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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 103

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At 18th level, this affects enemies wtihin 50
feet of the knight.
At 20th level, those enemies also take damage
equal to the highest enhancement bonus among
weapons the knight wields, and the damage
counts as both cold and negative energy. This
replaces blood possession.

Plague Knight (Archetype)
Your death is a sustenance.


Frost Pillar (Su): At 9th level, as long as a frost knight has at
least 12 points of his blood debt dedicated to his weapons, he
can cast flame strike as a full-round action. When cast this way,
the spell’s damage is half cold damage and half negative energy.
The knight can use this ability a number of times per day equal to
his Constitution modifier.
At 13th level, the knight can ignore his allies within the area of
the spell.
At 17th level, the knight can cast the spell as a standard action
This replaces blood burst at the listed levels.
Ice Chains (Su): At 11th level, a blood knight can convert 6
points of his blood debt as a standard action to cast entangle.
Creatures that fail their saving throw must succeed at a Fortitude
save at the same DC or be slowed for the duration and up to 1
round afterward. This replaces Survivor.
Aura of the Remorseless (Su): At 15th level, as long as a frost
knight has at least 12 points of his blood debt dedicated to his

weapons, enemies within 30 feet of him at the start of each of
his turns take cold damage equal to the knight’s Constitution
modifier and reduce their movement speed by half. The knight
can suppress or reactivate this ability as a free action on his

Volwryn’s reality is a balance of life, death,
order, and chaos that sways on its axis at the
hands of those who would champion their cause.
Plague knights are masters of death, creating
necromantic armies of undead and spreading
disease in their wake. When everything is dead,
there will be nothing left for the Chaos to claim.
Armor Proficiencies and Runeforging: A
plague knight gains armor proficiencies and
the runeforging ability of the blood knight (see
Undead Companion (Ex): As long as a plague
knight has at least 12 points of his blood debt
dedicated to his weapons, he gains an undead
companion. This functions as the necromancer
class feature, except the knight’s effective druid
level is equal to half his veritus champion level
(minimum 1st).
Grip of Death (Su): Plague knights gain grip of
death, as the blood knight ability.
Scourge of Volwryn (Ex): At 3rd level, a
plague knight can take 5 minutes to tap into
the soul of Volwryn from across any planar
boundary to transform his power over undeath

into something else. When he does, the plague
knight becomes his choice of a blood knight or
frost knight (see above). He gains those abilities
in place of undead companion, festering strike,
fetid decay, plaguebringer, and army of undead.
Sickening Strikes (Sp): At 6th level, a plague knight can convert
12 points of his blood debt as a standard action to cast sickening
strikes as a spell-like ability. Creatures normally immune to
disease can be affected by the knight’s sickening strike, but do
gain a +2 bonus to save against it. This replaces waves of blood.
Fetid Decay (Su): At 9th level, as long as a plague knight has
at least 12 points of his blood debt dedicated to his weapons, he
can cast boiling blood, targeting any creature (even if it doesn’t
have blood), and the damage dealt counts as both negative
energy and fire (it affects creatures resistant or immune to fire
damage normally).
At 13th level, the knight can target one creature per three
levels, no two of which may be more than 50 ft. apart.
At 17th level, the knight can use fetid decay a number of times
per day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1) without
converting blood debt to do so.
This replaces blood burst at the listed levels.
Plaguebringer (Su): At 11th level, when a plague knight hits a
creature already affeced by his sickening strikes with an attack,
each enemy within 10 feet of that creature must also save against
the effect. Each creature that fails its save (including the original
target) takes damage equal to the knight’s Constitution modifier.
This replaces Survivor.
