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Specialization: Education Management
ID: 9 14 01 14


HANOI, 2021

The work was completed at: The Vietnam National Institute of Educational

1. Prof. PhD. Nguyen Minh Duong
2. Dr. Vu Xuan Hung

Reviewer 1:

Reviewer 2:

Reviewer 3:

The dissertation will be defended in front of the Institute-level Judging
Committee meeting at the The Vietnam National Institute of Educational
Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi
At ..... on the ..... day of....., 2022
Dissertation can be found at:
- National Library
- Library of The Vietnam National Institute of Educational

1. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong (2017), Applying Training On Orders Of Enterprises In Textile
And Garment Industry, Journal of Vocational Science, Issue 48, September 2017.
2. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong (2018), Experiences of some countries in the world on training
management by orders and lessons learned for Vietnam, Journal of Educational
Administration, Issue 1, January 2018.
3. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong (2018), Training according to business needs - a solution to
innovate higher education and improve the quality of textile and garment human resources
to meet the requirements of the industrial revolution 4.0, Proceedings of the Conference:
"Fundamental and comprehensive innovation of training activities in universities and
colleges" organized by Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges, Da Nang
Publishing House, October 2018.
4. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong (2019), Training management by orders of textile and garment
enterprises, Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences, Issue 15, March 2019.


1. Reason for choosing the topic

The training system is responsible for providing technical labor to meet the goals of socioeconomic development in the market economy. To do this, a “supply driven” training must switch to a
“demand driven” training, switch from “Training what you have” to “Training what society needs”. In
other words, training must comply with the law of supply - demand to be able to meet the human
demand of society. The human resource needs of the society include: The needs of the State, the needs
of enterprises and the needs of learners. However, Vietnam's human resource training system does not
comply with the law of supply and demand of the market economy, so every year, thousands of
graduates cannot find jobs, while businesses cannot recruit human resources. This has caused great
waste to the State as well as to society.
Order-based training is always linked with supply and demand, training with using, thus
overcoming the weaknesses in the current human resource training of universities. Order-based
training is still a new issue, so the State has not placed orders for training institutions, and businesses
are not used to ordering training. On the other hand, there is no solid scientific evidence as well as
economic - technical norms, quality standards for implementation.
Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 4, 2013 of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Vietnam on fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and
training stated: “For higher education and vocational training , ... implement the ordering mechanism
on the basis of the system of economic - technical norms, quality standards of some types of training
services (regardless of the type of training institutions)...”. Law on Higher Education, enrollment
regulations in 2020 regulate enrollment and training on order.
In recent years, the textile and garment industry has been the main export economic sector of
our country, maintaining high growth momentum for many years. The textile and garment industry
attracts more than 2.5 million direct workers, but the quality of human resources is low, and the
number of trained employees is very small. The Prime Minister has approved the Strategy on
Industrial Development of Vietnam to 2025, with a vision to 2035, in which the textile and garment
industry is one of the four industry groups prioritized for development in the coming period. With the
impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0), workers in the textile and garment industry need
higher qualifications and skills. Therefore, the needs of training in the coming period is very large, the
training also needs to change to meet the needs of customers.
As the only public university specializing in textile and garment training in the country, Hanoi
Industrial Textile Garment University (HTU) is well aware of this problem, so it has started to

organize training according to the needs of textile and garment enterprises. However, the training by
order is facing many difficulties because the training management is not suitable with the ordering
mechanism, the needs of training is not accurately forecasted, there is no process of the training
management by order, the qualifications of the staffs and teachers are not meeting the requirements
of the training by order, the construction of the training programe by order is still confusing, etc.
However, there has not been any research in our country on training management by order.
For the above reasons, the author chooses the topic: “Training management by order at Hanoi
Industrial Textile Garment University” as the research topic of the doctoral dissertation.


2. Research purpose
On the basis of theoretical research on training and training management by order, evaluate the
current situation of training and training management by order at HTU to propose some possible
solutions on training management by order in order to associate training with the use of market
economy and international integration process.
3. Objects, Subjects of Research
- Research object: Training by order at the university.
- Research subjects: Training management according to order at HTU.
4. Scientific hypodissertation
Currently, HTU is starting to implement the policy of training by order but it is still facing many
difficulties because it has not been able to choose a suitable training model for the market economy,
on the other hand, the current training management solutions are also not suitable with the actual
conditions of the University as well as the customers.
If the model of training by order is selected to adapt to the market economy, a theoretical
framework for training management by order can be built and the shortcomings on order-based
training of the University and current customers can be detected, it is possible to propose practical
management solutions to carry out quality and effective training by order at HTU.
5. Content and scope of research

5.1. Research content
- Research the theoretical basis of training and training management by order.
- Evaluate the current situation of training and training management by orders at HTU.
- Propose the solution of training management by order at HTU.
- Test two solutions at HTU to prove the feasibility, rationality of the proposed solution and
the correctness of the proposed scientific hypodissertation.
5.2. Research scope
- Space: HTU is the only university specializing in textiles and garments training in our
country today. Therefore, the survey and assessment of the current situation of training and training
management by order was carried out at HTU.
- Customers: The university has many types of customers such as the State, enterprises and
individual learners. The dissertation focuses on researching customers who are the State and
garment enterprises.
- Time: Survey and evaluate the current situation of training management by order at HTU
from 2015 - 2018. Test 2 solutions at HTU in the academic year 2019 - 2020.
- Training level according to order: According to the provisions of the Law on Higher
Education No. 34/2018/QH14 dated November 19, 2018 of the National Assembly, In Clause 3,
Article 6: “Higher education institutions may organize continuing education activities, provide shortterm training and retraining services, and issue certificates and certifications suitable to their
respective training disciplines and fields. in accordance with the law to meet the lifelong learning
needs of learners”. Therefore, the dissertation selects the required training qualifications for research,
which are university, college and short-term degrees from 3 months to less than 12 months.
6. Approaches and Methods of Research
6.1. Research Approach: market approach; access to cyclical training; quality approach; access to
capacity; access to autonomy and accountability to society; historical approach.
6.2. Research methods: theoretical research; practical research.


7. New contributions of the dissertation

- For the theory: Demystify concepts: training management, training ordering, training by
order, training management according to order.
Building a theoretical basis for training according to order in the market economy.
Applying the model of training according to the cycle, the dissertation builds a theoretical
framework on training management according to order, including: Organizing the determination of the
needs of training and signing the training contract; Planning and organizing the construction of
training programes by orders; Organizing and deploying training courses by orders; Evaluate training
course and training cycle according to order.
- For the practice: The dissertation has proposed 6 necessary and feasible solutions for training
management by order at HTU on the basis of the theoretical framework that has been built and the
assessment of the current situation in the pilot phase.
Theoretical framework of training management by order helps universities to refer to when
switching to training by order. At the same time, the research results help the management levels of
HTU to be aware of the roles, responsibilities and tasks that need to be performed to manage the
training by order effectively.
8. Defensive arguments
- Argument 1. To train by order, the first important thing is to identify the training needs.
Applying the model of “training by cycle” to the training management by order with the cycle from:
Organize to determine the training needs; Plan and organize to build training programes; Organize to
implement training courses by orders; Evaluate the training courses and the entire training cycle is in
accordance with the training management by order.
- Argument 2. Training by order is still a new issue and requires certain conditions. Therefore, in
order to be able to train by order, the training instutuions must determine the current status of their
capacity, detect weaknesses so that on that basis, prepare the necessary conditions for the training by
order, ensure training quality according to customer requirements.
- Argument 3. For a effective training management by order, it is necessary to apply
synchronously the following solutions: Organize training to raise awareness for managers and
lecturers about training by order; Manage improve the method of identifying training needs; Manage
and develop the relationships with customers; Direct to perfect the organizational structure and
internal policies to meet the training requirements by order; Organize and develop a contingent of

managers and lecturers based on their ability; Direct the renovation of financial management and
teaching equipment for customized training courses.
9. Dissertation structure
In addition to the introduction, conclusion and recommendations, the dissertation is structured
into 3 chapters:
Chapter 1. Theoretical basis of training management by order at university.
Chapter 2. Practical basis of training management by order at Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment
Chapter 3. Training management solutions by order at Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment
10. Place of research topic
The Vietnam National Institute of Educational Sciences and Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment


1.1. Overview
An overview study of training to meet the society needs, business needs and training
management to meet society needs, business needs abroad and in the country help the dissertation
have the most comprehensive and comprehensive view of the research content. The dissertation has
systematized the studies on training management to meet society needs and business needs on the
following contents: Theoretical basis of training management in the market economy; Some models of
training management and training linkage methods between training institutions and enterprises;
Training institutions want training to meet the needs of enterprises, they need to accurately identify
their training needs and build their training capacity in accordance with the fields in which enterprises
have training needs and propose a variety of solutions for training management to meet the needs of
society as well as the needs of enterprises.

