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Giao an tong hop

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Date of planning:
Date of teaching
Practice unit 1
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their knowledge
in unit 1. Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
Vocabulary: School things and activities.
Pronunciation: Sounds /ơ u / and / ơ /
Grammar: The Present sinple and the present continuous Verbs (study, have, do
play) + Noun
Communication: Talking about and describing a school.
Talking about and describing school activities.
II. Procedures
I. The present simple :
+) I / We / You / They + V (work / study)
Yes, He/ She/ It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)
- ) I / We / You / They + don’t(do not) + V He / She / It
+ doesn’t (does not) + V
? ) Do + I / We / You / They + V (work / study) …?
Yes, I / We / You / They + do
No, I / We / You / They + don’t
Does + He / She / It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)…? Yes, He / She /
It + does.
No, He / She / It + doesn’t
Use: the main use of the simple present tense is to experss routine or habitual actions. It is
often used with adverbs or adverb phrases such as: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom,

never, every…, on (Mondays), once, twice, three times… (a day/week/month…)
II. The present continuous:
1. Form:
+) S + tobe(am/is/are) + V-ing
- ) S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t) + V-ing ?) Tobe + S
+ V-ing…?
Yes, S + tobe(am/is/are).
No, S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t)
2. Use: To talk about actions are happening now or around now
To expess a definite arrangement in the near future (one’s immidiate plans)
• Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present
• Verbs: Look! Watch! / Listen! / Be (careful/quiet)!
• Answer questions with “Where”
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.

- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
Ex1: Change these sentences in to interrogative form and answer Yes or No.
1. He gets up at 6 o’clock.
2. She brushes her teeth at 6.10.
3. Nam gets dressed at 6.25 4.Ba and Nam go to school at 6.30.
5. Tuan washes his face at 6.15.
6. My father has breakfast at 6.20.
7. I wash my face at 6. 05.
8. They brush their teeth every morning.
9. He is a big boy.
10. They are small.

Ex2: Change these sentences in to interrogative form and answer Yes or No.
1. He is watching TV now.
2. She is reading a book.
3. Nam is playing football now
4. Ba and Nam are going to school.
5. Tuan is listening to music.
6. My father is working.
7. I am doing my homework.
8. They are playong chess at the moment.
Ex3: Correct form of the verbs.
1. What time your father (go) home from work?
2. He (do) his homework every evening?
3. They (not play) sports from 2 o’clock to four o’clock.
4. What time classes (start)? - They (start) at seven o’clock.
5. I (not have) lunch at 12 o’clock.
6. My mother (take) a shower every afternoon.
7. We (read) books now.
8. You (brush) your teeth in the morning?
9. Listen! She (talk) to him.
10. Where they (go) now?
Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20….

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….
Practice unit 1
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their knowledge in unit 1.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:

Vocabulary: School things and activities.
Pronunciation: Sounds /ơ u / and / ơ /
Grammar: The Present sinple and the present continuous Verbs(study, have, do,
play) + Noun
Communication: Talking about and describing a school.
Talking about and describing school activities.
II. Procedures
Practice Test 1
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the past underlined. Say the words aloud.
A. funny
B. lunch
C. sun
D. computer
A. photo
B. going
C. brother
D. home
A. school
B. teaching
C. chess
D. chalk
A. cold
B. volleyball
C. telephone
D. open

A. meat
B. reading
C. bread
D. seat
II. Give the names of the following( the first letter of each word is given. Read the words aloud.

1. compass
2. colour
3. judo
III. Match the questions (A) and the answers (B).

4. rose

5. post office

What are you watching?
a. I like programmes about History.
What kind of programmes do watch?
b. To my friend’s house.
Where are you going?
c. Every day.

Where does she live?
d. I’m watching cartoon.
Who are you talking about?
e. A friend from school.
How often do you ride your bicycle to
f. 214 Nguyen Hue Street.
1. ___d___ 2.__a____ 3. ___b___ 4. ___f___ 5. __e____ 6. __c____ IV. Find one
odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.
1. A. nurse
B. father
C. teacher D. engineer
2. A. studying B. singing C. morning D. listening
3. A. notebook B. compass C. schoolbag D. basketball
4. A. English B. Viet Nam C. maths
D. geography
5. A. canteen B. library
C. classroom D. bedroom
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. D
V. What are these things? Write the word in the spaces.
1. It is a long seat for two or more students to sit on in the classroom._____________ 2. They have
different colours. You draw and colour with them.

