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<span class="text_page_counter">Trang 1</span><div class="page_container" data-page="1">
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 2</span><div class="page_container" data-page="2"><b>Presentation assessment: List of students (in the order of </b>
5 Ho$ng Ki:u Oanh <sup>………...</sup><sub>………...</sub>
6 Nguy<n Quang Phi <sup>………...</sup><sub>………...</sub>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 3</span><div class="page_container" data-page="3"><b>MEETING MINUTES 1 – GROUP 5Time: from 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm</b>
<b>Date: 16/09/2023</b>
<b>Place: Meeting via Google MeetParticipants: all members in group</b>
<b>Contents for discussing: Assigning tasks to each member.</b>
After our group had has basic understanding about our topic, we started creating the presentation and divided it into 5 equal parts:
<b>1. Endangered species facts and information</b>
1.1 What's the meaning of endangered species? 1.2 How many endangered species are there?
<b>2. The status of endangered species </b>
2.1 What is the rate of animals becoming endangered? 2.2 What types of species are extremely in danger? Where are they?
<b>3. What causes animals to become endangered?</b>
3.1. Indirect influences of human
3.2. Direct influences of human
<b>4. The Effects of Endangered Species (What Happens When Biodiversity Decreases)</b>
4.1. Loss of biodiversity
4.2. Negative impact on human beings
<b>5. Ways to protect endangered animals.</b>
Wrap-up, Time for questions and Thanks.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 4</span><div class="page_container" data-page="4"><b>Duties for participants</b>
Action items Deadline Warm up + Wrap up,
Answering question and feedbacks from other groups
Friday, 22/09/2023
QuFch Th1 Thu Sương
QuFch Th1 Thu Sương
Cao Th1 2nh Ngọc Preparing Power Point Ho$ng Ki:u Oanh
Preparing Word Cao Th1 2nh Ngọc
<b>Leader (Signature and name) Minute-Taker </b>
(Signature and name)
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 5</span><div class="page_container" data-page="5"><b>MEETING MINUTES 2 – GROUP 5Time: from 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm</b>
<b>Date: 26/09/2023</b>
<b>Place: Meeting via Google MeetParticipants: all members in group</b>
<b>Contents for discussing: Assess the powerpoint prepared, </b>
divide the presentation into 9 equal parts. Each member has responsibility for one small part and then reheasal.
<b>Duties for participants</b>
Warm up + Wrap up, Answering question and feedbacks from
other groups
QuFch Th1 Thu Sương Part 1 Nguy<n Quang Phi
Part 3: 3.1 Ho$ng Phương Phương Part 3: 3.2 Nguy<n Th1 BCch PhưDng
Part 4 Ho$ng Ki:u Oanh Part 5: 5.1 Đ8ng Th1 H8ng Nhung Part 5: 5.2 + 5.3 Cao Th1 2nh Ngọc
<b>Leader (Signature and name) Minute-Taker </b>
(Signature and name)
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 6</span><div class="page_container" data-page="6"><b>MAC LAC</b>
<b>1. Endangered species facts and information</b>
1.1 What's the meaning of endangered species? 1.2 How many endangered species are there?
<b>2. The status of endangered species </b>
2.1 What is the rate of animals becoming endangered? 2.2 What types of species are extremely in danger? Where are they?
<b>3. What causes animals to become endangered?</b>
3.1. Indirect influences of human
3.2. Direct influences of human
<b>4. The Effects of Endangered Species (What Happens When Biodiversity Decreases)</b>
4.1. Loss of biodiversity
4.2. Negative impact on human beings
<b>5. Ways to protect endangered animals.</b>
Wrap-up, Time for questions and Thanks.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 7</span><div class="page_container" data-page="7"><b>PRESENTATION OUTLINEINTRODUCTION</b>
<b>1. Greeting:</b>
Good morning, everyone, we are group 6. Today we’re so delighted to be here to present our topic.
<b>2. Introducing the group’s members:</b>
First, let me, as a powerful group leader, introduce our group first. Team 6 has 8 members in total: 2nh Ngọc, H8ng Nhung, Ki:u Oanh, Quang Phi, Phương Phương, BCch PhưDng, Thu Sương and me. All our members are randomly chosen into a team, though, after a short period of time working together, we realize that we kind of match each other.
