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English 8
WEEK: 01
Period: 01

lesson 1: Revission/ test

I. Aims
1. Knowledges: - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to remind
something about grade 7 and know how to learn well in the new school year .
2. Skill: Present simple
- Present progressive
- Simple future
- Near future
- Past simple
3, Attitude: - Work hard.
II. Teaching aids:
TS: Lesson plan, chalk, book
Sts: Book, noterbook
III. Procedures
1. Check up the old lesson
2. New lesson
Ts activities
Sts activities
1, Revision :
a. The tenses :
=> Ask Ss to repeat the - Listen and repeat
uses and forms of each the uses and forms
of them .
- Copy down
b. Exercise : Change

these sentences into other
tenses ( Present simple ,
Present progressive , near
future , Simple future and
Past simple ) and add
appropriate adverbs of
time .
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Call on some pairs to
demonstrate in front of

Work in pairs to
practice changing
these sentences
into other tenses .

- Listen and copy

- Present simple
- Present progressive
- Simple future
- Near future
- Past simple
1. She is in Grade 7
2. They are playing soccer
3. She went to Ha Noi last
4. I will visit my sister next

5. Mai is going to build a
new house .

class .
- Give feedback

- Listen to the

2, Presenting the
English Grade 8

- Listen and copy
3, Preparation :
- Ask Ss to prepare Unit
1 “ Getting started +
Listen and read “

- There are 16 units in this
program , each unit has 6
parts Which mention a
particular skill such as
Listening . Speaking ,
Reading and Writing
+ At the beginning of the
unit is “ Getting started “ to
lead in the new lesson or in
order to warm up .
-Each unit has Language

Focus which help Ss to
summarize basic knowledge
they have learnt in each
one .
Introduce some books ,
reference books to students
- Prepare Unit 1 “ Getting
started + Listen and read “

WEEK: 01

Unit 1:
Period 2:

I. The aims:

My friends.
getting started & Listen and read

1, Knowledges: Srudents will be describe about their friends and their
activities. Use the structure:
What do/ does + S + look like?
2, Skills:
- Discuss in groups.
- Presentation.
3, Attitude: - Work hard.
II. Content of language:
1, Vocabulary: to seem, enough
2, Grammar:
+ What do/ does + S + look like?

III. Teaching aids:
IV. Proceduce:

+ (not) adj + enough + to- inf
book, notebook, picture, tape ,……..

Teacher's activities
1, Warm up:
+ Who's absent today?
+ What's the date?
+ What did you do during the
summer vacation?
+ What did you remember
+ Did you remember any new
- Ask them to work in pairs
about summer vacation.
2, Presentation:
(Getting started)
- Ask students to look at the
pictures in page 10 and work in
groups with some questions:
+ How many peopleare there in
each picture?
+ Where are they? What are
they doing? …………
+ Do you play soccer after

+ Do you play cards at recess?
3, Comprehension check:
(Listen and read)
+ What do you know about
+ Who can ask/ answer about
- Introduce the dialogue: Hoa
is talking to Lan about one of
her friends in Hue.
- Ask them listen to the tape.
(2 times)
+ Who can find out the new
- Explain the meaning.
+ Who can read?
- Introduce some structures:
Appearance/ Enough.
+ Who can ask/ answer?
+ Who can make sentences
with "enough"?

Students' activities
- The monitor answers
- I visited Sapa/ Sam
- I remembered
seafood most,…….
- Yes/ No, …….

- Work in pairs

- Open the book.
- Look at the pictures
and listen to the
- Work in groups
- Work in pairs.
- Answer about
pictures a -> d.
- Yes/ No, ……….

- Answer
- Work in pairs.
+ Who's Hoa?
- She's ………….
+ Where's she from?
- She's from ………..
- Listen to the tape.
- Some students find
out the new words.
- Write down
- Some students read.

I. Getting started:
- Describe these groups of
friends and their favorite
* Review: favorite activities:

soccer, chess, volleyball, going
out, picnic, camping, ……….
II. Listen and read:
1, New words:
- To seem (v): dêng nh
- Smile (n/v): nô cêi/ cêi mØm
- Enough (adv/ adj): ®đ
2, Structures:
a, Review (appearance):
+ What do/ does + S + look
- S + be + adj
b, Exclamation:
+ What + a/ an + adj + N!
- What a lovely smile!
c, Enough:
* S + be (not) + adj + enough
(for sb) + to - inf.
- She isn't old enough to be in
my class.
* S + V + adv + enough (for
sb) + to -inf.
- He studied hard enough to
pass the exam.
III. Practice:
Answer key.
a, Nien lives in Hue.
b, No, she doesn't know Nien.
c, She wasn't old enough to be
in my class.

d, She is going to visit Hoa at
IV. Remember:
+ What do/ does + S + look
+ S + be (not) + adj + enough
+ to -inf.

