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Giao an Tieng Anh 8 HK2

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Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Week 19, date: January 8
, 2005
Period 55 Unit 9: A FIRST AID COURSE
Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Enrich their vocabulary.
- Know some situations that need first aid courses
- Develop integrated skills, esp speaking and listening.
II. Language content:
- Vocabulary: handkerchief, cotton balls, bandage, ambulance, concious,
III.Teaching aids: pictures and real objects
IV. Method: Communicative method.
V. Procedure
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Getting started
What would you do in these situations?
Ss work in pairs to discuss.
T introduces the situation before they
Sts listen to the tape and read silently.T
uses pictures to elicit and explain new
words. Practice pronunciation. Check

1. Sts work in pairs to practice the
Some pairs make the conversation in
front of the class.
T corects their mistakes in
2. They work in pairs to select the topics
covered in the dialogue.
Some Ss read their selection.
Some Ss write on the board.
Make a similar dialogue in pairs.
Getting started
- a girl has a burn on her arm. I’ll use
cold water to ease the pain.
- a boy has a bad cut on his leg. I’ll
wash the cut with alcohol then use a
bandage to cover it.
- a girl has a nose bleed.  I’ll stuff her
nose with cotton wool.
- a boy has a bee sting.  I’ll apply lime
to prevent it from being swollen.
Listen and Read
New words
- handkerchief (n): khăn tay
- cotton balls: cuộn bông
- bandage (n): tấm gạc băng
- ambulance (n): xe cứu thương
- concious # unconcious (adj)

- bleed (v): chảy máu
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Select the topics covered in the
a. Describing the condition of the injured
b. Asking for the address.
c. Asking about the condition of the
injured person.
e. Giving first-aid instructions.
f. Arranging for an ambulance.
Homework: 1,2 Workbook.
Self-evaluation: Sts understand the lesson well, they like the topic of the lesson.
Week 19, date: January 10
, 2005
Period 56 Unit 9: A FIRST AID COURSE
Lesson 2: Speak, Listen
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Express Requests, Offers, Promises in speaking.
- Listen then match the letters with the pictures.
- Develop speaking, listening, writing.
II. Language content:
Vocabulary: stretcher, crutches, scale, wheelchair, eye chart.
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

IV. Teaching aids: pictures, tape.
V. Procedure.

What the Teacher and Students do Content
Recap: Make a short coversation then
answer these questions.
Warm up: Sing an English song.
T explains what requests, offers,
promises are. Practice
Sts work in pairs to make a short
conversation, using pictures.
T correct their mistakes.
Make a conversation to express requests,
offers, promises.
T gives new words, explains the
requirements of listening.
Sts listen to the tape twice then giving
the correct matching.
They listen the 3rd time.
T gets feedback from the students.
T points at the pictures, Ss tell the names
of these things
What would you do in these situations:
1. A girl has a burn on her arm.

2. a boy has a bee sting.
Can / Could / Will you . . ., please?
Sure / All right / I’m sorry, I can’t.
Would you like . . .?
Shall / Can I . . ?
Yes, please / No, thank you.
I will . . I promise / I promise I will . .
a. Could you give me a bandage, please?
- Sure, here you are.
b. Could you give me some medicine,
- All right.
New words
- stretcher: cái cáng
- crutches: cái nạng
- scale: cái cân
- eye chart: bảng đo thị lực
A. ambulance D. eye chart
B. wheelchair E. scale
C. crutches F. stretcher
Homework:3,4,5,6 Workbook.
Self-evaluation: The lesson is too long. Sts participate in the lesson excitedly.
Week 19, date: January 12
, 2005

Period 57 Unit 9: A FIRST AID COURSE
Lesson 3: Read
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Know some cases that need first-aid courses.
- Have a good knowledge for the situations that need first-aid to apply to their daily
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

- Develop integrated skills, esp reading.
II. Language content:
Vocabulary: fainting, shock, elevate, revive, minimize, sterile dressing, overheat,
tissue damage.
Phrases: force S.O to do S.T = let S.O do S.T
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures and real objects.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Recap: Make a short conversation to
make requests, offers or promises.
Warm up: T states the name of the
cases that need first-aid.
Ss discuss what they would do in cases
such as fainting, shock . .
T gives new words by using pictures,
examples, and definitions.
Practice pronunciation. Check

Ss read the lesson again and choose a
correct case for each statement.
Ss read their choice in front of the class.
T gives the feedback.
Discussion: List the things you must do
in cases such as:
- fainting
- shock
- burns
- bee sting
New words
- fainting (n): ngất xỉu
- shock (n): sốc
- elevate (v): nâng lên
- revive (v): tỉnh lại
- minimize (v): giảm tối thiểu
- sterile dressing: băng vô trùng
- force S.O to do S.T
- let S.O do S.T
- overheat (v): làm nóng quá mức
- tissue damage: tổn thương mô
*Choose a correct case for each of the
following treatments.
A. Fainting
a. The victim should not sit or stand.
c. The victim’s head should be below the
level of the heart.
e. The victim should drink a cup of tea
when reviving.

