by David Kay and
William “The Ferrett”Steinmetz
Paint Shop
Paint Shop
by David Kay and
William “The Ferrett”Steinmetz
Paint Shop
Paint Shop Pro
8 For Dummies
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About the Authors
David Kay is a writer, engineer, and aspiring naturalist and artist, combining
professions with the same effectiveness as his favorite business establish-
ment, Acton Muffler, Brake, and Ice Cream (now defunct). Dave has written
more than a dozen computer books, by himself or with friends. His titles
include various editions of Microsoft Works For Windows For Dummies,
WordPerfect For Windows For Dummies, Graphics File Formats, and
The Internet: Complete Reference.
In his other life, as the Poo-bah of Brightleaf Communications, Dave writes
and teaches on a variety of subjects. He and his wife, Katy, and golden
retriever, Alex, live in the wilds of Massachusetts. In his spare time, Dave
studies animal and human tracking and munches edible wild plants. He also
has been known to make strange blobs from molten glass, sing Gilbert and
Sullivan choruses in public, and hike in whatever mountains he can get to.
He longs to return to New Zealand and track kiwis and hedgehogs in Wanaka.
He finds writing about himself in the third person like this quite peculiar and
will stop now.
William “The Ferrett” Steinmetz is a freelance webmaster and editor who
helms, one of the premiere Magic: The Gathering col-
lectible card game strategy sites. He has also written most of Internet:
The Complete Reference in addition to writing computer book reviews for and The Ferrett lives in Cleveland and is geeky.
To my grandparents Henry and Margie, and to Boots, who believed in me
when I didn’t. You should all be so lucky. — T.F.
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Contents at a Glance
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting the Picture 7
Chapter 1: Opening, Viewing, and Saving Image Files 9
Chapter 2: Capturing Pictures from Paper, Camera, or Screen 29
Part II: Painting the Picture 51
Chapter 3: Choosing Colors, Styles, and Textures 53
Chapter 4: Painting, Spraying, and Filling 75
Chapter 5: Painting with Pictures 101
Part III: Improving Appearances 109
Chapter 6: Retouching Touchy Spots 111
Chapter 7: Finessing Photos with Adjustments 125
Chapter 8: Creating Artsy Effects 143
Chapter 9: Adjusting Color By Bits 161
Chapter 10: Laundering Your Image for Brightness, Contrast, and Color 169
Part IV: Changing and Adding Content 185
Chapter 11: Getting Bigger, Smaller, and Turned Around 187
Chapter 12: Selecting Parts of an Image 197
Chapter 13: Moving, Copying, and Reshaping Parts of Your Image 217
Chapter 14: Layering Images 235
Chapter 15: Adding Layers of Text or Shapes 257
Part V: Taking It to the Street 277
Chapter 16: Printing 279
Chapter 17: Creating Web Images 289
Chapter 18: Automating Paint Shop Pro 305
Part VI: The Part of Tens 311
Chapter 19: Ten Perplexing Problems 313
Chapter 20: Ten Fast Fixes for Photo Failures 319
Index 329
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
What Can You Do with This Book? 1
Is This the Book for You? 2
How Is This Book Organized? 2
Part I: Getting the Picture 3
Part II: Painting the Picture 3
Part III: Improving Appearances 3
Part IV: Changing and Adding Content 4
Part V: Taking It to the Street 4
Part VI: The Part of Tens 4
Icons Used in This Book 5
Shortcuts and Conventions in this Book 5
Part I: Getting the Picture 7
Chapter 1: Opening, Viewing, and Saving Image Files . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Opening Image Files 10
Nifty browser tricks for opening and managing files 10
Helpful hints for opening files by name and location 12
Secrets of opening a file by double-clicking 14
Viewing and Zooming an Image 14
Zooming an image in the window 15
Working on several images at a time 16
Saving a Changed Image File 16
Saving the Image First As a Paint Shop Pro File 17
Saving a Copy of Your File As Another File Type 19
Using Native and Foreign File Types 19
Paint Shop Pro files (PspImage or PSP) 20
BMP 21
GIF 21
PNG 23
Using Vector File Types (Drawing Files) 23
Opening vector files 24
Saving vector files — not 24
Converting or Renaming Batches of Files 24
File Types and “Action Required” Messages about Colors 26
Obtaining Image Files from the Web 27
Chapter 2: Capturing Pictures from Paper, Camera, or Screen . . . . .29
Connecting to Your Scanner or Camera 29
Scanning into Paint Shop Pro 30
Getting the most from your scanning software 32
Forever plaid: Scanning printed images 37
Straightening crooked scans 38
Getting Images from a Digital Camera 41
Downloading and Opening Photos 42
Making E-Mail-Ready Photos 44
Shrinking Photo Download Times 44
Capturing Images from Your PC Screen 45
Preparing to capture 45
