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T2 G12 U2 Cultural Diversity
I-Phonetics: a)
Put these words, which has the sound of the past ending into 3 columns
: 1:/t/ 2:/d/ 3:/id/
Moved, carried, educated, watched, confided, concerned, attracted, agreed, coughed, changed, hoped, knocked,
arrested, arrived, rained, helped, washed, stopped, jumped, missed, raised, cooked, passed, fixed, wished,
laughed, waited, burned, produced, searched, called, affected, employed, relieved, decided, operated, tipped
Choose the word that has a different stress pattern:
1. A. marriage B. attract C. beauty D. survey
2. A. confide B. believe C. suppose D. couple
3. A. physical B. appearance C. partnership D. sacrifice
4. A. romantic B. determine C. attention D. attitude
5. A. majority B. significant C. ceremony D. diversity
6. A. maintain B. equal C. demand D. precede
7. A. acquaintance B. symbolize C. etiquette D. socialize
8. A. unconscious B. extended C. insecure D. respectful
9. A. compliment B. circumstance C. cultural D. equivalent
10. A. untrustworthy B. mechanize C. delicious D. mechanic
II-Vocabulary: a)
Fill each gap with one word from the box:
supposed, maintain, partnership, preceded, diversity, attitude, ceremony, equal, generation, love
11. Mr. Smith finds it difficult to … friendly relations with his thoughtless neighbors.
12. My father likes most of sports but football is his 1
13. No one seemed to notice the phenomena that … the volcanic eruption.
14. Students are … to do their homework before class.
15. There is a need for greater … and choice in education.
16. Although Susan looks taller than her friend, they are of … height.
17. Today’s award … took place at the British Embassy in Tokyo.

18. People retiring today are wealthier than the previous ….
19. People in this company have a more relaxed … to their work.
20. They have been in … for 5 years.
Fill each blank with the correct form of the word in parentheses
21. For the … of their rights, the workmen must struggle. (maintain)
22. Their … is planned for December next year. (marry)
23. She showed us her passport as … of her identity. (prove)
24. There’s been a lot of … on the stock exchange. (act)
25. Many teachers have … academic links with this university. (value)
26. The Christmas lights gave the house a festive …. (appear)
27. We must come to a … about what to do next by tomorrow. ( decide)
28. That’s one of the less … aspects of her personality. (attract)
29. The vast … of our cheeses are made with pasteurized milk. (major)
30. They took … of noise levels inside the building. (measure)
Choose the best answer
31. Students are asked to read the article and write a … of it.
A. summarize B. summary C. summarizing D. summarized
32. He has made a … to retire early, which surprises everyone in his company.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. deciding
33. A … of young people today seem to prefer chatting on the Internet to face-to-face communication.
A. major B. majority C. mayor D. majoring
34. She looks … in a black dress. A. attraction B. attractive C. attractiveness D. attractively
35. It was … of him to lend her all his money. He regrets it now. A. wise B. unwise C. wisdom D. wiser
36. The audience … to his suggestion with a big clap.
A. response B. responded C. responsive D. responding
37. The scales in the front door of the court … justice.

A. symbolize B. recognize C. realize D. remember
38. He made a strong … on her by taking her to the airport.
A. impression B. attraction C. decision D. expression
39. My sister was reunited with us after many years’ ….
A. separation B. appreciation C. attention D. astonishment
40. -We should be careful about …-honest traders in the tourist area. They sell faulty goods.
–I agree with you. Some traders are …-trustworthy.
A. in/un B. un/in C. ir/dis D. dis/un
41. Malaysian lecturers use English when … their Malaysian students in Kuala Lumpur.
A. addressing B. speaking C. talking D. saying
42. Nodding your head is … to saying yes. A. equivalent B. coincide C. unequal D. antonymous
43. He sometimes gives a … punishment to his mischievous son.
A. soft B. stiff C. severe D. B&C are correct
44. In order to show … to a superior, a Japanese often lowers his/her eyes.
A. respectful B. disrespectful C. respect D. disrespect
45. In some African cultures, people often have a prolonged look, but prolonged eye contact from a person
of a lower status is a sign of ….
A. respectful B. disrespectful C. respecting D. disrespect
46. Some people … express their anger by widening their eyes. Others regard this expression as a sign of …
A. polite/astonish B. politely/astonishment C. politeness/astonishing D. impolite/astonished
47. A person’s widened eyes may be … differently in different cultures
A. interpreted B. translating C. misinterpreted D. interpreting
48. In our country, people do not give glasses to a bride and a groom because “glass” means … in Vietnamese
A. separate B. separated C. separable D. separation
III: Grammar focus: Tenses (cont)
Ex1: Simple present and Present progressive:
1. Jim (watch) television every evening.
2. Water (consist) of hydrogen and oxygen.
3. Please shut the windows. The rain (come) in now.
4. I go to sleep easily when the radio (play).