It has two wheels. Many students ride it to school.
It has many letters and words. You use it to lool up new words.
It is a small book of blank paper for writing notes in. _____________
They are 32 pieces used in the game of chess. You use them in playing chess _______
It ia a room at your school where there are books, newspapers, ect. For you to read,
study or borrow. You can read books or study there. _____________
It is a large picture printed on paper and you put it on a wall as dicoration. __________ Key:
1. a bench
2. colour pencils
3. a bicycle
5. a notebook
6. chessmen
7. a library
8. a poster

VI. Add at least two more words to the following groups.

 Seasons:
spring, summer, ___autumn, winter
 School subjects:
physics, maths, ___ history, literature, geography,
 School things:
pens, pencils, ___ruler, compass, rubber,
 Sports and games: football, judo, ___badminton, table tennis, basketball
 Languages:
English, Vietnamese, ___Chinese, Japanish,
B. Grammar
I. Complete the sentences with the –ing form of the verbs.
Example: Come to my house Minh. We are listening to music. (listen)
1. Look! The dog ________________________ in the river. (swim)
2. She ________________________ her holiday with her family. (enjoy)
3. Listen! Someone ________________________ at the door. (knock)
4. Be quiet! We ________________________ in the library. (study)
5. Lan ________________________ her homework. (do)
6. They ________________________ TV at home. (watch)
7. My grandfather ________________________ newspaper. (read)
8. The boys ________________________ football in the yard. (play)
Key: 1. is swimming
2. is enjoying
3. is knocking
4. are studying
5. is doing
6. are watching
7. is reading
8. are playing
II. Complete the sentences with the Present simple or the Present continuous form of the verbs.

1. They often (visit) ___________________ their parents in the holidays.
2. We (speak) ___________________ French at the moment.
3. I (watch) ___________________ TV about 3 hours a day.
4. My family usually (go) ___________________ to the movies on Sunday.
5. Look at the girl! She (ride) ___________________ a horse.
6. We (play) ___________________ tennis now.
7. Minh sometimes (practice) ___________________ the guitar in his room.
8. ___________________ you (like) ___________________ chocolate ice cream?
9. I really (like) ___________________ cooking.
10.Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take) ___________________ a shower. Key:
1. visit
2. are speaking
3. watch
4. go
5. is riding
6. are playing
7. pratices
8. Do - like
9. like
Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20….

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….

Practice unit 2
I. Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students can know the key language and structures to be learnt in this
II. Language Focus:
1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic “My home”.
2. Structures: There is / There isn’t
There are / There aren’t Prepositions of
3. Pronunciation:
Sounds /z/ ; /s/ and /iz/
4. Communication: Talking about and describing houses, roons and furniture.
III. Procedures
- Preteach
 How to pronunciate ending sounds –s; -es.
+ Final –s is pronounced /z/ after voiced sounds (/b/, /d/, /g/, /n/, /m/, /l/...) and any vowel sounds.
+ Final –s is pronounced /s/ after voiceless sounds (/t/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /θ/).
+ Final –es is pronounced /iz/ after voiced sounds (/s/, /z/, /dʒ /, /tʃ/, /ʒ/).
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
 Practice Test

Write the words with “-s/-es” ending into the correct column acording to the sound

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II. Find which word doesn’t belong in each group. Then read the words aloud.
1. A. sofa
B. chair
C. toilet
D. table
2. A. cooker
B. desk
C. dishwasher

D. fridge
3. A. bed B. lamp
C. fan D. villa
4. A. aunt
B. uncle
C. grandmother
D. teacher
5. A. cousin
B. mother
C. father
D. brother
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A
III. Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
There is a family photo __________ the wall.
A. in
B. on C. at D. with
We need some chairs __________ the kitchen.
A. with B. on C. in D. at
We live in a town house, but our grandparents live in a __________ house.
A. city B. villa
C. country D. apartment

It is called the tiger room __________ there is a big tiger on the wall.
A. because
B. so C. but D. like
I live _______ my parents and my younger brother in a town house ________ Nha Trang.
A. at – at B. with – in C. with –at D. of – in
Where __________ the books? Are they __________ the bookshelf?
A. is – in B. is – on
C. are – in D. are – on
There __________ four chairs and a table __________ the middle of the room.
A. are – in
B. are – at C. is – on
D. is – in
There __________ a big fridge __________ the corner.
A. are – in
B. are – on C. is – in
D. is – on
There are some dirty dishes __________ the floor.
A. in
B. on C. with
D. for
My bedroom is __________ the bathroom.
A. under B. in C. on D. next to
1. B

2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
IV. Fill in the blanks with is, are, isn’t, aren’t, do, does, Where.
1. Where _____________ you live, Phong?
2. _____________ does your uncle live?
3. In my house, there _____________ four bedrooms.
4. What _____________ Mrs. Brown need for the living room?
5. How many rooms _____________ there in the hotel?

