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Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11 (10 năm), Ngày kiểm tra:10/05/2018
Thời gian làm bài 45 phút
MÃ ĐỀ: 850

PART 1: Read the passage about tourism in Wales and circle the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill
in each numbered blank. (1 point)
Barceloma, the second largest city in Spain, is one of the most (1)………….tourist destinations
in Europe. It is known for its sunshine, architecture, and lively streets. The City Council plans to
transform Barcelona into a smart city, by having technology reach every neighbourhood, balancing
sustainable urban and economic development and improving its inhabitants’ ………..(2). One of the
great achievements is the transformation of the 200-hectare Poblenou industrial area into the
, also known as the innovation District. This is considered the most important
project of……………..(3) transformation in Barcelona in recent years, and one of the most ambitious
in Europe, with more than 200 million Euros invested in the infrastructure ……..(4). The project was
launched in 2000 and is still ongoing. As of December 2011, an estimated 4,500 new companies had
moved to the district since 2000, an average of 545 per year. The ……….(5) in
grown 22,8% from 73,464 inhabitants in 2001 to over 90,000.
1. A. ambitious
B. dangerous
C. popular
D. various
3. A. quantity of life B. quality of life
C. equality of life
D. skill of life
3. A. rural
B. urban
C. agricultural

D. industrial
4. A. chance
B. opportunity
C. currency
D. plan
5. A. popular
B. popularity
C. population
D. populace
PART 2: Read the passage about UNESCO and circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer
each of the given questions. (1 point)
In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It
was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be
used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby
valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.
It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if
countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being
destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to
protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge
temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam
could be built.
After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around
the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With
industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually,
UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites
wherever it was necessary.
By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from
beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the
many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.
6. What is the best title for the passage?

B. UNESCO to succeed

C. UNESCO to develop
D. UNESCO to rescue

7. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. culture
B. decision

C. country
D. economics

8. What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?
A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.
B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.
C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once.
D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture.
9. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?
A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.
B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.
C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.
D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.
10. Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years
A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past.
B. Cities were smaller back then.
C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.
D. Modern business and production are changing the world.

PART 3. Vocabulary and grammar ( 1,5 point)
Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences (6 sentences) (1,5 points)

11. I believe the strong wind hasn’t done any serious damage to the roof, ________?
A. do I
C. has it
B. don’t I
D. hasn’t it
12. The reception, _________ carefully, was a great success.
A. have been prepared
C. having prepared
B. has been preparing
D. having been prepared
13. He denied _________ married.
A. having been
C. being
B. to have
D. having
14.There are many ways for us to reduce out …………….in order to save our environment.
A. deforestation
B. extinction
C. carbon footprint
D. diversity
15.Many species are threatened with ………..due to deforestation and loss of habitat.
A. emission
B. energy
C. catastrophe
D. extinction
16.Sulphur dioxide is one of several ………… that are released into the atmosphere by coal - fired
power stations.

A. polluting
B. polluted
C. pollutants
D. pollution
PART 4: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one using NO MORE
THAN FIVE WORDS. (1 point)
17. The teacher said to Karen, "Please stand up."
->The teacher ………………………………………..
18. I'm sure you'll be amused by the latest Bond film.
-> I’m sure …………………………………. the latest Bond film amusing.
19.You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that.
->Thank you …………………………… the lives of hundreds of wild animals
20.They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.
->They regretted ………………………………………. many wild animals
PART 5: Write an essay of 180-word s about topic from Unit 6 to Unit 10 (……………….. (1 point)

Listening book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40
Part 1: Listen and choose the best answer.
1. When is Matt’s birthday?
A. January fifteenth
B. January sixteenth
C. January fifth
2. How old is he?

A. thirteen years old
B. thirty years old
C. twenty years old
3. What time will the party be celebrated?
A. 8: 15
B. 9: 15
C. 8: 45
4. What is Shirley planning to do next Saturday?
A. She is planning a simple super party
B. She is planning a birthday party
C. She is planning a dinner party.
Part 2: Listen and circle the answer that matches the picture.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)

Listen and circle the best response.
3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answers.
5. (A) Hip-hop.
(B) Rap.
(C) Latin.