- Write down
4, Practice:
+ Who can ask/ answer
questions a -> d ?
- Give answer key.

- Work in pairs.
- Make sentences.
- Practice in pairs

V. Homework:
- Make 2 sentences with
- Do exercise 1/ 5 in

5, Remember:
- Ask them read the dialogue - Check and correct.
again then make up the similar
- Read again

+ Who can repeat the main
- Practice in pairs.
- Some students repeat.
6, Homework:
- Write on the board.
- Write down
WEEK: 01

Period 3:

Unit 1:

My friends.
Speak And Listen

I. The aims:
1, Knowledges: Srudents practice to describe about their friends'
appearance. Practice listening skill.
2, Skills:
Practice 4 skills
3, Attitude:
Work hard
II. Content of language:
1, Vocabulary: build, slim, straight, curly, blond, fair, bald,…..
2, Grammar:
- To be, to have
- Adjectives of appearance
- Respond to introductions
III. Teaching aids:

IV. Proceduce:

book, notebook, picture, tape , cassette, ……..

Teacher's activities
1, Warm up:
+ Who's absent today?
+ What's the date?
* Check the old lesson:
- Call one student go to the

Students' activities
- The monitor answers
- S1: Do exercise 1/ 5
Play game

2, Presentation:
A. Speak:
- Let them play game

I. Speak:
1, New words:
- Build (n): tầm vóc
-Slim (adj): mảnh dẻ
- Straight (adj): thẳng
- Curly (adj): xoăn
- Blond (adj): vàng hoe

- Fair (adj): vàng nhạt
- Bald (adj): hói
- Sharp eye : mắt sắc


"Networks" about adj of
- Introduce the way to play.
- Look at six pictures in page
11, 12 and read.
- Explain the new words.
- Introduce the game: guess a
person, who is described by
* Review the structure:
+ What do/ does + S + look
3, Practice:
- Look at the six pictures and
make the similar dialogues.
- Ask them to look at their
friends in the class and
describe them.
B. Listen:
a, Pre- listening:
+ What do you say if you
want to meet someone?

+ What will you say when
you are introduced to
- Explain some ways of
- Ask them to read dialogue
and find out the main ideas
and guess words need fill in
the gaps.
b, While- listening:
_ Listen to the tape and
complete the dialogues.
+ Who can complete?
c,Post- listening:
- Give answer key.
4, Remember:
+ Who can repeat the main
contents of the lesson?
5, Homework:
- Write on the board.

- Forehad (n): tr¸n

- Look at and read some
- Repeat and write.
- Work in pairs dialogue
- Make sentences
- Practice in pairs
S1: What does Van look

S2: He is tall and thin.
He has short black hair.

- Listen and answer

- Listen and write some
ways of answering.
- Read and guess
- Listen to the tape and
complete the dialogues.
Then compare with the
guessing before.
- Check and correct
- Practice in pairs
- Some students repeat

- Write down

2. Dialogue:
- She has long blond hair = Her
hair is long and blond.
* Review some adj of
describing (appearance).
3, Practice:
- Now take turns (thay phiªn)
to make the similar dialogues.

Use the adjectives in the table.
II. Listen:
1, Listen and complete the
conversation. Use the
expressions in the box.
a, Review:
- Respond to introductions
(three ways).
- Nice/ pleased to meet (see)
good/ glad
- How do you do?
- It's pleasure to meet you.
(I'd like you to meet ….)
b, Answer key.
1. I'd like you to meet
2. Nice to meet you
3. I'd like you to meet ….
4. It's pleasure to meet you
5. Come and meet
6. How do you do
III. Remember:
- Adjectives of describing.
- Respond to introduction.
IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart the new
- Write a dialogue to describe a
- Do exercise 2, 3/ 6.

- Prepare: Read.

WEEK: 02

Unit 1:
Period: 4

I. The aims:

My friends.

1, Knowledges: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
read the passage and answer the questions about Ba's friends' characters and
2, Skills:
Practice reading skill.
3, Attitude:
Work hard
II. Contents of language:
1, Vocabulary: character, sociable, generous, reserved, outgoing,
2, Grammar:
Present simple tense.
III. Teaching aids:
book, notebook, picture, tape , cassette, ……..
IV. Proceduce:
Teacher's activities
1, Warm up:

+ Who's absent today?
+ What's the date?
* Check the old lesson:
- Call two students go to the
- Ask the others reads the
dialogue again.

