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Making plans for the weekend.
Date of preparation : Octorber 6th, 2014
Date of teaching : Octorber 23rd,, 2014
Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content:
- To introduce the dialogue between Nick and Duong about making plans for the weekend
- To introduce some new words related to the topic “ music and arts “.
- To help sts use comparison : (not) as…as ….
+ Language function: To help students to use colloquial expressions in their conversation
+ Educational aim: to help sts have a love of music and arts
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: art gallery , portrait, live=in person, dedicate, , photography
b -structure : S1+ be (not ) as as + S2
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer,matching , completion
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, tape/ CD, songs
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (2ms)
- Talk about the test they have just done
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps

- Lets sts listen to the song “ happy “
- Asks sts :” a.Do you often listen to music ?
b.What kind of music do you like ? Why ?
- Introduces the topic of the lesson.
-Asks Ss to look at the title/ the picture and guess what the conversation between Duong and Nick
might be about.
2. Pre- practice:
a. Teaches vocabulary:
+ art gallery (n ) : picture
+ photograhpy (n) : picture
+ portrait (n) : picture
+ dedicate( v) : translate
+ live=in person ( v) : picture
Ex: There is a football match live on TV tonight
- Checking understanding of new words, using “matching”.
b. Structures : shows the pictures about the price of two bags . Write the sentence
The blus bag is as cheap as the red one
- Elicits the form from sts : S1+ be (not ) as+ adj + as + S2
3- Controlled-practice:
Activity 1: Listen and read
-Plays the recording. Ss listen and read.
a Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)
Asks sts work independently or in pairs to answer the questions. Then may let them discuss in
groups. checks their answers, and gives explanation.
* Key : 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
b, Finish the following sentences by writing one word/ phrase from the conversation.

- has sts work individually to fill the gaps in the sentences. lets them check the answers in pairs or
groups, then gives the key.
* Key : 1. as good as 2. loud 3. fantastic 4. in person 5. cinema
-Calls some Ss to read the sentences.
c Find these expressions in the conversation. Check what they mean.
Refer back to the conversation to find the phrases. Ss practise saying them together. Explains the
meaning to the Ss, then gives some examples.
1. Let me see : used when you are thinking what to say or reply.
2. Come on : to show that you don’t agree with what Sbd has said.
3. It isn’t my thing to show that you don’t like something.
d, Work in pairs. Make short role-plays with the expressions above. Then practise them.
-Asks Ss to practise the short conversations in pairs before creating their short role-plays.
Ex: 1.A: We’ll go to the theatre next Sunday . Can you go, too?
B:Let me see . I’ll have to ask my parents first
2. A: I think dancing is very interesting . I enjoy moving my body with music
B: I don’t like it . Music really isn’t my thing
3. A: I like watching football match on TV.
B: Oh, come on ! It’s more exciting to watch it at the stadium .
Activity 2.: Write the correct word/ phrase under each of the pictures. Then listen and repeat .
Asks Ss to write the words/ phrases under the right pictures. Then T plays the recording. Let Ss
listen and repeat. Check and correct their pronunciation. Give them the meaning of the words.
* Key : 1. microphone 2. camera 3. painting 4. musical instrument 5. portrait
6. art gallery 7. crayons 8. museum 9. opera 10. painbrush
Activity 3: Complete these sentences with words from 2.
-Asks Ss to write the correct words in the spaces. Allow Ss to check their answers. The class gives
comments, and T gives correction.
* Key : 1. art gallery 2. paintings 3. museum 4. camera 5. opera.
4- Free-practice:
- Help sts to differentiate between a portrait and a painting , a museum and an art gallery
A portrait : a painting , drawing or photopgraph of a person , especially of the head and shoulders

A painting : A picture that ha sbeen made using paint
A museum : a building in which objects of artistic , cultural, historical or sscientific interest are
kept and shown to the public . Artwork at artwork galleries is often for sale while at museums
therer is nothing for sale
An art gallery : A building where paintings and other works of art are shown to the public for sale.
5. Consolidation:
- Asks sts : What will Nick and Duong do for the weekend ? they will go to the cinema
- Helps sts to summarize the content of the lesson by using network :” music and art “
-Asks the students to:
+ Learn by heart the words and structure
+ redo all exercises into exercises notebooks
+ Prepare for :A closer look 1.
VI. Remarks:
* Self-evaluation:
Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK 1
Date of preparation : October 12
, 2014
Date of teaching : October 17th, 2014
Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content:
- To introduce some new words relating to musical instruments.
- to help sts pronounce sounds / ʃ / and / ʒ / correctly in isolation and in context.

