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Giáo án Tiếng anh 8 .

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Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
Teaching date:
Unit 1- my friends
Period 1
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and practice the
grammatical points that they have learnt.
II. Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook, …
III. Procedures:
Teacher- students’ activities Contents
- T asks Ss to Combine each of the
following pairs of sentences into
one sentence, using (not) adjective
enough + to-infinitive.
- T asks Ss to come to board to
write answers.
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
- T asks Ss to put the verbs in
brackets into the correct form or
A. Practice 1 :
Combine each of the following
pairs of sentences into one
sentence, using (not) adjective +
enough + to-infinitive.
1) My sister is old. She can
drive a car.
2) The radio isn’t small. You

can’t put it in your pocket.
3) This coat isn’t warm. I don’t
wear it in winter.
4) She is beautiful and
intelligent. She can become
Miss World.
5) The weather was fine. We
could go camping.
6) Those apples aren’t ripe. We
can’t eat them.
7) Mr. Robinson isn’t rich. He
can’t buy a house.
8) The worker is clever. He can
make fine things from wood.
B. Practice 2 :
Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form or tense.
1) She _______ ( not drink )
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- T asks Ss to come to board to
write answers.
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
Jumbled sentence
- T asks Ss to arrange the given
words to make correct sentences.

+ Ss do the exercise individually.
- Ask Ss to compare their answers
with partners.
+ Ss work in pairs.
- T asks Ss to come to board to
write answers.
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
coffee. She _______ ( drink)
Coca Cola.
2) It _______ ( be) often hot in
the summer.
3) What _______ you _______
(do) every evening?
4) The earth _______ (circle)
the sun once every 365 days.
5) I _______ (see) her very
6) Most rivers _______ (flow)
into the sea.
7) Vegetarians _______ (not
eat) meat.
8) Bees _______ (make) honey.
9) Rice _______ (not grow) in
cold climates.
10.Where _______ Martin
_______ (come) from? – He (be)
_______ Scottish.
C. Practice 3 :

Put the following words in the
correct order:
1) lot / of / have / I’m / lucky /
a / friends. / enough / to /
2) job. / enough / to /
experienced / He / isn’t / do /
3) us / character / has / a /
Teaching date :
Unit 2 Making arangements
Period 2
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and practice the
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
what they have learnt.
II-Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook, …
Tªacher – students – activities Contents
- T asks Ss to write sentences, say
what the people are going to do.
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
- T asks Ss to put the verbs in

brackets into the correct form or
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
Write sentences. Say what the people
are going to do.
Ex: I feel very tired. (take a day off)
 I am going to take a day off.
1. My uncle has won some money. (buy
a new car)
2. They recerved a wedding present
from their pen pal friend, Nick. (write a
letter to thank him)
3. I’ll have an annual holiday next
month. (visit Ha Long Bay)
4. My father has a bad cough. (stop
5. Linh is studying medicine. (be a
6. We have bought some bricks. (build
a garage)
7. The windows are dirty and Mai’ll be
free this afternoon. (clean the windows)
8. Jane and Lan have decided to have a
party. (invite lots of people)

Put the verbs in brackets into the
correct form or tense.
1. Bad driving _______ (cause) many
2. Nga and Hoa _______ (see) a movie
3. Sue can _______ (speak)
Vietnamese very well.
4. Mozart _______ (write) more than
600 pieces of music.
5. “How _______ you _______ (learn)
to drive?” “My father _______ (teach)
6. We usually _______ (go) to the
library three times a week, but last
week we _______ (go) twice.
7. Alexander Graham Bell _______
(introduce) the telephone in 1876.
8. Yesterday I _______ (be) busy, so I
_______ (not have) time to phone you.
9. “what _______ you _______ (do)
next summer vacation?”
I _______ (visit) my grandparents in
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- T asks Ss to complete the sentences,
using the appropriate adverbs in the

