment that helps save energy 4. replaced . A thing that actually exists or happens 5. anti- ageing pills E. Something that is likely to happen 6. Energy saving devices F . Medicine that can prevent ageing 3) Key -Teacher calls 5 students read the 1) To explore Mars/ to find out if there is, or question quickly. -Students read the passages again and ever has been, life there/ to explore the then answer the question. possibility of living there. -Students have 2 minutes to do it 2) They help people live longer -Teacher corrects the answers. 3) 70 or 75 years 4) Solar panels and solar windows. 5) They can chores such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and organizing things. SPEAKING 4) -Students work in pairs to think about advantages and disadvantages of equipment -Teacher encourages students to think of as many ideas as possible. -Teacher moves around to give some cues and observe. 5) -Teacher divides the class into groups of four. -Each group talks about one of the fields in 4 -Teacher calls 3 students to read the example before they start -Teacher encourages students to use the phrase given in the Lookout! While students are talking. IV)Homework -Read the text fluently -Practice with your friend about your equipment -Prepare skill 2: Listening and writing.. Period: 39 Week: 32 Teaching date: 06/04/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LESSON 6: Skill 2. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can talk about inventors and their inventions. - Students can use reported speech..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(126)</span> - Skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing. II. Teaching aids: - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activities Listening 1. /Have Ss read the three options. Then play the recording and elicit the answer from Ss. Contents Key: b. The benefits and drawbacks that advances in science and technology may bring to people's lives.. 2./ Play the recording again, once or Keys: twice. Ask Ssto listen carefully and tick the words/ phrases according to what they hear in the passage. 3./ Play the recording again. Tell Ss to take notes and write down the key words as they listen. Then they answer the questions in writing or verbally. Correct their answers as a class. Writing Tell Ssto read the notes in the box carefully. 4./ Have Ss read the sample paragraph. Explain that the first sentence in the sample is the topic sentence which tells the reader whether the author agrees or disagrees with the statement. The following sentences express the reasons. The last sentence is the concluding sentence, which summarises the main points in the paragraph. Now have Sswork in pairs to fill in the outline. Check as a class. 5 Have Ss read the argument put forward. Then work in pairs to make notes using the model in 4. They must decide if they agree or disagree, give three supporting points, then conclude their argument. Move around to provide help. If time allows, have Sswork from their notes to write the paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that they use proper connectors first/ firstly, second/ secondly, ... and pay attention to spelling and punctuation. T may. Keys: 1. High yields in farming will (help feed the growing population on earth). 2. (We may be able to live) on other planets. 3. He says he likes the idea of having lessons at home with a robot, and on the Internet. 4. Yes,she does. 5. He thinks there will be many new problems..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(127)</span> collect some Ss'work and mark them, then give comments to the class. Otherwise, help Ssdevelop a good outline for their writing and write the paragraph as homework. Remind Ssto bring their work to class in the next lesson Home work: Prepare for Looking back Period: 40 Week: 33 Teaching date: 11/04/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 11: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LESSON 7: Looking back. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can review what they have learnt II. Teaching aids: - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activities Vocabulary 1./ S scan do the task by themselves or in pairs. Correct as a class. After that let some Ss read the sentences aloud. 2./ Give Ssa few minutes to complete the word web. T may give some cues/ examples: - Engineering - Medicine - Farming - Space exploration - Home life - Communication - Entertainment - Architecture - Energy – Leisure … Have Ss read out loud their answers. 