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(Đề có 02 trang
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NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
Điểm bằng chữ:

Nhận xét của giáo viên:

Mã đề: 801
Họ và tên HS: ……………………………………………... Lớp 8 ….
Part 1: Listen and choose the best option for each of the questions below. (1.25 pts)
1. Who is Jenifer?
A. A student
B. A journalist
C. A youngster
2. What's the purpose of the interview with Jimmy?
A. Jenifer wants to say hello to Jimmy.
B. Jenifer wants to ask Jimmy about his student life.
C. Jenifer wants to ask Jimmy about his favorite summer activities.
3. Where does Jimmy's family go every weekend in the summer?
A. Their restaurant B. The swimming pool
C. The countryside
4. How long is it since Jimmy joined his university's youth club?

A. Two years
B. Two months
C. Two weeks
5. What does Jimmy think of the international camp?
A. It's time-wasting.
B. It's boring and useless.
C. It's interesting and useful.
Part 2: Listen and fill in blank: (1.25 pts)
Message to : Martin
Message from: (1)………………………...
Party at
: (2)……………………………
Please bring : (4)……………………………
Her phone number: (5)………………………
Circle the answer A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence. (2.5pts)
1. The sun ______________ in the east and sets in the west.
A. rose
B. rise
C. rises
D. raise
2. Nam ______________ to see the movie tonight.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. is going

3. We ______________ television yesterday evening.
A. watch
B. watched
C. to watch
D. watching
4. Minh and Nga cooked dinner ______________ their mother wasn’t at home last night.
A. himself
B. herself
C. themselves D. ourselves
5. I ______________gardening, but I don’t have time for it now.
A. use to enjoy
B. used to enjoy
C. use to enjoying
D. used to enjoying
6. He rarely shows his feelings. He’s rather ______________.
A. reserved
B. sociable
C. humorous
D. helpful
7. I’m living on the third floor. Peter is living ______________, on the second floor.
A. downstairs
B. upstairs
C. outside
D. inside
8. Nam learns English very ______________ He always gets good marks.
A. fast
B. slowly
C. badly
D. well
9. She enjoys ______________ books.

A. read
B. to read
C. reading
D. reads
10. May I help you ? – Yes, ______________.
A. No problem
B. No, I’m sorry, I’m busy
C. Sure. How can I help you ?
D. That’s very kind of you

Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.(1.5 pts)
Hoa is excited about the (1) ......................... activities she is going to do. The Y&Y is having a plan
(2) ......................... the community. She’ll (3) ......................... in its recycling program. In joining this
program, she’ll collect used paper, glass and empty cans. Then she will send them for (4) ..........................
. She hopes that she could save (5) ......................... resources and earn some money for her school Y&Y
in these activities. She also thinks about participating in either planting trees and flowers or
(6) ......................... the street children.
1. A. interesting
B. interested
C. boring
D. bored
2. A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helped
3. A. take part
B. participate in
C. fill

D. register
4. A. recyclable
B. recycle
C. recycled
D. recycling
5. A. naturaly
B. naturally
C. nature
D. natural
6. A. help
B. helped
C. helping
D. to help
Part 2: Read the passage then choose True (t) or False (F). (1.0 pt)
In the old days, women were considered inferior to men. In the family, women were not allowed to make
their own decisions as everything was typically determined by men. They could not control how many
babies they wanted to have, and the duty to bear their husbands a son brought more pressure to women’s
family life. As men were seen as superior, women had to play the role of full-time housewives without
getting any help from their husbands. Their social status was low, too. Most women were excluded from
the workforce. Their work was centered in their home. It is common that women took up manual labor
such as spinning or weaving in the home. Many women just finished their primary school or were
illiterate because of a common belief that it was not important to educate women.
1. ...................... Women held lower rank than men.
2. ...................... Spinning and weaving are examples of manual labor.
3. ...................... Husbands helped their wives with housework.
4. ...................... It was commonly thought that educating women was important.
Part 1: Rewrite the following sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first. (1.5 pts)
1. Mr. Smith doesn’t live on a farm in the countryside anymore.
=> Mr. Smith used ...............................................................................................................

