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I. Multiple Choice.
1. Can you play an.........guitar?
A. electric
B. electrified
C. electricity
D. All are correct.
2. Can you find any..........equipment in this department?
A. electric
B. electrified
C. electrical
D. electricity
3. You cannot grow crops on........land.
A. exhaustion
B. exhaust
C. exhausting
D. exhausted
4. I find her...........- she never stops talking.
A. exhaustion
B. exhaust
C. exhausting
D. exhausted
5. We could make better use of our........
A. environment
B. sources
C. resources
D. atmosphere
6. She'll be able to put her languages........good use.........her new job.
A. of - in
B. to - in

C. at - on
D. in - of
7. Many people don't use their computers to their full..........
A. future
B. expectation
C. hope
D. potential
8. The new software is planned for........in April.
A. release
B. issue
C. delivery
D. A and B
9. They're researching into ways of........people's diet.
A. improvement
B. improve
C. improving
D. improved
10. "How long is the flight?" ~ "........knowledge, it takes about 3 hours,"
A. To my best B. To the best of my
C. In my best
D. In best of my
11. We have about thirty guests a day in our restaurant........the average.
A. at
B. for
C. on
D. in
12. "1 haven't been to New York yet." ~ "Neither.........'"
A. haven't we
B. we have
C. have we

D. we haven't
13. I wrote to the company........them for a catalogue.
A. asking
B. demanding
C. enquiring
D. applying
14. They were very........about keeping so much money in the house overnight.
A. dangerous
B. risky
C. nervous
D. willing
15. "What is Bill going to do after the test?" 'The only thing he can do is
A. he waited
B. waiting
C. hev.aits
D. wait
16. They would........go by air than spend a week traveling by train.
A. always
B. prefer
C. rather
D. better
17. Some schools have very.............rules of behavior which must be obeyed.
A. strong
B. solid
C. strict
D. straight
18. He's left his book at home; he's always so.........
A. forgetful
B. forgotten
C. forgettable

D. forgetting
19.........it was raining heavily he went out without a raincoat.
A. Although
B. In spite of
C. However
D. In spite
20. 'Did Susan ever graduate?" ~ “No,........in college for two years, she quit to get a job."
A. had she been
B. while being
C. since being
D. after having been
II. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been for you.
0. A. Boil plenty of salty water, and add the spaghetti.
B. I'll boil the kettle and make some tea.
C. She put some potatoes on to boil.
1. A. Leaving a room with turning off the lights is a waste of........
B. The........is off tomorrow.

C. She always pays her........bills on time.
2. A..........energy is electricity or power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.
B. Is it an.........method of doing that?
C. Do you have an.........solution?
3. A. Large amounts of fossil fuels are......by the electricity industry consumed
B. Before he died he had..........a large quantity of alcohol.
C. The hotel was quickly...........by fire.
4. A. The meat was declared unfit for human........
B. He was advised to reduce his alcohol........
C........rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.
5. A. The company is being actively considered as a........partner.

B. They are........customers of our company; they will sign big contracts with us.
C. First we need to identify actual and........problems.
6. A. All children should be encouraged to realise their full........
B. She has great........as an artist.
C. The house has a lot of........
7. A. He refused to........her arm.
B. 10,000 balloons were........(-ed) at the ceremony.
C. Intense heat is........(-ed) in the reaction.
8. A. This book is on the exploitation of minerals and other natural........
B. We do not have the........to update our computer software because we are having a financial problem.
C. We must make the most efficient use of the available financial........
9. A.......cell is a device that converts light and heat energy from the sun into electricity.
B. The......radiation is sometimes very harmful to your eyes and skin.
C. The......system consists of the sun and all the planets that move around it.
10. A. He has earned out extensive........into renewable energy sources.
B. Recent........on deaf children have produced some interesting findings about their speech.
C. Whathave their........shown?
III. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. He's just bought a car with........operated windows.
2. The railway line was.........in the 1950s.
3. ........is the process of changing something so that it works by electricity.
4. You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two..........
5. Gas and oil...........always increases in cold weather.
6. Health-conscious...........want more information about the food they buy.