B. Shock
b. Victim cannot drink beer or wine
C. Burns
d. You should ease the pain with ice or
cold water packs.
Homework: Test For Unit 9, Exercise Book.
Self-evaluation: Ss practice the lesson well.
Week 19, date: January 12
, 2005
I. Objectives:
- To make sure students understand and practice well what they have learnt.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

- To help them practice integrated skills.
II. Method: Direct method.
III. Teaching aids: exercise books.
IV. Language content: Tenses, requests, offers, promises
V. Content: Test for Unit 9
I. 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.c
1. will phone 6. won’t forget
2. am playing 7. dose your train leave
3. will meet 8. Are you doing
4. will lend 9. Will you go
5. am having 10. won’t tell

1. unconcious 5. chilled
2. revival 6. immediate
3. pressure 7. injection
4. bled 8. anxious
IV.1. off – on 2. for 3. on 4. in 5. with 6. with 7. for – up 8. over
V. 1.c 2.g 3.d 4.f 5.h 6.b 7.e 8.a
1. Would you like a cup of tea?
2. Could you move this wardrobe, please?
3. Don’t forget. I’ll wait.
4. Shall I open the windows?
5. Can I get you a drink?
6. Would you please pay me in cash?
7. Of course. I’ll give it to you this afternoon.
1. F ( People usually use home remedies for common illnesses.
2. T
3. T
4. F ( Don’t put ice on the burn)
5. T
6. F ( water with baking soda is good for indigestion)
7. T
Self-evaluation: Ss can do these exercises correctly and quickly.
Week 20, date: January 17
, 2005
Period 58 Unit 9: A FIRST AID COURSE
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Lesson 4: Write
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Complete the thank-you note with the correct tense.
- Write a thank-you note to a friend.
- Develop writing, reading.
II. Language content:
Vocabulary: cheer S.O up, come out of, come over, be bored.
Grammar: tenses.
III.Teaching aids: pictures and flash cards.
IV. Teaching method: Communicative method.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Sts read the lesson then choose a correct
case for each treatments.
1. Leave the patient lying flat.
2. Don’t overheat the victim with
blankets or coats.
Warm up: T asks Ss some questions to
lead in the lesson.
When do you write a thank-you note?
Have you ever written it?
T explains the requirements of the
exercise. Give new words. Practice
pronunciation. Check vocabulary.
1. Ss give the correct verb form.
They read the whole letter.
T corrects their mistakes.

2. T instructs Ss to write a thank-you
note, using the questions.They change
their writing and find the mistakes
(pairwork). Some Ss read their letters
before the class.
T corrects their mistakes.
Write another letter to another friend for
other occasions
New words
- Cheer S.O up: làm ai vui
- Come out of: ra khỏi
- Come over: ghé qua
- Be bored with: buồn
- Phone S.O: điện cho ai
- Contact (v): tiếp xúc, liên lạc
1. Use the correct tense forms.
1. sent 2. was 3. were
4. helped 5. came 6. am
7. will telephone.
2. Write a thank-you note to a friend.
Dear Ha,
Thank you very much the books you sent
me while I treated my disease at home.
They were very interesting and helped
me relax a lot. I love reading them very
Now, I have got over and felt very sad. I
want to go out to enjoy the fresh air.
Would you like to go on a picnic with

me this Sunday? If Yes, I’ll come and
pick you up.
I’m looking forward to hearing from
Your truly,
Homework: Write a thank-you note to your friend.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Self-evaluation: Some students are bad at writing, they makes many mistakes.
Week 20, date: January 18
, 2005
Period 59,60 Unit 9: A FIRST AID COURSE
Lesson 5: Language Focus
- Sts can review and master the future simple tense, Will to make requests, offers,
- They can use phrases of purposes.
- They practice integrated skills.
II. Language content:
Grammar: Future simple tense, in order to, so as to
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, ready printed paper.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Correct the homework.( a thank-you

Warm up: sing an English song
T reminds Ss of the phrases of purposes,
future simple tense.
1. Pairwork: match A with B by using in
order to, so as to.
T corrects their mistakes.
2. Ss complete the dialogue with will or
shall then practice it in pairs.
T corrects their mistakes.
3. Ss work in pairs to use the words
under each picture and will.
4. Ss make requests, offers or promises
in pairs.
Production: Play a game
G1: Each Student writes a main clause.
G2: Each student writes a pupose clause
with in order to, so as to.
Then we combine. It will be funny.
1. Phrases of purposes
in order to, so as to, to + bare infinitive.
E.g: I always keep the window open in
order to let fresh air in.
1.f 2.c 3.b 4.e 5.a 6.d
2. Future simple
S + will + bare infinitive
Shall I . . .? = Do you want me to. . .?