Issues that need to be further researched and resolved
Through the reviewed studies, there has been no work to refer to the training management by
orders of enterprises and the State, so the dissertation will focus on solving the following issues:
- Build basic concepts. Training by order is still a new issue, so some basic concepts such as
training ordering, training by order, and training management by order in our country have not yet
been mentioned in any dictionary or research work, because is being understood with many different
meanings. Therefore, before studying specific content, the dissertation needs to develop basic
concepts of training and management by order.
- Select the appropriate training model. There are many different training models, it is
necessary to analyze the connotations and advantages and disadvantages of each model in order to
choose the right model for the training management by order.
- Assess the practice of training and training management at HTU, thereby making judgments
about the current situation, evaluating advantages and limitations, finding out the causes to make
practical arguments for proposing solutions.
- Proposing necessary and feasible solutions for training management by orders and testing a
number of solutions to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of the proposed solutions and
demonstrate the correctness of the proposed solutions. The scientific hypodissertation has been
proposed by the dissertation.
- Outline a number of factors affecting the training and training management by orders to
analyze and take advantage of their positive aspects and at the same time find appropriate ways to
develop the training by orders.
1.2. Some basic concepts
The dissertation deeply researches the basic concepts: (1) Management; (2) Training; (3)
Training management; (4) Ordering; (5) Order-based training; (6) Training management by order; (7)
1.3. Training human resources at universities by order in the market economy
1.3.1. Training to meet social and business needs on order
Society needs includes three groups of basic needs: Needs of the State; Enterprise's needs;
Learner's needs. In human resource training for enterprises by order, if according to the target
audience, it is usually divided into2 main forms are new training and retraining.

1.3.2. Characteristics of university-ordered training activities in the market economy
- University customers include: individual learners, enterprises and the State.
- University goods: Training services are goods the university exchanges with customers.
- Marketing activities of the university:Doing well in marketing will attract resources such as
people, facilities, equipment, etc. to ensure good training operations. The university needs to establish
a specialized department and introduce to customers about the university's training such as: Training
courses, output standards of post-training products, expected content, time, funding, recruitment
conditions born; teachers in terms of qualifications, experience and capacity; facilities for training


service and other training quality assurance conditions. In the developing digital context, it is
necessary to use modern tools in communication and promote online communication.
1.3.3. Training by order with the basic laws of the market economy
- Training by order with the law of supply - demand: The labor market's demand for technical
labor includes quality, quantity, industry structure and training qualifications. Training by order is the
implementation of training services according to the needs of customers, so it has the preeminent
feature that it always fulfills the law of supply - demand of the labor market.
- Training by order with the law of value:Service prices for nonprofit organizations are very
different from those for for-profit organizations. If the training is ordered, the cost of the training courses
has been specified in the agreement with the customer on the basis of economic - technical norms.
- Training by order with competition rules: For market economy, competition is an inevitable
rule, universities must be very dynamic, regularly change the goals and contents of training programs
according to the needs of customers, unable to train according to what they have available today.
1.3.4. Some characteristics of custom training
a. Education program:Custom training programs were closely linked with the human demand of
the labor market at that time. Thus, organizing training according to demand means “supply”
according to “demand”. Order-based training programs must be very flexible and diverse to meet the
needs of customers.

b. Conditions to ensure training quality
- Team of teachers: Order-based training have high requirements for teachers. Teachers must
have solid professional knowledge and skills, must have access to scientific and technological
advances and production technologies that enterprises are using, and must have mature pedagogical
knowledge and skills, successfully use proficient in modern teaching aids. It is possible to use the
chief technicians of enterprises to participate in teaching.
- Facilities: With customized training, universities need to have modern teaching equipment and
compatible with the types of devices that customers are using. According to the OECD, the workplace
is a very important learning environment to prepare learners for work.
c. Learners and learning characteristics:With customized training courses, learners can be high
school graduates or adults who are working in enterprises selected to go to university. The subjects of
these courses are quite diverse, they have the common characteristics of adults going to university, but
there are also those who have no work experience.
d. Form and location of teaching organization: For the subjects who are officials and
employees who attend university, the form of training is often flexible, usually short-term training
courses, informal training. For training orders to serve the development strategy of enterprises and
socio-economic development, regular training courses are required. The teaching process can be
organized at the university, at the enterprise or both at the university and at the enterprise.
e. Test and evaluate learning results: The method of assessing learning outcomes should be
implemented from the following point of view: (1) Learners must perform the same jobs as workers do in
actual professional labor in enterprises. (2) Evaluate learners individually as they complete each task. (3)
Assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes formed in learners. (4) Evaluation according to the criteria and
standards according to the customer's order. (5) The criteria and assessment standards are announced to
learners in advance so that they have orientation and strive to achieve in the learning process.
f. Training management: Because courses can be held at enterprises or a combination of
enterprises and universities, the training management process is also much more complicated.
Universities should let enterprises participate in the process of management, monitoring and
evaluation of learners.
1.3.5. The difference between custom training and other training methods
- Traditional training: Training institutions often recruit and train according to their ability, but

pay little attention to the human resource needs of the labor market, especially enterprises.
Job-oriented training: Job-oriented training focuses on outcomes.
- Training links between university and enterprises: Enterprises are both partners and customers
of the training company.


- Training by order: Always thoroughly implement the basic laws of the market economy such
as the law of supply - demand, the law of value and the law of competition. The customer submits the
research study in terms of quantity, quality, industry structure, qualifications and training facilities
that comply with the requirements.
1.3.6. Some training models
a. Process training model: Training is a process, starting from input factors, teaching process
and output factors. The model is shown in Figure 1.1.
- Admissions
- Training programs
- Team of teachers
- Officers and employees
- Facilities and equipment

-Organize the teaching
- Implement the teaching

- Output capacity of

- Job opportunity
- Career advancement.
- Income

Diagram 1.1. Process training model
b. CIPO model
CIPO is an abbreviation of the phrase Contex-Input-Process-Output with the meaning ContextInput-Process-Output. This model is shown in diagram 1.2 ..
- Admissions
- Teacher
- Education program
- Facilities and teaching
- Finance

Teaching - learning

- Graduates
- Satisfy personal needs
- Increase labor productivity
for society

The impact of context
- Political, economic, social
- Policies and laws
- Labor market.

- Up setscience and technology
- International integration, ...

