Army of Undead (Su): At 15th level, as long as a plague
knight has at least 12 points of his blood debt dedicated to his
weapons, he can convert 60 points of his blood debt to cast
summon nature’s ally V, but only to create 1d4+1 creatures.
Those creatures gain undead traits, a +7 bonus to AC, attacks,
and saves, and a +3 bonus to damage. These bonuses also apply
to the knight’s undead companion.
At 18th level, the knight can cast summon nature’s ally VI
instead, and his bonuses increase to +9 and +4.
At 20th level, the knight can cast summon nature’s ally VII
instead, and his bonuses increase to +10 and +5. This replaces
blood possession.
The following archetype is available to characters with levels in
the vigilante class.
Heralds of Emotion (Archetype)
When enemies stir, I turn to my light. I speak my oath, then
leave to fight.
The heralds of emotion are heroes and villains who hold to
an ancient belief that the true power of one’s emotions can be
harnessed and used to create magical effects. In an effort to
avoid a prophesied war that could irreparably damage reality,
these vigilantes are chosen in secret for the strength of their
emotional control (or lack thereof). Each is tasked with balancing
reality in favor of their chosen emotion, and each must do so at
times against the will of others.
Heralds are usually referred to by their chosen emotion, such
as herald of anger or herald of loathing. While they can live their
lives in a social identity of their choosing, to access their true
power, heralds of emotion must bear the mark of their emotion,
act in accordance to their oath, and be ready to face tough
decisions should their dedication be called into question.
Herald of Will
The heralds of will were the first organized heralds of emotion.
Formed as a force meant to protect countless realities from chaos,
fear, and oppression, they unfortunately failed. Now, the leaders
of the group have joined with the collective and are rebuilding
their ranks with races from the various shattered worlds.
As a herald a will, a vigilante must guard her secret identity
closely to avoid drawing the attention of other heralds of
emotions, particularly fear, who can openly counter their magic.
Bonded Item (Sp): Each herald of will gains a bonded item
(usually a ring, but this is not necessary) through which she
channels her willpower and creates magical effects. This functions
as the sorcerer’s arcane bloodline class feature, except the herald
only benefits from the item while in her vigilante persona, and she
requires the bonded item to change into her vigilante persona.
While a herald of will wears or wields her bonded item, she
can spend 1 willpower (see below) to change into or out of her
vigilante persona as a full-round action. Doing so creates an
inaudible flash of light that may draw attention to the herald’s
presence. A second point of willpower can be spent to reduce
the flash to a slight glow. This alters dual identity and replaces the
social talent gained at 1st level.
Willpower: A herald of will gains a pool of willpower that she
can use to create various effects through her bonded item. At
the start of each day, a herald of will gains a number of points
of willpower equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Her
willpower goes up or down throughout the day, but usually
cannot go higher than her Charisma modifier (minimum 1),
though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. A
herald of will spends willpower to accomplish deeds (see below),
and regains willpower in the following ways.
Critical Hit with a Conjured Creature or Weapon: Each time the
herald or a creature she summons confirms a critical hit while
in the heat of combat, the herald regains 1 point of willpower.
The herald must wield her bonded item (if it’s a weapon) or a
weapon she conjures to gain this effect. Confirming a critical hit
on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer
Hit Dice than half the herald’s character level does not restore
Killing Blow: When the herald or a creature she summons
reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a firearm
attack while in the heat of combat, the herald regains 1 point
of willpower. The herald must wield her bonded item (if it’s a
weapon) or a weapon she conjures to gain this effect. Destroying
an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature
to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit
Dice than half the herald’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points
does not restore any willpower.
This replaces vigilante specialization.
Vigilante Talents: At 2nd level, a herald of will chooses two
vigilante talents, designating one as active and the other in
reserve. As a swift action, the herald can spend 1 point of
willpower to change one of her active vigilante talents for a
reserve talent. She gains an additional reserve talent at 5th, 11th,
and 17th level. This alters vigilante talents and replaces startling
appearance, frightening apperance, and stunning appearance.
These abilities can be regained by spending a vigilante talent at
6th, 12th, and 18th level or higher, respectively.
In addition, a herald of will gains access to the following
vigilante talents.
Conjure Creature (Sp): The herald chooses a summon monster
or summon nature’s ally spell with a spell level of no more than
half her vigilante level. She can spend 1 willpower to cast that
spell as a sorcerer of her level. Each time the herald casts this spell
beyond the 1st each day, she spends 1 additional willpower to do
so. This talent can be chosen more than once. The progression
is tracked separately for each spell level of summon monster or
summon nature’s ally chosen.
Conjure Weapon (Sp): The herald spends 1 point of willpower
as a swift action to create a masterwork weapon of her choice
that only she can wield. She is considered proficient with this
weapon while she wields it. She can spend an additional point
of willpower to treat the weapon as a magic weapon with an
enhancement bonus equal to 1/3 of her vigilante level (maximum
+5). If she loses her grip on the weapon (when disarmed or by
throwing it, for example), the herald can summon it back to her
hand with a move action. The weapon lasts for up to 1 minute per
vigilante level, or until dismissed.
Herald’s Battery
A herald’s battery is a magic item resembling and functioning
as a bullseye lantern. It costs 312 gp and contains 1 point of
willpower a herald of will can spend as if it were her own. Once
spent, the lantern must be recharged with the herald’s own
willpower as part of a 5 minute ritual. More powerful lanterns,
able to store between 1 and 5 extra willpower, can be purchased
for the cost of a magic weapon with an equal enhancement