5. We (leave) for Ha long bay early next month.
6. The sun (not rise) in the west; it (rise) in the east.
7. Where the Scotts usually (stay) when they (come) to Manchester City?
–At a hotel. But tonight they (stay) with their close friend’s family.
8. Father (go) mountaineering at the moment. He (go) mountaineering twice a week.
9. My sister usually (not quarrel) with anyone.
10. Be careful! The teacher (look) at you.
11. The baby falls sleep while its mother (sing) a lullaby.
12. You (look) for Bob? I think he (read) in the library.
13. She (speak) English well, but she (not understand) Spanish.
14. Nothing (be) faster than the speed of light.
15. Listen to those people. What language they (speak)?
16. I (meet) Tom for lunch tomorrow.
17. She (come) to see me next week.
18. Let’s go out now. It (not rain) any more.
Ex2: Past simple and Past progressive:
19. While his mother ( be) in London, he (e-mail) to her twice a week.
20. He (work) for a construction company for 3 years, but now he doesn’t any more.
21. “What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night?” - “I (prepare) my Mathematics lessons.”
22. Was it still raining when you (come) in?
23. While my father (read) a book, my mother (do) the needling.
24. I looked out of the window. Some children (play) in the park.
25. When I (open) the box, I (see) a spider.
26. She was fond of him but I (not believe) she (love) him.
27. The old man (fall) as he (get) into the bus.
28. They (arrive) at any decision at the meeting last Monday?
29. I (read) when the light (go) out.
30. She (rest) all the evening.
Ex3: Present perfect and Present perfect progressive:
31. We (walk) ten kilometers.

32. We (walk) for three hours.
33. You (walk) too fast. That’s why you are tired.
34. I (make) sausage rolls for the party all the morning.
35. The drive (drink). I think someone else ought to drive.
36. -What you (do)? -we (pick) apples. -How many you (pick)? -We (pick) ten basketfuls.
37. I (sleep) on every bed in this house and don’t like any of them.
38. He (sleep) since ten o’clock. It’s time he woke up.
39. He (ride); that’s why he is wearing breeches.
40. I (ride) all the horses in this stable.
41. What a lovely smell! -Mary (make) jam.
42. I only (hear) from him twice since he went away.
43. I am sorry for my dirty hands because I (grease) my car.
44. I (polish) this table all the morning and she isn’t satisfied with it yet.
45. I (work) for him for 10 years and he never once (say) “Good morning” to me.
46. I (teach) hundreds of students but I never (meet) such a hopeless class as this.
47. I (pump) up three tyres. Would you like to do the fourth?
48. I (look) for mushrooms but I (not find) any.
49. -You (hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged!. -That’s not new; I (know) it for ages!
50. I (try) to finish this letter for the last half-hour. I wish you’d go away or stop talking.
51. He (hope) for a rise in salary for six months but he (not dare) to ask for it yet.
52. Mr. Smith, you (whisper) to the student on your right for the last five minutes. You (help) him with his
exam paper or he (help) you?
53. Why you (make) such a horrible noise?
-I (lose) my key and I (try) to wake my wife by throwing stones at her window.
-You (throw) stones at the wrong window. You live next door.
IV-Negative prefixes:

in-, im-, ir-, il-,
1- im- + root word – adj (beginning with “m” “p”) e.g.: immature, impatient, improbable,
2- ir- + ( “r”) e.g. irregular, irreplaceable, irresponsible

3- il- + ( “l”) e.g. illegal, illiterate
4- in- + e.g. inconvenient, inedible (means impossible to eat)
5- un- + Adj E.g. ungrateful, unemployed,
Un + verb e.g undo, undress, unfold, unload, unlock, unwrap, unzip, unveil
6- dis- + root word (v) e.g. dislike, disappear, disapprove, disbelieve, disconnect, disprove, disqualify,
dis + adj e.g. disloyal, disrespectable, disable, disadvantageous
Other prefixes are used in English
Of or by oneself
Two, twice