+ Language function: To help student use some verbs phrases to talk about music and arts
+ Educational aim: To make sts have a love of music and arts
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: actor, actress, cello, saxophone, puppet, performance
b- Pronunciation: / /ʃ/ and /ʒ/
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, brainstorm, matching
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, tape/ CD
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Asks two sts to practice the conversation between Nick and Duongthen asnswer the questions :
a. Where did Duong go last weekend ?
b. Does Duong like pop music ? which sentence tells you this ?
c. What are Duong and Nick going to do this weekend ?
- Asks sts to write the word for the pictures : microphone, portrait, painting, art gallery.
- Gives remarks and marks
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps
-Brainstorm : Lets sts find all the words they know related to music and arts. Encourage them to
read out as many words as possible.
2. Pre- practice:
a- Vocabulary:
- teaches thr new words :

+ actor # actress (n) : give example
+ cello (n) : picture
+ saxophone (n): picture
+ puppet (n) : picture
+ perform(v) – performance (n) : translate
- Checks vocabulary : using pictures
3- Controlled-practice:
Exercise 1: Listen and repeat these words.
painter artist actress musician
puppet dancer singer song writer
- Plays the recording and let Ss listen. Plays it again with pauses for them to repeat each word.
Corrects their pronunciation.
Exercise 2: Match a word in A with a phrase in B
- Has Ss work individually to match the words with the phrases.
-Calls one or two Ss to write the combinations on the board. Then checks the answers.
* Key :1. e 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c
Exercise 3.a: Put these letters in order to make musical instruments.
-lets Ss work in groups and put the letters in order to form the correct words. Then checks their
answers.(can be omitted)
* Key :1. drum 2. piano 3. cello 4. guitar 5. violin 6. saxophone.
3b.Write the type of musical instrument in the box under each picture.
-Lets Ss work in pairs. checks their answers. Has them read the words.
* Key 1. a guitar 2. a drum 3. Dan Bau (one string guitar ) 4. a violin
5. a cello 6. a piano 7. a saxophone
Exercise 4. Put one of these words in each blank to finish the sentences.

Gives Ss enough time to do the task individually. Asks them to write the answers on the
board.Correcrs the answer as class . Calls some Ss to read the sentences.
* Key :1. painter 2. Pop 3. singer 4. draw 5. puppets 6. instrument
4- Free-practice:
- Lets sts talk about the above musical instrusments.
- Provides sts some more information about them .
1. Lead –in:
- Introduces the aim of the lesson
2. Pre-practice:
- Lets sts watch the video clip how to pronounce two souns /ʃ/and/ʒ/.
3. Controlled-practice:
Exercise 5: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sounds /
/ and /
-Lets Ss practice the sounds / ʃ / and / ʒ / together. Plays the recording and let Ss listen and repeat.
Corrects their pronunciation.
/ ʃ /: condition ocean shy sugar machine
/ ʒ /: measure pleasure usual vision decision
Exercise 6: Listen to the words and put them into two groups.
Plays the recording 2 or 3 times. Helps Ss distinguish the two sounds / ʃ / and / ʒ /, and put the
words in the right columns. Asks Ss to give more words having two sounds.
/ ʃ /
/ ʒ /

Exercise 7: Listen and repeat the sentences. Underline the words with the sound/ ʃ / one and
the sound/ ʒ / twice
-Plays the recording as many times as possible and lets Ss repead the sentences. Corrects their
pronunciation and helps them do the task as directed.
* Key :
1. Can you show me the new machine
2. They sing the song “ Auld Lang Syne” on some occasions
3. The musician is very anxious about the next performance.
4. She wanted to share her pleasure with other people.
5. The new cinema is opposite the bus station.
6. Are you sure this is a modern version of “Romeo and Juliet?”
4. Free-practice:
- Refers to the following
* Sound / ʃ / can be presented by sh/ ch/ s/ t/ c : she, watch , machine, sugar, sure,station , special
* Sound / ʒ / can be represented by s : television , usually
- Asks Ss to give more words having two sounds.
5. Consolidation:
- Helps sts to summarize the content of the lesson 6.Homework:
-Asks the students to:
+ Learn by heart the words about musical instruments
+ practice two sounds more
+ Prepare for :A closer look 2.

