BS 2B 30:2001
Inco rp orating
Co rrigendum No .
Copper-beryllium alloy
strip, foil and parts
(solution treated, cold
rolled: half hard and
precipitation treated)
IC S 49 . 0 2 5 . 1 5 ; 49 . 03 5
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BS 2B 30:2001
Committees responsible for this
British Standard
The p re parat ion of this British Standard w as e ntrust ed t o Te chnic al
C o m mitte e AC E /1 6 , Wro ught and c ast c opp e r allo ys and misce llane ous
metallic mate rials for ae ro space , upo n w hich the fo llo w ing bo dies w ere
repres ente d:
Britis h No n- Ferro us M etals Fede ration
C o p per D e ve lo p me nt Asso ciat io n
Minis try of D e fence
óóÀÀơ ơ óÀóÀô ô Àô ô Àô Àô ô Àóóó
So c ie ty of B rit is h Aero space C om p anies Lt d.
This B rit is h St anda rd, ha ving
be e n pr ep are d unde r th e
direct ion o f the E nginee ring
S ecto r Policy a nd S tra te gy
C om m itte e, wa s p ub lis he d
un de r the a utho rity o f the
S tan dards Polic y and S trate gy
Co m m itte e
o n 1 9 D e ce m b e r 2 001
BS I 1 O cto b e r 2 00 2
Amendments issued since publication
First Pub lis hed J une 1 99 1
S eco nd e ditio n D e ce mb er 2 001
The fo llo wing BS I re fere nces
Amd. No .
D ate
C o m me nt
1 39 0 3
1 O ct ob e r 2 00 2
C hange to
Co rrigendu m No . 1
line 1 3
re la te to the wo rk o n th is
B ritish S tan da rd
Co m m itte e re fe ren ce ACE /1 6
D r aft fo r c o mm e nt 00 /70 55 1 3 D C
ISBN 0 580 33324 8
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Use co nditio n
in Tab le 1 ,
BS 2B 30:2001
Committees resp onsible
Inside front cover
Normative references
Technical requirements
Table 1
Technical requirements for Cu- Be alloy s trip, foil and parts
(solution treated, cold rolled: half hard and precipitation treated)
óóÀÀơ ơ úúụ ụ ụ ụ ụ ụ ụ úúú
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BSI 1 October 2 00 2
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BS 2B 30:2001
Fore wo rd
This Brit ish St andard has be en p re p are d b y Tec hnical C o mmitte e AC E /1 6.
It s upe rse de s BS B 3 0: 1 9 9 1 , w hich is w ithdrawn.
This ne w edit io n inco rp orate s te chnical change s o nly. It doe s not re p res e nt a full
re vie w o r re vis ion o f the s tandard, w hich w ill b e unde rtak en in due co urs e.
The fo llo w ing change s have b ee n included in this edit ion o f t he standard. A ne w
s ubc lause 3 . 4 has be e n added, sp ecifying the requirem e nts for parts ; in Table 1 ,
line 6 . 1 , the que nching det ails have be en mo difie d and in T ab le 1 , line 1 9,
b ee n s pe cified.
WARNING . T his British S tandard calls for the use of sub s tance s and/o r
p roc e dure s that may b e inj urious to he alth if adequate pre cautio ns are no t take n.
I t re fers o nly to te c hnical suit ab ility and do e s not ab so lve the use r from le gal
ob ligatio ns re lating to healt h and s afe ty at any stage .
This p ublic ation do es not p urp ort to inc lude all the nec es sary provisions of a
co ntrac t. Us ers are re spo nsib le fo r its c orrec t app licatio n.
C o mp liance w i th a B ri tish S tandar d does not of its elf confer i mmu nity
fro m legal o b ligati on s.
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S ummar y of p ages
This doc ume nt co mp rises a fro nt co ver, an ins ide fro nt co ver, pages i to ii,
p age s 1 t o 3 and a back c ove r.
The BS I c opyright no tice dis played in this docume nt indicate s whe n the
document w as last iss ue d.
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BS I 1 O c to b e r 2 0 02
BS 2 B 30:2 001
óóÀÀơ ơ óÀóÀơ ơ Àơ ơ Àơ Àơ ơ Àóóó
1 S co pe
This Brit is h S tandard s pec ifies the ins pe c tio n and te sting pro ce dures, c hem ic al c o mp o sitio n, heat
treat me nt and mec hanical p ro p ert ie s fo r a prec ipitatio n hardening co p per- be ryllium allo y sup plied in the
fo rm of strip and fo il. The m aterial is sup plied in the so lution treate d and co ld rolle d co ndit ion fo r
p re cip itatio n tre atment afte r co nve rsion int o p arts .
