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Giao an tieng anh 6 sach moi

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Date of preparing: August 18th , 2017
Date of teaching: August 21st , 2017

Week : 01
Period: 01

- Là chương trình tiếng Anh được biên soạn tiếp theo chương trình tiếng Anh ở bậc tiểu học.
- Quan tâm đến 4 kỹ năng nghe, nói, đọc, viết.
- Chú trọng phát triển 2 kỹ năng: nghe, nói. (Kiểm tra thường xuyên chủ yếu dành cho kỹ năng nói).
- Vào cuối cấp học, học sinh cần đạt trình độ tương đương cấp độ A2 của Khung tham chiếu châu
Âu về ngôn ngữ (giai đoạn 1).
1. Tại trường:
- Tập trung nghe giảng, nghiêm túc làm theo các yêu cầu của thầy, cô.
- Hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến xây dựng bài.
- Luyện tập nói tiếng Anh với thầy, với bạn bè, tận dụng mọi cơ hội có thể để tập nói tiếng Anh. Nói
đúng trọng âm, ngữ điệu.
- Nắm vững các vấn đề ngữ pháp đã học, các cấu trúc câu. Ghi chép đầy đủ, chính xác.
2. Tại nhà:
- Ơn lại bài học ngay khi có tiết học ở lớp.
- Dựa vào các cấu trúc và các ngữ liệu đã học để luyện nói tiếng Anh cùng bạn.
- Làm đầy đủ bài tập trong sách bài tập.
- Tìm đọc thêm các loại sách tham khảo nếu có thể.
- Thường xuyên học, củng cố và mở rộng vốn từ của mình.
- Viết từ mới và mẫu câu hay vào sổ tay học tập của mình.
- Sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 6 được thiết kế với kênh hình và kênh tiếng phong phú.
- Mỗi đơn vị bài học được chia thành 7 phần thích hợp cho việc rèn luyện các kỹ năng nghe, nói,
đọc, viết, ngữ pháp, ngữ âm và từ vựng và được dạy trong 7 tiết
Phần 1: Getting started: Giới thiệu từ vựng và ngữ pháp.

Phần 2: A closer look 1: Luyện từ vựng và ngữ âm.
Phần 3: A closer look 2: Học ngữ pháp
Phần 4: Communication: Thực hành nói tiếng Anh.
Phần 5: Skills 1: Luyện kỹ năng đọc, nói
Phần 6: Skills 2: Luyện kỹ năng viết, nghe.
Phần 7: Looking back & Project: Luyện tập, củng cố các kiến thức đã học
1. Come in.
2. Sit down.
3. Stand up.
4. Open your books
5. Close your books.
6. Listen and repeat
7. Listen and read
8. Listen and write
9. Read aloud
10. Write down
11. Work in pairs
12. Work in groups
V. BÀI TẬP VỀ NHÀ :- Nhớ cách học tại lớp và ở nhà
- Nhớ các khẩu lệnh
- Prepare for unit 1: My new school.( Getting started)

Date of preparing: August 20th , 2017
Date of teaching: August 24th , 2017

Week : 01
Period: 02

Section: Getting started - A special day
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and read for specific information
about a special day, then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "My
New School".
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous
2. Vocabulary: School lexical items
III. Teaching aids: text books, cassette, pictures, sub- boards
IV.Techniques: Communicative approach , explanation, groupwork, pairwork, network, rub out and
V. Procedure:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


I. Warm up (Network)
- Have Ss work in 2 teams
- Get Ss to write down vocabs about school
- Give feed back and decide which is the
winner of the game.
- Provide some more vocabs about school things

* Network

II. Presentation
- T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 10 and
asks Ss to guess what the picture might show .
- Ss give their opinions

- T writes on the board: “A special day”
- T explains the meaning of the phrase “A special
day”in Vietnamese
- T asks Ss to look at the picture on page 10
again , introduces the characters, Phong, Vy, Duy
and Phong’s mother and asks Ss some questions.