+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
Nha Trang.”
10. Would you like _______ (come) to
dinner tomorrow
11. She is going to ………(have) a test
Complete the sentences, using the
appropriate adverbs in the box.
1. The children love Disneyland. They
want to go there again.
2. I opened the box and look _______ .
3. She ran _______ to open the door for
4. I’m afraid I can’t drink coffee with
milk _______ .
5. Let’s go _______ and sit in the sun.
6. Wait _______ . I’ll be back in a
7. He ran up the stairs to see what
happened _______ .
8. What’s _______ at the Rex Movie
Theater this week?
D. Practice 4:
Fill in the blanks with one suitable

1.The post office isn’t far ……….my
2. Let’s meet … the theater ….7
3. She was born ….may 16
… Nha
4. He worked …… deaf- mutes ….
Boston university.
5. He emigrated … Canada ….1870s
6. We agreed …… their requests.
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
in on there outside inside
upstairs here downstairs
Giáo án chuyên đề tiếng anh 8
Teaching date:
Unit 3. At home (t1)
Period 3
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review and practice the rèlẽive
pronouns , model verbs ought to ,must, have to
II-Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook,
Teacher- students activities Contents
T reviews the structure of modal
- Ss listen to T.

- T asks Ss to copy down.
- Ss take notes.
- T reviews reflexive pronouns.
- Ss listen to T.
- T asks Ss to copy down.
- Ss take notes.
- T asks Ss to complete the sentence
with must or have/ have to.
1.Modal verbs : must, have to,
ought to
a) Must
Affirmative : S + must + V(inf.)
Negative : S + must not/ mustnt +
Interrogative : Must + S + V(inf.)
b) Have to
Affirmative : S + have to + V(inf.)
Negative : S + dont / doesnt + have
to + V(inf.)
Interrogative: Do/ Does + S + have to
+ V(inf.) ?
c) Ought to
Affirmative : S + ought to + V(inf.)
Negative : S + ought not to/ oughtnt
to + V(inf.)
Interrogative : Ought + S + to +
2.Reflexive pronouns : ẹaùi tửứ phaỷn

Him himself
She herself
It itself
Giáo viên : Hà Kim Toàn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
- T asks Ss to fill in each blank with a
correct reflexive pronoun.
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the
answers with
whole class.
- guide sts to write this exercise ?
 I – myself
 We – ourselves
 You – yourself / yourselves
 They - themselves
II. PRACTICE 1:( tr19)
Complete the sentence with must or
have/ have to
Ex: It’s 11 o’clock. I must/ have to go

1. Vietnamese children _______
wear uniform when they go to
2. Last night my sister was ill.
We _______ call the doctor.
3. I have bad toothache. I
_______ make an appointment
with the dentist.
4. I don’t want to _______ wait
in a queue for ages.
5. She _______ work on Saturday
6. When you come to California,
you _______ come and see us
7. This is a terrible party. We
_______ go home.
8. If there are n taxis we’ll
_______ walk.
9. Daniel _______ go to the
bank. He hasn’t any money.
10.You really _______ hurry up,
Vicky. We don’t want to be
Fill in each blank with a correct
reflexive pronoun.
Ex: I cut myself shaving this

1. My sister often looks at _______
in the mirror.
2. Mark made _______ a sandwich.
3. This refrigerator defrosts ______
4. Hoa and I _______ saw that
accident yesterday.
5. Did you pay for _______ ?
6. The children can look after
_______ for a few days.
7. Please help me. I can’t do it ____ .
8. Take care of _______ !
IV- § a ra lêi khuyªn cho nh÷ng
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
-T corrects the answers with whole
- guide sts to write this exercise ?
- T corrects the answers with whole
ng êi sau víi tõ gîi ý trong
1.Minh looks very tired .( go to bed
2.My parents are going to visit
France.( learn some french)
3. It is 8 o’clock .Helen is sleeping.
( get up earlier)
4.Nam is going to have an exam
tomorrow .( learn the lesson)