6. (A) She’s out of coffee.
(B) He stained the carpet.
(C)They forgot the cups


Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11 (10 năm), Ngày kiểm tra:10/05/2018
Thời gian làm bài 45 phút
MÃ ĐỀ: 851

PART 1. Vocabulary and grammar ( 1,5 point)
Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences (1,5 points)

1. I believe the strong wind hasn’t done any serious damage to the roof, ________?
A. do I
C. has it
B. don’t I
D. hasn’t it
2. The reception, _________ carefully, was a great success.
A. have been prepared
C. having prepared
B. has been preparing
D. having been prepared
3. He denied _________ married.
A. having been
C. being
B. to have
D. having
4. There are many ways for us to reduce out …………….in order to save our environment.
B. deforestation
B. extinction

C. carbon footprint
D. diversity
5. Many species are threatened with ………..due to deforestation and loss of habitat.
B. emission
B. energy
C. catastrophe
D. extinction
6. Sulphur dioxide is one of several ………… that are released into the atmosphere by coal - fired
power stations.
A. polluting
B. polluted
C. pollutants
D. pollution
PART 2: Read the passage about tourism in Wales and circle the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill
in each numbered blank. (1 point)
Barceloma, the second largest city in Spain, is one of the most (7)………….tourist destinations
in Europe. It is known for its sunshine, architecture, and lively streets. The City Council plans to
transform Barcelona into a smart city, by having technology reach every neighbourhood, balancing
sustainable urban and economic development and improving its inhabitants’ ………..(8). One of the
great achievements is the transformation of the 200-hectare Poblenou industrial area into the
, also known as the innovation District. This is considered the most important
project of……………..(9) transformation in Barcelona in recent years, and one of the most ambitious
in Europe, with more than 200 million Euros invested in the infrastructure ……..(10). The project was
launched in 2000 and is still ongoing. As of December 2011, an estimated 4,500 new companies had
moved to the district since 2000, an average of 545 per year. The ……….(11) in
grown 22,8% from 73,464 inhabitants in 2001 to over 90,000.
7. A. ambitious
B. dangerous
C. popular
D. various

8. A. quantity of life B. quality of life
C. equality of life
D. skill of life
9. A. rural
B. urban
C. agricultural
D. industrial
10. A. chance
B. opportunity
C. currency
D. plan
11. A. popular
B. popularity
C. population
D. populace
PART 3: Read the passage about UNESCO and circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer
each of the given questions. (1 point)
In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It
was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be
used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby
valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.
It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if
countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being

destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to
protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge
temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam
could be built.
After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around

the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With
industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually,
UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites
wherever it was necessary.
By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from
beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the
many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.
12. What is the best title for the passage?
B. UNESCO to succeed

C. UNESCO to develop
D. UNESCO to rescue

13. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. culture
B. decision

C. country
D. economics

14. What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?
A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.
B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.
C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once.
D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture.
15. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?
A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.
B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.
C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.

D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.
16. Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years
A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past.
B. Cities were smaller back then.
C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.
D. Modern business and production are changing the world.
PART 4: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one using NO MORE
THAN FIVE WORDS. (1 point)
17. The teacher said to Karen, "Please stand up."
->The teacher ………………………………………..
18. I'm sure you'll be amused by the latest Bond film.
-> I’m sure …………………………………. the latest Bond film amusing.
19.You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that.
->Thank you …………………………… the lives of hundreds of wild animals
20.They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.
->They regretted ………………………………………. many wild animals
PART 5: Write an essay of 180-word s about topic from Unit 6 to Unit 10 (……………….. (1 point)

Listening book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40
Part 1: Listen and choose the best answer.
1. When is Matt’s birthday?

A. January fifteenth
B. January sixteenth
C. January fifth
2. How old is he?
A. thirteen years old
B. thirty years old
C. twenty years old
3. What time will the party be celebrated?
A. 8: 15
B. 9: 15
C. 8: 45
4. What is Shirley planning to do next Saturday?
A. She is planning a simple super party
B. She is planning a birthday party
C. She is planning a dinner party.
Part 2: Listen and circle the answer that matches the picture.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)

Listen and circle the best response.
3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answers.
5. (A) Hip-hop.
(D) Rap.
(E) Latin.

6. (A) She’s out of coffee.
(B) He stained the carpet.
(C)They forgot the cups


Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11 (10 năm), Ngày kiểm tra:10/05/2018
Thời gian làm bài 45 phút
MÃ ĐỀ: 852

PART 1: Read the passage about tourism in Wales and circle the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill
in each numbered blank. (1 point)
Barceloma, the second largest city in Spain, is one of the most (1)………….tourist destinations
in Europe. It is known for its sunshine, architecture, and lively streets. The City Council plans to
transform Barcelona into a smart city, by having technology reach every neighbourhood, balancing
sustainable urban and economic development and improving its inhabitants’ ………..(2). One of the
great achievements is the transformation of the 200-hectare Poblenou industrial area into the
, also known as the innovation District. This is considered the most important
project of……………..(3) transformation in Barcelona in recent years, and one of the most ambitious
in Europe, with more than 200 million Euros invested in the infrastructure ……..(4). The project was
launched in 2000 and is still ongoing. As of December 2011, an estimated 4,500 new companies had
moved to the district since 2000, an average of 545 per year. The ……….(5) in
grown 22,8% from 73,464 inhabitants in 2001 to over 90,000.
1. A. ambitious
B. dangerous
C. popular
D. various

