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(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. culture
B. secure
C. impure
D. allure
Question 2:A. shower
B. lower
C. flower
D. tower
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 3: It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons of
A. very
B. to
C. It is said
D. badly
Question 4: Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were introduced in
A. in
B. since
C. has grown C] rapid

Question 5: In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football.
A. In England
B. as early as
C. twelfth century
D. enjoyed to play
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 6: We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.
A. fought each other
B. were unable to
C. tried very hard
D. to one's end
Question 7: It would be a neat solution to the problem.
A. only one
B. clever and simple
C. oustanding
D. unique
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 8:A. psychology B. emotional
C. enthusiastic
D. indifferent
Question 9:A. responsible B. appearance
C. punctuality
D. attractive
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief.
A. amusement
B. anxiety

C. joy
D. scare
Question 11: John's uncle came up trumps, finding us a place to stay at the last minute.
A. had a good chance
B. got unexpected success
C. was the winner
D. met his Waterloo
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 12: ~ A: "Hey, look at that guy over there with the guitar. He's very good-looking!"
~ B: "............."
A. He’s on shortlist, I think.
B. You’re telling me.
C. He must be jailed.
D. He’s wearing a false beard.
Question 13: ~ A: "............." ~ B: "Sorry, boys. Nadia and I are going shopping."
A. Shall I fetch you something to eat?
B. What can I help you, boys?
C. Have you taken tickets for us, Tom?
D. Do you want to come with us to the contest?
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Food additives are nothing new. Salt, sugar and vinegar have been added to food for centuries to preserve them and add
flavour. For the past thirty years, however, there has been an explosion in the use of artificial additives. Experts estimate
that the average person consumes over 6 kilograms a year of these manufactured chemical compounds.
Considerable controversy has (1)......this move towards an increasingly chemical diet. The food industry claims that
strict testing is in place and only safe additives find their way into our food. In Europe, (2)......additives are given an ‘Enumber’ to show that they are considered safe and to indicate their function.
Although manufacturers are quick to point out that additives stop food (3)......and so prevent dangerous food poisoning,
in fact, substances used for this purpose account for less than 1% of all additives used. Most are added to alter the food’s

colour or flavour. Moreover, the testing of chemicals is generally (4)......on animals, and suspicions remain that humans
react to them differently. Additives have been linked to conditions including hyperactivity, migraines and allergies.
By law, a list of the additives that have gone into a food must be printed on the packaging together with the other
(7)...... . But just how useful is it to know that a product contains, among others, the additive E280?
Question 14:A. looked for B. brought about
C. carried out
D. taken off
Question 15:A. wearing out B. going off
C. running down
D. passing away
Question 16:A. items
B. ingredients
C. elements
D. components

Question 17:A. chased
B. enclosed
C. surrounded
D. joined
Question 18:A. granted
B. conceded
C. approved
D. passed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
I was struggling to get by. I had just moved to Gloucester from London and had taken the first job that I was offered as
a cashier in a local supermarket. I was barely earning enough to do my weekly shopping and I yearned for the money I
used to make back in London. As I couldn't afford my own place. I had settled for my best friend's sofa, but the hard
cushions and backaches had made me realise that, above all else, I craved my old flat - my little sanctuary! I soon began

to wonder if moving had been the right decision. That’s when I heard a radio advert that changed my life...
“Looking for your own place but dreading the cost? Worry no more! You could live free for a year in the
‘EnviroHouse', one of Britain's first environmentally friendly homes.
We’re looking for a resident to live rent-free! For more details, visit www…." My friend had heard about this
‘carbonneutrar house and he thought that it would be very difficult to stick to an energy conserving routine. I should have
considered this, or at least have been concerned about how many ‘guests’ would actually pass through. But, as I sat on
the painfully uncomfortable sofa, the only thing in my head were the words... Live free, live free.'
I visited the website and entered the competition to become an ‘eco-housemate’. I was one of three lucky finalists who
had to battle it out for a place in the house live on local television. We had to cook a meal for five judges using a solar
cooker and only organic vegetables and then face questions from the studio audience. The judges weren't impressed with
my cooking and I thought I had lost. But, as I looked at my friends in the studio audience they all gave me smiles and the
‘thumbs up' and it was just the confidence boost I needed. Thankfully, I made the audience laugh, they liked me and I
was voted into the house.
The other finalists were keen environmentalists with a passion for the issue, unlike me. I had never really given it much
attention to be honest, as it was insignificant to me. I joked with the audience that the only way I was going to learn was
if they sent me to the house! They agreed. As I moved into the house and tried to prepare for a drastic change in lifestyle,
I suddenly became nervous and asked myself if I had thought this through properly.
As I walked through the front door. I had worrying visions of living in a futuristic house, full of high-tech gadgets. I
certainly wouldn’t have been surprised to see a number I complex-looking machines. However, I was shocked to the
house was completely normal. In fact, it looked just I any other house. This eased my mind a bit, as I rarely modem
technology easy to understand, I prefer the simple life.
The heating system, water supply and electricity all worke in exactly the same way as they would in any other house in
the UK. The only difference was that the house us renewable sources of energy. At first I thought the house would
definitely need some fossil fuels, like coal and gas but instead, solar panels and small wind turbines (which could be a
little noisy at times!) were used to provide hot water and electricity. The house didn't burn wood or oil either because
smoke pollutes the atmosphere.
My experiences in the house made me look at the way I had lived my life in the past and how I should live it in the
future. For example, it’s neither difficult nor time-consuming to recycle, as long as you make it part of your daily
routine. I also changed my perspective on which energy sources use. I used to think solar panels were too expensive, but
now I realise that although the initial cost is high, they actual save a lot of money over time. I’ve recognised that

spending a few extra pounds is preferable to losing our beautiful planet. It's very simple to make those all-important
changes we just need the motivation to make them.
Question 19: What had the writer previously thought about the environment?
A. He had always been passionate about the issue.
B. He always joked about it.
C. He considered it unimportant.
D. It made him nervous.
Question 20: What is the writer’s opinion of recycling?
A. It takes a lot of time out of his daily routine.
B. It is expensive to do.
C. It doesn’t take a long time if done daily.
D. It is difficult to make it part of his daily routine.
Question 21: What did the writer think afte r hearing radio advertisement?
A. He was worried about how many people would visit the ‘Enviro-House’.
B. That he could have his own home without having to pay.
C. He wouldn’t be very good at energy conservation.
D. That he hated having to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa.
Question 22: In line 30, the writer says ‘they’. Who is he referring to?
A. The audience.
B. His friends.
C. The judges.
D. The finalists.
Question 23: What is the main reason the writer gives for missing London?
A. Earning a higher salary.
B. Not having his own home.
C. Sharing a flat with his best friend.
D. Living the inner-city lifestyle.
Question 24: As the write rentered the house, he was surprised that....
A. the house had lots of complex machinery.
B. the technology was easy to understand.

C. the house looked futuristic.
D. the house looked the same as other houses.
Question 25: Which sources of energy did the house use?
A. Coal and gas only.
B. Some fossil fuels plus solar and wind.

