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Đề thi môn Kiểm Tra Đánh Giá

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ĐỀ 1

Trình độ: Đại học- Hệ chính quy
Ngành : SP Tiếng Anh- Khóa 8 - Học kỳ : 7

Mơn thi: Đánh giá kết quả giáo dục (Testing)
Hình thức thi: Trắc nghiệm và tự luận
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

PART I. Choose the best possible answer ( 2 m)
Câu 1: Which of the following is not integrative testing?
A. writing a composition
B. taking a dictation
C. error recognition
D. completing a cloze
Câu 2: Which of the following describes assessment?
A. A method of measuring a person’s ability or knowledge in a given domain.
B. All factors that influence the teaching/ learning process
C. A formal, systematic way to gather information about students’ behavior
D. A variety of ways of collecting information on a learner’s ability of achievement
Câu 3: Which of the following reduces the reliability of the test?
A. tests items for writing with the same genre and topic and students have learnt.
B. tests items can be marked clerically.
C. test items taken directly from the text book.
D. tests with a large number of items in it.
Câu 4: Which of these activities can be part of formative assessment?
A. Observing learners during a speaking activity.

B. Setting regular progress tests.
C. Noting down learners’ mistakes in writing activities to do further work on in class
D. All of the above
Câu 5: Which of the following does not characterize formative assessment (FA)?
A. FA provides students with feedback rather than a grade.
B. FA evaluates students’ achievement
C. FA monitors the learning process
D. FA includes little content areas
Câu 6: Which of the following describes summative assessment?
A. It is done in the process and for learning
B. It is done after the course completion and of learning
C. It is done in the process and of learning
D. It assigns a grade and improves students’ learning
Câu 7: Which of the following is subjective testing?
A. The teacher asks students to do short gap-fill tasks which there is only one answer to.
B. Students discussed a topic in groups and the teacher listened to get an impression of their level.
C. The students listened to one another group giving presentations then gave feedback on them.
D. Both B & C
Câu 8: Which of the following describes objective tests
A. Test design is more time- consuming and the scoring can be done quickly.
B. Test design is less time- consuming and the scoring can be done quickly.
C. Test design is time- consuming and the scoring can be done by only experienced teachers .
D. Test design is less- consuming and the scoring can be done by only inexperienced teachers
Câu 9: Which of the following is NOT a diagnostic test?
A. The teacher inteviews each new learner and takes notes on the strenghs and weaknesses in their
grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

B. The teacher uses the results from a test to decide which coursebook is best for new new class.

C. The teacher asks the class to dicuss in groups what their problems are with learning English.
D. Both A & B
Câu 10: A tests that enables teachers to put students according to their level is called ......
A. a progress test
B. an achievement
C. a placement test
D. a proficiency test
PART II. Fill in the gaps with no more than two words ( 2 m)
…………lists in order of test results and pass or fail them according to their position on the list
………… used to assess students’ mastery of the course material (during the course)
The terms subjective and objective testing are used to refer to the ……………. of tests.
The teacher may use …………to identify students’ strengths, weaknesses as well to evaluate the
teaching materials.
5. ………………………test involves whole pieces of discourse and tests a relatively wide range of
language. E.g. A cloze test

A reliable test contains (6)…………….. of test items of (7)………….. difficulty, based on
(8)……….. within the textbook, not the textbook itself. Such a test will have been piloted
(9)………… and can be marked (10)…………
PART III. Imagine you are testing students to find out these things ( 1m)
Which main area should each test focus on?

Put these sentences in the order to make a good paragraph
Change all sentences into passive voice
Look at the picture and fill in gaps with appropriate words
Fill in the form with your personal information. If you need help, please ask me
Exchanging information to find out 5 differences between 2 photos

Your answers

PART IV. Read the following test item and answer following questions (2 m)
Put the verb into the correct form , the past simple, the present perfect, or the past continuous
Peter: (1) ………(you/visit) the Sydney Opera House?
Mary: Yes. It’s beautiful!
Peter: When (2) ……… (you/see) it?
Mary: Last year. (3) I ………(see) it while (4) I ……..(spend) my summer holiday in Sydney.
Peter: What about the Great Barrier Reef in Queensland?
Mary: No. I (5) ……….(never/be) there. I’ll go to see it some day.
1. What does this item test? (Please specify the skills, knowledge as well as the aspects)
2. Is the item integrative or discrete point? Why?
3. Is is objective or subjective ? State the reasons
4.Is it highly-valid? Why or why not? Suggest one way to make it more valid.

PART V. Design a production task focussing on form, meaning, use for the given grammar point.Reported speech (statements) ( 1m)



PART VI. Read the text and do the tasks as instructed (2 m)

In the middle part of Italy, there is a city called Pisa. Pisa is home to a very famous biulding. You may
have heard of it. It’s called the Leaning Tower of Pisa. This tower was built to hold church bells. But
it’s mostly known because it does not stand straight! It leans over to the side instead.
People began building the tower in the year 1173. But soon, the tower started to lean. That’s because it
was not built on a good enough base. The ground below the tower had some loose sand and shells. So
as the builders made the tower taller, the base moved.
Over the years, the tower leaned more and more. Then, people worked to stop it from leaning so much.
Now, the tower stills leans. But it leans less than it used to. (Source:)
Test item 1 Read the paragraphs and choose the best answer for Question 1
Question 1: ……………………………………………………………………………..
A. ………………………………………………………………………………
B. ………………………………………………………………………………
C. ………………………………………………………………………………
D. ………………………………………………………………………………
(KEY: ……………………..)
(Note: You are supposed to write a question (stem) about a detail from this paragraph and 4 options.
Provide the correct option in the KEY
Test item 2: The word “……………………” in the text is closest in meaning to ………
(Please circle the word in the text)
A. ………………….B………………..C. …………………D. ………………….
(KEY: …………………………………..)

