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I. Multiple Choice.
1. They.......satisfaction from their work recently.
A. gain
B. get
C. derive
D. All are correct
2. The panda's......habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. nature
B. natural
C. naturally
D. natured
3. A leopard cannot change its.......
A. spots
B. marks
C. dots
D. labels
4. The sudden resignation of the financial director put the company in a very vulnerable.......
A. opportunity
B. situation
C. position
D. B and C
5. The wetlands are......to a large variety of wildlife.
A. land
B. accommodation
C. house
D. home
6. The.......bird catches the worm.
A. first
B. prior
C. early

D. initial
7. Industry in Britain has been......decline since the 1970s.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. for
8. The town......a decline after the mine closed.
A. dropped at
B. dropped into
C. fell at
D. fell into
9. The project must be completed within a specific time.......
A. space
B. span
C. period
D. B and C
10. Recent discoveries about corruption have......serious damage......the company's reputation.
A. done - to
B. caused - to
C. caused - for
D. A and B
11. The state of Florida was hit by a hurricane that did serious.......
A. damage
B. destruction
C. collapse
D. spoilage
12. These fences help to......wind damage to the crops.
A. limit
B. minimize
C. prevent

D. All are correct
13. The anti-smoking campaign......quite an impact on young people.
A. had had
B. had made
C. had done
D. A and B
14. Official business requirements obviously......prioritypersonal requests.
A. take - over
B. have – over
C. take - on
D. A and B
15. My......priority is to find somewhere to live.
A. initial
B. first
C. top
D. A and B
16. They have plenty of time, so they needn't......
A. be hurry
B. to hurry
C. hurry
D. to be hurried
17. You're having a sore throat. You'd better......to the doctor.
A. to go
B. went
C. go
D. going
18. I would rather.....poor but happy than become rich without happiness.
A. being
B. be
C. to be

D. was
19. Sit down, please......a cup of tea?
A. Do you like
B. Do you like to drink
C. Would you like
D. Will you like
20. "Must you come when your neighbor calls?" "No, I........"
A. must not
B. must
C. don't have to
D. must not come
21. May I have two tickets, please?.........two tickets, please?
A. You must give me
B. You have got to give me
C. Could I have
D. Yo,u may give me
22. He will have to stay in hospital. That's.what he.......
A. has done
B. mustdo
C. must be doing
D. must have done
23. "Do you have to buy this hat?" ~ "No, I.......It isn't necessary."
A. mustn't
B. won't
C. needn't
D. don't need
24. A man can never have too many ties. It's.......
A. unable
B. impossible
C. improbable

D. incapable
25. It could not tell the difference between Indian music and jazz. It......tell the difference between Indian music
and jazz.
A. might not
B. may not
C. mustn't
D. wasn't able to
26. My mother permitted me to go out at night. She said, "You.......go out tonight."
A. may
B. have to
C. must
D. ought to
27. It is possible that she will come to our party tonight. She.........come here tonight.

A. need
B. may
C. should
D. will
28. They can type. They.......type.
A. learn how to
B. are able to
C. know how to
D. B and C are correct
29. He advised me to take an English course. I......it early.
A. should have taken B. should take
C. will have taken
D. may take
30. I'd rather......in the field than......home.
A. to work - to stay B. work – stay

C. working - staying
D. worked - stayed
II. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.
0. A. In the distance, the sky was beginning to brighten.
B. I brighten up at their words of encouragement.
C. A personal letter will usually brighten up a person's day.
1. A. The word 'politics' is.........from a Greek word meaning 'city'.
B. He.......great pleasure from painting.
C. The new drug is......from fish oil.
2. A. The health of our children is being......by exhaust fumes.
B. That one mistake seriously........the future of the company.
C. Wildlife would be......by the development of the area.
3. A. She's a.......child who'll talk to anyone.
B. I'm not feeling very......this evening; I don't have anyone to talk to.
C. We had a very.........weekend; we did a lot of things with other people.
4. A.......development is the process of building towns and cities or making them larger.
B. Thousands were fortfed to migrate from rural to.........areas in search of work.
C.......development has led to the : aination of vast areas of countryside.
5. A. In cases of food poisoning, young children are especially......
B. Those most.......to heat stress are the elderly.
C. She looked very......standing there on her own.
6. A. Villagers are worried about the disturbance of the local.......by tourists.
B. Development of the area would endanger.......
C. The river banks are a haven for......
7. A. The mountain gorilla is on tlr; verge of g.......
B. The society was set up to preserve endangered species from
C. Many tribes on the Pacific islands are threatened with......
8. A. She was able to......her attacker.
B. They are trying to......what is wrong with the presentsystem.