C. Renewable sources of energy only.
D. Wood and oil only.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 26: John devoted his......life to saving endangered species.
A. full
B. complete
C. entire
D. total
Question 27: My best friend always......for me, I can always rely on his support.
A. stands up
B. stands away
C. stands in
D. stood out
Question 28: What first......me about the village was the simplicity of the houses.
A. struck
B. beat
C. smacked
D. knocked
Question 29: Suddenly, a (n)......of anger appeared on Harry’s face.
A. aspect
B. look
C. appearance

D. gaze
Question 30: The islanders are......serious problems such as drought and employment.
A. facing
B. dealing
C. opposing
D. meeting
Question 31: The drought is having a terrible......on the crops because the land is so dry.
A. result
B. outcome
C. effect
D. consequence
Question 32: Charlotte......in paediatrics while she was doing her medical training.
A. focused
B. specialised
C. concentrated
D. dedicated
Question 33: The town is counting the......of last week's festival.
A. cost
B. charge
C. fees
D. expense
Question 34: Everyone at the table was a vegetarian......me.
A. instead of
B. rather than
C. except for
D. contrary to
Question 35: The bank robbers......in court that they had committed the crime.
A. accepted
B. offered
C. admitted

D. proposed
Question 36: According to Rob’s....., he would pay less tax this year than last.
A. calculations
B. figures
C. counting
D. computations
Question 37: The college is organising a reunion for its......students.
A. primary
B. old
C. former
D. previous
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
As a growing boy, I don't think anyone would have called me health-conscious. I was typical of my peer group - the
odd fizzy drink, trips to meet friends at the local fast food restaurant. However. I was lucky to have a mother who made
sure I ate well. She enjoyed cooking and all our meals were varied and delicious!
At the age of eighteen, I moved to a university far from home and suddenly had to look after myself. I really missed
my mum’s home-cooked meals. She had sent me away armed with recipes, but I never wanted to cook when I got back
to the flat, after a hard day of lectures. For this reason, it wasn’t long before my friends and I discovered our local
hamburger bar, just two roads from our home. It was so easy to get our dinner there and, compared to our few attempts in
the kitchen, the food tasted qreat. Visiting on the way back from classes became a regular habit.
After a couple of months, I started to notice some changes in myself; I was getting acne and my clothes were getting
tight and uncomfortable. I was also very lethargic and friends complained that I would get irritable, often for no good
At first, I didn't pay too much attention to it all, I wasn't surprised that the stress of university was taking its toll.
However, over the weeks that followed, I was getting colds and headaches on a regular basis. My health seemed to be
deteriorating, but everyone else appeared to be coping. I started to question if I was cut out for university I decided to
listen to friends’ suggestions to visit a doctor. I went along and, after a five-minute discussion of my unhealthy eating
habits, she referred me to a nutritionist I have to admit I was a little sceptical; I could accept that mv acne and weight
gain might result from the foods I ate, but the moods, headaches, colds - surely diet couldn't cause these too?

Nonetheless, I made the appointment and soon found I had underestimated the importance of diet. I was told that the
food I ate was high in fat but low in goodness. The lack of fruit, vegetables, and other food groups in my diet wasn’t
balancing this out and my body was struggling to keep up with the demands I was putting on it. She explained that if I
continued to eat so unhealthily, I would be at risk of obesity I and diabetes. Apparently, obesity was now an epidemic in
America, and England was following suit. Fast food seemed to be a serious health hazard.
Some simple blood tests revealed that I had an iron deficiency, so to combat this and my generally rundown system, the
nutritionist made me a personalised plan of nutritious meals to prepare and listed the vitamins I needed to supplement my
diet with. She was very stem when giving me the advice. She told me not to expect it to be easy, since it is now believed
that the body becomes addicted to a iunk food diet I'd never heard this claim before and was completely taken aback 6
There was a lot to do to get back on track.
After four weeks, I could really see a difference. The headaches and colds had completely disappeared and the acne and
weight gain were well on the way to being rectified. A few relieved friends were also pleased to have their happy flat
mate back! It took time to learn about food and prepare decent meals. But it soon became a habitfi just like my unhealthy
lifestyle had. My energy levels were really high and maintaining my grades was no longer a massive struggle. I'm not

saying that everyone should abstain from fast food completely, but we should all be health conscious. Once you
experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you won't want to see another hamburger again!
Question 38: Why wasn’t the writer enthusiasttic about seeing a list?
A. He didn’t agree that diet could cause many of his symptoms.
B. He felt the doctor made her decision too quickly.
C. Becausehis friends had forced him into it.
D. He was doubtful that they could be of help.
Question 39: The writer found the new eating plan to be....
A. a little difficult but worth the effort
B. good at first, but he developed bad habits.
C. a success, something that everyone should do.
D. good, it quickly got rid of all his synptoms
Question 40: As time progressed, what began to concern the writer?
A. Other people were aware of his unhealthy diet.

B. He was the only person who was struggling.
C. He wasn’t sure he could succeed at university.
D. He was getting ill on a frequent
Question 41: On visiting the nutritionist, what did the writer find surprising?
A. The nutritionist’s stern manner.
B. That fast food can be addictive.
C. The amount of effort it would take to get better.
D. That his his body wasn’t getting enough iron.
Question 42: What does the writer mean when he says he was not ‘health conscious’? (line 1)
A. he did not worry much about the food he consumed
B. it was normal for people his age to eat fast food
C. he ate lots of unhealthy foods
D. he didn’t understand that some foods were unhealthy
Question 43: Why does the writer call fast food a ‘health hazard’? (line 22)
A. A poor diet can result in ill health.
B. Fast food has a high fat content.
C. The food he ate was not nutritious.
D. Obesity is a serious problem in America.
Question 44: Why did the writer start to eat fast food meals at university?
A. because they tasted better than his own cooking
B. because the restaurant was close to his flat
C. because he didn't want to cook in the flat
D. because it was easy and convenient
Question 45: How does the writer’s attitude towards diet develop over the course of the article?
A. He has become totally against eating fast food.
B. He thinks it is too hard to maintain a balanced diet.
C. He pays attention to the food he eats.
D. He believes healthy eating is too time-consuming.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.

Question 46: Would you object to me closing the door?
A. Is it a problem if I close the door?
B. Does my closing the door affect you?
C. Would you mind if I closed the door?
D. Will you show me how to close the door?
Question 47: Did you mean to push him or did it happen by accident?
A. Did you push him on purpose or was it an accident?
B. Was it meant by you to push him accidently or not?
C. I wonder if your pushing him was an accident.
D. Was it an accident when you pushed him?
Question 48: On finding the lost boy, he phoned the police.
A. Hardly was the lost boy found than he phoned the police.
B. No sooner had he phoned the police than he found the lost boy.
C. As soon as he found the lost boy, he phoned the police.
D. Scarcely he found the lost boy did he phone the police.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Our son wanted to marry his teacher. My wife discouraged him.
A. Dad discouraged my son from marrying his teacher.
B. Our son was not allowed to get married to his teacher.
C. My wife encouraged our son not to marry his teacher.
D. My wife denied our son marrying his teacher.
Question 50: I wouldn't bother to wash the car today. It’s going to rain.
A. I’m going to wash the car in the rain, which is a bother.
B. It’s not a bother for me to wash my car in the rain today.
C. Although it’s raining, I don’t care about washing the car.
D. It is not worth washing the today because it’s going to rain.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. secure
B. allure
C. culture
D. impure
Question 2:A. tower
B. shower
C. lower
D. flower
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3:A. enthusiastic B. emotional
C. indifferent
D. psychology
Question 4:A. attractive
B. punctuality
C. appearance
D. responsible
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5: John devoted his......life to saving endangered species.