Shall we . . .?= Let’s . . .
Will / will / will / won’t / shall / will / ‘ll.
3. Making requests, offers, and promises
Requests: Will you . . .?
Offers: Shall I . . .?
Promises: I promise I will study harder.
a. Will you open the window, please?
b. Will you give it to me, please?
c. Will you answer the telephone, please?
d. Will you turn on the TV, please?
e. Will you pour a glass of water for me,
f. Will you get me a cushion, please?
4. Work with a partner
b. I will paint the door tomorrow.
c. I will study harder.
d. Shall I carry the bag for you?
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

e. Will you hang the washing, please?
f. Will you cut the grass, please?
Homework: Test Yourself, Exercise Book
Self-evaluation: Sts practice the lesson very well and correctly.
Week 20, date: January 19
, 2005
I. Objectives:
- Students have opportunities to do many kinds of exercises referring to their lessons.

- They practice speaking, writing, listening.
II. Method: Dirrect method.
III. Content: Unit 9 - Exercise Book ( TACBVNC)
1.e 2.b 3.f 4.a 5.c 6.d
1. ambulance 2. patient 3. hurry 4.fell off 5. wound 6. instruction 7. force
1. She phoned me last night in order to / so as to know the result of the examination.
2. My mother went to the market in order to / so as to buy food.
3. the man is practicing singing English songs in order to / so as to take part in a
singing contest.
4. The children are working very hard in order to / so as to pass the final examination.
5. We are saving money in order to / so as to buy a car.
6. They are spending a lot of money in order to / so as to please their friends.
7. The kids have kept silent for days in order to / so as to tell their parents that they are
not pleased.
8. They work untiringly from sunrise to sunset in order to / so as to make both ends
1. will / will 5. shall / will
2. will / shall 6. will
3. shall 7. shall
4. will 8. will
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.T
1. Cool the burn immediately so as to minimize tissue damage.
2. Put the affected part under a running cold tap.

3. Cover the burned area with a thick sterile dressing.
4. Clean the victim’s wound with warm water and soap.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

5. Give the victim an anti-tetanus injection as soon as possible.
6. Elevate the patient’s feet, or lower his head below the level of the heart.
7. Give the victim drugs or alcohol.
9. Don’t let the victim become chilled.
10. Don’t force the victim to sit or stand.
Homework: Write a short passage about fainting ( what should we do?)
Self-evaluation: Sts can do these exercises quickly and correctly.
Week 21, date: January 25
, 2005
Period 61 Unit 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Enrich their vocabulary.
- Understand how recycling is, then do it in the daily life.
- Develop integrated skills, esp speaking and listening.
II. Language content:
- Vocabulary: recycling, reuse, reduce,recycle,overpackaged, explain.
- Grammar: Adjective + to infinitive / noun clause.
III.Teaching aids: pictures and real objects
IV. Method: Communicative method.
V. Procedure
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Getting started
What do you know about recycling?
Think of ways we can reduce the amount
of gabage we produce.
Ss discuss then speak in front of the
T introduces the situation before they
A representative from Friends of the
Earth, Miss Blake, is talking to the
students of Quang Trung School about
the way of protecting the environment
and saving natural resources.
Sts listen to the tape and read silently.T
uses pictures to elicit and explain new
words. Practice pronunciation. Check
1. Sts work in 4 to practice the dialogue.
2. They work in pairs to answer the
questions. Feedback.
Write a short passage about the way of
keep our environment clean.
Getting started
- We should use cloth bags instead of
plastic bags.
- You’re right. We should also reuse

plastic bags.
Listen and Read
- reuse (v): tái sử dụng
- reduce (v): giảm
- recycle  recycling (n)
Passive voice: It is overpackaged
Adj+ to infinitive / n clause.
It is not difficult to remember this word.
I am pleased that you want to know.
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. Answer the questions.
a. Reduce means not buying products
which are overpackaged.
b. we can reuse things like envelopes,
glass, plastic bottles, and old plastic
c. Recycle means not just throwing
things away. Try and find another use for
d. We can look for information on
recycling things by having a contavt with
an organization like Friends of the earth,
going to the local library. . .
Homework: 1,2,3 Workbook.
Self-evaluation: Sts understand the lesson well, they like the topic of the lesson.
Week 21, date: January 26
, 2005
Period 62 Unit 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 2: Speak, Listen

