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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 unit 16: Man and the enviroment

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 6
Planning date:18/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 98 : Unit 16 : man and the
Lesson 1: A- Animals and Plants(A1,3,6)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use countable
and uncountable quantifiers :some, a lot of, a little , a few to talk about food
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : a few, alittle...
* Grammar: How much rice is there ? There is a lot of / a little rice
How many eggs are there ? There are a lot of / some / a few
b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, poster, ....
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1')
- Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (4')
- Use the methods jumbled words,
Ss : do as directed
* Jumble words
toespota = potatoes
gegs = eggs
werflos = flowers

icer = rice
motatoes = tomatoes
III/ New lesson(37')
Teacher and students’ activities
*/ Pre-listening( 12')

I. Listen and repeat
* Newwords:

- Use the picture to introduce the - a few: một vài, vài
- a little: một ít
-Give some questions
ex:How much rice is there?
-Ss: look at the pictures and answer.
There is some
a lot of / lots of rice
-Write the questions and the answers on
a little
the board.
ex:How many eggs are there?
-Explain and give structures
There are some eggs
-Ss: listen and copy.
a lot of / lots of eggs

a few eggs
* Notes
-Let Ss look at the pictures of A 3 on + some / a lot of / lots of / a little + N
page 167 and do the matching while (không đếm được)
+ some / a lot of / lots of / a few + N
-Ss: work individually.
( đếm được số nhiều)
-T: give correct answers.
+ A few, Alittle mang nghĩa khẳng
định; few, little mang nghĩa phủ định.
*/ While – listening (15')
II.Practice: Matching (A 3)
Ask Sts to listen and write the letter of
* Answer key:
the picture under the right heading
1.d 2.f 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.e
* Tapescript :
1. There are a lot of vegetables.
* / Describe each picture
2. There are some flowers.
- There are a lot of vegetables .
3. There are a few tomatoes.
- There are some flowers .
4. There are a lot of potatoes.
- There are a few tomatoes .
5. There are a few onions .
- There are a lot of potatoes .
6. There is a little rice.
- There are a few onions .

- There is a little rice .
Give feedback
*/ Post – listening (10')
Ask Sts to desribe each picture , using
a lot of , lots of , many , much , some ,
a few , a little …………and then
dictation .
*/ Hold a game : Chain game

*/ Play chain game
Eg : S1 : There’s a little rice .
S 2 : There’s a little rice and
some tomatoes
S3 : There’s a little rice , some
tomatoes and a few eggs
S4 : etc ………….

IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )
T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.
a few
a little


Unit 16:

V/ Homework ( 1’ )

Ask Sts to study vocab + exercises in the exercie book
Make sentences with each quantifier .


Planning date:19/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 99 : Unit 16 : (cont)
Lesson 2: A2
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a text
about farmimg and getting further practice in a lot , a little , a few .
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : animals, buffalo, cow, plow, pull a cart, grow, (to) produce....
* Grammar: How much rice is there ? There is a lot of / a little rice
How many eggs are there ? There are a lot of / some / a few
b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, poster, ....
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1')
- Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (4')
- Use the methods jumbled words,

Ss : do as directed
* Jumble words
toespota = potatoes
gegs = eggs
werflos = flowers
icer = rice
motatoes = tomatoes
III/ New lesson(36')
Teacher and students’ activities


- Explain some new words by using -a buffalo (pict)
pictures, translation
-to grow (act/pict)
Ss : listen and copy down - repeat
-to produce (trans)
-to plow (trans / pict)
- Play the tape again and get Ss to
-pull a cart (trans)

repeat ( chorus – individual)
Ss : do as directed
-Ss: predict 6 things Mr Hai has on his
farm and five things he produces
-Give feedback

- Have Ss read the text and check their
-Give answer key
-Ask Ss to practice in pairs to ask and
answer the questions
Ss : do as directed
-T give correct answers.
D.Production: (10')
- Remind the model sentences
Ss : listen
- Show the picture and make questions
-Ss answer

-a dog (pict)
-a cat (pict)
-a cow (pict)
-an animal (example)
II- Reading
a. Open prediction
What does Mr Hai have?
What does Mr Hai produce?
b. Checking prediction
*Mr Hai has:
1.paddy field
2.a small vegetable
3.fruit trees

* Mr Hai produces:
c.Comprehentsion Questions :
a.He produces of rice
b.Yes, he does
c.He produces a little fruit
d.They produce a little milk
e.They produce a lot of eggs.

IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )
T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.



a few

Unit 16: A2

V/ Homework ( 2’ )
- Ask Sts to study vocab + exercises in the exercie book.

- Make sentences with each quantifier .


Planning date:20/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 100 : Unit 16 : (cont)
Lesson 3: B- pollution(B1,2)
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about
how the environment is polluted and what they can do to protect the environment .
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : Envirnonment , coal , power , land ,wild , gas , trash , oceans
* Grammar: Don’t + V
b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, poster, ....
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1')
- Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (4')
- Call some Ss to write all the words concern to the environmental
problems in the last lesson.

- Introduce new lesson: In this lesson we continue learning some more
environmental problems.
III/ New lesson(36')
Teacher and students’ activities
Pre- reading (10 minutes)
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in B1P. 169.
- Introduce some new words:
- Explain some new words by using
pictures, translating.
Ss : listen and copy down - repeat
* Check Vo: R & R

I.B- Listen and read . Then answer the
1/ New words
+ environment ( n): môi trường
+ (to) pollute- pollution: ô nhiễm
+ wild (a): hoang dã
+ (to) waste: lãng phí
+ coal (n): than đá

T: play the tape and ask sts listen one + gas (n): khí đốt
+ power (n): điện
Ss : listen
+ ocean(n) : biển đại dương

* Model sentences
- Play the tape again and get Ss to
We are destroying the forests.
repeat ( chorus – individual)
S + is / am / are + V- ing + . . .
Ss : do as directed
- Remind the progressive tense
Ss: Listen and copy
a.What are we destroying? We are
-Have Ss guess and answer the
destroying forests, wild animals and
-Give feedback
b.What are we wasting? We are wasting
While- reading (11 minutes)
water, power (coal, oil, gas)
- Call some Ss to read the passage
c.What are we polluting? We are
polluting the air, the land, the rivers,
- Ask Ss to answer the questions in
and the oceans.
B1- P.170.
3/Comprehension questions
- Call some Ss to read their answers
a.Beause we are destroing wildanimals
and plants.

- Comment and give correct answers. b.Gases are polluting the air.
a. Because we are destroying the
c.The pollution comes from gases snd
b. Gases are polluting the air.
d.Trash is polluting the land, the rivers
c. The pollution comes from gases and and the oceans.
d. Trash is polluting the land, rivers and II.B 2-Listen and read
1.Guess from context
-to throw trash: ném rác
Post- reading (15 minutes)
-to pick up :
nhặt, hái
-to damage:
phá huỷ
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in B2- -to keep off :
tránh xa
-to save:
tiết kiệm
-Ss work out the meaning of the new
-to collect paper: thu gom giấy
verbs from the pictues and fill the
Vietnamese meanings
-T: correct.
a.Don’t throw trash on the street.

Ss: match the rulers with these sings on b.Don’t pick flowers
page 170 in groups.
c.Don’t damage trees.
-Give feedback
d.Don’t thow trash in the country.
-T: correct and give answer key.
e.Leep off the grass

- Read the words first as model then
ask Ss to repeat in chorus.
- Ask Ss to match the pictures with
the rules.
- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then
check their answers.

f.Save water.
g.collect paper
h.Collect bottles and cans
* Structure
Command: Don’t + V
EG: Don’t pick flower
+ Don’t talk in the class.

IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )

T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.
pollute coal


Don`t + V+O.
S+ be +
Unit 16: B1,2

V/ Homework ( 2’ )
- Ask Sts to study vocab + exercises in the exercie book.
- Prepare: Unit 16: B3,4,5,7.

comands+ tenses

Planning date:22/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 101 : Unit 16 : (cont)
Lesson 4: B3,4,5,7.
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to about how the
environment is polluted and what they can do to protect the environment .
2- Objectives:

a. Language focus
* Vocab :
* Grammar: Don’t + V
b. Skills: Listening – Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , radio, poster, ....
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1')
- Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (4')
- Matching: (With answer keys).
trash on the street
Don’t pick
Don’t throw
the grass
Kepp off
- Introduce the content of the lesson: should and should not do somethings to
protect environment
III/ New lesson(36')
Teacher and students’ activities
*/ Presentation (12')
Pre- teach vocab
- Explain some new words

I/ New words.
- leave (v) bỏ, vứt, để
- put( v) : đặt

Ss : listen and copy down – repeat
- Read the text , Ss listen and repeat
-Ss read cholly
Vocab practice : ROR
Help Ss remember the dialouge.
Present should
Ask Sts to listen and read the dialogue
and find out the sentences using should
and its meaning through the dialogue
*/ Practice (13')
Ask Sts to have picture drill .
First , Ask Sts to match the pictures
with the names
-Ss look at the pictures of B5, then
practice speaking , using the model
Then ask Sts to make sentences with
should / shouldn’t
*/ Production (11')
Ask Sts to talk about what they should/
not do to protect the environment using
the wordcues.
-T: ask Ss to use the word cue drill to

make the sentences.
T can do first. Then ask ss to practice.

- trash can(n) : thùng đựng rấc.
- take (n): mang, đưa
- should > < shouldn`t: nên ; không nên
II/ B4- Listen and repeat
- Showing advice
S + Should / shouldn’t + V
Ex: We should save water.
We shouldn`t throw trash on the
III/ B 5 – Practice using should /
a. We shouldn’t leave trash .
b. We shold save water .
c. We shouldn’t damage trees
d. We should collect the cans , bottles

e. We shouldn’t pick flowers
* Further practice:Word cue drill
+water – waste / save
+power – waste / save
+paper – burn / collect
+trash - leave / put it in the trash can
+trees – damage / grow
+forest - cut down / grow
+bottles – thrrow / collect
+flowers – pick / leave

S1: We shouldn’t waste water.
S2:That’s right, We should save water.

IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )
T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.
should + V

shouldn`t +


trash can
Unit 16:



V/ Homework ( 2’ )
- Ask Sts to study vocab, Remember + exercises part B in the exercie book.
- Prepare: Grammar practice

Planning date:22/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 102 : Grammar practice
A/ The aims and objectives:
1-The aims: By the end of the lesson, students can do further practice in
present simple and progressive, comparalatives and superlatives, quantifiers and
countability, countries, antural features, farming and environment.
2- Objectives:
a. Language focus
* Vocab : Review.
* Grammar: -Present simple and progressive.
-Comparalatives and Superlatives.
-Quatifiers: a few, a little, a lot / lots.
b. Skills: Speaking – Writing – Reading.
B/ Preparations:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, ....
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C/ Procedures:
I/ Organization: (1')
- Greeting
- Checking attendance
II/ Warm-up: (4')
-Ask Ss to tell the names of the countries and their languages which they know.
Ss do as teacher’s directed
-Give feedback

Countries and

III/ New lesson(36')
Teacher and students’ activities

Presentation (10')


I/ Review
1/Present simple
Help Sts do the exercises in the text S + V ( s, es )
2/Present progressive tense
Help Sts review tenses of verbs
S + be + v- ing
note the differences between 2 tenses
3/ Comparison

+ s, es
+ is + Ving

S + be + adj – er + than + n
S + be + the + adj –est + ( n)
4/ Indefinite quantifiers : a lot of , lots
of , a few , a little .
Indefinite quantifiers
Eg : a few books , a lot of books , lots of
Practice (15')
A little rice , a lot of rice , lots of
Ask Sts to do the exercises

