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Internship Report
In the context of global economy, Vietnam is making the biggest effort to keep with
developed countries and to become a great nation in the world. Today, with the
development of national industrialization and modernization, English has become one
of the key factor bring major cultural and economic values to Vietnam. English is
increasingly developing and plays a big role in Vietnamese economy. This has
resulted in establishing and improving many foreign companies in Vietnam. Among
the companies, “IBM Institute”

has a huge contribution to the development of

economic in Ho Chi Minh City and it is becoming a trusting destination of domestic
and foreign customers. As an English-majored student of Thu Duc college of
Technology, I have an opportunity to learn a lot of knowledge. Moreover, the
internship process at IBM Institute is a valuable opportunity for me to practice my
English knowledge, communication skill and learn experience and soft skills from
every body in the company. I personally think that the company is an ideal
organization that students of foreign languages can collect information and get
valuable experience of work.


Internship Report
First of all, I would like to express my profound thankfulness to all lecturers in Thu
Duc College of Technology who transferred the precious experience to me and guided
me during the time studying at the College. Besides, I am very grateful to my friends’
support and my family’s care in the past three years. All of these things will bring me
the power and equip me with solid understanding and indispensable skills to get to the

social life. Especially, the most important person that I would like to express my
deepest gratitude to is Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy Anh – my devoted teacher who has
taught and supported me a lot during the internship program.
Internship was a great time for me to gain some needed experiences and applied what
I have learned to the company. I am very lucky because I have an opportunity to be a
staff of International Business Management Institute( IBM institute) and work with
many professional and skillful people who have helped me a lots during my internship
I would like to say thanks to Ms. Nguyen Ho Thanh Truc - Head of English
Department, Mr. Mac Thanh Hai - Marketing Department, Mr. Nguyen Trong Hoan English Department. And Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep and Ms. Nguyen Thi Nhu Y my team and all staff in the company. Thank you very much for your huge support in
order to help me finish successfully my internship course.



Internship Report


1.1 Description of the company, internship process, and practical tasks:

1.1.1 Description of the company: Introduction of the company:

Internship Report
Located at 284-286 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi
Minh City, International Business Management Institute is known as a
fostering,training and transferring the technology. This institute managed by Ho Chi
Minh City Association of Science for Economy and Management( HASEM ). With
the mission to "Bring the essence of international management to the business
community". IBM Institute has become the pioneer in bringing the essence of the
European education community to Vietnam. Through the process of establishment and
development, IBM has made significant contributions to the development of human
resources, not only at Ho Chi Minh City but also in Vietnam to cope with the
comprehensive integration.
IBM Institute has 4 branches in Binh Duong, Vung Tau, Can Tho and head office in
Ho Chi Minh city.

Figure 1.1: Logo.
Source: www.ibm.edu.vn
Name: International Business Management Institute(IBM Institute)
Address: 284-286 Hoang Van Thu Street, Ward 4, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh
Phone: 08.22.468.468
Website: www.ibm.edu.vn


Internship Report

Figure 1.2: IBM Institute.

Source: www.ibm.edu.vn
- Vision:
IBM strives for becoming a leading educator in the field of international business
executives and pioneer in the development of innovative and quality student support
- Mission: education for a changing world
IBM commits to serve the development of the education sector, develop the potential
of each individual and organization to an economy which always change, dedicate to
create new values of knowledge which is suitable for the recent economy..
- Core values:
+ Mind: educate the trainees with respect and responsibility.
+ Wisdom: always innovate and applying the modern educational methods with
the approach from practical.
+Morality: focus on building sustainable human values to the community.
5 Products and services & market :
- Products:
Some courses that IBM has:
+ International business management
+ English for managers

Internship Report
+ Training internal trainers
+ Digital entrepreneurship
+ Training some soft skills
+ Teaching IELTS
+ Consulting business
- Services & market:

+ Online support team
+ E-library for trainer
+ High quality facilities
+ Domestic companies
+ Foreign companies
+ Personal customers Target group :
IBM Institute has served many students from domestic and foreign institutions,
diversity careers and scale. Some potential groups are:
+ Sacombank
+ Techcombank
+ Prudential
+ Bao Minh group
+ HD bank
+ Vietnam Airlines
+ Eurowindow
and so on SWOT analysis:
The following SWOT Analysis highlights the company’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.