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Express how to reuse, reduce, recycle things.
- Listen then check the correct answers.
- Develop speaking, listening, writing.
II. Language content:
Vocabulary: metal, fabric, leather, compost.
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, tape.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

V. Procedure.
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Recap: Make a short coversation then
answer these questions.
Warm up: Sing an English song.
T explains how to make the
A: Which group do clothes belong to?
B: Put them in “ Fabric”
A: What can we do do with those
B: We can recycle them and make them
into paper or shopping bags.
Sts work in pairs to make a short
conversation, using pictures.
T correct their mistakes.

Ss make the conversation freely
T gives new words, explains the
requirements of listening.
Sts listen to the tape twice then choose
the best answer.
T gets feedback from the students.
T points at the pictures, Ss tell the names
of these things
1. What does Miss Blake mean by
2. What things can we reuse?
New words
- metal (n): kim loại
- fabric (n): vải sợi
- leather (n): da thuộc
Paper: pepper, used newspapers, books
Glass: bottles, glasses
Plastic: plastic bags, plastic bottles,
Metal: food cans, drinking cans,
Vegetable matter: fruit peels, vegetables,
New words
- Garbage (n): rác
- Compost (n): phân xanh
a. What type of garbage can you put in the

A. all vegetable matter
b. Where is the best place for a compost
B. a place that gets sun and shade.
c. Should you water the compost? B. No
d. How long does it take before you can
use the compost?
B. six months.
Homework:3,4,5 Workbook.
Self-evaluation: Sts participate in the lesson excitedly.
Week 21, date: January 27
, 2005
Period 63 Unit 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 3: Read
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Know the importance of protecting our environment.
- Have a good knowledge of recycling things.
- Develop integrated skills, esp reading.
II. Language content:
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Vocabulary: pipe, floor coverings, glassware, deposit, natural fertilizer.
Grammar: passive voice.
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures and real objects.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content

Warm up: tell some things that can be
recycled, reused,
Ss discuss:
1. What do people do with used things?
2. What can they make from them?
T gives new words by using pictures,
examples, and definitions.
Practice pronunciation. Check
1. Ss read the lesson again then answer
the questions in pairs.
Ss also write their answers on the board.
T corrects their mistakes.
2. Ss complete the sentences to make a
list of recycled things.
Some read their sentences, others write
on the board.
T gives the feedback.
Ss work in group of 5 and discuss:
What can be recycled ?
New words
- pipe: ống dẫn
- floor coverings: lớp phủ sàn nhà
- glassware: đồ dùng thuỷ tinh
- deposit: tiền đặt cọc
1. Answer

a. People cleaned and refilled empty
milk bottles.
b. the glass is broken up, melted and
made into new glassware.
c. The oregon government made a new
law that there must be a deposit on all
drink cans. The deposit is returned when
people bring the cans back for recycling.
d. Compost is made from household and
garden waste.
e. If we have a recycling story to share,
we can call or fax the magazine at
5 265 456.
2. Complete the sentences to make a list.
a. are recycled to make pipes and floor
b. are cleaned and refilled with milk.
c. is broken up, melted and made into
new glassware.
d. are brought back for recycling.
e. is made into compost.
Homework: Test For Unit 10, Exercise Book.
Self-evaluation: Ss practice the lesson well.
Week 21, date: January 27
, 2005
I. Objectives:
- To make sure students understand and practice well what they have learnt in Unit 10,
esp passive voice.

Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

- To help them practice integrated skills.
II. Method: Direct method.
III. Teaching aids: exercise books.
IV. Language content: passive voice.
V. Content: Unit 10 – Workbook
1. Rewrite the misspelt words.
a. bottles b. fertilizer c. packaging d. environment e. collected
2. Rewrite the inappropriate words.
a. protect b. reduce c. composts d. recycling e. empty
3. Find a word starting with “Re”
a. reuse b. repeat c. return d. repair e. redecorates
4. Put the words in brackets into passive sentences.
a. Clothbags are used instead of plastic bags.
b. Milk is contained in paper boxes nowadays.
c. That beautiful toy is madefrom recycled paper.
d. Dried sugar canes are reused to produce paper.
e. Leftover cloths are woven together to make blankets.
f. Vegetable matter is decomposed and becomes fertilizers for the fields.
g. The market is swept every day to keep a clean environment for the neighborhood.
5. Use the verbs in the present passive form.
a. The used plastic bottles are washed with water.
b. The bottles are cut into small pieces.
c. The small pieces are mixed with certain chemicals.
d. The mixture is heated into pasty liquid.
e. The liquid is blown into new bottles.
f. The recycled plastic is also used to make toys and utensils.