Diagram 1.2. CIPO model


c. Cyclic training model
The cyclical training model
is based
on the
point ofpartners,...
Identifying training needs is the starting point of the training process Evaluation
of training
planning and
in the market mechanism. Each training course is carried out in a results
closed and sequential cycle, including 4 steps: Determining the
training needs, planning and designing the training, implementing the
training and evaluating the training results. The cyclical training
model is shown in diagram 1.3.
Diagram 1.3 Cyclic training model

1.4. Applying the training cycle model to training management by order at the university
1.4.1. The organization identifies training needs and signs training contracts
a. Planning to identify training needs
The task force will base on the workload of the University and the tasks of each staff member
and teacher in the university year to make a plan to determine the training needs to suit practical


b. Deployment and identification of training needs
- Contents of identification of training needs: Training needs include: Demand for the number
of human resources according to each occupation/job position, training qualifications and capabilities
that employees need to be able to perform well at the job position.
- Determining the training needs by order includes the following steps:
+ Collecting information about training needs: The university must actively organize the
collection of information on the training needs for the period of 5 years and forecast the training needs
for the next 10 years. In the era of rapid development of science and technology, especially the 4.0
industrial revolution will change the structure and qualification standards of the human resources of
all countries, so the training needs must also change.
+ Methods of collecting labor market information
* Methods of investigation, survey and interview of enterprises: Survey by questionnaire; Direct
interviews with leaders of some enterprises; Direct survey at a number of employers after training.
* In addition, it is necessary to use some other methods such as: Synthesize from documents
such as socio-economic development strategies of localities and sectors; labor demand forecasts from
the labor market. Analysis and forecast of the development of science and technology in production
affecting training needs. Calculation of labor loss due to retirement, job change and rate of change of
technical labor under the impact of scientific and technological progress.
Analysis of training needs: training needs through collected data is quite rich and diverse from
the perspective of each unit and individual, so there are inaccurate needs. Therefore, it is necessary to

organize the analysis and evaluation of the obtained data to determine the true training programs.
c. Directing the identification of training needs: The Vice Rector in charge of training regularly
directs and checks from the planning stage to organizing the implementation of the identification of
the research study.
d. Evaluate the results of identifying training needs and signing training contracts
- Evaluating the results of determining the training needs: The principal organizes the
evaluation of the results of determining the training programs and on that basis, determines the
training capacity of the university and organizes marketing to customers.
- Signing training contracts: After identifying customers with training needs through
marketing, universities need to base on their capacity to negotiate with customers and organize the
signing of training contracts by orders. The training programs is an important appendix attached.
1.4.2. Planning and organizing training program
a. Planning
The university assigns the Training Department to assume the prime responsibility for and
coordinate with the functional departments and faculties of the training courses by orders to make
training plans and approve them for implementation. The plan includes: Training plan; Planning to
arrange teachers for training courses; Preparation plan for facility conditions and learning materials;
Plan to raise capital and spend for training courses (regime for staff and teachers to participate in
training courses as ordered; Cost for each training course).
b. Organize training program according to order
To build training programs by orders, universities need to set up a group to compile training
programs including teachers of the university, some engineers and technicians of enterprises under
the chair of the dean of the faculty in charge of training.
- Planning to build a training program:The training program development team needs to plan
the program development in accordance with the general plan.
- Organizing and implementing training programs: The team that develops the training
programe conducts analysis of the jobs that the client has a training needs project according to the
DACUM method. The DACUM diagram clearly shows how many tasks an employee must complete,
and how many tasks each task has to do at the actual labor position in the enterprise. From there,
analyze each job to determine the necessary competencies that employees need, which is the output

standard/goal of the training program.


+ Determine the duration of the training course: Based on the content of the training program to
determine the appropriate duration of the training course, the duration of the training course also
depends on the learner's capacity and the quality assurance conditions of each training program.
+ Conditions to ensure the quality of training keys: In the construction of training programs, it
is necessary to pay attention to the conditions to ensure the quality of training courses by order. In
addition to the staff of teachers, facilities, equipment and learning materials, attention should be paid
to the design of testing and evaluation requirements to ensure that in each stage of the curriculum,
learners achieve certain output standards so that at the end of the training course meets the output
standards of the training program.
- Directing the development of training program by orders: The Vice Rector in charge of
training directly directs the training program development team and the Training Department to
supervise the implementation of the plan, and coordinates with the faculties in charge of the training
program to inspect and supervise.
- Evaluating the results of training program development: The university needs to organize to
collect comments from experts and customers to perfect before putting it into use and evaluating the
construction of the e-curriculum.
1.4.3. Organize training to order
a. Planning the implementation of the training course
- Enrollment plan for training courses: Enrollment by order of enterprises is usually done all
year round. The university needs to set up an Admissions Committee. Enrollment for long-term and
regular training courses is ordered by the State, usually by the university's initiative. Recruitment of
training courses ordered by enterprises is usually short-term training and because enterprises send
their staff and workers to participate in training courses. Universities and businesses need to
coordinate with each other in enrollment, develop admission criteria to select the right subjects for
each training course. It is necessary to pay attention to career guidance and career counseling for

selected students/students to meet the customer's research study and at the same time to be suitable for
the fields of study.
- Select a team of teachers with qualifications and occupations suitable for the training course.
- Arrange facilities, equipment and technical means of teaching.
b. Organizing and implementing the teaching process
Customized training courses can be organized at university, at enterprises or in both places.
Therefore, the management of the organization of the teaching process is often much more
complicated than that of other training courses. In order to manage the organization of the teaching
process with the participation of enterprises, the university needs to establish a subcommittee to
coordinate the teaching process including representatives of the university and enterprises.
- Teaching activities of teachers: preparing for teaching activities of teachers; design
pedagogical/learning materials; perform lectures.
- Learning activities of learners: Learner's learning activitiesincluding learning in class and
learning outside of class time such as completing homework, practicing, practicing at enterprises, and
other extracurricular activities. Credit-based training, self-study time, self-study of learners accounts
for a large proportion, so teachers have to manage their own learning activities.learner.
- Evaluation of learning results, awarding diplomas and certificates
+ Evaluation of learning outcomes: In the assessment, attention should be paid to the criteria
determined from the training objectives/output standards according to the needs of the customer.
Learner's capacity is assessed through: To perform the jobs of the profession like workers; Evaluate
individual learners' ability when they perform and complete work against prescribed standards;
Standards used in assessment are requirements set at the minimum level so that when learners
complete their studies they can complete the jobs of the profession; Evaluation criteria are published
for learners before testing and assessing so that they can orient their learning.
Training courses ordered by enterprises need to have their staff participate in the assessment of
learning outcomes.


+ Issuance of diplomas and certificates: Must comply with regulations of the Ministry of
Education and Training and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
- Job placement counseling for graduates: For orders from the State and individual customers,
universities need to organize counseling and job placement for graduates. With training courses
ordered by enterprises, graduates are used by enterprises. Based on the learning results and capacity
assessment of each student/student, it is necessary to advise enterprises to arrange job positions in
accordance with the capacity and forte of each student/student.
c. Directing the organization and implementation of training
The Vice Rector in charge of training directly directs the subcommittee to coordinate the
teaching process and assigns responsibilities to each functional unit.
d. Evaluation of the organization and implementation of training
At the end of the training implementation, universities and enterprises need to organize an
assessment of the training implementation process to detect weaknesses from the enrollment stage to
the arrangement of teachers, facilities, and teaching equipment and the assessment of students'
learning results as well as the cooperation between university and enterprises to draw lessons for the
next training course.
1.4.4. Evaluation of the training course and the training cycle by order
a. Plan the assessment of the training course and the training cycle
The plan to evaluate the training course includes the following contents: Plan to evaluate the
quality of the training course, evaluate the internal effectiveness of the training course, and evaluate
the external effectiveness of the training course.
b. Implement the assessment
- The quality of the training course is judged by the quality Students/students graduation
compared to the customer's requirements, so the evaluation criteria and standards must closely follow
the output standard according to the customer's requirements. For long-term training as ordered by the
State, the quality of training is assessed according to the standards prescribed in the national
qualification framework.
- The effectiveness of the training course is reflected in the ratio of students/students who
graduate compared to the number of students who are enrolled in the training course. The efficiency in
is also evaluated in terms of economics. The economic efficiency of training is assessed through the

