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Part 1: Say about things relating to your life
1. - which colors do you like to wear? Why?
Each color has its own symbol and meaning. Depending on the typle of clothe, I
will choose the approiate color. As for T-shirt, I wear a lot of color like blue, yellow,
orange, white,… to change every day. My jacket is mostly black, because I don’t
like my colorful showers, I want to it’s that simple. The color of pants I wear is
completely black I think I’m a fairly straightforward and unimportant person.
- Do you send letters or e-mails? Why?
For me, I prefer to send by email. Because it is very fast and convinient. Only need
wifi or mobile network can send it then. Morever, sending via email is not only
documents, it can also send videos, images and more, and within a minute, the
email will be received, while sending by letter is time consuming, it is difficult
- Is there anythings else regarding the use of computers you would need to
For me the computer is very convinient. I can use it to learn like learning online,
learning through Youtube videos, or searching for the information needed to
improve my knowledge. In addition to studying, I also studied writing documents,
making Powerpoints or Excel to meet the needs of life and modern science more.
Besides, I can watch movies, listen to music for entertainment after a week of tiring
2. - what was the last picture to look?
I rarely take picture, so maybe the last photo I took was two week ago. That day
was the anniversary of my aunt’s death, so my sister and I had the opportunity to
meet after more than a year. My sister married and went to work far from home, so
when we met again we had lots of emotions and we took lots of photo to make


- Do you think nowadays people take too many pictures?
In the current technological era, photography is a favorite of of most young people,
even the alderly love to take picture, people say it is their passion. They go
anywhere they can take pictures, each time there must be hundereds of photos.
However, I find too much phoyography not good. For example, when travelling
instead of enjoying the atmosphere and take photos and check-in, which makes
their relationship worse.
- Is there a special family portrait (chân dung) that you like a lot?
No, my family doesn’t have a special portrait yet. As planned, this year I turn 20
years old, my family will go to take a pictures, but one of the worst things in my life
happened at that time, the time when it was supposed to be the best in my life. So it
was impossible to get that special family portrait.
3. - How do you spend your weekends?
I usually go home to spend the weekends. I spend time with myself and with my
family. I get 2 days off, so on Saturdays I usually sleep, because after 1 week of
studying tired. I help my family with housework, because my house opened
carpentry workshop so it is very dusty, or I could revice old lessons. On Sundays, I
often go to visit my grandmothers, relatives or may be go out to eat with my
- Where did you go on a holiday?
I have been travelling in many places such as Quang Ninh, Quang Binh, Hai Phong,
ect. However, to talk about the place that impresses me most is Da Nang. There, I
went to Ba Na Hills, as soon as I arrived, I found it very beautiful, it has medieval
French architicture, there are many games, foods, and especially there has many
different types of flowers. There, I felt like I was lost in a place. I think I will go
there again.


- Do you want to go to that place again?
Of couse! The atmosphere is very fresh, people are civilized and hospitable. And
there are many place I have not exployed yet such as Cau Vang, Depay wine Cellar,
ect. So I want to go there again many times.
4. - Do you know your neighbors?
I know almost every one in my neighborhood, even the other ones. My house is
right in the center of neighborhood so I have lots of neighbors. They are not only
friendly but also kind and cute.
- Did your neighors help you in any way?
Yeah! As I said, my family was most difficult, they always helped. My family has
been through many incidents, but they are still there and helping my family from
the smallest things. People belive that, sell distant brothers to meet such neighbors.
I feel I’m so fortinate to meet such neighbors.
- Would you prefer to have young or old people as neighbors?
I like both. Older people, they have a lot of experience to give ne useful advice, or
help me solve difficult problems. And the young ones are closer to my age, they
understand my thoughts or my mood more. In general, regardless of whether the
elderly or young people are my neighbors, I also adore them.
5. - Do you like reading book?
When I was a high school, I was indolent (=very lazy) reading., but after I went to
college, I learned more, I realized that reading is very important, it helps us expand
knowledge improve my vocabulary and what I realize when reading is I became
more calm and handled the situation calmly.


