Item Creation Feats
Brave Little Tailor
Master Craftsman, Craft (clothing) 7 ranks
Craft Pyrework
Scribe Scroll, Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks,
ability to cast at least one 3rd-level arcane
conjuration, evocation, or illusion spell.
Elf Shoemaker
Master Craftsman, Profession (cobbler) 7
ranks, Elf or trained by an elf shoemaker
You can craft feet slot magic items without being a
Harness Discovery
Appraise 5 ranks
Discover magic items from creatures you have killed.
Mad Hatter
Master Craftsman, Craft (alchemy) 7 ranks,
Profession (hatter) 7 ranks
You can create wondrous items intended for the head magic
item slot as if you had the Craft Wondrous Item feat. In
addition, you take no penalties for not meeting the spell
requirements when creating such items.
Megingjord Maker
You can craft belt and hand slot magic items without being
a spellcaster.
Remarkable Regalia
Master Craftsman, Craft (leather) 7 ranks,
dwarf or trained by a dwarf megingjord
Master Craftsman, Craft (jewelry) 7 ranks
Spectacular Spectacles
Master Craftsman, Craft (glass) 7 ranks
You can craft eye slot magic items without being a
Craft Pyrework
You can create special scrolls that take effect with a bang.
Prerequisites: Scribe Scroll, Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks, ability
to cast at least one 3rd-level arcane conjuration, evocation, or
illusion spell.
Benefit: When you scribe a scroll with an arcane conjuration,
evocation, or illusion spell, you can create a special activation
method that allows the user to cast the spell from the scroll by
burning it. This method allows a creature to cast the intended
spell without requiring a Use Magic Device check. Scribing a
pyrework scroll requires the application of 1 dose of black powder
(10 gp) per spell level and increases the effective spell level of the
scroll by 2 for the purpose of determining cost and crafting time.
This does not affect the stored spell’s actual level.
When a pyrework scroll is used, there is an accompanying blast
of sound, as if when using a firearm.
Elf Shoemaker
Your magic is subtle, but it shows through your hard work.
Prerequisites: Master Craftsman, Profession (cobbler) 7 ranks,
Elf or trained by an elf shoemaker.
Benefit: You can create wondrous items intended for the feet
magic item slot as if you had the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
In addition, you take no penalties for not meeting the spell
requirements when creating such items.
Harness Discovery
You can shape an enemy’s dying energy into useful items for
yourself and your allies.
Prerequisite: Appraise 5 ranks.
Benefit: Roll d% when you interact with a creature that has
died within 1 minute. You have a 5% chance per rank in Appraise
to discover a minor discovery item, a 2% chance per rank to
discover a medium discovery item instead, and a 1% chance
per rank to discover a major discovery item instead. Once an
item is discovered, you must infuse it with the proper amount
of convergence dust to draw it into reality. If you roll 99-100%,
you can also roll again. You cannot use Harness Discovery on a
creature with a CR lower than your hit dice –3.
You can craft body, chest or shoulder slot magic items
without being a spellcaster.
Scribe scrolls that can be activated by lighting them on fire.
You can headband, neck, or ring slot magic items without
being a spellcaster.
Mad Hatter
The pieces of headwear you create are a marvel to behold.
Prerequisites: Master Craftsman, Craft (alchemy) 7 ranks,
Profession (hatter) 7 ranks.
Benefit: You can create wondrous items intended for the
head magic item slot as if you had the Craft Wondrous Item
feat. In addition, you take no penalties for not meeting the spell
requirements when creating such items.
Megingjord Maker
The tradition of creating magical belts and gloves has been
passed down to you.
Prerequisites: Master Craftsman, Craft (leather) 7 ranks, dwarf
or trained by a dwarf megingjord maker.
Benefit: You can create wondrous items intended for the belt
and hand magic item slot as if you had the Craft Wondrous Item
feat. In addition, you take no penalties for not meeting the spell
requirements when creating such items.
Remarkable Regalia
Your magic is subtle, but it shows through your hard work.
Prerequisites: Master Craftsman, Craft (jewelry) 7 ranks.
Benefit: Choose headband, neck, or ring. You can create
wondrous items intended for the chosen item slot as if you had
the Craft Wondrous Item feat. In addition, you take no penalties
for not meeting the spell requirements when creating such items.
Special: You can choose this feat more than once. Each time
you do, choose another of the listed item slots.
Spectacular Spectacles
Your magic is subtle, but it shows through your hard work.
Prerequisites: Master Craftsman, Craft (glass) 7 ranks.
Benefit: You can create wondrous items intended for the eyes
magic item slot as if you had the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
In addition, you take no penalties for not meeting the spell
requirements when creating such items.