1.Listen & Read

-T introduces some vocabulary
- Ss practice reading words carefully
(in chorus and individually )
- Ss write down
*Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember
III. Practice
1. Listen and read and then decide the

School things

- What is Phong doing? (eating)
- Who are Vy and Duy? (schoolmates/
- Are they happy ?(Yes)
- Is it a special day for them? (Yes)
- Why is it a special day for them? - Because it
is their fisrt day at the new school.
1. Excited (adj) (explanation) (translation) :
thích thú , phấn chấn, phấn khích
2. heavy (n) (action) (translation): nặng

3. calculator (n) (picture) (trans.): máy tính
4. uniform (n) (real things) (trans.): đồng phục
5. wear (v) = put on ( gesture) (translation): mặc
, mang, đội
6. smart (explanation) (translation): bảnh bao,
sáng sủa
7. compass (n) (picture) (translation): com pa
a. Are these sentences true (T) or false(F)?

statements True or False (a- page 7)
- T introduces the statements in exercise a
- T asks Ss to have a quick look at all the
statements and guess whether they are true or
- Ss listen to the tape twice (books opened)
- T asks Ss to work in pairs, reading the dialogue
carefully and some pairs of the students read the
text aloud before class
- T corrects their pronunciation
- Ss work individually and write the answers on
sub-boards then stick them on the blackboard
- T gives the correct answers and Ss compare
their answers and correct if necessary
2. Find the expressions in the conversation.
Check what they mean (b- page 7)
- T asks students to find and underline the
expressions in the conversation
- Students practice saying these expressions
- T asks students for the meanings of these

- T explains the meaning to sts then gives some
3. Role –play (c- page 7)
Work in pairs. Create short role-play with
above expressions then practice them
- Students work in pairs to practice the example
- Students work in pairs to create their own short
role-plays with provided expressions
- T calls some pairs to present before class

4. Listen and read the poem ( page 7)
- Play the recording.
- Let Ss read the poem in the right intonation and
rhythm and check their understanding of the
- Ask Ss to write a poem about their partner, then
read them poem aloud.

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F

b. Find these expressions in the conversation.
Check what they mean
1. Oh dear. → used to express surprise
2. You’ll see.→ "You'll find out”
3. Come in.→ used to invite sb in
4. Sure. →used to say "yes/alright"
c. Create short role-plays with the expressions.
Then practice them.
1. Oh dear.
A: Oh dear. I forgot my calculator.
B: That’s OK, you can borrow mine
A: Thank you.
2. You’ll see.
A: I go to the same school as you.
B: That’s good. School will be great – you’ll
3. Come in.
A: Please come in.
B: Thank you
4. Sure.
A: Let me put on my uniform too. Then we can
B: Sure.
2. Listen and read the poem.
Huy is going to back to school today.
His friends are going back to school, too.
His new school year starts today.

He’s got a new bike.
His friends are on their way.

5. Match the words with the school things and
then listen and repeat ( page 7)
- Students listen to the tape and repeat the words
- Students practice saying the names of school
- T corrects their pronunciation and helps explain
the meaning if necessary
- Students write the correct words in the spaces
and then exchange the answers with their
IV. Production
- Students look around the class and tell what the
school things are
- Some Ss give their words
- Ss can make up sentences with the words if
there is time.
V. Homework
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
-Assign homework.

3. Match the words with the school things.
Then listen and repeat.
Answer key:
1. b- pencil sharpener 6. i- pencil case
2. e- compass

7. f- notebook
3. j- school bag
8. a- bicycle
4. d- rubber
9. g- ruler
5. c- calculator
10.h- textbook
4. What other things do you have in your
Table, desk, noticeboard, picture, flowers…
- Ss learn words by heart, read the dialogue
- Write the items related to school in the book.
- Prepare next lesson
(A closer look 1)

Date of preparing: August 22nd , 2017
Week : 01
Date of teaching: August 25th , 2017

Period: 03

Section: A CLOSER LOOK 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to pronounce corectly the sounds /∂u / and /
/ in isolation and in context, learn how to use the combinations: to study, to have, to do, to play + Noun
and improve their listening skill and writing skill
II. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: School lexical items
- Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous.

III. Teaching aids: textbooks, projector, pictures, posters, color chalk…….
IV. Techniques: Communicative approach,groupwork, explanation, eliciting, net work , …
V. Procedures:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


I. Warm up : Net work
- Have Ss work in 2 teams
- Get them to write the subjects they have learnt.
- Give feed back

* Net work

II. Presentation
1. Listen and repeat ( 1 P8)
- T plays the recording and lets Ss listen.
- Ss only listen
- T plays it again and pause for them to repeat
each word
- Ss listen again and repeat word by word
chorally and individually.
- T corrects Ss’ pronunciation
- Teacher uses different techniques to give the
meaning of vocabulary (situation, realia,
* Checking vocab: Slap the board

III. Practice
2. Put the words into groups (2 P8)
-Let Ss work in pairs, put the words in 1 into
- Ss work in pairs in 4 minutes.
- Get feedback and explain to Ss which words go
with each verb.