Internship Report

Offering unique and
customized services
wellprepared equipment such
machines, printers.
Gathering a group of
collaborators with a lot
of great experience.

- Building up the great
reputation for the process
of making customers
convenient and satisfied
most about products, and
- Having professional tutors





Small parking areas

companies targeting the same
markets and customers

Figure 1.3: SWOT analysis Competition analysis:
As a staff of English department, I had a chance to take part in the marketing project
for IELTS course. Therefore, I gained some general information about company’s
competitor and strengths and weaknesses of the company.


IBM Institute

Other competitors

- Having online supporting
- Having tutors who are the
examiners of IELTS
- Practicing speaking skill
with foreign every week
7- Online document.
- Free English club with

- Located in downtown
- Having long-history and
- Professional tutors
- Having high facilities
- Many branches

Internship Report

- New language center
- Expensive cost
- Quite far from the
potential market.

Figure 1.4: Competition analysis Organizational structure :
Head of Institute
Dr. Pham Quang Vinh

Vice of Institute
Prof. Tran Tam

Vice of Institute
MA.Vu Thi

Doan Thi Thu

Director of Binh
Duong Branch
MA.Doan Mong

Director of Vung
Tau Branch
MA.Nguyen Thi
Mai Thao

Director of
Can Tho
Nguyen Thanh
Quoc Thai

Figure 1.5: structure of IBM Institute Corporate operations
IBM Institute organize a lot of soft skills classes everyday for many companies in Ho
Chi Minh City, Dong Nai province, Binh Duong province and so on. Moreover, IBM
also has 2 IELTS classes in Thu Duc District and 2 classes in the head office.
Especially, in March, IBM Institute had celebrated a volunteer program called “
Loving arms”. 80 members who is tutors and staffs of company traveled to Can Tho
province and awarded many scholarships and bikes, notebooks for poor students.


Internship Report

Figure 1.6: “ loving arms” 2017
Source: www.ibm.edu.vn
1.1.2 Internship process
During my internship course in IBM Institute in general and in English department in
particular, I have finished a lot of tasks which are very important. I work as an office
worker in the company. In the company, there are a lot of departments such as: sales
department, marketing department and so on but English department is one of the
most important because all the members in the team have to maintain the customer
relationships by using professional technique, courteous and demeanor behavior and

necessary knowledge. Therefore, I think that office worker is a very enjoyable and
interesting job. Furthermore, this is also a great opportunity for me to improve my
English skills and apply what I learned in the school to the workplace.
The first, the duty of English officer may include answering the customer’s
inquiries about the English courses
like IELTS, communication courses,...replying the

email, translating the transcript and university degree of trainees, writing the content
for IBM English Community, organizing the English club for the IELTS class and
performing a lot of other office tasks.

Internship Report
Moreover, with this job, I could be better in contacting with everybody and dealing
with deadlines. To be more specific, I have to listen and answer all the customer’s
questions, write many emails and make many presentations and communicate with
other members in team.
In summary, this is a job which requires good presentation skill, negotiation skill,
clear speaking voice. Especially, English officer must has good knowledge about
IELTS, English speaking skill and be able to communicate well. Hence, I loved this
job because it gave a patient virtue, professional working style.
This is a internship process :
All the task will be delivered by head of English department:
Receiving tasks
from head of
English department


marketing plan

Writing IELTS

English club

Transferring to
main staffs

Presenting to

Sending to

Sending to main

Figure 1.7: internship process
1.1.3. Internship activities
I spent 6 weeks on training in the IBM Institute. I went to the company 5 days a
week in the morning. My working time table follow the working time table of the
Office time:


- In the morning:from 8 a.m to 12 a.m
- In the afternoon: from 1:15 p.m to 5p.m

Internship Report
I would report my job and result of acquisition by myself as follows:
1. Week

