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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 137

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Memory of Function
School transmutation; Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, powdered skymetal worth 10,000 gp
Range touch; Target object or construct touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance yes
You restore a broken object or damaged construct to a
functional state, as if it were new and intact. Any pieces missing
from the object or construct remain missing. Significant missing
pieces may prevent proper functioning. If the object uses
charges, the object becomes fully charged. Consumables such as
ammunition are not restored.
When this spell is cast upon a damaged construct, all hit
point damage dealt to that construct is healed. When this spell
is cast upon a destroyed but intact construct, it is restored to
full functionality and full hit points. Constructs brought back in
this fashion regain their memories up to the moment of their
destruction and have no particular inclination to serve the caster.
If you attempt to cast this spell on an object or a construct that
has been destroyed for more than 10 years per caster level you
possess, the spell fails.
Mind Thrust I
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will half; Spell Resistance yes
This attack deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels
(maximum 5d6). The target receives a Will save for half damage.
This attack has no effect on creatures without an Intelligence
Mind Thrust II: The damage dice become d8s.

Mind Thrust III: Damage per caster level (maximum 10d6).
Mind Thrust IV: (maximum 15d6) and the target is fatigued for
1 round if it fails the saving throw.
Mind Thrust V: The target is exhausted for 1 round if it fails the
saving throw, or fatigued for 1 round if it succeeds.
Rags to Riches
School transmutation; Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (a bit of burlap wrapped over a copper coin)
Range touch
Target 1 weapon, suit or armor, shield, tool, or skill kit touched/5
Duration 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw Fort negates (object); Spell Resistance no
The target object is enhanced to function as a masterwork
In addition to any bonuses for the masterwork quality, the
object gains other bonuses. Skill kits and other equipment add an
additional +1 insight bonus for every 4 caster levels you possess
to skill checks made with them that already receive a bonus from
the skill kit. Armor and weapons gain temporary hit points equal
to your caster level. If the object already has an enhancement
bonus, this bonus increases by 1. If the object of the spell has
hardness, that hardness increases by 5.


Summon Fantasy I
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level summoner 2,
sorcerer/wizard 3, unchained summoner 3, witch 3
Casting Time 1 full-round action

Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth 250 gp)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target one creature

Duration 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance no
A summoner treats this spell as a summon monster spell of
the spell level listed above and gains it as part of his summon
monster class feature.
You create the illusion of a carbuncle, which appears anywhere
within range. While the illusion persists, you and your allies who
can see the carbuncle gain a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class.
Enemies who can see the carbuncle must attempt a Will saving
throw to disbelieve it or take a –2 penalty to Will saves for the
duration. The bonus and penalty both increase by 1 for every 5
caster levels you possess. Creatures that attack the carbuncle
gain another Will save to disbelieve it.
Before the spell ends, you can use the carbuncle’s fatal faker
supernatural ability once as a standard action.
Summon Fantasy II
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level summoner 3,
sorcerer/wizard 4, unchained summoner 4, witch 4
Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth 500 gp)
This spell functions like summon fantasy I, except as noted
You create the illusion of a large earth elemental anywhere
within range. While the illusion persists, enemies who can see
the elemental must attempt a Will saving throw to disbelieve it
or treat you and your allies as if you have Damage Reduction 5/­–.
When you create the illusion, and as a standard action on

each subsequent round, you can direct the elemental to move
and attack creatures that believe it is real. Creatures that attack,
or that are attacked by, the elemental gain another Will save to
disblieve it before dealing or taking damage. This counts as the
creature’s saving throw for the round.
Summon Fantasy III
School illusion (phantasm) [fire, mind-affecting]; Level summoner
4, sorcerer/wizard 5, unchained summoner 5, witch 5
Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth 750 gp)
This spell functions like summon fantasy I, except as noted
You create the illusion of a large fire elemental anywhere
within range. While the illusion persists, enemies who can see
the elemental must attempt a Will saving throw at the end of
each of your turns to disbelieve it or take 1d6 fire damage per 2
levels (max 10d6).
When you create the illusion, and as a standard action on
each subsequent round, you can direct the elemental to move
and attack creatures that believe it is real. Creatures that attack,
or that are attacked by, the elemental gain another Will save to
disbelieve it before dealing or taking damage. This counts as the
creature’s saving throw for the round.
Summon Fantasy IV
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level summoner 5,
sorcerer/wizard 6, unchained summoner 6, witch 6
Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth 1,000 gp)
This spell functions like summon fantasy I, except as noted
You create the illusion of a shadow demon anywhere within
range. While the illusion persists, enemies who can see the

demon must attempt a Will saving throw at the end of each of
your turns to disbelieve it or be slowed for 1 round.
When you create the illusion, and as a standard action on
each subsequent round, you can direct the demon to move and
attack creatures that believe it is real. Creatures that attack, or