5. I’m bored .I need a change( go on
a vacation to Hlong Bay)
V- §iÒn vµo « trèng víi – mustn–t
hay don–t have to, doesn–t have
to –(tr19)
1.They… work on Saturday.
2.Visitors …… feed the animals.
3.Tim… wear uniform at school.
4. You … touch that switch. It is
5.Don’t make so much noise .We ….
Wake the baby.
6. There is a lift in the building ,so I
… climb the stairs.
7. Staff …… smoke when servicing
the customers.
8. Saly is rich. She… work.
9.I don’t want anyone to know about
plan .You …. Tell anyone.
10.You … be a good player to enjoy
a game of tennis.
Teaching date:
Period 4
Unit 3. At home(t2)
I – Objectives:
- Help students understand how to make questions with “why” and answer “with
- write exercises.
II- Teaching aids:
-use lesson plan,workbook,chalk,board ,teaching documents.

III- Teaching steps:
Teacher-students–activities contents
- T asks Ss to fill in the blanks with
suitable prepositions: in, at, on, after,
under, between, beside, out of, above,
Fill in the blanks with suitable
prepositions : in, at, on, after, under,
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
- let sts write exercise 2 ?
- control the class
- check up then write them on the
- How to write exercise 3 ?
between, beside, out of, above, beneath.
1. There is a bus station _______ the
end of this road.
2. Keep those medicines _______ the
children’s reach.
3. I lost my keys somewhere _______
the car and the house.
4. Come _______ and sit _______
your sister.
5. D comes _______ C in the alphabet.

6. The boat sank _______ the waves.
7. Don’t shelter _______ the trees
when it’s raining.
8. Please put these books _______ the
bookshelf _______ the desk.
There is a mistake in the four underlined
parts of each sentences. Find the
mistakes ( A, B, C, or D).Then correct the
1. I think we ought to put the telephone
among the television and
the radio.
2. You must not let children to play in the
kitchen because it’s a
dangerous place.
3. If people work too hard, they can make
theirselves ill.
4. I don’t know why didn’t you answer the
teacher’s question.
5. Lan is going to buy a big house

III- Chän 1 tõ cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c 3
tõ cßn l¹i:
1.A.feed B. clean C.sweep D.head
2. A.floor B.four C. room
D. door
3. A. sink B.knife C. fire
D. rice
4. A. house B. couch C.ought
D. counter
5. A. candy B. fry C. many
D. happy
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- guide sts to write .
-let sts write them on the board.
-How to do this exercise 4 ?
- guide sts to write
-check up then write them on the
IV- ViÕt d¹ng ®óng cña ®éng tõ trong
ngoÆc :
1She… (do) her homework last night.
2.Their parents……(visit)HN this summer.
3.His father… (read)a newspaper
4.I……(be) a newcomer last school year.
5. The students…… ( learn) E at the
6.She… ( have) to prepare for her test next

7. They……( go) swimming yesterday.
8.Mrs Hoa … (teach) us Geography last
9.They… (sell) fruit at that greengrocer’s
10. Tam… ( make) a handkerchief for her
friend tonight.
Teaching plan:
Teaching date:
Period 5
Unit 4. Out past(week1)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the past simple,
used to and prepositions of time and practice the
what they have learnt.
II Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook, …
- checking attendence: 8A 8B
Teacher – students– activities Contents
- guide sts to understand the
1- The past simple tense.
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
grammar of past simple tense.
- take care of then write them in
- Guide sts to understand the form

“used to” ?
- Guide sts to understand how to use
preposition in any situations.?
- give some examples.
- T asks Ss to complete these
sentences with used to or didn’t use
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
Form: S + Ved + O
S + didn’t + V + O
(Wh) +did + S + V + O ?
Example: I watched TV last night
I didn’t watch TV last night
What did you do last night ?
I did my homework.
- Adverbs of past tense:
Last night
Last week,month,year…
2.“Used to “
Form: S + used to + V + O
S + didn’t + use to + V…
Did +S use to + V …?