Making the capture 47
Part II: Painting the Picture 51
Chapter 3: Choosing Colors, Styles, and Textures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Choosing Paint 57
Choosing a basic color or a recently used pattern 59
Choosing a recently used color 60
Choosing a color from your picture 61
Choosing a Color More Precisely 61
Precise color using the color wheel 62
Additional shades of basic colors 63
Precise color adjustments — by the numbers 64
Working with 256 Colors or Fewer 65
Working with Style: Beyond Plain Paint 66
Choosing a style 66
Choosing gradients 67
Painting with gradients 69
Choosing and making patterns 69
Applying a Texture 70
Storing Custom Materials to Use Again 72
Using a Stored Material 72
Deleting a Stored Material 73
Chapter 4: Painting, Spraying, and Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Choosing the Tool for the Job 76
The Brush toolset 77
The Eraser toolset 78
The Flood Fill tool 79
Using Basic Artist’s Tools: Paint Brush, Airbrush, and Eraser 79
Painting with the Paint Brush or Airbrush tool 80
Erasing with the Eraser tool 81
Erasing backdrops with the Background Eraser tool 82
Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies
Controlling Strokes, Sizes, Shapes, and Spatters: Tool Options 84
Using convenient controls on the Tool Options palette 86
Making lines wider or narrower: Size 87
Shaping clicks, lines, and line ends: Shape 87
Painting with a softer or harder edge: Hardness 88
Making paint thinner or thicker: Opacity 88
Getting speckles of spray: Density 89
Making lines more or less dotty: Step 90
Coloring within the Lines by Using Selection 91
Replacing Colors 91
Filling Areas 93
Filling a selected area with solid color 93
Filling with a gradient, pattern, or texture 94
Blend modes 95
Alex, the Saintly Dog 96
Warping Your Picture 99
Chapter 5: Painting with Pictures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Cloning Alex the Dog 102
Other Clone Brush options 105
Cloning versus selection 105
Painting with Picture Tubes 106
Basic tubing 107
Adjusting basic tube behavior 108
Part III: Improving Appearances 109
Chapter 6: Retouching Touchy Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Adjusting Your Retouch and Hue Strokes 112
The Friendly Finger of the Retouch Toolset 112
Softening 112
Smudging 114
Other Retouch tools 115
The Color Madness of the Hue Toolset 115
Lightening and darkening 115
The rest of the Hue toolset 117
The Scratch Remover Tool 117
The Red-Eye Remover 119
Reconstructing the pupil 120
Outlining problem pupils 122
Replacing pupil and iris 123
Table of Contents
Chapter 7: Finessing Photos with Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125
The One Step Photo Fix 126
Using the Adjustment Dialog Boxes 126
Correcting Lighting Color 128
Correcting Contrast and Brightness 129
Intensifying (or Dulling) Colors 130
Removing JPEG, Moiré, and Other Patterns 131
Unearthing JPEG artifacts 132
Don’t want no moiré 132
Unlacing your interlacing 133
Rubbing Out Scratchiness 133
Bringing into Soft Focus 134
Correcting for a Specific Color 135
Sharpening, Edge Enhancing, or Blurring 137
Sharpening 137
Edge enhancing 138
Blurring 138
Removing Noise (Speckles) 139
Chapter 8: Creating Artsy Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143
Try ’Em On: Browsing the Effects 145
3-D: Holes, Buttons, and Chisels 146
Art and Artistic Effects: Simulating Traditional
Art Media and Beyond 147
Example 1: Topography 148
Example 2: Brush strokes 149
Geometric, Distortion, and Image Effects: Curls,
Squeezes, Wraps, and Waves 150
Illumination Effects: Sunbursts and Flares 152
Reflection Effects: Mirrors and Patterns 153
Texture Effects: Bumpy Surfaces from Asphalt to Weaves 155
Relating texture effects to the Material box’s textures 155
Using texture effect controls 156
Example 1: The Fur texture effect 157
Example 2: The Texture texture effect 157
Common Adjustments 159
Framing Your Effects 160
Chapter 9: Adjusting Color By Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161
Mastering the Color Illusion 162
Understanding why the trick works 162
Fiddling with the mix 162
Using Hue, Saturation, and Lightness 164
Color Depth and Number of Colors 165
Checking your image’s color depth 165
Increasing color depth to use more tools 166
Reducing color depth for speed or size 166
Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies
Chapter 10: Laundering Your Image for Brightness,
Contrast, and Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169
Using the Adjustment Dialog Boxes 170
Making adjustments 171
Proofing or previewing your adjustments 172
Getting Brighter, Darker, or More Contrast-y 172
Laundering Lights, Mediums, and Darks Separately 173
Laundering for Lightness, Color Intensity, and Hue 175