- What kind of books do you like to read?
I don’t have any favorite book of any kind. Which books I find good, I read, the
three most recent books which are read by me, are Love books, Self-help books and

Novels for teenagers. In ther future, I want to read other types of books such as
political books and science and technology books, because my knowedge is still
- Do you use a mobile phone often?
I think I’m a mobile addict. Apart from studying, I spend most of my time on
mobile phones surfing facebook, chating with friends, watching movies and more.
As long as I’m free, I use the phone again. I don’t think that’s a good thing.
- Do you think that in the future we will use mobile phones more?
I am aware that I spend too much time on my phone but I have difficulty using less
phones. I think I am addicted to the phone, although it is not too serious, but I think
I need to limit the use of the phone, I can read or exercise, I will try to be a healthy
6. - Do you live in a city, a town or village?
I live in a small town which is Ben Sung town. Here life is busy and bustling.
Friendly and fun people. Especially, where I live is a neighborhood of Thailand
descent. Their voicesare very special, they sound very good. We used to joke, the
cured like singing and their food was also spaecial and dilicious.
- Is it a nice place to live?
For me the town where I live is wonderful. I love this place, where I had a happy
chilhood. My hometown also has a national park of the province, which is Ben En
National Park. This is place is on the rise, beautiful and increasingly attracting


- Is it good for young people?
I think so. Young people in the place where I live often return home to sittle down
(start up) or work. In recent years very rapid development took place in this town
although newly established 20 years ago.

7. - Is it important to know foreign languages?
I don’t agree more. Learning a foreign language means learning more about a
culture. With the integration of the would together with the foreign companies’
penetration into Vietnam market, the importance of foreign language will facititate
our future and promote our career.
- How many languages do you speak?
I am Vietnamese. I am maijoring in English Pedagogy, and my second language is
French. But to say that I can speak a good language does not. Because I don’t speak
well and I think I need to practice a lot to be able to speak excellently (really well)
- What other language would you like to learn?
If possible I want to learn Korean an Chinese. At the moment, I am trying to learn
Chinese on my own on pages on Facebook and buy books to learn more. During
the international integration period, knowing a lot of foreign languages was
excellent, and I simply learned Chinese to watch movies without subtitles.
8.- Who do you spend your spare time with?
I spend most of your free time for the family. Because you know, I go to school far
away, there is not much time for the family. So, there is free time I'm back to my
family. At home, I feel comfortable, pleasant, are talked, storytelling with the
family. So is the peaceful to me!


- What do you usually do?
On my free time, I do many things. I helped the family work home, like cleaning
the house, because my home opened a small carpenter next to my house, so always
dust. Because my home cooks the staff, so always on the kitchen, so I cook for help
my family, take care of my lovely dogs. It is also possible that I learned and do
- What do young people in your country do in their spare time?

According to my observation and understanding, today's children often have a
negative lifestyle. They spend too much time and especially free time for phones,
for networking, for games and more harmful things. I think it is not good for their
health and spirit. I think that young people should be educated, especially selfconsciousness to help free time become meaningful and more positive.
- Do men have more spare time than women?
In my opinion, men have more free time. men and women today alike work. but in
addition to working, women also have to do housework, go to the market, take care
of children and many other unnamed jobs. Sometimes women don't even have time
for themselves. I hope that men should share housework with their women, so that
they can take care of themselves more.
9. - What holiday destination do you wish to visit?
Well, I want to go to Dalat once in my life, or if possible, many times. Dalat is
being the flower city. There have many flowers and the weather is cool. Dalat is
famous for many beauty spot and fog. When you visit to Dalat you will feel
comfortable. You can go to the market buy some special food such as strawberry,
confectionery, atiso, tea, coffee, souvenir or go shopping.