3. Gap filling (3 P8)
- T asks: How many sentences are there in 3 P8?
Are they completed?
- Ss answer
- T asks ss to put one of the given words in each
- Ss do the task individually
- T asks some Ss to write on the board, then
check their answers.

4. Writing (4 P8)(Optional)
-Ask Ss to write sentences about themselves in
their notebooks, using combination above.
- Ss write as many sentences as posible.


at school

1.Listen and repeat the words.
Home work
School lunch

2. Work in pairs. Put the words in 1 into







3. Put one of these words in each blank.
1. I do……with my friend, Vy.
2. Duy plays….for the school team.
3. All the…. new school are interesting.
4. they are healthy. They do….every day.
5. I study maths, English and…..on Mondays.
Key. 1. homework
2. football
3. lessons
4. judo
5. science
4. Write sentences about yourselves using the
combinatiions above.
Ex: I/We have English lessons on Tuesday and

-Go around the class and correct some.
5. Listen and repeat ( 5 P8)
-Let Ss practice the sounds //əʊ// and /ʌ/ together.
Ask Ss to observe the T’s lip positions for these
two sounds.
-Ss look at the T’s lip position and listen and
distinguish between the two sounds.
-Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and
- Ss listen and repeat as many times as posible.
(pay attention to the sounds /∂u / and / / )
6. Listen and group the words (6 P8)
- Play the recording twice.
- Ask Ss to work individually to put the words
into two groups
- Let Ss check their answers in groups.
- Call some Ss to write their answers on the
- Correct the mistakes.
IV. Production
7. Find out the sounds /∂u / and / /
(7 P8)
T asks Ss to look at sentences 1-6
T plays the recording twice and let Ss listen and
repeat sentence by sentence.
T helps Ss recognize the two sounds and
underline them
- Play the recording again to check the answers.

-Summarize the main points of the lesson.
V. Homework
- T asks Ss to make up sentences with the words
in part 6
- Ss work in group of four, saying the sentences.
- T calls Ss to say the sentences out. ( T can help
if necessary)
-Assign home work.

5. Listen and repeat ( 5 P8)
/∂u / and / L/ (5 P8)
1. /əʊ/ :judo going homework open
2. /ʌ/: brother Monday mother

6. Listen and group the words (6 P8)

Audio script:
rode don’t hope Monday
homework month come post
Sound /∂u /: rode, don't, hope, homework, post
Sound / /: some, monday, month, come, one
7. Listen and repeat. Underline the sounds
/∂u / and / /
1. They are going to open a new library.
2. I’m coming home from school.

3. His brother eats lunch in the school canteen.
4. The new school year starts next month.
5. My brother is doing his homework.
6. He goes to the judo club every Sunday.
Ex: We don't have music today.
I have one pencil and some pens.
(most, bus, know, sun, hold, load, cut……..)
-Learn by heart new words.
- Prepare: A Closer Look 2
-Practice the sounds /əʊ/ and /ʌ/.
-Do Ex…in Ex book.

Date of preparing: August 24th , 2017
Date of teaching: August 28th , 2017

Week : 02
Period: 04

Section: A CLOSER LOOK 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the present simple and present
continuous and talk about school activities, subjects and what students do at school
II. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: School lexical items
- Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous.
III. Teaching aids: textbooks, projector, pictures, color chalk…….
IV. Techniques: Communicative approach ,groupwork, role- play, noughts and crosses, …
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities

I. Warm up :
- Have Ss play a game.
-Give feed back
II. Activity 1 : Review the present simple.
- Ask Ss to give the rule and use of the present
simple tense themselves.

* Noughts and Crosses:
Ex: She often plays chess after school.
 Grammar
The present simple

- Let them study the grammar box.
- Give more examples if necessary.

-Introduce “Miss Nguyet is interviewing Duy for
the school newsletter. Write the correct form of
the verbs.”

-Let Ss do the task individually in 5 minutes.
- Correct their answer. Or give explaination if
-Ask Ss to work in pairs to role-play the
-Observe and help ss when and where necessary.
-Correct Ss’pronunciation & verb form.