cost of training per student/student graduating.
- Evaluation of the external effectiveness of the training course is usually done 6 months to 1
year after the learners graduate. The external effect is reflected in the percentage of graduates who
find jobs in the right occupations and training qualifications after graduation as well as their career
advancement during their practice.
- Review and evaluate the entire training cycle from determining the training needs, planning
and designing the training, organizing the implementation of the training to the evaluation of the
training course according to the training cycle to draw lessons for the next training cycle. Evaluation
of the training cycle should be concerned with assessing the customer's involvement in the training
1.5. Factors affecting on-demand training management at university
1.5.1. Subjective factors
a. Perceptions of managers and trainers about customized training
Management staff, teachers at universities are used to operating in a centralized planning
mechanism and teaching according to what they have. Custom training requires a team of managers and
teachers to be very dynamic and flexible to meet the requirements of different types of customers in an
ever-changing context. Therefore, it is necessary to change the perception of management staff and
teachers about training by order so that they actively participate in the process of training by order.
b. Training management staff
Management staff must have enough capacity to be able to plan, direct, organize the
implementation and check and evaluate training courses as ordered. The management team has an
impact on the stages of determining the training needs, planning and developing the training program,


organizing the implementation of the training process as well as evaluating the results of the training
courses in the training cycle.
c. Organizational structure and policies
Organizational structure affects the effectiveness of training management activities. The

organizational structure needs to be compact but with enough functional parts. Training by order has
high requirements on the capacity of teachers and management staff and has very specific
characteristics, it is necessary to build a satisfactory regime to encourage officials and teachers to
d. Cooperation between the university and partner enterprises: In order to make the order by
order, it is indispensable for the cooperation of the partner enterprises, especially in the stage of
determining the training needs. In addition, enterprises need to participate in the process of teaching as
well as evaluating training results, because they understand the output capacity of training courses.
1.5.2. Objective factors
a. The State's policy on decentralization of management and allocation of fundsautonomy for
the university
In order to train by order, the training institution must have autonomy in the following areas:
Academic autonomy; Autonomy in personnel; Finacially independent.
b. Industrialization and modernization of the country
c. International integration on human resource training
d. Fourth Industrial Revolution
Conclusion Chapter 1
Chapter 1 of the dissertation has corrected some basic concepts such as: training management,
ordering, training by order, training management by order.
Systematize a number of theories on human resource training in the market economy such as the
operation of training establishments in the market economy with the following characteristics: Goods
of training establishments are training services; Customers of training institutions are learners,
enterprises and the State; Marketing activities of training establishments in the market economy.
The theoretical basis for training human resources by order in the market economy has been built
with the following contents: Training by order with the basic rules of the market economy; Some
characteristics of training by order; The difference between training by order and other training methods.
Applying the cyclical training model, the dissertation has built a theoretical framework for
training management by order, including the following steps:
- Step 1. Organize the identification of training needs and sign a training contract.
- Step 2. Make a plan and organize the construction of the training program by order.

- Step 3. Organize to deploy the training by order.
- Step 4. Evaluation of training courses and training management cycle by order.
2.1. Experiences of some countries in training management by order
- The Ministry of Home Affairs and the Japan International Cooperation Agency believe that
each training course ordered is considered a project, so the training management will be considered as
the process of managing a project. Training management consists of three steps: Planning training,
implementing the training process and evaluating the training process.
- The ELENA project funded by the European Community believes that the training
management process consists of four stages: (1) Identification of the training needs and analysis of the
training objectives; (2) Prepare training plan and budget for training; (3) Managing the learning
process and assessing the learning process of students; (4) Analysis of output standards and analysis
of training content are transferred to work after training.
- Laura proposed a rather special way of organizing the training, including 11 steps: (1)
Evaluation of the research study; (2) Determination of training objectives; (3) Determine the learning
style of the learners; (4) Determine the method of organizing the training; (5) Determine the required


financial resources; (6) Determine the organizational style of the training; (7) Student selection; (8)
Content development; (9) Make a study schedule; (10) Select communication method in training; (11)
Measuring the effectiveness of the training.
Some countries have managed training according to the steps of the training process, starting
from determining the training needs, organizing the training and evaluating the training results, similar
to the basic steps of the training cycle.
2.2. About Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University
2.2.1. Development process
Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University, formerly known as the Garment Professional

Training facility under the Ministry of Internal Trade, was established on January 19, 1967. Through
many name changes, in 1998, the University was upgraded to a Technical High University. Garment
and Fashion I. In 2005, the university was upgraded and renamed to Hanoi College of Industry Textile and Fashion, under the Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (VINATEX). On June 4,
2015, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 769/QD-TTg on the establishment of Hanoi University
of Textile Industry. Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University is the only public university
specializing in textiles and apparel in the country, operating under an autonomous mechanism.
2.2.2. Organizational structure of Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University
The university is organized into two areas: training and production with 17 functional units to
meet the activities of the autonomous university.
2.2.3. Duties and autonomy, accountability of the University
a) Duties and powers of HTU is reflected in Article 4, Regulation on organization and operation
of the University.
b) University autonomy and accountability:Autonomy in academics and professional activities.
Autonomy in organizational apparatus and personnel. Financial and property autonomy. University
accountability to owners, learners, society, regulatory authorities and stakeholders.
2.2.4. Oriented development
- Vision: strives to become a high-quality, multi-disciplinary human resource training facility,
developing together with enterprises through application-oriented human resource training programs
that meet international standards.
- Mission: training high-quality human resources for the textile industry in particular and
industries in general in the direction of application, capable of working independently and creatively
at domestic and international enterprises.
2.2.5. The University's Ability
- Team of full-time teachers and management staff: by the end of 2020, the University has 283
full-time teachers, of which 82% of teachers have doctorate and master degrees. The teaching staff
with a doctorate degree or higher accounts for a low percentage because the University has just been
upgraded to a university, but the difference is that 40% of the teachers have both graduate degrees and
work experience in enterprises from 1 to 5 years.
- Facilities and teaching equipment: Facilities and teaching equipment of the university are
equipped with synchronous, modern and basic equipment to meet teaching and learning conditions

with a scale of 6000 - 8000 students. In particular, the university has a production and service center
with a scale of 500 employees, equivalent to a medium-sized enterprise, this is a place for students to
practice their profession and also a business-standard environment for teachers to practice.
2.2.6. Training scale
Currently, the university-level training facility with 7 majors in the textile and garment chain is
relatively complete. With the total number of students at the end of 2020 is 4975, of which 1158 are
college level students, accounting for 23.3%; the number of university students is 3817, accounting
for 76.7%. In parallel with long-term and regular training, the University also develops short-term
training programs to serve human resource training of textile and garment enterprises. In 2015, the
University started the policy of piloting and developing training programs according to the needs of
enterprises. By 2020, there will be more than 1,000 students per year on orders from businesses that
bring significant revenue and contribute to the University's autonomous revenue.


2.3. The current situation of Vietnam's textile and garment industry
2.3.1. General introduction to Vietnam's textile and garment industry
In recent years, the textile and garment industry has been a spearhead industry of Vietnam's
economy, creating many jobs for the society, contributing to improving competitiveness, firmly
integrating into the regional and world economy. Textile and garment export turnover has
continuously grown, making Vietnam one of the countries with the fastest textile growth in the world.
In 2016 and 2018, Vietnam has risen to the group of 3 largest garment exporting countries in the
world. In the period from 2000 to 2019, Vietnam's textile and garment industry achieved an average
export turnover growth of 16.9%/year.
2.3.2. Main production methods
Cut-Make-Trim method (CMT) with nearly 60% of enterprises implementing; Free – On –
Board (FOB) production methods account for nearly 30% of enterprises; Original Design
Manufacturing methods (ODM) and Original Brand Manufacturing methods (OBM) are carried out
by approximately 10% of enterprises.