- Why would you choose to go there?
Da Lat city is located in the center of the southern highlands, 300 km far from the
north of Ho Chi Minh City. In this beautiful city, the weather changes constantly,
the noon is quite warm and cool while in the evening it is greatly cold. In general,
the climate is relatively mild and suitable for avaiable flora and fauna to grow. This
is also the reason that in Da Lat there are many kinds of beautiful and precious
flower. When we come here , it is like that we go to the forest with all kinds of
flowers such as hydrangea flowers, mi mo da flowers, Mexican sunflowers, ... In
addition, in Da Lat there are many interesting places such as Me Linh coffee
garden, Than Tho lake, Camly waterfall, Da Lat station, ... The more we discover,

the more beauty and excitement in Dalat we find. I hope that there will be more
opportunities to come there in the near future.
- Have you already been there? (tương tự câu đầu)
- Would you go there again and why?
Of course, I hope to go there more times. I really like this place, so peaceful and
10. - what do you like about your town?
My town is very busy, people are friendly and sociable. My town has a lot of
delicious and special food. wherever I go, I still like the taste of my homeland. In
my town there is a neighborhood of Thai descent, from how to prepare food to their
voices, everything is different, but very nice and strange. I am very proud to be a
citizen in my town.
- Do you think there are many opportunities (cơ hội) for young generation
in your town?
I think so, but it's not much. A lot of young people in my hometown start up from
home. In my town there is a bustle and living the way of enjoying. Although newly
established nearly 20 years, but very developed and bustling.


- What would you do to help people in your town if you came back after
you finish your study?
I think I only helped a part of them. I majored in English Pedagogy, so later when I
graduated from college, I wanted to go back there and teach kids who would later
become good citizens, build things. Nice for the country.
11.- what room in your home do you prefer? Why?
Every room in my house I love. however, to say the room, the thing that makes me
feel the most, is my room. It always makes me feel comfortable whenever I step in
there. I get to do whatever I want to be in there. I really love it.

- What do you usually do with friends?
When we were high school students, we often went to each other's house to play.
However, when we go to college, we have less time to meet. So every time we
meet, we go out to eat, or organize a small party or something to review our
memories and talk to each other.
- How often do you see them?
After finishing high school, I went to college. My friends each have a place. People
go to work, people go to school, but we are not close. only when we are really free,
for example, on the weekends, we call each other's facetime, chat, talk together.
- Do you prefer to go out with your family or with friends?
For me, I prefer going out with friends. because when I go out with them I feel
comfortable, I can do what I like, eat what I like to eat. And the family is still
comfortable, but it will be confined within a certain framework. It is not like going
with friends.
12. - what do you think about dieting?
I think the diet is also very good for humans. It reduces harmful foods like fast
food, or fried foods greasy. Can prevent and treat diseases, such as diabetes.


- What do you think about heathy food?
It's a concept of foods that are healthy, and also a healthy diet. The organic food,
natural food is processed clean, not fried, does not contain harmful impurities. Not
only does it help you lose weight, the Healthy Food diet is also extremely helpful in
preventing certain diseases like heart disease and cancer.
- Is there a difference between healthy foods in the past and now?
In my opinion, before the society had not developed, the economy of the families in
the society was poor, then healthy foods were probably luxurious to everyone. You
can eat whatever you like, as long as you don't get hungry. However, with a society

as strong as now and economic life is better off in every family. People also focus
on their health and care more about their daily food and drink. and they eat healthy
foods to ensure their best health while technology and a variety of harmful foods
are also increasing.
13. - what does your name mean?
My name is Ngoc Minh. Meaning "bright pearl". "Ngọc" means a gemstone, a
gemstone with beautiful colors, vibrant, shiny, sparkling, pure, stable .... often used
as jewelry. "Intelligent" means to be bright, to be intelligent, to be clear. "Ngoc
Minh" is the meaning that wishes when growing up to study smartly and
successfully to be always the "bright pearl" of parents and family.
- Do you like to take pictures?
I like photography. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Through
photography, you can find beauty in the most unlikely of places. Photographs are a
means of showing and sharing experiences with those close by, or with the world.
You put a little of your own self in every picture.


