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Date of preparation:August 25th ,2018
Date of teaching: August 27th ,2018

-By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to review and master some grammar points
they've learnt in grade 6.
- Consolidate main grammar points in English 6.
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: tenses in English 6
2. Vocavulary
III/ Techniques : Questions – answers
IV/ Teaching aids:
Lesson plan, worksheets ( exercises ).
V/ Procedures:
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
1.Warm up :


- Students give their opinion

1.“ How to learn English effectively ?“

- Teacher sum up and insists :

+ Spend more time on learning.

2.New lesson:

+ Listen to the teacher’s + lecture.

T : - Guides sts to review then ask them to
give their examples.
- Corrects sts mistakes.
S : Consolidate then make sentences.


+ Learn vocabulary – structure by heart.
+ Speak English to other students.
+ Listen to the radio, TV , read more
English newspapers, English books.
+ Do exercises.

T: Ask Ps remember and give the usages and
the structures of the present simple tenes.
Ps: Remember and do as Teacher's ask.
T: Correct and write down.
Ps: Coppy down.
Then, Teacher ask Ps give examples.
Ps: Give example ( one more )

2. The present simple tense:
Structure: (+) S + V(-s/es) + (0).
(-) S +don’t/ doesn’t +V-bare inf
(?) Do/Does + S + V-bare inf +

3.The present continuous tense.
Structure: (+) S + tobe + V-ing + (0).

(-) S + tobe +not + V-ing + (0).
(?) Tobe + S + V-ing +…….?
Yes, S + tobe / No, S + tobe +
Steps are taken like the ones above.

* (?)Wh _ question + tobe + S + doing/Ving?
Form :

a, an, some, any :

(+) S + be going to + Vinf.

How much/ many...?

(-) S + be not going to + Vinf.

Sports, pastimes:

(?) Be + S + going to + Vinf ?

feel/ would like/ want/ need :

(Wh-q) Wh-q + be + going to + Vinf?


Use: Plans for the near future.
Ex: ( depend on sts )
Adjectives : - Positions:
+Before nouns.
+After to be”.
How much + uncoutable noun...?
How many + coutable noun ...?
What do/does +S +do when it’s ( hot )?
What weather do/does+S+like?

III/ Consolidaton :
Repeat once more: some main grammar

What do/does +S +do in one’s free time?
What sports do you play ?

points .

How often do/does+S+Vinf ?

Listen, consolidate once more.

How do/does+S +feel?
would like+n/to Vinf.

IV/Homework :

want/ need+n/to Vinf

T: Remark the lesson and give homework.

Let’s + Vinf................
What about + Ving......?
Why don’t we + Vinf......?
Homework :

_ Learn by heart the structures
above(give ex).
_ Prepare Unit 1 (part A1,A2 )for next
VI.Comments :……………………………………………………………………..

UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL (5 periods)
Lesson 1:A1,2
Lesson 2 :A3,4,5,remember
Lesson 3:B1,2
Lesson 4:B4,5
Lesson 5:B6,Remember


Date of preparation:August 25th ,2018
Date of teaching : August 28th ,2018
Lesson 1 FRIENDS (A1, A2)

- Greeting people, introducing oneself and others (review).
- Developing reading skill.
* Grammar :
- Structures used in greeting - Comparatives
- A lot of
- Still/many (new)
* Vocabulary :
- Works relating to greetings and introduction.
- Role play - Questions – answers - Silent reading.
Pictures, cassette recorder + tape

Teacher’s and Students’ Activities

1/Warm up :5’

Now tell me what you say to your friends
when you first meets the summer holidays.

- Asking students to look at pictures and

listen to the dialogue between ba, Nga and
Nam, Hoa once or twice.
Students listen and repeat after the tape
* Pair work (praticing the dialogue in pairs
and answering the questions, page 11).
* Corecting mistakes.
* Some pairs perform in front of class

- Have Sts look at the picture and introduce

* Branstorning
- Hello
- Hi
- Nice to see you again.
- Nice to meet you.
A1/ Listen. Then practice:
* Vocabulary :
“Nice to see you again”
“Nice to meet you, too”.
a. Her name is Hoa.
b. She is in class 7A.
c. Nam is also in class 7A.
A2/ Read. Then answer the questions:

the situation.
- Teacher gives some true/false statements.

- Sts predict.

