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Week: 1


Preparation date:13/8/2018


Teaching date : 20/8/2018

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to remember some difficult structures
in E 8
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity,
capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social
activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
Teacher’s &Students’activities
II.Warm up: Pelmanism:

I.Warm up: Pelmanism:

- Asks Ss to play in groups and choose - Asks Ss to play in groups and choose the
the correct pairs of verbs:
correct pairs of verbs:

Come, go, do, have, see
take, get, look, grow,


Come, go, do, have, see
take, get, look, grow,


Came, got, done, seen,


Came, got, done, seen,

grown, looked, had, gone,
made, took

grown, looked, had, gone,
made, took
- Work in groups and play the game.

2. presentation :

II.*Passive voice

-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…

- Work in groups and complete the table:

-Q: Love family, friends and country

- Answer keys:

*Passive voice

1. am/ is/are + P2

- Asks Ss to work in groups and complete 2. simple past
the open table about the passive voice.


3. present perfect tense


4. am/ is /are + being + P2



5. past progressive


Was/ were + P2


Have/ has + been +




Was/ were+ being+


Will/ should/ can/
may/ might/ could +
be+ P2

6. Modal verbs

* Indirected speech:
- Asks Ss to work in groups and
complete the table:
Direct speed

Indirect speed

Present simple


III* Indirected speech:

progressive tense


Future simple
















7. there


The following

8. that day

- Work in groups and complete the table.
- Answer keys:
1. past simple tense
2. past progressive tense
3. future in the past/ would
4. could/ might
5. had to

3. Practice:

IV. Practice:

-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical present….

- Work in pairs and change the sentences into
passive form.

-C: Co-operation, communication,…

- Answer keys:

-Q: Love family, friends and country

1. The football matches are watched on TV
by us every week.

* Change the following sentences
into passive form.
1. We watch the football matches on
TV every week.
2. When does your brother do his
3. I didn’t learn the old lessons last

2. When is your brother’s homework done?
3. The old lessons weren’t learnt by me last
4. This bike was bought for me by my father
3 years ago.
5. Were these books given to you yesterday?

4. My father bought me this bike 3
years ago.

6. This bike has just been repaired by my

5. Did he give you these books

7. The room hasn’t been used for a long time.

6. My uncle has just repaired this bike. 8. Are the used papers being used ?
7. Nobody has used the room for a
long time.

9. Dinner was being cooked by him when I

8. Are you using the used papers?

10. A new bridge is going to be built near my

9. He was cooking dinner when I
came to his house.
10. They are going to build a new
bridge near my school.
11. We must close all the windows
and doors before going home.
12. My sister could speak English
when she was 10.

11. All the windows and doors must be
closed before going home.
12. English could be spoken by my sister

when she was 10.
- Work in pairs and change the sentences in
to reported speed.

4. Futher practice:
-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
*Change the sentences into reported
Ex: I said to my son: “Go to bed!”
I told my son to go to bed.
1. My husband said to me: “Go to the
2. I said to him: “Stay at home!”
3. My said : “Watch T.V!”
4. Nam said to us: “Don’t laugh!”
5. My mother said to the kid: “Stop
6. He said to her: “Can you speak up”
7. The teacher said to the children:

- Answer keys:
1. My husband told me to go to the movies.
2. I told him to stay at home.
3. My told him to watch TV.
4. Nam told us not to laugh.
5. My mother told the kid to stop fighting.
6. He asked her to speak up.

7. The teacher asked the children not to make
noise in the class.

“Don’t make noise in class!”

8. The doctor told the patients to stay in bed.

8. The doctor said to the patient: “You
should stay in bed”.
- Asks Ss to open English 9 and find
out the same and different things
between English 8 and 9.

V. Homework:
- Do the exercises again and prepare for Unit
1 lesson 1 Getting started + Listen and read.

- Gives feedback.
- Do the exercises again and prepare
for Unit 1 lesson 1 Getting started +
Listen and read.
Week: 1


Preparation date:18/8/201

Period: 2

Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read

Teaching date : 25/8/201

- By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to know about some places Lan
went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity,
capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..

4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social
activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
T &S's activities

The content

1. Warm up: Chatting

I. Warm up: Chatting

- Do you have any penpals?
Where does she/he live?

- Whole class

- Has she/he ever visited your city?