g. Used plastic things are recycled to save natural resources.
6.Put the verbs in the passive form with will be + participle.
a. The old car tires will be recycled to make pipes and floor coverings.
b. Shoes and sandals will be made from recycled old car tires.
c. Empty milk bottles will be collected by the milkmen in britain.
d. Used glass will be collected and sent to factories.
e. The liquid will be blown into new bottles.
f. The bolltes will be cut into small pieces.
Self-evaluation: Ss can do these exercises correctly and quickly.
Week 22, date: January 31
, 2005
Period 64 Unit 10: RECYCLING
Lesson 4: Write
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Know the way of recycling paper.
- Write the instructions of the way of reusing dry tea leaves.
- Develop writing, reading.
II. Language content:
Vocabulary: soak, wrap, press
Grammar: passive voice.
III.Teaching aids: pictures and flash cards.
IV. Teaching method: Communicative method.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Sts read the lesson then answer these

1. What do people do with empty milk
2. What happens to the glass when it is
sent to the factories?
Warm up: T asks Ss some questions to
lead in the lesson. Can we recycle paper?
T explains the requirements of the
exercise. T gives the meanings of new
words. Practice pronunciation.
1. Ss read the pasage to get the main
ideas then complete the recycling
instructions in pairs.
One student read the passage in font of
the class.T gives the keys.
2. Ss look at the pictures then write the
instructions on how to prepare the tea
leaves. Ss change their writing to correct
the mistakes.T corrects their mistakes.
Ss work in a group of 4, write the
instructions of recycling, or reusing
New words
- soak (v): ngâm nước
- wrap (v): bao, bọc
- press (v): ấn mạnh  press it down
- scatter (v): rắc, rải

- a bucket of water: xô nước
- mesh (n): tấm lưới
- tea pot (n): bình trà
- tray (n): khay
1. Complete the recycling instructions.
Use the verbs in the box.
1. use 5. wrap
2. mix 6. wait
3. place 7. dry
4. press
2. In some ares people burn dry tea
leaves to keep mosquitos away. Look at
the pictures. Make the instructions on
how to prepare the tea leaves, using the
given words in the box.
a. First, take the used tea leaves from the
tea pot.
b. Next, scatter the tea leaves on a tray.
c.Then dry the leaves in the sun.
d. Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for
future use.
Homework: 7,8 Workbook
Self-evaluation: Ss take part in the lesson very well.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Week 22, date: February 2
, 2005
Period 65 Unit 10: RECYCLING

Lesson5: Language Focus
- Ss master and practice passive voice for present and future tense.
- They understand how to use the Adjectives followed by an infinitive, a noun clause.
- They practice integrated skills.
II. Language content:
Grammar: Passive voice, S + be + adj + to infinitive / noun clause.
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, ready printed paper.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Warm up: sing an English song
T explains how to change into passive
1. Pairwork: rewrite the sentences into
the passive form then put the pictures in
the correct order
T corrects their mistakes.
2. Ss complete the dialogue with will be
and participle then practice it in pairs.
T corrects their mistakes.
3. Ss work in pairs to complete the
dialogue with Adjective and to infinitive.
4. Ss complete the letter. Use the correct

forms of the verbs be and the adjectives
in the box.
T reads some active sentences, Ss change
them into passive form.
1. People speak English all over the
2. Mai will clean the house this
3. They wash the clothes everyday.
4. I will buy a new house.
* Passive voice
S be+PP (by+O)
They break the glass into small pieces.
 The glass is broken into small pieces.
a. 1- The glass is broken into small pieces.
b. 4- Then the glass is washed with a
detergent liquid.
c. 3- The glass pieces are dried
d. 5- They are mixed with certain specific
e. 2- the misture is melted until it
becomes a liquid.
f. 6- a long pipe is used. It is dipped into
the liquid. Then the liquid is blown into
intended shapes.
2. will the project be started / will be

shown / will it be built / will be finished /
will it be made.
3. Complete the dialogue.
Adj + to infinitive / noun clause.
Difficult to follow / easy to understand /
hard to believe / dangerous to go /
important to wait.
4. Complete the letter.
Are delighted / was happy / am releived /
is afraid / am certain.
Homework: Test Yourself, Exercise Book
Self-evaluation: Sts practice the lesson very well and correctly.
Week 22, date: February 3
, 2005
Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Enrich their vocabulary.
- Know some interesting places in Vietnam.
- Give polite requests and reply.
- Develop integrated skills, esp speaking and listening.
II. Language content:
- Vocabulary: water buffalo, harbor, sugar cane.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

- Grammar: Would you mind ?
III.Teaching aids: pictures and real objects
IV. Method: Communicative method.