I/ you/ we/ they + V (work, stydy)
He/ she /it + V-s/ V-es. (works, studies)
I/ you/ we/ they + don’t / do not + V
He/ she /it + doesn’t/ does not + V
Questions and short answer:
Do I/ you/ we/ they + V?
Yes, I/ you/ we/ they do.
No, I/ you/ we/ they don’t.
Does He/ she /it + V?
Yes, He/ she /it + does.
No, He/ she /it + doesn’t.
Ex1.Write the correct form of the verbs.
* Key.
1. has
2. Do you have
3. love
4. Does Vy walk
5. ride
6. teaches
7. doesn’t play
8. reads

9. go
10. do
* .Role-play the interview.

2. Correct the sentences according to the
information in (1) above.
-Let Ss read the example to understand the task.
Ex:Duy’s new school has a small playground.
-Allow Ss to write the sentences in their
- Duy’s new school has a large playground.
notebooks, refering to the interview.
-Go around to help.
1. Duy lives near here.
-Call 2-3 Ss to write on the board.
2. Duy likes/loves his new school.
-Check their answer sentence by sentence.
3. Vy and Duy ride to school.
- Then T elicits the knowledge about the present
4. Mr Quang teaches Duy English.
simple from students and asks sts to give the rule
5. At break time, Phong reads in the library.
and usage of the present simple themselves
- T introduces the grammar box and explains the The present simple.
structure and the use of the present simple
Form: (+) S(I, You, We, They) + V
- Give more examples.
S(She, He, It)
+ Vs/es

1. I always walk to school.
(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t + V
2. He always walks to school.
(?) Do/ Does + S + V ?
3. We don’t like playing football.
Use: Something often happens or fixed.
4. She doesn’t like playing football.
3. Make questions then interview your
- Ss work in pairs. Take turns to ask questions
and give answers.
-Go round and correct mistakes or give help
1. Do you ride your bike to school?
when necessary.
2. Do you read in the library at the break time?
3. Do you like your new school?
4. So your friends go to school with you?
5. So you do your homework after school?

III. Activity 2 : Review the present continuous.
- T uses the grammar box on page 9 and explains
the structure and the use of the present

- Ask Ss to refer to the conversation in Getting
started. Focus on the verbs used in the present
- Ask Ss to listen and follow the conversation on

page 6. (twice).
- Ask Ss to underline the present continuous
- Call on some students to give answers
- Give feedback and check
- T asks Ss to study the example first.
- T asks Ss to read the sentences individually and
give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.
- Ss work individually in 5 minutes, and read the
answers before class
- T corrects the answers and gives explanation if

GRAMMAR. The present continuous.(the
grammar box on page 9)
(+) S + am/is/are + V-ing.
(-) S + am/is/are not + V-ing
(?) Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing?
The use : The present continuous is used to
talk about the action happening at the time of
speaking at present
Signal words: Now, right now, at the
4. Fill and underline the present continuous
1. is knocking
2. is having breakfast
3. are wearing
5. Complete the sentences with the correct

form of the verbs.
1. am not playing
2. are studying
3. aren’t doing
4. am having
5. are riding

- Then T asks students to give the differences
between the present simple and present
continuous, and explains to them

- Ask Ss to choose the correct tense of the verbs.
- Ask Ss to discuss any common errors and
provide further practice if necessary.
IV. Production
- Ask Ss to underline things that often happen or

6. Choose the correct tense of the verbs.
1. are having
3. starts
4. watching
5. are skipping
7. Read Vy’s email to her friend
a. Underline things that often happen or are

are fixed. Then underline things that are
happening now.
- Help Ss to compare Vy’s first week with their
- Correct the mistakes
V. Homework
-Summarize the main points of the lesson.
-Guide Ss to do home work.

Key: are , is , am doing , have , are , study ,
have , don’t wear , have , read , do , is, do you
study , do you play , starts , is (’s)
b.Compare Vy’s first week with yours.
Ex:Both Vy and I are having an interesting first
I wear my uniform every day, but Vy wears her
uniform only on Mondays and Saturday.
- Learn by heart the form and use of the two
- Prepare next lesson (Unit 1 -Communication)

Date of preparing: August 27th , 2017
Date of teaching: August 31st , 2017

Week : 02
Period: 05

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop speaking skill and

communicate with their friends about making friends and how a good friend is
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: The simple present
2. Vocabulary: School lexical items
III. Teaching aids: - text books, pictures, projector
IV.Techniques: Communicative approach ,explanation, groupwork, pairwork, hang man, slap the
board, ......

