Spell Lists
What follows is a collection of spell lists for the new classes and
archetypes introduced in chapters 2 and 3. If a spell exists as an
individual option from another supplement, we have summarized
it here for easy reference.
Astrologer Spell List
Astrologers have spent years fitting together stories to explain
why constellations come and go in the night sky as they do. Those
stories contain bits of magic that help an astrologer access the
spells gained by her current constellation.
The astrologer spell list is organized by constellation first, then
spell level. This allows astrologers to quickly find a list of spells
and those around them. Magician and steward are listed twice
(beginning and end) to ease reference.
Steward Spells
True immortality lies not in living forever, but in becoming a
legend to those who yet live. With a final abjuration protecting
her, the cleric dies a steward in search of students...
1st: adjuring step, bless, invigorate, remove fear, sanctuary,
2nd: aid, calm emotions, protection from arrows, resist energy,
shield other, undetectable alignment
3rd: dispel magic, glyph of warding, good hope, mantle of calm,
mass invigorate, nondetection
4th: anti-incorporeal shell, death ward, enchantment foil,
freedom of movement, healing warmth, remove curse
Magician Spells
The passing of a powerful steward of magic draws the attention
of the wizard, who believes he can do better. Leaving the life of a
magician, he journeys to learn the arcane...
1st: auditory hallucination, color spray, open and shut, silent
image, vanish, ventriloquism
2nd: disguise other, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, mirror image,
misdirection, shifted steps
3rd: adjustable disguise, audiovisual hallucination, displacement,
hide campsite, major image, suggestion
4th: complex hallucination, greater invisibility, hallucinatory
terrain, instant fake, rainbow pattern, shadow conjuration
5th: baleful polymorph, mirage arcana, persistent image, scripted
hallucination, shadow evocation, seeming
6th: analyze dweomer, animate objects, brilliant inspiration,
deadly finale, permanent image, veil
Destroyer Spells
At the height of his power, the wizard can even control the
elements. With a flick of his wrist, he lights the air itself on fire
and watches it burn. In the flames, he sees the truth...
1st: break, burning hands, corrosive touch, decompose corpse,
produce flame, touch of combustion
2nd: acid arrow, consecrate, desecrate, scorching ray, shatter,
spontaneous immolation
3rd: daylight, elemental aura, fireball, rage, searing light,
wrathful mantle
4th: agonize, detonate, dragon’s breath, flame strike, unbearable
brightness, unholy blight
5th: acidic spray, blight, cleanse, shout, sonic thrust, unhallow
6th: antimagic field, decapitate, disintegrate, explode head,
mage’s decree, sirocco
7th: blasphemy, destruction, dictum, fire storm, scouring winds,
8th: curse of night, death clutch, earthquake, fallout*, greater
* new spell introduced in this chapter.
shout, sunburst
9th: energy drain, implosion, mage’s disjunction, massacre,
meteor swarm, winds of vengeance
Seer Spells
The flames tell a story, never-ending. Four souls trapped in a
cycle of power. Unable to grasp the story’s meaning, the wizard
dies in search of a druid to guard his people...
1st: anticipate peril, detect secret doors, detect snares and pits,
heightened awareness, identify, true strike
2nd: detect thoughts, elemental speech, find traps, greater detect
magic, locate object, status
3rd: arcane sight, clairaudience/clairvoyance, guiding star, locate
weakness, pierce disguise, voluminous vocabulary
4th: arcane eye, blessing of fervor, detect scrying, divination,
hypercognition, scrying
Guardian Spells
Trusting a seer’s vision, the druid sets to protecting his home,
but an attack on a lonely spring night under the moon and stars
turns the man into the beast he fears most...
1st: alarm, command, endure elements, forbid action, line in the
sand, remove fear
2nd: bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, forest friend, gallant
inspiration, resist energy, shield other
3rd: deadly juggernaut, dispel magic, glyph of warding, heroism,
magic vestment, protection from energy
4th: dimensional anchor, fire shield, lesser globe of invulnerability,
persistent vigor, stoneskin, ward of the season
5th: banish seeming, dismissal, greater command, greater forbid
action, glimpse of truth, spell resistance
6th: forbiddance, globe of invulnerability, greater glyph of
warding, mass bear’s endurance, mass bull’s strength, repulsion
Lycanthrope Spells
The druid’s form is twisted. Made powerful by the bite of a
strange wolf. He roams the wood, forever changing, never the
same. When his senses return, he laments and reforms...
1st: ant haul, aspect of the falcon, bristle, keen senses, longstrider,
magic fang
2nd: aspect of the bear, badger’s ferocity, barkskin, bull’s
strength, darkvision, savage maw
3rd: anthropomorphic animal, beast shape I, greater longstrider,
greater magic fang, keen edge, paragon surge
4th: aspect of the stag, beast shape II, eyes of the void, fear,
persistent vigor, strong jaw
5th: aspect of the wolf, atonement, beast shape III, feast on fear,
polymorph, righteous might
6th: age resistance, beast shape IV, cruel jaunt, decapitate, mass
bull’s strength, transformation
7th: bestow grace of the champion, greater age resistance,
greater polymorph, lunar veil, primal regression
8th: animal shapes, frightful aspect
9th: shapechange
Caretaker Spells
The druid seeks atonement. He watches over those around
him, bringing them good harvest, friendship, and comfort. In his
sleep he passes and his corpse fattens the sisters of fate...
1st: goodberry, mage armor, remove sickness, stone shield,
summon nature’s ally i, 1 remaining
2nd: blessing of courage and life, delay disease, delay poison,
lesser restoration, summon nature’s ally ii, 1 remaining
3rd: create food and water, neutralize poison, plant growth,