A. complete
B. entire
C. total
D. full
Question 6: The college is organising a reunion for its......students.
A. old
B. former
C. primary
D. previous
Question 7: The islanders are......serious problems such as drought and employment.
A. facing
B. opposing
C. meeting
D. dealing
Question 8: The town is counting the......of last week's festival.
A. expense
B. cost
C. charge
D. fees
Question 9: Everyone at the table was a vegetarian......me.
A. except for
B. instead of
C. contrary to
D. rather than
Question 10: Suddenly, a (n)......of anger appeared on Harry’s face.
A. look
B. appearance
C. aspect
D. gaze
Question 11: The drought is having a terrible......on the crops because the land is so dry.

A. outcome
B. effect
C. consequence
D. result
Question 12: What first......me about the village was the simplicity of the houses.
A. beat
B. smacked
C. knocked
D. struck
Question 13: According to Rob’s....., he would pay less tax this year than last.
A. calculations
B. counting
C. figures
D. computations
Question 14: Charlotte......in paediatrics while she was doing her medical training.
A. specialised
B. focused
C. dedicated
D. concentrated
Question 15: The bank robbers......in court that they had committed the crime.
A. offered
B. accepted
C. admitted
D. proposed
Question 16: My best friend always......for me, I can always rely on his support.
A. stands away
B. stands in
C. stands up
D. stood out
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the

underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 17: It would be a neat solution to the problem.
A. only one
B. unique
C. clever and simple
D. oustanding
Question 18: We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.
A. tried very hard
B. were unable to
C. fought each other
D. to one's end
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: John's uncle came up trumps, finding us a place to stay at the last minute.
A. was the winner
B. had a good chance
C. got unexpected success
D. met his Waterloo
Question 20: After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief.
A. amusement
B. scare
C. joy
D. anxiety
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
I was struggling to get by. I had just moved to Gloucester from London and had taken the first job that I was offered as
a cashier in a local supermarket. I was barely earning enough to do my weekly shopping and I yearned for the money I
used to make back in London. As I couldn't afford my own place. I had settled for my best friend's sofa, but the hard
cushions and backaches had made me realise that, above all else, I craved my old flat - my little sanctuary! I soon began
to wonder if moving had been the right decision. That’s when I heard a radio advert that changed my life...

“Looking for your own place but dreading the cost? Worry no more! You could live free for a year in the
‘EnviroHouse', one of Britain's first environmentally friendly homes.
We’re looking for a resident to live rent-free! For more details, visit www…." My friend had heard about this
‘carbonneutrar house and he thought that it would be very difficult to stick to an energy conserving routine. I should have

considered this, or at least have been concerned about how many ‘guests’ would actually pass through. But, as I sat on
the painfully uncomfortable sofa, the only thing in my head were the words... Live free, live free.'
I visited the website and entered the competition to become an ‘eco-housemate’. I was one of three lucky finalists who
had to battle it out for a place in the house live on local television. We had to cook a meal for five judges using a solar
cooker and only organic vegetables and then face questions from the studio audience. The judges weren't impressed with
my cooking and I thought I had lost. But, as I looked at my friends in the studio audience they all gave me smiles and the
‘thumbs up' and it was just the confidence boost I needed. Thankfully, I made the audience laugh, they liked me and I
was voted into the house.
The other finalists were keen environmentalists with a passion for the issue, unlike me. I had never really given it much
attention to be honest, as it was insignificant to me. I joked with the audience that the only way I was going to learn was
if they sent me to the house! They agreed. As I moved into the house and tried to prepare for a drastic change in lifestyle,
I suddenly became nervous and asked myself if I had thought this through properly.
As I walked through the front door. I had worrying visions of living in a futuristic house, full of high-tech gadgets. I
certainly wouldn’t have been surprised to see a number I complex-looking machines. However, I was shocked to the
house was completely normal. In fact, it looked just I any other house. This eased my mind a bit, as I rarely modem
technology easy to understand, I prefer the simple life.
The heating system, water supply and electricity all worke in exactly the same way as they would in any other house in
the UK. The only difference was that the house us renewable sources of energy. At first I thought the house would
definitely need some fossil fuels, like coal and gas but instead, solar panels and small wind turbines (which could be a
little noisy at times!) were used to provide hot water and electricity. The house didn't burn wood or oil either because
smoke pollutes the atmosphere.
My experiences in the house made me look at the way I had lived my life in the past and how I should live it in the
future. For example, it’s neither difficult nor time-consuming to recycle, as long as you make it part of your daily
routine. I also changed my perspective on which energy sources use. I used to think solar panels were too expensive, but

now I realise that although the initial cost is high, they actual save a lot of money over time. I’ve recognised that
spending a few extra pounds is preferable to losing our beautiful planet. It's very simple to make those all-important
changes we just need the motivation to make them.
Question 21: What is the main reason the writer gives for missing London?
A. Not having his own home.
B. Living the inner-city lifestyle.
C. Earning a higher salary.
D. Sharing a flat with his best friend.
Question 22: Which sources of energy did the house use?
A. Wood and oil only.
B. Renewable sources of energy only.
C. Some fossil fuels plus solar and wind.
D. Coal and gas only.
Question 23: In line 30, the writer says ‘they’. Who is he referring to?
A. The finalists.
B. The audience.
C. The judges.
D. His friends.
Question 24: As the write rentered the house, he was surprised that....
A. the technology was easy to understand.
B. the house had lots of complex machinery.
C. the house looked the same as other houses.
D. the house looked futuristic.
Question 25: What had the writer previously thought about the environment?
A. He considered it unimportant.
B. He always joked about it.
C. He had always been passionate about the issue.
D. It made him nervous.
Question 26: What did the writer think afte r hearing radio advertisement?
A. He wouldn’t be very good at energy conservation.

B. That he hated having to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa.
C. He was worried about how many people would visit the ‘Enviro-House’.
D. That he could have his own home without having to pay.
Question 27: What is the writer’s opinion of recycling?
A. It takes a lot of time out of his daily routine.
B. It doesn’t take a long time if done daily.
C. It is difficult to make it part of his daily routine.
D. It is expensive to do.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 28: It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons of
A. It is said
B. to
C. badly
D. very
Question 29: In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football.
A. twelfth century
B. as early as
C. In England
D. enjoyed to play
Question 30: Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were introduced
in 1950.
A. in
B. since
C. has grown C] rapid
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following

Question 31: ~ A: "............." ~ B: "Sorry, boys. Nadia and I are going shopping."
A. What can I help you, boys?
B. Shall I fetch you something to eat?
C. Have you taken tickets for us, Tom?
D. Do you want to come with us to the contest?
Question 32: ~ A: "Hey, look at that guy over there with the guitar. He's very good-looking!"
~ B: "............."
A. He’s on shortlist, I think.
B. He must be jailed.
C. He’s wearing a false beard.
D. You’re telling me.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 33: Did you mean to push him or did it happen by accident?
A. Was it meant by you to push him accidently or not?
B. Was it an accident when you pushed him?
C. Did you push him on purpose or was it an accident?
D. I wonder if your pushing him was an accident.
Question 34: Would you object to me closing the door?
A. Will you show me how to close the door?
B. Is it a problem if I close the door?
C. Does my closing the door affect you?
D. Would you mind if I closed the door?
Question 35: On finding the lost boy, he phoned the police.
A. No sooner had he phoned the police than he found the lost boy.
B. As soon as he found the lost boy, he phoned the police.
C. Hardly was the lost boy found than he phoned the police.
D. Scarcely he found the lost boy did he phone the police.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.