Example” I used to get up late
I didn’t use to play soccer.
3. Preposition of time:
In,on,at ,after,before,between
Example: I go to school on Monday.
She gets up at 6 o’clock.
II- Exercise:
Exercise 1: (sbt tr 25)
Complete these sentences with used to or
didn–t use to
Ex: I used to go swimming (go swimming)
but now I don’t go swimming any more.
1. My father gave up smoking two years
ago. He _______ (smoke) a packet of
cigarettes a day.
2. There _______ (be) a movie theater here
but it closed a long time ago.
3. Mr. An _______ (not drink) coffee when
he was young but he likes it now.
4. Peter _______ (have) a motorbike, but
last month he sold it and bought a car.
5. I _______ (not like) her but we are best
friends now.
6. They came to live in the city last year.
They _______ (live) in a small village in
the country.
7. My sister _______ (play) tennis a lot but
she doesn’t play very often now.
8. When I was a child I _______ (not
study) hard.

Exercise 2:
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- T asks Ss to use the correct form or
tense of the verbs in brackets.
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
-T corrects the answers with whole
- correct then write them on the
-How to do exercise 3 ?
- How to use prepositions in the
right blanks.?
-guide sts to do this exericise.
-go round to control the class.
- check and write them on the board.
- How to do exercise 4 ?
Use the correct form or tense of the verbs
in brackets.
1.They _______ (award) him a medal for
bravery last year.
2.Mr. Brown used _______ (play) football
when he _______ (be) young.
3.Mozart _______ (start) _______
(compose) at the age of five and he_______
(write) more than 600 pieces of music.

4._______ you _______ (go) out last night?
5.Last night I _______ (go) to bed late.
Suddenly I _______ (hear) a noise.
I _______ (get) up to see what it
_______ (be) but I _______ (not see)
6.What _______ you _______ (use) to do in
your free time in the past ? – I used to go
7.Martha _______ (phone) me yesterday.
She’s on holiday in France. She _______
(have) a great time and she _______ (not
want) to come back.
8.My parents used _______ (live) in Hue.
They _______ (be) born and _______
(grow) up there. In 1969, they _______
(move) to Da Nang and then to Saigon. At
present we _______ (live) in a small house
in Ho Chi Minh City.
Exercise III:
Điền vào ô trống 1 giới từ đúng:
1. Mozart was born in Salburg …. 1756.
2. What do you usually do … Sunday ?
We often go for long walk in the country
… weekends.
3.They got married ….… 21 April.
4. I’m usually free …… 8 pm and 10pm.
5. The course begins … 12may and end
sometime ……. August.
6. She doesn’t like traveling … Night

7. I will leave …… 7 o’clock. So you should
call me … …7.
8. My english class finishes .… 7.30. Let’s
meet … … 7.30.
9. Do you give each other presents ….
Christmas ?
10. There are usually a lot of parties ….…
new year’s eve.
Exercise IV:
ViÕt d¹ng qu¸ khø nh÷ng ®éng tõ sau vµ
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- check and corect the mistakes.
1.go 6.have
2.appear 7.say
3.leave 8.stay
4.burn 9.do
5.sit 10.come
Teaching plan:
Teaching date:
Unit 4. Our past (week 2)
Per i od 6
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the past simple tense,
preposition of time,used to
II-Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook.
- Checking attendence: 8A 8B

