Eldritch Legs
Lurid Hide
Price 10,000 gp; Slot legs; Weight 12 lbs.; Graft DC 28;
Implantation 4
Price varies; Grade I 4,000 gp; Grade II 16,000 gp; Grade III 36,000
gp; Grade IV 64,000 gp; Grade V 100,000 gp; Slot body; Weight 5
lbs.; Graft varies; Implantation varies
This horrid, dermal layer is the skin, husk, or exoskeleton of
something that should not be. Lurid hide grants an enhancement
bonus to natural armor; this bonus influences other elements of
the luride hide, as detailed below.
An eldritch leg completely replaces a normal leg, from the hip
to the foot. It can take the place of a leg lost to a severing wound.
The leg is fully functional, but in no way resembles a regular leg.
An eldritch leg does not increase a user’s Strength score. If both
legs are replaced, they increase the user’s base land speed by 10
feet and grant a +5 bonus to CMD against trip attempts and a +5
circumstance bonus on Acrobatics checks.
In addition, the host gains one of the following subtype abilities:
Dynamic: The legs ripple with intense energy. The host gains
Run as a bonus feat, only they can run 6 times faster instead of
5 times faster.
Monstrous: Whenever the host moves, they may move through
10 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain.
This also allows them to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain.
The benefit of this ability stacks with the NImble Moves feat.
Symbiotic: The legs put forth sensory tendrils that warn the
host of danger, granting a +5 competence bonus to Perception
checks to find traps.
The listed price, implantation, and graft DC are for having two
legs grafted. A single eldritch leg costs half the price and half the
listed implantation value, but no significant bonus is granted to
a creature with only one eldritch leg. Both legs (or all legs, in the
case of multi-legged creatures) must be replaced for the above
benefits to take effect.
Acquirement DC 25; Cost 5,000 gp
Horrendous Sinew
Price varies; Grade I 8,750 gp; Grade II 35,000 gp; Grade III 78,750
gp; Slot body; Weight 10 lbs.; Graft varies; Implantation varies
Horrendous sinew not only strengthens and enhances existing
reflexes, but also enhance the transmission of nerve impulses to
surrounding musculature. Once grafted, horrendous sinew grants
an enhancement bonus to Dexterity. This enhancement bonus
alters the price, implantation values, graft DCs, and Acquirement
DCs of the implant as listed below.
DC 24
DC 28
DC 36
In addition, the horrendous sinew grants the host one of the
following subtype feats as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet
the prerequisites:
Dynamic: Lightning Reflexes
Monstrous: Combat Reflexes
Symbiotic: Dodge
Acquirement (varies, see below); Cost (varies)
Grade I: Acquirement DC 24; Cost 4,375 gp
: Acquirement DC 28; Cost 17,500 gp
Grade III: Acquirement DC 32; Cost 39,375 gp
DC 24
DC 26
DC 28
DC 30
DC 32
In addition, lurid hide grants the host one of the following
subtype abilities:
Dynamic: The host gains energy resistance to one form of
energy (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) equal to the lurid hide’s
armor bonus.
Monstrous: The host has a percentage chance of ignoring
sneak attacks and critical hits. This chance is 5% x the lurid hide’s
armor bonus. The percentage stacks with enhancements such as
armor fortification.
Symbiotic: The host gains a circumstance bonus to Stealth
checks equal to the lurid hide’s armor bonus.
Acquirement (varies, see below); Cost (varies)
Grade I: Acquirement DC 24; Cost 2,000 gp
Grade II: Acquirement DC 25; Cost 8,000 gp
Grade III: Acquirement DC 26; Cost 18,000 gp
Grade IV: Acquirement DC 27; Cost 32,000 gp
Grade V: Acquirement DC 28; Cost 50,000 gp
Mad Eye
Price 95,000 gp; Slot eyes; Weight –; Graft DC 28; Implantation 1
A mad eye whirls around in an empty eye socket, always
looking at something other than where the host is watching.
Once grafted, the host can use the eye to cast true seeing up to
3 times each day as an 11th-level spellcaster. In addition, a mad
eye grants one of the following benefits, depending on its origin.
Dynamic: The host gains all-around vision and cannot be
Monstrous: The host can cast dispel magic at will as a fullround action. The host must be able to see its target.
Symbiotic: The host can expend 2 uses of true seeing to
cast foresight as a standard action instead. This lasts up to 110
Acquirement DC 32; Cost 47,500 gp
Pool Gland
Price 2,000 gp; Slot brain; Weight 1 lb.; Graft DC 30; Implantation 1
A pool gland increases a creature’s power. The host adds 2
points to any “pool” ability they might possess (such as a ki pool,
arcane pool, grit points, etc.)