VI. Remarks:
* Self-evaluation:
Lesson 3: A CLOSER LOOK 2
Date of preparation : October 13
, 2014
Date of teaching : October 20 th, 2014
Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content:
- To help sts revise comparisons and express agreement using too, so
+ Language function: To help sts use “ (not ) as…as, the sames as, different from” to make comparisons, and
“too , so” to express agreement
+ Educational aim: To express their opinions about music and arts
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: revise
b- structures: S+ be + (not) as………….as, the same as , different from + S
S+ V ……, too
S+ V (not) …… , either
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, sentences building ,gap-filling

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board ,
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Asks sts to
1. write the names of musical instruments they know.then complete the sentences
a. Nguyen Du is a famous ………………………
b. Do you like taking ………………… in your free time?
c. Xuan Bac has ……………….as an actor for ten years
2. Give eight words with the sound / ʃ / and / ʒ /,
- Gives remarks and marks
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps
- Shows three pictures and asks sts to make sentences about them
1. The ruler is more expensive than the eraser = the ruler is not as cheap as the eraser
2. This bag is the same as that one
3. Hoa’s bag is different from Lan’s bag.
- Elicits the strucrtures from sts’ answers
2. Pre- practice:
- Help sts revise the structures :
1. Comparisons :
- as + adjective + as to show that two things are similar.
- not as + adjective + as to mean something is more or less than something else.
- the same as… to show similarity.
- different from to show that two or more things are different.

Examples: Classical music is not as exting as rock and roll
The price of food is the same as it was last year
City life is quite different from life in the country .
2. Too & Either
- too: used to express agreement with a positive statement.
- either: used to express agreement with a negative statement.
Ex: A: I like pop music
B: I like it too
A : My mum doesn’t like rock and roll
B: My mum doesn’t like it either
3- Controlled-practice:
Exercise 1: Put as or from in the gaps.
Lets Ss work by themselves and write down the missing words. Corrects Ss’ mistakes. After that,
asks some Ss to read the sentences.
* Key : 1. as 2. as 3. as 4. from 5. as 6. as
Exercise 2: Put a suitable word in each gap in the following passage.
-Lets Ss do the task individually. First Ss read the text by themselves, then put a suitable word in
each gap, and compare their answers with a classmate. corrects Ss’ answers. may call some Ss to
read out their answers separately. explains if necessary.
1. the same as 2. as quiet as 3. different from
4. as narrow as 5. friendly as 6. the same as
-Lets Ss read in chorus. Corrects their pronunciation.
Exercise 3. Work in pairs. Compare the two music clubs in the town. Young talent and
Lets Ss work in pairs. Helps them interpret the table first. Gives them instructions on how to do the

task. Encourages Ss to talk as much as possible with fluency and accuracy.
E.g: Young talent is more friendly than Nightingale.
Nightingale is not as friendly as Young Talent, but it is safer.
Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences with “too” or “either”
Ss work independently, writing down the answers. Then let them work in groups to check and read
out the sentences. T goes round and corrects mistakes or gives help when and where necessary.
1. too 2. either 3. either 4. too 5. too
Ex5: What music and arts are you interested, or not interested in? Make a list by completing the
sentences below. ( You can use the words given or your own ideas.)
- Asks Ss work independently, writing down their sentences to make a list of the likes and dislikes.
They have their choices, so long as their sentences are correct grammatically. Encourages them to
give their own ideas.
E.g: I’m very interested in pop music.
4- Free-practice:
Ex6: Work in pairs. Share your list with your partner. Then, report to the class using too/ either.
- Has Ss work in pairs to share their lists of ideas. may ask some more able Ss to report their results
to the class.
E.g: Nam is interested in drawing and I am too.
Phong doesn’t like folk music and I don’t either.
5. Consolidation:
- Helps sts to summarize the content of the lesson
-Asks the students to:
+ Learn by heart the structures
+ Do exercises 3,4,5page 30,31 ( exercise book )
+ Prepare for :A closer look 2.
VI. Remarks:
* Self-evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Date of preparation: October 14
Date of teaching : October 20th ,2014
Classes : 7A1
I/ Aims and objectives:
- Review the grammatical points.
-To help the students review and correct the mistakes
_ To revise the structures in the test
_To do more exercises
* Educational aim : -To help the students build up their language abilities.
II. Content:
I. Listen to the conversation between Nga and the secretary . Then decide the statements are True or False.
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
II. Listen then complete the table ( from number 1 to 4): (1point)
Day lost through sickness in class 7A last semester
Diseases (1) Flu Stomachache Toothache (3) Cold Headache
Number of
43 37 (2) 17 10 (4) 5
I. Phonetics : Odd one out (0,75point)
1. C 2. B 3. A
II. Use the correct word or phrase for each description , begin with the given letter: (0,75point)
1. hobby 2. donate 3. raise money
II. Complete the sentences with the words given : (1point)
1. because 2. and 3. but 4.or