As a growing boy, I don't think anyone would have called me health-conscious. I was typical of my peer group - the
odd fizzy drink, trips to meet friends at the local fast food restaurant. However. I was lucky to have a mother who made
sure I ate well. She enjoyed cooking and all our meals were varied and delicious!
At the age of eighteen, I moved to a university far from home and suddenly had to look after myself. I really missed
my mum’s home-cooked meals. She had sent me away armed with recipes, but I never wanted to cook when I got back
to the flat, after a hard day of lectures. For this reason, it wasn’t long before my friends and I discovered our local
hamburger bar, just two roads from our home. It was so easy to get our dinner there and, compared to our few attempts in
the kitchen, the food tasted qreat. Visiting on the way back from classes became a regular habit.
After a couple of months, I started to notice some changes in myself; I was getting acne and my clothes were getting
tight and uncomfortable. I was also very lethargic and friends complained that I would get irritable, often for no good
At first, I didn't pay too much attention to it all, I wasn't surprised that the stress of university was taking its toll.
However, over the weeks that followed, I was getting colds and headaches on a regular basis. My health seemed to be
deteriorating, but everyone else appeared to be coping. I started to question if I was cut out for university I decided to
listen to friends’ suggestions to visit a doctor. I went along and, after a five-minute discussion of my unhealthy eating
habits, she referred me to a nutritionist I have to admit I was a little sceptical; I could accept that mv acne and weight
gain might result from the foods I ate, but the moods, headaches, colds - surely diet couldn't cause these too?
Nonetheless, I made the appointment and soon found I had underestimated the importance of diet. I was told that the
food I ate was high in fat but low in goodness. The lack of fruit, vegetables, and other food groups in my diet wasn’t
balancing this out and my body was struggling to keep up with the demands I was putting on it. She explained that if I
continued to eat so unhealthily, I would be at risk of obesity I and diabetes. Apparently, obesity was now an epidemic in
America, and England was following suit. Fast food seemed to be a serious health hazard.
Some simple blood tests revealed that I had an iron deficiency, so to combat this and my generally rundown system, the
nutritionist made me a personalised plan of nutritious meals to prepare and listed the vitamins I needed to supplement my
diet with. She was very stem when giving me the advice. She told me not to expect it to be easy, since it is now believed
that the body becomes addicted to a iunk food diet I'd never heard this claim before and was completely taken aback 6
There was a lot to do to get back on track.
After four weeks, I could really see a difference. The headaches and colds had completely disappeared and the acne and
weight gain were well on the way to being rectified. A few relieved friends were also pleased to have their happy flat
mate back! It took time to learn about food and prepare decent meals. But it soon became a habitfi just like my unhealthy

lifestyle had. My energy levels were really high and maintaining my grades was no longer a massive struggle. I'm not
saying that everyone should abstain from fast food completely, but we should all be health conscious. Once you
experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you won't want to see another hamburger again!
Question 36: What does the writer mean when he says he was not ‘health conscious’? (line 1)
A. he did not worry much about the food he consumed
B. it was normal for people his age to eat fast food
C. he didn’t understand that some foods were unhealthy

D. he ate lots of unhealthy foods
Question 37: Why does the writer call fast food a ‘health hazard’? (line 22)
A. Fast food has a high fat content.
B. A poor diet can result in ill health.
C. Obesity is a serious problem in America.
D. The food he ate was not nutritious.
Question 38: Why wasn’t the writer enthusiasttic about seeing a list?
A. He felt the doctor made her decision too quickly.
B. Becausehis friends had forced him into it.
C. He was doubtful that they could be of help.
D. He didn’t agree that diet could cause many of his symptoms.
Question 39: On visiting the nutritionist, what did the writer find surprising?
A. That fast food can be addictive.
B. The nutritionist’s stern manner.
C. The amount of effort it would take to get better.
D. That his his body wasn’t getting enough iron.
Question 40: The writer found the new eating plan to be....
A. good at first, but he developed bad habits.
B. a little difficult but worth the effort
C. a success, something that everyone should do.
D. good, it quickly got rid of all his synptoms

Question 41: Why did the writer start to eat fast food meals at university?
A. because the restaurant was close to his flat
B. because he didn't want to cook in the flat
C. because it was easy and convenient
D. because they tasted better than his own cooking
Question 42: As time progressed, what began to concern the writer?
A. Other people were aware of his unhealthy diet.
B. He was getting ill on a frequent
C. He wasn’t sure he could succeed at university.
D. He was the only person who was struggling.
Question 43: How does the writer’s attitude towards diet develop over the course of the article?
A. He believes healthy eating is too time-consuming.
B. He pays attention to the food he eats.
C. He has become totally against eating fast food.
D. He thinks it is too hard to maintain a balanced diet.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Food additives are nothing new. Salt, sugar and vinegar have been added to food for centuries to preserve them and add
flavour. For the past thirty years, however, there has been an explosion in the use of artificial additives. Experts estimate
that the average person consumes over 6 kilograms a year of these manufactured chemical compounds.
Considerable controversy has (1)......this move towards an increasingly chemical diet. The food industry claims that
strict testing is in place and only safe additives find their way into our food. In Europe, (2)......additives are given an ‘Enumber’ to show that they are considered safe and to indicate their function.
Although manufacturers are quick to point out that additives stop food (3)......and so prevent dangerous food poisoning,
in fact, substances used for this purpose account for less than 1% of all additives used. Most are added to alter the food’s
colour or flavour. Moreover, the testing of chemicals is generally (4)......on animals, and suspicions remain that humans
react to them differently. Additives have been linked to conditions including hyperactivity, migraines and allergies.
By law, a list of the additives that have gone into a food must be printed on the packaging together with the other
(7)...... . But just how useful is it to know that a product contains, among others, the additive E280?
Question 44:A. joined

B. enclosed
C. chased
D. surrounded
Question 45:A. granted
B. passed
C. approved
D. conceded
Question 46:A. wearing out B. running down
C. passing away
D. going off
Question 47:A. carried out B. looked for
C. taken off
D. brought about
Question 48:A. items
B. elements
C. ingredients
D. components
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Our son wanted to marry his teacher. My wife discouraged him.
A. My wife denied our son marrying his teacher.
B. Dad discouraged my son from marrying his teacher.
C. Our son was not allowed to get married to his teacher.
D. My wife encouraged our son not to marry his teacher.
Question 50: I wouldn't bother to wash the car today. It’s going to rain.
A. It is not worth washing the today because it’s going to rain.
B. Although it’s raining, I don’t care about washing the car.
C. I’m going to wash the car in the rain, which is a bother.
D. It’s not a bother for me to wash my car in the rain today.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. secure
B. impure
C. allure
D. culture
Question 2:A. lower
B. shower
C. flower
D. tower
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 3: ~ A: "............." ~ B: "Sorry, boys. Nadia and I are going shopping."
A. Shall I fetch you something to eat?
B. Do you want to come with us to the contest?
C. What can I help you, boys?
D. Have you taken tickets for us, Tom?
Question 4: ~ A: "Hey, look at that guy over there with the guitar. He's very good-looking!"
~ B: "............."
A. You’re telling me.

