that are attacked by, the demon gain another Will save
to disbelieve it before dealing or taking damage. This
counts as the creature’s saving throw for the round.
Summon Fantasy V
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level
summoner 6, sorcerer/wizard 7, unchained
summoner 7, witch 7
Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth
1,500 gp)
This spell functions like summon fantasy
I, except as noted here.
You create the illusion of a greater water
elemental anywhere within range. While
the illusion persists, enemies who can
see the elemental must attempt a Will
saving throw at the end of each of your
turns to disbelieve it or act as though
trapped under water. A creature trapped
in this way cannot breathe (unless it can
breathe water) and begins to drown
unless it holds its breath. The creature
can continue to swim, attack, and even
cast spells if it could do so under water
When you create the illusion, and as
a standard action on each subsequent
round, you can direct the elemental to move
and attack creatures that believe it is real (it
can use vortex). Creatures that attack, or that
are attacked, while trapped by the illusion gain
another Will save to disbelieve it before dealing or
taking damage. This counts as the creature’s saving
throw for the round.
Summon Fantasy VI
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level summoner 7,
sorcerer/wizard 8, unchained summoner 8, witch 8
Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth 2,000 gp)
This spell functions like summon fantasy I, except as noted
You create the illusion of an old black dragon anywhere within
range. While the illusion persists, enemies who can see the
dragon must attempt a Will saving throw at the end of each of
your turns to disbelieve it or suffer from the dragon’s frightful
When you create the illusion, and as a standard action on each
subsequent round, you can direct the dragon to move and attack
creatures that believe it is real. You can also spend your spell
slots to cast the dragon’s spells. Creatures that attack, or that are
attacked by, the dragon gain another Will save to disbelieve it
before dealing or taking damage. This counts as the creature’s
saving throw for the round.
Summon Fantasy VII
School illusion (phantasm) [mind-affecting]; Level summoner 8,
sorcerer/wizard 9, unchained summoner 9, witch 9
Components V, S, M (powdered ruby worth 3,000 gp)
This spell functions like summon fantasy I, except as noted
You create the illusion of a trumpet archon anywhere within
range. While the illusion persists, enemies who can see the
archon must attempt a Will saving throw at the end of each of
your turns to disbelieve it or treat you and your allies as if you
have Spell Resistance 12 + your caster level.
When you create the illusion, and as a standard
action on each subsequent round, you can direct the
archon as if it were taking its turn. It can move, cast
spells (using your spell slots to do so), and/or attack creatures that
believe it is real (you and your allies are immune to the archon’s
trumpet effect). Creatures that attack, or that are attacked by,
the archon gain another Will save to disbelieve it before dealing
or taking damage. This counts as the creature’s saving throw for
the round.
School transmutation; Level sorcerer/wizard 0
Casting Time 1 full-round action; see text
Components S
Range 10 ft.
Target one creature
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance yes
This spell can also be cast as a standard action with a range of
touch and a target of creature touched.
A strong current of air wraps around the target’s feet, pulling
them to the ground. You can use this spell to attempt a trip combat
maneuver, except that you don’t provoke attacks of opportunity
for the attempt (casting the spell still draws attacks of opportunity
as normal). You can use your caster level in place of your Combat
Maneuver Bonus, and you can add your Intelligence modifier (if
a wizard) or Charisma modifier (if a sorcerer) in place of your
Strength or Dexterity modifier.