- Teacher reads the passage first and explain
some new words.

- Let Sts read the passage silently.
- Ask Sts read it chorally - individually.
- Teacher asks Sts to give their prediction.

 Comprehension Questions:
+ Practice asking and answering

Ask some Sts to change Hoa to introduce
himself or herself.
T: Review the greetings when meet each
other after summer holidays.
Review the content of the passage.
T: Remark the lesson and give homework.

* New words :
- parents (n)
- different (adj) :
- unhappy (adj ) > < happy
- to miss ( v ) : ( example )
- still (adv )
- than (conj )
T/F statement prediction :
1. Hoa is from Hue.
2. She lives with her parents in Hanoi.

3. She has a lot fo friends in HaNoi.
4. She misses her friends in Hue.
5. She is happy now.
Key :1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F
Answers :
a. She is from Hue.
b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt.
c. No, she doesn’t have any friends in
d. Her new school is bigger than her old
e. She is unhappy because she misses her
parents and friends.
Example : I am a new student in class 7A.

Learn the lesson carefully.
Do exercises: 1,2 in your workbook.
VI. Comments :………………………………………………………………………..


Date of preparation:August 25th ,2018
Date of teaching :September 1st,2018

Lesson 2: Friends (A3,4,5+Rem)

I.Objectives :
After finishing the lesson students( Sts) will be able to review the
expression to greet and identify oneself, get familiar with the social English.
II.Language contents:
Present simple tense.
Pre-questions, Presentation Dialogue.
IV.Teaching aids:
a cassette player - pictures of activities in class-text book.
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
_Teacher reads the questions.
_ Students listen and slap the suitable

T: Ask.
Sts: Answer.
Let Sts listen to the dialogue.
Remind Sts of the difference in greeting
between ages.
Practice in pairs ,change the roles ,perform
the dialogue before the class.
Explain the responses to the greetings in the
*Gap fill :
T: Explain. Then turn on the tape.
Sts: work individually ,then compare with

their partners.
Sts: listen and check.
T: Correct if any.

1/ Warm up



Questions :
1. What ‘s your name ?
2. How are you today ?
3. What class are you in ?
4. Are you a new student ?
A3. Listen. Then practice with a partner .

A4.Listen. Complete these dialogues.
The dialogues (page 12 –13 )
(phrases in the 2nd and 3rd column are the
answer for the sentences in the first column).
+ Pretty good
+ How is everything ?

a. Mr Tan: Hello, Lien. How are you?
Miss Lien:Pretty good, thank you. How
about you,Tan?
Mr Tan: Not bad, but I’m very busy.
Miss Lien: Me, too.
b.Nam: Good afternoon, Nga. How is
Nga: Ok, thanks. How are you today, Nam?
Nam: Just fine, thanks.
Nga: I’m going to the lunch room.
Nam: Yes. So am I.
Activity 3:5’
Show Sts four pictures and elicit the situation
in each one Tell them how to do and let them
listen to the dialogues.
 Picture cues drill :
+ Sts listen again and write the letters of the
dialogues in the order they hear(T gives the
Ba: Good evening, Mr Tan.
Mr Tan: Good evening, Ba. How are you?
Ba: Fine, thanks.
Mr Tan: Are you going home now?
Ba: Yes. My dinner will be ready.
Nga: Good morning, Miss Lien.
Miss Lien:Good morning. Nice to see you
again, Nga.

Nga: Nice to see you, too.
Miss Lien: Class will be soon. You must
Nga: Ok.
Miss Lien: Good morning, Tan.
Mr Tan: Good morning, Lien.
Miss Lien: Do you have the time, please?
Mr Tan: Yes. It’s 6.30.
Miss Lien: Thank you.
Nga: Good afternoon, Nam.
Nam: Good afternoon. How are you,
Nga: I’m fine, thanks. How about
Nam: Not bad.

+Just fine.
+Me, too.
a) How are you ? / Pretty good / How
about you ?/ Not bad ./ Me, too
b) How is everything ? /OK/How are you
Just fine. / So am I
A5.Listen.Write the letters of the dialogues in
the order you hear.(page 13 –E7)

*Key : 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a


I’m in class 7A.
So am I.
A lot of = lots of= many
She has a lot of friends.

T: Turn on the tape.
Sts: Listen and repeat.
T: Have some sts read aloud. Then correct if
T: Review.
Sts: Listen.