7. An........disaster will alter the whole balance of ecology in that area.
8. If you believes the environment should be protected, you may become an........
9. We should pay more attention to renewable sources of energy such as wind and...... power.
10. We are doing our best with the..........resources available.
11. ........damage threatens the whole of civilization.
12. The weather..........improved,
IV. Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition.
1. Zoology is more closely related........biology than it is to botany.
2. Are you interested..........working with them?
3. I certainly hope that David is aware..........all the problems involved.
4. Mr. Anderson is responsible...........hiring and firing employees.
5. Fred is capable...........doing better work than he's doing at the present.
6. Tom was proud...........his good marks on the English exam.
7. After next week, I'll be free...........all my worries.
8. That fashion magazine is full...........advertising for women's clothes.
9. The clothes like these aren't very suitable...........that kind of job.
10. My friend and I were very happy...........the result of the election.
V. Fill in each gap with only ONE suitable word.
1. He was wonderful in his role and gave an excellent.........
2. I think we're going to have to walk..........the jungle.
3. She doesn't treat me like a friend. Her behaviour towards me is so.........
4. He is the very man we often talk.......
5. I will try to work as hard as I........

6. What to begin...........?
7. My hair is long, so I had to have it........
8. Please believe me, I never tell a.........
9. What's the weather.........there?
10. People...........to ride on horseback but now they use cars.
11. The tunnel under the English Channel would be the.........one in the world - 36 miles.
12 The earth on.............we live is constantly moving.
VI. Fill in each gap with a word/phrase from the box.
potential - fossil - nuclear - consumption - release - geothermal - ecology
solar panel - resources - environmental - deforested - hydroelectric
1. The Western countries are worried about Iran's........capacity.
2. .........energy is connected with the natural heat of rock deep in the ground.
3. You should not buy a car with high fuel.......
4. Oil pollution could damage the fragile..........of the coral reefs.
5. ........fuel was formed over millions of years from the remains of animals or plants.
6. He has the.......to become a world-class musician.
7. Scientists are considering the.......of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
8. A.........is a piece of equipment on a roof that uses light and heat energy from the sun to produce hot water and
9.........power has been developed rapidly in our country recently.
10. Limited........are restricting our capacity for developing new products.
11. The company takes account of........issues wherever possible.
12. Two thirds of the region has been........in the past decade.
VII. Rewrite the following sentences, using present participle phrases.
1. Do you know the woman who is coming towards us?
2. The people who was waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.
3. The rules that allow public access to wilderness areas need to be reconsidered.
4. The children who attend that school receive a good education.
5. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress.

6. The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood.
7. The couple who live in the house next door are both college professors.
8. We have an apartment which overlooks the park.
9. Did you get the message which concerned the special meeting?
10. The psychologists who study the nature of sleep have made important discoveries.
11. Pictures that showed the brutality of war entered the living rooms of millions of Americans on the nightly
12. The Indians who lived in Peru before the discovery of the New World by Europeans belonged to the Incan
13. Many of the students who hope to enter the university will be disappointed because only one-tenth of those
who apply for admission will be accepted.
14. Any student who does not want to go on the trip should inform the office.
15. The sunlight which conies through the window wakes me up early every morning.
16. A knuckle is a joint that connects a finger to the rest of the hand.
17. Antarctica is covered by a huge ice cap that contains 70 percent of the earth's fresh water.
18. I was awakened by the sound of laughter which came from the room next door to mine at the motel.
19. The children attended a special movie program that consisted of cartoons of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.
20. Food which passes from the mouth to the stomach goes through a tube called esophagus.
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences, using past participle phrases.
1. Be sure to follow the instructions that are given at the top of the page.
2. The conclusion which is presented in that book states that most of the cars which are produced by Chinese
industry have some defect.
3. I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country.
4. The photographs which were published in the newspapers were extraordinary.
5. The experiment which was conducted at the University of Chicago was successful.
6. He read 'The Old Man and the Sea', which was written by Ernest Hemingway.
7. Two-third of people who were arrested for motorbike theft are under twenty years of age.
8. Only a few of the movies that are shown at the Gray Theater are suitable for children.
9. They live in a house that was built in 1890.