2. “Don’t forget to say thank you to your moms," She told her students.
=>The teacher asked her students……………………………………………………….
3. “You should not stay up surfing the internet too late." My mother said to me.
=> My mother said ...................................................................................................................
4. Tuan’s school is bigger than my school.
=> My school isn’t .........................................................................................................................
5. Mr Lam started working in that hospital two months ago.
=> Mr Lam has ...............................................................................................................
6. Nam is very intelligent. He can pass the exam..
=> Nam is……………………………………………………………………………………
Part 2: Use the words given to write a complete sentence. (1.0 pt)
1. Tuan’s father / be / proud / him / because / he / always / get / good grades//
=> .. …………….……...…………….……...…………….………………………………
2. My mother/ live / Cat Tien / since/ 2005//
=> …..….……...…………….……...……………………………………………………
_______Good luck_____

(Đề có 02 trang
Điểm bằng số:

NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
Thời gian: 45 phút (Không kể thời gian phát đề)
Điểm bằng chữ:

Nhận xét của giáo viên:

Mã đề: 802
Họ và tên HS: ……………………………………………... Lớp 8 ….
Part 1: Listen and choose the best option for each of the questions below. (1.25 pts)
1. Who is Jenifer?
A. A student
B. A journalist
C. A youngster
2. What's the purpose of the interview with Jimmy?
A. Jenifer wants to say hello to Jimmy.
B. Jenifer wants to ask Jimmy about his student life.
C. Jenifer wants to ask Jimmy about his favorite summer activities.
3. Where does Jimmy's family go every weekend in the summer?
A. Their restaurant B. The swimming pool
C. The countryside
4. How long is it since Jimmy joined his university's youth club?
A. Two years
B. Two months
C. Two weeks
5. What does Jimmy think of the international camp?
A. It's time-wasting.
B. It's boring and useless.
C. It's interesting and useful.
Part 2: Listen and fill in blank: (1.25 pts)
Message to : Martin
Message from: (1)………………………...

Party at
: (2)……………………………
Please bring : (4)……………………………
Her phone number: (5)………………………
Circle the answer A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence. (2.5pts)
1. My uncle ______________ a new car last week.
A. to buy
B. buys
C. bought
D. buying
2. Nam ______________ to watch an action movie on TV tonight.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. is going
3. Her mother cut ______________with the knife while she was preparing dinner.
A. himself
B. herself
C. themselves D. hisself
4. I ______________ to study English to get a good job.
A. have to
B. must
C. ought
D. ought to
5. My father ______________ in HCM city when he was young.
A. used live

B. used to living
C. used to live D.use to live
6. I was born in Vietnam. So Vietnamese is my ______________.
A. mother tongue
B. second language
C. foreign language D. language
7. Playing soccer and going fishing are ______________.
A. outside activities
B. outdoor activity
C. outdoor activities
D. outside activity
8. Nam learns English very ______________ He always gets good marks.
A. well
B. slowly
C. badly
D. fast
9. She loves ______________ volleyball.
A. play
B. played
C. playing
D. to play
10. May I help you ? – Yes, ______________ .
A. No problem
B. No, I’m sorry, I’m busy
C. Sure. How can I help you ?
D. That’s very kind of you

Part 1: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. (1.5 pts)

Hoa is excited about the (1) _____ activities she is going to do. The Y&Y is having a plan (2)______
the community. She’ll (3) _____ in its recycling program. In joining this program, she’ll collect used
paper, glass and empty cans. Then she will send them for (4)______.
She hopes that she could save (5)_____ resources and earn some money for her school Y&Y in these
activities. She also thinks about participating in either planting trees and flowers or (6)_____ the street
1. A. interesting
B. interested
C. boring
D. bored
2. A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helped
3. A. take part
B. participate in
C. fill
D. register
4. A. recyclable
B. recycle
C. recycled
D. recycling
5. A. natural
B. naturally
C. nature
D. naturaly
6. A. to help
B. helping
C. helped
D. help