Many things are different.
Her new school is bigger than her old school.

Mapped dialogue:
Teacher encourages Sts to use the new
greetings expressions from the matching.

Do exercises: 3,4 in your workbook

T: Remark the lesson and give homework.
VI.Comments : ……………………………………………………………………..

Date of preparation: September 3rd,2018
Date of teaching : September 4th,2018

Lesson 3: Names and Addresses (B1 + B2 )

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to know how to ask and answer about
information on age, name, address and review the Wh-Questions.
II. Language contents:
1.Structures: : What + be + one′s family name?
What + be +one′s middle name?
2.Vocabulary: Family name, middle name.
III.Techniques: Pre-questions, Presentation Dialogue.
IV.Teaching- aids: Tape, cassette player, pictures of activities in class-text book.
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
Play a game
1. Warm-up:
T: Ask sts to ask and answer about the
 Noughts and crosses :
information given the grids.
25 Quang Trungstreet
Lan his father, Long
Ps: Do as T's ask.
your mother/41
Le Lai street
Example :
St1 : How old are you ?
T: Show pictures toPs and elicit the situation St2 : I’m 13

of the scene (Wh-questions )
# Questions:
Who are they in the picture ?
Where are they ?
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
What are they talking about?
Ps: - Look at it and guess the answer
T: Turn on the tape once and explain some
and structure
Ps: L isten and take note
T: - Turn on the tape twice and ask them to
listen and repeat.
Ps: Listen and repeat in chorus (2 times)
T: Ask Ps to practice the dialogue.
Ps: Work in pairs.

T: Ask Ps practice asking and answering the
Ps: Work in pairs.
+ Some Ps write on the board.
T: Corret and give the right answers.
Ps: Copy down

T: Ask Ps to look at the picture and ask:
 Who are in the conversation?
+ What are they talking about?
Ps: Look at it, read the dialogue and answer.
T: Explain the aims of the exercise.
Ps: Listen and do.
- Give the answers.
T: Correct and give the keys.
PS: Copy and practice the completed

B1. Listen.Then pratice with a partner.

I New words :
_Family name = sur name = last name
_Middle name :
_ Address :
( real object )





family name middle name
first name

II. Structure:
a) What + be + one's family name ?
It is + họ.
Ex: What is your family name ?
It is Nguyen.
b) What + be + one's middle name ?
One's middle name + be + họ.
Ex: What is her middle name?
Her middle name is Thi.
III. Practice:
1. Practice the dialouge
* the dialogue (E7- page 15 )
Miss Lien:
2. Answer the Qs.
a)She is talking to miss Lien
b)Her family name is Pham.
c) Her middle name is Thi.
d) She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
B2. Write. Complete this dialogue .
* The dialogue:
Lan: ...........

read the dialogue before the class
T: Explain and guide.(give some model Qs)
Sts: Move around to ask and answer and
complete the form.

T: Move around and help sts if any.
T: Ask Ps Practice introducing their family
name and middle name.
Ps: Do as T's ask.
T: Listen and correct mistakes if any.

@ Answers:
Who - Who - What - Where - Where How
*B3. Ask your partner Qs and complete the
-What your name?
-How old are you?
-Which grade/ class are you in?
-Which/What school do you go to?
-What is your home address?/ Where do you
*Free practice:
Ex: My family name is Nguyen
My middle name is Van
-Learn the lesson carefully.
-Prepare part B4, B5 for next period.
-Do exercises: 1,2 in workbook.

T: Remark the lesson and give homework.
VI.Comments :…………………………………………………………………………………………………..



Date of preparation: September 3rd,2018
Date of teaching : September 7th,2018
Lesson 4: Names and Addresses (B4 + B5 )

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to know how to ask and answer about
personal information on age, name, address and review the Wh-Questions.
II. Language contents:
1.Structures: : What + be + one′s family name?
What + be +one′s middle name?
2.Vocabulary: Family name, middle name.