- What was the last picture you took?
I rarely take picture, so maybe the last photo I took was two week ago. That day
was the anniversary of my aunt’s death, so my sister and I had the opportunity to
meet after more than a year. My sister married and went to work far from home, so
when we met again we had lots of emotions and we took lots of photo to make
- Do you think nowadays people take too many pictures?
In the current technological era, photography is a favorite of of most young people,
even the alderly love to take picture, people say it is their passion. They go
anywhere they can take pictures, each time there must be hundereds of photos.
However, I find too much phoyography not good. For example, when travelling

instead of enjoying the atmosphere and take photos and check-in, which makes
their relationship worse.
14. - what do you like about your house/apartment?
I like my kitchen space. There, I was able to cook what I like, to eat when I'm
hungry. Especially having a mini supermarket, that's the fridge. It has everything in
it. That is my source of life. People often say "eating is true love"
- If there was one thing to improve in your house/apartment, what would
that be?
I want to improve my room according to what I like. Now the house is designed
according to the parents' wishes. but if I improved upon it, I would turn it into a
room in a cold tone like black or gray or white. paste the nature pictures I took, or
my idol photos. something like that. Now I don't really enjoy my room, but I still
love it!
- How did you commute between your home and school?
When I was in high school, I went to school on a bicycle, then my parents bought
me an electric motorbike. However, now, when I was a student of a university. I
took a motorbike from my house to my motel room, because I was car sick, I was
scared to take the bus.

- Do you use computers for your study?
Well, I usually use computers for my study. I use computers often for studying. I
learned a lot of things on it. study cultural subjects, political subjects, especially
foreign languages. In modern technology, we also receive learning materials from
teachers via email. is both fast and convenient, without spending a lot of time and
money on printing.
- Do you computers are necessary in the future life?
I think it's really necessary. It is a means for humans to work together. Even when
they are not near each other, just a computer they can exchange and solve many

problems to solve. or as simple as receiving documents, just by mail, they can send
documents anywhere, with anyone.
Part 2:
1. descibe a character of your personatity. Please say:
- is it good or bad?
- When can your character be useful?
- How did you acquire it?
Well, I’m going to describe abad aspect of my character. You know, I’m kind of a
shy and quiet talker, even though I’m not sure if this kind of personal trait is really
detimental for me in every situation. Communication shyness limits my work and
life. When I was a child I was a talkative, I said I sang wherever I was. But the older
I became shy and quiet. I think I need to improve and change to become more


2. describe a subject taugh in your school? Please say
- Who teaches it?
- How is it taught?
- What do you learn from the class?
In my college, I learn many subjects, but especially French. The teacher of this
subject is Ms Trinh Cam Xuan. I learn to listen, read, grammar and vocabulary. I
learned a lot of things in this subject, not only know the French language, I also
know more about the many beautiful places and famous places in French. And in
particular, French has the capital of Paris where is a fashion capital of the world.
3. describe a shop that impressed you. Please say
- Where is the shop?
- How did you know about it?
- What do they sell?

- Why are you impressed so much?
Well, it is s store in street Tong Duy Tan, Thanh Hoa City. This is a store for
students. The store sells a full range of clothing, shoes and accessories. My friend
introduced me to this shop, I like it very well, nice design, reasonable price, friendly
staff. Since then, I have always been there to buy.
4. describe something that you learned about another culture. You should say
- What did you learn?
- What is the new culture?
- How did you find out about it?
That day when I happened to watch videos about the cultures of different countries
on Youtube, I saw a paragraph about the dressing style wearing a revealing shirt and
being late with their shoulders is counsidered too revealing to wear out. The girls
there often wear high collars or coats. However short dresses are very different,
they are not only accepted but also considered very fashionable.

5. talk about a program you watched on TV and learned something from.
Please say
- When and where did you watch it?
- What was it about?
- Why did you watch it?
- What did you you learn from the profram?
Well, I am thrilled (=very excited) about this issue. Every Friday, I watched the
Sing your Dream show. It is a music gameshow based on karaoke to help people in
especially difficult circumstances to overcome in life. This program is just
entertaining and has human values. Through the program I can understand the value
of life, love myself and appreciate what I have.
6. Talk about a wedding that you have recently attended. Please say
- Who got married?