6. There _____________ any chairs in the kitchen. We need five chairs.
7. Which house _____________ you want to live in? A town house or a country house?
8. There _____________ any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things.
9. We _____________ staying at my cousin’s house in Vung Tau.
10. _____________ they have the right things for the kitchen?
1. does
2. Where
3. are
4. does
5. are
6. aren't
7. do

8. aren't
9. are
10. Do
Complete the passage with a suitable preposition.
We have English lessons (1) _____________ Room 12. There are 24 tables for students and one
desk for the teacher. (2) _____________ the walls, there are a lots of posters of England. There’s a
cupboard at the front of the room and (3) _________ the cupboard, there is a TV and DVD player.
Sometimes we watch films. There are some bookshelves (4) _____________ the classroom. (5)
____________ the shelves, there are a lot of English books. Our books are (6) ____________ the
teacher’s desk. He wants to look at our homework. Our school bags are (7) ___________ the floor,
and there is some food (8) _____________ the school bags. It’s now 5.30 pm. We are (9)
_____________ home, but our teacher is (10) _____________ school. He often stays late to
prepare for tomorrow’s lessons. Key:
1. in
2. On
3. on
4. in
5. On
6. on
7. on
8. in
9. at
10. at
VI. Reorder the words and write the meaning sentences.
1. city / beautiful / a / Hue / is.
2. green fields / there / are.
3. dog / it’s / friendly / a.

4. student / Minh / new / a / is.
5. television / big / a / there’s.
6. new / four / there / cars / are.
7. are / two / pizzas / there / big.
8. ten / are / desks / small / there.
Hue is a beautiful city.
There are green fields.
It's a friendly dog.
Minh is a new student.
There's a big television.
There are four new car.
There are two big pizzas.
There are ten small desks.

Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20…

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….
Practice unit 2 (cont)
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home”.
+ Use the prepositions of place.
+ Pronounce correctly the ending sounds / z/, /s/, /iz/ in isilation and in context.
+ Review: There is/ There isn’t; There are / There aren’t.
+ Talk about and describe houses, rooms and furniture.
+ Write e-mail to describe a room/ house.
- Students will be developed 4 skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing.
- Students will be educated to love their home more and they will like learning English more and
III. Procedures - Ss
practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
 Practice Test
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined
A. beds
B. clocks
C. walls
D. tables
A. granparents

B. brothers
C. uncles
D. fathers
A. mothers
B. centres
C. aunts
D. cousins
A. cities
B. watches
C. dishes
D. houses
A. books
B. rooms
C. wardrobes
D. pillows
A. clocks
B. villas
C. stops
D. apartments
A. bed
B. television
C. chest
D. toilet
A. fridge

B. light
C. dinner
D. picture
A. poster
B. sofa
C. old
D. clock
A. school
B. book
C. door
D. room
II. Find which word does not belong to each group. Then read the words aloud.
A. town house B. country house
C. playground
D. villa
A. living room B. apartment
C. attic
D. kitchen
A. dishwasher
B. sofa
C. sink
D. cupboard
A. wardrobe
B. microwave

C. fridge
D. cooker
A. bed
B. lamp
C. television
D. fan
A. and
B. so
C. but
D. in
A. on
B. and
C. between
D. behind
A. because
B. between
C. in front of
D. next to
III. Choose the correct answers.
1. There are a lot of things ____________ in Da Lat.

