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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 102

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At 8th level, as long as he has at least 36 points dedicated to his
blood debt for the day, the veritus champion can cast neutralize
poison on himself at will.
At 16th level, as long as he has at least 60 points dedicated to
his blood debt for the day, the veritus champion can cast cleanse
on himself once per day as a full-round action. He can use it twice
per day at 20th level.
This replaces blood biography, sanguine step, and sanguine
Grappling Veins (Su): At 6th level, the veritus champion can
extend his veins from his body to latch onto his foes. He gain
Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the
prerequisites. In addition, he deals 1d6 additional slashing and
piercing damage when he damages a foe as part of a grapple.
This replaces waves of blood.

Blood Knight (Archetype)
Your life is in my hands.
Blood knights are veritus champions from the world of Volwryn.
Originally a cabal of orcish invokers, these champions gave their
lives to be reborn in the bodies of crusading humans. With their
newfound power, the blood knights went on to become some of
the most dangerous champions to travel that world.
Armor Proficiencies: Blood knights are proficient with all types
of armor (light, medium, and heavy), but not with shields. This
alters the veritus champion’s armor and shield proficiencies.
Runeforging (Ex): Blood knights pay their blood debt with
runes specially crafted during their morning ritual. At 1st level,
when a blood knight fills his blood debt each morning, he can
immediately dedicate 12 of those points to a single two-handed
melee weapon or split between two light or one-handed melee

weapons he wields. This functions as sheathed in blood, except
the bonuses last until the next time the knight fills his blood debt.
As he gains levels, a blood knight can dedicate more of his
blood debt to his weapons with runeforging, in the same way
a veritus champion improves his weapon through sheathed in
Beginning at 12th level, a blood knight can take 5 minutes
to change the enhancement bonuses and weapon properties
applied to his weapons using this ability, so long as the resulting
total is the same. This time can be spent in conjunction with
scourge of volwryn (see below).
This alters blood debt and sheathed in blood.
Bone Shield (Su): As long as a blood knight has at least 12 points
of his blood debt dedicated to his weapons, he gains a shield
bonus to his AC equal to half his Constitution bonus (minimum 1)
plus the highest enhancement bonus among weapons he wields.
Grip of Death (Su): At 2nd level, a blood knight gains Improved
Drag as a bonus feat. As long as he has at least 12 points of his
blood debt dedicated to his weapons, a blood knight can attempt
to drag an enemy toward him from up to 30 feet away. The knight
doesn’t move when dragging a creature in this way.
At 7th level, the knight gains Greater Drag as a bonus feat.
This replaces Endurance and Die Hard.
Scourge of Volwryn (Ex): At 3rd level, a blood knight can take
5 minutes to tap into the soul of Volwryn from across any planar
boundary to transform his power over undeath into something
else. When he does, the blood knight becomes his choice of a
frost knight or plague knight (see below). He gains those abilities
in place of bone shield, boil blood, fetid decay, grasp of death,
and dancing weapon.

Boiling Blood (Sp): At 6th level, a blood knight can convert 12
points of his blood debt as a standard action to cast boiling blood
as a spell-like ability. This replaces waves of blood.
Fetid Decay (Su): At 9th level, as long as a blood knight has at
least 12 points of his blood debt dedicated to his weapons, he
can target any creature with boiling blood (even if it doesn’t have
blood), and the damage dealt counts as both negative energy
and fire (it affects creatures resistant or immune to fire damage
At 13th level, the knight can target one creature per three
levels, no two of which may be more than 50 ft. apart.
At 17th level, the knight can use fetid decay a number of times
per day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1) without
converting blood debt to do so.
This replaces blood burst at the listed levels.
Grasp of Death (Su): At 11th level, a blood knight can convert
points of his blood debt and use a standard action to drag each
creature within 30 feet of a creature he can see toward that
creature. He makes one drag attempt and applies it to each
target. Using this ability costs 6 points of blood debt per creature
successfully dragged in this way. This replaces Survivor.
Dancing Weapon (Su): At 15th level, a blood knight can convert
4 points of his blood debt as a standard action and release one
of the weapons to which he has dedicated points of blood debt
to fight for him. This functions as the dancing weapon property,
except that it doesn’t count against the total enhancements the
knight’s weapon can possess. As part of the same action, the
knight can convert up to 6 points instead and release both of the
weapons he wields. He can do this once per day at 15th level,

twice per day at 18th level, and at will at 20th level. This replaces
blood possession.

Frost Knight (Archetype)
Your soul is mine to keep.
Years after the last of the original blood knights was vanquished,
a young paladin would accept the mantle of evil to seek revenge
against the demons who threatened his homeland. With the gifts
of death at his fingertips, the former champion of good traveled
to the frozen reaches of Volwryn, where he would become a
scourge to the heroes of that world.
Armor Proficiencies and Runeforging: A frost knight gains
armor proficiencies and the runeforging ability of the blood
knight (see above).
Frost Blade (Su): As long as a frost knight has at least 12 points
of his blood debt dedicated to his weapons, they automatically
gain the frost weapon property. If he converts points of his blood
debt to add that property to a weapon, it gains icy burst instead.
Grip of Death (Su): Frost knights gain grip of death, as the
blood knight ability.
Scourge of Volwryn (Ex): At 3rd level, a frost knight can take 5
minutes to tap into the soul of Volwryn from across any planar
boundary to transform his power over undeath into something
else. When he does, the frost knight becomes his choice of a
blood knight or plague knight (see below). He gains those abilities
in place of frost blade, cone of cold, frost pillar, ice chains, and
aura of the remorseless.
Cone of Cold (Sp): At 6th level, a frost knight can convert 12
points of his blood debt as a standard action to cast cone of cold
as a spell-like ability. This replaces waves of blood.