III. Supply the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets : (1point)
1. collected 2. is 3. Have you finished 4. will go
I. Match the health problems with its tip : (1,5 points)
1. d 2.b 3.a 4.e 5.c 6.f
II. Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B or C):(1point)
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A
I. Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same ,using the beginning (1point)
1. She enjoys raising money for the poor
2. He was tired , so he went to bed early
II. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases given : (1point )
1. They have visited Ha Long Bau many times
2. My brother does not like ice-skating because he thinks it is dangerous .
Class Sĩ số 0đ <2đ 2đ -3đ 3.5 đ - 4.5đ 5 đ - 6đ 6.5 đ - 7.5đ 8đ - 10đ
7A1 35 0 1 9 7 9 9
- Lets sts do exercises 1,4,8 in test yourseft in exercise book
II. Self-evaluation:
Date of preparation : October 15
, 2014
Date of teaching : October 24 th, 2014

Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content:
- To introduce sts to the famous musicians, bands in vietnam and artound the world as well as the famous
songs and types of music
+ Language function: To make sts discuss about the value of music and arts in other areas of school and life
+ Educational aim: to help sts know the value of music and arts in their life
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: composer , originate , anthen , curriculum , compulsory, academic, unimportant
b- Structures: Wh-questions
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, quiz, discussion
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board , songs
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Asks sts to complete the sentences:
1. I don’t sing ………….well as my best friend as
2. The music festival will be at…………….time as last year the same
3. Paintings and drawings are not the same things . They are ………………… different
4. I don’t like opera and my sister doesn’t ,…………. either
5. Duong is good at drawing and I am ,…………… too
- Asks : What music are you interested in ? why ?
- Gives remarks and marks
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps

- Brainstorms with Ss to give the names of famous musicians, actors, actresses, painters, and music
bands they know. This can be done in groups. Each group then has to show the list they have
written. ( The group that has the longest list wins the game).
2. Pre- practice:
-teaches vocabulary
+composer (n):
+originate (v) = start
+anthem (n) :
+curriculum (n) :
+academic( adj) :
+compulsory (adj):
+unimportant (adj) # important
- Checks : What and where
3- Controlled-practice:
Exercise 1: 1. Music Quiz: What do you know?Work in groups and answer the questions.
- Asks sts to work in groups and find answers. Then gives the correct answers.
* Key : 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B
- lets them listen to the songs : my heart will go on
Exercise 2: Read the following pasage. In groups, discuss the questions below.
- Do you think music and the arts should be compulsory subjects at schools in Viet Nam? Why
or Why not?
-Gives Ss plenty of time to work independently, read the text, and understand the main ideas. Then
divides the class into groups to discuss the questions.
- Goes round the class to give support if necessary.
Agree :

+ Sts who are good at music arts can do better in more academic subjects like math and science
+ A good knowledge of music and arts is a necessity for any one who wants to be educated
+ Music helps sts to relax their mind
Disagree :
+ They are talented subjects . Only some of sts are good at them
+ Music and art don’t prepare sts for a life of work
- Gives comments on their clarity, language and fluently , but not on their positive or negative ideas
Exercise 3. Look at the different subjects below. In groups, make a list from the most useful to
the least useful in the space below. How can the top three subjects on your list help you in other
ares of school and life?
- Music
- Dancing
- Singing
- Painting
- Photography.
- Ask Ss to work in groups to make a list from the most useful to least useful subjects given. How
can the top three subjects on the list help them in other areas of school and life?
After the discussion, each group presents their list, and gives a talk to the class.
-Gives comments.
4- Free-practice:
- Has sts talk about the best musician, musicband or artwork in Vietnam and around the world
they known well .
5. Consolidation:
- Helps sts to summarize the content of the lesson
-Asks the students to:
+ Learn by heart the vocabulary
+ Do exercises 1,2 page 32 ( exercise book )
+ Prepare for :Skills 1.
VI. Remarks:

II. Self-evaluation:
Lesson 5: SKILLS 1
Date of preparation : October 18
, 2014
Date of teaching : October 27 th, 2014
Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content:
-To help sts to read for specific information about a type of traditional art : water puppetry
- to introduce sts to some types of music
+ Language function: By the end of the lesson , sts can be able to use their knowledge of music and arts to
play game : TIC TAC TOE
+ Educational aim: to help sts know the value of traditional music and arts and try their best to preserve them
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: water puppetry ,unique , delta, puppeteer , rural, folk tale, take place,
b- Structures: Revise
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, game , matching

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board , games
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Lets sts listen to the song : Tien quan Ca and the picture of the Carpenters then talk about them
1. Tien quan Ca is Vietname’s national anthem . It was written by Van Cao – a composer ,…
2. The carpenters are a famous music bands . They come from the USA. There are two members . They are
brothers. They are very famous for the song Top of the world ,…
- Gives remarks and marks
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps
Shows a photo and asks Ss some questions:

What do you know about a water puppet ?
What is the traditional art in the picture?
Do you like it?
Have you seen a water puppet ?
Have you been to a water puppet?
- Introduces the new lesson
A. Reading:
2. Pre- practice:
1.Teaches some vocabularies: (using techniques in teaching vocabulary)

water puppet (n):
puppeteer (n)
emotional( n):
perform (v) – performance (n) = show (v,n)
( teaches word by word, explains the meaning ,guides Ss to read ….and then checks Ss’
Activity 1: Find the words in the text which mean
- Work in pairs . Discuss the questions
- Asks Ss to skim the text and try to know what the words above mean?
Ss read the text quickly and underline the words in the passage.
Key : 1. Unique 2. Began 3. Performed 4. Rural 5. Festivals.
3. Controlled – practice :
2. Answer the questions below:
- Asks Ss to read the text about water puppet again , and then answer the questions
Ss work in pairs in 4 minutes and answer the questions
- Calls some pairs ask and answer
- Listens and gives feedback
1. Water puppet began in the 11
2. A water puppet show takes place in a pool.
3. The puppets are controlled by puppeteers.
4. The puppets are made of wood and painted.
5. Water puppet shows are about rural life: rice farming, fishing, Vietnamese village festivals

Part 3: Match the types of music in A with the adjectives to describe them in B
-Tells students to do the task independently first .
-Has Ss to tell the reasons why they match in 5 minutes
1. pop a. old, emotional
2. folk music b. Finely, exciting
3. Rock and roll c. Quick
4. Hip-hop/ rap d. Sad, melodic
5. blues e. Popular, pleasant
-Calls some students to match on the board
-Checks the answers
Suggested answers : 1. e 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d
4. Free-practice::
4.game: TIC TAC TOE
- Explains the rules and guide Ss how to play the game ( write numbers from 1 to 9 in the boxes.
You can put the numbers anywhere you like, you will answer the question in the number you
Asks Ss to work in pairs . ask and answer questions
1. Give the names of two Vietnamese musical instruments.
2. Sing a song in English.
3. Who is your favourite singer? Why?
4. Talk for 30 seconds about what you see when you visit an art gallery.
5. How often do you go to a concert? Tell your partner about the last concert you went to.
6. Who is your favourite Vietnamese musician? Why?
7. Talk about 30 seconds about your favourite instrument.
8. Name one of your favourite painters.
9. Who can draw the best in your class? What does he/ she often draw?
Decide which partner is X , which is O and who will go first. The first player chooses a box and
calls out a number.

5. Consolidation :
- Lets sts talk about water puppetry
6. Homework:
Asks Ss to :
+ redo the exercise in to the notebook.
+ learn the voc. by heart
+ review the past simple and the present perfect
+ prepare “skills 2” and how to write a letter.
VI. Remarks:
II. Self-evaluation:
Lesson 6: SKILLS 2
Date of preparation : October 20th , 2014
Date of teaching : October 27 th, 2014
Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content: - To introduce Ss the vocabulary relating to the biography of an artist .
-To help Ss write an informal letter .

