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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 108

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Street Fighter
Put the warrior on display.
Prerequisites: Str 17 or Dex 17, Catch Off-Guard or Improved
Unarmed Strike.
Benefit: Unarmed strikes and improvised weapon attacks you
make against a flat-footed opponent deal 1d4 extra damage. This
extra damage is precision-based damage and is not multiplied
with a critical hit.
Summon Fantasy Tactics
Reach for the clouds.
Prerequisites: Int 17 or Cha 17, ability to cast at least 1 summon
fantasy spell.
Benefit: When a creature fails its Will save against one of your
summon fantasy illusions, there’s a 50% chance it believes the
illusion entirely and gains no additional saving throws for the
duration of the spell.

Summon Fantasy Tactics, Advanced
Reach for the clouds.
Prerequisites: Summon Fantasy Tactics, Int 17 or Cha 17, ability
to cast at least 1 summon fantasy spell.
Benefit: Increase the chance a creature believes your summon
fantasy illusion entirely to 80%.
Tomb Raider
I’ll take that, thank you.
Prerequisites: Int 17 or Wis 17, Knowledge (dungeoneering)
1 rank.
Benefit: You can substitute Knowledge (dungeoneering) for
Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks. You still suffer armor check
penalties when performing tasks related to those skills.

Class Feats
Channel Antimagic
You can channel energy that hampers spellcasting.
Prerequisites: Revoke Magic revocation.
Benefit: You can expend 2 daily uses of you revoke magic
ability to channel energy, as per the cleric’s Variant Channeling
Magic portfolio. You can use only the harm aspect of this form of
channeling. The DC of this ability is Intelligence-based instead of
Dastardly Finish
This is a summary of the feat for the astrologer class.
Prerequisites: 10th-level astrologer, witch zodiac astrologer
class feature.
Benefit: You can deliver a coup de grace to cowering or stunned
Destructive Dispel
This is a summary of the feat for the astrologer class.
Prerequisites: 6th-level astrologer, cleric zodiac astrologer
class feature.
Benefit: When you successfully make a targeted dispel check
against an opponent, that opponent must succeed at a Fortitude
save (DC equals the DC of the spell used to dispel) or be stunned
until the start of your next turn. If the save succeeds, the
opponent is instead sickened until the start of your next turn.

Tower Weapon Training
Prerequisite: Str 15.
Benefit: You no longer take a –2 penalty to attacks when
wielding a tower weapon with which you are proficient. In
addition, Choose one of the following weapon features and one

tower weapon with which you are proficient. When wielding that
weapon, you treat it as having the chosen weapon feature.
Blocking, deadly, disarm, distracting, performance, reach,
sunder, trip.
Special: You can choose this feat multiple times. Its effects do
not stack. Each time you choose this feat, select a different tower
weapon. You can choose the same or a different weapon feature
to apply when wielding that tower weapon.
You would do well not to earn my contempt.
Prerequisites: Int 17, Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks.
Benefit: Increase the damage you deal with alchemical items
you craft by an amount equal to your ranks in Craft (alchemy). For
every 3 points by which the damage is increased, you can choose
instead to deal 1d6 extra damage. This damage does not multiply
with a critical hit.
If you have 10 or more ranks in Craft (alchemy), you can also
increase the amount of damage you heal with any potion or
alchemical item you administer by half your total ranks in Craft
(alchemy). For every 4 points by which the healing is increased,
you can choose to heal 1d8 extra hit points instead.