3./ Let Ss read the passage and complete this exercise individually. Lessadvanced classes can complete this exercise in pairs. Grammar 4./ First let Ss repeat the rules of changing the pronouns, the verb(s) and time and place expressions in reported speech. Have them do tasks 4 and 5 in their notebooks. Then call on some Ss to read their. Contents Key: 1. scientific 2. environmental 3. developments 4. discoveries 5. unnatural. Key: 2. laboratory 5. benefits 1. inventions 4. inventing 3. science 6. productive Key: 4 1. He said that they were doing an experiment. 2. She told me that I had to sign the paper again. 3. Tam said that they had watched a.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(128)</span> answers, sentence by sentence. Correct their answers.. television documentary on the future of nuclear power. 4. They announced that the 10 o'clock flight to Kuala Lumpur would be an hour late. 5. Scientists said that in 50 years' time we might be living on the moon. 5 1. Kien said, "I missed/ have missed the train." 2. Duong said, "I can run very fast." 3. "I'll hand in the report tomorrow," Mia told me. 4. She said, "I'm reading a science fiction book about life on Venus." 5. "I'll be a lawyer when I grow up," he told me.. Home work: Prepare for Review 4 Period: 41 Teaching date: 11/04/2016. Week: 33 Class: 8/1, 8/2 REVIEW 4 (1). I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can review what they have learnt II. Teaching aids: - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activities LANGUAGE T can use this language review section as an assessment tool. Give Ss 30 minutes to do the exercises then check the answers with the class. T can then provide further practice with areas that Ss still find difficult. Otherwise, T can conduct each activity like a regular class activity, putting Ss into pairs, eliciting ideas and answers, etc. Pronunciation 1./ Review the rules of stress in words starting or ending in un-, im-, -iul, -less, -ity, and -ive with Ss as a class. Have Ss then mark the stress independently. Play the recording. Ss listen and correct their answers.. Contents Key: uni'dentified 'meaningful un'suitable 'paperless a'bility im'mobile 'wireless po'ssessive suc'cessful in'formative inte'ractive im'possible capa'bility un'popular 'powerless 'colourless.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(129)</span> Confirm their answers. Ss listen again and repeat, in chorus and individually. 2./ Ss work individually to complete the words in the sentences. Then T plays the recording for Ss to check. Vocabulary 3./ Ss do the task individually and then share their answers with a partner. Check Ss' answers.. 4./ Let Ss read the passage for two or three minutes. Ask Ss what part of speech can be filled in each blank. Elicit their answers. Ss do this exercise individually. T may ask some Ss to write their answers on the board. Correct as a class.. Key: 1. colourless 2. unidentified 3. interactive 4. capability S. meaningful 6. impossible Key: 1. meet face-to-face 4. fly into space 2. make inventions S. move round the sun 3. exchange information 6. benefit from science and technology Key: 1. scientist 2. chemistry 3. inventor 4. ambitious S.unhappy 6. Invention. Grammar 5./ Ss work individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Call some Ss to read out their answers. Confirm the correct answers. 6./ Ss do the task individually. Have two Ss write the sentences on the board while other Ss do the exercise at their desks. Ss comment on the sentences on the board. Confirm the correct ones.. Key: 1. will ... be? 2. to buy 3. to read 4. look S. will be 6. will appear 7. to read 8. will appear. Everyday English 7 Ss do the task individually. Then they can check their answers in pairs and practise saying the exchanges as naturally as possible. Select different pairs to say the exchanges to the rest of the class Home work: prepare for review 4(2). Keys: 1.D; 2.F; 3.E; 4.G; 5.A; 6.C 7.H ; 8.B. Key: 1. Lena said (that) she enjoyed chatting on the phone with her friends. 2. The teacher said (that) a communication breakdown might happen due to cultural differences. 3. Duong asked (me/ us) what the inhabitants of Jupiter might look like. 4. Chau asked (me/ us) if/ whether we would still have traffic jams in 30 years' time. 5. Phuc told me (that) he had read a book about life on other planets..