* Possible answer:

- What activities would you do during the - I think I'll take our friends to temples and chu
- I'll take them to the beach.
- I'll take them to the mountains
- I'll take them to the theaters, restaurants.
2. Presentation:
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…

II. vocabulary:

-Q: Love family, friends and country

- (to) correspond( explanation) Trao doi thu tu

* Pre teach vocab:

- (a) mosque (picture) nha tho hoi giao

- (to) correspond( explanation) Trao doi
thu tu

- To be impressed by (explanation) co an tuon

- (a) mosque (picture) nha tho hoi giao
- To be impressed by (explanation) co an
- (to) pray (mime) cau nguyen
-friendliness: (tran) : su men khach

- (to) pray (mime) cau nguyen
-friendliness: (tran) : su men khach
-mausoleum : (situation) lang mo
* Check vocab: rub out and remember

-mausoleum : (situation) lang mo
* Check vocab: rub out and remember
- Choral repetition
- Individual repetition
-Copy in note book
3. Practice:
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….



-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country

-Hoan kiem lake

* Open prediction

-Ho Chi Minh mausoleum

- Introduce the situation of the text ( a
friend of Lan, Maryam visits Lan). Can
you guess where she went and what she
did during her stay?

* Answer key:

- Give feedback
- Ask Ss to listen while reading the text
and check their predictions and add some
more information
- ASk Ss to work in pairs to choose the
correct option to complete the sentences
on page 7
- Get feedback and correct
* Structure:
Lan used to walk past the mosque on her
way to primary scholl ( review)
I wish I had a longer vacation( chi dieu

uoc )
- Elicits the model sentence from Ss .
T asks What did Lan say to Maryam?

1. C

2. B 3. D 4.B

- Choral repetition
- Individual repetition

- concept check;
- Note; Wish in the sentence above is
used to express unreal present desire.
The simple past tense is used for the
verbs in subordinate clause. For the verb
to be Were is more often used .
- Ask Ss to recoment places of interest in
their city

IV.The structure : wish
S + Wish +S +V (Past subjective ) + O/A
Use : thể hiện ước muốn hay sự hối tiếc
“ I wish you had a longer vacation”

- Ask them to discuss where they should
take their friends to and what activities
they should do

- Work in groups


S1: I think We should take our friends to

Lang co beach-> Swimming/beach in

Dong Ba market. We can do shopping or

I'll just introduce them a vietnamese market....

Bach Ma national park-> mountain
climbing/ ecological tour
LinhMu pagoda, TuDuc Tomd->
sightseeng/ beautiful sight
- Go round and help Ss
4. Further practice:
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
-T gives Ss unreal situations and asks
them to use wish to finish the second

V.Further practice
-Answer keys:

1. I wish I had her phone number.
2. We wish we had a map.

1. I want to phone her but I don’t have
her phone number.

3.We wish she were here.

2. We’ ve lost the way because we don’t

4. We wish they would come with us.

have a map.

5. We wish today were a holiday.

3. Mary isn’t here.
4. They won’t come with us.
5. Today is not a holiday.
5. Production
-Write a short paragraph about what they
have just discuss with your partner
- Learn by heart the vocabulary.
- do Language focus 1.

VI. Homework:
- Learn by heart the vocabulary.
- do Language focus 1.

-------------------------------o0o-----------------------------Kiểm tra ngày


năm 2018


Week: 2

Unit:1 A visit from penpal

Preparation date:20/8/2018


Lesson:2 (Speak+listen)

Teaching date : 27/8/2018

- By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to make and respond to
introduction,listen for details
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity,
capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social
activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
T &S's activities

The content

1.Warm up: Jumbled words:

I.Warm up: Jumbled words:

- Asks SS to work in groups and put the
letters into correct order

- Work in groups and write the correct word

1. troceduin
3. derscopron

2. mispres

4. daroba

- Answer keys;
1. introduction

2. impress

3. correspond

4. abroad

2. Pre- speaking;


-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….

- Read the dialogue silently and put

-C: Co-operation, communication,…

the dialogue into the correct order then

-Q: Love family, friends and country

pair compare.


- Answer keys:

- Set the scene: Nga is talking to Maryam.
They are waiting for Lan outside the
- Asks SS to read the dialogue silently and
put the dialogue into the correct order then
pair compare.
- Asks SS to give the correct answers.