- Where did they get married?
- How did you feel about this event?
When I was in grade 9, I attended the cousin’s wedding at a luxury restaurant in
Quang Ninh. The groom is Chinese so both sides of the family have difficulty
communicating and need interpreters. Although it is difficult in the language I find
them very friendly, polite and respectful. The wedding took place in the joy and
happiness on both sides of the family. I also feel happy for my sister.


7. Describe a job that would suit (phù hợp) you the most. Please say
- How did you come to know about this job?
- Who can work in this field?
- Why is this job useful?
I think I am more suited to teachers leter. So I studied pedagogy and decided to
study in Faculty of Foreign Languages at Hong Duc University. After 2 years of
study, I fell fall in love with my job. To become a teacher, you need to have good
morality, lifestyle and standard manners because it is a sacred and noble profession
to bring students the knowlegde.
8. Talk about a very good student friend that you had during school. Please say
- who this friend was,
- why he/she was your good friend,
- what did you do together?
The friend whom I always cherish and appreciate her, is Hien. She is a kind girl
who always helps others. We have been close for nearly 4 years. We go together
wherever we go, eat, hang out, go shopping, ... we always have each other. and
when my life was in big trouble, when I felt so bad. only she is by my side, sharing
and encouraging me.
9. Describe an outdoor activity that you enjoy. Please say

- What activity is it
- Where and when do you do it?
- Whom do you prefer to do it with?
To talk about my favorite outdoor activity, it's the picnic. It's simple but very fun. I
often go with my close friends. This season we go down to the beach, around 6pm.
just have fun picnic together, just can watch the sunset. And more importantly, we
have lots of nice and funny photos.


10. Describe an important historic place in your country. Please say
- What is the place?
- Where is it located?
- Why do you think it is important?
For me, an important historical place in my country is Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.
Ho Chi Minh mausoleum is located in Ba Dinh Square, Hanoi. I think it is an
important historical place because Uncle Ho is a great leader. I sacrificed my whole
life to save the people of Vietnam. Therefore, everyone should be grateful and if
you have time, please visit Uncle Ho to remember him, at least once a year.
11. Talk about the place of natural beauty that you would like to visit. Please
- What and where is it?
- How can you get there?
- where did you hear about it?
- Why do you like it?
If possible, I would go to Cau Dat Tea Hill. Tea hill is located in Xuan Truong
commune, in Da Lat. Is a beautiful natural scenery peaceful, gentle. Beautiful
scenery and climate here all year round mild, cool. If possible, I will book the flight
and go immediately. I saw it on the TV, or through the ads about Dalat. The green

of the tea hills is mixed with the yellow of wildflowers each fall. Create an
extremely impressive picture.


12. Talk about your favorite restaurant. Please say
- where is it?
- what type of food is served there?
- why do you like this place?
My favourite restaurant is a small one near my aunt! It's on a busy street very near
to a large park. It is quite a neat and beautiful place. It serves many Vietnamese
dishes and also fast food. However, of all the dishes in this restaurant I like fried
chicken the most. It's very tasty. I think the reason I like this restaurant is because of
its food and its staff. The staff members are helpful and friendly, so customers often
have a pleasant time in this restaurant. In general the service here is good. That's
why my friends and I often go there when we want to eat out.
13. Talk about a positive change in your life. Please say
- what was the change?
- when did it happen?
- why do you think it was positive?
To talk about a positive change in my life, that is drinking lots of water and going to
bed early. I used to rarely drink water, when I was thirsty I drank. and I go to bed
very late to watch movies, play games. But from the second year of college, I had
trouble sleeping. I started to learn about it, and started changing habits to help my
body get better. I think it's a positive thing because when I change I feel my body
getting better every day.