A. see
B. to see
C. seeing
D. to seeing

2. It is called the Tiger room _____________ there is a big tiger on the wall.
A. because
B. so
C. but
D. like
3. I live _______ my parents and my sisters in a villa ________ Cua Lo town.
A. with – at
B. at – at
C. of – in
D. with – in
4. We live in a town house, but our grandparents live in a _________ house.
A. country
B. city
C. apartment
D. villa
5. there _______ four chairs and a table ________ the midle of the room.
A. is – on
B. is – in
C. are – in
D. are – at
IV. Fill the blanks with is, are, isn’t, aren’t, do, does, where 1. In my house there
__________________ four bedrooms.
Where __________ you live, Nam?
We______________staying at my uncle’s house in Da Lat.
How many rooms__________there in the hotel?
What__________Mrs.Brown need for the living room?

_____________they have the right things for the kitchen?
There____________any furniture in my bedroom. I need many things.
There____________any chairs in the kitchen. We need four chairs.
__________does your aunt live?
Which house____________you want to live in-a town house or a country house? V.
Rewrite the following sentences keeping the same meaning.
1. There are many chairs in the kitchen.
The kitchen___________________________________________________
2. Nam lives in the city.
Nam doesn’t__________________________________________________ 3. I don’t
have a bookshelf in my bedroom.
There _______________________________________________________
4. There are four people in my family: my parents,my brother and me.
I live________________________________________________________
5. We have a fridge, a cooker, a sink and a cupboard in our kitchen.
There ________________________________________________________
6. The television is in front of the picture.
The picture is_________________________________________________
7. My favourite room in the house is the living room.
I like _______________________________________________________
8. I don’t watch TV in any other rooms but the living room.
I only_______________________________________________________
9. The dog is in front of the microwave.
The microwave ______________________________________________
10. The notebook is on the book.

The book _________________________________________________
VI. Complete the comversation with the phrase below, and then practice it.
A. What else is there?
B. Is there a bookshelf?
C. on it there’s a computer.
D. What’s your new bedroom like?
E. No, there isn’t
Mary: (1) _______________________________________ Kate: Well, it’s not very big.

Jack: (2) _______________________________________ Kate:
Yes, there is. It’s small,
but that’s OK.
Is there a light for reading in bed?
(3) _______________________________________
(4) _______________________________________
Well, there are blue curtains and two chairs. There is a desk and
(5) _______________________________________
VII. Write an e-mail to your friend, describing your house.

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….
Practice unit 3
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ pronounce correctly the sounds /b/ and /p/ in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to the topic “My friends”.
+ use vocabulary and structures about body parts, apearance, and personality.
+ use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements.
+ identify and practise the language of polite requests.
+ guess the meaning of new words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words.
+ read for specific and general information in texts including advertisements and e-mails.
+ write an entry for a magazine using notes.
II. Procedures - Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
Practice Test
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
A. kind
B. confident
C. nice
D. like

A. request

B. project

C. neck

D. exciting


A. foot

B. book

C. food

D. look


A. finger

B. leg

C. neck

D. elbow


A. creative

B. think

C. idea

D. big

Key: 1. B
2. D

3. C
4. A
5. C
II. Choose the best answers.
1. Can you _________ me the apple, please?
A. move
B. pass
C. have
D. turn
She is always ____________ at school and help other students with their homework.
A. hard B. hardly
C. hard-working
D. work hard
Diana is in the art club. She likes to paint pictures, and everyone enjoys them. She is very _
A. shy B. kind
C. funny
D. creative
The film is very ________, and we can’t see all of it.
A. boring B. easy
C. exciting D. wonderful
Our class is going to _________ a picnic at the zoo on Saturday. Would you like to come with
A. take
B. pass
C. go
D. have

6. It’s _________ to go home. It’s so late.
A. now
B. time
C. sure
D. like

7. My brother has _________ short ________ hair.
A. a – straight B. 0– long C. 0– curly D. a – black
8. Linda has ________ hair and big ________ eyes.
A. blonde – blue
B. blonde – small
C. a black – blue
D. black – long
Key: 1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
III. Write the words under the pictures. (They all begin with p or b)

1. pen
2. bread
3. baby
4. pig
5. bee

6. ball
7. picture
8. bed
9. pizza
10. peas
11. bus
12. piano
IV. Rewrite the sentences, using “have or has".
My hair is black. > ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mrs Huyen’s eyes are round and black. > …………………………………………………………………..
His eyes are blue. > …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Her cheeks are chubby. > …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Miss Huong face is round. > …………………………………………………………………………………………..
My nose is big. > …………………………………………………………………………………………..
I have black hair.
She has chubby cheeks.
Mrs Huyen has round black eyes.
Miss Huong has a round face.