Part 2: Read the passage then choose True (t) or False (F). (1.0 pt)
There is a question as of why students from famous universities are so smart. The answer lies in their
study habits, which should be developed by all students from early ages with help from parents and
First, a habit of frequent reading is what children should have. It is understandable if a child does not like
reading in his early life. What parents and teachers should do is to explain the importance of daily reading
to children. Simply, parents can encourage their children to bring books in their handbags to read in their
leisure time. Teachers can share their book picks with their students.
1. ...................... Students at top universities are all born smart.
2. ...................... Students should start to form good study habits go to university.
3. ...................... Daily reading is a good habit that should be encouraged among children.
4. ...................... Teachers can share with their students about what books they read.
Part 1: Rewrite the following sentences so that it has the same meaning to the first. (1.5 pts)
1. My brother is tall. He can play volleyball.
=> My brother is ..............................................................................................................................
2. “ Don’t forget to do your homework.” The teacher said to her students.
=> The teacher asked her students .………………………………………………………....
3. "You should study harder". My mother said to me.
=> My mother said ……………………………………………………………….................
4. I started studying English six years ago.
=> I have ………………………………………………………………….............................
5. My birthday cake is different from her birthday cake.
=> Her birthday cake isn’t ………………………………………………………………..…
6. He doesn’t collect stamps anymore.
=> He used…………………………………………………………………..........................
Part 2: Use the words given to write a complete sentence. (1.0 pt)
1. Tom / be / proud / his brother / because / he / always / study / well//
=> ..………...…………….……...…………….……...…………….……………................
2. They/ live / Cat Tien / since/ 1980//

=> …..…………….……...…………….……...……………………………………………
_______Good luck_____


Part 1: (5 x 0,25 = 1,25 pts)
1. B
2. C
Part 2: (5 x 0,25 = 1,25 pts)
1. Elaine
2. Grand hotel

NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
MÃ ĐỀ: 801

3. C
3. 8. 30

4. A

5. C

4. a friend

5. 7245936


(10 x 0,25 = 2,5 pts)
1. C
2. D
6. A
7. A
Part 1. (6x 0,25 = 1,5 pts)
1. A
4. D

3. B
8. D

4. C
9. C

2. B
5. D

5. B
10. D

3. A
6. C

Part 2. ( 4 x 0,25 = 1,0 pt)
1. T

2. T
3. F
4. F
Part 1: (6 x 0,25 =1.5 pts)
1. Mr Smith used to live on a farm in the countryside.
2. The teacher asked her students not to forget to say thank you to their moms.
3. My mother said I should not stay up surfing the internet too late.
4. My school isn’t so/as big as Tuan’s school.
5. Mr Lam has worked in that hospital for two months.
6. Nam is intelligent enough to pass the exam.
Part 2: (2 x 0, 5 = 1.0 pt.)
1. Tuan’s father is proud of him because he always gets good grades.
2. My mother has lived in Cat Tien since 2005.
MÃ ĐỀ: 802
Part 1: (5 x 0,25 = 1,25 pts)
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C
Part 2: (5 x 0,25 = 1,25 pts)
1. Elaine
2. Grand hotel
3. 8.30
4. A friend
5. 7245936

(10 x 0,25 = 2,5 pts)
1. C
6. A
Part 1: (6 x 0,25
1. A
4. D

2. D
7. C

3. B
8. A

4. C
9. C

5. C
10. D

= 1,5 pts)
2. B
5. A

Part 2: ( 4 x 0,25 = 1,0 pt)
1. F
2. F
3. T
Part 1: (6 x 0,25 =1,5 pts)

1. My brother is tall enough to play volleyball.
2. The teacher asked her students not to forget to do their homework.
3. My mother said I should study harder.
4. I have studied English for six years.
5. Her birthday cake isn’t the same as mine/ my birthday cake.
6. He used to collect stamps.

3. A
6. B
4. T

Part 2: (2 x 0, 5 = 1,0 pt.)
1. Tom is proud of his brother because he always studies well.
2. They have lived in Cat Tien since 1980.

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