III.Techniques: Pre-questions, Presentation Dialogue.
IV.Teaching- aids: Tape, cassette player, pictures of activities in class-text book.
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
Play a game
1.Warm up
T: Ask sts to ask and answer about the
 Noughts and crosses :
information given the grids.
25 Quang Trungstreet
Lan his father, Long
Ps: Do as T's ask.
your mother/41

Le Lai street
Example :
St1 : How old are you ?
St2 : I’m 13
T: Show pictures toPs and elicit the situation 2.Presentation
of the scene (Wh-questions )
B4. Listen.Then pratice with a partner.
Who are they in the picture ?
Where are they ?
I New words :
What is the teacher doing?
II. Structure:
What are the students doing?
a) What + be + one's family name ?
What are they talking about?
It is + họ.
Ps: - Look at it and guess the answer
Ex: What is your family name ?
T: Turn on the tape once and explain some
It is Nguyen.
and structure
b) What + be + one's middle name ?
Ps: L isten and take note
One's middle name + be + họ.

Ex: What is her middle name?
T: - Turn on the tape twice and ask them to
Her middle name is Thi.
listen and repeat.
III. Practice:
Ps: Listen and repeat in chorus (2 times)
1. Practice the dialouge
T: Ask Ps to practice the dialogue.
* the dialogue (E7- page 15 )
Miss Lien:
Ps: Work in pairs.
2. Answer the Qs.
a)She is talking to miss Lien
b)Her family name is Pham.
c) Her middle name is Thi.
d) She lives at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
T: Ask Ps practice asking and answering the
Ps: Work in pairs.
+ Some Ps write on the board.
T: Corret and give the right answers.

B5. Write. Complete this dialogue .
@ Answers:

Ps: Copy down

Who - Who - What - Where - Where How

T: Ask Ps to look at the picture and ask:
 Who are in the conversation?
+ What are they talking about?
Ps: Look at it, read the dialogue and answer.
T: Explain the aims of the exercise.
Ps: Listen and do.
- Give the answers.
T: Correct and give the keys.
PS: Copy and practice the completed
read the dialogue before the class
T: Ask Ps Practice introducing their family
name and middle name.
Ps: Do as T's ask.
T: Listen and correct mistakes if any.

-Learn the lesson carefully.
-Prepare part B6, B7 for next period.
-Do exercises: 4,5 in workbook.
VI.Comments : ……………………………………………………………………….

T: Remark the lesson and give homework.


Date of preparation: September 3rd,2018
Date of teaching : September 8th,2018

Lesson 5: Names and Addresses (B6+Rem).
I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ps will be able to know ask and answer about distance
and remind the structure: How + do/does + S + V.........?
II. Language contents:
1. Structures:
How far ..........from ..to?
How does / do S + V?
By + transport.
On foot.
III. Techniques:
pair/ group work, Presentation dialogue, Asking and answering drill.
III. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player - pictures

V. Procedures:
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
T:Let Ps ask and answer about the 1/ Warm up:
name, age, address, distance, transport,
place each other.


Ps: Ask and answer (in pair).
T: Listen and give marks.

T: Ask Ps to look at the picture and
introduce the places in the pictures:
Lan’s house, school …

B6. Listen and write.

Ps: Listen to teacher.
T: Ask some questions:
Ps: Look at the picture and answer.
T: Now you will hear 4 conversations
and find out the distance between the
places mentioned in the tape.
* While listening:
T: Turn on the tape three times.
Ps:Listen and write the answers


@ Questions:
T: Ask Ps give the answers and write
_ Is Lan’s house near/ far from school?
on the board.
_ Is Lan’s house near the market/ the post office/
Ps: Do ask T's ask.
the theater?
T: Turn on the tape the last time to
Ps: Copy down


1.Lan: My English book is still at
Hoa: How far is it from school to your Write the four distances:
house, Lan?
L: It’s about 300 meters. I can go home _ School to Lan's house: 300 meters.
at recess.
_ Lan 's house to post office: 700 meters.
H: I need some stamps. Where is the

post office, Lan?

_ School to movie theater: 3 kilometers.

L: It’s not far from my house. Come _ Movie theater to post office: 2 kilometers
with me.
H: How far is it from your house?
L: Only 700 meters.
2. L: Let’s go to the movies.
H: Ok. Where is the movies theater?
L: It’s in the center of Hanoi.
H: How far is it from school?
L: It’s three kilometers.We can take the
bus number 2
3. H: Oh! My letter is in my pocket.
L: We can post it after the movie.