V. Procedure
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Warm up:
Tell some interesting places in Vietnam.
Getting started
T explains the meanings of the names in
the box.
Work with two classmates, match the
places of interest in Viet Nam with their
Questions: what can you see in the first
picture?, what is it? Feedback.
T introduces the situation before they
Sts listen to the tape.T uses pictures to
elicit and explain new words. Practice
pronunciation. Check vocabulary.
1. Sts practice the dialogue in groups.
2. Ss read the lesson again then work in
pairs to decide each statement is True or
False. Feedback.
Play a game
G 1: tell some information about the
interesting places.
G 2: tell the names.
Getting started
The Temple of Literature (c)

Ngo Mon (Gate) (a)
Ha Long Bay (d)
Nha Rong Harbor (b)
]Listen and Read
- water buffalo: con trâu
- harbor: bến cảng
- sugar cane: cây mía
* Would you mind ?
Would you mind + V-ing / if + past
- Would you mind sitting in front of the
- Would you mind if I took a photo?
1. Practice the dialogue.
2. True or False
a. T
b. T
c. F ( The Jones family is traveling from
the airport in a taxi)
d. T
e. T
f. F ( Rice, corn, sugar canes and others
are grown around Ha Noi)
Homework: 1,2,3 Workbook.
Self-evaluation: Sts practice the lesson well.
Week 22, date: February 4
, 2005

I. Objectives:
- To make sure students understand and practice well vocabulary and grammar in Unit
- To help them practice integrated skills.
II. Method: Direct method.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

III. Teaching aids: exercise books.
IV. Language content: Would you mind ?
V. Content: Unit 11 – Workbook
1. Nam and his american friend Jamesmet trang at the airport. Put the sentences into
the correct order to make a complete conversation. Decide who said what.
Nam: Jame, I’d like you to meet my friend, Trang.
James: How do you do? Welcome to Los Angeles.
Trang: Thank you. I’m pleased to meet you.
James: Can I help you with your bags, Trang?
Trang: Thank you. They are a little heavy.
James: No problem. Do you mind if I take a picture of you two?
Nam: Go ahead. Could you give me one copy?
James: OK. I will.
Nam: How was the trip?
Trang: It was nice. I slept almost all the flight.
James: A taxi’s coming. Let’s go.
2. Read the following sentences and decide which city or province in Viet nam they
are about.
a. It’s a southern cityestablished a bit more than three hundred years ago.
b. It’s a coastal province one hundred and twenty-eight kilometers Northeast of ho chi
Minh city.

c. This central city was Viet Nam’s capital during the Nguyen Dynasty from 1802 to
d. This province is famous for 60 wooden statues in Vinh Trang pagoda which was
built in 1849.
e. It is a northern province which is famous for it’s dong Ho Folk Drawing Village.
3. Use Do / Would you mind + v-ing and Do / Would you mind if ? to make the
following requests more polite.
a. Would you mind if I turned on the TV?
b. Would you mind correctingthis composition for me?
c. Do you mind if I take a photo of your study corner?
d. Would you mind if I gave some advice on your study habits?
e. Do you mind playing the tape once more?
Self-evaluation: Ss can do these exercises correctly and quickly.
Week 23, date: February 15
, 2005
Lesson 2: Speak, Listen
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Use “mind” in requests.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

- Listen then match the places with the correct positions.
- Develop speaking, listening, writing.
II. Language content: Would you mind ?/ Do you mind ?
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, tape.
V. Procedure.
What the Teacher and Students do Content

Recap: Make a short coversation then
answer these questions.
Warm up: Tell some interesting places
in Viet Nam.
T reminds Ss of saying: Would you
mind, Do you mind ?
T explains the situationand the
Ss work in pairs to make a short
conversation, using pictures.
T correct their mistakes.
Ss make the conversation freely
T gives new words, explains the
requirements of listening.
Sts listen to the tape twice then match
the places in the box to their correct
position on the map.
T gets feedback from the students.
T points at the pictures, Ss tell the names
of these things
1. Is this the first time Hoa has met Tim’s
2. Who helps Mrs. Jones with her

