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1) Thanking people and responding to thanks:
- Thanks ( a million) for `
- Thank you
- Thank you ever so much for…
- You have no idea how grateful I am for…
- I’m grateful for…
- You’re welcome
- It was my pleasure
- You’re very/ more than welcome.
- Oh/ not at all, it was the least I could do.
- Think nothing of it
- It was nothing
- My pleasure
- Don’t mention it
- You bet. Any time
- No big deal
2) Apologizing and responding
- Pardon me, please for
- I hope you’ll forgive……
- Excuse me for……
-I’m very/really/ actually …
- Sorry …
- Sorry about that.
- That’s quite all right
- Think nothing of it.
- It’s all right
- Don’t worry about it.
- No harm done
- That’s okay
- Forget it

- No problem
- No big thing
- No sweat.
3) Complimenting and responding
- . The dinner was delicious
- You did a fine job on the report
- That’s a beautiful belt
- Your hair looks nice
- The cake was wonderful
- You car drives great
- You’re a great dancer
- You really have beautiful eyes
- Your new hairstyle is terrific.
- I didn’t know you play…so well…
- You are too kind
- Thank you for saying so
- I appreciate your compliment
- Thank you . I am glad you like it/ enjoyed
it/ think so.
- Thanks . I like your….
- You’ve got to be bidding. I am an awful
- That’s a nice compliment
- That’s nice of you to say so.
4. Making invitation, accepting and refusing it
Making Accepting Refusing
-I would like to invite you
to dinner/ a French
- Would you care/ like to

- I was wondering if you’d
like to ……
How/What about….?
- Why not/ don’t you ….
- Thank you very much
- Thanks for your … I’d be
delighted to …./ I’d love to
- Sure. That would be great/
- What a terrific idea/ a nice
idea. I’d really like that.
- Sounds great/ Sounds like
- Great/ Sure/ Super
- Thank you but I’m afraid
- I’m sorry, I can’t …
- I wish I could but…
- I hate to turn down , but I
- I would like/ love to say
other time, but…
- I’m tied up that day. What
about …?
5. Expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing.
Expressing opinions Agreeing Disagreeing
- In my opinion,…
- It seems to me that…
- I couldn’t agree more.

- How true!
- I disagree with what you
- I think/ believe/ feel that
- As I see it,.
- Personally/ Frankly, I
- The point I’m making is

- You’re exactly right!
- I agree wholeheartedly
with what you say.
- That’s exactly what I was
thinking/ what I believe/
how I feel.
- There’s no doubt about it.
- That’s my opinion, too.
- Absolutely/Definitely.
- You can say that again/
For sure/ You bet/
- I don’t think so.
- I don’t see it that way.
- I respect your opinion,
- You’ve got to be joking/
- Are you joking? Crazy?
- Don’t make me laugh.
- That’s absurd/ ridiculous.
- You can’t really be

- Oh, come off it.
- get out of here.
6. Making request:
May I have an apple?/ a coke?
Could I borrow ten dollars?
Can I use that hairdryer?
Would you mind if I had a sandwich?/ if I
borrowed your newspaper?/ used you car?
- Could I trouble you to get me a cold
- Will you answer the phone while I’m cut.
- Would you mind speaking more slowly?
- How about/ What about helping me with
the dishes?
- Yes, I’m willing to…
- Certanily
- Of course, I’d love to.
- No, it wouldn’t make any trouble to…
- Not at all (Would you mind)
-Sure, I’d be glad to
- NO problem
- I’m afraid I can’t ….because
- I wish I could … but…
- It’s impossible for me to … because…
- I can’t … because
- Sorry …but

7. Greeting and saying goodbye:
- Good… How are you?

- Good…….You’re looking well today/
How are you doing?/ Are you doing okay?/
What have you been doing these days?

- Couldn’t be better/ Great/ Fine/ All right/
Okay/ couldn’t be worse/ awful…
8. Some phrasal verbs
- catch sight of - lose sight of
- lose track with - make use of
- make way for - make a fuss about/ over
- make fun of - make allowance for
give way to - keep pace with
- keep touch with - lose touch with
- put an end to - put a stop to
- set fire to - take advantage of
- take note of - pay attention to

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