B. He’s wearing a false beard.
C. He’s on shortlist, I think.
D. He must be jailed.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 5: Charlotte......in paediatrics while she was doing her medical training.
A. dedicated
B. focused
C. specialised
D. concentrated
Question 6: Suddenly, a (n)......of anger appeared on Harry’s face.
A. gaze
B. look
C. aspect
D. appearance
Question 7: What first......me about the village was the simplicity of the houses.
A. smacked
B. beat
C. knocked
D. struck
Question 8: The college is organising a reunion for its......students.
A. previous
B. former
C. primary
D. old
Question 9: The town is counting the......of last week's festival.
A. expense
B. charge
C. fees
D. cost

Question 10: John devoted his......life to saving endangered species.
A. total
B. full
C. entire
D. complete
Question 11: The bank robbers......in court that they had committed the crime.
A. admitted
B. offered
C. accepted
D. proposed
Question 12: Everyone at the table was a vegetarian......me.
A. contrary to
B. rather than
C. instead of
D. except for
Question 13: The drought is having a terrible......on the crops because the land is so dry.
A. result
B. outcome
C. consequence
D. effect
Question 14: My best friend always......for me, I can always rely on his support.
A. stands in
B. stood out
C. stands away
D. stands up
Question 15: The islanders are......serious problems such as drought and employment.
A. opposing
B. meeting
C. dealing
D. facing

Question 16: According to Rob’s....., he would pay less tax this year than last.
A. counting
B. computations
C. calculations
D. figures
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 17: It would be a neat solution to the problem.
A. only one
B. oustanding
C. clever and simple
D. unique
Question 18: We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.
A. to one's end
B. fought each other
C. were unable to
D. tried very hard
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 19: John's uncle came up trumps, finding us a place to stay at the last minute.
A. was the winner
B. met his Waterloo
C. had a good chance
Question 20: After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief.
A. joy
B. scare

C. amusement
D. anxiety
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
I was struggling to get by. I had just moved to Gloucester from London and had taken the first job that I was offered as
a cashier in a local supermarket. I was barely earning enough to do my weekly shopping and I yearned for the money I
used to make back in London. As I couldn't afford my own place. I had settled for my best friend's sofa, but the hard

cushions and backaches had made me realise that, above all else, I craved my old flat - my little sanctuary! I soon began
to wonder if moving had been the right decision. That’s when I heard a radio advert that changed my life...
“Looking for your own place but dreading the cost? Worry no more! You could live free for a year in the
‘EnviroHouse', one of Britain's first environmentally friendly homes.
We’re looking for a resident to live rent-free! For more details, visit www…." My friend had heard about this
‘carbonneutrar house and he thought that it would be very difficult to stick to an energy conserving routine. I should have
considered this, or at least have been concerned about how many ‘guests’ would actually pass through. But, as I sat on
the painfully uncomfortable sofa, the only thing in my head were the words... Live free, live free.'
I visited the website and entered the competition to become an ‘eco-housemate’. I was one of three lucky finalists who
had to battle it out for a place in the house live on local television. We had to cook a meal for five judges using a solar
cooker and only organic vegetables and then face questions from the studio audience. The judges weren't impressed with
my cooking and I thought I had lost. But, as I looked at my friends in the studio audience they all gave me smiles and the
‘thumbs up' and it was just the confidence boost I needed. Thankfully, I made the audience laugh, they liked me and I
was voted into the house.
The other finalists were keen environmentalists with a passion for the issue, unlike me. I had never really given it much
attention to be honest, as it was insignificant to me. I joked with the audience that the only way I was going to learn was
if they sent me to the house! They agreed. As I moved into the house and tried to prepare for a drastic change in lifestyle,
I suddenly became nervous and asked myself if I had thought this through properly.
As I walked through the front door. I had worrying visions of living in a futuristic house, full of high-tech gadgets. I
certainly wouldn’t have been surprised to see a number I complex-looking machines. However, I was shocked to the
house was completely normal. In fact, it looked just I any other house. This eased my mind a bit, as I rarely modem

technology easy to understand, I prefer the simple life.
The heating system, water supply and electricity all worke in exactly the same way as they would in any other house in
the UK. The only difference was that the house us renewable sources of energy. At first I thought the house would
definitely need some fossil fuels, like coal and gas but instead, solar panels and small wind turbines (which could be a
little noisy at times!) were used to provide hot water and electricity. The house didn't burn wood or oil either because
smoke pollutes the atmosphere.
My experiences in the house made me look at the way I had lived my life in the past and how I should live it in the
future. For example, it’s neither difficult nor time-consuming to recycle, as long as you make it part of your daily
routine. I also changed my perspective on which energy sources use. I used to think solar panels were too expensive, but
now I realise that although the initial cost is high, they actual save a lot of money over time. I’ve recognised that
spending a few extra pounds is preferable to losing our beautiful planet. It's very simple to make those all-important
changes we just need the motivation to make them.
Question 21: What did the writer think afte r hearing radio advertisement?
A. He was worried about how many people would visit the ‘Enviro-House’.
B. That he hated having to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa.
C. That he could have his own home without having to pay.
D. He wouldn’t be very good at energy conservation.
Question 22: In line 30, the writer says ‘they’. Who is he referring to?
A. The judges.
B. His friends.
C. The finalists.
D. The audience.
Question 23: What is the writer’s opinion of recycling?
A. It takes a lot of time out of his daily routine.
B. It is difficult to make it part of his daily routine.
C. It is expensive to do.
D. It doesn’t take a long time if done daily.
Question 24: What is the main reason the writer gives for missing London?
A. Not having his own home.
B. Living the inner-city lifestyle.

C. Earning a higher salary.
D. Sharing a flat with his best friend.
Question 25: As the write rentered the house, he was surprised that....
A. the house looked futuristic.
B. the house looked the same as other houses.
C. the technology was easy to understand.
D. the house had lots of complex machinery.
Question 26: Which sources of energy did the house use?
A. Renewable sources of energy only.
B. Wood and oil only.
C. Coal and gas only.
D. Some fossil fuels plus solar and wind.
Question 27: What had the writer previously thought about the environment?
A. It made him nervous.
B. He had always been passionate about the issue.
C. He considered it unimportant.
D. He always joked about it.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Food additives are nothing new. Salt, sugar and vinegar have been added to food for centuries to preserve them and add
flavour. For the past thirty years, however, there has been an explosion in the use of artificial additives. Experts estimate
that the average person consumes over 6 kilograms a year of these manufactured chemical compounds.