10. A throne is the chair which occupied by a queen, king, or other rulers.
11. Only a small fraction of the eggs that are laid by a fish actually hatch and survive to adulthood.
12. Our solar system is in a galaxy that is called the Milky Way.
13. Arizona, which was once thought to be a useless desert, is today a rapidly growing industrial and agricultural
14. In hot weather, many people enjoy lemonade, which is made of lemon juice, water, and sugar.
IX. Rewrite the following sentences, using infinitive phrases.
1. We had a river in which we could swim.
2. The child would be happier if he had someone that he could play with.
3. I'd be more interested if I had a family that I had to cook for.
4. I haven't got anything that I could open a bottle of wine with.
5. He was the first man who left the burning building.
6. You are the last person who saw her alive.
7. My brother is the only one that realized the danger.
8. The pilot was the only man that survived the crash. n
9. He is always the first who comes and the last who goes.
10. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built on the island.
11. I was the only person that saw the difficulty.
12. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
13. She was the first woman that took her seat in Parliament.
14. The fifth man who was interviewed was completely unsuitable.
15. He was the second man who was killed in.this way.
16. Here are some accounts that you must check.
17. The floor is dusty but I haven't got a brush that I can sweep it with.
18. My files are all over the place. I wish 1 had a box that 1 could keep them in.
19. She said she wasn't going to buy any cards; she didn't have anyone to whom she could send cards.
20. He was the first man who reached the top.
X. Complete the following sentences, using one of the verbs in the list below in the correct form.
blow - call - invite - live – offer - read - rings - it - study - work

1. I was woken up by a bell.........
2. A lot of the people........to the party cannot come.
3. Life must be very unpleasant for people........near busy airports.
4. A few days after the interview, I received a letter........the job.
5. Somebody........Jack phoned while you were out.
6. There was a tree........down in the storm last night.
7. When I entered the waiting room it was empty except for a young man.........by the window........a magazine.
8. Ian has got a brother.........in a bank in London and a sister........economics at university in Manchester.
XI. Read the following passage carefully, and then answer the questions below.
We can develop alternative sources of energy, and unless we try we'll never succeed. Instead of burning fossil
fuels we should be concentrating on more economic uses of electricity, because electricity can be produced from
any sources of energy.
If we didn't waste so much energy, our resources would last longer. We can save more energy by conservation
than you can produce for the same money. Unless we do research on solar energy, wind power, tidal power,
hydroelectric plans..., our fossi! fuels will run out and we'll all freeze or starve to death.
Many countries are spending much more on research because energy from the sun, the waves and the wind lasts
for ever. We really won't survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy.
1. What can electricity be produced from?
2. What will happen unless we do research on solar energy and other alternative sources of energy?
3. What are many countries doing?
4. What will happen unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy?
XII. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
About twenty per cent of the world's present energy already comes from the sun in one form or another. Special
devices have already been made available to (1)........on the roofs of houses and flats to (2)........the sun s rays and
thus heat water. Thousands (3)........these devices are now being used to provide (4)........in homes throughout the
United States while more (5)........a million solar water-heating units have already been (6)........in homes in Japan.
Other purposes for which (7)........energy is at present being used include the (8)........of salt from seawater
irrigation and sewage disposal.

(9)........most people in developing countries, the need is not for air-conditioners or central heating but for cheap
(10)........of cooking food, drying crops, and lighting homes.
1. A. put
B. locate
C. fit
D. fix
2. A. greet
B. catch
C. contain
D. manufacture
3. A. in
B. with
C. on
D. of
4. A. light
B. energy
C. life
D. existence
5. A. than
B. of
C. through
D. over
6. A. built
B. planned
C. standing
D. attached
7. A. sun
B. sky
C. space
D. solar