V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities

I. Warm up : Hang man
Have Ss play the game
-Get them to listen to the eliciting and guess the
-Ss try to find out the letter building the word.
-T gives feed back and decides which is the
winner of the game.
 excited
II. Pre-speaking:
- T introduces some vocabulary, tell Ss that these
new words will appear in the task that follow.
-Ss listen and answer to find out the meaning of
the words.
- Ss practice reading words carefully
(in chorus and individually )
- Ss write down


* Hangman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
 (3)


* New words
- Pocket money (n): (translation)tiền tiêu vặt
- Remember [ri'membə](v): (translation) nhớ
- Share (v): (translation) chia sẻ
- Help (v): (explanation) giúp đỡ
- Classmate ['klɑ:smeit] (n): (explanation) bạn
cùng lớp

*Checking vocabulary: Slap the board
III. While- speaking
1. Game : Making friends – page 11
- T shows the list of the questions in 1 (P11) asks
Ss to work in groups to decide which questions
should be used to ask a new friend at school.
- Some students read aloud their choice
- T explains that we should not ask a new friend
personal questions such as 3,5,8
- Let Ss write some questions on a piece of paper

and then share with the class
- T gives help if necessaey
2. There is a quiz for ss in the new school
newsletter Read the questions
- T asks Ss to work in group and list some
qualities of good friends (in Vietnamese )
- T shows the list of the questions in 2 (P11) asks
ss to work in groups of 4 or 5 to take turns to
interview the others using the provided questions:
+ Have one student practice with the teacher to
make an example
+ Read aloud the questions and ask Ss to listen
and repeat
+ Let Ss interview their friends in groups
IV. Post-speaking
- T asks Ss to prepare a presentation talking about
a good classmate.
+ Talk about good friends you have interviewed
and tell the class why they are good friends
+ Give instruction and asks Ss to look at the
answers of your friends to tell about them and
explains why they are good friends
+ Call on some students to present in front of the
+ Give feedback
- T gives some nice sentences about friendship
and asks Ss to write down
- Encourages ss to give nice sentences about

V. Homework
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.

1. Game: Making friends (P.11)
The suitable questions: 1,2,4,6,7
- Are you from around here?
- Do you like pop music?
- How much pocket money do you get?
- What is your favorite subject at school?
- Are you hungry?
- Do you play football?
- How do you gat to school every day?
- Where do you go shopping?
2. There is a quiz for ss in the new school
newsletter Read the questions
Suggestions: Helpful, kind, generous, energetic,
sociable, open-minded, careful, humorous …

Example :
Mai and Hoa are good friends because they are
helpful and sociable.

Ex: “This is Nam, he is my classmate. He is
very helpful, he often helps me in doing home

* Nice sentences about friendship:
- “A friend in need is a friend indeed”
(nghĩa là người bạn giúp đỡ mình trong lúc cần
thiết mới là người bạn thật sự).

- “Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries
(Phát đạt tạo nên bạn bè, khó khăn thử thách
bạn bè).
- “A true friend is someone who reaches for
your hand and touches your heart”
(Người bạn tốt nhất là người ở bên bạn khi bạn
buồn cũng như lúc bạn vui).

-Assign home work.

- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Give more nice sentences about friendship
-Do exercises in work book
-New lesson: Skill 1

Date of preparing: August 28th , 2017
Date of teaching: September 1st , 2017
Period: 06

Week : 02

Section: SKILLS 1
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for specific information about schools
and talk about the schools they like
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: The simple present
2. Vocabulary: boarding, surrounded, international, creative ,…
III. Teaching aids: - text books, pictures , projector

IV.Techniques: Communicative approach , brainstorming ,explanation, groupwork, matching....