Teacher – students’ activities Contents
- Guide sts to understand how to use “
used to”
- give some examples.
T asks Ss to use the past simple tense of
the verbs in brackets.
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- Guide sts to understand preposition of
- give some examples.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
I – Grammar:
+Past simple tense: –Used to”
o We use “ used to ” to express
the past habits. But now they don’t
exist any longer.
Ex1:When she was a little girl, she
used to swim in this river.
Ex2:When we were in grade 7, we
used to play soccer.
+Prepositions of time: “ in , on, at,

after, before, between ”
o In (vào) + (second / minute /
hour / day / week / month /
seasons / year )
Ex: I was born in 1978.
o On (vào) + (holidays / days in a
week / date)
Ex:We are going to have a party for
my mom on March 8.
o At ( lúc ) + ( hour time )
Ex:Minh goes to sleep at 10.00 p.m.
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- T asks Ss to complete the story, use
the verbs in the box.
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to
write answers.
- sts write exercise 1?
- go round to control the whole class.
- guide the week students to do.
- check and correct the mistakes.
-let sts write exercise 2 ?
-guide sts to write this exercise
o After(sau)+(second/minute/hour
o before ( trước )+

Ex:After 20 seconds, she will leave
o Between … and ……(giữa
… và ….)
Ex: They will build my house
between January and September.
- Write the correct tense of the verbs in
1.Ba (have) …… a very good time at the
party last night
2.She used …… ( go) swimming when she
was 10 years old.
3.Mr. Lam (come) …… to work on time
4.He……… ( have) a test next Friday.
5.The train (arrive) ….…. half an hour late
this morning.
6.The police (catch) ……. the thief some
days ago.
7.I (wait) … …. for Nancy at the present.
8.Yesterday I bought a new bike It (cost)
………….… more than two hundred dollars.
9.They …… ( not use) to have vacations
to the countryside.
10. We …….… ( do) homework tonight.
11.Trung’s father (teach) ………. him how
…….(ride) a bicycle when he (be)…….
twelve years old.

12.How ………. your brother (go) …… to
work everyday? – He usually ………
13We(go)…… toHa Long Bay next
14…… You (use) ……. to play so much
when you (live)…… in the countryside?
Yesterday Hoang (spend) ……. two hours
(repair) ………. his computer .
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- put one suitables preposition in the
- check and write them on the board.
- How to write exercise 3 ?
- guide sts how to pronounce these
words in chorus the individually.
- choose one best answer then correct
the mistakes.
- How to write exercise 4?
- guide sts to write them in notebooks.
- check and correct the mistakes.
Fill in the blanks with one suitable
preposition of time.
1.I’m afraid I can’t come to the party ………
2.I won’t be out very long. I’ll be back
……… ten minutes.

3.I don’t like going out alone ……night.
4.I’m leaving ……….Friday.
5.I'll see you 7.00 the
6.Mary was born December 25
7.What subjects do you have Monday ?
8.They have to go home 6 o'clock
because there is the 6 o'clock news.
9.Please come here 7 a.m and 8 a.m
10.She was born 1980.
11.Dogs often bark night.
12.What do you often do the summer ?
1.A.tiger B.wife C.wisdom
D. fire
2. A.named B.lived C. used
3.A. great B.please C.greedy
D. reach
4.A. floor B.choose C.chore
D. saw
5.A.young B.lunch C.enough
ViÕt l¹i c©u gi÷ nguyªn nghÜa :
1.I lived on a farm once,but I don’t any

>I used…….
2. Mark is too young to ride his bike to
> Mark isn’t …………
3. Nga enjoys listening to traditional
> Nga is interested ……………
4. Let’s meet at the theater.
> What about…………………… ?
5. Sao Mai movie theater is near Hoa’s
> Sao Mai movie theater is not…
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
Teaching plan:
Teaching date:
Unit 5. Study habits(tiÕt 1)
Per i od 7
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand reported speech,
adverbs of manner.modal “should”
- Write exercises
II-Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook, …
- Checking attendence: 8A 8B
Teacher – students– activities contents
- T reviews the COMMANDS,

Subject + asked/told + Object + (not)
+ to infinitive
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- Ss listen and answer T’s question.
- T asks Ss to take notes and remember.
- Ss copy down and memory.
- Write forms on the board.
- How to write exercise 1?
- guide sts to do exercise1.
Change into reported speech.
- T asks Ss to put the following
commands and requests into reported
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.
- T corrects the answers with whole
Ex1:He said, “Can you meet me after
-> He asked me to meet him after
Ex2:“Don’t leave your room, Tom” she