*B7: A survey:
H: How far is it from the movie theater Name:……………………………………………….
to the post office.?
Means of transport:………………………………….
L: About two kilometers.
* Post-listening:
T: Ask Ps to practice about distances
they’ve listened.
Ps: Work in pairs.
Activity 2: 10’
T: Guide.
Sts: Move around to ask and answer
with their friends to fill in the survey
T: Move around and help if any.
T: Review Wh-words and Qs to ask
about personal information.
T: Ask sts to write a passage talk about
What – Where – Who – Why – How – How far
T: Review the important points.
My name’s Thuy. I’m 13 years old. I’m in class 7 B.
I live on Tran Phu street. It’s about 2 kms from my
house to school.

Ex: How far is it from …. to … ?

T: Remark the lesson and give Learn the lesson carefully.
Do exercise 5 in workbook.
VI. Comments :……………………………………………………………………….

Lesson 1: A1,A2,A3
Lesson 2 :A4,A5

Lesson 3 :A6,Remember
Lesson 4 :B1,2,3
Lesson 5 :B4
Lesson 6: B6,7,Remember
Week: 3rd

Date of preparation: September 8th ,2018
Date of teaching : September 10th,2018

Lesson 1: Telephone Number (A1,A2,A3 ).
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to review the numbers and know
inform telephone number, ask for the telephone number.
II. Language contents:
1.Vocabulary: numbers, telephone directory.

How to read the telephone numbers.
III. Techniques:
p air / group work _ individual
IV. Teaching aids: text book, a cassette player , pictures .
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
T: Ask Ps some questions about the distances. 1. Warm _up
Ps: Listen and answer.
How far is it from…..to…?
It’s about…………
T: Show a telephone and ask Ps:” What’s A1.Read:
( Page 19 )
Ps: Listen and answer: It’s a telephone
. New word :
T: Ask Ss to look at the book and ask Ps:
- Number : số.
“Where is this page from?”
- Telephone directory : danh bạ điện thoại.
Ps: Look at and answer  Telephone
T: Explain the new word “telephone directory A2. How to read the telephone numbers.
_ Thông thường chúng ta đọc từng số(digit)

theo số đếm.

and how to read the telephone numbers.
_ Số 0 đọc là oh or zero.
Ex: :
8 214 805
Ps: Listen and take notes.
eight two one four eight zero
_ Nếu có mã vùng, nước....: chúng ta dừng
trước mỗi mã số.
Ex: 08 8875264 : oh eight _ eight eight

seven five two six four.
_ Hai số giống nhau, đứng liền nhau có thể
đọc theo 2 cách:
+ Dùng từ double trước chữ số.
+ Đọc từng số như bình thường.
T: Read telephone numbers aloud and ask
Ex: :
8 211 800
them to practice.
eight two double one eight double
Ps: Listen and repeat in chorus.
Then practice .
_ Khi đọc cần chia số điện thoại thành từng
* Activity 2:10’
cụm 3 số một để người đọc dễ đọc và người
T: You will listen to some people’s telephone nghe dễ nhận biết.
numbers. You write down the numbers you

A3.Listen and write the telephone numbers
Ps: Listen and make pre-parathions to do the
T: Play the cassette and let Ps write down the
telephone numbers.
Ps: Listen and write the telephone numbers
they have listened.
T: Correct and give the keys and turn on the
 Key
tape to check
a) 8 251 654
Ps: Compare their results and read them
b) 8 250 514
c) 8 521 936
Then copy down
d) 8 351 793
e) 8 237 041
f) 8 821 652
* Activity 3: 10’
T: Ask Ps to look at the picture (3/20) and ask
some questions:
+Do you often talk with someone on the
+Do you know the question asking for
telephone numbers?
+ Do you know how to give your telephone
numbers to other people?
Ps: Listen and answer.

T: Have Ps close their book and listen to the
Ps: Listen to the tape.
T: Explain quickly the whole sentence:
“I will call you soon “

Free practice:
P1: 874 645.
P2: eight seven four six four five.
A3. Listen.(the dialogue /page20 )

Let Ps retell Hoa’s number and the questions
in the conversation.
Ps: Do as T's ask.
T: Ask Ps Practice in pairs and role play the
Ps: Pair work.

I. New words.
_ Will : Sẽ.
_ Soon : sơm
_ What’s your telephone number?( đươc
dùng đê hỏi sơ đth của ai đó.)

II. Listen to the conversation.
T: Ask Ps to look at the personal form and
guide them to practice:

Ps: Practice in pairs (fill the form)
Then copy to their notebooks.