1: from 03/04/2017 to 07/04/2017

The first day, I had a great opportunity to meet Ms.Vu Thi Nhung - Vice Director
of IBM Institute and all staff there. After socializing with everybody in the company,
the supervisor had a brief presentation about the company as well as job descriptions,
and then I read the specific documents and information about the company and some
rules when working in the company. I think this working environment is a
considerably wonderful opportunity for me to practice my English, especially reading,
writing and speaking skills and some other soft skills such as communication skill,
interpersonal skill, situation-solving skill, negotiating skill and persuasive skill which
are extremely important and necessary for my future work.
( FROM 03/04/2017 TO 06/04/2017 )


Training process

- Tuesday, 03/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Researching about IBM
12 P.M
- Researching about IELTS
- Being guided to translate
transcripts and university

- Wednesday, 04/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Presenting about IELTS
12 P.M
- Translating transcripts
and university degrees
- Discussing about English

- Friday, 06/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees

- Discussing about English

Internship Report

2. Week 2: from 10/04/2017 to 15/04/2017
( FROM 10/04/2017 TO 12/04/2017 )


Training process

- Monday, 10/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Being guided to write a
content for IBM English
Community fanpage.

- Tuesday, 11/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Writing a content and
send it to marketing
department to check and


- Wednesday, 12/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Writing a content and
sending it to marketing
department to check and


marketing plan and English

3. Week 3: from 17/04/2017 to 22/04/2017
( FROM 17/04/2017 TO 22/04/2017 )

Internship Report


Training process

- Monday, 17/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Translating short course
- Discussing about English

- Tuesday, 18/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Presenting about English
club with Mr. Robert (tutor
at IBM)
- Writing a content and
sending it to marketing
department to check and

- Wednesday, 19/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Writing a content and
sending it to marketing

department to check and
- Preparing for English

- Thursday, 20/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees
- Writing a content and
sending it to marketing
department to check and

- Friday, 21/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees


- Writing a content and
sending it to marketing
department to check and
- Demonstrating activities
of English club

- Sunday, 23/04/2017

- Afternoon, From 3 P.M to - Organizing English club

Internship Report
5 P.M

4. Week 4: from 24/04/2017 to 27/04/2017
( FROM 24/04/2017 TO 27/04/2017)


Training process

- Monday, 24/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Meeting to make a report
12 P.M
about English club
- Translating transcripts
and university degrees
- Write a report about
English club

- Tuesday, 25/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts

12 P.M
and university degrees
- Writing a content and
sending it to marketing
department to check and
- Meeting to prepare the
English club in May

- Wednesday, 26/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Writing a content and
12 P.M
sending it to marketing
department to check and

- Preparing for the English
- Translating transcripts
and university degrees

Internship Report
- Thursday, 27/04/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Translating transcripts
12 P.M
and university degrees

- Meeting with Mr. Robert
activities in English club

5. Week 5: from 03/05/2017 to 05/05/2017
( FROM 03/05/2017 TO 05/05/2017)


Training process


- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Sending transcripts and
12 P.M
university degrees to main
- Translating company’s

-Thursday, 04/05/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Writing a content
12 P.M

- Friday, 05/05/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Making a list of phone
12 P.M
call to the students
- Meeting about English

6. Week 6: from 08/05/2017 to 13/05/2017
( FROM 08/05/2017 TO 13/05/2017)


Training process

- Monday, 08/05/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Meeting to make a report
12 P.M
about English club
- Writing a content
- Write a report about
English club

-Tuesday, 09/05/2017


- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Meeting about English

12 P.M
- Writing a content

Internship Report
- Wednesday, 10/05/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Writing a content
12 P.M
- Preparing for the English

-Thursday, 11/05/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Meeting about English
12 P.M

-Friday, 12/05/2017

- Morning: From 8 A.M to - Meeting with Mr. Robert
12 P.M
about English club
- Painting a sample for the