Write the answers in your exercise II.Practice
1. Present simple tense.
Have Ss fill the blanks with the right
a. Do, speak, don’t, speak.
comparation of adjectives from the
b. speaks.
c. speaks, chinese.
-Give feedback
d. spaks Japanese.
e. Speaks VietNamese.
-Let Ss recall out the grammr.
f. Speaks English.
-T: write them on the board.
-Have Ss complete the short paragraph 2. Present simple and present
in groups
progressive tense.
-Give feedback
a. is
b. lisves
c. is, is staying
d. is
e. does, teaches
f. does, teach, doesn’t ; teaches
3. Adjective : Comparaties and
Ask Sts to read the right sentences

long |
| the longest
short |
shorter | the shortest
| the tallest
small |
smaller | the smallest
| the biggest
Production (11')
high |
| the highest
T: Ask Sts to make comparison about
a. longer ; the longest
Sts and things in the classroom .
b. t he longest

Ss: Practice
c. the tallest, taller, the tallest.
T: Ask Sts to make sentences about a d. The biggest, bigger, the biggest, the
few , a lot of , lots of , a little

Ss: Do as teacher asked.
4. Indefinite quantifers ( a few, a little, a
lot of / lots of )
a lot
a little
a few
a lot
a lot
IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )
T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.
V/ Homework ( 2’ )
- Ask Sts to study vocab + exercises in the exercie book.
- Prepare: Revision.

Planning date:24/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 103 : Revision 1
A.Objectives :
By the end of the lesson , Sts can practice using :
- Present simple tense / present progressive tense/ future with be going to
- Wh- questions : What color / how / how much / how many
- Indefinite quantifiers ( a lot of, lots of , a little, a few , some , any )
- Vocab : parts of the body , colors , adj , food and drink
B. Preparation:
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures , poster, ....

2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C. Procedure:
I/ Organization: (1')

- Greeting
- Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5')
Ask Sts to find words about parts of the body , colors , food and drink
* / Find words
- food and drink : water , milk , juice , wine , beer , meat , beef , rice , carrot , pea ,
bean , cake …….
- colors : white , black , red , blue , …….
- parts of the body : eyes , ears , mouth , hand , leg , nose ……….
III/ New lesson(35')
Teacher and students’ activities
I. Grammar:
Presentation (10')
*/ Present simple tense
Ask Sts to repeat the form of each
S + V ( s, es )
tense and give examples .
*/ Present progressive
Eg : I go to school by bike every day . S + be + V – ing
He goes to school by bus .
* / Future
They are going to school by bus
S + be going to + V

now .
She is going to visit Hue this
summer vacation .

* / Question
- How many + DTDD + be + there ?
There + be + a few ….+ N s
- How much + DTKDD + Be + there ?
Ask Sts to repeat Wh – question and
There is + a little ….+ N
quantifiers .
What color is it ? It is red
How do you feel ?
Practice (16')
I’m tired .
Ask Sts to do the exercises in the photo II.Exercises
Ex1: Give the correct form of the verbs
Ask Sts to compare the answers with a
1- He ( listen) to music now
partner .
2- Lan usually ( watch) TV in the
3- What you ( do) tonight?
4- We should ( save) water
Ex1 :
5- Don't (waste) oil
1. is listening

6- Can you (drive) a car?
2. watches
7- Where he (come) from?
3. are you going to do
8- He (speak) Chinese?
4. save
9- They (not) visit Hue next week
5. waste
10- Let's (go ) to the zoo
6. drive
7. does he come from ?
Ex2: Make the questions for these
8 . Does he speak Chinese ?
9. are not going to visit
10 . go
1- I'm from France
Ex 2 .
2- I want 2 kilos of meat
1. Where are you from ?
3- There are 20 students
2. How much meat do you want ?
4- Soda, please
3. How many students are there ?
5- It's 2000 dong
4. What would you like to drink ?
6- I'm going to Hue next week
5. How much is it ?
6. What are you going to do next
Ex3: Answer the questions

week ?
Ex 3 .
1- Where are you from?
1. I’m from Vietnam
2- What languages do you speak?
2. I speak Vietnamese .

