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Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8

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Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 16/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 19/8/2013.
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Ký duyệt
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
A. Aims
After the lesson stds will be able to :
- Use present simple tense more fluently.
- Understand and use some model sentences clearly, exactly.
B. Language content:
Vocabulary: Topic about Attributive and predicative adjectives.
Structure: - What do/ does look like?
- To be (not) adj + enough + to infinitive
C. Teaching aids: Textbook, teacher's book, pictures
D. Teaching methods
Communicative method,
E. Procedures.
I. Class organization (1 min)
II. Check the old lesson
III. New lesson.
1. Warm up : (5’) T guides stds play game “ Network”.

- Ask students more questions: Which sports do you like?
- Ask students to use the "network" to practice in pairs
2. Presentation:(15’)
- Ask students some questions such as:
+ Do you know where the picture is?
+ Who are they in this picture?
+ Where is Hoa from?

* T hangs a subboard then asks students to do the exercise :“tick T/F”
a. Hoa's friend's name is Nien
b. Nien is from Thanh Hoa.
c. Nien is thirteen years old.
d. Nien is not beautiful.
e. Nien is going to visit Hoa on summer vacation.
- Ask students to listen the dialogue twice then read in pairs.
(T: correct mistakes).
- Ask students to find the model sentences: What do/ does + s + look like ?
(Teacher explains the use) : to be (not) adj enough + Vinf with to .
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
3.Practice (15’)
- Tgives some adjective words for Ss to make new sentence
- Ask Ss to practice the model sentences by using given words.
- Ask Ss to ask to do exercise 2 T calls some pairs to read in front of class. (teacher
gives the right answers)
4.Consolidation (5’)
-Ask a student to go to the board to write sentence by using model sentences.
T guides stds to do some exercises in work book, and repair the next lesson “Speak”.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 16/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 20/8/2013.
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Ký duyệt

Lesson 2: Speak
A. Aims
-After the lesson Ss will be able to:
-Describe the appearance and characters of each person.
- Develop the speaking skill.
- Introducing people and responding to introducing.
B. Language contents
- Build: slim, bold,
- Hair: straight, curly, blond, fair,
Grammar :
What + does /do + S +look like?
S + be + adj.
Eg: What does she look like?
-She is thin and short.
Or: She has long and blond hair.
-Her hair is long and blond hair.
C. Teaching aids:
Textbook, tape, cassette
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative method
E. Procedures:
I. Class organizasion(1’)
II. Check the old lesson.
III. New lesson:
1. Warm up (5’)
T uses real sitituation to ask stds:
What do I look like ?
Stds can answer:

-You are tall and big. or: - You have a long black hair.
Go on: T asks some stds : -What does Mai/Nam look like?
2. Pre- Speaking.(15’)
a.T introduces some newwords
- Curly (adj) ( picture) - fair (adj) ( Vietnamese) - slim (adj) ( picture)
- Bold (adj) (“ “) - straight(adj) ( “ “ ) - blond(adj) (“ “ )
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
*Comprehension check:(Matching)
-T asks stds to practice the dialogue in part 1:
b. Hangs a sub board that has a structure:
- Ask Ss to answer about others in class.
-What do/ does + S + look like?
-She/He + be
-She/He + have /has
*comprehension check:
- Draw some pictures
- Ask Ss to guess the person in class by the description of teacher. Then do the same
in pairs
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and speak out the appearance and character in book.
3. While- Speaking (15’)
T asks stds:(Look at the pictures a,b,c,d,e ,f you make up similar dialogues by using
the adjectives and dialogue you have practiced to describe the people in the pictures :
Mr Lai, Miss Lien, Ann, Mr Khoi and Mary.)
Teacher calls some good pairs to practice the dialogue in front of the class.
T gives a model dialogue by sub board:
A: What does Van look like?

B: He is tall and thin. He has short black hair.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- Ask some pairs to practice the dialogue.
- Teacher gives new situation and ask some Ss to make up new dialogues
4. Post- Speaking: (5’)
- T guides stds to play “guessing game”
5. Consolidation: (3’)
T repeat the structure: Ask and answer about build of one body, and predicative
adjectives .
6. Homework. (1’)
T guides stds to do some exercises in workbook and learn new words and structure by
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 16/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 21/8/2013.
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Ký duyệt
Lesson 3: Listen
A. Aims:
After the lesson Ss will be able to:
-Revise the structure respond to introductions and some other sructures.
-Develop listening skill.
B. Language contents:
-How do you do . - It’s pleasure to meet you.
-I’d like you to meet . - Nice to meet you .
C. Teaching aids:

-Tape, Stereo, Tape transcript, sub boards, hand outs,
D. Teaching methods:
- Use some techniques: Net work, What and where, T/F answers
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization:???(1’)
II. Check the old lesson:
III. New lesson:
1. Warm up: (5’)
-Guides stds to play game (Asks and answer)
-Gives the hand outs that has some questions:
-Such as: - How tall are you ?
- What color are your eyes ?
- Do you like beards?

