1900 TO
1900 to 1950:
The Age of
1950 to 2000:
Public Realtions
Comes of Age
2000 to the present
1900 to 1950: The Age of Pioneers
Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays are considered the two
outstanding pioneers who did much to establish the
foundation for today's public relations practice.
Another visionary who dominated the field is Arthur
W. Page, probably the first practitioner to establish
public relations as an integral part of high-level
corpo rate management.
Ivy Lee
Edward Bernays
Arthur W. Page
The pioneers also included a number of colorful per sonalities, including
Hollywood publicist Warren Cowan and fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert.
1950 to 2000: Public Relations Comes of Age
The field of public relations greatly
expanded after World War Il as a
result of changes in American
society. These changes included the
develop ment of mass media
including television, and the over
all expansion of business
The concept of public relations as just media relations and
publicity began to shift the concepts of "reputation
management" and "relationship building" became more
prominent in the literature and in practice
Public relations matured as a management
function at the highest levels of the organization
Public relations, traditionally a male
domain, experi enced the massive influx of
women into the field, to the point that an
estimated 20 percent of today's public
relations practitioners are female
2000 to the present
Public relations, in the era of the Internet
and social media, places increased
emphasis on listening, en gagement, and
dialogue with respective publics
Current, ongoing trends in public relations include the effort to have a
more diverse workforce, practice on a global scale, and the
revolutionary shift from tradi tional mass media to digital media,
including the Inter net and social media
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the
necessity for transparency become main stream in terms of
widespread acceptance by all organizations