Out of
Too much
In favor of
Again or back
Not enough
Anti-war, antisocial, antibiotic
Autograph, auto-pilot, autobiography
Bicycle, bi-monthly, biannual, bilingual
Ex-wife ex-student ex-president
Extract exhale excommunicate
Micro-computer microwave microscopic
Misunderstand mistranslate misinform
Monotonous monologue monogamous
Multi-national multi-purpose multi-racial
Overdo overtired oversleep overeat
Postwar postgraduate post-revolutionary
Pro-government pro-revolutionary
Pseudo-scientific pseudo-intellectual
Retype reread replace rewind
Semicircular semi-final semi-detached

Subway submarine subdivision
Under-worked underused undercooked
Ex: Write the opposite of these adjectives and complete these sentences using one of them:
Honest consistent graceful formal happy honorable perfect
personal popular relevant convenient mature loyal regular
1. That’s completely … to the subject under discussion.
2. He was accused of being … to the government. For years he had been betraying state secrets to the enemy.
3. These new facts are … with the earlier information.
4. I don’t like him, and it would be … of me to pretend otherwise.
5. It’s such a bore having to learn these lists of … verbs.
6. The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an … register.
7. I was very angry at/about his a … deed at that time. I will never forgive him.
8. He was not accepted because he was … in his service.
9. She copied her friend’s answers when doing the test. I wondered whether she felt very ….
10. He is … because he is very selfish and mean.
V-Reading1: Other cultures
What is culture? Culture (1) … the way of living of a (2) … group of people. People from different cultures (3)
… up with different customs, (4) … and values. For example, if you travel from one country (5) … another, you
will probably (6) … the people do some things very differently to the ways you are (7) … with in your culture.
Culture is usually (8) … from parents to children for many generations, so people sometimes (9) … that their
culture is the only correct way to live.
Do you think everyone in the world should do things as you do them in your culture or (10) … you open-minded
about other customs? Many people believe that learning about other cultures can be educational and rewarding.
1. A. means B. defines C. studies D. has
2. A. special B. normal C. particular D. any
3. A. grow B. come C. bring D. fed
4. A. trusts B. beliefs C. knowledge D. answers
5. A. or B. and C. to D. about
6. A. feel B. think C. meet D. find
7. A. familiar B. popular C. bored D. concerned

8. A. given B. passed C. put D. run
9. A. say B. know C. believe D. study
10. A. have B. do C. will D. are
Most young couples have meals regularly in their parents’ home with little or no pay, and give their children to
the care of old couple free of charge.
Investigations have shown that parents of many young couples don’t mind providing meals and caring for their
children. However, this practice should not become an accepted social custom.
The old couples’ expense on food has already increased while young couples spend more on clothing and
furnishing and less on food. If this trend continues, many young couples might take these privileges for granted
and become more dependent.
It is not right for young couple to make use of the old couples’ love, not only because our nation is well-known
for its special respect paid to the elderly, but also because the young must become independent.
What young people should do is to become more considerate towards their old parents. After long years of
hard work, they are worthy of such consideration.
11. Most married couples ….
A. live with their parents B. have meals regularly in their parents’ home for they have little or no fees
C. have not become independent completely D. pay no respect to the elderly
12. The writer thinks it is … for old couples to provide meals or care for their married children.
A. wrong B. an accepted social custom C. right D. understandable
13. According to the passage, young couples should ….
A. spend less on clothing or furnishing and more on food B. look after their children themselves
C. be less demanding and more caring towards their old parents D. pay for the meals they have in their parents’ home
14. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. What’s troubles young people most is that no one will look after their children except their own parents
B. The reason why young couples depend on their parents to different degrees is that that their income is smaller.
C. Old couples should give money to their children instead of providing meals or caring for them.
D. it would be natural that young couples went on depending on their old parents they would have to provide
meals and care for their children when they get married.
15. This article is particularly written for ….

A. old couples B. both young and old couples C. young couples D. young couples’ children
I b: 11maintain,12love,13preceded,14supposed,15diversity,16equal,17ceremony,18generation,19attitude,

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