- Saturday, 13/05/2017

- Afternoon: From 3 P.M to -Organizing the English

5 P.M

1.2. Task management
Through 6 weeks of training process at the IBM Institute, I got a variety of
valuable working experiences and sets of soft skills which I have not learned in my
college. From my perspective, I strongly believe that these precious experience will
help me for my work in the future. The following is some of experience which I
gained during this training course.
Firstly, the training course brought to me the opportunity to use my English
knowledge through communicating with foreign customers and translating many
documents. I recognized that my English is improved so much because I have to work
with foreigner as a daily basis.
Secondly, I learned various vocabulary, information and knowledge in many fields
as well as know how to use translation methods. Secondly, with the help of my
supervisor Ms. Truc and everybody in the company I learned how to photocopy, use
Skype in working place. I also had chance to practice doing something in the office.
Thirdly, thanks to Mr. Hai - staff of marketing department, I learned how to write
contents for the company. Although it looks quite simple, I find it very difficult to to
because I have to attract the16reader. In addition, he also teach me some marketing
techniques which I never know before.
Last but not least , I also have to organize English club in April and May. My
team prepare everything for the club from documents, place, prize,... By doing this, I

Internship Report
can apply some skills like negotiating skill, communication skill,... which I learned
from the customer care subject in the college to the real life and my team also have a
lot of arguments but we try to solve it. For example, in order to find a place for the
club, I have to try my best to deal with the manager of coffee shop about price, time.

Finally, I also learned many important skills in dealing with customers and
working with staffs. In spite of short time of internship course, this time at the
company makes me feel more confident and patient than before. As an office worker
at the company, I also learned some good characteristics like attentiveness, initiative,
loyalty, maturity, respect for confidentiality and discretion, a positive attitude and
In conclusion, after internship process, I feel grow-up with experience with I have
gained in the company. These experiences, I always had written recorded carefully as
fund of knowledge by myself.


Internship Report

2.1. Reflecting on task management:
As an office worker at the company, I received:
- Translating the transcripts and university degrees
- Marketing plan for the IELTS course
- Writing contents for IBM English Community fanpage.
- Organizing English club
- Translating short course
- Translating company’s profile
During the internship time, I have a lot of advantages and disadvantages:
- Advantages:
+ Having knowledge about IELTS
+ Speaking English fluency
+ Knowing how to use computer
+ Having some experiences

+ Supporting from everybody in the company
- Disadvantages:
+ Lacking marketing knowledge
+ Disagreement between the member of team
+ Lacking translation skill

+ Lacking teamwork skill
+ Shorting of time

Internship Report
It is true that there were a lot of difficulties during my internship time but i
always made all the efforts to finish the tasks on time. Thanks to some knowledge
at the college, experiences when i did part-time job and supporting from the staffs,
I found it easy to solve. Beginning with translating, I had use some tools and
dictionaries to translate the documents. However, some words which I could not
translate I had to need help from my teachers - Mr. Trung. For example, when I
translate short course, the topic was quite strange with me and Mr. Trung gave me
a hand to do it. Turning to English club, each member had their own ideas so we
had arguments during that time.

Figure 1.8: Organizing English club
My team had about 5 meetings in order to give the out line of club.
Furthermore, this is the first time I took responsibility to prepare a marketing plan
so I have a lot of troubles. Fortunately, I have a bit experience in this field and i
could make a good marketing
plan for the company.
During my internship process, I also have used a lots of documents and

translation tools. In order to have a good content essay, I had read a lot of
reference sources from marketing department so I wrote many essays for the

Internship Report
company. Last nut not least, when my team organize English club in April, there
was a few people took part in. Therefore, we had to change our plan to meet the
demand of participants. I personally think that it is not a difficulty, I recognized it
as a chance to learn how to deal with any situations in a real workplace.
2.2 Reflecting on staff relationship:
It is undeniable that relationships play a vital role in any aspect of life. In
order to finish all the task during my internship process, I had to build up a good
relationship with every body in the company in general and English department in
particular. When I worked at the company, I have interacted with many people not
only the staffs but also customers. Besides, I took this opportunity to practice and
improve my skills. I have applied a lot of skills which I learned from the college
to the company such as communication skill, negotiating skill and so on. For
example, the first day at the company, I have a chance to introduce myself to all
the department so that it made me feel more confident when I came to company
everyday because all of staffs have known me already. I spent most of my training
time to work with English department so I found that they are a great team.
During the training process, my team also had some disagreements about English
club. Each member gave their own opinions and we tried to listen each other. As a
result, I gained many experiences and improved myself and broadened my
Some benefits and drawbacks are:
- Benefits:
+ Creating a lot of new ideas
+ Receiving a huge of supporting
+ Improving my team-work skill

+ Practicing my soft-skills
+ Gaining some new experiences

- Drawbacks:
+ Having disagreements between my team.