C.. Passengers were asked to......their own suitcases before they were put on the plane.
9. A. Two billion people yy.......are expected to watch the game.
B. Her unusual talent gained her......recognition.
C. They claim to have a 40%......market share.
10. A. The list of endangered......includes nearly 600 fishes.
B. This region is the home of many......of wild flower.
C. The male of the......is almost indistinguishable from the female.
11. A. The company reported a small.......in its profits.
B. An increase in cars has resulted in the......of public transport.
C. Fish stocks in the Baltic are in
12. A. The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a......
B. Mending the lights is a.....w- task, it's more important than other jobs.
C. The establishment of new areas of employment is a......
III. Fill in each gap with a word from the box.
protection - destruction - creature - reserve - drainage - diversity
species - deforestation - extinction - enacted - danger - priority
1. Legislation is......by parliament.
2. The panda is a shy.......
3.......cases, such as homeless families, get dealt with first.
4. Nature......is an area of land where the animals and plants protected.
5. People become more interested in the biological......of the rainforests.
6.......is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
7. New legislation still does not offer adequate......for many endangered species.
8. He drove so fast that I really felt my life was in.......

9. The......of the dinosaurs occurred millions of years ago.
10. Many plant and animal......are found only in the rainforests.
11. The......of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on Earth.

12. These plants need a sunny spot with good.......
IV. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. The houses were unfit for human......
2. Do you know the.......of newborn babies to disease?
3. His collection of plants contains many.........
4. Exporting is nesessary for our economic.......
5. The campaign is intended to heighten public......of the importance of eating a healthy diet.
6. Flowers are often......by bees as they gather nectar.
7. Do you know what species are in danger of.......?
8. The benefits of......are both financial and aesthetic.
V. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. They are......the verge of signing a new contract.
2. They are unlikely to extract much benefit......the trip.
3. He was the sort of person you could depend
4. Negotiations between the two countries are.........the verge of collapse.
5. We must ensure that tourism develops.........harmony......the environment.
6. Some people predict the extinction.......family life as we know it today.
7. If he carries on like this he's......danger......losing his job.
8. The book discusses the impact.......Christian thinking........western society.
9. Banks normally give priority.......large businesses when deciding on loans.
10. Tourists are more vulnerable......attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid. Key

VI. Fill in each gap with only ONE suitable word.
1. Most of the audience was on the......of tears.
2. The sea turtle is an......species.
3. This species has nearly died out because its......is being destroyed.
4.......is the panda's staple diet.
5. Which has spots, the......or the tiger?
6.......rainforests have the most varied assemblage of plants in the world.
7. Small children have a short......span.
8. A.......park is a park, especially in east or southern Africa, in which wild animals move around freely and are
watched by visitors from their cars.
9. Humans, dogs, elephants and dolphins are all......., but birds, fish and crocodiles are not.
10. Ants, beetles, butterflies and flies are all.......
VII. Fill in the gaps with may or might. In some sentences both may and might are possible.
1. It.......rain, you'd better take a raincoat.
2. He said that it.......rain.
3. We.......as well stay here till the weather improves.
4........I borrow you umbrella?
5. Candidates.......not bring textbooks into the examination room.
6. I think I left my glasses in your office. You......ask your secretary to look for them for me.
7. I......never see you again.
8. He.......be on the next train. We......as well wait.
9. The police......ask a driver to take a breath test.
10. You ought to buy now; prices......go up.
11. I'll wait a week so that he........have time to think it over.
12. We'd better be early; there.......be a crowd.
13. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They........sailed from South America on rafts.
14. You ought to go toliis lectures, you.......learn something.
15. Two parallel white lines in the middle of the road mean that you........not overtake.
VIII. Use mustn't or needn't to fill the spaces in the following sentences.