2.3.3. Quantity and quality of human resources in textiles
Vietnam's textile and garment industry employs many workers with nearly 2.5 million people,
of which industrial workers are 1,751,753 people. The labor force who has not undergone training and
only received primary training accounts for 83.9%; the number of human resources with intermediate
or higher qualifications accounted for only 15.6%; This is a great difficulty for the development of the
textile industry, but an opportunity for the training of workers to adapt to IR4.0.
2.3.4. Level of technology and equipment
Group 1. Advanced level: approximately 20%; Group 2. Average level is good: account for
approximately 70%; Group 3. Low and medium level: approximately 10%.
2.4. Conducting a research on the current situation of training and training management by
order at Hanoi University of Textile and Garment Industry
2.4.1. Purpose
Collecting information as a basis to assess the perception of staff, teachers of HTU and managers
of some enterprises about training management by orders. Collect actual data on training management
by order at HTU in the period 2015 - 2018 such as quality assurance conditions, student satisfaction... as
a basis for assessing the situation. Determining the current status of training management by orders and
some causes and contexts to forecast the development trend of shopping centers by order. Collect
information on the current situation of the textile industry in the North on: investment in textile
factories, investment in technology, equipment and enterprise management, labor level, labor demand as
a basis for assessment. Assess the current situation and forecast the number, structure and quality of the
labor force as the basis for proposing solutions to manage training by order.
2.4.2. Research content
Awareness of staff and teachers of HTU and customers; training management by order in the
period 2015 - 2018 at HTU; The capacity of the teaching staff, staff, administrative staff and the
quality assurance conditions of HTU to meet the training requirements as ordered; The current
development of the textile industry in terms of: Technology, equipment and enterprise management,
labor level, labor needs of enterprises.
2.4.3. Method and time of the study
Survey by questionnaire; collect information; Experts.
Time of study: Academic year 2018-2019.

2.4.4. Research subjects and the number of survey votes
- At HTU: The author has conducted a survey of 3 groups of subjects: (1) 100% of management
staff and teachers have participated in pilot training courses on order; (2) Management staff, teachers
have not participated in training and training management as ordered; (3) All students are studying at
university and college level as ordered.
- On the customer side: The author has surveyed 4 groups of subjects: (1) 100% of enterprises
have ordered HTU for training in the period 2015 - 2018; (2) 227 enterprises in the textile and garment
industry have never placed an order for HTU; (3) All 300 students have graduated from college-level


training courses; (4) All 1994 learners graduated from short-term training courses ordered by
2.4.5. Methods of coding and analyzing survey data
The survey was entered and analyzed using Excel software for statistical purposes, handling
open-ended questions and coding. Perform data statistics on MS Excel software. The question can
select multiple options and choose one that applies the formula to calculate the percentage. In
addition, the Likert scale is also applied.
2.5. Current status of training to order at Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University
2.5.1. Status of pilot training courses on order
Training ordered by enterprises at HTU in the period 2015 - 2018 is mainly short-term training,
out of a total of 51 training classes with 2154 students in the period 2015 - 2018 there are 10 training
classes at college and university level with 530 students, accounting for 24.6%; Short-term investment
accounts for 75.4%. The duration of short-term training courses ordered by enterprises is very diverse,
depending on the needs, training content and agreement between the two parties. Most of the training
courses have training duration from 3 to 6 months, accounting for 90.2%; training courses with
duration of more than 6 months to less than 12 months accounted for 9.8%. College degree total
training time is 3 years and university is 4 years.
The number of training classes ordered by enterprises at HTU in the past period has not been

much, and the potential has not been fully exploited because in the early years of piloting, training
management still has some shortcomings. Moreover, the characteristics of textile and garment
enterprises is that orders depend on customers, so they often produce continuously, making it difficult
to arrange time to train employees. This is the number 1 reason leading to limited and problematic
training classes
2.5.2. The reality of awareness of customized training
- Awareness of managers and teachers: Although the question allows to choose many answer
options and all 4 options are the benefits of training orders, the proportion of choosing the highest
benefit accounts for 53.8%, the lowest option only accounts for 18.9. %. It is necessary to continue to
raise awareness for managers and teachers about the importance and benefits of customized training.
When clearly seeing the importance and benefits, managers and teachers will actively and proactively
prepare the conditions to participate in training as ordered.
- Perception of customers: The majority of textile enterprises do not understand the importance
and benefits of training by orders, so these customers order training very rarely, up to 40.6% of
businesses answered that they have never ordered mobile training, the score according to the Likert
scale is only 1.91 points. ranked as poor. This is a point that needs to be paid close attention if HTU
wants to develop training by orders of textile and garment enterprises.
2.5.3. Actual status of training level and results according to order
a. Customers of Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University
In the period of 2015 - 2018, in addition to individual customers who study regular training
programs, the training courses ordered at HTU are from corporate customers, and there is no stateordered training. The development of relationships with customers who are garment enterprises has
not been given due attention by the University and has not been able to develop new customers.
b. Current status of marketing activities of Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University
Marketing with customers has been interested in by HTU. In November 2018, the University
established a Department of Admissions and Communication. Communication activities have been
carried out through a number of means such as: Through website, fanpage, ... rich tools such as
phones, leaflets, newspapers, publications, Internet, direct marketing to high school students.
However, the field of business and training relations is often in charge of the Training Department,
marketing activities are not organized regularly, and the tools are simple to use.
c. Current status of training quality assurance conditions

- Teaching staff and training managers
According to the results of interviews with faculty management staff (A06, A07), only about
20% of teachers of specialized faculties meet relatively well the training requirements by order,


moreover, according to the survey results (Appendix 5), 48.1% said that the difficulty when
organizing training courses by orders of enterprises is choosing a team of teachers who have the
capacity to meet the requirements. Also according to the survey results of managers and teachers who
participated in training according toorder about the weaknesses in the training by order. At the
University, 53.8% think that the weakest point is that the capacity of the teaching staff has not been
met. It is necessary to promote training and foster teachers to improve their capacity and meet training
requirements order.
Basically, the training management staff has met the requirements, but still 34.6% of the staff and
teachers think that the qualified training management staff has not met the requirements of the training
training order (Appendix 5) and 84.6% answered that if you want to promote training by order, you need
to improve the capacity of the training management staff and teachers.
- Facilities and finance
HTU is in the first years of implementing financial autonomy, in the period of 2015 - 2020, the
university is self-sufficient in regular expenditures, but has not been able to independently spend
investment, so the financial and investment resources for facilities are very limited.
d. Learner
Candidates for short-term training courses are all officials and workers working in enterprises,
these are adults who go to university. For training courses at university and college level, all students
who have graduated from high school and have just been recruited into enterprises without training.
e. Form and location of learning organization
The majority (70.6%) of training courses are organized at enterprises, combined training
between university and enterprises accounts for 19.6%; 9.8% of courses are organized at the
University. According to the survey results after short-term training courses, up to 98% of students

rated this form of organization as quite appropriate and appropriate.
2.6. Actual situation of training management by order at Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment
2.6.1. Actual situation of organizations identifying training needs and signing training contracts
The university does not have a specialized department and job description for the position that
identifies the training needs.
a. Actual situation of planning to identify training needs
Because there is no specialized department to determine training needs, every year, the
corporate relations department does not develop a plan to determine training needs, and performs
irregular operations.
b. Actual situation of implementing organization to identify training needs
- Contents of identifying training needs
The demand for the number of human resources, the human resource structure, the training
qualifications for each job position is determined in the agreement/contract with the enterprise, the
demand for knowledge and skills in the job positions of the enterprise. Orders are surveyed by the
team building the training program at the training order company. The collection of information on
training needs in the general labor market is still limited. The university has not taken the initiative,
but only when there is an order, it collects information about the training needs of each ordering
- Methods commonly applied to survey training needs
+ Survey by questionnaire: Conducted infrequently.
+ Directly communicating with a number of big customers through job fairs, conferences,
seminars... to grasp the demand, do it irregularly.
+ Survey directly at the customer's production and business facilities: Select a number of large
enterprises with advanced technology, equipment and production levels to come to survey.
However, all methods of collecting information on training needs by order are not planned,
methodical and not professional, the University has not actively collected information about training
needs, but mainly by customers to order.