-To have Ss listen for specific information to biography of an artist.
+Language function: -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about biography of
an artist- Picasso
-To help sts improve four skills, especially Listening and Writing.
+ Educational aims: To make Ss aware of the importance of music in our life.
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: sculpture, produce, enormous , complain , training
b- Structures: form of informal letter of invitation
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, sentence building
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board , tape, cassette
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Has sts to talk about the water pupperty using the cues :
+ When and where did water pupperty begin ?
+ What are there in the puppet shows?
+ What are the shows about ?
+ Do you like watching it ?
- Gives remarks and marks
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps
- Has sts play the guessing game : Who is he ?
+ He’s a painter
+ He is from Spain
+ This is his picture. ( Shows the pictures of Picasso )

- Asks sts : What have you known about Picasso and what do you want to know about him ?
- Leads to the new lesson
2. Pre-listening :
- Teaches the new words :
+ Sculpture (n) : (picture)
+ trainging (n) = education
+ produce (v) = make
+ complain (v) : ( explain )
+ enormous (adj ) = a lot of
- Checks : matching the words with their meanings .
- Explains Listening Tip to Ss, telling them if they are going to apply the listening tip, then they
must be given time to take notes.
Listening tip: When you listen, it is very useful to take notes. Try to note down the keywords
( important words). This helps you to remember the main ideas.
3.While – listening :
Activity 1. Listen to the passage about Picasso and circle the words you hear.
-Asks the Ss to close their books. Tells Ss they should listen and note down the keywords in their
notebooks. Plays the listening once. Asks Ss what they learned about Picasso. Asks Ss to open their
books. Plays the recording again and asks Ss to listen carefully and circle the words they hear in the
* Key: 1. artists 2. training 4. portrait 6. paintings.
- Look at the words you’ve circled. Do you know what all of these words mean?
Activity 2. Listen to the passage again and choose the correct answers.
-Plays the recording again. While Ss listen, they have to circle A, B, or C for their answers.
* Key : 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C
3. Listen to the passage one more time. As a class, discuss how the listening is organized
( according to a timeline, the order of important events, or another way)
Tape scription :

Picasso ( Pablo Rui y Picasso ) is one of the greatest artists of the 20th century. He was born on
25th October 1881 in Malaga , Spain. He showed a great love and skill for drawing from an early
age, and at the age of seven , Picasso received formal artistic training from his father . At 13, he
was admitted to ma School of Fine Art in Barcelona . In 1896 , he completed “ Portrait of Aunt
Pepa “ , which is considered one of the greatest works of Spain . During his life , he produced an
enormous number of works of art : about 50,000 in total , including 1,885 paintings. Several
paintings by Picasso rank among the most expensive paintings in the words . Picasso died on 8
April , 1973 in Mougins , France
- According to a timeline
4. Free-practice:
- Ask sts write Picasso’s biography :
+ 1881: was born in Malaga , Spain
+ 1888 : received formal artistic training from his father
+ 1894: was admitted to ma School of Fine Art in Barcelona
+ 1896: completed “ Portrait of Aunt Pepa “
+ 1973 : died in Mougins , France
1. Lead-in :
- Asks :What would you say to invite your friend to see a movie with you to night ?
- Introduces the new lesson
2. Pre-writing :
Activity 4:4. Read the following letter and choose the correct answer.
-Has Ss read the sample letter carefully, and note down the useful expressions (cues) for writing an
informal letter of invitation.
-Writes them on the board. Tells Ss to choose the correct answers.
1. A 2. B
- Writing tip :Informal letter of invitation :
- Invitation :
- Would you like + to……?
- How about + V-ing ………………?