2 Normati ve re fe re nce s
The fo llow ing norma tive doc uments c ontain p ro visions which, thro ugh re fere nc e in this t ext, c onstitute
p ro visio ns o f this British Standard. Fo r date d referenc es , any s ub seque nt am en dm ent s to , o r re vis ions of,
any o f the se p ublic ations do no t ap ply. Fo r undate d re fere nces , the late st e ditio n of the pub licatio n referre d
to applies .
BS 55 55 , Sp eci ficatio n for SI units and reco mm e ndatio ns for the us e of their m ultip les and o f ce rtain other
BS 57 75 - 0 , Spe cificati on for quantitie s, units and sy mb o ls
Part 0: Gene ral p rinci ple s.
BS B 1 0 0 , Pro ce dure fo r ins pect io n, tes ti ng and acce ptance o f w ro ught c op per allo ys .
BS E N 1 65 4 , Co pp er and c o ppe r all oys
Strip fo r s prings and co nne cto rs .
3 Te ch nical re quire me nts
3 .1 Mate rial to this standard shall co nform t o the t e chnical requirem ents s pe c ifie d in Tab le 1 . All mate rial
supp lied shall c onfo rm to t he re quirem e nts app ro priate to its dime ns io ns and conditio n as s p e cified in the
standards given in line s 5 and 96 o f Tab le 1 .
3 .2 S ymb o ls and unit s us ed in Tab le 1 s hall b e inte rp ret ed in ac co rdance wit h BS 55 5 5 and BS 5 7 75 - 0 .
The fo rma t o f Ta b le 1 a nd the s ym b o ls u se d in this ta b le are de rive d fro m p rE N 45 00- 1 : 1 9 96.
3 .3 Fo r the p urp ose s o f this s tandard, a b atc h is de fine d as mat erial of the s am e nominal c ro ss - s e ctional
dim ensions, from the s am e c ast, manufact ured by t he sam e ro ute and he at t rea ted toge the r.
3 .4 Parts shall b e sup plied in the so lut ion tre ate d, co ld rolle d and p re cip itation treate d c onditio n.
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BS I 1 O cto b e r 2 00 2
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BS 2B 30:2001
Table 1
Technical requirements for C u-Be alloy strip, foil and parts (solution treated,
cold rolled: half hard and precipitation treated)
Material designatio n
C hemical
Methods of melting
Method of production
Limit dimensions
Technical specificatio n
D elivery condition
D elivery condition code
Use condition
Test sample(s)
Test piece(s)
H eat treatment
D imensions concerned
Thickness of cladding on e ach face
D irection of test piece
Temp erature
Proof stress
Reduction of area
óóÀÀơ ơ óÀóÀơ ơ Àơ ơ Àơ Àơ ơ Àóóó
H ardness
S hear stre ngth
Temp erature
Elo ngation
Rupture stre ss
Elo ngation at
D imensional standard
Rp0.2 MPa
I mpact strength
Others Cu
Solution treated, cold rolled and precipitation treated
Delivery condition
330 C/t = 2h/AC
+ 315 C
He at treatment
Strip, foil and parts
0.10 a 3.0
BS B 100
Solution treated and cold rolled ( H)
760 C
835 C/Quench + cold rolled (1)
He at treatment
Co + Ni Ni + Co
+ Fe
See BS B 100
See BS B 100
Delivery condition
Use condition
Ambient temperature
590 Rm 690
180 HV 225
0.5 (a = 90 (2
1270 Rm 1480
370 HV 430
1.0 (a = 90 2
BS EN 1654, class A
Quenching shall be effected by forced air, sprayed water or
immersion in oil or water.
k is calculated from:
k = ar where r = bending radius and a = thickness.
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ề đằđẳôẵơà đ ằơâđàÃạ ằđÃơơằẳ âÃơáôơ Ãẵằ-ằ đ ì ỉ
â BSI 1 October 2002
ềơ đ ẻằ-ằ
BS 2B 30:2001
Standards publications
Rules for drafting and presentation of material standards
Part 1: General rules
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p rE N 45 00 - 1 : 1 9 9 6,
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BS 2B 30:2001
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