-> She told Tom not to leave his
Ex3:The policeman said, “Please show
me your driving licence.”
-> The policeman ordered me to
show him my driving licence.
+ Form:
Said/told (+that) + subject + should
+ bare infinitive
Ex1:“You should stop smoking”, he said.
-> He said/told (that) I should stop
Ex2:“You shouln’t drive so fast, John” he
> He said/told (that) John
shouldn’t drive so fast.
C. Adverbs of manner.
Good > well , bad > badly, soft > softly.
Put the following commands and
requests into reported speech.
Ex: Their teacher said to Tim, “Come
into my office, please.”
 The teacher asked/ told Tim to come
into his/ her office.
1.Their mother said to them, “Don’t
make so much noise.”

2.The traffic policeman said, “Show me
your driving license, please.”
3.Mrs. Jackson said to Tim, “Could you
give me a hand, please?”
4.The lifeguard said, “Don’t swim out
too far, boys.”
5.Nam said to the taxi driver, “Please
turn left at the first traffic light.”
6.She saidto her son,“Go straight to bed.”
7.The policeman said, “Don’t touch
anything in the room.”
8.Mary said to John, “Can you carry my
suitcase, please?”
9.“Don’t leave the door unlocked “ Mr
Akind said to David.
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- How to do exercise 2?
T sets the scene:
Yesterday morning Mr. Robinson was
ill. He went to the doctor and the doctor
gave him some advice. Report the
doctor’s advice.
+ Ss do exercise as directed.
- T asks Ss to come to board to write
+ Ss write answers on the board.

-T corrects the answers with whole
-guide sts to write exercise 3.
- reported the advice into reported
- go round to control the whole class.
-check and write them on the board.
-How to write exercise 4?
10.“ Can you turn down the music “ I
said to my neighbors.
Put the following advice into reported
Doctor said to Mr Robinson.
Ex: “You should take a few days off.”
1.“You should stay in bed for a few
2.“You should take these medicines
every four hours.”
3.“You ought to keep your body warm.”
4.“You shouldn’t drink alcohol or
5.“You ought not to eat fatty food.”
6.“You should take a little hot milk
before sleeping.”
7. “Youshouldn’t stay up late last night.”
8.”You should stop smoking ”.
Exexrcise 3:
Chage these sentences into reported

1.Ha said to Mai: “ Don’t touch the
electric wires”
2.“Please, don’t tell anyone the news,”
Ha said to her sister.
3. “Don’t drive so fast” Ha said to Minh.
4. Please remove your shoes before
entering” Ha said to Hang.
5. “Ba, don’t interrupt me when I’m
reading ” Ha said to Ba.
6.“switch on the light” Ha said to Nhung.
7. “ Take the man to the cells” Ha said to
8. “Don’t forget to write me a letter every
week” Ha said to her friend.
9. Ha said: “Don’t make so much noise,
10. “You should go home early ” My
teacher said to me.
Chän tÝnh tõ hay tr¹ng tõ chØ tÝnh
c¸ch ®Ó ®iÒn vµo « trèng:
1.Our team won the game because we
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
-guide sts to write exercise 4
- go round to control the whole class.
- check and write them on the board.
played very…… (well/ good)
2.I tried on the shoes and they fitted me

… (perfect/perfectly)
3.He had an accident because he was
driving too … (fast/fastly)
4.Tom drove… along the narrow road
5.Do you usually feel… before exam ?
6.Her english is quite ……(fluent/
7.She fell and hurt herself….(bad/ badly)
8. You look …. (Terrible/terriblely)
Are you all right?
9.He look at me……… when I interrupted
10.I always feel …… when the sun is
shining.( happy/happily)
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
Teaching plan:
Teaching date:
Unit 5. Study habits(Buổi 2)
Per i od 8
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand reported speech,
adverbs of manner,modal “should”
- Write exercises
II-Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook, …
- Checking attendence: 8A 8B