Yes. That’s….
Yes, …Are you..?
Oh, Yes
Do you…?
Yes,…Have you…?
No. Is it…?

The two…

Oh. I see.

- Take turns to be one of Maryam’ s friends
3. While- speaking:
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…

to make similar dialogues.
- Practice the dialogue before the class.
Ss' answer maybe:

-Q: Love family, friends and country

Nam : Hello, you must be Paul?

- Asks SS to take turns to be one of
Maryam’ s friends to make similar
dialogues. ( Speak b. P. 8)

Paul: That’s right, I am.

- T monitors and gives some helps.

I am 15 years old.

- Asks SS to practice their dialogue before
the class.

Paul: Nice to meet you.Do you live in HaNo

Nam: Pleased to meet you, Let me
introduce myself. My name is Nam.

Nam: Yes ,I do. Is it the first time
you have been to Ha Noi?
Paul: Yes, HaNoi is a nice city.
People are friendly and verry hospitable.
Nam: Where do you live ?
Do you live in big city?
Paul: I live in Liverpool.

It is an industrial city, in the north of Engla
Nam: No, I hope I will be able to go there
next summer.
- work in pairs to rewrite about
Maryam’s friends: Yoko, Paul, and Jane.
EX: Her name is Yoko, she comes from
Tokyo. she likes Vietnamese people.
She loves old city in Vietnam, too....

-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to rewrite about
Maryam’s friends: Yoko, Paul, and Jane
Pre- listening:


- set the scene; Carol is Tim’s pen pal. She - Whole class listen.
is from Mexico. She is visiting the USA.
- Look at the pictures on page 9 and tell
Tim suggests doing something.
what each picture means.
- Guessing; Asks SS to look at the pictures - Answer keys:
on page 9 and tell what each picture
a. Keep the grass/ Don’t walk on the grass.
b. Go by bus/ Which bus to take 103 or 130

c. Eat in a Mexico restaurant or eat hamburg
- Pre- questions:
a. Where does Tim suggest going?
b. How are they going?
c. Does Carol like going in the park?
While- listening:
- Play the tape the first time.
- Asks SS to listen to the tape and find the
answer to the questions.
- Play the tape the second time .
- Asks SS to listen to the tape again and
check the correct pictures.

- Think about the pre questions.
- Listen to the tape and find the answer to
the questions.

- Answer keys:
a. going to a restaurant down town
b. going by bus
c. Yes, she does.
- Listen to the tape again and check
the correct pictures.
- Answer keys:
a. 1 b. 2 c. 2

Post- listening:
- Give sentences on extra-board, then play
the tape again and ask Ss to complete the

- Listen to the tape again and complete

1) Tim asked Carlo to go to a .......

1) restaurant.

the sentences:
Answers key:
2) On the grass.

2) Tim asked Carlo not to walk ......

3) Sign.

3) Carlo said she didn’t see the ......

4) 130

4) Tim wanted to catch the bus number ..

V.Home work

- Asks SS to write about one of Maryam’ s
friends beginning like this: Yoko is one of
Maryam’ s friends . She is from….

- Asks SS to write about one of Maryam’ s

- Asks SS to write about Tim and Carol’s
visit to the town.

- Asks SS to write about Tim and Carol’s

friends beginning like this: Yoko is one of
Maryam’ s friends . She is from….
visit to the town.

Week: 2

Unit:1 A visit from a penpal

Preparation date:27/8/2018

Lesson:3( Read)

Teaching date : 01/9/2018

By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to get some more knowledge about
Malaysia, one of the countries of Asian
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use

language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
T& S 's activities

The content of the lesson

1. Warm up:

I.Warm up:

* Hang man

* Hang man

-- Draw strokes on the board. Each stroke
stands for one letter of the word
- Students take turn to guess the letter of
the word.
- If a student's guess is not right, the
teacher draw a stroke (according to the
order in the picture)
- If student guess wrong 8 times, they lose .
The teacher gives the answer.
* The word has ieght letters(- - - - - - - -)

2. Pre reading

* Answer key: MALAYSIA

-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
* Ask Ss What they know about Malaysia.
? Where is it?