Internship Report
2.3. Reflection on company’s regulations
2.3.1 Reflection on regulations
When I did an internship in IBM Institute, I learned a variety of regulations in
workplace. In my opinion, these precious experiences help me a lot in the near future.
I can find it easy to adapt to new company when I graduated from the college.
Some of regulations which i learned at IBM are:
+ In the office, all staff have to wear uniforms which is white T-shirt and black
+ Company starts working at 8 A.M so employees have to attend on time.
+ All staff have to use email and skype to communicate in the office.
+ Must not smoke in working area
+ Employees who will be late or absent from work must inform the supervisor at
least 2 hours to normal starting time
+ Employees who work late or on overtime must ensure all lights, air-conditions
and equipment are shut off when they leave the workplace
+ Designed break time are assigned to have meals
+ Employees must not leave the assigned work area early without permission
from supervisor
+ No employees use alcoholic beverages during the work hours
In comparison, I recognized that these regulations are similar with what I have
learned in the college. During my time at IBM Institute, I found that these regulations

are very important if I want to be a professional office worker. Moreover, as I
researched, any company have their own regulations but they based on some general
things like no smoking in the office, wearing uniform and so on. For example, the first
day I went to the company, head of human resources department sent me a regulations
of the company and required21me half an hour to read all the document and make a
short presentation. That’s why these regulations are necessary in the workplace. I
strongly believe that I cannot secure any career in the future without these needed

Internship Report
2.3.2 Reflection on fire protection regulations and environment protection
There are many beneficial things that I could learn from fire protection
regulations and environment protection regulations.
- I could learn how to protect myself from fire and protect environment
- I learned how to use fire engine and fire notification system in the company
- Employees who work late or on overtime must ensure all lights, air-conditions
and equipment are shut off when they leave the workplace
2.4. Reflecting on relationship of theory and practice:
As an office worker in the company, I could find that my teacher at the college
passed down many valuable knowledge and experiences. It helps me a lots to cope
with any situations in the company. For example, I learned how to write a CV and
cover letter when I studied interview subject so I could find a job for the internship
course by myself. Another example is that I applied what I learned from customer
service subject namely writing an email to customers, answering customers’ queries
and so on. I think it is different from what I learned about making a marketing plan.
As I could learn from the theory that I could find it easy to make a plan but it is not
realistic. In the practice, I have to spent a lot of times to research the market and also
make a survey on customers and discuss with my team many times. Especially, in the

college, I studied English for advertising and marketing but it is just a theory. I rarely
have a chance to approach with the real circumstances.
However, I did internship at IBM Institute, I took this opportunity to broaden my
horizon about marketing strategies. On the other hand, I also contributed my ideas to
make a good plan for the IELTS course. I personally think that all the subject in my
college play an important role in any aspect of life. Each subject has its own function
and students may feel confused when they are in working place without these
knowledge. Moreover, I suggest that tutors should give more and more exercises and

real situations to practice with a view to enrich their knowledge. Additionally, I totally
agree that I can enhance my computing and interpersonal skills during the time of
working. It is noticeable that I also was equipped the organizational and prioritizing

Internship Report
skills which I have not learned in my college before when I made fully efforts to
finish all the tasks. Take English club as a typical example, I had to set the priority on
giving ideas first and discuss with Mr. Robert and my team later.
In conclusion, during my college time, I have learned a lot of things from
knowledge to skills and I have applied it to the internship process. I recognized that
Thu Duc College of technology has a great syllabus.

I had 6 weeks to do an internship at IBM Institute. During the time of working there, I
had learned many things from head of English department, marketing department and
all of employees. They helped me so much about using computer skills, printing out
materials, organizing English club, making marketing plan, translating. I think I
cannot forget the time I work there and I have to say many thanks to all people at IBM


Internship Report

1. Sample

of transcripts and university degrees:

1.1 Transcript:
1.2 University degree
2. English

club report:


Internship Report

[1] www.ibm.edu.vn
[2] www.googleimage.com.vn