Teacher – students’activities contents
- T reviews the COMMANDS,
- Ss listen and answer T’s question.
- give examples.
- T asks Ss to take notes and
- Write forms on the board.
-How to write exercise 1 ?
Subject + asked/told + Object + (not)
+ to infinitive
Ex1:He said to Na, “Can you lend me
some money ?”
-> He asked Na to lend him some
Ex2:“Don’t go out at night” she said to her
-> She told her son not to go out at
+ Form:
Said/told (+that) + subject + should +
bare infinitive
Ex1:“You should go to bed early”, he said.
>He said I should go to bed early.

Exercise 1:
Put the following sentences into the
reported speech.
1.He said to me, “Try to come on time.”
2.He said to us, “Please send me some
money at once.”
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
-guide students to write this exercise.
-go round to control the whole class.
-check then wrtie them on the board.
-How to do exercise 2 ?
guide sts to write this exercise.
- go round to control the whole class.
- How to do exercise 3?
-How to pronounce these words?
- guide sts to pronounce these words.
- write them on the board then check
the mistakes.
- How to write exercise 4?
3.I said to him, “Don’t call me again at
late hour.”
4.My husband said to me, “Wait for me
5.He said to us, “Don’t make so much
6.“ Can you give me your pen, please ?”

He said to Nga.
7. Will you buy me some flowers, please
Lan?” He said.
8.“You ought to write english carefully”
Teacher sais to Ba.
9.“ You shouldn’t go out at night: My
mother said to me.
10.” Could you help me do this exercise ,
Nam?” I said
Exercise 2:
.Rewrite the following sentences in
reported speech
1."Could you buy me an English exercise
book ? "
Nam asked Lan
2." Please turn off the radio '
Phuong told Tuan
3."Can you help my son with his English ?
Mai asked her friend
4."Get up early to learn your lesson,Toan "
Toan's father told him
5."Can you get back home by half past
ten ? "
Loan's brother told her
6."Please post my letter to my mother! "
Mom asked me
7." Please give your parents your report
The teacher told her
8"Can you show me the way to the bank? "

He asked me
Exercise 3:
1.A.proud B.hour C.your D. sound
2.A.tongue B.word C.come D love
3.A.hour B.house C.heart D. how
4.A.promise B.revise C.stick D. visit
5.A. need B. read C.really D.teach
Exercise 4:
Write the correct verbs form:
1.Hoa’s teacher wants her ………. (spend)
more time on learning E .
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- guide sts to write this exercise.
-check then correct the mistakes.
- let sts write them in their notebooks.
- How to write execise 5 ?
- Guide sts to write this exercise.
- Teacher goes round to control the
whole class.
- help the weak students.
- check and correct mistakes then write
them in notebooks.
2.I promise I……… ( try) my best next
3.Sandra needs …… (improve) her english
writing .
4. They didn’t try …… ( learn) all new

words They … (come) across.
5. You should ……. ( underline) the words
you want ……. (learn)
6.Can you help me …… (move) this table?
7. Nam always … ( get) grade A for
physics but last semester he… ( get) B so
Nam’s teacher asked him … (study)
8.They were prond of ….(be) so successful.
9. He asked me … ( not wait) for him.
10.You should … (practice) E more often.
Exercise 5:
Complete these sentences that keeps the
meaning unchanged :
1.“ Try your best to improve your
pronunciation,Tim” Miss Jackson said.
> Miss Jackson asked…………
2.I learn E so that I can communicate with
English people.
> I learn E so as ……….
3.”Don’t make so much noise “ My father
> My father told………
4. They are good teacher at Math.
> They teach…………….
5.” You should practice speaking E
everyday” My teacher said to Ba.
> My teacher ………………
6. We intend to join in an english club.
> We are …………………….

