Symbiotic: Dark rites from other worlds can transform
adamantine into a liquid form which can then be applied
symbiotically to a host through painful injection. These rites also
prepare the host body for the strain of carrying a 115 lb. suit of
armor in its flesh. The host gains a +4 enhancement bonus to its
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores (the host still suffers
the 4 Constitution damage from implantation, but the bonus
offsets it).
Acquirement DC 25; Cost 32,000 gp
Eldritch Arm
Price 5,000 gp; Slot arm; Weight 9 lbs.; Graft DC 28; Implantation 2
An eldritch arm completely replaces a normal arm, from the
shoulder to the hand. It can take the place of an arm lost to a
severing wound. The arm is fully functional. A eldritch arm does
not increase a user’s Strength score. Lastly, an eldritch arm has
one of the following subtypes:
Dynamic: A dynamic arm pulses with strange energies. The
host deals +1d6 damage to melee attack rolls made with that
arm. This extra damage is one of the following energy types:
acid, cold, electricity, or fire. If a character has two dynamic arms,
each arm deals +1d6 of this damage to melee attack rolls, and the
character gains a +5 circumstance bonus on Acquirement checks
on a specific Acquirement skill.
Monstrous: The arm is bulky or extremely hard, granting a slam
attack with that arm (1d6 for medium hosts, 1d4 for small hosts).
If a creature has two monstrous arms, it gains 2 slam attacks, and
it gains a +5 circumstance bonus to resist grapple attempts.
Symbiotic: As a swift action, a symbiotic arm can grow razorsharp talons, granting the host a claw attack on that arm (1d6 for
medium hosts, 1d4 for small hosts). If a creature has two symbiotic
arms, it gains 2 claw attacks, and it gains a +5 circumstance bonus
on Climb checks.
Acquirement DC 25; Cost 2,500 gp
Eldritch Ears
Price 5,000 gp; Slot ears; Weight 1 lb.; Graft DC 28; Implantation 1
An eldritch ear takes on a variety of shapes and forms; few
of them appealing. When a pair of eldritch ears are grafted, the
user regains any hearing they might have lost, and gains a +2
circumstance bonus on Perception checks. This bonus stacks with
circumstance bonuses on Perception checks from other eldritch
In addition, the host gains one of the following subtype abilities:
Dynamic: Dynamic ears grant a +4 resistance bonus on all
saving throws against sonic effects.
Monstrous: Monstrous ears grant tremorsense at a range of
20 feet.
Symbiotic: Symbiotic ears grant a +4 circumstance bonus
to Linguistics checks. In addition, the host learns 2 additional
The listed price, implantation value, and graft DC are for having
both ears grafted. A single eldritch ear costs half the price and
half the listed implantation value, but a creature must replace all
of its ears to receive the benefits above.
Acquirement: DC 28; Cost 2,500 gp
Eldritch Eyes
Price 5,000 gp; Slot eyes; Weight 1 lb.; Graft DC 28; Implantation 1
Eldritch eyes are always strange and unnerving. When a pair
of eyes is grafted, the user gains a +2 circumstance bonus on
Perception checks and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws
against blindness or visual effects. The bonus on Perception
checks stacks with circumstance bonuses on Perception checks
from other symbiotic sources.
In addition, the host gains one of the following subtype abilities:
Dynamic: The eyes of the host crackle with weird colors and
lights, granting them a +5 competence bonus to Intimidation
Monstrous: The host gains low-light vision and darkvision 60 ft.
If they already possess darkvision, it is extended by 60 ft.
Symbiotic: The host can extend its ocular organs in the form
of eye stalks, allowing them to see around corners and other
obstructions. These eye stalks can be lengthened and used as a
standard action at a maximum range of 10 ft.
The listed price, implantation value, and graft DC are for having
two eyes grafted. A single symbiotic eye costs half the price and
half the listed implantation value, but a creature must replace all
of its eyes to receive the benefits above.
Acquirement DC 28; Cost 2,500 gp