14. Talk about a product you have purchased recently that you are not satisfied
with. Please say
- what was it?
- what did you buy it for?
- what is wrong with it?
I feel regret when talking about this. 3 weeks ago, I ordered a pair of shoes online.
That store has a lot of buyers, and the response is positive, and the price is cheap.
That day, the store went live on Facebook, and I placed an order. However, when I
receive the item, you know, the size is 1 foot wider than my foot. and the worst
thing is that those shoes are really hard, and I couldn't put my feet on them. I have
learned from experience, it is advisable to come to the place to try, not buy online.
15. Describe a journey that you remember the most. Please say
- when was it?
- who were there with you?
- why do you remember it the most?
A journey that I will never forget, that was my trip to Quang Ninh, 2 years ago. It
was in July, when I finished the university entrance exam. It was not a trip that was
intended to be deducted, it was just an improvisation. That day around 6 pm, my
family decided to go to Quang Ninh, there was my cousin's family. It was the last
outing that I had my mother with me. The latter was not possible.
Part 3: Answer examiners' questions
1. - Do you think men are different from women in character?
Of couse, women and men have so many differentes, from lifestyle activities, love
and even in thinking. Example, which men often wait when it is very urgent to do it.
And women always need time to prepare. Men often forcus on their advantages, so
sometimes they judge them selves more strongly than they actually ar. Women often
think about their wearnesses, they often hestate, worry and think that they are
inferior to reality.

- Do you think a person can change his character?
I think so, but only partially, I used to be a shy person, due to everyone’s
suggestions, especially my parents and my own efforts to change. Now, I fell more
- Can it be that people won't accept you because of your character?
I think that is absolitely true, because even if I see someone in a bad way then I
can’t accept it selfifhness, for example, because I’m an open-minded person, I hate
people who are selfish, selfish people who only care about their own interests and
not others. That made me very uncomfortable.
2. - Is there any differences between the traditional and modern educational
In my opinion, it is completely different. Traditional education is a closed system,
focusing on the teacher, with rigid regulations about schools, curriculum, teaching,
learning and evaluation methods. While the modern education systems is growing
steadily with the outstanding advances of scince and technology, and human
knowledge; especially humanity, humanity recognized and respected by people; all
for human beings for everyone.
- What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your
About cons, contents, programs, educational methods are outdated, slow to
innovate, show to modernize, not closely associated with social life and
occupational labor; not promote ceativity, practical capacity of students. About pros,
always innovating and changing to be more approriate and diverse in education and
testing. I think education in my country needs to learn fro countries around the
world for a better and more modern.


- Do you think it is nescessary to give comment or criticism to teachers?
I think teaching is a sacred and noble profession, once they were teachers, they had
to carry a great responsibility already, and for the current trend of education reform,
they also have to learn and cultivate hard. So I feel they are always loved and
3. - What things do people buy for special occasions?
I think depending on the special occasion and the object that people will buy. I see
that in Vn, almost every speacial occasion the buy flower or money. Because money
is the most realistic and there is no need to think about whether or not they like.
- Are men or women better at shopping for special occasions?
Naturally women, in my oppinion, women are better at shopping for special
occasion. Men’s temperament is open, and they don’t notice the small things.
Women are more thoughtful, more sophisticated and know how to spend.
- Do you think that advertisements can make people buy things they do not
I think women will be more attracted to advertising. The shopping needs of women
are very high, and they are attracted by the beautiful clothes or simply because the
ads have their idols, espectially girls. A month women have shop dozens of times,
but men are about one or two times not even.
4. - Is it easier to learn a language if you know about the culture?
Well, I think so. Because when I know the culture of a country I get excited, it
makes me more passionate to learn thelanguage of that country. For example, I am
learning for second language is French, before sudying, the teacher let me learn
about French culture, the crchitechtural works there which made me feel interested
and wanted to learn French immediately.

- Does visiting a different country make learning a language easier?