8. A. passing
B. separation
C. divorce
D. delivery
9. A. Through B. By
C. For
D. At
10. A. manners B. ways C. models D. types
XIII. Choose, the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
There is now increasing concern about the world's energy (1)........, particularly about those involving fossil
(2).........In less than a hundred years we shall probably (3)........all the present (4)........of oil and gas. The world's
coal (5)........should last longer but, once used, these cannot be (6).........It is important, therefore, that we should
develop such (7)........sources of energy as solar energy as well as water and wind (8)........(classed as
(9)........energy). Until these energy (10)........are widely used, it is important for the developed countries to reduce
energy consumption as much as possible.
1. A. possessions
B. resources
C. goods
D. materials
2. A. fuels
B. powers
C. forms
D. energies
3. A. end
B. complete
C. total
D. exhaust
4. A. findings
B. productions
C. amounts

D. sources
5. A. reserves
B. stores
C. mines
D. contents
6. A. updated
B. repeated
C. renewed
D. produced
7. A. traditional
B. alternative C. revolutionary
D. surprising
8. A. force
B. strength
C. power
D. motion
9. A. repeatable
B. continual
C. renewable D. continuous
10. A. goods
B. supplies
C. provisions
D. materials
XIV. Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best answers the question about the passage:
The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning garbage
and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an
efficient way to dispose of wastes.
Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale, and coal tars. But to date, that
process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal
power, heat from the earth, is also being tested.

Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power provided [ne third of the electricity used in
the United States, but today it supplies only 4 percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists
are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity, experiments are also
underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.
1. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. The Use of Water Products for Energy
B. The Search for Alternative Sources of Energy
C. Efficient Ways of Disposing of Waste
D. New Discoveries in Geothermal Power
2. Fifty years ago, one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by..........
A. wind
B. waste products
C. water
D. oil
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?
A. burning of garbage
B. geothermal power
C. synthetic fuels
D. electricity
4. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and tars as sources of energy is due to........
A. their being time consuming
B. their being money consuming
C. the scarcity of sources
D. the lack of technology
5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A. All alternative production of energy will be derived from water.
B. Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy.
C. Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy.
D. Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources.
XV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:

We are using up the world's petroleum. We use (1)...........in our cars and to heat our building in winter.

Farmers use petro-chemicals to (2)...........the soil rich. They use them to kill insects (3)...........plants. These
chemicals go (4)...........rivers and lakes and kill the fish there. Thousands of pollutants also go into the air and
pollute it. Winds carry is (5)...........air to other countries and other continents.
Poor farmers use the same land over and (6)..........The land needs a rest so it will be better next year. However,
the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down forests (7)...........firewood. In some areas when the
trees are gone, the land (8)........desert. Poor people can't save the environment for the (9)...........
This is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It is a problem for all humans. The people and the
nations of the world must work together to (10)...........the world's resources.
1. A. it
B. them
C. that
D. those
2. A. enrich
B. change
C. make
D. let
3. A. eat
B. eaten
C. eating
D. ate
4. A. to
B. towards
C. at
D. into
5. A. pollute
B. polluting
C. polluted

D. pollution
6. A. over
B. again
C. repeated
D. repeating
7. A. of
B. for
C. with
D. at
8. A. gets
B. changes
C. turns
D. becomes
9. a. future
B. time
C. times
D. period
10. A. recycle B. preserve
C. keep
D. use
XVI. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:
There is now increasing concern about the world's energy (1)......, particularly about those involving fossil
(2)........In less than a hundred years we shall probably (3).........all the present (4).........of oil and gas. The world's
coal (5).........should last longer but, once used, these cannot be (6)..........It is important, therefore, that we should
develop such (7).........sources of energy as solar energy as well as water and wind (8)........., classed as
(9).........energy. Until these energy (10).........are widely used, it is important for the developed countries to reduce
energy consumption as much as possible.
1. A. possessions
B. resources
C. goods

D. materials
2. A. fuels
B. powers
C. forms
D. energies
3. A. end
B. complete
C. total
D. exhaust
4. A. findings
B. productions
C. amounts
D. sources
5. A. reserves
B. stores
C. mines
D. contents
6. A. updated
B. repeated
C. renewed
D. produced
7. A. traditional
B. alternative
C. revolutionary
D. surprising
8. A. force
B. strength
C. power
D. motion
9. A. repeatable