He has blue eyes.
I have a big nose.
Fill in the blank with the correct verb.
She ____________ an oval face.
4. I ________ tall and thin.
_____________ Mai’s hair long or short? 5. Tan ___________ an athlete. He

It _________ short.
________ very strong.
Mai _________ short black hair.
6. What colour _______ Nam’s eyes?
Key:1. has
2. Is – is
3. has
4. am
5. is – is
6. are
VI. Fill in the blanks with the missing words: is, has, or wear(s). And translate the passage
into Vietnamese.
Kevin (1) _________ short and slim. He (2) _________ glasses and he (3) _________ blue
eyes. His hair (4) ________ blown and curly.
Tom (5) ________ short and slim. He (6) _________ glasses and he (7) _________ green eyes.
His hair (8) __________ long, brown and wavy.

Paul (9) _________ tall. He doesn’t (10) _________ glasses. He(11) _________brown eyes, and
his hair (12) _________ brown and curly.
Ben (13) ________ short. He (14) _________brown eyes and his hair (15) _______ long, black
and traight.
Key:(1) is
(2) wears
(3) has
(4) is
(5) is
(6) wears
(7) has
(8) is
(9) is
(10) wear
(11) has
(12) is
(13) is
(14) has
(15) is
VII. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective from the box.

1. It is _____________ to sit on the plane with nothing to read.
2. I’m not very _____________ at Maths. I often make mistake in calculations.
3. Everyone is _____________ to me. They often help me when I need.
4. She is often _____________ at school, and she always get good marks.
5. The teacher wants the students to feel ___________ about asking questions when they don’t
6. She always has a _____________ smile with everyone.
7. Children are often ____________ of people they don’t know.
8. He’s a little bit ____________: he like to talk a lot.
9. It’s a really ____________ film; everyone laughs a lot.
10. She’s very ____________ - she writes poetry and paints.
Key: 1. boring
2. clever
3. kind
4. hard-working
5. confident
6. friendly
7. shy
8. talkative
9. funny
10. creative
VIII. Read the passage, and decide whether the statements are(T) or false(F).
Lan is a student in grade 6. She is tall and thin. She is light but she is not weak. She has an oval
face and chubby cheeks. Her hair is long and black. Her nose isn’t big. It’s small. She has brown
eyes and white teeth. She’s very nice.
1. Lan has long black hair. ______
Her nose is big.

2. She is thin and weak.
Her eyes are
3. Her cheeks are chubby. ______
She has white
IX. Write questions for the underlined part.
They are visiting a milk farm on Saturday. ______________________________________?
Yes, there are four windows in my classroom. ___________________________________?
I’m going to the judo club with my brother.
We’re working on our school project.


When are they visiting a milk farm?

Are there four windows in your classroom?
Who are you going to the judo with?
What are you working on?
Ký duyệt, ngày……tháng………năm 20….

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….
Practice unit 3 (cont)
I. Objectives.
- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
+ pronounce correctly the sounds /b/ and /p/ in isolation and in context.
+ use lexical items related to the topic “My friends”.
+ use vocabulary and structures about body parts, apearance, and personality.
+ use the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements.
+ identify and practise the language of polite requests.
+ guess the meaning of new words based on clues including pictures and surrounding words.
+ read for specific and general information in texts including advertisements and e-mails.
+ write an entry for a magazine using notes.
II. Procedures - Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
I. Choose the best option (A, B or C) to each space.
1. Nam can wait hours for his friends without getting angry. He is a ...... boy.
A. hard-working B. free
C. patient
2. Lan is always ....... She studies more than four hours a day and never misses her homework.
A. active
B. hard-working
C. smart

3. My brother can do all difficult Math exercises. He is a(n) ...... student.
A. intelligent
B. confident
C. careful
4. Our new neighbour is a ...... girl. She has beautiful yellow hair.
A. wavy
B. straight
C. blonde
5. Please be ...... when you have to use fire to cook.
A. happy
B. careful
C. quiet
6. The baby next to me is very ....... He talks all the time, which really annoys me.
A. talkative
B. silent
C. lovely
7. My Mum always asks me to wash my ...... before meals.
A. fingers
B. arms
C. hands
8. We should brush our ...... after meals and before bedtime every night.
A. tooth
B. teeth
C. hair
9. The part between the head and the body is the .......
A. neck
B. shoulders
C. hip
10. Everyone has 10 ...... and 10 .......
A. hands – feet

B. arms – legs
C. fingers - toes
Label the different parts of our body using the words in the box.


Reorder the words to make sentences.
magazine / it /my / is / favourite.
my grandma / visiting / and / am / I / grandpa.
the / play / evening / inside / kids / in / the.
you / what / going / do / tomorrow / are / to ?
long / have / monkeys / arms / legs / and.