Students' activities

I. Read:
1, New words
- The monitor answers
- Character (n): tính cách
- Sociable (adj): chan hoà
- Reserved (adj): kín đáo
S1: Write new words.
- Outgoing (adj): cëi më
S2: Do exercise 3 (a, b)
- Humorous (adj): hµi híc
- Work in pairs
- Sense of humor (n): tính hài
- Smart (adj): bảnh bao
2, Presentation:
- Honest (adj): thËt thµ
+ Do you have any friends? - Listen and answer
- Sensitive (adj): nhạy cảm
+ What are their hobbies?

- Confident (adj): tù tin
+ Can you describe your close - Yes/ No, ………..
- Their hobbies are ……. - Shy (adj): xấu hổ
- Reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy
3, Comprehension check:
- Yes/ No, …....
- Good- hearted (adj): tèt bông
a, Pre - reading:
- Annoy (v): làm khó chịu, làm
- Introduce the topic of new
bùc m×nh
lesson: The writer will

- Listen to the teacher.
introduce some his close
friends. You scan the text and
answer the questions.
+ How many close friends
does Ba have?
+ What do they like?
+ Do they have the same
favorite activities?
b, White - reading:
- Listen to the tape, please.
(2 times)
+ Who can read the text?
- Ask students to choose the
best answer. (2 minutes)

+ Who can read the correct
- Give answer key.
- Aks students to answer the
questions. (5 minutes)
+ Who can ask/ answer?
- Give the answer key.
c, After - reading:
- Ask them to describe their
close frineds.
- Give some some words to
them: sensitive, confident,
4, Remember:
+ Who can repeat the main
contents of the lesson?
5, Homework:
- Write on the board.

- Scan the text and
answer the questions:
- He has …………….
- They like …………..
- Yes/ No, ………….
- Listen to the tape.
- Some students read.
- Students do in 2
- Some students read
their sentences.

- Chek and correct.
- Students do study cards
in 5 minutes.
- Work in pairs.
- Chek and correct.
- Some students tell
about their close friends.

- Orphanage (n): tr¹i må c«i
2. Model sentences:
- He is a hard- working student
who always gets good marks.
II. Practice:
1. Choose the best answer and
a - A : three
b - C : does not affect his
school work
c - B : don't talk much in
d - D : get tired of
2. Answer key.
a, Ba feels lucky having a lot
of friends.
b, Bao is the most sociable.
c, Khai likes reading.
d, A bad thing about Ba's jokes
is that sometimes his jokes
annoy his friends.
e, Bao spends his free time

doing volunteet work at a local
f, We have the same/ different
III. Remember:
- New adjectives.
- Characters of friends.

- Students repeat.

- Write down.

IV. Homework:
- Learn by heart the new
- Describe a close friend.
- Do exercise 4/ 7.

WEEK: 02

Unit 1:
Period 5:

My friends.

I. The aims:
1, Knowledges: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
practice writing skill about themselves or their friends.

2, Skills:
Practice writing skill.
3, Attitude:
Work hard
II. Contents of language:
1, Vocabulary:
2, Grammar:
Adjectives of description and characters.
III. Teaching aids:
book, picture, ……..
IV. Proceduce:
Teacher's activities
1, Warm up:
+ Who's absent today?
+ What's the date?
* Check the old lesson:
- Let them play game
"Networks" about adj of

Students' activities
- The monitor answers
Play game

2, Presentation:
- Introduce the lesson by
some guiding questions (câu

hỏi dẫn dắt).
+ What's your close friend's
+ What does he look like?
3, Comprehension check:
a, Pre - writing:
- Look at the part 1 - page 15
and read about Tam.
+ What information is there
on the card?
- Explain Tam's personal card.
- Let them to read a paragraph

- Listen to the teacher.
- Students answer.

I. Play "Networks":
II. Write:
1. Read information about
- Name:
- Appearance:
- Characters:
- Address:
- Family:

- Friends:

- Answer.

2. Fill in a similar form for the
partner. Use the following the
questions as prompts.
a, His name is …………….
b, He is 15 years old.
c, He is smart/ handsome …..
d, He is very kind/ generous ..
e, He lives on Tran Phu Street.
f, He lives with his parents.
g, His best friend is ………..

- Listen.