Well, I think it is completely true, when visiting another country, I will be learn
about the culture, customs and traditions of that country, and especially, I can
communicate with indigenous people. That will make me learm the language easier.
- Does visiting another country help you learn your own culture better?
Yeal! I believe that when I get to experience in real life, it will help me learn my
own culture better. When I have experience in their culture, I am go ing to dive into
it, it helps me remember longer and better understand noy only people but also their
5. - Do you what TV often?
When I was little, I loved watching moves, but I rarely watch it when I go to college
parly because I don’t like it anymore. Most of the time, there isa cell phone. All
information or programs are available on the phone. Whether you study or whatch
movies, are up there.
- Are there programs you can learn something from?
I watched the Sing your Dream show. It is a program where I learn a lot of about the
value of life, love people around, love my family and apprecate what you have
because in this world there more people suffering than me, and I are luckier than
many people.
- How does a person become famous?
Tobe a celebrity is difficult. They must be truly capable. Many celebrities are
famous for their good singing or acting skills or influential people like Kanh Vy
who are good at English or Miss International Transgender Huong Giang.

- What about the people who participate in reality shows? How do they
become famous?

I think people only participate in reality show just to become famous. Who wants to

do work without getting a fruit from it reality shows attract huge amount of people
to wards it becoz it gives a lot of publicity to an individual and makes him/her a
known personality from nothing.
6. - Give examples of women's role (chức năng) and responsibilities (trách
nhiệm) in different societies.
For example, Eastern women are the women of the family. According to the
concept, women have to take care of their families, and there are many back ward
families, women are aqual, women and men are equally responsible. In Germany,
for example, husbands often do more to slow respect to their wives.
- Do you think responsibilities are shared equally between husband and
I don’t agree more, in modern technology, women and men need equality and equal
work. Now women can go to work like men, whatever men do, women can do the
same. So I think people should changes their minds, and don’t put heavy
responsibilities on women.
7. - Factories create a lot of jobs but they also create a lot of pollution. How do
we do to protect the environment?
With a student like me, I will spead the word about the harmful effects of
enviromental pollution on our lives. Limit the use of less nilons bags and items
wuth a lot of plastic and above all the awareness of each person.
- Is it possible to protect the environment completely from pollution?
I think improssible, because the more society develops, the more enterprises the c?
ompany will open, pollution cannot be avoided, but we can reduce pollution like
using public transport more than private vehicles. Enterprises, before being
discharged into the invoronment, need to be treated first.

8. - Are academic studies important?

In my oppinion, academic studies are important for the successful development of
young people in society. Students who do well in school are better able to make the
transition into adulthood and to achieve occupational and economic success.
- Can a person with high school education excel (xuất chúng) in life or do
they need university education?
From my experience and observation, those with a university degree will have more
opportunities to have a career. However, there are also many people, who only go
to high school, still excel in success. I think it depends in part on luck.
- Do you think a person who is famous is well liked? Why?
In my opinion, well- knowns need talent, beauty and education. That way, they can
become influential people. However, not everyone is highly educated. There are
many famous people who only go to high school, but still make a big impact on
9. - When was the last time you did an outdoor activity?
Two weeks ago, my friends and I organized a picnic. Our team consists of 7
people. we held at Sam Son beach, around 6pm, we just enjoyed watching the
sunset. So peaceful and comfortable.
- How did you feel about this outdoor activity?
I feel very happy. We have time together, sharing, chatting. We took a lot of photos
as a souvenir. We also went to Bomerang, looking cute and naughty. being with
them I feel like being myself. What a peaceful and happy afternoon with my close
10. - What do you think of the historic place in the future?
Future historical sites are still important for every nation and every nation. and I
think that, in the future, more people will know about these historical places and
they will visit more.

- What is the impact on the historic place by tourists?