<b>3. Introducing the group’s topic:</b>
As you know, animals play an important part in our environment. The huge amount of wildlife on the planet suddenly disappears, which is a complex issue that every country is confronted with. Currently, about 10-15 million species live on our planet. Up to now, about 1,556 species have been identified as endangered or near extinct and need to be protected. After researching and researching, our team has come up with some solutions to protect animals that are in danger of extinction.
<b>4. Outlining the presentation:</b>
There are 5 parts in our presentation.
The first and the second part we will give you general definition and facts about endangered species.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 8</span><div class="page_container" data-page="8">The next part we will dicuss about the causes of this problems. And then, we will show you effects of the disappearance of these species on environment, human and economy.
The final will recommend specific ways to protect endangered species.
Now let’s discover this interesting topic with our group.
<b>1. Endangered species facts and information</b>
First, we will show you some facts and information about endangered species. And here, let's follow our presentation to better understand this issue.
SO, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE MEANING OF ENDANGERED SPECIES IS? Scientific research clearly shows that a species is considered extinct when there is no longer a single individual of that species left
anywhere in the world. A few individuals of species survive only thanks to human control, care, and nurturing. But many of them,
unfortunately, were said to be extinct in the wild.
The endangered one we mention here is species very likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide or within a local area. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) currently assesses more than 105,000 species worldwide and about 28,000 of these species are at risk of extinction, due to threats including pollution, global warming, overdevelopment, and overfished habitats.
<b>2. The status of endangered species </b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 9</span><div class="page_container" data-page="9">The rapid loss of species we are witnessing today is estimated to be between 1,000 and 10,000 times higher than the natural extinction rate. Experts calculate that between 0.01% and 0.1% of all species will become extinct each year. If the low estimate of the number of species on Earth is true (around 2 million), then between 200 and 2,000 extinctions occur every year.
The world is currently experiencing a record-high number of species under threat. More than 40% of amphibian species, almost 33% of reef-forming corals, and over a third of all marine mammals are threatened. Over 32,000 species are currently threatened with extinction. Some of typical animals representating for them are giant panda-estimated about 1800 individuals left, black rhino is about 5000 individuals, gorilla beringei is 880 individuals, …
<b>3. What causes animals to become endangered?</b>
We have searched for information in many ways and in the end, we conclude them in 2 fields: Species are in danger because of indirect and direct influences of human.
3.1 Indirect influences of human
Disease is a normal part of the natural world. Most ecosystems include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites that cause disease. When ecosystems are not healthy, due to a loss in biodiversity and threats such as habitat loss, climate change, pollution, or invasive species, wildlife and ecosystems are more vulnerable to emerging diseases. Diseases caused by or carried by invasive species are particularly threatening because native wildlife may have no natural immunity to them. That’s why the number of them decreases in an alarming rate. Moreover, invasive species can cause extinctions of native plants and animals, reducing biodiversity, competing with native organisms for limited resources, and altering habitats. This can result in huge impacts and fundamental disruptions of ecosystems.
3.2 Direct influences of human
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 10</span><div class="page_container" data-page="10">Humans contribute an enormous part to the damage of ecosystem and decrease in the number of species. For personal economic purposes, people ignore all laws and persist in using equipment that is harmful to the environment. These are typical causes leading to the risk of extinction of animals.
Firstly, soil, water and air pollution caused by humans do harm to the natural habitat.
<b>- Soil pollution occurs due to agricultural and industrial activities. </b>
These activities make soil to become more and more barren and plants, therefore, no longer have an ideal environment to grow, leading to a significant fall of animals.
<b>- Water pollution causes millions of marine creatures to die each </b>
year due to ingesting non-degradable garbage in their stomachs.
<b>- Air pollution which occures when CO2 is emitted from factories and</b>
human means of transportation has a huge impact on living things. This leads to changes in temperature on Earth that cause endothermic animals to be unable to adapt and die.
The second is hunting and overexploitation.
<b>-</b> The habit of abusing nature, using wild animals and plants to serve life's needs has been deeply ingrained in Vietnamese culture for a long time. In addition, some rare animals with high economic value are cruelly hunted to make money. If they do not reproduce and develop in accordance with that need, the number of wild animals and plants will increasingly decrease and become extinct.
The two above factors lead to the final reasons are loss of habitat and climate change.
<b>-</b> The habitat of animals is narrowed. Loss of habitat increases intraspecific competition, reduces the number of individual species, and increases the risk of extinction.
<b>4. The Effects of Endangered Species (What Happens When Biodiversity Decreases)</b>
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 11</span><div class="page_container" data-page="11">THE CONSEQUENCES OF ENDANGERED SPECIES FALLING ARE FAR-REACHING AND CAN HAVE SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS ON ECOSYSTEMS AND HUMAN BEINGS
Here are some of the effects:
Loss of biodiversity: When a species becomes extinct, it is permanently lost from the Earth’s biodiversity. This loss disrupts the balance of ecosystems. Therefore, It has remarkable effects on other species such as disrupting the food chain, affecting other plants, animals and even humans that depend on it for survival.
Negative impact on human beings: The decline or extinction of certain species can have direct or indirect negative consequences for human well-being.
For instance, the loss of pollinators like bees can affect crop yields and food security. Additionally, the disappearance of certain plant or animal species can result in the loss of potential sources for medicine or other valuable resources. Nature is a big system in which species depend upon each other and function as a whole, the extinction of a small number of animals or plants can cause chain extiction to the whole ecosystem and thus have a big threat to human and the environment around us
<b>5. Ways to protect endangered animals.</b>
Planet Earth is changing at an alarming rate, humans have modified the environment. The advent of climate change and habitat destruction are already impacting the planet’s animals and us. Without
biodiversity, there is no future for us. So, the question is: Can we turn this around and what can we do?
As individuals and communities, we can and must take action, we can make differency when we all unite together and take responsibility. Firstly, the government needs to pass laws to ban and severely punish
people who hunt dangerous animals and plants.
Protecting precious and rare animals and plants is an important task all over the world. In Viet Nam, the government has also issued many legal documents on conservation of wildlife and endangered, precious and rare wild animals such as:
<b>Penal Law 2015: "Article 234 of the Penal Code on the crime: </b>
"Violating regulations on wildlife protection". This is a new crime enacted in the 2015 to seriously implement Vietnam's
commitments when participating in signing national treaties".
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 12</span><div class="page_container" data-page="12">In addition, the Government has issued many other laws such as: Law on Forest Protection and Development (2004), Law on Biodiversity (2008)
The second aspect is preventing pollution and protecting the habitat of animals.
Pay attention to your carbon footprint and learn how to reduce it. As individuals, we can work towards lowering our carbon
footprints. We can pressure the government to help make countries greener. The scale of pollution on our planet can feel overwhelming but such small individual actions like recycling, saving energy at home and using public transportation can help make a difference.
Recycling and buy less.
Buy sustainable products like bamboo, recycled paper and never buy furniture made from wood from rainforests. Recycle your phone because a mineral used in cellphones and other electronics is mined in gorilla habitat.
Move towards a plant-based diet. Switching to a plant-based diet reduces water and land use, lowers pollution and slows
deforestation and reduces the destruction of topsoil. Raising awareness about the importance of endangered species
Donate to charities that are making a difference, they are always in need of help. You can fundraise or run community events.
You can learn about endangered species. Possibly the most important step to protecting endangered species is learning about how interesting and important they are. Our natural world provides us with clean air and water, food and medicinal sources. You should educate yourself and others about biodiversity, this means you can teach your friends and your family about the wonderful wildlife birds fishes and plants that they live near you
Never purchase products from endangered or threatened species and discourage others.
</div><span class="text_page_counter">Trang 13</span><div class="page_container" data-page="13">People are at the heart of conservation because without people conservation doesn’t exist, we are the causes of the issues so therefore we are the solution. What are you going to do next to help your fellow beings?
Thus, we have seen the importance of animals in balancing the ecosystem. Endangered species are nowaday being threatened so distincively. Therefore, it’s our responsibility for us to raise awareness about the serious state of them, and we should join hand to protect our planet’s last species. And we hope our suggested solutiosn above could be the document for you to make your mission. Thank you for listening.