3. yes , please .
4. It is blue
5. I need two kilos
6. There are four people
Production (9')

3- Would you like some tea?
4- What color is your bike ?
5- How much beef do you need ?
6 - How many peaple are there in your

Ask Sts to read the right sentences
again .
IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )
T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.
V/ Homework ( 2’
Ask Sts to learn by heart the vocab , grammar .
Prepare for the next lesson .
- Adverbs of frequency
- Suggestions

- Weather , season , pastime
- Sports

Planning date:26/ 4/ 2013
Teaching date :...................

Period 104 : Revision 2
A. Objectives
- By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to practice using : Adverbs of
frequency ,
Suggestions , Weather , season , pastime , Sports , Indefinite quantifiers ( a lot
of, lots of , a little, a few , some , any )
1/ Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, poster, ....
2/Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...
C. Procedures
I/ Organization: (1')

- Greeting
- Checking attendance

II/ Warm-up: (5')
Hold a game : brainstorming
Ask Sts to find as many words as possible about sports , weather , season
* / Find words
- weather : hot , cold . cool , warm , rainy , sunny , humid …………
- season : spring , summer , autumn , winter
- sports : soccer , tennis , basketball , badminton ……….
III/ New lesson(35')

Teacher and students’ activities
Presentation (10')
Ask Sts to repeat the position of
adverbs in the sentence . the way to
make suggestions , the use of
quantifiers , how long ?

Ask Sts to copy these into the
notebook .

I/ Grammar:
*/ Adverbs of frequency .
Always – usually – often – sometimes –
Before V after be
Eg: He is always free on Sunday .
He often goes fishing on Sunday .
*/ Asking about the weather
What is the weather like in Hanoi today ?
It is hot
What + is + the weather + like ?

Practice (15')
Ask Sts to do the exercises in the
photo .
Ask Sts to compare the answers
with a partner .

Key :
Ex 1 .
1. am always
2. often read
3. usually listens
4. sometimes have
5. am always
6 . Never goes
Ex 2
1. a little
2. lot
3. lots
4. a little
5. a few
6. lot
7. a little
8 . a few

Ex 3
1. Why don’t we walk to school ?
2. It`s never cold in the summer.
3. What about having a picnic ?

It is + adj
*/ Making suggestions
- Let’s + V
- Why don’t we + V ?
- What about + V-in g ?
*/ - Indefinite quantifiers ( a lot of, lots of ,
a little, a few , some , any )

II/ Exercises
Ex1 .Put the adverbs into the correct
1.I am busy on weekdays ( always)
2.Do you read a newspaper in the morning?
( often)
3.Lan listens to music in her freetime.
( usually)
4.Where does she has breakfast?
( sometimes)
5.I am free everynight ( always)
6. Minh goes fishing ( nevert)
Ex 2 : Fill in the blank with a few/ a little/
lot of/ lots of
1.I would like some coffee , and I
like .......................... sugar in it.
2. A ..............of friends will join us to go to
3. I have .................of time to look after
the children.
4. The windows are so small that the room
gets ......................air.
5. The village is very small . There are
only................................. houses.
6 . There are a .....................of eggs in the
7. I know you have........................ money.
8. We have .......................days for holiday.
Ex 3 : Rewrite sentences so that the
meaning does not change .

1. What about walking to school ?
 Why

4. Why don’t we go swimming ?
5. Let’s clean the board .
Production (10')
Ask Sts to read the right sentences

2.It`s often hot in the summer.
 It`s never ……………………………
3. Why don’t we have a picnic ?
 What ………………………………?
4. Let’s go swimming
 Why
5. What about cleaning the board ?
 Let’s …………………………………?

IV/ Consolidation ( 2’ )
T: review the main points.
Ss: listen and remember.
V/ Homework ( 2’
Ask Sts to learn by heart the vocab , grammar .
Prepare for the next lesson : The second term test.