2. Pre-Listening: (15’)
-Asks stds : ”What do you say if you want to meet someone?
-What will you say when you are introduces to someone?
- What will you say when you introduces someone?
-Revises the structure respond to introduction.
- Nice to/Glad to/meet/(see)you.
- I’d like to meet
- It’s pleasure to meet you.
3. While-Listening:(13’)
Introduces the listening lesson: “We are going to listen to 4 dialogues illustrating
different situations. Each dialogue has some missing information. You listen to the
tape and complete the dialogue .”
Play the tape twice or 3 times.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014

Asks stds to compair the result with others.
Hangs the keys ,stds copy them on their notebook.
4. Post- Listening: (8’)
-Asks stds to practice the dialogue. Practice in pairs.
- Gives some cue given words, stds to make a similar dialogue then practice.
- Some pairs practice in front of he class.
5. Consolidation: (3’)
-Repeat the main knowledge of the lesson.
6. Homework: (2’)
Asks stds to learn the dialogue by heart. And repair the next lesson.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 24/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 26/8/2013.
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Adjusting:…………… .
Ký duyệt
Lesson 4: Read
A. Aims:
After the lesson stds will be able to:
- Know to descry character of somebody.
- Know some adjectives relating to descry people.
- Develop reading skill to get information.
B. Language contents:
1. Grammar : - Present simple tense.
2. Vocabulary:
+ Character (n) + out going (a)
+ Sociable (a) + volunteer (a)

+ generous (a)
+ resewed (a)
C. Teaching aids:
- Textbook, sub board, handouts,
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative method, grammar translation,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization:??? (1’)
II. Check the old lesson:
III. New lesson:
1. Warm up: (3’)
- Guides stds to play game: ”Find some one who”
Hangs a sub board then asks stds to do exercise : - T/F prediction
There are 5 people in this passage.
Khai dislikes school.
Ba's friends never annoy each other
Bao is the most sociable.
3. While - Reading: (20’)
- Ask Ss to read the text and check their prediction.
- Correct their prediction.
- Teacher corrects.
- Read the text carefully and do exercise 1,2 .
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
-Gives handouts for stds.
-Teacher asks stds to do exercise in pair, then compair the result with othes.
-Teacher remarks and gives keys .
4. Post - Reading:(8’)

- Ask Ss to talk about their classmates.
5.Consolidation: (5’)
-Asks stds to do exercises: "How would you describe the person in each of these
1. She finds it difficult to meet people and talk to strangers.
2.One of the great things about her is that she is aware of other people’s fellings.
3.He doesn’t do anything until he asks to do.
-T gives keys: -She is shy.
-She is sensitive.
-He is lazy.
6. Homework: (3’)
- Prepare next lesson.
- Learn by heart vocabulary.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 24/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 27/8/2013.
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Adjusting:…………… .
Ký duyệt
Lesson 5: Write
A. Aims:
After the lesson the lesson Ss will be able to:
-Develop writing skill.
-Write a short paragraph about their friends.
-Know more adjectives about characters
B. Language contents:

- sociable(adj) - humorous(adj) - helpful(adj)
2. Grammar:
- Present simple tense.
C. Teaching aids:
-Textbook ,sub board , handouts,
D. Teaching methods:
-Communicative method, Grammar translation,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization:??? (1’)
II. Check the old lesson:
- Asks 2 stds to go to the board:
- One writes 5 adjectives about character .
- Other writes 5 adjectives about appearances.
- The reset write on the pices of paper.
- T corrects and gives marks.
III .New lesson:
1. Warm up: (5’)
- Guides stds to play “guessing game”:
Eg: I never come to class late. What character do I have? - Punctual
1. Pre- writing : (10’)
- Give a picture and ask Ss to describe.
- Ask some Qs about the information about personality.
2. While- writing: (18’)
- Ask Ss to ask and answer about Tam.
What's his name?
How old is he?
Where does he live?
- Ask Ss to do the some ( about Ss in class)
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh

Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
- Ask Ss to use part 2 to write a passage.
- Ask some to road out ( T corrects mistakes)
- Ask Ss to write about the person you like best.
- Ask Ss to write a passage about their partner.
4.Post -writing: (5’)
- Ask Ss to complete sentences using word/cues.
a. Mai/my friend.
b. She/13
c. She / on TranPhu street with her parents.
d. She/ beautiful/ and/ short hair/ black eyes.
e. Binh/ Bach/ her best friends.
5. Consolidation:(4’)
- Repeat the attributive and predicative adjectives.
6. Homework: (2’)
- Give information about your self.
- Prepare next lesson.
- Guides stds to do some exercises in workbook.

Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 24/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 28/8/2013.
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Adjusting:…………… .
Ký duyệt
Lesson 6: Language focus
A. Aims:

In this lesson stds will be able to:
- Use present simple tense to talk about general truths.
B. Language contents:
1. Grammar
+ Revise simple tenses.
+ Use structure: (Not) adj + enough + to -infinitive
2. Vocabulary:
- planet(n) - heavy-set (adj):
- earth(n) - hold one’s head (v):
- mars(n) - shoulder bag(n) :
- mercury - shorts (n):
C. Teaching aids:
- Textbook, sub boards, handouts,
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative approach.
- (individual/ group)
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization:??? (1’)
II. Check the old lesson:
III. New lesson:
1. Warm - up: (5’)
- Divide class into 2 groups A-B
GA: Write sentences in the present tense
GB: Change into the past tense
- T corrects and gives marks.
- T introduces the main knowledge of the lesson.
- Asks stds to complete the passage. Then the correct form of the verbs.

- Ask Ss to repeat the form of present and past tense. Then do exercises.
- Ask Ss to read after finishing (one by one or in pairs)
- Give some wrong sentences then ask Ss to correct.
- Give keys.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
- Hang on a sub board and ask Ss to use correct form of the vs in the box .
- Provide some new words in the dialogue.
- planet (n): Vietnamese - mars (n): Vietnamese
- mercury(n): Vietnamese - earth (n): Vietnamese
- Comprehention check:(Matching)
- Ask stds to compare the result with others.
- Gives keys.
- Hang a picture to ask stds to answer the questions:
- Provide some newwords:
- heavy-set(adj): Vietnamese - shoulder bag(n) : Picture
- shorts (n): Picture - hold one’s head (v): Vietnamese
- Comprehention check:(Matching)
- Ask and answer the qs about member in class.
- Ask Ss to answer the qs about people in text book's picture.
- Correct and gives keys:
* Use structure: (Not) adj + enough + to + V (infi) to do exercises.
- Ask Ss to make up sentences, using word cues.
Eg: 1. Ba / intelligent/ this test.
2. This film/ not interesting/ to see.
- Ask Ss to read in silence the sentences provided then do exercise.

- Ask Ss to give the structure again.
- Ask Ss to play cross word: find verbs of past tense and present.
- Play game: G
: gives a verb ( in past tense or present)
: makes up sentences (change the job)
< Each right sentence gets 2 marks>
- Revise the main knowledge of the lesson.
- Prepare next lesson (Unit2-Lesson1).
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 30/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 02/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Ký duyệt
Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read
A. Aims:
After the lesson stds will be able to:
- Talk about intentions with "be going to".
- Use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.
- Take a telephone message.
B. Language contents:

- message (n) - arrange(v)
- mobile(a) - mobile phone (n)
- a bit(a) - public telephone (n)
- telephone directery (n) - fax machine(n):
- answering machine(n) - address book(n):
2. Grammar
- Future with be going to - Would you like ?
- Let’s - Can I speak to ?
C. Teaching aids:
- Picture, sub boards, handouts,
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative method,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization.(1’)
II. Check the old lesson.
III. New lesson.
1. warm up: (10’)
T: Gives the pictures in the textbook and asks "what is this ?".
Ss: Answer the questions in Vietnamese.
T: - Gives some posters and asks Stds to match them with the pictures.
- Asks Ss to listen and repeat the words in poster.
2. Presentation: (5’)
* Listen and read:
- Teacher introduces: As we known ,telerhone has become more and more popular in
our social communication.thus,itis necessary for English learners to have a good skill
of using and understanding the language used in telephone .In grade 7, we learned
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
how to read telephone number and some other related structures.In this period, we