Lightness: Brightening without bleaching 176
Saturation: Getting more or less intense 177
Hue-ing and crying 177
Altering an Overall Tint 177
Going Gray with a Tint: Colorizing 178
Going Totally Gray or Negative in One Step 179
Using More Sophisticated Color Adjustments 179
Levels 180
Curves 181
Posterize 182
Threshold 182
Part IV: Changing and Adding Content 185
Chapter 11: Getting Bigger, Smaller, and Turned Around . . . . . . . . .187
Getting Sized 188
Proportioning 189
Dimensioning 189
Avoiding degradation 190
Trimming (Cropping) Your Edges 191
Getting Turned Around, Mirrored, or Flipped 192
Rotating 193
Mirroring and flipping 193
Taking on Borders 194
Achieving a Particular Canvas Size 194
Chapter 12: Selecting Parts of an Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
Selecting an Area 198
Selecting a rectangle or other regular shape 200
Selecting by outlining: The Freehand tool 201
Selecting by color or brightness: The Magic Wand tool 203
Modifying Your Selection 206
Moving the selection outline 206
Adding to or subtracting from your selection 207
Expanding and contracting by pixels 208
Removing specks and holes 208
Selecting similar areas 209
Table of Contents
Feathering for More Gradual Edges 210
Antialiasing for Smoother Edges 212
Selecting All, None, or Everything But 212
Selecting Alex, and Only Alex 213
Avoiding Selection Problems in Layered Images 215
Chapter 13: Moving, Copying, and Reshaping
Parts of Your Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217
Floating, Moving, and Deleting Selections 218
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting from the Windows Clipboard 219
Cutting and copying 219
Pasting 220
Pasting to create a new picture: As New Image 221
Pasting on an existing image: As New Selection 221
Pasting for maximum flexibility: As New Layer 222
Removing the background or other colors
from your selection 223
Tips for natural-looking pastes 225
Resizing, Rotating, Deforming, and Perspective-izing 226
Preparing for deformation 227
Doing the deformation 228
Other handy deformities 232
Chapter 14: Layering Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235
Putting Layers to Work for You 235
Getting Layers 236
Calling a Pal for Help: The Layer Palette 237
Creating a New, Blank Layer 238
Working on Layers 241
Seeing, Hiding, and Rearranging Layers 242
Pinning Layers Together: Grouping 242
Using Layers to Separate or Combine Images 244
Combining entire images 244
Separating image parts into layers 244
Copying, cutting, and pasting with layers 245
Copying entire layers from one image to another 247
Blending images by making layers transparent 248
Blending images in creative ways 249
Creating and Using Adjustment Layers 250
Creating an adjustment layer 251
Choosing the type of adjustment layer you need 252
Applying adjustments to only certain areas 252
Using Vector Layers 253
Merging Layers 255
Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies
Table of Contents
Chapter 15: Adding Layers of Text or Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257
Keeping Track of Objects and Layers 258
Adding and Editing Text 259
Creating, placing, and editing text 259
Bending text to follow a line or shape 262
Drawing Lines and Shapes 263
Straight, single lines 264
Freehand lines or shapes 265
Connecting dots 266
Connecting dots with curved lines 267
Adding preset shapes 268
Dragging a shape 268
Picking at Your Nodes 270
Changing Colors and Other Properties 272
Controlling Your Objects 274
Selecting and grouping vector objects 274
Deleting, copying, pasting, and editing 275
Positioning, arranging, and sizing by hand 275
Part V: Taking It to the Street 277
Chapter 16: Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279
Fitting Your Print to the Paper 279
Printing in Grayscale and Other Options 281
Printing an Image 282
Printing Collections or Album Pages 282
Fooling with the pictures and layout 285
Saving and reusing your template 285
Printing at Different Speeds or Qualities 286
Speed, size, and ink 286
Printer and image resolution 286
Chapter 17: Creating Web Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .289
Making Images Download Faster 289
Exporting Images for the Web 290
Choosing features and file types 291
Creating GIF files 292
Creating JPEG files 295
The JPEG Wizard 297
Doing Common Webbish Tricks 297
Creating buttons 297
Matching image colors to HTML colors 297
Creating Interactive Web Pages from Graphics 298
Creating image slices 298
Entering the links 300
Optimizing the cells 301
Saving and reloading your work 301
Saving the result as a Web page 302
Making rollovers 302
Chapter 18: Automating Paint Shop Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305
Saving Tool and Effect Settings As Presets 305
Scripting 101 307
Recording a script 307