2. A. quantity of life B. quality of life
C. equality of life
D. skill of life
3. A. rural
B. urban
C. agricultural
D. industrial
4. A. chance
B. opportunity
C. currency
D. plan
5. A. popular
B. popularity
C. population
D. populace
PART 2. Vocabulary and grammar ( 1,5 point)
Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences (1,5 points)
6. There are many ways for us to reduce out …………….in order to save our environment.
C. deforestation
B. extinction
C. carbon footprint
D. diversity
7. Many species are threatened with ………..due to deforestation and loss of habitat.
C. emission
B. energy
C. catastrophe
D. extinction
8. Sulphur dioxide is one of several ………… that are released into the atmosphere by coal - fired
power stations.
A. polluting

B. polluted
C. pollutants
D. pollution
9. I believe the strong wind hasn’t done any serious damage to the roof, ________?
A. do I
C. has it
B. don’t I
D. hasn’t it
10. The reception, _________ carefully, was a great success.
A. have been prepared
C. having prepared
B. has been preparing
D. having been prepared
11. He denied _________ married.
A. having been
C. being
B. to have
D. having
PART 3: Read the passage about UNESCO and circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer
each of the given questions. (1 point)
In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It
was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be
used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby
valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.

It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if
countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being
destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to
protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge

temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam
could be built.
After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around
the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With
industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually,
UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites
wherever it was necessary.
By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from
beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the
many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.
12. What is the best title for the passage?
B. UNESCO to succeed

C. UNESCO to develop
D. UNESCO to rescue

13. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. culture
B. decision

C. country
D. economics

14. What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?
A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.
B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.
C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once.
D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture.
15. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?

A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.
B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.
C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.
D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.
16. Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years
A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past.
B. Cities were smaller back then.
C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.
D. Modern business and production are changing the world.
PART 4: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one using NO MORE
THAN FIVE WORDS. (1 point)
17. The teacher said to Karen, "Please stand up."
->The teacher ………………………………………..
18. I'm sure you'll be amused by the latest Bond film.
-> I’m sure …………………………………. the latest Bond film amusing.
19.You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that.
->Thank you …………………………… the lives of hundreds of wild animals
20.They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.
->They regretted ………………………………………. many wild animals
PART 5: Write an essay of 180-word s about topic from Unit 6 to Unit 10 (……………….. (1 point)

Listening book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40

Part 1: Listen and choose the best answer.
1. When is Matt’s birthday?
A. January fifteenth
B. January sixteenth
C. January fifth
2. How old is he?
A. thirteen years old
B. thirty years old
C. twenty years old
3. What time will the party be celebrated?
A. 8: 15
B. 9: 15
C. 8: 45
4. What is Shirley planning to do next Saturday?
A. She is planning a simple super party
B. She is planning a birthday party
C. She is planning a dinner party.
Part 2: Listen and circle the answer that matches the picture.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)

Listen and circle the best response.
3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answers.
5. (A) Hip-hop.
(F) Rap.
(G) Latin.

6. (A) She’s out of coffee.
(B) He stained the carpet.
(C)They forgot the cups


Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11 (10 năm), Ngày kiểm tra:10/05/2018
Thời gian làm bài 45 phút
MÃ ĐỀ: 853

PART 1: Read the passage about UNESCO and circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer
each of the given questions. (1 point)
In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It
was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be
used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby
valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples.
It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if
countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being
destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to
protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge
temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam
could be built.
After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around
the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With
industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually,

UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites
wherever it was necessary.
By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from
beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the
many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it.
1. What is the best title for the passage?
B. UNESCO to succeed

C. UNESCO to develop
D. UNESCO to rescue

2. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ____________.
A. culture
B. decision

C. country
D. economics

3. What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph?
A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures.
B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things.
C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once.
D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture.
4. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt?
A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples.
B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity.
C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple.
D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered.
5. Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years

A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past.
B. Cities were smaller back then.
C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago.
D. Modern business and production are changing the world.
PART 2. Vocabulary and grammar ( 1,5 point)
Circle the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the following sentences (1,5 points)