Lan: ………………
Hoa: …………………..
III. Practice.( ask your classmates and
complete the form)



P1: Ask ……> P2: Answer. (change role)
+ What’s your name?
+ Where do you live? / What’s your address?
+ What’s your telephone number?
T: Review some telephone numbers.
T: Remark the lesson and give homework.

Learn the lesson carefully.
Do exercises 1,2 in workbook.
Prepare part A3,4 for next lesson.

VI.Comments :…………………………………………………………………….


Date of preparation: September 8th ,2018
Date of teaching : September 11th ,2018

Lesson 2: Telephone Number (A4, A5 ).
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to review the numbers and know
inform telephone number, ask for the telephone number.
II. Language contents:
1.Vocabulary: call, soon, Excuse me, Yes ?
Future simple tense with “ Will- Shall “
III. Techniques: pair / group work _ individual, Presentation Dialogue ,Survey.
IV. Teaching aids: text book, a cassette player , pictures .
V. Procedures
Teacher’s and Students’ Activities
1/Warrm up
Jumbled words:
Play a game: 5’
Rehatte = theater ; tale = late
T: Ask Ps put the letters into correct orders
= see
; trast = start
to make the meaningful words.
romtorow = tomorrow; vomie = movie.

Ps: Go to the board and do ask T's ask.
T: Correct and let Ps read these words.
T: Ask Ps to look at the pictures (A4) and ask
some questions.
Who are they in the picture?
What are they doing?
+ What are they talking about?
Ps: Look at the picture and answer the
T: Now look at the conversation and listen to
the tape. What are they talking about?
Ps: Listen to the tape and look at their books.
T: Explain new words and structures
Ps: Listen and copy. Then give examples.

T: Turn on the tape once more and ask Psto

A4.Listen and read .Then answer the
Picture A4 / page24

I. Vocabulary.
- meet
(v) :
gặp nhau
- free
(adj ) : rãnh rỗi
- see a movie = see a film.
- Great ( adj ) = wonderful.

II. Grammar.
1. Would you like to + Vinf + .. ..... ?
( dùng để mời ai một cách lịch sự )
2. Let's + V (inf) + 0.
( Dùng để đề nghị ai cùng làm viêc gì đó với
mình )
3.Future simple tense:
Thì TLD đc dùng đê diên tả 1 hành đơng sẽ
xảy ra tại 1 thơì điêm nào đó trong tương lai.
( + ) S + will / shall + V-bare inf + …….
( - ) S +won't/ shan’t + V-bare inf . . .
( ? ) Will/ Shall + S + V-bare inf . . .?
Yes, S + will / shall

Ps: Listen to the tape and work in pairs.

T: Give some Qs: Will Tam be free
What time will the movie
Sts: Answer.

No, S + won’t/ shan’t
Will not = won’t
‘ll = will
Shall not = shan’t

Note: shall
I/we; will
mọi chủ
3. Practice.
1. Listen and read.

Phong: Hello. This is …………
Tam: Hello. Is this………..?
2. Answer the Qs.
a) Phong and Tam.
After practicing the conversation, now answer b) They will see a movie.
the questions about it.
c) They will meet at 6.45.
Ps: Work in pairs
d) They will meet in front of the movie
T: Listen _ Correct and give the right answers theater.
Ps: Copy down
3. Free- practice.
Would you like. … ?
Will you .. . …?

@. Pre – listening.
T: Ask Ps some questions:
Ps: Listen and answer
T: Correct and guide Ps to look at part A5 and A5. Listen. Then write the answers.
do the exercise.
* Questions:
+ Do you sometimes go to the movies?

@. While – listening.
+ What do you say to ask your friend to go to
T: Turn on the tape (twice or 3 times)
movie theater with you?
Ps: Listen to the tape to do the exercise. Then + Do you need the place to meet?
compare their results.
+ How to get to the theater?
T:Then give the right answers.
Nga: Hello. This is 8 545 545
Lan: Hello. Is this Nga?
N: Yes. Who is calling, please?
L: It’s Lan. Do you want to go to see a
N: Sure. Where will we meet?
L: At my house.
N: How will we get there?
L: We can take a bus.
N: Ok, Fine. Bye.

* Listen and write.
a) Telephone number: 8 545 545
b) They will see:
a movie
c) They will meet at:
Lan's house
d) They will go by:

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