B. continual
C. renewable
D. continuous
10.A. goods
B, supplies
C. provisions
D. materials
XVII. Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best answers the question about the passage:
The sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It is powered by thermonuclear reactions near its center that change
hydrogen into helium. The sun has existed in its present state for about 4 billion, 600 million years and is thousands
of time greater than the earth.
By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest of the sun's life will be like. About 5 billion years
from now, the core of the sun will become smaller and hotter. The surface temperature will fall. The higher
temperature of the centre will increase the rate of thermonuclear reactions. The outer regions of the sun will expand
approximately 35 million miles, about the distance to Mercury. which is the closest planet to the sun. The sun will
then be a red giant star. Temperatures on the earth will become too hot for life to exist.
Once the sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink. After it becomes smaller
to the size of the earth, it will become a whit dwarf star. The sun may throw off huge amounts of gases in violent
eruption called nova explosions as it changes from a red giant to a white dwarf.
After billions of years as a white dwarf, the sun will have used up all its fi and will have lost its heat.
1. What is the primary purpose of this passage?
A. To alert people to the dangers posed by the sun. B. To discuss conditions on earth in the far future.
C. To present a theory about red giant stars.
D. To describe changes that the sun will go through.
2. It can be inferred from the passage that the sun..........
A. is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf.
B. has been in existence for ten billion years
C. will continue as a yellow dwarf for another ten billion years.
D. is rapidly changing in size and brightness
3. What will probably be the first stage of change as the sun becomes a red giant?

A. Its core will cool off and use less fuel.

B. Its surface will become hotter and shrink.
C. Its sun will throw off huge amounts of gases.
D. Its centre will grow smaller and hotter.
4. When the sun becomes a red giant, what will conditions be like on earth?
A. Its atmosphere will freeze and become solid.
B. It will be enveloped in the expanding surface of the sun.
C. It will become too hot for life to exist.
D. It will be destroyed in nova explosions.
5. As a white dwarf, the sun will be.........
A. the same size as the planet Mercury.
B. thousands of times smaller than it is today.
C. around 35 million miles in diameter.
D. cold and dark.
XVIII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Correct all the mistakes you can find.
1. Despite the time of the year, yesterday's temperature was enough hot to turn on the air-conditioning.
2. John spent such enjoyable holiday in Europe this summer that he plans to return as soon as he saves enough
3. Although the quantity was small, we had supplies enough to finish the experiment.
4. Keith had so interesting and creative plans that everyone wanted to work on his committee.
5. If Brian would have studied German in college, he would not have found the scientific terms so difficult to
6. Tom is used to fly after having crossed the continent many times during the past decade.
7. Our English teacher would like us spending more time in the laboratory practising our pronunciation.
8. Sam used to living in Texas, but his company had him transferred to a better Position in New York.
9. Peter's new sports car costs much more than Tom.
10. Max would rather to be fishing from his boat in the lake than sitting at his desk in the office.
XIX. Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given in brackets.

1. The fire in the library was discovered by a student.
It..........the fire in the Library.
2. Gerald is too young to vote.
3. 'Do fast cars interest you?' the dealer asked Sarah.
The dealer asked Sarah........ fast cars.
4. My brother really wishes he could sing well.
My brother regrets not..........wetfl
5. Maria said I had caused the accident.
Maria..........the accident.
6. James did not need to register for the new course.
It........ to register for the'new course.
7. She never Finishes her work on time although she works hard.
She never finishes herwork on time.........she works.
8. There haven't been many changes in this town since I last visited it.
Since my last........has changed in this town.
9. Hardly anybody applied for the job.
There were very..........the job
10. Luisa does a full-time job and looks after the house too.
Luisa does a full-time job...........the house.