will further study this topic.
3.Practice: (20’)
- Asks stds to look at the picture and listen the dialogue.
- Look at the pictures and guess. What they are telling ?
- Listen the tape twice or three times.
* Ss practice the dialogue in pairs:
- Some pairs read out begin class ( correct S's mistakes)
- Corrects guessing and pronunciation
- Hangs a sub board that has structure:
- Would you like ?
- Let’s + verb
- It’s a bit far from my house.
- She is downstairs.
- She is upstairs.
- message (n):real object - arrange(v): Vietnamese
- mobile(a) :Vietnamese - mobile phone (n): Picture
- a bit(a) :Vietnamese - public telephone (n) :Picture
- telephone directery(n):Picture - fax machine(n): Picture
- answering machine(n):Picture - address book(n): Picture
- Hold on Techniques: - Synonym . wait some minutes
- Where is it on? : - Translation
- I'm using my cousin's bike tonight. (future with "be going to")
- I'm going to see the movie Dream City at 6.45
- Asks stds listen the dialogue again.
- After that, Ss answer the qs (a-f) by playing game "lucky number".Then "survey"
Nga made the call she.
4. Consolidation: (5’)
* Gives "open dialogue" (with other situation)
- To ask Ss to practice in pairs.

5. Home work:(4’)
- Ask Ss to write the correct answer at home.
- Prepare some sentences with "be going to" and new lesson.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 30/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 03/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Ký duyệt
Lesson 2: Speak
A. Aims:
After the lesson, Students will be able to:
- Developing speaking skill.
- Know to use some new structure
- Using the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.
B. Language contents:
- Great, me too.
- I’m sorry.
- I can’t
C. Teaching aids:
- Textbook, some posters, tape, cassettes
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative method,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization:
II. Check the old lesson:
III. New lesson:

1.Warm up:(1’)
- T guides stds to play game: Noughts and Crosses
2. Pre-speaking: (15’)
- Hangs a sub board and introduces: "this is a dialogue whose sentences are not in
good order. Firstly, You read it and answer: Where is the dialogue carried out ?What
is it about?
-Stds answer:
* Revision:
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue by heart.
+ Gives some Qs about the content of dialogue.
Ex: - Is Hoa going to see the movie Dream City at 6.45?
- Who arranged a meeting place?
-Now work in pair, read the dialogue again and put the sentences in the correct order
-Gives keys.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
3.While-speaking: (15’)
-Asks stds to look at the dialogue in part 2:
T gives situation of the dailogue:
T: Introduces about picture in part 2.
Asks some Qs: Who made call?
Who invited the other to play chess?
T: - Gets Ss in pairs and fill the blank in open-dialogue.
- Gets the groups to compare the dialogue with their prediction.
- Correct mistakes then asks Ss to practice the open-dialogue.
(in pairs)
- Divides the class into 4 group and discuss to complete the conversation.
- Each group puts the sentences the correct order on the board.

T: - Corrects mistakes
- Ask Ss to practise it again.
4.Post-Speaking: (9’)
T calls more and more pairs to practice.
T corrects their pronunciation.
5.Consolidation: (3’)
T hangs a sub board that have a dialogue with the missing words. T asks stds to
complete then practice.
6.Homework: (2’)
- Guides stds to do exercises in workbook.
- Repair next lesson.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 30/8/2013.
Date of teaching: 04/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Ký duyệt
Lesson 3: Listen
A. Aims:
After the lesson stds will be able to:
- Developing listening skill.
- Know to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.
- Take the telephone message.
B. Language contents:
- Can I leave a message for ?
- Can you take a message ?

- Would you like to leave a message?
- message (n):
- available (adj)
- arrange (v):
C. Teaching aids:
- text book, tape transercript, handouts,
D. Teaching methods:
Method communicative,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization: (1’)
II. Check the old lesson:
III. New lesson:
1. Warm up: (5’)
T guides stds to play game: "Making up the dialogue”
T gives the main content of the dialogue:
-Asks stds to practice in pair.
2. Pre- Listening: (10’)
- Sets the science.
- Hangs the poster and read where information to fill in blank.
T introduces vocabulary
- message (n): Vietnamese
- available (adj): Vietnamese
- arrange (v): Vietnamese
* Rubout and remember
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
3. While - Listening: (15’)
- Gets Ss to look at the book and listen to whole dialogue for the first time.