- Involvement of the customer in the identification of the research project: The collection of
information on training needs has had the participation of customers but has not been effective.
c. Actual situation of guiding the identification of training needs
Because there is no specialized apparatus for determining the training needs, the determination
of the training needs is usually directed to do when developing the training program by order. The
Vice Rector in charge of the training sector directs the development of the training programs,
including the identification of the training needs.
d. Actual situation of assessing results of identifying needs and signing training contracts
HTU has not yet organized an evaluation of the results of the identification of the training needs,
but only evaluated the training program. According to the Finance Department's statistics, the number
of contracts with late payment compared to the signed contract accounted for 56.7%, especially after
liquidation over 4 months accounted for 28.3%, especially there are contracts of late payment after 15
months, shows the urging and supervision of contracts is not strict.
2.6.2. Actual situation of planning and organizing training program development
a. Planning Status
- Training Plan: According to the survey results, the order-based training planning is done well
with a score of 3.88 reaching level 4/5 of the Likert scale.
- Planning to arrange the teaching staff: According to the general policy, training classes
ordered by enterprises are given priority to select teachers with solid expertise, experience in working
in enterprises, good pedagogical methods, flexible behavior...
- Facilities plan: The preparation of facilities for training courses by order is usually planned
and guaranteed according to the contract.
- Plan to raise capital and spend for training courses:The university has not yet developed a
capital mobilization plan and calculated the specific cost of each training course by order. When
calculating the cost of training classes on order, the current method of the University is mainly actual
calculation according to the training program and estimation based on experience. 30% of enterprises
believe that the cost of training courses of the University is still high and often behind requirements.
The regime for officials and teachers to participate in training courses by orders has been built since

2016 and has not changed until now, 53.8% think that the new system meets the basic requirements
and has not yet been met, has not encouraged teachers yet. participation.
b. Actual situation of organization building training programs to order
- Planning to build a training program: The group developing the program makes a plan to build
the training program according to the general plan.
- Organizing and implementing training programs: The team that develops the training program
analyzes the jobs that the client currently has in the research program according to the DACUM
method. Mainly analyzing job positions with training needs to predict the required knowledge, skills
and attitudes of each job position and synthesize them into the objectives/output standards of the
training program. From there, it is expected that the subjects, main content and duration, testing and
assessment methods to achieve the training objectives.
The difference of university and college training programs by orders of enterprises is that from
the regular program, the compilation team balances the arrangement of content, duration, testing and
evaluation methods to suit the target audience, output standards as ordered by enterprises, learning
environment, etc. With the orientation when implementing the curriculum, it is necessary to optimally
exploit learners' ability to self-study and self-study, promote the advantages of adults going to
university, make the most of the time spent studying theoretical and basic modules. Faculties and
basic practice at the University and intensive practice, internship at enterprises, so the college
curriculum is usually designed according to the model of 1.5+1.5 or 2+1, the university curriculum is
designed with 2, 5+1.5 or 3+1. This training model is highly appreciated by businesses and learners
because it is suitable for the reality of the textile industry. The results of the survey of former students
after graduation have up to 99. 2% rated it from very suitable to very suitable. Survey results of
training management staff, teachers of the University, 73% think that training programs meet and
relatively well the demand for ordering. According to the survey results, 60% of enterprises think that


the program has met the demand for orders well and relatively well. The survey results of students
studying at universities and colleges in the classes ordered by enterprises show that 84.2% of students

are satisfied with the training program with a score of 3.92.
- Directing the development of training programs:The Vice Rector in charge of the training
industry directly directs the construction of the training program by order. The Training Department is
the unit that supervises the construction of the training program according to the issued plan.
- Evaluation of the results of the construction of the training program: The draft program was
sent by the University to get customer comments, adjusted and supplemented before it was attached to
the training contract.
2.6.3. Actual situation of training organization
a. Status of enrollment of training courses on order
The Admissions and Communication Department is responsible for planning and organizing
enrollment for customized training courses. All training courses ordered by enterprises are recruited
by enterprises for training according to the agreement of criteria between the two parties. Management
of regular university and college enrollment in accordance with current regulations. For short-term
training courses, based on human resource training needs, the University advises businesses to select
students in accordance with current regulations.
b. Actual situation of organization of the teaching process
Survey results of administrative staff, teachers have 75% of the opinion that the University
assigns the training department and faculties to the same management, 71.2% thinks that there is a
coordination between the University and customers to implement together. Surveying the response
level of management in implementing customized training courses, 75% rated it as good or higher,
reaching 3.81/5 at level 4 of the Likert scale.
- Teacher's teaching activities
+ Designing pedagogical/learning materials: According to the direction, in addition to the basic
content, the situations and application exercises are updated and selected in the production and
business practices of the ordering enterprises. According to the survey results of learners, 94.3% rated
the lecture materials and slides as appropriate to the teaching content. However, according to the
assessment of enterprises, 35% and 38.5% of management staff and teachers assessed that the
program and construction materials were still inappropriate and 34% of the students answered that the
training program and lecture content needed to be supplemented with real situations close to
production at enterprises. Thus, the university needs to continue to train to improve the capacity of the

teaching staff to meet the training requirements of the order.
Conduct lectures:According to the survey results of managers and teachers who participated in
training by orders, 76.9% said that they regularly update business practices and adjust accordingly.
The results of the survey of students in short-term training courses have 94.2% satisfied about
teachers who regularly make contact between theory and production practice, the score according to
the Likert scale is 4.42.
- Learning activities of learners: Learners of training courses ordered by enterprises have a very
good sense of learning because they themselves have identified clear learning goals.
c. Actual situation of directing the organization of training implementation
Directing the implementation of training is carried out by the Vice Rector in charge of the field
of study in coordination with the Vice Principal in charge of training. Directing and supervising the
implementation at the unit level are the Training Department, the Faculty and the Education
Inspectorate. In the past time, the direction was carried out closely, in a timely manner, with a clear
orientation, so the quality of the training courses met the requirements of customers.
d. Evaluation of learning results, awarding diplomas and certificates
The results of the survey of learners about the form, content and results of the test and
evaluation showed that 83.3% were satisfied with the score of 4.41 - 4.43/5 points according to the
Likert scale.
Issuance of diplomas, certificates and certifications shall be carried out strictly in accordance
with the regulations of the state management agencies on training education.


Counseling on job placement for graduates: For regular training courses, specialized faculties
organize classification and assessment of learners according to their ability and expected job positions
that can be guaranteed. duty to advise enterprises. Basically, learners promote according to their
learning ability, so the survey results after 3 months of graduation, 60% of former students were able
to take charge of technical jobs and production team management, after 12 months, the percentage
This rate is 93.1%.

2.6.4. Status of training course evaluation and the entire training cycle
a. Status of assessing the quality of training courses
The university evaluates the quality of customized training courses through many information
channels such as: Enterprise evaluation, graduate student survey, self-assessment. This work is done
professionally and professionally by the Quality Assurance Center. For short-term training courses,
the post-graduation survey calculates the average score of the survey indicators as 4.38/5 according to
the Likert scale. For the regular training courses, the survey results of the enterprises ordering the
evaluation of the quality after the training were 3.91, the former students rated the score of 4.2, which
met the order requirements well; combined with direct customer interviews, employers after training
are rated at a good response rate.
b. Reality that evaluating the effectiveness of training courses: Currently, the University has not
evaluated the internal and external effectiveness of customized training courses in a methodical
manner. Regular training courses have organized post-graduation surveys about job positions, income
levels and response levels after graduation.
c. Actual situation of management, summarizing and evaluating the entire training cycle
The review and evaluation of the entire training cycle has not been carried out regularly and
2.7. General assessment
2.7.1. Strengths
- The university has initially changed the perception of staff, teachers, and specialists about the
importance and benefits of customized training.
- Very new content at the request of the training center when ordering training has been
implemented such as: Analysis of the context and its impact on training courses, forecasting of
customized research, marketing with customers goods, sign traning contracts by orders.
- The design of the training program has many differences compared to the traditional training
programs, analyzed the training needs and the competency standards of the job positions by order as
the basis for developing the training program of each order, piloted the training model 1.5 + 1.5 and 2
+ 2 are highly appreciated by enterprises and learners.
- The university has mobilized the participation of customers in the entire cycle of training
management by orders, from providing information on the current state of technology, equipment,

human resource qualifications and forecasting future developments to participate in the development
of training programs, teaching and managing the training process, post-training evaluation.
2.7.2. Weaknesses
- Perception of training by order in the entire staff, teachers and staff is not uniform.
- The design of training programs according to order meets some basic requirements. However,
training programs with high requirements have not been developed. When organizing customized
training courses, there are also many difficulties due to the lack of staff, lectures. The reason is due to
the capacity of the staff, teachers have not met the high requirements from the training by order.
- The university has not actively researched the general context from the labor market, the
reality of the textile industry and forecasted future development on a scientific basis. This weakness is
due to the lack of a specialized department, limited human resources to implement training
management by orders, and inappropriate organizational structure.
- Calculating the cost of training is not scientific, has not analyzed the financial structure, has
not accurately determined the economic - technical level and positioned the brand of the University.