6. There are many ways for us to reduce out …………….in order to save our environment.
D. deforestation
B. extinction
C. carbon footprint
D. diversity
7. Many species are threatened with ………..due to deforestation and loss of habitat.
D. emission
B. energy
C. catastrophe
D. extinction
8. Sulphur dioxide is one of several ………… that are released into the atmosphere by coal - fired
power stations.
A. polluting
B. polluted
C. pollutants
D. pollution
9. I believe the strong wind hasn’t done any serious damage to the roof, ________?
A. do I
C. has it
B. don’t I
D. hasn’t it

10. He denied _________ married.
A. having been
C. being
B. to have
D. having
11. The reception, _________ carefully, was a great success.
A. have been prepared
C. having prepared
B. has been preparing
D. having been prepared
PART 3: Read the passage about tourism in Wales and circle the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill
in each numbered blank. (1 point)
Barceloma, the second largest city in Spain, is one of the most (12)………….tourist
destinations in Europe. It is known for its sunshine, architecture, and lively streets. The City Council
plans to transform Barcelona into a smart city, by having technology reach every neighbourhood,
balancing sustainable urban and economic development and improving its inhabitants’ ………..(13).
One of the great achievements is the transformation of the 200-hectare Poblenou industrial area into the
, also known as the innovation District. This is considered the most important
project of……………..(14) transformation in Barcelona in recent years, and one of the most ambitious
in Europe, with more than 200 million Euros invested in the infrastructure ……..(15). The project was
launched in 2000 and is still ongoing. As of December 2011, an estimated 4,500 new companies had
moved to the district since 2000, an average of 545 per year. The ……….(16) in
grown 22,8% from 73,464 inhabitants in 2001 to over 90,000.
12. A. ambitious
B. dangerous
C. popular
D. various
13. A. quantity of life B. quality of life
C. equality of life
D. skill of life

14. A. rural
B. urban
C. agricultural
D. industrial
15. A. chance
B. opportunity
C. currency
D. plan
16. A. popular
B. popularity
C. population
D. populace
PART 4: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one using NO MORE
THAN FIVE WORDS. (1 point)
17. The teacher said to Karen, "Please stand up."
->The teacher ………………………………………..
18. I'm sure you'll be amused by the latest Bond film.
-> I’m sure …………………………………. the latest Bond film amusing.
19.You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that.
->Thank you …………………………… the lives of hundreds of wild animals
20.They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.
->They regretted ………………………………………. many wild animals
PART 5: Write an essay of 180-word s about topic from Unit 6 to Unit 10 (……………….. (1 point)

Part 1: Listen and choose the best answer.
1. When is Matt’s birthday?
A. January fifteenth
B. January sixteenth
C. January fifth
2. How old is he?
A. thirteen years old
B. thirty years old
C. twenty years old
3. What time will the party be celebrated?
A. 8: 15
B. 9: 15
C. 8: 45
4. What is Shirley planning to do next Saturday?
A. She is planning a simple super party
B. She is planning a birthday party
C. She is planning a dinner party.
Part 2: Listen and circle the answer that matches the picture.
1. (A) (B) (C)
2. (A) (B) (C)

Listen and circle the best response.
3. (A) (B) (C)

4. (A) (B) (C)

Listen to the conversation and to the question that follows. Circle the best answers.

5. (A) Hip-hop.
(B) Rap.
(C) Latin.

6. (A) She’s out of coffee.
(B) He stained the carpet.
(C)They forgot the cups

Môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 11 (10 năm), Ngày kiểm tra:10/05/2018
Thời gian làm bài 45 phút
MÃ ĐỀ 850
11C 12D 13A 14C 15D 16C
LISTENING - book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40





PART 4: Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one using NO MORE
THAN FIVE WORDS. (1 point)
17. The teacher said to Karen, "Please stand up."
->The teacher ………………………………………..
18. I'm sure you'll be amused by the latest Bond film.
-> I’m sure …………………………………. the latest Bond film amusing.
19.You had saved the lives of hundreds of wild animals. Thank you for that.
-> Thank you …………………………… the lives of hundreds of wild animals
20.They had hunted and killed many wild animals. Later they regretted what they had done.
->They regretted ………………………………………. many wild animals
17. told Karen to stand up
18. you will/you’ll find
19. for having saved
20. having hunted and killed
MÃ ĐỀ 851

12D 13B 14C 15A 16D
LISTENING - book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40
MÃ ĐỀ 852
12D 13B 14C 15A 16D
LISTENING - book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40

MÃ ĐỀ 853
12C 13B 14B 15D 16C
LISTENING - book 3 – CD 1 – Track 39 - 40













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