Considerable controversy has (1)......this move towards an increasingly chemical diet. The food industry claims that
strict testing is in place and only safe additives find their way into our food. In Europe, (2)......additives are given an ‘Enumber’ to show that they are considered safe and to indicate their function.
Although manufacturers are quick to point out that additives stop food (3)......and so prevent dangerous food poisoning,
in fact, substances used for this purpose account for less than 1% of all additives used. Most are added to alter the food’s
colour or flavour. Moreover, the testing of chemicals is generally (4)......on animals, and suspicions remain that humans

react to them differently. Additives have been linked to conditions including hyperactivity, migraines and allergies.
By law, a list of the additives that have gone into a food must be printed on the packaging together with the other
(7)...... . But just how useful is it to know that a product contains, among others, the additive E280?
Question 28:A. approved
B. conceded
C. passed
D. granted
Question 29:A. wearing out B. going off
C. passing away
D. running down
Question 30:A. items
B. components
C. elements
D. ingredients
Question 31:A. looked for B. carried out
C. taken off
D. brought about
Question 32:A. enclosed B. surrounded
C. joined
D. chased
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 33:A. psychology B. indifferent
C. emotional
D. enthusiastic
Question 34:A. appearance B. attractive
C. punctuality
D. responsible
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.

As a growing boy, I don't think anyone would have called me health-conscious. I was typical of my peer group - the
odd fizzy drink, trips to meet friends at the local fast food restaurant. However. I was lucky to have a mother who made
sure I ate well. She enjoyed cooking and all our meals were varied and delicious!
At the age of eighteen, I moved to a university far from home and suddenly had to look after myself. I really missed
my mum’s home-cooked meals. She had sent me away armed with recipes, but I never wanted to cook when I got back
to the flat, after a hard day of lectures. For this reason, it wasn’t long before my friends and I discovered our local
hamburger bar, just two roads from our home. It was so easy to get our dinner there and, compared to our few attempts in
the kitchen, the food tasted qreat. Visiting on the way back from classes became a regular habit.
After a couple of months, I started to notice some changes in myself; I was getting acne and my clothes were getting
tight and uncomfortable. I was also very lethargic and friends complained that I would get irritable, often for no good
At first, I didn't pay too much attention to it all, I wasn't surprised that the stress of university was taking its toll.
However, over the weeks that followed, I was getting colds and headaches on a regular basis. My health seemed to be
deteriorating, but everyone else appeared to be coping. I started to question if I was cut out for university I decided to
listen to friends’ suggestions to visit a doctor. I went along and, after a five-minute discussion of my unhealthy eating
habits, she referred me to a nutritionist I have to admit I was a little sceptical; I could accept that mv acne and weight
gain might result from the foods I ate, but the moods, headaches, colds - surely diet couldn't cause these too?
Nonetheless, I made the appointment and soon found I had underestimated the importance of diet. I was told that the
food I ate was high in fat but low in goodness. The lack of fruit, vegetables, and other food groups in my diet wasn’t
balancing this out and my body was struggling to keep up with the demands I was putting on it. She explained that if I
continued to eat so unhealthily, I would be at risk of obesity I and diabetes. Apparently, obesity was now an epidemic in
America, and England was following suit. Fast food seemed to be a serious health hazard.
Some simple blood tests revealed that I had an iron deficiency, so to combat this and my generally rundown system, the
nutritionist made me a personalised plan of nutritious meals to prepare and listed the vitamins I needed to supplement my
diet with. She was very stem when giving me the advice. She told me not to expect it to be easy, since it is now believed
that the body becomes addicted to a iunk food diet I'd never heard this claim before and was completely taken aback 6
There was a lot to do to get back on track.
After four weeks, I could really see a difference. The headaches and colds had completely disappeared and the acne and
weight gain were well on the way to being rectified. A few relieved friends were also pleased to have their happy flat
mate back! It took time to learn about food and prepare decent meals. But it soon became a habitfi just like my unhealthy

lifestyle had. My energy levels were really high and maintaining my grades was no longer a massive struggle. I'm not
saying that everyone should abstain from fast food completely, but we should all be health conscious. Once you
experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you won't want to see another hamburger again!
Question 35: Why did the writer start to eat fast food meals at university?
A. because it was easy and convenient
B. because they tasted better than his own cooking
C. because he didn't want to cook in the flat
D. because the restaurant was close to his flat
Question 36: What does the writer mean when he says he was not ‘health conscious’? (line 1)
A. it was normal for people his age to eat fast food
B. he ate lots of unhealthy foods
C. he did not worry much about the food he consumed
D. he didn’t understand that some foods were unhealthy
Question 37: Why does the writer call fast food a ‘health hazard’? (line 22)
A. Fast food has a high fat content.
B. A poor diet can result in ill health.

C. Obesity is a serious problem in America.
D. The food he ate was not nutritious.
Question 38: The writer found the new eating plan to be....
A. a success, something that everyone should do.
B. good at first, but he developed bad habits.
C. a little difficult but worth the effort
D. good, it quickly got rid of all his synptoms
Question 39: How does the writer’s attitude towards diet develop over the course of the article?
A. He thinks it is too hard to maintain a balanced diet.
B. He pays attention to the food he eats.
C. He believes healthy eating is too time-consuming.
D. He has become totally against eating fast food.

Question 40: On visiting the nutritionist, what did the writer find surprising?
A. The nutritionist’s stern manner.
B. The amount of effort it would take to get better.
C. That fast food can be addictive.
D. That his his body wasn’t getting enough iron.
Question 41: As time progressed, what began to concern the writer?
A. Other people were aware of his unhealthy diet.
B. He was getting ill on a frequent
C. He was the only person who was struggling.
D. He wasn’t sure he could succeed at university.
Question 42: Why wasn’t the writer enthusiasttic about seeing a list?
A. He didn’t agree that diet could cause many of his symptoms.
B. He felt the doctor made her decision too quickly.
C. He was doubtful that they could be of help.
D. Becausehis friends had forced him into it.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 43: Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were introduced
in 1950.
A. since
B. in
C. has grown C] rapid
Question 44: In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football.
A. twelfth century
B. enjoyed to play
C. as early as
D. In England
Question 45: It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons of
A. It is said

B. badly
C. to
D. very
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 46: Our son wanted to marry his teacher. My wife discouraged him.
A. Our son was not allowed to get married to his teacher.
B. My wife denied our son marrying his teacher.
C. Dad discouraged my son from marrying his teacher.
D. My wife encouraged our son not to marry his teacher.
Question 47: I wouldn't bother to wash the car today. It’s going to rain.
A. It is not worth washing the today because it’s going to rain.
B. I’m going to wash the car in the rain, which is a bother.
C. It’s not a bother for me to wash my car in the rain today.
D. Although it’s raining, I don’t care about washing the car.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 48: Would you object to me closing the door?
A. Will you show me how to close the door?
B. Does my closing the door affect you?
C. Is it a problem if I close the door?
D. Would you mind if I closed the door?
Question 49: Did you mean to push him or did it happen by accident?
A. Was it meant by you to push him accidently or not?
B. Did you push him on purpose or was it an accident?
C. Was it an accident when you pushed him?
D. I wonder if your pushing him was an accident.
Question 50: On finding the lost boy, he phoned the police.
A. As soon as he found the lost boy, he phoned the police.
B. No sooner had he phoned the police than he found the lost boy.