- Time:
- Place :
- Place to meet
- Time to meet :
3. While –writing :
Activity 5. Now write a letter to invite a friend to an art exhibition, using the following.
- Event: Exhibition of Modern Art.
- Time: 9 o’clock, Saturday morning
- Place: Arts centre
- Time to meet: 8.15
Asks Ss read the cues carefully, then practise wriitng the letter.
Tells Ss to pay special attention to spelling and punctuation.
4. Post – writing :
- Collects some Ss’ writing papers and mark them, then give comments to the class.
5. Consolidation :
- Helps sts to summarize the scontent of the lesson
6. Homework:
Asks Ss to :
+ write the Picasso’s biography into their note books
+ write about Michael Jacson ( exercise 2/ 35 : exercise book )
+ prepare : looking back and project ( draw a picture )
VI. Remarks:
II. Self-evaluation:

Date of preparation : October 22th , 2014
Date of teaching : October 31st, 2014
Classes : 7A1
I.Aims and Objectives:
+ Language content:
-To have Ss review the vocabulary relating to arts and music.
- To help Ss review the grammar structures learnt to do some more exercises and to practice writing a game
they know.
+Language function: To have Ss practice all the exercises in book correctly To drill Ss’ skills
+ Educational aims: To educate Ss to love traditional arts.
II. Language Contents:
a- Vocabulary: revise
b- Structures: comparisons , too, either
III. Techniques: pairwork, groupwork, individual work, question-answer, sentence building
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, sub-board
V. Procedures:
1- Stabilization: (1m)
a- Warm up: Greeting.
b- Checking absence: Who’s absent today?
2- Checking up the previous knowledge: (5ms)
- Asks sts to talk about Picasso using the cues:

+ 1881: was born in Malaga , Spain
+ 1888 : received formal artistic training from his father
+ 1894: was admitted to a School of Fine Art in Barcelona
+ 1896: completed “ Portrait of Aunt Pepa “
+ 1973 : died in Mougins , France
- Gives remarks and marks
3- New lesson:
Times Teaching steps
-Chatting: What topic we are working on ?
- Asks Ss to tell some vocabularies related to the topic music and arts.
2. Pre-practice :
- Helps sts to revise the structurs they have learnt in this unit :
1- Comparisons :
a. (not ) as…………… as…….
b. The same as
c. Different from
2. Too : positive agreement
Either : negative agreement
- Asks sst to give examples for each structure.
3.Controlled- practice :
Exercise1. Match the words in column A with the ones in column B.
- asks Ss do this task individually to match the words in two columns.
- corrects their mistakes.
1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d

Exercise 2. Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the passage.
-Lets Ss work in pairs. Tells Ss to write the answers in their notebooks. Give sexplaination if
necessary. Then corrects the mistakes. lets Ss read the passage in chorus or individually.
1. music 2. arts 3. stages 4. go 5. films
Exercise3. Put the words/ phrases from the box in the gaps to complete the sentences.
-Has Ss work in pairs or in groups and write their answers in their notebooks.
checks their answers.
1. art gallery 2. artistic 3. films 4. in person 5. sung
Exercise 4. Rewrite these sentences, using the words in brackets.
- asks Ss to work individually first to write the sentences. Then they work in pairs to swap their
sentences. gives correction and calls some Ss to red the sentences aloud.
1. The photograph is not as big as the paiting.
2. My painting is not as expensive as this painting.
3. This picture is not different from the picture in our room.
4. This film is the same as the one we saw last week.
5. The journey was not as long as we thought at first.
Exercise 5. Complete the following sentences, using “too” or “ either”
-Has Ss do the task individually. Then they can check their answers with a partner.
1. too 2. either 3. either 4. too 5. too
Exercise 6. Match the questions 1-6 with the answers A-F.
-Asks Ss to read the questions and answers once or twice. Then match them.
- lets Ss work in pairs and role-play the questions and answers, then write all sentences in their
1. B 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. D 6. F
4. Free-practice:

1. Work in groups. Look at the following pictures and read the information below.
2. Based on the information about Dong Ho paintings and your own ideas, draw a picture of
animals or the things around you….
Ss work in groups. T tells them to look at the pictures and read the passage carefully. Explain
words and anything difficult for Ss. Make sure they understand everything thoroughly.
2. Ss work independently. T encourages them to use their imaginations and make their own
- Helps Ss organise a painting shows among the class members. Write sentences to compare those
5. Consolidation :
- Asks Ss to complete the self-assessment. Identify any weakness and provide further practice if
6. Homework:
Asks Ss to :
+ Redo all exercises into the note books
+ Do exercise in unit 3,4 ( exercise books ) to prepare for the next period
VI. Remarks:
II. Self-evaluation:
