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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 113

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Racial Feats
Improved Alter Form

Character level 5th, dalet, alter form dalet
racial trait
Con 15, character level 7th, dwarf, ironfire
blood dwarf racial trait
Vine leshy, scrub vine leshy racial trait

Alter form lasts longer.

Improved Stoneform

Con 15, character level 7th, dwarf,
stoneform dwarf racial trait

Use stoneform as a standard action, even if a condition you
suffer would remove your standard action.

Inner Peace

Elf or Ursaren

Gain the benefits of an 8-hour rest after only 4 hours.

Minor Retrograde

Con 13, Int 13, character level 7th, gnome

Become a half-construct creature.

Minor Retrograde Reversion, Con 11, Int 13,
character level 15th, gnome

Become a construct creature.

Siphon Magic

Cha 15, character level 5th, elf

Gain the siphon magic racial trait.


Con 13, Cha 13, character level 7th, elf

Cast vampiric touch at will, as a full-round action.

Sun-Drained, Con 11, Cha 13, character level
11th, elf

Become an undead creature.

Character level 5th, elfling, sky forest elfling
racial trait

Cast beast shape I once per day to become a wolf.

Visage of Courage, character level 7th,
elfling, sky forest elfling racial trait

Cast beast shape I 3/day and beast shape II 1/day to
become a wolf or dire wolf.

Character level 5th, elfling, zaelin royalty
elfling racial trait

Cast accept affliction once per day.

Visage of Wisdom, character level 7th,
elfling, zaelin royalty elfling racial trait

Cast accept affliction 3/day and breath of life 1/day

Improved Ironfire Blood
Improved Seed Shooter

Beta Gnome

Visage of Courage
The True Nature of
Visage of Wisdom
The True Nature of

Stellar Hero
Prerequisites: 5th-level astrologer, at least 2 levels in nonastrologer classes.
Benefit: You gain access to 4th-level astromancy spells. If you
are an 11th-level or higher astrologer, you can improve your
zodiac convergence at 20th level.
Tamed Hero
Prerequisites: 5th-level monster tamer, at least 2 levels in nontamer classes.
Benefit: Your monster tamer level counts as 2 higher when
determining what monster forms you can take, to a maximum of
your character level. If you are an 11th-level or higher monster
tamer, you add half your total levels in non-tamer classes to your
monster tamer level when determining what monster forms you
can take.


Transcendental Hero
Prerequisites: 5th-level metaphysician, at least 2 levels in nonmetaphysician classes.
Benefit: You add half your total levels in non-metaphysician
classes to your metaphysician level when determining if you
gain or improve your transcendental praxis abilities. If you are
an 11th-level or higher metaphysician, add your total levels in
non-metaphysician classes to your effective caster level when
determining the level-variable effects of your metaphysician
Special: Any progressive bonuses gained with Transcendental
Hero are limited to a maximum of your character level.

Use ironfire blood as a standard action, even if a condition
you suffer would remove your standard action.

Cast magic weapon on your natural sling 3/day.

Unmoving Hero
Prerequisites: 5th-level potentialist, at least 2 levels in nonpotentialist classes.
Benefit: You gain damage reduction 1/- or increase your
damage reduction by +1, to a maximum of 5/-. At 11th level, you
increase your capacity damage by +1d6. If you are an 11th-level
or higher potentialist and have 6d6 capacity damage already, you
gain undying at 20th level.

Racial Feats
The following feats are available to races not specifically
presented in chapter 1. Unless otherwise noted, Fantasian and
world soul races count as members of their original race when
qualifying for these feats.

Beta Gnome Reversion (Gnome)
Your rebooted lifeforce continues on, driven by artifice and
Prerequisite: Minor Retrograde Reversion, Con 11, Int 13,
character level 15th, gnome.
Benefit: You become a construct creature. You have no
Constitution score, but retain your Intelligence score and current
maximum hit points (levels gained after choosing this feat treat
your Constitution as 11). You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet, all
construct traits, immunities, and weaknesses.
Improved Alter Form (Dalet)
You gain more control over your ability to take other creature’s
Prerequisites: Character level 5th, dalet, alter form dalet racial