? What is the capital of Malaysia?
? What is its population?
? How big is Malaysia?
What language is spoken in this country?
* Pre teach vocab:

II .Vocbulary:

-Elicit and model

1.buddhism (n) : Translation : Dao phat

- Ask Ss to repeat chorally and individually 2.hinduism (n) : …………….: Dao hindu
-Check R .O .R
3.comprise (v) : ………………:Bao gom
-Copy in note book
(v) :………………..chia ra
5.compulsory (adj) :………… Bat buoc
3. While reading:

6. religion (n)

- Ask Ss to read the text to find out the
answer to their questions.


:……………ton giao

- Teacher give feedback to the class
- Ask Ss to read the text second time to fill
in the chart in exercise a page 10
* Answer key:
1. 329,758

5 Kuala Lumpur

2. over 22 million

6. Islam

3. Tropical climate 7. Bahasa Malaysia
4. the ringgit
8. English
(consit of 100 cent)

- Work in pairs
- Ask Ss to read the text again to do the
T/F statements

* Answer key:

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

2. F ( there are more than two regions)

- Call some pairs to answer in front of the

3. F( English, chinese, and Tamil are also

- Give feedback and correct

4. F ( One of the three: Malay, chinese,

1. T

widely spoken)

5. F.(English is compulsory second
not primary language if instruction)
- Work in pairs
* Possible dialogue
4. Post reading
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….

A: Hi, Maryam. I am going to visit
on my summer holiday. I'd like to know

-C: Co-operation, communication,…

some thing about your country. Can you

-Q: Love family, friends and country

help me?

* Intwerview

B: Yes, certainly.

-Ask Ss to work in pairs

A: What language is spoken in your

- Give the Ss the task

A: You are going to visit Malaysia. Prepare B: Bahasa Malaysia, Enlish, chinese,and
some questions to ask Maryam about her
chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken
country (refer to the chart on page 10)
A: Do childrent have to study any foregn
B: You are Maryam, from Malaysia. You
language in school?
have to answer A's questions about your
B: Yes, English is a compulsory second
language in secondary school.
A: I see. What about the people ?What are

they like?
B: I think they are friendly.......


IV.Home work.

- Do exercise 8 page 11

-Ask ss to read the text again.

- Prepare Write

-to prepare the next lesson

Week: 3

Unit:1 A visit from a penpal

Preparation date: 1/9/2018

Period: 5


Teaching date : 8/9/2018

- By the end of the lesson. Ss will be able to know about some places Lan went to with
a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together.
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens

T &S's activities

The content of the lesson

1. Warm up:

I.Warm up:

* Chatting

* Chatting

- Have Ss some questions
-Ask Ss to work individually

- Have you ever visited any other places in Viet

_ Correction

- When did you go?
- How did you get there?
- Did you visit any places of interrest?
- Did you buy any thing?

2. Pre writing

II. Writing:

-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
* Set the scene" imagine you are
visiting your relatives or friends in
another part of Viet Nam or a
different country"
- Ask Ss on their own answer the
following questions
a.Where are you now?How did you
get there?

* Answer the questions:

b. Who did you meet?
c. What have you done?

- Ask 2 or 3 Ss to tell the class about
their visit

d. How did you feel?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to talk to
each other about their visit.

f. When are you returning home?

e. What do you think interst you most?

- Remind Ss about the format of a
personal letter by asking question

* Answer:

? What are the parts of a personal

B. Opening - Dear....,

AHeading- Writer's address and
C. Body of the letter
D. closing- Your friend/ Regard/ love

3. While writing:
-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
- Ask Ss to work in group of 5 to
write a letter
to their family, telling them about
their visit.

* Suggested ideas
I arrive at Da Nang/ train station at
2 pm/ 8 am/ ....on Tuesday/ wednesday....
Hoa/Nam... met me at the......then
She/he took me home by taxi.
I have visited many places like beaches,
the Museum........... I will visit Hoi An/
My Son on sun day/ monday...
I feel so happy and enjoymyself so

- ASk Ss to follow the out line on
page 11 to write the letter

much. The people here are so nice and

-SS work in pairs to talk about their

the sights are so beautiful

- Whole class

...next thursday/ saturday,......Please

- Give the format of the personal

pick me up at the airport/bus station.....

4. Post writing:
-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
- ASk Ss from each group stick their

freindly, the foods are so delicious and
I will leave Da Nang at 2 am/ 7 pm .

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