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(130)</span> Period: 42 Teaching date: 13/04/2016. Week: 33 Class: 8/1, 8/2 REVIEW 4 (2). I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can review what they have learnt II. Teaching aids: - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activities SKILLS Reading 1./ Have Ss read the passage one or two times. Clarify anything they do not understand fully. T may have some Ss read aloud sentence by sentence. Correct their pronunciation. Then Ss do the exercises in pairs. Correct as a class. Speaking 2./ Ss work individually first. Have them read all the five questions and think of the question that interests them the most. Then Ss can spend a few minutes thinking about what they would like to say about the topic. Then they form groups of about four Ss. Have Ss ask and answer on their topics. Encourage them to use the language they have learnt. Go round and observe the groups. Remember that the focus of the activity should be fluency, so don't expect Ss' accuracy to be high. Praise Ss' efforts in communicating their ideas verbally. Listening 3./ Before playing the recording, give Ss a minute to read the questions. Check that Ss understand the phrases used. Play the recording once or twice, or as required. Ss listen and choose the correct answers. Play the recording again for Ss to check their answers. Writing 4./ Before writing, have Ss brainstorm ideas about the use of modern equipment. Contents Keys: 1T 2F 3F 4F 5T 6T Key: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.C.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(131)</span> in our lives: advantages, disadvantages, etc. Then explain the writing task. Ss need to write a short - not more than 100 words online message to a friend. Elicit from Ss the words and phrases they may need for their writing. Remind them of the reasons for communication breakdown and the rules of netiquette they learned in Unit 10. Give them time to do the writing task. Have Ss swap their work with their partner to check before going through some of the messages as a class. Collect their work to check at home. Home work: Prepare for test Period: 43 Teaching date: 18/04/2016. Week: 34 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Test. Period: 44 Week: 34 Teaching date: 18/04/2016 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS LESSON 1: Getting started. I. Objectives: - By the end of the lesson, students can use the lexical items related to the topic 'Life on other planets' II. Teaching aids:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(132)</span> - Books, projector, lesson plan. III. Procedures:. Teacher’s and students’ activities Warm up Ask Ss to look at the picture and the heading What could happen to Earth? and answer the questions as a class: Where are Duong and Nhi? What are they doing? What might they be talking about? Now have Ss listen to the conversation without reading the text to see if their predictions were correct. Follow up with the same questions. a./ Play the recording and have Ss work independently. Ss do not read the conversation. Play the recording once or twice. Pause the recording at the appropriate places if Ss need help with comprehension. Then allow Ssto share their answers with a partner before discussing as a class. b./ First, ask Ss not to look at the conversation to answer the questions, then have them read the conversation again and check their answers. If time allows, have them show where to find the answers in the conversation. c./ Ask Ss to look at the conversation again and underline the sentences in reported speech. Have Ss read aloud the sentences.. Contents. Keys: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F. Key: 1. James Kirk is the captain of the spaceship. 2. They went to Nibiru planet. 3. It happens in 2259. 4. It's the name of the spaceship that the crew travels on. 5. He wants to destroy Earth.. Key: 1. That's funny, Trang also asked me what I thought would happen to Earth in the future. 2./I said I didn't know but that Earth might be run by aliens! 2./ Have Ss work in pairs to match the Keys: words with the pictures. Then check 1. aliens their answers. Explain that UFO is an 5. galaxy acronym, which stands for unidentified 2. space buggy 3. UFO flying object. Afterwards, have Ss repeat 6. spaceship 7. solar system the words chorally. 4. weightless Correct their pronunciation if necessary. 8. planet Check their understanding if necessary. 3./ Have Ss work independently to fill Key: 1.aliens the words/ phrases in the blanks, then 5. weightless check with a partner. Elicit Ss' answers. 2.UFO.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(133)</span> 6. solar system 3. space buggy 7. galaxy 4. planet; planet 8. spaceship 4./ Ask Ssto play the game. • Draw a word web with several circles on the board. Elicit the words/ phrases in 2 from the class and write them in the circles, one word per circle. • When all the words/ phrases are written in the circles, give Ssone minute to remember the position of each word/ phrase. • Now rub out the words as Sssay them out loud, leaving only the circles. • Sswork in two big groups. Ask them to take turns to fill in the circles with the correct words. • The group that has more correct answers is the winner. Home work: Prepare for A closer look 1. Period: 45 Teaching date: 20/04/2016. Week: 34 Class: 8/1, 8/2 Unit 12: A closer look 1.

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