1. You.......ring the bell; I have a key.
2. (Notice in cinema) Exit doors.......be locked during performances.
3. You.......drink this; it is poison.
4. We.......drive fast; we have plenty of time.
5. You......drive fast; there is s speed limit here.

6. Candidates........bring books into the examination room.
7. You......write to him for he will be here tomorrow.
8. We.........make any noise or we'll wake the baby.
9. You......bring an umbrella. It isn't going to rain.
10. You. do all the exercise. Ten sentences will be enough.
11. We.........reheat the pie. We can eat it cold.
12. Mother to child: You.........tell lies.
13. You........turn on the light; I can see quite well.
14. You........strike a match; the room is full of gas.
15. You........talk to other candidates during the exam.
16. You.........make any more sandwiches; we have plenty now.
17. You......put salt in any of his dishes. Salt is very bad for him.
18. You........take anything out of the shop without paying for it.
19. You.........carry that parcel home yourself; the shop will jnd it.
20. You........clean the windows. The window-cleaner is coming tomorrow.
IX. Respond to the statements or questions. Use the words in brackets.
1. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
2. Steve has three jobs.
(can't/much free time)
3. The phone's ringing.

4. The car's soaking wet!
5. Listen to all those fire engines!
6. I don't know where Sam is.
(could/his bedroom)
7. Marta isn't in the kitchen.
(can't/cooking dinner)
8. Whose coat is this?
X. Fill the gaps in the sentences with must(n't), need(n't), or should(n't).
1. We've run out of paperclips. I.........get some more in the morning.
2. You......finish that report tonight if you're too tired. Midday tomorrow is the deadline.
3. What are you doing here?......you be at the meeting downtown?
4. He really.........have told his brother about this deal. It was supposed to be absolutely secret.
5. You.........clean the office because we haven't been using it
today, but could you tidy the shelves in the storeroom, please?
6. You.........make so much noise. We'll be asked to leave otherwise.
7. I'm going to be in trouble. I......have posted these yesterday afternoon and I completely forgot.
8. You....... have typed this - a handwritten note would have been quite adequate.
9. The meeting's finished. We......find out what's been decided any moment now.
XI. Read the following passage, and decide the statements are True or False.
Once there were lots of pandas in the mountain of Western China. Today they are becoming extinct. The reason is
that they cammot find enough food. Pandas eat bamboo leaves. They do not like another food.. The bamboo grows
very slowly. It can take 10 years for a bamboo to grow from a seed to a big plant. Some types of bamboo have
seeds every 60 years. Pandas must, wait many years for their food to grow. While the bamboo is growing, pandas
dto mot have enough leaves to eat.
Farmers are using more and more of the land on the mountain side to grow food for man. The farmers cut down
the bamboo. Bamboo leaves become less plentiful. Pandas cannot find enough food to eat. They starve and die.
China and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are trying to save the panda. In 1979 they began to set up special parks

where pandas live. One such park is the Wolong Reserve in Sichuan. The Wolong Reserve has the highest number
of pandas in the world. Scientists come here to study the panda’s eating and mating habits. By learning more about
the panda's habits, scientists can save it from extinction.
1. __There are many pandas in China nowadays.
2. __Some kinds of bamboo grow quickly.
3. __The favourite food for pandas is the bamboo leaves.
4. __The Wolong Reserve is the World Wildlife Fund Organization.
5. __Setting panda reserves in the mountains of China is a good way to save pandas.
XII. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the questions about the passage:
Since the world has become industrialized, there has been an increase in the number of animal species that have
either become extinct or have been near extinction. Bengal tigers, for instance, which ounce roamed the jungles in
vast numbers, now number only about 2,300, and by the year 2025 their population is estimated to be down to zero.
What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by
poachers who, according to some sources, arc not interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is

an example of the callousness that is part of what is causing the problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal
tiger, as well as other endangered species, are a valuable part of the world's ecosystem. International laws
protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival, and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in order to
circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then change admission to
help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support.
With the money they get, they can invest in equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another solution that is
an attempt to stem the tide of animal extinction is an international boycott of products made from endangered
species. This seems fairly effective, but it will not, by itself, prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The Bengal tiger
B. International boycotts
C. Endangered species