The End
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. D 11. C 12. C 13. A 16. C 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C
1. electricity 2. alternative 3. consumed 4. consumption 5. potential (adj.) 6. potential (n.)
7. release 8. resources 9. solar 10. sources

1. electrically 2. electrified 3. Electrification 4. alternatives 5. consumption7. ecological 8. ecologist
9. solar 10. limited 11. Environmental 12. gradually
1. to 2. In 3. for 4. for 5. of 6. of 7. from 8. of 9. for 10. with / about
1. performance 2. through 3. unfriendly/rude... 4. about 5. can 6. first
7. cut 8. lie 9. like 10. used 11. longest 12. which
1. nuclear 2. Geothermal 3. consumption 4. ecology 5. Fossil 6. potential 7. release
8. solar panel 9. Hydroelectric 10. resources 11. environmental 12. deforested
1. Do you know the woman coming towards us?
2. The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.
3. The rules allowing public access to wilderness areas need to be reconsidered.
4. The children attending that school receive a good education.
5. The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making progress.
6. The fence surrounding our house is made of wood.
7. The couple living in the house next door are both college professors.
8. We have an apartment overlooking the park.
9. Did you get the message concerning the special meeting?

10. The psychologists studying the nature of sleep have made important discoveries.
11. Pictures showing the brutality of war entered the living rooms of millions of Americans on the nightly news.
12. The Indians living in Peru before the discovery of the New World by Europeans belonged to the Incan culture.
13. Many of the students hoping to enter the university will be disappointed because only one-tenth of those who
apply for admission will be accepted.
14. Any student not wanting to go on the trip should inform the office.
|5. The sunlight coming through the window wakes me up early every morning.
16. A knuckle is a joint connecting a finger to the rest of the hand.
17. Antarctica is covered by a huge ice cap containing 70 percent of the earth's fresh water.
18. I was awakened by the sound of laughter coming from the room next door to mine at the motel.
19. The children attended a special movie program consisting of cartoons of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.
20. Food passing from the mouth to the stomach goes through a tube called esophagus.
1. Be sure to follow the instructions given at the top of the page.
2. The conclusion presented in that book states that most of the cars which are produced by Chinese industry have
some defect.
3. I come from a city located in the southern part of the country.
4. The photographs published in the newspapers were extraordinary.
5. The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago was successful.
6. He read 'The Old Man and the Sea', written by Ernest Hemingway.
7. Two-third of people arrested for motorbike theft are under twenty years of age.
8. Only a few of the movies shown at the Gray Theatre are suitable for children.
9. They live in a house built in 1890.
10. A throne is the chair occupied by a queen, king, or other rulers.
11. Only a small fraction of the eggs laid by a fish actually hatch and survive to adulthood.
12. Our solar system is in a galaxy called the Milky Way.
13. Arizona, once thought to be a useless desert, is today a rapidly growing industrial and agricultural state.
14. In hot weather, many people enjoy lemonade, made of lemon juice, water, and sugar.
1. We had a river to swim in.

2. The child would be happier if he had someone to play with.
3. I'd be more interested if I had a family to cook for.
4. 1 haven't got anything to open a bottle of wine with.
5. He was the first man to leave the burning building.
6. You are the last person to see her alive.
7. My brother is the only one to realize the danger.
8. The pilot was the only man to survive the crash.
9. He is always the first to come and the last to go.

10. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship to be built on the island.
11. I was the only person to see the difficulty.
12. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
13. She was the first woman to take her seat in Parliament.
14. The fifth man to be interviewed was completely unsuitable.
15. He was the second man to be killed in this way.
16. Here are some accounts for you to check.
17. The floor is dusty but I haven't got a brush to sweep it with.
18. My files are all over the place. I wish 1 had a box to keep them in.
19. She said she wasn't going to buy any cards; she didn't have anyone to send cards to.
20. He was the first man to reach the top.
1. ringing 2. invited 3. living 4. Offering 4. Offering 5. called
6. blown 7. sitting-reading 8. working - studying
1. It'can be produced from any sources of energy.
2. Our fossil fuels will run out.
3. They are spending much more on research.
4. We really won't survive.

1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. B
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. .A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D
1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B
1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
1. enough hot  hot enough
6. fly  flying
2. such  such an
7. spending  to spend
3. supplies enough  enough supplies 8. living  live
4. so  such
9. Tom  Tom's
5. would have studied  had studied
1. to be  be
1. was a student who discovered
2. is not old enough to
3. whether/if she/he was interested in
4. being able to sing
5. blamed me for causing / having caused 6. was not necessary for James
7. no matter how hard
8. visit not / nothing much
9. few applicants for

10. as well as looking after