Each year, thousands of tourists come to visit. The first thing is to promote the
economy of the country. However, crowded tourists will affect the environment a
lot, increasing the amount of waste.
11.- Is tourism damaging place of natural beauty?
Each year millions of tourists visit the beautiful places of the countries. will not
eliminate factors that affect its natural beauty. Any development requires some
interference with nature. Very often the infrastructure is built without any
sustainable development plan or environment protection policies. Therefore
development comes at the cost of nature. In addition, New areas of land need to be
cleared for new hotels and roads.
- Should the exploitation of natural resources be stopped?
In my opinion, People should stop overexploiting natural resources. The
environment is being depleted, and ecosystem imbalance. We need condemnation to
protect nature - the precious things that the planet brings.
- Does getting close to nature help to be happy?
For me, Being close to nature will of course make you happier, more comfortable
and more peaceful. Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces
anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only
makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing,
reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress
hormones. It may even reduce mortality, according to scientists such as public
health researchers Stamatakis and Mitchell.
12.- Why do people eat out?
In my opinion, Eat out faster, and more conveniently. Sometimes, people want to
save time, and instead of going to the grocery or supermarket, buy food, cook it,
and then wash the dishes, they prefer to go to a restaurant. People, who work away
of home, prefer to eat at a restaurant near their work place.

- Is it healthy to eat out?


Often, eating out will adversely affect your health. You cannot control the amount
of oil or calories in the restaurant food. Often, eating out will adversely affect your
health. You cannot control the amount of oil and calories in the restaurant food.
leading to overweight, heart disease and many other diseases. However, if you
know how to eat healthily when eating out. These will help you stick to your health
goals without having to give up your social life.
- What is your oppinion about people with healthy eating habits?
In my opinion, People with healthy eating habits are those who know how to take
care of themselves and love themselves. Loving yourself means knowing how to
protect your health with healthy foods. I think we should limit the fast foods, the
ones that contain more oil. It will greatly affect your health. Why do so many
people today suffer from cancer, because it is largely due to their unhealthy eating
habits and living habits.
13.- Do people need changes in their life?
I think we should change. And the first thing that needs to be changed is We have
to Change Ourselves.Everyday we have to improve ourselves from the previous
day… We have to make sure that we're not repeating the same mistakes that we've
done in past….which ruining our most valuable Time…. You know what… If you
lost your Money….you can earn Again. If you lost bike…you can buy another. But:
If you lost time ... No one can help you.
- How do changes affect people socially?
I thought, as simple as myself, I felt that I was shy. so I tried to change, that I tried
to communicate with people around me. try to stand in front of the crowd to change
my shyness. I've gradually become more confident, and indeed, I can improve my
relationships in society, especially in schools. I know more people who can help
me both in my life and in school.

14.- Do you shop online?

Well, I often shopping online. I bought everythings such as clothes, shoes, cosmetic,
and many things like that.
- Do you think people prefer shopping online or in real shop?
I think, people now prefer to shop online to in real shop. It is much more
convenient. The reality shows that, people who sell online, sell very well. And
especially, the price is always cheaper than the real shop.
- What items do people prefer to buy online? Why?
I think there are five items that people often buy, those are clothes, accessories,
makeup, books and electronics. because, firstly, it's easy to search online.
Secondly, prices are always better than real stores. Finally, it's convenient. Think
about it, for example, in hot weather like this, you have to go out, go to the store,
and try on clothes. Instead, online sellers, who are always enthusiastic about your
size, you just need to agree and give the address, you have nice clothes without
going anywhere.
- What are the effects of online shopping on the society or local communities
(cộng đồng địa phương)?
I think everything has two sides: good and bad. Online shopping has many
advantages such as fast, easy, convenient and affordable. However, it also has
many harmful effects on society or local communities. Nowadays there are a lot of
fraudulent online sellers, the post is good, but in fact the goods are too bad. or
online sales also cause environmental pollution. When packaging, they must wrap
a lot of plastic bags, adhesive tape, which takes hundreds of years to decompose.
15. - Why do people take long distance travels?
People like to travel long distances, because they have a lot of time with their loved
ones. they can enjoy nature without having to rush. Besides, long distance travel is
also better. Long distance rail trips are cost efficient. For instance, what will cost a

train to move several tons of goods on a single journey may cost nothing less than
10 trailers to move the same goods at a higher cost.
- Do you use public transport?
