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giao an unit 11 litening

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School: THPT Tri An
Name: Nguyen Thi Hong Thuy
Class: 10A4
Date of preparing: February 10th 2017
Date of teaching: February 13rd 2017
Lesson 3: Listening

Objective: by the end of the lesson, students will able to :
- improve their listening skill through Gap-filling, and Answering questions exercises.
- get more information about Cuc Phuong National Park
Language focus
1. Vocabulary: threatened and endangered species; ethnic minority; flora; fauna; attack;
2. Skills:
- Listening: Fill in the gaps, answer questions
- Speaking: Discuss the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park

Teaching aids: textbook, chalk, board, tape, laptop

1. Warm up

Teacher’s activities
- Teacher(T) divides class into two groups.

- T gives instruction: “the leader of each
group will go to the board and write down
some names of animals as much as possible
in one minute. Which group have more
correct answers will be the winner.”
- T checks the answers with whole class.
- T circles the animals which may live in
Cuc Phuong National Park.
- T leads in the new lesson.

Students’ activities
- Students(Ss) work in
- The leader of each group
go to the board and write
down some names of
animals they have known.
- They may list: tiger, dog,
cat, monkey, bee, snake,…

2. Before you

Aims:to focus sts on the topic and review/
introduce the words and phrases used in the
listening text.
a.-T divides Ss into small groups and asks - Work in groups and
them to discuss the following questions:
discuss the questions.

a. Where is Cuc Phuong National
b. What is the area of the rainforest in
Cuc Phuong National Park?
c. When is the best time to visit Cuc
Phuong National Park?
d. What can be seen in Cuc Phuong

National Park?
- T asks some Ss to give their answer.
- T gives new words and explain the
+Fauna(n)/'fɔ:nə /: (T uses a picture to
+Flora(n)/ 'flɔ:rə /: (T uses a picture to
+Ethnic minority(n)/'eθnik mai'nɔ:riti/:
(T gives example: they are people who live
in mountains, such as Muong, Thai, Khome,( E-De, Tay, Cham,…).
+Threatened and endangered species:/
'θretnd ənd ɪn'deɪndʒəd 'spi:ʃi:z/: (T gives
example: elephant and lion are threatened
and endangered species).
+Attack(v)/ ə'tæk /: (T uses a picture to
+Enemy(n)/'enəmi/:(T gives example:
Bin Laden used to be the number 1 enemy
of the United States).
- T asks Ss to listen and repeat the new

words chorally .
- T asks 2 Ss to repeat the words.
- T asks Ss to copy the new words into their
3.While you
listen (20mins)

-One student from each
group stands up and gives
their answer..
-Ss listen to the T.

- Ss listen and repeat after
- Some individual repeat the
words aloud.
- Ss copy down the new
words and phrases into their

Aims: Practise listening and filling in the
Task 1: Listen and fill in the missing
- T introduces Ss that they are going to listen
to the tape about Cuc Phuong National Park
- Before listening, T asks Ss to read the
sentences in pairs and make sure that they
understand them.
- T asks Ss try to guess the missing

- Ss work pairs and guess
- T helps them know the kinds of word
the missing information
suitable with each blank.
they will hear.
1. time, in + number of year;
2. number + locate;
3. nearly + number;
4. there are + number;

5. its + noun.
- T plays the tape once and asks Ss to fill in
the gaps.
- T asks Ss to compare the answers with
their partners.
- T calls 2 Ss to go to the board and write
down their answers .
- T plays the tape again, stop the tape where
necessary and conduct the correction.

2. Task 2: Listen again and answer the
following questions.
- T has Ss read the questions carefully, then
listen to the tape again and answer the given
- T helps them find out the key words of
each question.
- T plays the tape twice and asks Ss note

down the neccessary information.
- T asks students to compare the answers
with their friends.
- T calls some students to read their answers
in front of the class.
.- T checks the answers with whole class.
- T gives feedback.

- Ss work individually and
listen to the tape.
- Ss compare the answers
with their partners.
- Some go to the board and
write down their answers .
-Ss listen the tape again and
check the answers with the
Suggested answers:
1. 1960
2. 160 km south west of
3. 100, 000 visitors
4. about 2,000; 450
5. surprise attack

- Ss read the questions
carefully, then listen to the
tape again and answer the
given questions.
- Ss find out the key words.
- Ss listen to the tape and

do the task.
- Ss compare the answers
with their friends.
- Some Ss give their
Suggested answers:
1.It covers 3 provinces :
Ninh Binh,Hoa Binh,and
Thanh Hóa.
2.It’s about 160 km.
3.They come there to see the
work being done to protect
endangered species.

4.Nguyen Hue defeated the
Quing invaders in the
spring of 1789.
5.They live mainly on bee
keeping and farming.
4. Post-listening: Imagine you are a tour guide and you talk
about Cuc Phuong National Park to the
visitors using the cues below:
- Opened in 1960
- Located / 160 km southwest of
- Has / 200 square kilometres of
- In 2002, 100,000 visitors

- 2,000 species of flora and 450
species of fauna
- Quen Voi, Nguyen Hue’s army /
stationed / , defeated / Qing invaders
/ spring 1789
- Home to Muong minority
-T asks Ss to work in groups and talk about
Cuc Phuong national park.
-T moves round to check the activities and to
make sure that sts are working effectively.
- T calls some Ss to go the board and talk
about Cuc Phuong National Park.
- T gives feedback.
5. Homework:

- Ss listen to the T
- Ss work in groups
- Ss to go the board and talk
about Cuc Phuong National

- T asks Ss to try to write more about the
Cuc Phuong National Park in their
- T asks them to learn the new words by
- T asks them to prepare some ways of
accepting and refusing for the next lesson

Trainer teacher

Trainee teacher

Nguyễn Thị Nguyệt Thu

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Thủy

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