- Gets Ss listen to the dialogue again and fill what they hear in the blank.
- Gets Ss listen once more to check the information they get.
- Gets a pair to read their complete the missing information.
- Gets other to give theirs opinions.
- Gets the group to compare the dialogue with their prediction.
- Corrects the mistakes.
4. Post-listening: (9’)
- Play game "lucky number" about part 1, 2, 3.
* Questions:
1. Who is going to a pop concert at the City Concert Center?
2. Lucky number.
3. What time can Eric and Adam meet?
4. Who can play chess tonight?
5. Lucky number.
6. What is Ba going to do tonight?
7. Lucky number
5.Consolidation: (3’)
T repeats the content of the lesson:
6. Homework: (2’)
- Guides stds to do some exercises in work book.
- Repair the next lesson.(Lesson4:Read)
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 03/9/2013.
Date of teaching: 09/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.

Ký duyệt

Lesson 4: Read
A. Aims:
After the lesson the lesson:
- Ss will be able to develop reading skill.
- Understand the content of the text.
- Revise the past simple tense.
B. Language contents:
1. Grammar:
- Past simple tense.
C. Teaching aids:
Picture, handouts, sub boards,
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative methods, some techniques,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization: (1’)
II. Check the old lesson:
III. New lesson:
1. Warm up: (2’)
- Ask Ss to talk about the importance of the telephone.
- Use the picture in textbook to introduce Alenxander Graham Bell who invented the
2. Pre-Reading: (10’)
- T reads once .
- Ask Ss to find the new words and then T writes on the board:
- T gives meaning some new words by Vietnamese:
- assistant(n): Vietnamese - deaf-mutes(n): Vietnamese
- commercial(adj): Vietnamese - transmit(v): Vietnamese
- conduct(v): Vietnamese - experiment(n): Vietnamese

- countless(adj): Vietnamese - exhibition(n) : Vietnamese
- demonstrate(v): Vietnamese - emigrate(v) : Vietnamese
- device(n): Vietnamese - directory(n): Vietnamese
- Ask Ss to check the boxes T or F by predicting.
2. While - Reading. (18’)
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
- Ask Ss to read the passage in silence and check their prediction.
- Correct their prediction and correct the false sentences.
- T corrects last once.
- Ask Ss to read the passage a lound and correct their pronunciation.
- Ask Ss to put the events in the correct order (work in pair).
- Ask some Ss to answer.
- Give correct order and explain structure "Neither nor "
3. Post - Reading: (9’)
- Ask Ss to tell about Alexander Graham Bell without textbook.
- Ask Ss to practice the structure "Neither nor ".
4.Consolidation: (3’)
- T repeats the main contents of the lesson.
5. Homework: (2’)
- Ask Ss to learn by heart vocabulary.
- Ask Ss to write a short passage about a scientist that they know.
- Ask Ss to prepare new lesson.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 03/9/2013.
Date of teaching: 10/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.

Ký duyệt
Lesson 5: Write
A. Aims:
After the lesson students will be able to:
- Develop writing skill base on a telephone message.
B. Language Contents:
1. Grammar:
- Intention with " be going to".
- Adverbs of place .
2. Vocabulary.
- message(n) - taken by(v)
- reach some (body): - furniture delivery(n)
- stationery order(n)
C. Teaching aids:
- tape, cassette, some posters.
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative method, some techniques,
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization. (1’)
II. Check the old lesson.
III. New lesson.
1. Warm up: (3’)
- Gives some pictures and asks Ss to predict the content of the pictures.
2. Pre-writing: (15(’)
T introduces vocabulary
- message(n):Vietnamese - to be out: Vietnamese
- taken by(v):Vietnamese - reach some (body):Vietnamese
- furniture delivery(n):Vietnamese

- stationery order(n):Vietnamese
* Rubout and remember
- Gives some pictures and posters to help Ss to understand the content of that text.
- Ss read a poster "Thang Loi Delivery Service" and find some information to fill in
to the blank.
- Corrects mistakes and then asks Ss to read it.
- Gives keys:
- (1) telephoned (5) name
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
- (2) May 12 (6) delivery
- (3) speak (7) Mr.Ha
- (4) took (8) at
3. While- writing: (15’)
- Devices the class into 4 groups and gives some posters.
- Asks Ss to read the text ( in silence)
- Gives some new words: stationary -> order -> explaination.
- Asks Ss to complete in the posters.
- Gets Ss to compare each other.
- Asks 4 Ss in each group to write on the board.
- Corrects mistakes and gives keys.
- Hangs a sub board.
Time: After midday
For: Mrs Van
Message: Mr Nam called about his stationary order.He wanted you to call him at
8 634 082.
Taken by: Mr Toan.

