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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 114

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Benefit: When you use alter form, it lasts up to a number of
minutes equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) + half
your character level. The time needs not be consecutive, but is
spent in 1 minute increments. In addition, you can also assume
the form of any Tiny or Large creature you can see.

Improved Ironfire Blood (Dwarf)
You can tap into additional benefits with your stoneform.
Prerequisites: Con 15, character level 7th, dwarf, ironfire blood
dwarf racial trait.
Benefit: You can use ironfire blood as a standard action, even
if a condition you suffer removes your standard action (such as
being stunned or held). When you use ironfire blood, you also
remove all bleed, curse, disease, mind-affecting, poison, and
spell effects on you.
At 13th level, you can use ironfire blood twice per day.
Improved Seed Shooter (Vine Leshy)
You can spit seeds with greater power and accuracy.
Prerequisites: Vine leshy, scrub vine leshy racial trait.
Benefit: You gain the spell-like ability to cast magic weapon
and greater magic weapon on your natural sling as a spell-like
ability up to 3 times per day each.
Improved Stoneform (Dwarf)
You can tap into additional benefits with your stoneform.
Prerequisites: Con 15, character level 7th, dwarf, stoneform
dwarf racial trait.
Benefit: You can use stoneform as a standard action, even if a
condition you suffer removes your standard action (such as being
stunned or held). When you use stoneform, you also gain DR
1/– for 1 minute. At 13th level, you gain DR 2/– instead, and at
19th level, you gain DR 3/–. This damage reduction counts as the

barbarian class feature and does not stack with it or any similar
damage reduction.
Inner Peace
Your enlightenment grants you the ability to rest for shorter
periods of time.
Prerequisite: Elf or ursaren.
Benefit: You gain the benefits of a full 8 hours of rest after only
4 hours of actual rest. While resting, you remain alert and are
treated as being awake when making Perception checks to notice
anything going on in the area around you.
Minor Retrograde Reversion (Gnome)
You have reverted yourself to a former state of being.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Int 13, character level 7th, gnome.
Benefit: Your Constitution score is reduced by 2, you gain
Damage Reduction 2/adamantine, and you become a halfconstruct.
• You gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease,
mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either
exhaustion or fatigue. You cannot be raised or resurrected.
• You do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless you want to gain
some beneficial effect from one of these activities.
Siphon Magic (Elf)
You have studied the withered star elves and learned their
secret for drawing away the magic of other creatures and objects.
Prerequisites: Cha 15, character level 5th, elf.
Benefit: You gain the withered star elf’s siphon magic racial
trait. You can use this ability once per day, and you can use
your Charisma bonus (if any) in place of Constitution when
determining its effects.
Special: If you are a withered star elf, this feat grants you an
additional use of your siphon magic racial trait.

Sun-Drained (Elf)
You have been forced to survive on the life force of others.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Cha 13, character level 7th, elf.
Benefit: Your Constitution score is reduced by 2. At will, as
a full-round action, you can cast vampiric touch as a spell-like
ability. You can choose to channel the spell’s charge through your
next successful melee attack. Your effective wizard level is equal
to your character level.
Sun-Dead (Elf)
Your destroyed lifeforce continues on, driven by an undead
Prerequisite: Sun-Drained, Con 11, Cha 13, character level
11th, elf.
Benefit: You become an undead creature. You have no
Constitution score and use your Charisma to calculate your hit
points, Fortitude saves, and any special ability that relies on
Constitution. You gain Darkvision out to 60 feet, all undead traits,
immunities, and weaknesses.
The True Nature of Courage (Elfling)
Your bravery is such that you can shape yourself into its more
potent reflection.
Prerequisites: Visage of Courage, character level 7th, elfling,
sky forest elfling racial trait.
Benefit: You gain the supernatural ability to cast beast shape II
once per day, and your ability to cast beast shape I improves to 3
times per day. When casting beast shape II, you can only take the
form of a wolf or dire wolf.
The True Nature of Wisdom (Elfling)
The potency of your life force is such that you can share it with

a recently fallen comrade.
Prerequisites: Visage of Wisdom, character level 7th, elfling,
zaelin royalty elfling racial trait.
Benefit: You gain the supernatural ability to cast breath of life
once per day, and your ability to cast accept affliction improves
to 3 times per day.
Visage of Courage (Elfling)
Your bravery is such that you can shape yourself into its
Prerequisite: Character level 5th, elfling, sky forest elfling racial
Benefit: You gain the supernatural ability to cast beast shape I
once per day, but only to take the form of a wolf.
Visage of Wisdom (Elfling)
Your life force is such that you can draw what ails your
companions into yourself.
Prerequisite: Character level 5th, elfling, zaelin royalty elfling
racial trait.
Benefit: You gain the supernatural ability to cast accept
affliction once per day.

Threat Feats
If you’ve ever been lucky enough to roll a natural 20 followed
by a 1, you’ve probably wished for some minor benefit beyond an
automatic hit. This is where threat feats come in.
Threat feats are the silver medal of feats. They help curb that
moment of disappointment when you fail to confirm a critical hit.
Like Critical Focus and similar feats, they may not be useful at all
times, but when you can benefit from one, you’ll be glad you
chose it.

You can only apply the effects of 1 threat feat to each failed
confirmation roll.