Do you mind closing the door?
Would you mind opening the door?
Do you mind if I take a photo?
Would you mind if I took a photo?
+ No, I don’t mind /No, of course not /
Not at all / Please do / Please go ahead
- I’m sorry, I can’t / I’m sorry, that is not
possible / I’d prefer you didn’t
* Making requests and suggestions
A: I want to visit a market. Could you
suggest one?
B: How about going to Thai Binh market?
A: That sounds interesting. What time
does it open and close?
B: It opens at 5 am and closes at 8 pm.
Match the places in the box to their
correct positions on the map.
a. restaurant b. hotel
c. bus station d. pagoda
e. temple
Homework:4,5 Workbook.
Self-evaluation: Ss practice speaking and listening well.
Week 23, date: February 16
, 2005

Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Lesson 3: Read
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Practice comprehensive skill to get main information.
- Know more information about traveling to some interesting places in Viet Nam.
- Think about the values of tourism in Viet Nam.
II. Language content:
Vocabulary: seaside resort, institute, offshore islands, destination,waterfall, tribal
villages, cave, florist.
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures and real objects.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Warm up: Which interesting places
have you visited?
Ss look at the pictures then discuss:
Where is Ha Long Bay?
What is interesting in Nha Trang?
Are there flights to Sa Pa?
T gives new words by using pictures,
examples, and definitions.Practice
pronunciation. Check vocabulary.
1. Ss read the advertisements again then
check the topics. T corrects their

2. T instructs how to do the exercise.
Ss read the questons a – e to get main
T asks them some questions.
Where should Andrew go?
Where should Mary go?
T gives the feedback.
Ss work in pairs to ask and answer.
A: Where will you go?
A: Why?
B: Because
New words
- seaside resort: khu nghỉ mát bờ biển.
- offshore islands: đảo ngoài khơi.
- destination (n): điểm đến.
- waterfall (n): thác nước.
- tribal villages: làng dân tộc ít người.
- cave (n): động.
- florist (n): người bán hoa.
1. Check the topics mentioned in the
1. Caves: Ha Long Bay
2. Flights to Ha Noi: Nha Trang
3. Hotels: Da lat, Sa Pa, Ha Long Bay
4. Local transport: all four places
5. Mini-hotels: Ha Long Bay
6. Moutain slopes: Sapa
7. Railway: Nha Trang

8. Restaurants: no place
9. Sand beaches: Ha Long Bay
10. Tourist attractions: all four places
11. Types of food: no place
12. Villages: Sapa
13. Waterfalls: Da lat
14. World Heritage: Ha Long Bay
2. Andrew: Sapa, Mary: Nha Trang,
John: Nha Rong Harbor, Joanne: Ha
Long Bay, Donna: Da Lat
Homework: Test For Unit 11, Exercise Book.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Self-evaluation: Ss understand the lesson well and they like the topic.
Week 23, date: February 16
, 2005
Lesson 4: Write
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:
- Complete a narrative in order to develop their imagination.
- Develop writing, reading.
II. Language content: Write a story with suggested words.
III.Teaching aids: pictures and flash cards.
IV. Teaching method: Communicative method.
V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Sts read the lesson then answer these

1. Where can we see moutain slopes?
2. Where will you go on a trip? Why?
Warm up: T asks Ss some questions to
lead in the lesson. Have you ever been to
Da Lat? What can we see in Da Lat?
T explains the requirements of the
T helps them to understand the
T gives the meanings of new words.
Practice pronunciation.
1. Ss put the sentences below in the
correct chronological order to complete
the story.
One student read the story in font of the
T gives the keys.
2. Ss look at the pictures then write the
whole story.
Ss change their writing to correct the
T corrects their mistakes.
New words
- hire (v): thuê
- rescue (v): cứu sống
1. Put the sentences below

The wind started to blow and the rain
became heavier. The canoe moved up
and down the water. Shannon dropped
her paddle. She leaned over and tried to
pick it up. The canoe overturned and
everyone fell into the deep and
dangerous water. A boat appeared and
rescued them. The family was very
2. Put the events and write the story.
d. She had a math exam on Friday and
she got up late.
b. She realized her alarm clock did not
go off.
e. As she was leaving home, it started to
rain heavily.
h. Uyen tried to run as fast as she could.
a. Suddendly she stumbled against a rock
and fell onto the road.
f. Her schoolbag went into a pool of
water and everything got wet.
c. Strangely, the rain stopped as she got
to her classroom.
g. luckily, uyen had enough time to
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Write an imaginary story. finish her exam.
Homework: 7,8,9 Workbook
Self-evaluation: Some students are not good at writing. They make many mistakes.