2.7.3. Opportunity
In the context of strong development of science and technology, but the quality of human
resources in the textile and garment industry is assessed at low level, the number of human resources
through training accounts for a very small proportion. This is an opportunity for enterprises to develop
according to their orders.
The majority of garment enterprises are small and medium enterprises, which are considered
weak enterprises. Especially under the impact of the Covid - 19 pandemic, a large number of these
businesses will surely go bankrupt or operate in moderation. Stemming from the importance of the
textile and garment industry to the socio-economic development of Vietnam and the above
characteristics, the State's support for the textile and garment industry through the human resource
training program is entirely possible, especially the support for small and medium enterprises, ie the
opportunity to develop short-term training programs by order of the State.

2.7.4. Challenge
In order to train high-quality human resources for the sustainable development of the textile and
garment industry, teachers must have good capacity. If you want to update technology and advanced
equipment, it is very expensive in finance. In the early stages of autonomy, it is difficult for the
University to invest in technology and equipment to keep up with the development of enterprises. Our
country's statistical and forecasting information system is still very limited and the sense of
responsibility and participation of enterprises in providing information is still very low. Therefore, it
is difficult to predict the training needs by order accurately and thus, the following stages are also
prone to error.
Conclusion of chapter 2
Chapter 2 has summarized the experience of some countries in the world on training
management by order, introduced about HTU before the requirement to exercise autonomy and
innovate training by order. Analyzed the current situation of the textile industry and the need for
human resource development in the textile and garment industry in our country.
The author has surveyed and interviewed in-depth about training and training management by
orders in management staff, teachers of HTU and some customers who are businesses who have
ordered training, some businesses have never ordered training facility, former students and students
are studying training programs as ordered. The survey results have collected information about the
perception of customers, staff, and teachers about customized training, and also collected information
and evaluation about training and training management in pilot training courses by orders the
University has made in the period 2015 - 2018.
Although it is only at the stage of piloting training to order, HTU is one of the pioneers in
training according to customers' orders, which are textile enterprises, the requirements are very new in
training by order has been interested and implemented by the University. However, the different
requirements of the customer service by order are not well implemented such as the organization of
training needs identification, marketing with customers, financial management and relationship
development with customers.
3.1. Development context of Vietnam's textile and garment industry

3.1.1. Textile and garment industry market
a. World textile and garment market: By 2025, Vietnam's textile and garment is still forecasted
to be one of the 5 largest textile and garment exporting countries in the world.
b. Domestic market: In 2018, Vietnam's per capita income reached US$2,587, double the
income level of 2010, thanks to which the average living expenditure of the people also increased, in
which spending on garments, hats and shoes.
3.1.2. Strategies and development trends of the textile industry
According to the development plan of Vietnam's textile and garment industry to 2020 with a
vision to 2030, the textile and garment industry needs to focus on the quality of human resources to


meet international standards in textile and garment export. According to forecasts about the impact of
IR 4.0 on textiles, simple jobs will be replaced by robots and new equipment, and new jobs will
appear that require a higher quality of human resources. Training facilities need to innovate training
programs, promote cooperation with enterprises, this is a content of training to order.
3.1.3. Forecast of human resource needs to develop Vietnam's textile and garment industry to 2020
and vision to 2030
According to the forecast, In the period of 2020 - 2025, the textile and garment industry needs
regular training for about 65,000 workers with university and college degrees. In addition, it is also
necessary to recruit enough quantity and ensure quality for new job positions arising due to the impact
of digital technology. The number of human resources that need training for the new job position is
estimated at about 25,000 people. Thus, at this stage, the textile and garment industry has a huge
training needs for the current staff and new training to improve the quality of human resources.
3.2. The context of higher education and some orientations for choosing solutions
3.2.1. Context of higher education
The policy of making-to-order training has been concretized by decisions and circulars for
implementation. This is an opportunity for custom-made training to develop, especially custom-made
training in the textile industry.

3.2.2. Some orientation to choose solutions
Towards improving quality and reducing training costs; Training associated with use;
Fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education and training
3.3. Principles of proposed solutions:Ensuring target ability; Ensure inheritance; Ensure feasibility;
Ensure efficiency.
3.4. Training management solution on order at Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University
3.4.1. Organize training courses to raise awareness for managers and lecturers on customized training
a. Purpose of the solution:Thinking precedes action, in order to act right, it is necessary to have
the right perception. Training by order has many new requirements, especially requirements for
management staff and teachers, so it is necessary to raise awareness for managers and teachers. From
the right awareness, they will be determined to self-study and actively participate in training courses
to improve their skills to meet training requirements as ordered.
b. Contents of the solution: In training management by order, there are 2 main objects involved in
the management process, which are managers of departments related to training and teachers. By many
different methods to raise awareness for officials, teachers and employees about customized training so
that they can be active, proactive and creative in participating in customized training courses.
c. How to do the solution:Step 1. Agree on the policy of training by order → Step 2. Plan
awareness training for administrators, teachers and staff →Step 3. Organizing the training → Step 4.
Directing the implementation of the training →Step 5. Evaluation of training results →Step 6. Assess
the impact of the refresher.
d. Conditions for implementing the solution:The management board needs to have determination
and perseverance, to direct closely and assign specialized units to regularly monitor awareness-raising
activities. There is a synchronous deployment of branches, functional units, mass organizations.
3.4.2. Management improves method of identifying training needs
a. Purpose of the solution:The purpose of this solution is to determine the right training needs,
from which to make appropriate adjustments, prepare resources and take the next steps to get training
orders in accordance with the law of supply - demand of the market economy.
b. Contents of the solution:Set up a specialized group to identify training needs in the fields of
training. Training for the task force on methods and techniques for identifying training needs.
c. How to do the solution:Step 1. Establish a specialized training needs unit → Step 2. Provide

training on methods and techniques for Investigating Investigate Investigate → Step 3. Plan and
organize information collection and analysis on training needs → Step 4. Directing and building a
database system on training needs → Step 5. Organize marketing with customers → Step 6. Identify
potential customers with training needs → Step 7. Evaluate identify training needs.


d. Conditions for implementing the solution: Need to train and guide staff of relevant units on
marketing techniques and tools; on methods, techniques and tools to identify training needs; method of
calculating training service charges; soft skills. Sufficient funds are available for marketing activities and
identification of the training needs.
3.4.3. Manage and develop relationships with customers
a. Purpose of the solution:Developing relationships with customers so that customers know
about the University, it will be convenient to survey the training needs and the current situation. On
the other hand, customers already know the University, the marketing implementation is also more
convenient. On the basis of the close relationship and the brand of the University, the agreements are
smoother, the participation of customers in the training management by order is more effective.
b. Contents of the solution: For customers who have ordered training, it is necessary to pay
attention to customer service after training. Maintain a two-way relationship on the basis of mutual
benefits, support customers to solve problems in production practices of the unit. For customers who
do not know the University, need to contact to send students to practice, teachers to practice at the
customer's production facility.
c. How to do the solution:Step 1. Make a plan and list of textile and garment customers→ Step
2. Analyze and classify customers →Step 3. Hold customer conferences →Step 4. Develop support
and cooperation content→ Step 5 Negotiating and signing cooperation agreements →Step 6.
Implementation of support and cooperation →Step 7. Evaluation of cooperation activities/agreements.
d. Conditions for implementing the solution:The university must prepare thoughtful resources,
staff and teachers must be able to solve practical problems in production. The quality of formal
training must be ensured, especially the level of integration with production, so that when going to