V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
I. Warm up : Brainstorming
- T asks students to work in group and give
some characteristics of the school they like

* Brainstorming: →Suggested
have a library

have computer room

II. Pre-reading
- T asks Ss to look at the three pictures of the
three schools, then gives their ideas about the
schools in the pictures. (Set a strict time limit to
ensure Ss read quickly for information)
-Encourage Ss to give as many ideas as
- T introduces some vocabulary
- Ss practice reading words carefully
(in chorus and individually )
- Ss write down
*Checking vocabulary: Matching
III. While- reading
1.- Let Ss read the three passages to check their
-Ss do the task indidually in 5 minutes

-Note some information.

the school I like

have playground

have modern equipment

- In PLC Sydney school, I can see some girls are
practicing doing something. So I think it is a
comfortable school. It is a very good school.
* New words
- Boarding school (n) (expl.) trường nội trú
- Kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tən] (n) (explaination)
vườn trẻ, trường mẫu giáo
- Overseas [,ouvə'si:z] (adj, adv): hải ngoại
- Equipment (n): thiết bị
- Join= take part in (v): tham gia vào
- Club (n): câu lạc bộ
1. Read the text quickly to check your ideas

2- Ask Ss to read the passages again, then find
the words in the passages.
- Help them to give the meaning of the words,
or explanations, or examples, or Vietnamese

- Tell Ss to pay attention to the context of
the words

3- Set a longer time limit for Ss to reread the
text and complete the sentences.
- Ask Ss to note where they found the
information that help them complete the
- Have Ss compare their answer.
- Allow Ss to read in chorus once. Then call
some individuals to read aloud to the class.
Check their pronunciation and intonation.
IV. Post-reading
* Speaking.
-Allow Ss to complete the table.
-Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss then
complete the table. (Ss can use the background
of the school).

-Ask some Ss to express their ideas before the
- T corrects

V. Homework
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
-Assign home work.

2. Now find these words in the text. What do
the words mean.

- It is a boarding school. That means many Ss
study and live there.
- The school is surrounded by mountains and
green fields.
- … international school … for Ss from year 1 to
year 2, Ss learn English with foreign teachers…
(inter + national)
- Some creative students do drawings and
paintings in the art club.
3. Now read the text again and complete these
1. boarding
2. Vinabrita
3. Australia
4. mountains 5. E speaking teachers.

4:Which school would you like to go....
Name of

Reasons you like it

an international school for
girls from kindergatern to
year 12 in Sydney,

An Lac
The school is surrounded
by mountains and green
secondary fields.
Vinabrita an international school for
Ss from year 1 to year 12
in Ha Noi.
Learn English with
English speaking teachers

you don’t
like it


No art

- I like PLC Sydney because it is an international
school for girls from kindergatern to year 12 in
Sydney, Australia.
- I like Vinabrita School because students learn
English with English speaking teachers.
- I don’t like An Lac lower secondary school

because there is not art club.
- Learn by heart all the new words.
- Practice reading the text carefully
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 1 – Skills 2

Date of preparing: August 31st , 2017
Date of teaching: September 4th , 2017
Period: 07

Week :

Section: SKILLS 2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to listen to get information about school
activities and write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation.
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: The simple present
2. Vocabulary: School lexical items
III. Teaching aids: - text books, cassette, pictures, sub- boards , Projector
IV.Techniques: Communicative approach ,explanation, groupwork, pairwork, chatting, guessing ,
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
I. Warm up : Chatting
- T asks Ss some questions about their school
- Ss answer

II. Listening
1-Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: PLC

Sydney. Introduce Susie Brewer- a student at
PLC Sydney.
-Then play the recording.
- Ss listen only the first time.
-Allow Ss to read the exercise to guess the
- Ss work in pairs, listen to the recording again
to choose the correct answers.
- Give the correct answers by letting Ss listen
sentence by sentence

III. Writing.
-Tell Ss the important of punctuation marks.
-Hang the poster of Writing tip on the board.
-Ss study the Writing tip and may ask some
-Explain the new words and punctuation marks.
2- Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in the

* Chatting:
1. Do you love your new school?
2. is your new school big?
3. How many classroooms are there in your
 Listening
1. Susie is a student at PLC Sydney. Listen and
choose the correct answer.

1. Susie ____being at a girl’s school.
A. likes
B. doesn’t like
2. Susie’ favorite teacher is her____teacher.
A. Maths
B. science
3. Today, susie ____.
A. is wearing her uniform
B. isn’t wearing her uniform
4. Susie sudies___for 3 hours a week.
A. English
B. Vietnamese
5. Susie does her homework____.
A. at breaktime B. in the evening
Writing tip.:good punctuation
*Capital letters for: starting sentences, names,
days and months, the pronoun I and places.
*Commas to separate long sentences and lists of
*Full stops, question marks or exclaimation
marks: put at the end of the sentences.
2. Correct the puntuation in these sentences.

sentences in their notebooks.
-After finishing, 5 sts write the 5 sentences on
the board.
-The class comment and check.
- Give the correction.