3. Write a paragraph about

- He's …………

- Look at and read.

describing Tam.
- Some students read
- Use some questions about
then compare the brief
the content to check students. information with
information in the

b, White - writing:
- Ask them to fill in a similar
form for their partner.
- Work in pairs.
- Call some students give
some adjectives of description - Give adjectives.
and characters.
- Let them write a paragraph
about their partners.
- Write a paragraph.
4, Practice:
c, After - reading:
- Call some students read
their paragraph.
- Some students read.
5, Remember:
+ Who can repeat the main
contents of the lesson?
- some students repeat.
6, Homework:
- Write on the board.
- Write down.

your partner.
His name's Nguyen Van
Long and he's fourteen years
old. He lives at 15 Minh Khai
Street in Ha Giang Town with
his parents and his younger

sister. He's tall and fat and has
short black hair. He's sociable,
humorous ans kind. His best
friends are Hung and Kien.
III. Remember:
- Characters of friends.
- Write about friends.
IV. Homework:
- Write about your father or
- Do exercise 5/ 8.

WEEK: 02

Unit 1:
Period 6:

My friends.
Language Focus

I. The aims:
1, Knowledges: In this lesson, students will be reviewed some
grammar structures and do exercises.
2, Skills:
Practice four skills.
3, Attitude:
Work hard
II. Contents of language:
1, Vocabulary: planets, Mars, Mercury, …….

2, Grammar: - Simple tenses.
- Present simple to talk about general truths
- (not) adjective + enough + to- infinitive .
III. Teaching aids:
book, picture, ……..
IV. Proceduce:
Teacher's activities
1, Warm up:
+ Who's absent today?
+ What's the date?
* Check the old lesson:
- Call one student goes to rhe

Students' activities

I. Grammar:
1. Present simple to talk
- The monitor answers
about general truths.
- Ngoài các ý nghĩa, cách dùng
đà học, thì hiện tại đơn còn
- Describe your close
diễn tả sự việc luôn đúng, chân
2, Presentation:
Example: The Sun rises in the
a, Introduce present simple

East and sets in the West.
- Listen and repeat the
tense to talk about general
2. The past simple tense.
use and forms. Then
write and make sentences a, The use.
b, Forms
with them.
- Ask them to repeat and
- Listen, repeat and write. 3. Structure:
make sentences.
S + be (not) + adj + enough +
b, The past simple.
to- inf.
- Listen and repeat.
- Repeat the use and forms.
c, Introduce structure "
- He isn't old enough to drive a
Enough + to - infinitive."
- Make the sentences.
- Write structure on the board
- This box is small enough for
and ask them to make
me to carry.
II. Exercises:
3, Practice:

1. Complete the paragraph.
a, Complete the paragraph: - Students read and
a, 0 - lived
- Ask students to complete the complete the paragraph.
1 - lives
3 - was
4 - is
- Some students read
- Call some students read
their answers.
their answers.
1 - are
3 - shower
- Check and correct.

2 - came
4 - introduced
2. Complete the dialogue.
Ba is helping his young
cousin Tuan with some
- Give answer key.
b, Complete the dialogue:

0 - rises
4 - is
- Explain this exercise and
- is
ask them to do.
- is
- Who can practice it?
- Check their answers.

ground and holding his
3. Look at the picture and
c, Look and describe:
- Ask them to look at picture head is wearing blue
shorts and a white shirt.
a, There are four people in the
part 3 and answer the
b, The man standing next to
- Call some students practice.
the car is tall, heavy- set man.
+ Who can describe them?

trousers and pink shit.
He is wearing yellow shit and
- Give some suggestions.
black trousers.
d, Complete the dialogues. He's wearing a dark tie
- There is a tall, thin woman
Use (not) enough:
with short hair. She is wearing
- Ask them to work in pairs.
a green skirt and red blouse
- Give answer key.
and is carrying a shoulder bag
4, Production (vËn dông):
4. Complete the dialogues.
- Ask them to use these
Answer key
- Students repeat.
structures and make
a, not big enough
b, not old enough
c, strong enough

5, Remember:
d, good enough
- Write down.
+ Who can repeat the main
contents of the lesson?
III. Remember:
- Simple tenses.
6, Homework:
- Enough.
- Write on the board.
IV. Homework:
- Do execises 5,6/ 10.
- Listen to teacher.
- Complete the
- Work in pairs.

trän bé 6,7,8,9 chuÈn kiÕn thức
kỹ năng mới
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- có làm các tiết trình chiếu thi giáo viên
giỏi các cấp.
- có sáng kiến kinh nghiệm bộ môn anh

trọn bộ chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng mới 6,7,8,9

liên hệ đt

trọn bộ chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng mới

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trọn bộ chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng mới
liên hệ đt

trọn bộ chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng mới
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trọn bộ chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng mới
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trọn bộ chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng mới
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