- Asks stds to practice the dailogue in part 3 at page 24.
- Guides stds to help Lisa write a message for Nancy using the in formation in
the dialogue.
- T gives keys:
- Date:
- Time:
- For: Nancy
- Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon. He will come over to pick
you up at 1.30
- Taken by: Lisa
4. Post - Writing: (6’)
- Stds writes a new telephone messages yourself.
5. Homework: (5’)
- Gives a passage and asks Ss to complete in the posters of massage.
- Asks Ss to prepare language focus.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 03/9/2013.
Date of teaching: 10/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Adjusting: ……………
Ký duyệt

Lesson 6: Language focus
A. Aims:
- To review the way of talking about intention with "be going to"
- The use of adverbs of place: Out side, here.
B. Language contents:

1. Grammar:
- Future with "be going to"
2. Vocabulary:
- Adverbs of place.
C. Teaching Aids:
- subboards, handouts, pictures,
D. Teaching Methods:
- Communicative and other suitable methods.
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization. (1’)
II. Check the old lesson.
III. New lesson.
1. Warm up: (3’)
- Asks Ss to match the verbs of simple tense with the verbs of simple past tense:
2. Presentation:(5’)
T gives some examples:
- I will visit him tomorrow.
- I am going to visit him tomorrow.
T explains to use the structure: “Be going to ”
3. Practice
3.1 Activity1: (9’)

- T. gives model sentences:
Nga has a movie ticket.
-> She's going to see a movie.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
- T asks stds to practice in pairs
- Corrects and gives true sentences:
Note: "Be going to"
- Play the game "Noughts and crosses".
3.2 Activity 2:(9’)
- Gives the "grid".
What are you going to do on the weekend?
Are you going to do You Your partner
See a movie?
Play sports?
Meet your friends?
- Gets questions: "Are you going to ?"
- Gets Ss to answer and tick into "you" column in grid.
Eg: Are you going to see a movie?
Yes, / No, I am.
- Asks Ss to work in pair ( Ask and answers each other).
Ticks the answers in "your partner" column.
- Then gets Ss to practice:
3. Activity3:(9’)
- Play "Network": outside
- Introduces the situation: Ba is playing hide
- Gives six pictures in the textbook and asks.
T: Where's Tuan?
S: I think he is

- Gives yes/no questions:
Eg: Is he upstairs?
- Corrects mistakes and gives keys:
4. Consolidation:(4’)
- Gives some statements and Ss tick T or F.
(Using statements in Ex3 - P.26)
5. Homework:(5’)
- Asks Ss to write 10 sentences with "be going to" from the grid in box
- Learn by heart the structure "be going to" and adverbs of place.
- Prepare new lesson.
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh
Adverbs of place
Giáo án: Tiếng Anh 8 Năm học: 2013 - 2014
Date of planning: 14/9/2013.
Date of teaching: 16/9/2013
Class: 8A4, 8A5.
Adjusting: ……………
Ký duyệt

Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read
A. Aims:
After the less stds will be able to:
- Say where the things are.
- Use the modal verbs to advise.
B. Language contents:
- Reflexive pronouns

- Review modal verbs: "Have to" and "ought to"
- cupboard(n) - frying pan(n)
- steamer(n) - stove(n)
- saucepan(n) - yourself(n)
C. Teaching aids:
- Teacher's book, picture
D. Teaching methods:
- Communicative approach.
E. Procedures:
I. Class organization. (1’)
II. Check the old lesson.
III. New lesson.
1. Warm up: (6’)
- Ask Ss some Qs about their house work.
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and descibe.
(Introduce some new words such as: tidy up; sweep)
2. Presentation:(16’)
* Set the scene: Give the situation of the dialogue.
* Pre teach: + Review the usage of modal: "ought to" and "have to"
+ Introduce some new words:
- Yourself (pro) -> situation
- Cupboard (n) -> explaination
- Steamer (n) -> explaination or picture
- Saucepan (n) -> picture.
- sink(n) : picture
Giáo viên: Phạm Thị Kim Xuyến Trường THCS Chiềng Sinh

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