C. Scarcely he found the lost boy did he phone the police.
D. Hardly was the lost boy found than he phoned the police.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Food additives are nothing new. Salt, sugar and vinegar have been added to food for centuries to preserve them and add
flavour. For the past thirty years, however, there has been an explosion in the use of artificial additives. Experts estimate
that the average person consumes over 6 kilograms a year of these manufactured chemical compounds.
Considerable controversy has (1)......this move towards an increasingly chemical diet. The food industry claims that
strict testing is in place and only safe additives find their way into our food. In Europe, (2)......additives are given an ‘Enumber’ to show that they are considered safe and to indicate their function.
Although manufacturers are quick to point out that additives stop food (3)......and so prevent dangerous food poisoning,
in fact, substances used for this purpose account for less than 1% of all additives used. Most are added to alter the food’s
colour or flavour. Moreover, the testing of chemicals is generally (4)......on animals, and suspicions remain that humans
react to them differently. Additives have been linked to conditions including hyperactivity, migraines and allergies.
By law, a list of the additives that have gone into a food must be printed on the packaging together with the other
(7)...... . But just how useful is it to know that a product contains, among others, the additive E280?
Question 1:A. joined
B. surrounded
C. enclosed

D. chased
Question 2:A. elements
B. components
C. items
D. ingredients
Question 3:A. passing away B. going off
C. running down
D. wearing out
Question 4:A. approved
B. conceded
C. passed
D. granted
Question 5:A. carried out B. taken off
C. brought about
D. looked for
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 6:A. responsible B. attractive
C. punctuality
D. appearance
Question 7:A. enthusiastic B. emotional
C. indifferent
D. psychology
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 8: ~ A: "Hey, look at that guy over there with the guitar. He's very good-looking!"
~ B: "............."
A. You’re telling me.
B. He’s on shortlist, I think.
C. He’s wearing a false beard.

D. He must be jailed.
Question 9: ~ A: "............." ~ B: "Sorry, boys. Nadia and I are going shopping."
A. Do you want to come with us to the contest?
B. Have you taken tickets for us, Tom?
C. What can I help you, boys?
D. Shall I fetch you something to eat?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 10: We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.
A. to one's end
B. fought each other
C. tried very hard
D. were unable to
Question 11: It would be a neat solution to the problem.
A. clever and simple
B. oustanding
C. unique
D. only one
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of
sentences in the following questions.
Question 12: Our son wanted to marry his teacher. My wife discouraged him.
A. My wife denied our son marrying his teacher.
B. Dad discouraged my son from marrying his teacher.
C. Our son was not allowed to get married to his teacher.
D. My wife encouraged our son not to marry his teacher.
Question 13: I wouldn't bother to wash the car today. It’s going to rain.
A. I’m going to wash the car in the rain, which is a bother.
B. It is not worth washing the today because it’s going to rain.
C. It’s not a bother for me to wash my car in the rain today.
D. Although it’s raining, I don’t care about washing the car.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 14: Charlotte......in paediatrics while she was doing her medical training.
A. concentrated
B. dedicated
C. focused
D. specialised
Question 15: The drought is having a terrible......on the crops because the land is so dry.
A. result
B. consequence
C. outcome
D. effect

Question 16: According to Rob’s....., he would pay less tax this year than last.
A. calculations
B. counting
C. computations
D. figures
Question 17: The bank robbers......in court that they had committed the crime.
A. offered
B. accepted
C. admitted
D. proposed
Question 18: What first......me about the village was the simplicity of the houses.
A. beat
B. struck
C. smacked
D. knocked
Question 19: The town is counting the......of last week's festival.

A. fees
B. charge
C. cost
D. expense
Question 20: Everyone at the table was a vegetarian......me.
A. except for
B. contrary to
C. rather than
D. instead of
Question 21: Suddenly, a (n)......of anger appeared on Harry’s face.
A. look
B. appearance
C. gaze
D. aspect
Question 22: The college is organising a reunion for its......students.
A. previous
B. primary
C. old
D. former
Question 23: John devoted his......life to saving endangered species.
A. entire
B. full
C. complete
D. total
Question 24: My best friend always......for me, I can always rely on his support.
A. stands up
B. stood out
C. stands away
D. stands in
Question 25: The islanders are......serious problems such as drought and employment.

A. meeting
B. facing
C. opposing
D. dealing
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 26:A. flower
B. tower
C. shower
D. lower
Question 27:A. impure
B. allure
C. culture
D. secure
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions.
I was struggling to get by. I had just moved to Gloucester from London and had taken the first job that I was offered as
a cashier in a local supermarket. I was barely earning enough to do my weekly shopping and I yearned for the money I
used to make back in London. As I couldn't afford my own place. I had settled for my best friend's sofa, but the hard
cushions and backaches had made me realise that, above all else, I craved my old flat - my little sanctuary! I soon began
to wonder if moving had been the right decision. That’s when I heard a radio advert that changed my life...
“Looking for your own place but dreading the cost? Worry no more! You could live free for a year in the
‘EnviroHouse', one of Britain's first environmentally friendly homes.
We’re looking for a resident to live rent-free! For more details, visit www…." My friend had heard about this
‘carbonneutrar house and he thought that it would be very difficult to stick to an energy conserving routine. I should have
considered this, or at least have been concerned about how many ‘guests’ would actually pass through. But, as I sat on
the painfully uncomfortable sofa, the only thing in my head were the words... Live free, live free.'
I visited the website and entered the competition to become an ‘eco-housemate’. I was one of three lucky finalists who
had to battle it out for a place in the house live on local television. We had to cook a meal for five judges using a solar
cooker and only organic vegetables and then face questions from the studio audience. The judges weren't impressed with

my cooking and I thought I had lost. But, as I looked at my friends in the studio audience they all gave me smiles and the
‘thumbs up' and it was just the confidence boost I needed. Thankfully, I made the audience laugh, they liked me and I
was voted into the house.
The other finalists were keen environmentalists with a passion for the issue, unlike me. I had never really given it much
attention to be honest, as it was insignificant to me. I joked with the audience that the only way I was going to learn was
if they sent me to the house! They agreed. As I moved into the house and tried to prepare for a drastic change in lifestyle,
I suddenly became nervous and asked myself if I had thought this through properly.
As I walked through the front door. I had worrying visions of living in a futuristic house, full of high-tech gadgets. I
certainly wouldn’t have been surprised to see a number I complex-looking machines. However, I was shocked to the
house was completely normal. In fact, it looked just I any other house. This eased my mind a bit, as I rarely modem
technology easy to understand, I prefer the simple life.
The heating system, water supply and electricity all worke in exactly the same way as they would in any other house in
the UK. The only difference was that the house us renewable sources of energy. At first I thought the house would
definitely need some fossil fuels, like coal and gas but instead, solar panels and small wind turbines (which could be a
little noisy at times!) were used to provide hot water and electricity. The house didn't burn wood or oil either because
smoke pollutes the atmosphere.
My experiences in the house made me look at the way I had lived my life in the past and how I should live it in the
future. For example, it’s neither difficult nor time-consuming to recycle, as long as you make it part of your daily
routine. I also changed my perspective on which energy sources use. I used to think solar panels were too expensive, but
now I realise that although the initial cost is high, they actual save a lot of money over time. I’ve recognised that

spending a few extra pounds is preferable to losing our beautiful planet. It's very simple to make those all-important
changes we just need the motivation to make them.
Question 28: What is the main reason the writer gives for missing London?
A. Not having his own home.
B. Earning a higher salary.
C. Sharing a flat with his best friend.
D. Living the inner-city lifestyle.
Question 29: What did the writer think afte r hearing radio advertisement?