IV. Read the definition and write the words.
This person gives a lot of attention to what he/ she is
doing so that he/ she does not have an accident, make a
mistake, or damage something. careful
This person has original and unsual ideas. c............
This person is always doing a lot of work. h............

This person is not angry if he/ she has to wait. p............
This person likes sports and doing sports. s............
This person likes talking very much.
V. Read the passage and choose the best word (A, B or C) to each space. My new friend
One of my new ......(1)...... is Yuri. She ......(2)...... from Japan. She ......(3)...... big black eyes,
brown ......(4)...... and a beautiful ......(5)...... . It's bright and warm. She is ......(6)...... friendly and ......
(7)...... . Yuri always ......(8)...... me whenever I ......(9)...... any difficulty. I teach ......(10)...... some
Vietnamese, too.
1/A. friend B. friends
C. classmate
2/A. comes B. come
C. is coming
3/A. have
B. is
C. has
4/A. head
B. eyes
C. hair
5/A. mouth B. laugh
C. smile
6/A. not
B. no
C. very
7/A. smart B. kind
C. careful

8/A. teaches B. tells
C. helps
9/A. have
B. has
C. am
10/A. her
B. hers
C. herself
VI. Read the passage about Nga and her best friend, then choose the best answer (A, B
or C) to each question.
My name is Nga and my best friend is Lan. She is my classmate. We are both in grage 6 at Lam Son
Secondary School. Lan lives next to my house. Every day, my father takes us to school on his
motorbike, and we come home on foot in the evening. She is an intelligent girl. Her favourite subject
is math, and she is really good at it. Mine is English. We usually help each other with our homework.
Whenever i am sad, Lan always tells me stories to make me happy. I feel really lucky to have a best
friend like Lan.1. How old are Lan and Nga?
A. 10 B. 12 C. 14
How do they go to school?
A. By bus
B. On foot
C. By motorbike
3. What is NOT TRUE about the passage? A. They
are classmates.
They are neighbours.
English is Lan's favourite subject.
4. What do they usually help each other?

A. Do their homework
B. Do their housework 5. What
C. Do their
does Lan do to make Nga happy?
A. Sing a song
B. Tell stories
C. Buy presents

Date of planning: ……/ … /….
Date of teaching Class: 6…. :……/ … /….


Find the word which has a different sound in part underlined.

1/A. funny
B. lunch
C. sun
2/A. photo
B. going
C. brother
3/A. school
B. teaching
C. chess
4/A. cold
B. volleyball C. telephone
5/A. meat

B. reading
C. bread
Match one word in A with one in B.
Basketball play
a school
uniform study Homework ride
Vocabulary wear a bicycle

D. computer
D. home
D. chalk
D. open
D. seat

III. Write positive and nagative sentences with the present simple or the present continuous.
Hoa / ride to school / every day (+) Hoa rides to
school every day.
They / have breakfast / now (-) They are not
having breakfast now.
1/ My friends / go to school by bus. (-)
2/ The library / open at 7:30 AM. (+)
3/ Students / have a break / right now. (-)
4/ I / study English / at the moment. (+) 5/ Look! Our
parents / wait outside. (+)
IV. Choose the best option (A, B or C) to each space.
1. Every morning, I always ...... to school at 6.30 and ...... home at about 11:30.

A. go; come
B. goes; comes
C. go; comes
2. While I ...... at school, my Mum ...... to the market.
A. study; go
B. am studying; is going
C. study; is going
3. At break time, I ...... to the library and ...... books.
A. read; go
B. goes; reads
C. go; read
4. I usually ...... to school by bike, and my mother ...... to work by motorbike.
A. go; go
B. goes; goes
C. go; goes
5. When I ...... books, I always ...... very happy.
A. read; feel
B. reads; feel
C. reads; feels
Find one odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.
1/A. cantten

B. library

C. classroom

D. bedroom

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