1. School stars on the 5th September.
2. Does he live in Ha Noi?
3. I’m excited about the first day of the school.
4. Are you doing your homework?
5. We’re having an English lesson in class.

3- Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in the
passage in their notebooks.
-After finishing, 1 st writes his/ her passage on
the board.
-The class comment and check.

3. Correct the puntuation in the passage.
Write the correct version.
Hi. I’m phong and I’m from Ho Chi Minh City. I
wear my uniform to school every day. My
favorite teacher is Mr Trung. He teaches me
4- First let Ss brainstorm for the language
4. Create a webpage for your school.
necessary for writing.
-Think of the title.
- Allow Ss to refer back to the reading for useful -Write an introduction.
language, and note interesting expressions and
+What is the name of the school?
language on the board.
+Where is the school?
- T can show a webpage to inspire Ss
+How many Ss does the school have?

-Hang the poster of questions on the board then +What do Ss do at school?
guide Ss to write a webpage.
+ What is interesting/ great/ fun about your
-Write a draft first, try to answer all the
+What is your school day like?
-Ss write a paragraph about 80 words about
+What do you do in the morning?
their school, covering as many ideas as possible +What do you wear?
of the answer to these questions.
+What subject do you like?
-Tell Ss to pay attention to punctuation,
+What do you do at break/ lunch time?
structural elements, linking words…
+What activities do you do?
IV. Consolidation
+What do you do after school?
- Choose some Ss to present to the class about
their writing.
- Give correction.
(T gives the introduction and asks Ss to write
the instruction at home if there isn’t enough
V. Homework
-Summarize the main point of the lesson.
- Complete the introduction of your school
-Assign homework.
- Prepare:Unit 1: Looking back & Project
- Do exercises in work book

Date of preparing: September 3rd , 2017
Date of teaching: September 7th , 2017

Week : 03
Period: 08

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise and make the use of all the target
knowledge in unit 1and do a project about their dream school.
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous
2. Vocabulary: School lexical items
III. Teaching aids: - text books, cassette, pictures, sub- boards , projector
IV.Techniques: Communicative approach, explanation, groupwork, pairwork, brainstorming, …
V. Procedure:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


I. Warm up : Brainstorming
* Brainstorming:
- T asks students to work in 2 teams and write
the names of the school things they know on the
board in 1 minute. The team which has more

correct words will win the game


II. Activity 1: *Vocabulary
1-Tell Ss to write the words in their notebooks.
- Correct the mistakes
- Let Ss repeat the words.
- Check their pronunciation




I. Vocabulary
1. Write words that match the picture
1. dictionary
4. notebook
2. uniform
5. compass
3. pencil sharpener 6. calculator
2. Match the words in A with the ones in B.
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d

2- Have Ss match the words in A with ones in

- Ask Ss to write the answers in their notebooks.
- T checks the answers
3. Listen and write down the words you hear.
Play: sports, badminton, music.
3-Play the recording twice.
Do: morning exercise, homework
-Ss listen then write words in the correct places. Study: new words, geography.
-Give correction.
Have: English lesson, a new book.
III. Activity 2 * Grammar.
4- T reviews the structure and the use of the
present simple and introduces the exercise
-Ss work individually to write the answers
- Ss check their answers with a partner
- Ss write their answers on board
-Give feedback and the correct answers.

5- T reviews the structure and the use of the
present continuous and introduces the exercise

II. Grammar.
4. Complete the sentences using the present
1. He comes from Da Nang.
2. Do you study English? No, I don’t.
3. She walks to school with her friends.
4. I do my homework after school.
5. Mr Vo teaches physics at my school.
6. The team play football on saterday.
5. Complete the sentences using the present

1. are doing
2. are riding

-Ss work individually to write the answers
- Ss check their answers with a partner
- Ss write their answers on board
-Give feedback and the correct answers.
6-T asks Ss to work individually to write the
- Sts check their answers with a partner
- Sts write their answers on board
-Give feedback and the correct answers.
IV. Activity 3 : * Communication
7- Ss read the questions and anwers once or
twice aloud, then match them.
- T corrects
V. Production:
8- Ask Ss to read the instructions in the table,
work in pairs and role-play the questions and
- T controls
- Ask Ss to complete the self- assessment.
Identify and difficulties and weak areas and
provide further practice.
-Ask Ss to write their dream school at home
-Divide the class into 3 groups.
-Ask Ss to use the pictures and their