Running a script 308
Advanced scripting 309
Part VI: The Part of Tens 311
Chapter 19: Ten Perplexing Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313
“The Tool or Command Doesn’t Do Anything” 313
“Paint Shop Pro Keeps Asking Me Confusing Questions!” 314
“The Tool or Palette Just Isn’t There!” 315
“The Image Is the Wrong Size Inside or Outside Paint Shop Pro” 315
“The Paint Doesn’t Come Out Right” 316
“New Text Appears Whenever I Try to Change Text” 316
“The Text or Shape Comes Out the Wrong Color,
Texture, or Pattern” 317
“The Magic Wand Tool Doesn’t Select Well” 317
“The Tool Works, but Not Like I Want” 318
“Paint Shop Pro Doesn’t Open Images!” 318
Chapter 20: Ten Fast Fixes for Photo Failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319
Rotating Right-Side Up 319
Getting the Red Out 320
Photos without Enough Flash 321
Photos with Too Much Flash 322
Revealing Dark Corners 322
Removing Unwanted Relatives 323
Adding Absent Relatives 325
Zapping Zits 326
Making Gray Skies Blue 326
Making Colors Zippier 327
Index 329
Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies
ongratulations! Brilliant person that you are, you use Paint Shop Pro!
Thousands of other brilliant people also use Paint Shop Pro, and for one
intelligent reason: It does darned near anything you could want it to do, from
fixing photographs to animating Web graphics, and — unlike certain more
famous programs — it doesn’t set you back a week’s salary.
Guided by that same intelligence, you’re probably asking yourself, “Is a book
available that gives me what I want, quickly, without dragging me through a
tutorial? One with an attractive yellow-and-black cover so that it doesn’t get
lost in the clutter on my desk? Preferably cheap?”
Welcome to Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies, the attractive, inexpensive,
yellow-and-black book that lets you get great graphics out of Paint Shop Pro
without making you feel like you’re going back to school in an attractive,
yellow-and-black school bus.
What Can You Do with This Book?
Books are useful, elevating things. Many people use them to elevate their PC
monitors, for example. With that fate in mind, this book has been created to
serve an even higher purpose: to enable you to do the kind of graphics stuff
you really want to do. Here’s a smattering of what you can do with the help of
this book:
ߜ Download photos from a digital camera.
ߜ Fix up fuzzy, poorly exposed, or icky-colored photos.
ߜ Print album pages or other collections of photos.
ߜ Paint, draw, or letter-in all kinds of colors, patterns, and textures.
ߜ Draw using lines and shapes that you can go back and change later.
ߜ Apply cool special effects to photos and drawings.
ߜ Change colors of objects.
ߜ Combine photos with other images.
ߜ Alter the content of photos and other images.
ߜ Remove unwanted relatives from family photos.
ߜ Add wanted relatives to Wanted posters.
ߜ Retouch unsightly relatives on Wanted posters.
ߜ Create transparent and other Web page graphics.
Is This the Book for You?
Is this the Paint Shop Pro book for you? It depends. If, like us, you tend to
leave chocolate fingerprints from your bookstore biscotti on the books you’re
browsing, it’s definitely yours now.
In addition, this book is for you if
ߜ You find most computer books boring or useless
ߜ You need solutions rather than lessons
ߜ You find parts of Paint Shop Pro 8 confusing
ߜ You haven’t ever done much with graphics programs
ߜ You have used other Windows programs
ߜ You need Paint Shop Pro for business or home use
ߜ You really like bulleted lists
How Is This Book Organized?
Computer software “manuals” document features because that’s the easiest
way to write one: “The File menu presents the following choices. . . .” If features
on the File menu exactly matched what you had in mind, that would be great —
but how are you to know to use the Clone Brush tool when what you’re really
looking for is the “Fix Uncle Dave’s hair transplant scars” tool?
Some computer books are organized into lessons, teaching you how features
work. They give you examples of basic tasks and then more complicated
ones. Along the way — before too long, you hope — you find an example
resembling what you had in mind.
This book is organized by different kinds of tasks, like working with photos
or painting pictures or adding text. Wherever possible, the book tells you
exactly what to do in numbered steps. Where that’s not possible, it explains
how things work in nontechnical language.
Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies
You don’t have to read the book in any order. Just skip to the section or chap-
ter you need. Go right to the index, if you want — or the Rich Tennant car-
toons! In detail, this book is organized as described in this section.
