Bardic Performance (Su): At 1st level, a buccaneer gains one
1st-level bardic performance of his choice. On the first round
he performs each day, the buccaneer must spend 1 panache
point. Once he does so, he can perform as a bard of his level
–2 (minimum 1st) for up to a number of rounds equal to his
Charisma modifier and may cease or resume performing without
using additional panache.
At 3rd level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the buccaneer can
perform for up to 4 additional rounds and gains an additional
bardic performance of his choice for his effective bard level.
This replaces the deeds opportune parry and riposte, menacing
swordplay, targeted strike, bleeding wound, perfect thrust, and
deadly stab.
Device Expertise (Ex): At 4th level, a buccaneer gains Skill
Focus (use magic device) as a bonus feat. At 12th level, he gains
the skill unlock powers for that skill as appropriate for his number
of ranks in that skill.
This replaces the bonus feats gained at the listed levels.
Fighter Training (Ex): Beginning at 4th level, a buccaneer’s
swashbuckler levels are considered fighter levels for the purpose
of meeting combat feat prerequisites.
Versatile Performance (Ex): At 8th level, and again at 16th
level, a buccaneer gains the versatile performance bard class
feature. This replaces the bonus feats gained at the listed levels.
Veritus Champion
The following options are available to characters with levels in
the veritus champion class.
Blood Debts
Most veritus champions convert their debt to create blood
dolls, waves of blood, or even to travel through a creature’s blood.
Some veritus champions settle their blood debts differently,
though. These options are not considered archetypes. They can
be replaced by archetype abilities that would replace the same
feature, and they cannot replace those same abilities.
Veritus champions who practice exsanguination will
often begin by hunting tiny prey, such as rabbits, to
satisfy their blood debts. As they grow in power, their
practices turn toward larger animals. They usually
aim for a clean kill and use the carcass for food or
clothing afterward.
Bleed (Sp): At 1st level, the veritus champion
can cast bleed and inflict light wounds at will as a
standard action.
For every 3 points of damage dealt by inflict
light wounds, the champion rolls 1d12 + his
Constitution modifier and dedicates that many
points toward his blood debt. Once he reaches
his maximum blood debt of 12 points per veritus
champion level, the champion can still use inflict
light wounds, but no longer dedicates additional
points toward the debt.
For every creature that dies after the champion
casts bleed on it, the champion rolls 3d6 + his
Constitution modifier and dedicates that many
points toward his blood debt, to his maximum.
This alters and replaces blood debt.
Wounding Dolls (Ex): A veritus champion with the bleed
ability can cause a blood doll he can see to burst, casting inflict
moderate wounds on a creature adjacent to the doll. He can do
this a number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier.
If he hasn’t reached his maximum blood debt for the day, the
champion can dedicate half the damage dealt by the blood doll
to his blood debt.
Starting at 9th level, the veritus champion can cast inflict
serious wounds instead. At 13th level, he can cast inflict critical
wounds instead. At 17th level, he can cast harm instead.
This alters blood doll and replaces blood burst.
Vampiric Caress (Su): At 8th level, a veritus champion can
convert 36 points of his blood debt to cast vampiric touch. A
successful touch deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels
(maximum 10d8). This replaces sanguine step.
Wither (Sp): At 15th level, as a full-round action, a veritus
champion can convert 96 points of his blood debt to cast
horrid wilting on a living creature within 30 feet of him. If the
creature has blood, it takes 1d8 points of damage per caster level
(maximum 20d8), and the veritus champion gains temporary hit
points equal to half the damage dealt, to a maximum of half the
target’s hit points when the spell was cast.
At 20th level, the veritus champion casts horrid wilting without
changes to its range or targets.
This replaces blood possession.
A veritus champion with vascularity appears abnormally strong;
his veins prominently displayed through his skin. The champion
has superior control over his own body and its functions. Rigorous,
almost ritualistic exercise is required to maintain his blood debt.
Blood Potency (Ex): For every 3 hit points of damage dealt to
the veritus champion during his morning ritual, he rolls 1d12 +
his Strength modifier and dedicates that many points to his blood
debt, to a maximum of 12 points per veritus champion level.
Scab Armor (Sp): At 1st level, a veritus champion can convert
3 points of his blood debt to cast barkskin. Because the armor is
created from dried blood, the spell cannot be cast on a creature
wearing armor. The enhancement bonus from this ability
increases by +1 for every three veritus champion levels beyond
3rd, to a maximum of +7 at 18th level. This replaces the armor
benefit of sheathed in blood.
Piranha Blood (Ex): At 2nd level, as long as a veritus
champion has at least 3 points dedicated to his blood debt
for the day, bleed effects used on him end automatically
after 2 rounds. At 7th level, the champion is immune to
bleed effects instead. This replaces Endurance and Diehard.
Vein Whip (Ex): At 3rd level, as long as a veritus champion
has at least 12 points dedicated to his blood debt for the
day, he can, as a swift action, cause his veins to lengthen
and slither out of his wrist. These veins function as a
masterwork scorpion whip and cannot be disarmed.
The veritus champion is considered proficient with this
weapon. This whip can be dismissed as a swift action. If the
vein whip is destroyed, the veritus champion cannot create a
new one for 24 hours. At 7th level, the champion can apply his
weapon enhancement from sheathed in blood to the whip as
a free action when he creates it. This replaces status.
Moderate Toxicity (Sp): At 5th level, as long as the veritus
champion has at least 24 points dedicated to his blood debt
for the day, he can cast delay poison on himself at will.