A. That he hated having to sleep on the uncomfortable sofa.
B. That he could have his own home without having to pay.
C. He wouldn’t be very good at energy conservation.
D. He was worried about how many people would visit the ‘Enviro-House’.
Question 30: What had the writer previously thought about the environment?
A. He considered it unimportant.
B. He had always been passionate about the issue.
C. He always joked about it.
D. It made him nervous.
Question 31: What is the writer’s opinion of recycling?
A. It is difficult to make it part of his daily routine.
B. It takes a lot of time out of his daily routine.
C. It doesn’t take a long time if done daily.
D. It is expensive to do.
Question 32: In line 30, the writer says ‘they’. Who is he referring to?
A. The audience.
B. The judges.
C. The finalists.
D. His friends.
Question 33: Which sources of energy did the house use?
A. Some fossil fuels plus solar and wind.
B. Coal and gas only.
C. Wood and oil only.
D. Renewable sources of energy only.
Question 34: As the write rentered the house, he was surprised that....
A. the house looked futuristic.
B. the technology was easy to understand.
C. the house had lots of complex machinery.
D. the house looked the same as other houses.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer

to each of the following questions.
As a growing boy, I don't think anyone would have called me health-conscious. I was typical of my peer group - the
odd fizzy drink, trips to meet friends at the local fast food restaurant. However. I was lucky to have a mother who made
sure I ate well. She enjoyed cooking and all our meals were varied and delicious!
At the age of eighteen, I moved to a university far from home and suddenly had to look after myself. I really missed
my mum’s home-cooked meals. She had sent me away armed with recipes, but I never wanted to cook when I got back
to the flat, after a hard day of lectures. For this reason, it wasn’t long before my friends and I discovered our local
hamburger bar, just two roads from our home. It was so easy to get our dinner there and, compared to our few attempts in
the kitchen, the food tasted qreat. Visiting on the way back from classes became a regular habit.
After a couple of months, I started to notice some changes in myself; I was getting acne and my clothes were getting
tight and uncomfortable. I was also very lethargic and friends complained that I would get irritable, often for no good
At first, I didn't pay too much attention to it all, I wasn't surprised that the stress of university was taking its toll.
However, over the weeks that followed, I was getting colds and headaches on a regular basis. My health seemed to be
deteriorating, but everyone else appeared to be coping. I started to question if I was cut out for university I decided to
listen to friends’ suggestions to visit a doctor. I went along and, after a five-minute discussion of my unhealthy eating
habits, she referred me to a nutritionist I have to admit I was a little sceptical; I could accept that mv acne and weight
gain might result from the foods I ate, but the moods, headaches, colds - surely diet couldn't cause these too?
Nonetheless, I made the appointment and soon found I had underestimated the importance of diet. I was told that the
food I ate was high in fat but low in goodness. The lack of fruit, vegetables, and other food groups in my diet wasn’t
balancing this out and my body was struggling to keep up with the demands I was putting on it. She explained that if I
continued to eat so unhealthily, I would be at risk of obesity I and diabetes. Apparently, obesity was now an epidemic in
America, and England was following suit. Fast food seemed to be a serious health hazard.
Some simple blood tests revealed that I had an iron deficiency, so to combat this and my generally rundown system, the
nutritionist made me a personalised plan of nutritious meals to prepare and listed the vitamins I needed to supplement my
diet with. She was very stem when giving me the advice. She told me not to expect it to be easy, since it is now believed
that the body becomes addicted to a iunk food diet I'd never heard this claim before and was completely taken aback 6
There was a lot to do to get back on track.
After four weeks, I could really see a difference. The headaches and colds had completely disappeared and the acne and
weight gain were well on the way to being rectified. A few relieved friends were also pleased to have their happy flat

mate back! It took time to learn about food and prepare decent meals. But it soon became a habitfi just like my unhealthy
lifestyle had. My energy levels were really high and maintaining my grades was no longer a massive struggle. I'm not
saying that everyone should abstain from fast food completely, but we should all be health conscious. Once you
experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you won't want to see another hamburger again!
Question 35: What does the writer mean when he says he was not ‘health conscious’? (line 1)
A. he did not worry much about the food he consumed

B. he didn’t understand that some foods were unhealthy
C. he ate lots of unhealthy foods
D. it was normal for people his age to eat fast food
Question 36: Why wasn’t the writer enthusiasttic about seeing a list?
A. Becausehis friends had forced him into it.
B. He felt the doctor made her decision too quickly.
C. He didn’t agree that diet could cause many of his symptoms.
D. He was doubtful that they could be of help.
Question 37: As time progressed, what began to concern the writer?
A. He was getting ill on a frequent
B. He wasn’t sure he could succeed at university.
C. He was the only person who was struggling.
D. Other people were aware of his unhealthy diet.
Question 38: Why does the writer call fast food a ‘health hazard’? (line 22)
A. A poor diet can result in ill health.
B. Fast food has a high fat content.
C. The food he ate was not nutritious.
D. Obesity is a serious problem in America.
Question 39: Why did the writer start to eat fast food meals at university?
A. because it was easy and convenient
B. because the restaurant was close to his flat
C. because he didn't want to cook in the flat

D. because they tasted better than his own cooking
Question 40: How does the writer’s attitude towards diet develop over the course of the article?
A. He pays attention to the food he eats.
B. He has become totally against eating fast food.
C. He thinks it is too hard to maintain a balanced diet.
D. He believes healthy eating is too time-consuming.
Question 41: The writer found the new eating plan to be....
A. a little difficult but worth the effort
B. a success, something that everyone should do.
C. good at first, but he developed bad habits.
D. good, it quickly got rid of all his synptoms
Question 42: On visiting the nutritionist, what did the writer find surprising?
A. That fast food can be addictive.
B. That his his body wasn’t getting enough iron.
C. The nutritionist’s stern manner.
D. The amount of effort it would take to get better.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 43: John's uncle came up trumps, finding us a place to stay at the last minute.
A. had a good chance
B. got unexpected success
C. met his Waterloo
D. was the winner
Question 44: After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief.
A. amusement
B. joy
C. anxiety
D. scare
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.

Question 45: On finding the lost boy, he phoned the police.
A. Scarcely he found the lost boy did he phone the police.
B. No sooner had he phoned the police than he found the lost boy.
C. As soon as he found the lost boy, he phoned the police.
D. Hardly was the lost boy found than he phoned the police.
Question 46: Would you object to me closing the door?
A. Will you show me how to close the door?
B. Is it a problem if I close the door?
C. Would you mind if I closed the door?
D. Does my closing the door affect you?
Question 47: Did you mean to push him or did it happen by accident?
A. I wonder if your pushing him was an accident.
B. Was it meant by you to push him accidently or not?
C. Was it an accident when you pushed him?
D. Did you push him on purpose or was it an accident?
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
the following questions.
Question 48: It is said that Einstein felt very badly about the application of his theories to the creation of weapons of
A. It is said
B. badly
C. very
D. to
Question 49: Interest in automatic data processing has grown rapid since the first large calculators were introduced
in 1950.
A. in
B. since
C. has grown C] rapid
Question 50: In England as early as the twelfth century, young boys enjoyed to play football.
A. enjoyed to play

B. twelfth century
C. In England
D. as early as
The End

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