practice, in reality at enterprises can perform well at assigned job positions, affirming the brand of the
University, help customers know. The university should have a good relationship with VITAS and
have a customer relations department.
3.4.4. Directing to perfect the organizational structure and internal policies to meet the training
requirements by order
a. Purpose of the solution:In order for the University to have a compact organizational structure, a
reasonable structure, including a specialized department to collect and analyze information on training
needs, a highly specialized staff, and no job is overlap or omit. The university needs to have policies and
regimes to motivate managers, teachers and employees to participate in training and training by orders.
b. Contents of the solution:Completing the existing organizational structure, building the
functions and tasks of the units in the university to meet the requirements of training and training
management as ordered. Completing policies to motivate staff and teachers to actively participate in
training and training management by orders.
c. How to do the solution:Step 1. Unify the policy in leadership → Step 2. Review the overall
mission of the University →Step 3. Assess the current situation of organizational structure and
internal policies→ Step 4. Anticipated Adjust the organizational structure of the University's
apparatus and develop a draft policy →Step 5. Develop job descriptions for each job title and position
→Step 6. Develop human resources for each unit. →Step 7. Consult stakeholders →Step 8. Testing,
adjusting and promulgating.
d. Conditions for implementing the solution:The Board of Directors has the sense and capacity to
exercise autonomy in terms of organizational structure and personnel selection. The administrative
department needs people who are knowledgeable about staffing, training orders and motivational
policies for managers and teachers. Develop a scientific job description of each job position and
evaluate the work performance annually. Publicize policies and regimes as a common motivation.
Financing is required to implement the solution.
3.4.5. Organize and develop a contingent of managers and lecturers based on their ability
a. The purpose of the solution: Custom training is different from traditional training from
determining the training needs, building the training program to organizing the training process and
evaluating the training results. The current staff of management staff and teachers are not familiar and
do not have enough capacity to manage and carry out training by orders. Therefore, the purpose of the


solution is for the University to have a contingent of managers and teachers in sufficient quantity,
synchronous in the structure of professions and qualifications, and capable enough to be able to conduct
training courses according to customer order.
b. Contents of the solution:Developing a team of managers and teachers based on competence
including: Determining the necessary competency that each group of managers and teachers needs to be
able to participate in training by orders; Determine the existing capacity of each group of managers and
teachers; Organize training to improve qualifications for groups of managers and teachers of the
University according to the required competency standards and each profession to carry out training by
orders; Organize training courses on new technologies and equipment in education and the textile and
garment sector, and necessary soft skills. Manage the new recruitment or sign part-time contracts to have a
sufficient number of teachers, synchronize the structure of professions and qualifications and capacity to
deploy training courses as ordered.
c. How to do the solution:Step 1. Build a competency framework for each job position → Step
2. Assess the current situation of the existing contingent of teachers and administrators → Step 3.
Identify training needs and foster teachers and administrators → Step 4. Make a plan for training and
fostering a team of teachers and administrators, recruiting and signing a contract with part-time
teachers → Step 5. Organize and implement the development of a team of teachers and administrators
→ Step 6. Check, evaluate the results of the development of the teaching staff and management staff.
d. Conditions for implementing the solution: University leaders need to be properly aware of the
development of teachers; Teachers and management staff are deeply aware of the importance of
participating in training and training; Building a competency framework suitable for each job position
as a basis for training and training; There is enough funding to organize training courses, refresher
courses and sign contracts with part-time teachers. Develop appropriate regimes and sanctions for
teachers and management staff to participate in training and retraining courses.
3.4.6. Solution 6. Directing the renovation of financial management and teaching equipment for
customized training courses

a. Purpose of the solution: In order to implement solutions, funding is indispensable, especially
funding for investment in teaching and learning equipment. For a university in the early years of selfcontrol, with limited funding, good financial management is the optimal problem. Therefore, using the
funds so that within the allowable revenue, optimal costs and investment, effective procurement and
mobilizing capital sources for investment is the goal towards the operation. The purpose of the
solution is for the University to manage the financial resources, invest and manage the teaching and
learning equipment sufficiently in terms of type and quantity, modern in quality according to the
production technology that the market is applying thereby promoting training by orders.
b. Contents of the solution
- Directing the renovation of financial management: Organize the elaboration of economic technical norms and prices of training services; Analysis of revenue and expenditure structure each
year from 2016 to 2020; Estimated solutions to increase revenue, save expenses and increase
investment and procurement; Develop a financial plan for the period of 2021 - 2025 and estimate
revenue and expenditure in 2021 according to the analyzed structure and forecast the actual situation;
Evaluate, learn from implementation in 2021 and adjust for the following years.
- Renovating the management of teaching and learning equipment includes the following contents::
Managing the procurement of teaching equipment; Managing the use of teaching equipment;
Managing the maintenance of teaching equipment; Managing the repair of teaching equipment;
Managing the exploitation of equipment of customers ordering training; Managing exploitation of
sponsorships from equipment manufacturers for mobile training.
c. How to do the solution:
- Directing the renovation of financial management: Step 1. Organize the development of
economic - technical norms and prices of training services →Step 2. Statistics and analysis of revenue
and expenditure structure for the period 2016 - 2020 →Step 3. Expected solutions to adjust the
structure revenue, expenditure and fund mobilization →Step 4. Collect opinions of units →Step 5.
Adjust revenue and expenditure structure and funding plan →Step 6. Develop a financial plan for the


2021 period - 2025 and each year →Step 7. Implement the financial plan for 2021 →Step 8. Evaluate
and adjust the financial plan for the 2021 - 2025 period.

- Renovating the management of teaching and learning equipment: Step 1. Assess the current
state of teaching equipment → Step 2. Determine the need for teaching equipment →Step 3. Plan for
maintenance, repair and procurement of teaching equipment →Step 4. Team implementation of
maintenance, repair, procurement teaching equipment →Step 5. Directing the maintenance, repair and
procurement of teaching equipment →Step 6. Checking and evaluating the maintenance, repair and
procurement teaching equipment or exploitation from customers.
d. Conditions for implementing the solution:To direct the innovation of financial and investment
management, the Rector must be determined, first of all, to change the perception of officials and
professionals performing financial operations and to change perceptions and behavior. The actions of
officials, teachers and experts contribute to the results of financial indicators. The renovation of
financial management, especially financial policies, should be done cautiously within the allowable
range. Have enough finance to carry out the procurement, maintenance and repair of equipment;
Having a regular, close relationship and responsible coordination training customers, textile
equipment manufacturers; The university needs a specialized unit and a number of staff
knowledgeable about investment and procurement, especially specialized equipment.
3.5. Relationship between solutions: Each solution has relative independence to solve a specific
task. However, they have a close, logical and supportive relationship. Solutions that need to be
implemented synchronously will be effective. However, depending on practical conditions, it is
possible to prioritize the implementation of some solutions or implement each content of the solutions.
3.6. Testing the feasibility and urgency of solutions
3.6.1. Test
a. Test purpose:The test aims to consult experts on the necessity and feasibility of the
management solutions proposed by the dissertation.
b. Test content: Urgency and feasibility of solutions.
c. Test object:Management staff and teachers of HTU, the number of people who participated in
the pilot process of training by order is 52 people, the number of people who have not participated in
training by order is 100 people.
d. Test method:Design a questionnaire to assess the urgency and feasibility of the proposed
solutions according to the 5-level Likert scale.
e. Test location and time:At HTU, from March to April 2019.

f. Test results


Average score on Likert
y level

Organize training courses to raise awareness for managers and
lecturers on customized training
Management improves method of identifying training needs
Manage and develop relationships with customers
Directing to perfect the organizational structure and internal
policies to meet the training requirements on order

Organize and develop a contingent of managers and lecturers
based on competence
Directing the renovation of financial management and teaching
equipment for customized training courses
Regarding the level of urgency and feasibility, there are 5 solutions that are evaluated at level 5
(which is the highest level), 1 solution is evaluated at level 4, that is: “Directing innovation in
financial management and teaching equipment for customized training courses”.