V. Homework
-Sumarize the main point of the lesson.
-Asign home work.

Date of preparing: September 4th , 2017
Date of teaching: September 8th , 2017
Period: 09

3. is studying
5. am walking

4. is having
6. is teaching

6. Complete the text with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets
1. lives
2. is
3. has
4. is walking
5. go
6. study
7. are working
8. loves
III. Communication
7. Match the questions with the answers.
b- g
d- f
e- a
h- g

8. Role-play.
Finished! Now you



- ask and answer questions
about school
-talk about things that are
fixed or often happen
- talk about things that are
happening now
Your dream school

-Ask Ss to write their dream school at home using
the pictures and their imagination.
- Prepare: Unit 2- Getting Started

Week : 03

Section: GETTING STARTED - A look inside
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and read for specific information then
practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "My home".
II. Language contents:

1. Grammar: Prepositions of place and “there is/ there isn’t/ there are/ there aren’t .”
2. Vocabulary: Types of houses, rooms and furniture, the lexical items related to the topic “My home”.
III. Teaching aids: - text books, cassette, sub- boards ,projector
IV.Techniques: explanation, groupwork, pairwork, rub out and remember, brainstorming......

V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
I. Warm up Brainstorming
Ask students to list some furniture in their

* Brainstorming:




II. Presentation
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and
introduces the characters, Nick and Mi and asks
Ss some questions.

- T says something about “home”- the place

where we live.
- Ask Ss to share any recent experiences of
chatting online.
-T introduces some vocabulary
- Ss practice reading words carefully
(in chorus and individually )
- Ss write down
*Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember

- What are Nick and Mi doing?
- They are talking to each other through the
(talking on Skype; Skype = a system that allows
you to make telephone calls using your computer
and the internet).
- Which system do you use to chat with your friends?

- Do you live in a house? Is your house big? How
many rooms are there in your house?....


- a'partment
- next to
- 'kitchen
- 'bathroom

-'living room n
- in front of
- be'hind
- bet'ween:
- 'sofa
1. Listen and read

( picture) Căn hộ
(example) ở cạnh
( picture) Nhà bếp
( picture) Phòng tắm
( picture) Phòng khách
(example) Đằng trước
(example) Đằng sau
(example) ở giữa
( picture) Ghế sô fa

III. Practice
a. Which family members does Mi talk about?
1a- Play the recording
- Ask Ss to give the answers without reading the

conversation again.

- Ask Ss to read the conversation and check

their answers. Confirm the correct answers.


1b- Have Ss work independently. Allow them to b. Read the conversation again. Complete the
share answers before discussing as class.
1. TV; sofa
2. town house
- Ask Ss to write the correct answers on the
5. three
2. Match the prepositions with the pictures.
2- Ask Ss if they know the prepositions in the
A. on B. next to C. behind D. in

E. in front of
F. between G. under

- Have Ss do exercise 2 in pairs.
- Ask for Ss’ answers.
3- Ask Ss to write the sentences individually,
then share the sentences with a friend.
- Call on some Ss to write their answer on the
- Check the sentences with the whole class.

4- Ask Ss to look at the picture of the room and
do exercise individually.
- Have Ss share their answers before giving the
- Confirm the correct answers.
IV. Production
5- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer the
- Correct their answers
V. Homework
-Sumarize the main point of the lesson.
-Asign home work.

3. Write a sentence to describe each picture in 2.

A. The dog is on the chair
B.The dog is next to the bowl.
C.The cat is behind the TV.

D. The cat is in the wardrobe.
E. The dog is in front of the kennel.
F. The cat is between the lamp and the sofa.
G. The cat is under the table.
4. Write true of false for each sentence.
Correct the false ones.
1. F (The dog is between the bookshelf and the
2. T
3. F (The clock is between the pictures).
4. F (The cat is in front of the kennel).
5. F (The cap is next to the pillow).
6. T
5. Look at the picture again. Answer the
1. They are on the desk. 2. They are on the floor.
3. Yes, it is.
4. No, they aren’t.
5. It’s behind the bookshelf.
6. No, it isn’t.
- Learn words by heart, read the dialogue
- Write the answers in the notebooks.
- Prepare the next lesson:A closer look 1

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