7. It ‘s necessary to revise new words
> You don’t …………………
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
Teaching plan:
Teaching date:
Unit 5. Study habits (Buæi 3)
Per i od 9
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand reported speech,
adverbs of manner,.modal “should”
- Write exercises
II-Teaching aids : chalk, board, extra board, workbook, …
- Checking attendence: 8A 8B
Teacher – students’activities contents
- Present the grammar to students .
- Listen then write down the notebooks.
- Commands and requests in reported
- Advice in reported speech.
- Write in notebooks.
- Adverbs and how to form ,use adverbs
in sentences ?
- Give examples
- Adverbs of iiregular

Subject + asked/told + Object + (not)
+ to infinitive
+ Form:
Said/told (+that) + subject + should
+ bare infinitive
C. Adverbs :
Ex: He plays soccer skillfully
She runs quickly.
+ Good > well
Fast > Fast
Hard > Hard
Late > Late
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- How to write exercise 1 ?
- guide students to do this exercise.
- T goes to control the whole class.
- check up then write them on the board.
- correct the mistakes.
- let sts write them in their notebooks.
Early > Early

I. Change into "Reported speech "
1.Mr. Brown said to Ann, ”Please give
me some food!”

>Mr. brown asked………….
2.I said to her, “Don't make noise in
>I told……………………
3.Peter said 'Can you help me,
Juan?"Peter asked
>Peter asked………………….
4.She said to him "Don't swim the in
>She asked ……………………
5.The tiger said to the farmer "Show me
your wisdom!"
>The tiger asked……………
6.They said to me "Don't drive too fast,
>They told……………………
7.He asked me "Can you lend me your
dictionary ?"
>He asked…………………….
8.The man said "Please tell me the way
to the post office"
>The man told me…………………
9.The teacher said to¸students "Don't put
your legs on the table"
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- How to write exercise 2?
- guide sts to do this exercise.
- control the whle class.

- check up then write them on the board.
- How to write exercise 3?
- guide sts to do this exercise.
- go round to control the whle class.
- check and correct the mistakes.
- How to do exercise 4?
- guide sts to do exercise 4.
>The teacher told …………
10."Could you open the door, Linh!"
>He asked Linh……………
II- . Give the correct form of the verbs
in the blankets
1. I ………… (not have) breakfast this
morning, but I … (be) not hungry now.

2.I used to live with my grandma when I
……….(be) a young girl.
3. Where…. We… (spend) the night
tonight? – I think we…… (come) to the
4. My friend……. (get) married in
August this year.
5. My father……… (read) newspaper
every morning.
6. …… You…………… (invite) the
newcomers of our class to the party last
8.They were prond of …… (be) so
9. He asked me … ( not wait) for him.

10 . Nam always … ( get) grade A for
physics but last semester he… ( get) B
so Nam’s teacher asked him … (study)
III- §iÒn vµo « trèng 1 giíi tõ ®óng
1.Please wait ……. Me a few minutes.
2.You can use dictionary to find …… new
3.They are very proud … their new
4.My sister is very good …. Math.
5.Tim should work harder … his spanish
6.Do you believe …. Ghost ?
7.Try to learn the meaning of new words
… heart.
8.I got good grade… english and history.
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn
Gi¸o ¸n chuyªn ®Ò tiÕng anh 8
- go round to control the whole class
then correct the mistakes.
IV- ChuyÓn c¸c c©u t êng thuËt vÒ c©u
trùc tiÕp:
1.The teacher asked Susan to go to the
2.He told me not to leave the door open.
3.My mother asked me to help her with
that heavy box.
4.Mrs Jackson said Tim should improve

his spanish pronunciation.
5.They asked their mother not to worry
about them.
6.Nam s’ mother asked him not to drive
7.The doctor said I should stay in bed for
a few days.
Teaching plan:
Teaching date:
Period 10
Unit 6. The young pioneers club (1week)
- Help students understand the gerunds and modals “may,can,could” in requests.
Gi¸o viªn : Hµ Kim Toµn

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