Week 23, date: February 17
, 2005
I. Objectives:
- To make sure students understand and practice well what they have learnt in Unit 11.
- To help them practice integrated skills.
II. Method: Direct method.
III. Teaching aids: exercise books.
IV. Content: Unit 11 – Exercise Book
1. waterfall 3. buffalo 5. tribe 7. suggested
2. accomodation 4. luggage 6. heritage 8. resort
1. having 2. weather 3. near 4. the 5. see 6. on 7. will 8. best
1. Would you mind taking me a photograph?
2. Would you mind waiting a moment?
3. Do you mind turning down the TV?
4. Do you mind making some tea?
5. Would you mind lending me some money?
6. Do you mind posting the letters for me?
1. Would you mind if i moved the refrigerator to the right corner?
2. Do you mind if I smoke?
3. Would you mind if I asked you a question?
4. Would you mind if I turned the air conditioner off?
5. Do you mind if I use your handphone?
6. Would you mind if I carried your luggage?

VI. 1. to 2. with 3. in 4.by 5. in 6. of 7.off 8. into
Tourist: What can I see in Central Viet nam?
Guide: You can enjoy many coastal towns with beautiful beaches. Besides, you can go
to Hue and visit the mausoleums of the Nguyen Kings.
Tourist: I have heard of Hoi an. Is it an interesting place?
Guide: Yes. It’s an old town with many Japanese and Chinese cultural features.
Tourist: What other places should I go to?
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

Guide: Why don’t you go to Ha Noi. You can find manyhistorical sites there.
1. Ha Long Bayis popular with both vietnamese and international tourists.
2. One of the attactions of ha Long bay is the Bay’s calm water with limestone
Self-evaluation: Ss can do these exercises correctly.
Week 24, date: February 21
, 2005
Lesson5: Language Focus
- Ss master and practice –ed and –ing participles.
- They know how to make requests with Do you mind, Would you mind ?
- They practice integrated skills.
II. Language content:
Grammar: –ed and –ing participles, Do you mind, Would you mind ?
III. Teaching method: Communicative method.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures, ready printed paper.

V. Procedure:
What the Teacher and Students do Content
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

T corrects the homework.
Warm up
Play a game.
Student A: Use gestures to illustrate the
Student B: Answer “ What is she/ he
T explains what –ed and –ing participles.
1. Say who each person is.
Ss look at the picture then answer some
What is the boy doing? What is his
 The boy reading is Ba.
What is the man doing? What is his
 The man walking up the stairs is Mr.
T corrects their mistakes.
2. Describe the goods for sale.
Ss look at the pictures then write the
sentences with –ed participles.

1. –ing participles: walking, standing,
reading, carrying, sitting, playing,
The man walking up the stairs is Mr.
The woman carrying a bag is Miss lien.
The boy standing next to Miss Lien is
The boy sitting under the tree is Ba.
The girl standing by the table is Lan.
The girls playing chess are Nga on the
right and Hoa on the left.
2. –ed participles: made, painted,
wrapped, recycled, dressed, kept,
The old lamp made in China is five
The green painted box is one dollar.
The truck made recycled aluminium cans
is two dollars.
The doll dressed in pink is two dollars.
The flowers wrapped in yellow paper are
one dollar.
The toys kept in a cardboard box are ten
3. Work with a partner. Use these words
to make and respond to requests.
Do you mind + V-ing?
Would you mind + V-ing ?
Do you mind if + Present tense.

Would you mind + Past tense

What the Teacher and Students do Content
3. Make and respond to requests.
T reminds Ss of making requests and
responds to requests.
Would you mind ?
Do you mind ?
Ss work in pairs to practice.
Some pairs practice in front of the class.
Feedback .
* Use these words to make and respond to
a. Would you mind moving your car?
No, of course not.
b. Would you mind putting out your
cigarette? No, of course not.
c. Would you mind getting me some
coffee? I’m sorry, I’m too busy right now.
Bùi thị thu Binh - Lesson plan 8

T also makes requests for the real
Eg: Would you mind closing the door?
4. Ss look at the pictures. Ask questions
and give suitable responses
( pairwork).
T corrects their mistakes.

Ss make a short conversation to give
requests and responds.
T corrects their mistakes.
d. Would you mind waiting a moment?
I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m already late for
4. Do you mind if I sit down?
Please do.
b. Would you mind if I smoked?
I’d rather you didn’t.
c. Do you mind if I postpone our
Not at all.
d. Do you mind if I turn off the stereo?
I’d rather you didn’t.
e. Would you mind if i turned on the air-
conditioner? Please do.
f. Do you mind if I watch TV while eating
lunch? No, of course not.
Homework: Test for Unit 11.
Self-evaluation: Ss practice the lesson well.
Week 24, date: February 22
, 2005
Period 72 REVISION
( Unit 9  Unit 11)
I. Objectives:
- Students have opportunities to review what they have learnt in Unit 9, Unit 10, Unit
11 for One Period Test.

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