D. Problems with industrialization
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "alarming" in line 4?
A. dangerous
B. serious
C. gripping
D. distressing
3. The word "poachers' as used in line 5 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. illegal hunters
B. enterprising researchers
C. concerned scientists
D. trained hunters
4. The word "callousness" in line 6 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness
B. independence
C. incompetence
D. msensitivity
5. What does me word “This” in line 5 refer to?
A. endangered species that are increasing
B. Bengal tigers that are decreasing
C. poachers who seek personal gratification
D. sources that may not be accurate
XIII. Choose the correct sentence which is built from the words given.
1. There/ be/ road/ accidents/ increase/ last/ few/ years.
A. There has been an increase in road accidents in the last few years.
B. There was an increase in road accidents in the last few years.
C. There had been an increase in road accidents in the last few years.
D. There is an increase in road accidents in the last few years.
2. We/ spend/ holiday// Greece/ last year.
A. We had spent our holiday in Greece last year

B. We spent our holiday in Greece last year.
C. We spends our holiday in Greece last year.
D. We was spending our holiday in Greece last year.
3. I / be/ wait/ here/ two hours.
A. I have been waiting here for two hours.
B. I have waited here for two hours.
C. I have been waiting here two hours ago.
D. I waited here two hours ago.
4. What/ you/ go/ post office/ yesterday/ for?
A. What did you go to for the post office yesterday?
B. What for did you yesterday went to the post office?
C. What did for you go to the post office yesterday?
D. What for did you go to the post office yesterday?
5. What kind/music/you/often/listen/?
A. What music of kind do you often listen to?
B. What kind music of you often listen to?
C. What kind of music do you often listen to?
D. What kind of music you often listen to?
6. Why/ you/ make/ a lot/ cakes/ now?
A. Why are you making a lot of cakes now?
B. Why do you make a lot of cakes now?
C. Why have you been making a lot of cakes now?
D. Why have you made a lot of cakes now?
7. He/ furious/ me/ refusal/ party/ last Sunday.
A. He was furious at me at my refusal to the party last Sunday.
B. He was furious at me with my refusal to the party last Sunday.
C. He was furious with n^e at my refusal to the party last Sunday.
D. He was furious with me for my refusal to the party last Sunday.

8. Rain/ every day/ spend/ most/ time/ indoors.
A. It rained every day but we had to spend most of our time indoors.
B. It rained every day so we had to spend most of our time indoors.
C. it rained every day then we had to spend most of our time indoors.
D. It rained every day until we had to spend most of our time indoors.
9. He/ show/ photograph/ hotel/ stay/ holiday.
A. He showed me the photograph of the hotel where he had stayed in his holiday.
B. He showed me the photograph of the hotel where he had stayed on his holiday.
C. He showed me the photograph of the hotel where he had stayed at his holiday.
D. He showed me the photograph of the hotel where he had stayed during his holiday.
10. Opinion/ violent films/ not show/ television.
A. With my opinion, violent films should not be shown on television.
B. For my opinion, violent films should not be shown on television.
C. In my opinion, violent films should not be shown on television.
D. To my opinion, violent films should not be shown on television.
XIV. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
printed before it.
1. There's no point in asking George to help.
It isn't........................................................
2. I'm sure it wasn't Mrs Elton you saw because she was in Bristol.
It can't.......................................................
3. Their chances of success are small.
It isn't very................................................
4. We left quietly so that we wouldn't disturb her.
So as..........................................................
5. I wasn't surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
It came as..................................................
6. If the work is finished by lunchtime, you can go home.

7. I didn't realize who he was until later.
Only later..................................................
8. The fate of the two climbers is unknown.
It's a mystery what....................................
9. Although her leg hurt, Mary finished the marathon race.
10. It was such a pity that I didn't go to the party.
XV. Write complete sentences, using the words or phrases given.
1. Extinction/ an important research topic/ field of zoology/ biology.
2. It/ also become/ area of concern/ outside/ scientific community.
3. A number of organizations/ Worldwide Fund for Nature/ create/ with/ goal/ preserving species/ extinction.
4. Governments/ attempt/ avoid human overharvesting/ or habitat destruction.
5. Humans/ also engage/ the deliberate destruction/ some species.
6. Biologist Bruce Walsh of the University of Arizona/ state/ three reasons/ scientific interest/ preservation of
species/ genetical resources/ ecosystem stability/ and ethics.
7. Today/ scientific community/ stress/ importance/ maintaining biodiversity.
8. Governments/ enact laws/ with severe punishment/ trade in native species/ an effort/ prevent extinction in the
9. Nature preserves/ create/ governments/ a means/ provide continuing habitats/ species crowded by human
10. The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity/ result/ in international Biodiversity Action Plan programmes/
which attempt/ provide comprehensive guidelines/ government biodiversity conservation.
To Top
The End


I. Multiple Choice
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. D
11.A 12.D 13. D 14. D 15. D 16. C 17. C 18. B 19. C 20. C
21. C 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. A 30. B
II. Find a word
1. derived 2. endangered 3. sociable 4. urban 5. vulnerable 6. wildlife
7. extinction 8. identify 9. worldwide 10. species 11. decline 12. priority
III. Gap-fill
1. enacted 2. creature 3. Priority 4. reserve 5. diversity 6. Deforestation
7. protection 8. danger 9. extinction10. species 11. destruction 12. drainage
IV. Word formation
1. habitation 2. vulnerability 3. rarities 4. survival 5. awareness 6. fertilized 7. extinction 8. conservation
V. Prepositions
1. on 2. from 3. on 4. on 5. in - with 6. of 7. in - of 8. of - on 9. to 10. to
VI. Gap-filling
1. verge 2. endangered 3. habitat 4. Bamboo 5. leopard 6. Tropical 7. attention 8. safari 9. mammals 10. insects
VII. May or might.
1. may 2. might 3. may/might 4. May/Might 5. may 6. might 7. may/might 8. may/might; may/might 9. may
10. may 11. may 12. rray/might 13. may/might 14. might/may 15. may
VIII. Using mustn't or needn’t .
1. needn't 2. mustn't 3. mustn't 4. needn't 5. mustn't 6. mustn't
7. needn't 8. mustn't 9. needn't 10. needn't 11. needn't 12. mustn't
13. needn't 14. mustn't 15. mustn't 16. needn't 17. mustn't 18. mustn't 19. needn't 20. needn't
IX. Responding to the statements or questions.
1. You must be hungry.
2. He can't have much free time.
3. It might be Jane.
4. It must be raining.
5. There must be a fire somewhere.

6. He could be in his bedroom.
7. She can't be cooking dinner.
8. It might be John's.
X. Modal verbs.
1. must 2. needn't 3. Shouldn't 4. shouldn't 5. needn't 6. mustn't 7. should 8. needn't 9. should
XI. Reading - True/False.
1. False 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. True
XII. Reading.
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C
XIII. Sentence building.
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. C
XIV. Sentence Transformation.
1. It isn't worth asking George for help.
2. . It can't have been Mrs Elton (that) you saw because she was in Bristol.
3. It isn't very likely (that) they will succeed.
4. So as not to disturb her, we left quietly.
5. It came as no surprise to me that Harry had failed his driving test.
6. Get the work finished by lunchthne and you can go ho.me.
7. Only later did I realize who he was.
8. It's a mystery what (has) happened to the two climbers.
9. In spite of a pain in her leg, Mary finished the marathon race.
10. I'd like to have gone to the party. (or) I'd rather have gone to the party.
XV. Sentence building
1. Extinction is an important research topic in the field of zoology and biology.
2. It has also become an area of concern outside the scientific community.
3. A number of organizations, such as the Worldwide Fund for Nature, have been created with the goal of
preserving species from extinction.
4. Governments have attempted to avoid human overharvesting or habitat destruction.

5. Humans have also engaged in the deliberate destruction of some species.

6. Biologist Bruce Walsh of the University of Arizona states three reasons for scientific interest in the preservation
of species; genetical resources, ecosystem stability, and ethics.
7. Today the scientific community stresses the importance of maintaining biodiversity.
8. Governments can enact laws with severe punishment against the trade in native species in an effort to prevent
extinction in the wild?
9. Nature preserves are created by governments as a means to provide continuing habitats to species crowded by
human expansion.
10. The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity has resulted in international Biodiversity Action Plan
programmes, which attempt to provide comprehensive guidelines for government biodiversity conservation.
To Top