Part I: Getting the Picture
This part puts you in the picture and puts your picture in Paint Shop Pro.
Chapter 1 puts you in the picture, explaining how to get control over all the
various doo-dahs floating around the Paint Shop Pro screen. The chapter also
gives quick synopses of what the various tools do, which is particularly useful
for anyone who needs just a few hints to get going — and it tells you how to
open an image file, create a new image, or save an image as various file types.
Chapter 2 tells you how to get existing images into Paint Shop Pro, whether it’s
from a scanner, a digital camera, or a PC screen. This chapter also gives you
hints on how to do something your relatives will love: Squeeze files so that
they download quickly.
Part II: Painting the Picture
Part II is for anyone who plans to paint, draw, or otherwise doodle in Paint
Shop Pro. Chapter 3 addresses the new Paint Shop Pro Materials box, showing
you how to not only get the color you want but also paint in the wild gradi-
ents, patterns, and textures that Paint Shop Pro 8 offers. Chapter 4 tells you
how to use the basic Paint Shop Pro painting tools and also how to control the
way the Paint Shop Pro paint tools work: brush size, spray patterns, brush
shapes, paint density, and more. Chapter 5 shows you how to do something
you have seen only in cartoons: Make images flow right off a paint brush. We
explain two features that are useful for retouching: the Paint Shop Pro Picture
Tubes tool (a kind of spreadable clip art) and the Clone Brush tool.
Part III: Improving Appearances
When you have an image that needs some sprucing up, Part III is the place to
turn. Chapter 6 shows you how to use the Paint Shop Pro hand tools to brush
away wrinkles from portraits, fix scratches, and remove red eye. Chapter 7
gives you nearly instant ways to correct overall photo problems, such as bad
exposure, poor color, or blurry, speckly, and dim grayish images. In addition,
we discuss the fabulous One-Step Photo Fix! Chapter 8 takes you to fun and
exotic lands of artistic effects, where you can twist, make three-dimensional
buttons, do cutouts, or make an image look like it was done in neon or bur-
nished copper! Chapter 9 helps you cope with the inescapable reality that,
yes, you really are using a computer, and if you want the most from Paint
Shop Pro, you need to understand just a little about how it deals with color.
Chapter 10 shows you how to fine-tune the quality of an image for contrast,
brightness, and color and tackle the more subtle problems of certain photos.
Part IV: Changing and Adding Content
Part IV opens the door to a brave (and fun) new world: changing the content
of an image. Chapter 11 shows you how to change the size, proportion, orien-
tation, and rotation of an image. (Straightening an image, however, is covered
in Chapter 2, with the scanning information.) This chapter also shows you
how to crop an image to get the composition you want or flip the image into
a mirror image. Chapter 12 gives you one of the key tricks for changing con-
tent: selecting parts of an image. Because Paint Shop Pro has no idea where
cousin Suzie begins and her husband ends, it’s up to you to tell Paint Shop
Pro “Suzie’s the one in white” or to outline her by hand, when you want to
abstract her into a solo portrait. Chapter 13 shows you ways to move, copy,
or reshape the parts you select. Need a flock of jumping sheep when you
have only a few? Clone your sheep like Dolly! Chapter 14 shows you how to
divide images into layers or use layers to combine images. Layers are power-
ful tools that make later editing much easier and produce stunning image
overlays. Chapter 15 lets you add layers of easily edited text and shapes to
an image, using the Paint Shop Pro 8 expanded vector graphics tools.
Part V: Taking It to the Street
All this fooling around in Paint Shop Pro is great, but in the end you probably
want an image to appear somewhere else: on a piece of paper, on the Web, or
as part of an animation. Chapter 16 shows you how to best fit an image on
paper. It also tells you how to print multi-image pages for photo albums, col-
lages, or portfolios. Chapter 17 tells you how to get exactly the image file
you want for the Web and gives you tips for getting the fastest-downloading
images with the least sacrifice in quality. Lastly, when you have found how to
do what you want in Paint Shop Pro, Chapter 18 shows you two new tricks
that Paint Shop Pro 8 has put in, scripting and presets, that save you oodles
of time in the long run.
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Problems often come in threes, so this book tackles them by the tens, just
to be sure. Part VI has fixes for the ten most-wanted issues that people run
into when they’re trying to use Paint Shop Pro. Chapter 19 untangles the ten
most common confusions and perplexing problems of Paint Shop Pro, and
Chapter 20 gives you ten quick fixes for photography problems.
Paint Shop Pro 8 For Dummies